1.成语复习课教案设计 篇一
3、指导学生通过校图书馆、上网查询等方式积累成语,作好活动的准备。一.成语接龙的活动形式开始上课: 每人一个成语_
粗()大()火()银()()红()绿 沧海一()
囫囵吞()胸有成()()断丝连 世外()源()立()群()头()尾
()瞪()呆()舞()蹈()亡()寒()红()赤 劈()盖()()濡()染()来()去 三()六()摩()接()推()置()
七、我们和成语手拉手交朋友。把意思相反的两个成语用线连起来,两全其美 寥若晨星
当局者迷 两败俱伤 雕虫小技 鬼斧神工
浩如烟海 别开生面 流芳百世 默默无闻
墨守成规 并驾齐驱 赫赫有名 旁观者清
分道扬镳 遗臭万年
2.成语复习课教案设计 篇二
中考思想品德复习课是对学生初中三年来所学的五本书的内容, 按照课程标准和考试大纲的要求全面地、系统地进行梳理的过程。 它通过向学生有条理地再现教学内容, 帮助学生巩固、梳理知识, 加深理解, 提高学生运用知识解决问题的能力。 复习课既要帮助学生牢固掌握基础知识, 建立知识结构, 又要灵活运用, 提高应试能力和技巧。 多年中考的结果表明, 中考思想品德学科的最终成绩是区分同层次学生的关键学科, 思想品德成绩关乎相当一部分孩子的升学命运。 而该门学科我校在初一初二年级并没有以中考的考试要求进行教学, 学生对三年来所学内容的掌握情况不同, 总体提升该门学科成绩对复习课的依赖性比较大, 因此教师要想方设法地提高复习课的效率显得异常重要。
然而, 在现实教学中, 中考思想品德学科复习课时少, 任务重, 加上南京思想品德中考分值仅有60分, 而且是开卷考试, 某些学生和家长由于认识不清, 因而平时对思想品德学科的学习很不重视。 如果思想品德老师上课前再不精心设计, 就很容易出现以下的现象:一是老师按部就班, 从头到尾逐一将知识点落实, 将教学内容简单重复, 学生则失去激情, 味同嚼蜡;二是老师不钻研考纲, 过于增加复习课的难度, 追求难、偏, 学生像在上新课, 容量大, 压力大, 打击学生的信心;三是老师一味搞题海战术, 练习没有经过精心的挑选, 质量不高, 题量较大, 学生容易疲劳。 这样的复习课势必是低效甚至是无效的。
怎样才能提高中考思想品德复习课的效率呢? 我认为教师对复习课的精巧设计尤为重要, 结合2016年3月17日自己面向南京市鼓楼区全体初中政治教师开设的一节中考思想品德复习公开课 《权利义务伴我行———八年级法律考点复习 (一) 》谈谈认识。
一、基于“整体设计”的思想, 选择典型案例巧妙设计课堂主线索。
本节课我选用了春节期间的一个社会热点———哈尔滨天价鱼事件作为主线索贯穿全课, 将本节课要复习的几个考点 (权利和义务, 依法维护消费者的合法权益, 生命健康权, 隐私与隐私权) 串联起来, 形成一个整体, 而不是按考点顺序一个一个简单呈现, 否则会显得零散而没有体系。
全课我采用倒叙的手法, 先用PPT呈现天价鱼事件的图片, 设计问题:“知道图片上发生的事件吗?”以此开篇激发学生的兴趣和参与的热情;紧接着继续利用PPT展示图文资料说明该事件的处理结果, 随即提出问题:“店家被罚和相关责任人被问责体现了哪些考点知识? ”引导学生回顾复习过的考点知识思考回答问题, 从而引出权利和义务这一考点, 导入本课复习课题 《权利义务伴我行———八年级法律考点复习 (一) 》。随后我带领学生回顾天价鱼事件的发生、发展过程分别复习依法消费者的权利、 生命健康权和隐私与隐私权等几个具体的权利。 这样的“整体设计”把所要复习的考点知识和生活中的热点事件巧妙地结合在一起, 浑然一体, 故事性强, 吸引力大, 思考性足, 给中考的思想品德复习课注入新鲜的血液, 很好地解决复习课的枯燥乏味, 极大地激发学生复习课参与课堂的热情, 充分地发挥学生的主体性作用, 也很好地培养学生的学习能力和学科思维能力。
二、基于“问题解决”的原则, 精巧设计问题展开考点内容复习。
记得以前参加政治学科教研培训时一位专家说过, 复习课应该是利用教材知识解决问题, 而不是对所学知识的简单梳理。 这次上课我努力践行这样一个要求, 这里所说的问题主要来自两方面:一是考点内容本身的难点和疑点, 二是学生在这些考点上理解和掌握的偏差。 针对这两个问题, 我提前调查学生预习中的问题并根据考点本身的内容针对性地选择许多生活中的短素材并设计一个个小问题, 从而展开对每个考点的重点及疑难内容的复习。
例如在复习权利和义务考点时, 我是这样设计的:李某用手机发布恐吓信息, 导致飞机航班延迟起飞, 给国家、他人带来严重损害。 问题:李某正确行使手机使用权利了吗?为什么? 该问题的设计和解决很好地帮助学生加深对正确行使权利和坚持权利义务一致性的理解。 又如下列属于忠实履行义务的有?并说明理由。 (1) 小云的爸爸能主动到当地税务部门缴纳个人所得税; (2) 植树节到了, 小芳和同学们一起去栖霞山植树; (3) 小川积极投身环保, 不乱扔垃圾; (4) 小姜制作危害严重的网页病毒———“混客绝情炸弹”; (5) 一同学被查出患上白血病后, 全校师生纷纷慷慨相助, 点亮他生命的希望。 通过该问题的设计很好地帮助学生对忠实履行义务要求的深入理解和掌握, 轻松有效地实现复习目标。基于“问题解决”的原则, 展开考点内容的复习的设计思路避免了简单的知识重复再现, 很好地突破了复习课的重难点, 大大提高了复习课的效率。
三、基于“少教多学”的理念, 精心设计课堂结构布局。
“少教多学”的教学理念在教学时间的安排上即是要减少教师在课堂上讲授的时间, 提供更多的时间让学生自主学习。 这节复习课我充分体现“有讲有练, 精讲精练, 边讲边练, 以练为主”的原则, 努力浓缩自己讲授的时间, 从而留小半节课的时间用于学生的独立自主练习, 努力让学生在实际操练中发现问题, 在解决问题中不断提高。 课堂上针对复习的考点学生练习了十个选择题和一道材料分析题, 我根据学生完成的情况进行当堂讲评, 对典型问题进行及时的矫正。 有人说练习是最好的老师, 光讲不练好比纸上谈兵, 所以讲练时间设计得当才是最好的课堂结构布局, 这样的布局大大增强复习的实际效果。
四、基于“能力提升”的目标, 精心设计素材和练习题。
复习课不是简单的知识再现, 帮助学生提高学习能力和学科能力, 帮助学生学会学习, 获得可持续发展的终身学习能力是复习课的重要目标。 本节课基于 “能力提升”的目标, 我根据课标和考纲的要求的精挑细选每一个考点中间的短材料, 既典型又短小精悍, 便于提升学生的精准理解能力。 比如在复习隐私权时我选用以下一组素材: (1) 我出于好奇未经许可拆看了同学的信件; (2) 高考考场安装视频红摄像头以及拾音器; (3) 某物流公司快递员小赵出售客户通信地址等个人信息; (4) 南京市某法院在媒体上曝光了部分长期欠钱不还者的基本信息; (5) 公安机关依法窃听了犯罪嫌疑人的住宅。 问题:上述做法是否侵犯公民隐私权? 通过这些素材的设计, 很好地帮助学生对侵犯隐私权的常见现象及是否侵犯隐私权的界限都进行了很好的复习巩固。
练习题选择也是如此, 无论是选择题还是材料题, 我都精选2016年中考指导书上的典型题目, 着眼于学生的学科能力的提升。 例如我在课堂练习环节选用了这样的一道材料分析题———学生在社会调查中发现了这样一些现象:不少行人看到闯红灯现象不仅不制止, “跟风”闯红灯, 认为这是行人的自由。 有人私自将行人闯红灯拍成视频传至网络, 号召大家“人肉搜索”闯红灯者。 问题1:结合材料, 运用所学知识, 谈谈你对上述现象的认识。问题2:结合材料, 运用权利和义务关系的知识, 谈谈你对上述现象的认识。 我对该题设计了两个设问, 进行了变式训练, 目的是通过引导学生比较分析, 加深学生对广度题和深度题区别的理解, 关注设问, 重视审题, 学会审题, 从而让学生学会按设问要求答题, 而不是拿到材料题上来就盲目找考点, 陷入机械僵化的境地。课后作业布置是根据本节复习课的重难点精心设计的———结合材料, 运用权利和义务的知识, 谈谈如何做合格的消费者? 该题设计能帮助学生更好地掌握权利义务关系这个核心重难点。
总之, 在中考思想品德学科的复习过程中, 教师一定要充分认识到中考复习的重要性, 避免复习课常见的误区, 积极发挥主导作用, 一定要肯动脑, 多动脑, 善动脑, 精心巧妙设计好每一节复习课, 只有这样才能不断提高复习课的效率。
[1]义务教育思想品德课程标准.北京师范大学出版社, 2011版.
[2]南京市中考指导书.南京出版社, 2016版.
[3]新课程背景下的有效课堂教学策略.首都师范大学出版社, 2006版.
3.如何设计好复习课 篇三
4.成语复习课教案设计 篇四
三、教学准备: 多媒体课件
(二)学生归类 交流成语
[一] 第一阶梯:你能用吗? 本册书中写人的动作、写景物的成语等很多,现在我们重点检查大家头脑中有没有这样一些成语,能不能在具体要求下用一用。请完成巩固练习第一题。(要求:先独立练习,提前练习完的学生可与同学交流,然后集体看屏幕指导)
(2)关系密切,利害相关:唇亡齿寒、荣辱与共(3)团结一致,共战困难:同舟共济(4)志向相同,意见相同:志同道合(5)非常亲密,没有隔阂;亲密无间(6)心里明白,不需说出来:心照不宣 2, 写成语比赛。
A 你能用几个成语来说说新年新气象吗?
B “开天辟地”讲的是盘古以他的神力开辟天地的神话故事,请你再写几个出自于神话故事的成语。
C 按照情境写成语
[二] 第二阶梯:你会用吗?
5.成语复习课教案设计 篇五
用配方法解方程步骤: , , , 。
(3)用求根公式法解方程x2-3x-5=0 ,x2-3x+5=0。
一元二次方程ax2+bx+c=0(a≠0)的根的判别式△=________,根x= 。
(1)4x2-16x+15=0 (2) 2x2-3=0 (3)ax2+bx+c=0
(1) (x-3)2-9=0; (2) x2-2x=5;
(3) x2-4x+2=0; (4) 2(x-3)=3x(x-3)。
(1)2x2-5x-3=0 (2)x2+6x+9=0 (3)x2-4x+5=0
6.成语复习课 篇六
三、教学准备: 多媒体课件
(二)学生归类 交流成语
1、老师也带来了一些成语,谁愿意来读一读的?(PPT)鸟语花香 姹紫嫣红 桃红柳绿 百花盛开 草长莺飞 骄阳似火 汗流浃背 烈日炎炎 挥汗如雨 铄石流金 秋高气爽 天高云淡 丹桂飘香 五谷丰登 一叶知秋 鹅毛大雪 冰天雪地 滴水成冰 粉妆玉砌 银装素裹
描写老师的词语:青出于蓝 桃李争妍 后继有人 十年树木 百年树人
形容人聪明、优秀的词语:文思敏捷 聪明过人 一鸣惊人 描写爱国的成语:以身许国 碧血丹心 疾恶如仇 大义灭亲 敢怒敢言 忧国忧民 横眉冷对 浩气长存
描写景色的词语:湖光山色 人间天堂 明月清风 桂子飘香 水光接天 相得益彰 江山如画 鱼米之乡 描写盘古开天辟地的成语:混沌不分 昏天黑地 大刀阔斧 开天辟地 与日俱增 顶天立地 变化万端 改天换地
三、成语闯关 我们先来闯第一关 [一] 第一关:你会写吗?
以身()国()恶如仇 敢()敢()()气长存()光()色 桂子()()()月()风()()如画 相得益()混()不分 大刀()斧 与日()增()天()地()天()地()天()地
(3)两者相互配合,双方的能力和作用更能显示出来。()(4)比喻像使大刀、用阔斧那样,办事果断而有魄力。()3、“开天辟地”讲的是盘古以他的神力开辟天地的神话故事,请你再写出几个出自神话故事的成语: _____、_____、_____、_____
[二] 第二关:你会用吗?
刚才同学们都能顺利地通过了第一关,那你会把这些成语运用到具体的情境中去吗?下面我们进入第二关: 1、把下列词语补充完整,再选择填空。
文思敏()()()过人 青出于()
2、请你们运用你所知道的一个恰当的成语,评价课文中的人和物。徐悲鸿:_有志竟成___林则徐:__忧国忧民____ 宙斯:___心狠手辣___普罗米修斯 :__坚强不屈__ 天安门广场:_万众瞩目_ 泉城:__举世闻名____ 九寨沟:_风景如画_____荷兰:_诗情画意_____
指名背《风》 名言分男女生背 在我们练习三上还有两句关于读书的名言,还记得吗?齐背。你还知道哪些关于读书的名言吗? 歇后语师说前半句,生接下半句 你还知道哪些歇后语吗?
(3).姐姐是个书呆子,平时“两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书”。我想用对联:“(风声雨声读书声,声声入耳;家事国事天下事,事事关心。)”来劝她。(4)、刘向说:“书犹,善读之可以 ______。” 这句话把 比作(5)、高尔基说:“我扑在书上,就像 ______。”这句话用 来比喻。
7.小学数学复习课的教学情境设计 篇七
在复习教学实践中, 教师往往会陷入“做题, 讲题, 再做题”的题海怪圈。情境教学因其独特的优势, 能把抽象的数学具体化, 提高学生学习的主动性和创造性, 并有利于教师及时调整, 产生针对性的教学策略和方法, 成为笔者改进复习课教学的新的生长点。如何设计数学复习课的教学情境?如何有效运用教学情境提升复习课学生学习效能?这是笔者尝试解决的两个问题。
一节好的数学复习课, 不仅可以让学生巩固已学的知识, 查漏补缺, 还应当重在知新, 提高数学知识在实际生活中的应用能力, 培养更好的数学思维品质。因此情境设计应将教学活动的各个要素———教师、学生、复习内容、复习目标等紧密相连, 并在实践中遵循以下原则:
1.综合性。我们常用“横成片纵成线”来形容数学各知识点之间的关系, 因此, 单一情境不能达成复习“梳理”的目标, 设计的教学情境应依据基础知识的相互联系及相互转化关系, 梳理归类, 分块整理, 变为系统的条理化的知识点, 把系统的知识点聚集在一个个具体的教学情境中, 在情境探寻中“回忆”“梳理”“诊断”“运用”知识, 提高复习的效率。
2.自主性。教学情境设计应充分发挥学生学习的自主性, 让学生积极、主动地参与复习全过程, 具体表现为:知识让学生梳理;规律让学生寻找;错误让学生判断, 从而充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性, 激发学生学习兴趣。
3.挑战性。小学时期的儿童个性明显、思维活跃, 喜欢富有挑战性的活动, 情境设计要能吸引学生的注意力, 过难或过易的要求都难以激发孩子们探究复习的欲望, 因此情境设计应该具有挑战性和新鲜感。富有挑战性的情境可以成为学习发展的“支架”, 带学生进入积极思维的状态, 体验过程, 最终享受成功的喜悦。
复习课的一般过程是一个从知识再现到梳理建网最后巩固提高的教学过程, 在每个环节中创设一定的教学情境, 能为学生从事数学学习活动提供素材, 建构基本线索, 从而形成有效的复习结构, 提升学习的效能。
(一) 情境设计要能激发兴趣触发知识有效再现
教育学家杜威说:“教学法的要素和思维是相同的, 主要有五个方面的要素:情境、问题、资料、方法、检验。”在教学过程中, 创设恰如其分的情境导入, 可以激发学习兴趣, 达到事半功倍的效果。
三上《万以内加减法的复习》课始, 老师出示路线图:星期天老师带着儿子从家出发要去少年宫, 有这样两条路。想一想哪条路比较近?学生应用已学的估算笔算解决这个问题。第一层次目标达成, 估算方法笔算加法再现。接着算一算少走几米?完成第二层次目标, 再现笔算加减法以及验算, 并沟通比较。单元内的基本知识点就在这一个情境中串联起来。枯燥的加减法依托计算路线情境, 使学生乐于参与复习, 在两个简单的问题中轻松有效地再现所有知识。
教学情境的有效创设, 还原知识的形成和应用的场景, 解决了数学抽象性特征和儿童思维的具体形象性之间的矛盾, 激发对数学的兴趣。
(二) 情境设计要能体现方法凸显知识本质规律
数学中的很多知识表面上看起来是独立的, 其实之间存在着千丝万缕的关系。学生在探究知识过程中需要充分应用分类比较等数学思想方法, 加深对知识的理解, 从而凸显出知识的本质特点及规律。
如:六下《立体图形表面积总复习》中学生回忆了四个立体图形的相关特征后, 老师导演了这么一场“戏”:
学生先四人小组活动, 把长方体、正方体、圆柱、圆锥按一定的标准分类。课中呈现了四种不同的分法: (1) 长方体、正方体一类, 圆柱一类、圆锥一类。理由:把6个面的归为一类, 不是6个面的归为一类。 (2) 把长方体、正方体分为一类, 圆柱、圆锥分为一类。理由1:底面, 是圆的一类, 不是圆的一类。理由2:是否有曲面。 (按照侧面的形状) (3) 长方体、正方体、圆柱一类, 圆锥一类。理由:长方体、正方体、圆柱都有两个底面和一个侧面。通过分类凸显了四种立体图形的特征。老师抓住时机, 继续引导观察讨论第四种分类情况。同桌观察交流长方体、正方体、圆柱的侧面。课堂上学生的思维相当活跃, 精彩发言一波接一波。
生2:侧面长方形的长是底面周长, 宽是高。
生3:长方体侧面, 它的长就是底面长方形的周长, 宽是高。
生4:正方体也一样, 长就是底面正方形的周长。
分类比较是思维和理解的基础, 学生利用知识不同的连接点呈现不同的分类标准。这样真实的动态情境使得思维更加活跃, 孩子们互作补充, 最终归纳了长方体正方体圆柱的侧面积公式这一本质规律, 解决了本课的难点问题, 立体图形计算中最为繁杂的表面积计算也就易如反掌了。
因此, 教学情境创设中要善于利用数学思想方法, 诱发讨论, 主动思辨, 层层深入, 抽丝剥茧, 才能直抵本质特征核心规律。
(三) 情境创设要能寻根纠错完善学生的知识树
学生在教师创设的教学情境中进行主体探究, 难免会出现误差, 这时需要教师组织研讨, 利用生成的典型错误资源, 有针对性地进行教学。这个过程实际上进一步深化了问题情境, 让学生通过追根求源发现错误, 修正错误, 改造已有的疏漏经验。学与教的有效结合, 不仅突出了学生参与学习的主体地位, 更让他们体验了成功, 增强了自信。
如:五下《因数倍数总复习》中建立结构图环节, 因概念抽象不易懂, 学生易出现许多种老师们觉得不可预测的错误情况。刨根问底, 学生的理解不外乎三种误差 (如下图) 。一是奇数偶数归在因数概念下;二是公因数与最大公因数概念并列;三是质数合数不与因数相关联。如果因害怕生成的错误而演变成知识网包揽构建, 无益于提升学生知识运用水平, 学生无法体验到梳理建构的过程与方法, 辨析厘清他们之间的内在联系, 形成完整的认知结构。
当课堂上产生误差时, 让他们顺着自己的脚步慢慢前行, 沿着假设的方向深化探究, 我们可以通过“误差———研讨———改进———完善”的纠错模式, 不断改造经验中的疏漏, 完善学生的知识结构。
(四) 情境创设要能拓展延伸丰满知识内涵外延
情境创设除了要注意可持续性、真实性、多层次性, 还应该创造性地应用复习材料, 创设开放式问题情境, 扎实巩固已掌握的知识, 拓展延伸, 大面积提高复习的效率。我们可以同一个开放性情境提出不同层次的问题, 满足学生的不同需求, 多元拓展, 使不同学生得到不同的发展。
如:《有余数除法单元复习》中有这样一个开放性问题深有启发:一个数除以9, 余数是8, 这个数可能是 ( ) 。第一步, 不同思维层次的学生呈现不同的解决方法, 有找数去试除的, 也有用除数乘不同的商加余数求被除数的。一般老师到这个层次对几种方法进行比较优化也就差不多了。但上课老师却不在此戛然而止, 他拿出一张数字表 (图3) , 找一找涂一涂这样的数。你发现了什么?在表中这些数直观成为一条斜线, 再抽象出之间都相差9。追问“为什么都加9?”问题到这一步, 我觉得拓展得更有深度了, 在直观与抽象结合中, 进一步培养了学生的思维深度。
因此, 教师不仅要善于创设有思考价值的问题情境、富有挑战性的问题情境, 还要让情境充满生长的力量, 在拓展延伸中进一步挖掘知识的内涵和外延, 实现价值的多元化, 促进学生的可持续发展。
8.对数学复习课进行高效引导设计 篇八
9.成语复习课教案设计 篇九
10.成语复习课教案设计 篇十
第一节 动词
Ignore(1-1朋友) Upset(1-1朋友) Trust(1-1朋友) suffer(1-1朋友) communicate (1-1朋友) Include(1-2英语) Recognize(1-2英语) request (1-2英语) persuade(1-3游记) determine(1-3游记) Destroyed(1-4地震) shake(1-4地震) organize(1-4地震) burst(1-4地震) Attract(1-5英雄) accept(1-5英雄) advise(1-5英雄) shine(shone) (2-1古迹) Compete(2-1古迹) survive(2-1古迹) remain(2-1古迹) remove(2-1古迹) consider(2-1古迹) admit(2-2奥运) create(2-3电脑) arise(arose, arisen) (2-3电脑)wander(2-3电脑) Attack(2-4生物)apply (2-4生物) bite(bit, bitten) (2-4生物) protect(2-4生物) contain (2-4生物) perform(2-5音乐)
1. A cultural relic is something that survived for a long time. (2-1古迹) The buildings survived the earthquake. (1-4地震)
2. The candles lit the room. (2-1古迹)
3. What upsets you most about the project? (2-2奥运) Children will not be allowed to make a noise and upset the competitors. (2-2奥运) I do not want to upset my friends. (2-4生物)
4. What amazes you most about the modern Olympics? (2-2奥运)
5. The chair began to rise. (2-4生物) We hope the number of panda will soon rise. (2-4生物) Their number has grown rapidly. (2-4生物)
6. Don’t endanger wild animals any more. (2-4生物)
7. Rubbing protects me from mosquitoes. (2-4生物)
8. The insect contains a powerful drug. (2-4生物)
9. The drug affects mosquitoes. (2-4生物) What he did affects the wildlife in his area. (2-4生物)
10. No one could recognize me. (2-3电脑)Even when he wore sunglasses people recognize him. (2-5音乐)
11. Pretend that you are a judge. (2-1古迹) Close your eyes and pretend you are Coco Li. (2-5音乐) They pretended to sing the song. (2-5音乐)
12. No one will be pardoned. (2-2奥运)
13. Make a poster to advertise a sporting event. (2-2奥运)
14. They will be given time to tour Beijing. (2-2奥运)
15. The olive wreath has been replaced. (2-2奥运)
16. We can work together to create an even better system. (2-3电脑)
17. A new situation arises. (2-3电脑)
18. My mind wanders. (2-3电脑)
19. I’d like to explore ideas about this sport. (2-3电脑)
20. They set the number of animals to be hunted. (2-4生物)
21. A bear is about to approach a boy. (1-2英语)
22. An outline will prepare you to write a better story. (1-4地震)
23. The village can’t afford to build a school. (1-3游记)
24. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our rights. (1-5英雄)
第二节 动词或名词
block(1-2英语) Share(1-1朋友) concern (1-1朋友) shock(1-4地震) rescue(1-4地震) trap(1-4地震) honor(1-4地震) rise(1-4地震) design(2-1古迹) interview(2-1古迹) heat(2-1古迹) doubt(2-1古迹) promise(2-2奥运) Roll(2-5音乐) form(2-5音乐) Reward(2-1古迹) (1-5英雄) injure (1-4地震)
1. Write a short reply to the letter. (2-1古迹)
2. The earthquake hit Alaska. (1-4地震) a big hit(2-5音乐)
3. The number was small before concern. (2-4生物)
4. The search for the relic continued. (2-1古迹)
5. It’s a great honor. (2-2奥运) I had the honor to be chosen again. (2-3电脑) They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (2-2奥运) The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震) I am honored that you would ask me for advice. (2-5音乐)
6. I have a good shot for a goal. (2-3电脑)
7. Do this several times until everyone has had a go. (1-5英雄)
8. Go straight for two blocks. (1-2英语)
9. The job was a reward for what I had done for the boss.(1-5英雄)
第三节 名词
editor(1-1朋友) series(1-1朋友) advice(1-1朋友)situation (1-1朋友) disaster(1-4地震) shelter(1-4地震) position(1-5英雄) degree(1-5英雄) Criminal(1-5英雄) Culture(1-2英语) Dialect(1-2英语) Identity(1-2英语) Transport(1-3游记) journal(1-3游记) congratulations(1-4地震) (2-5音乐) principle(1-5英雄) Quality(1-5英雄) stage(1-5英雄) cruelty(1-5英雄) Gift(2-1古迹) visitor(2-1古迹) Object(2-1古迹) Treasure(2-1古迹) style(2-1古迹) reception(2-1古迹) opinion(2-1古迹) athlete(2-2奥运) revolution(2-3电脑) intelligence(2-3电脑) Notebook(2-3电脑) calculator(2-3电脑) Advantage (2-3电脑) disadvantage(2-3电脑) Competitor(2-2奥运) competition (2-2奥运) prize (2-2奥运) beliefs(2-2奥运) Message(2-2奥运) 体育项目名称(badminton, shot-put, weight-lifting等) (2-2奥运) Network(2-3电脑) birth(2-3电脑) enemy(2-4生物)loss (2-4生物)species (2-4生物)effect (2-4生物) ability(2-5音乐) orchestra(2-5音乐) musician(2-5音乐) passers-by(2-5音乐) instrument(2-5音乐) Reputation(2-5音乐)
1. What an experience! (2-4生物)
2. They left home for safety. (1-4地震)
3. A passbook is a book that shows your identity. (1-5英雄) He wrote a new dictionary, giving American English its own identity. (1-2英语)
第四节 形容词
familiar(1-3游记) stubborn(1-3游记) fresh(1-4地震) essential(1-4地震) proper(1-3游记) equal(1-5英雄) peaceful(1-5英雄)描述人的形容词(selfish, gentle, athletic, adventurous, brave, boring, caring, cheerful, dangerous, easygoing, enthusiastic, funny, friendly, generous(1-5英雄), humorous, happy, honest, interesting, jealous (1-5英雄), unkind, loyal, lazy, mean, naughty, optimistic, open, patient, quiet, rude, sociable, smart, stupid, ugly, upset, versatile, wise, weird, thoughtful, responsible) (1-1朋友) popular (2-1古迹) Grateful(2-1古迹) Ancient(2-1古迹) modern (2-1古迹) Foolish(2-2奥运) enjoyable(2-2奥运) honest(2-2奥运) magical(2-2奥运) physical(2-2奥运) golden(2-2奥运) Simple-minded(2-3电脑)Common (2-3电脑)simple(2-3电脑) universal(2-3电脑) artificial(2-3电脑) Attractive (2-5音乐) unknown(2-5音乐)
Excellent(2-4生物) fierce(2-4生物) unkind(2-4生物) lazy(2-4生物)powerful (2-4生物) modern(2-2奥运) (2-5音乐)Attractive(2-5音乐) extra(2-5音乐)
1. A fragile head(2-3电脑)
2. It is time-consuming. (2-1古迹)
3. Well designed buildings(2-1古迹)
4. It is a rare Ming Dynasty vase. (2-1古迹) A rare new species of dinosaur (2-4生物)
5. What a lovely autumn day! (1-2英语)
第五节 副词
exactly(1-1朋友) entirely(1-1朋友) Actually(1-2英语) properly(1-3游记) sincerely(1-5英雄) besides(2-2奥运) truly(2-3电脑) totally(2-3电脑) unluckily(2-3电脑)personally(2-3电脑) Afterwards(2-5音乐)
1. They had truly become stars. (2-5音乐) I have truly been built to serve people. (2-3电脑)
2. If you don’t catch the ball, you are out.(2-2奥运)
3. The competition centres will be placed close to each other. (2-2奥运)When the bike gets too close to something it rings the bell. (2-3电脑)I landed close to the finishing line. (2-3电脑) People who are not close enough to each other(2-3电脑) Then English became closer to the language you are learning now. (1-2英语)
4. Personally, I think the other team cheated. (2-3电脑)
5. From the dictionary you will know how to use the word properly. (2-4生物)
6. It died out more recently.(2-4生物)
第二章 短语搭配
第一节 动词性
I. Be动词短语
1. I am crazy about everything to do with nature. (1-1朋友)
2. Be familiar to me(1-3游记)
3. Be proud of(1-4地震)
4. Be grateful to (1-1朋友) He is very grateful to you for the help(2-5音乐)
5. The city is known as the “Brave City of China” (1-4地震) They are known as Bikers for the Blind. (1-4地震)
6. His friends are dear to him. (2-1古迹)
7. I am expert at high flying exercises. (2-3电脑)
8. It was ready for the people to celebrate the 300th birthday of the city. (2-1古迹)
9. Be careful with your money. (2-1古迹)
10. They were very serious about their work. (2-5音乐)
11. Be honest with yourself. (2-5音乐)
12. He was very confident about his singing. (2-5音乐)
13. He is active in school activities. (1-5英雄)
14. Cambodia is in many ways similar to Laos. (1-3游记)
15. Tell him that you are concerned about him. (1-1朋友) I believe you are concerned about animals disappearing. (2-4生物) I am really concerned about the wildlife in the rain forest. (2-4生物)
16. We were tired from the long bike trip. (1-3游记)
17. His mother was worried about his health. (1-5英雄)
18. English was based on German(1-2英语) Their music is based loosely on their school life. (2-5音乐)
19. Are you willing to do public services without pay? (1-5英雄)He was willing to continue to fight. (1-5英雄)
20. Be sure to give an example(2-1古迹)
21. Be ready to(1-1朋友)
22. When the parachute was about to open there was a shout from the people. (2-3电脑)
23. Some objects in the home are the most likely to hurt us. (1-4地震)
24. The Games are about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw further. (2-2奥运)I was better educated. (1-5英雄)
25. The house is well repaired. (1-4地震)
26. Be hidden(2-1古迹)
27. It is worth spending the money. (2-1古迹) All the exercise and training was worth it. (2-2奥运) A tour of the place is well worth your time.(1-3游记)
28. The programme was over. (2-5音乐)
II. 动词+名词
1. Walk the dog(1-1朋友)
2. Avoid his company(1-1朋友)
3. Raise money. (1-4地震)
4. take a bicycle trip(1-3游记)
5. Change his mind(1-3游记) Change his mind(2-2奥运)
6. Take some measures(2-1古迹)
7. Take photos(2-1古迹)
8. Tell the difference(2-1古迹)
9. Sign the book(2-1古迹)
10. Spoil the chances. (2-1古迹)
11. Host the Olympic Games(2-2奥运)
12. Reach the standard(2-2奥运)
13. Do the dishes(2-3电脑)
14. Mop the floors(2-3电脑)
15. Develop a program(2-3电脑)
16. Make progress(2-4生物)
17. Solve a math problem(2-3电脑)
18. Build a good relationship(2-4生物)
19. Make your choice(2-3电脑)
20. Make a better environment(2-4生物)
21. Make an effort to change the situation. (1-1朋友)
22. Make a decision(2-3电脑)
23. Lay eggs(2-4生物)
24. Take my picture(2-4生物)
25. Leave a note(2-5音乐)
26. Pay bills(2-5音乐)
27. I do a lot of exercise. (2-1古迹)
28. Produce a record(2-5音乐)
29. Have the flu(2-5音乐)
30. Form a band(2-5音乐)
31. Copy others’ performance(2-5音乐)
32. Earn some extra money(2-5音乐)
33. The computer can operate the bike(2-3电脑)
34. I follow instructions with cards with holes. (2-3电脑) More people follow what he does. (2-1古迹) If others follow him, so much the better. (2-1古迹)
35. Give commands(1-2英语)
36. Give some performances(1-3游记) Give a performance to a camera. (2-5音乐)
37. Music lessons will let you develop your sense of rhythm.(2-5音乐)
38. They hope to collect 1 million yuan to help the blind in Tibet. (1-4地震)
39. Spread the secrets far and wide(1-1朋友)
40. See you later(2-5音乐)
41. Support the star fiercely(2-5音乐) Support the project(2-4生物)
42. English plays a very important role. (1-2英语) Geography plays a part in making dialects. (1-2英语) Women play a very important role. (2-2奥运)
43. Ask direction(1-2英语) Give us directions(1-3游记) Give sb. the directions(2-5音乐)
44. Try to have fun with English. (1-2英语) Have fun(2-5音乐)
45. Push your way to the door(1-2英语)
46. He doesn’t easily lose heart when he is in trouble. (1-5英雄)
47. His friends offer him help when he needed it most. (2-1古迹) Offer the children free education(2-3电脑) Offer help(2-4生物)
III. 动词+名词+介词
1. Make a list of(1-2英语)
2. Shakespeare made use of a wider vocabulary. (1-2英语) To be a good learner, you must make full use of the library books. (2-3电脑)
3. Someone will take care of you on the river. (1-3游记) We need to take care of things properly before the earthquake comes. (1-4地震)
4. Take tourists around the place(1-5英雄)
5. We learned a lot about being a band. (2-5音乐)
6. She has a strong love for cultural relics(2-1古迹)
7. He searched the city for all of his friends. (2-1古迹)
8. Add more details to the design(2-1古迹)
9. People didn’t pay attention to cultural relics in the old days. (2-1古迹) He told all the people present to pay more attention to education. (2-5音乐) You should pay closer attention to the rain forest. (2-4生物) She paid attention to all the information she can collect. (2-4生物) The good news is that great attention is being paid to wildlife protection. (2-4生物)
10. Offer presents to the God(2-1古迹)
11. Join the computer to the Internet(2-3电脑)
12. Take the place of(2-2奥运)
13. Have a lot in common(2-3电脑)
14. Share information with others(2-3电脑)
15. All of us get equal turns in talking to the class. (2-2奥运)
16. Play jokes on sb. (2-5音乐)
17. Put an advertisement in the newspaper(2-5音乐)
18. Celebrate their time as a real band(2-5音乐)
19. Pop music has the same effect on your life. (2-5音乐)
20. The Village will be turned into a residential area. (2-2奥运)
21. The athletes will be provided with apartments in the Olympic village. (2-2奥运) The information has been provided for visitors. (2-1古迹)
22. The printer has been connected to the computer. (2-3电脑)
23. The band was formed of these musicians. (2-5音乐)
24. Be admitted to the Games(2-2奥运) He was admitted into the skating club in . (2-2奥运)Athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitors. (2-2奥运)
25. I am treated like a real person. (2-3电脑)
26. Some animals are killed for food. (2-4生物)
IV. 动词+介词/副/形+名词
1. Fall in love(1-1朋友)
2. Live in peace(1-1朋友)
3. The large city lay in ruins. (1-4地震)
4. The building had fallen in ruins(1-4地震)
5. Fill in the form(2-3电脑)
6. We had to change from our trousers into shorts. (1-3游记)
7. Look into the report. (2-1古迹)
8. It happened long before humans came into being. (2-4生物)
9. Deal with information(2-3电脑)
10. They came up with a name for their band. (2-5音乐)
11. Stay with what is true in your heart(2-5音乐)
12. Communicate with(1-1朋友) (1-2英语) Communicate with each other(2-3电脑)
13. People found it hard to do with the ruins. (1-4地震)
14. I am getting along well with a boy in my class. (1-1朋友) Do you get on well with your classmates(1-5英雄)
15. At last he came to himself. (2-3电脑)
16. Look up to the sky(2-1古迹)
17. What she said doesn’t relate to the facts. (2-2奥运)The words are related to each other in meaning. (2-2奥运)
18. Come to power(1-5英雄)
19. They can be tied to the tables or stuck to them so they won’t easily move around. (1-4地震) Make a special time for practicing and stick to it. (2-5音乐) You will be fine as long as you stick to the rules.(2-5音乐)
20. She decided to apply for some money. (2-4生物) She decided to apply for some money. As a result, a special butterfly became protected. (2-4生物) The companies applied to be allowed to hunt some of the elephants for a fee. (2-4生物)
21. Be sentenced to prison for life. (1-5英雄)
22. Be offered a ticket to the concert(1-1朋友)
23. People can find hope for a brighter future even after a bad earthquake. (1-4地震) Let’s hope for greater success(2-3电脑)
24. Ask for help from sb(2-2奥运)
25. Search for the room(2-1古迹)
26. Feel sorry for(1-1朋友)
27. The Milu deer is being well cared for in the center. (2-4生物)
28. He asked for the way to the theatre. (2-5音乐)
29. This made me feel good about myself. (1-5英雄)
30. The Russian didn’t care about the Amber room. (2-1古迹) She doesn’t care about details. (1-3游记)He cares less about himself. (2-1古迹)
31. If you are careful, you don’t need to worry about losing them. (2-1古迹)
32. Put up out tents. (1-3游记) Put up shelters for the homeless(1-4地震)
33. Pick up the apple (2-2奥运)
34. Set up a company (1-5英雄)
35. Blow up buildings(1-5英雄)
36. Make up a story(1-4地震) Make up new moves(2-3电脑)
37. Clean it up(2-4生物)
38. I had to pack up my things very quickly. (1-1朋友)
39. Hang up the phone(2-5音乐)
40. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people? (2-5音乐)Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people, with everyone clapping? (2-5音乐)I used to dream of being famous. (2-5音乐) dream about(1-3游记) Realize our dream of making all races equal(1-5英雄)
41. They thought little of the events. (1-4地震) Think highly of(2-1古迹) They thought very highly of our design. (2-5音乐)
42. They compete against each other for the honor of winning. (2-2奥运) He will compete with other athletes from foreign countries. (2-2奥运) No one can compete with his software. (1-5英雄) Do you compete for money too? (2-2奥运)
43. The Chinese fought against Japanese invaders during World War II. (1-5英雄) He fought for his countries to be free from the UK in a peaceful way. (1-5英雄)
44. The cultural relics are well looked after. (2-1古迹) Animals have to look after themselves. (2-4生物) Looking after the forest helps with wildlife protection. (2-4生物)
45. No one could escape from the prison. (1-5英雄) Escape from technology(2-3电脑)
46. I began as a simple machine. (2-3电脑) The band began as a TV show. (2-5音乐)
47. The room served as a small reception hall. (2-1古迹)
48. She went to the stadium dressed as a man reporter. (2-2奥运)
49. What does the robot look like? (2-3电脑)
50. Their friendship has gone through tests of life and death. (1-1朋友)
51. Stay overnight(2-1古迹)
52. Watch over the child(2-3电脑)
53. Go on a picnic(1-1朋友)
54. Work on the dictionary(1-2英语) He began to work on an engine in 1918. (1-5英雄)
V. 动词词组
1. If you happen to have some cultural relics, will you give them to the government? (2-1古迹)
2. They promise to play fairly(2-2奥运)
3. Write a letter to encourage others to help save the cultural relics. (2-1古迹) Athletes are encouraged to do their best. (2-2奥运) He encouraged me to have music lessons(2-5音乐) They do not encourage violence(1-5英雄) He encouraged his children with good stories. (1-5英雄) The hanging boxes will encourage birds to visit the area. (2-4生物)
4. I intend to hide it in the cave. (2-4生物)
5. Even if I lost something, I wouldn’t expect to get it back(2-1古迹) He expects his son to get high scores for his college entrance exams. (1-2英语) Those who report the news were expected to speak excellent English. (1-2英语)
6. Some rivers are considered to be wonders of the world. (2-1古迹)
7. The building was designed to look like both a traditional and western hotel. (2-1古迹)
8. Be allowed to(1-5英雄)
9. Decide not to do(2-1古迹) tell sb not to do(2-1古迹)
10. I don’t know which to believe and which not to believe(2-1古迹)
11. You had better play in a band. (2-5音乐)
12. She made as many men as she should share her pain. (2-2奥运)
13. I would rather not tell you. (2-4生物)
14. I feel like attacking the animal. (2-4生物) I know what it feels like to be an android. (2-3电脑)
15. The athletes enjoy competing in winter. (2-2奥运)
16. You must stop your parents from eating more whale meat. (2-4生物) My heart stopped beating. (2-3电脑) We should not be stopped from studying. (1-5英雄)
17. What should you do if you are kept waiting. (2-4生物) It can keep your bicycles running into other bikes. (2-3电脑) How can we keep buildings from falling down? (1-4地震) I kept asking her. (1-3游记)
18. He spent all of their lives trying to collect words for the dictionary. (1-2英语)
19. Enjoy being famous(2-5音乐)
20. He found Alice sitting in the corner(2-5音乐)
21. Die out(2-4生物)
22. Take apart(2-1古迹)
23. We get together to play a football game. (2-3电脑) Get together(1-3游记)
24. A competition is coming on(2-3电脑)
25. The band broke up in about 1970. (2-5音乐)
26. A program that is called “top of the pops” (2-5音乐)
27. The water in the wells rose and fell(1-4地震)
第二节 名词性
I. 名词词串
1. National Natural Protection Zone(2-4生物)
2. Nature reserve(2-4生物)
3. The best quality wool sweater(2-4生物)
4. Wildlife protection(2-4生物)
5. A good environment(2-4生物)
6. A powerless drug(2-4生物)
7. Friendship and understanding. (2-4生物)
8. Classical music (2-5音乐)
9. folk music(2-5音乐)
10. country music(2-5音乐)
11. Study tour(2-5音乐)
12. A rock band(2-5音乐)
13. Musical ability(2-5音乐)
14. Solo piano concert(2-5音乐)
15. Terror and fear(1-5英雄)
16. Field trip(1-3游记)
17. The school speaking competition(1-4地震)
18. Shuttle bus(2-1古迹)
19. Rights and progress(1-5英雄)
20. The present day English(1-2英语) The present day Olympics(2-2奥运)
21. School fees and bus fare(1-5英雄) Train fair(1-3游记)
22. A sporting robot(2-3电脑)
23. Information technology(2-3电脑)
24. The starting place(2-3电脑)
25. Wooden boxes(2-1古迹)
26. Sweetest memories(2-1古迹)
27. Physical exercise(2-2奥运)
28. Healthy food(2-1古迹)
29. neighboring town(1-2英语)
30. Unexpected disaster. (1-4地震)
31. Applied physics(1-5英雄)
32. We ate an early supper. (1-3游记)
33. Artificial intelligence(2-3电脑)
34. A technological revolution(2-3电脑)
35. Electronic brain(2-3电脑)
36. A spoilt child(2-3电脑)
37. The moon gave far too much light. (1-1朋友) Too much hunting(2-4生物)
38. Free computer training(2-3电脑) free education(2-3电脑)
39. Everyday English conversation(2-5音乐)
40. Endangered wildlife(2-4生物)
41. Lively musicians(2-5音乐)
42. A Chinese saying(2-2奥运)
43. Just the thought of food made him feel sick. (1-1朋友) The sound of the name of Robben Island made us afraid. (1-5英雄) I was excited at the thought of meeting Yang Liwei. (2-3电脑)
44. China has tens of thousands of cultural relics. (2-1古迹) Tens of millions of years ago. (2-4生物)Billions of people(2-3电脑) Tens of thousands of, hundreds of thousands of(1-4地震)
45. Loss of bamboo growing areas(2-4生物)
46. A piece of music(2-5音乐)
47. A waste of time(2-5音乐)
48. Try many different style of music(2-5音乐)
49. A difficult period of life(1-5英雄)
50. A set of sentences(1-5英雄)
51. A sign of friendship(1-1朋友)
52. The rest of his life(1-5英雄)
53. the spirit of the Olympics(2-2奥运)
54. A sport of your choice(2-1古迹)
55. Two sets of Games(2-2奥运)
56. Less than two hours(2-1古迹)
57. Exercise to the music(2-2奥运)
58. gold medal for the event(2-2奥运) I won a silver medal for my performance. (2-3电脑)
59. The ticket for the concert(2-5音乐)
60. Each one has its own standard. (2-2奥运)
61. The threats to the environment(2-4生物)
62. Every four years(2-2奥运)
63. The pictures above(2-3电脑)
64. The other day(2-5音乐)
65. Read page after page of a book(2-1古迹)
66. She threw the apples one after another. (2-2奥运)
67. Sooner or later(2-5音乐)
68. A year or so(2-5音乐)
69. The dead (1-4地震)
II. 介词+名词搭配
1. In a short period of time(1-5英雄)
2. In a light rain(1-3游记)
3. In the 1600s(1-2英语) In the mid-1980s(2-5音乐) In the early 1960s(2-3电脑)
4. In the open air(1-4地震)
5. In the wild(2-4生物)
6. In peace(2-4生物)
7. In my opinion(1-5英雄) (2-3电脑)
8. In the thick rain forest(2-4生物)
9. In your free time(2-5音乐)
10. I shout in computer language. (2-3电脑)
11. Write down your ideas in any order. (1-5英雄)
12. He was not in good health(1-5英雄)
13. We ran in that direction. (1-4地震) The winds blew upon the city from every direction. (1-4地震) Go away in different directions(2-5音乐)
14. They are in danger of disappearing. (2-4生物)
15. In return, the Czar gave the king a gift of friendship. (2-1古迹)
16. The Dutch went to the island in search of supplies. (2-1古迹)
They tried to break the law in a peaceful way(1-5英雄) Our band was formed in an unusual way. (2-5音乐) In a way, my programmer is like my coach. (2-3电脑) There was one band that started in a different way. (2-5音乐) In some ways they are different from one another. (1-2英语) This will help the wildlife in one way or another. (2-4生物) Ask for advice from your teacher. In this way you will become more confident. (2-2奥运) That way he got a large part of the software market. (1-5英雄)
17. Cut the mountains into two halves(1-3游记)
18. The amber can be made into any shape. (2-1古迹)At an altitude of(1-3游记)
19. A trip into the countryside(1-2英语) (1-3游记) (1-4地震)
20. Often he would work by candlelight into the evening. (1-2英语)
21. On purpose(1-1朋友)
22. On a magical journey(2-2奥运)
23. Doctors will be on call 24 hours a day. (2-2奥运)
24. On the football team(2-3电脑)
25. There are many books on the Internet. (2-3电脑) Find the song on the Internet(2-5音乐)
26. With the help of(2-3电脑)
27. Go round the corner on your left-hand side. (1-2英语)
28. Think about the problem on your own. (2-4生物)
29. They visited Britain on a tour. (2-5音乐)
30. At about the same time(2-3电脑)He traveled to Europe to see the great buildings for himself. (2-1古迹) We have to speak for ourselves. (2-4生物)
31. During lunch breaks(1-5英雄)
32. To the north of the city(1-4地震)
33. I was worried about whether I would be out of work. (1-5英雄)
34. From his point of view(1-5英雄)
35. English changed over time. (1-2英语)
36. They moved from one place to another. (1-2英语)
37. The water went all over the floor. (1-4地震)
38. For a short while(1-2英语)
39. For health reasons(1-4地震)
40. As a matter of fact(1-5英雄) As a matter of fact, every country wants to host the Games. (2-2奥运)
41. Be at meal, be at work, be at war, be at play, be at dinner(2-1古迹)
42. At the edge of the area(2-4生物)
43. It seemed that the world was at an end. (1-4地震)
44. Go past by chance(2-5音乐) I have to admit that we won first place by chance.(2-5音乐)
45. By the Internet(2-3电脑)
46. By her bed(2-4生物)
47. Under repair, under discussion, under research, under consideration, under development(2-4生物)
III. 复合介词或副词
1. right away(1-4地震) Right away he showed an interest in mathematics. (1-5英雄)
2. They went to bed as usual that night. (1-4地震) Everything was going as usual. (1-4地震)
3. Say flat instead of apartment in Britain. (1-2英语) Sand now filled the wells instead of water. (1-4地震) She persuaded us to cycle to work instead of taking the bus. (1-3游记) Instead of flying softly to earth I began to fall faster. (2-3电脑)
4. According to me, it is necessary. (1-1朋友)
5. The largest English dictionary is Oxford English Dictionary, or OED for short. (1-2英语)
6. The information must be facts rather than opinions(2-1古迹)
7. No one knows for certain how the islanders transported the statue. (2-1古迹) Nobody knows for sure. (2-4生物)
8. Above all(2-5音乐)
9. Next to(2-1古迹)
10. They played jokes on each other as well as played music. (2-5音乐) A gym as well as seats(2-2奥运) A huge park will be planned as well. (2-2奥运)
11. Not long ago(2-1古迹) Not long ago a new species was discovered. (2-4生物) Not long ago there was a girl called Daisy. (2-4生物) Birds sing cheerfully in the forest, calling out the names from long ago. (1-3游记)
12. If others follow him, so much the better. (2-1古迹)
13. Athletes from all over the world(2-2奥运) Fans from all over China(2-3电脑) Help is given to the pandas from all over the world. (2-4生物)
14. From under their stomachs. (2-4生物)
第三章 常见句型
第一节 基本结构
I. The way句式
1. You will hear the difference in the way people speak. (1-2英语)
2. Listen carefully to the way the boy is talking. (1-2英语)
3. I don’t understand the way that the word is used. (1-2英语)
4. The room was completed the way she wanted it. (2-1古迹)
5. The computer will change the way we do things(2-3电脑)
6. I decide to change the way I work. (2-3电脑)
7. They have built a PC the way we wanted. (2-3电脑)
8. They could tell this from the way the bones were joined together. (2-4生物)
II. With+宾语+宾补
1. It has wide streets with trees in rows. (1-3游记)
2. We went to see the temple with floors made of silver. (1-3游记)
3. Have you ever dreamed of being in front of thousands of people, with everyone clapping? (2-5音乐)
4. She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. (2-4生物)
III. 强调结构
1. It is because I haven’t been outdoors for so long that I’ve grow so crazy. (1-1朋友)
2. It was my sister who had the idea to cycle along the river. (1-3游记)
3. It is only when we understand English that we can have a conversation with Americans. (1-4地震)
4. We did sleep in clean beds that night. (1-1朋友)
5. I do want to change the situation. (1-1朋友)
6. They were not clever but they did pass the exams. (1-5英雄)
7. Although they rebuilt the street, they did save the old buildings. (2-1古迹)
IV. Ing分词句型
1. He wrote a new dictionary, giving American English its own identity. (1-2英语)
2. Make a list of what you see, only keeping those details(1-3游记)
3. The other side doesn’t agree, saying, “No, we should not save cultural relics. ” (2-1古迹)
4. Birds sing cheerfully in the forest, calling out the names from long ago. (1-3游记)
5. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. (1-4地震)
6. Following old photos, the room has been made to look much like the old one. (2-1古迹)
7. Living in peace, Hawaiians have developed a close relationship with nature. (1-1朋友)
8. I hate others gossiping. (1-1朋友)
9. He was standing waiting. (2-2奥运)
10. I was so lonely standing there alone(2-3电脑)
11. We learn to talk to humans using basic. (2-3电脑)
12. He fell turning over and over(2-3电脑)
V. 倒装句式
1. Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. (1-4地震)
2. Never in the city’s history were people so kind. (1-4地震)
3. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence(1-5英雄)
4. I think it should not be returned. Nor do I think it should be given to the government(2-1古迹)
5. No other country could join in, nor could slaves. (2-2奥运)
VI. Time句型
1. There was a time when a deep sky couldn’t keep me spellbound. (1-1朋友)
2. There were times when my size was totally changed. (2-3电脑)
3. This was a time when one had got to have a passbook. (1-5英雄)
4. This was the time when drought hit the area. (1-5英雄)
5. This was a time when two countries were at war. (2-1古迹)
6. I felt bad the first time I talked to him(1-5英雄)
7. It was the first time that I had seen the night face to face. (1-1朋友)
VII. 句子副词
1. We can keep it because the search cost us a lot of money. Besides, any person who find something can keep it. (2-1古迹)
2. He has a big heart. In other words, he is very kind. (2-1古迹)
3. I can make up new moves. After all, intelligence is what I am all about. (2-3电脑)
4. I didn’t know they were talking about. Anyway, let’s go back to my history. (2-3电脑)
5. I am as big as a human. In fact, I look like one, too. (2-3电脑)
6. The animals have enemies that kill and eat them. As a result, many of them have died out. (2-4生物)
7. The number of the deer in Britain increased year by year. As a result, Britain was able to help China. (2-4生物)
8. As a result of the terrorists’ attack, tourism has been greatly affected.(2-5音乐)
VIII. So…that…
1. He liked the Milu deer so much that he took it to Britain. (2-4生物)
2. She was so angry that she decided not to get married. (2-2奥运)
3. My memory became so large that I couldn’t believe it. (2-3电脑)
4. There are so many of the Milu deer that a new park has been opened for them. (2-4生物)
5. The chair flew away so fast that he couldn’t see it. (2-4生物)
6. I was so excited that could hardly speak to him(2-5音乐)
7. It was so quiet in the mountains that there was almost no wind. (1-3游记)
IX. 比较句式
1. The fish is about the size of a house. (1-2英语)
2. Then I was the size of a large room. (2-3电脑)
3. I am as big as a human. (2-3电脑)
4. It is just as much a competition to host the Games as to win an Olympic medal. (2-2奥运)
5. Vietnam has almost seven times the population of Cambodia. (1-3游记)
6. It has twice the population. (1-3游记)
X. Those who
1. Those who report the news were expected to speak excellent English. (1-2英语)
2. Those who ruled England at that time spoke French. (1-2英语)
3. The park was built to honor those who helped the survivors. (1-4地震)
4. Those who do well in the Olympics can win medals. (2-2奥运)
5. There are seats for those who watch the games(2-2奥运)
XI. 同位结构
1. Jiuquxi, a river in the shape of a snake, is green and clear. (1-3游记)
2. He won first prize, a gold medal for the long jump. (2-2奥运)
3. Here is the story about the dodo, an animal that has disappeared from the earth. (2-4生物)
4. Milu deer, a species with large horns, used to be common in China. (2-4生物)
XII. leave句型
1. They are left in peace with no hunting(2-4生物)
2. Animals should be left in gardens. (2-2奥运)
3. Many children were left without parents. (1-4地震)
4. There are only 70000 antelopes left. (2-4生物)
5. Nothing is left of the city. (1-4地震)
XIII. it结构
1. It is said that this university is a center of culture in this town. (1-2英语)
2. It is not surprising that native speakers don’t know grammar very well. (1-2英语) It is not surprising that the panda sign of the WWF has been world famous. (2-4生物)
3. It has been decided that those who do not do their homework will have to return to school on Saturday. (2-3电脑)
4. It is hoped that one day it will be returned to nature. (2-4生物)
5. It occurred to me that he has grown up. (2-5音乐)
XIV. While句型
While a diary writer tries to record how he feels, a journal writer record what he sees on a journey. (1-3游记)
Other musicians sing the songs for the programme while the band pretend to sing them.(2-5音乐)
XV. 省略句型
It easily melts when heated. (2-1古迹)
第二节 其他句式
1. I stay awake in order to have a good look at the moon. (1-1朋友) We have a heart-to-heart talk in order to solve our problems. (1-1朋友) What do you think the Chinese team will do in order to win more medals? (2-2奥运)
2. They do what they can to make their company bigger. (1-5英雄) He did what he can to stop other competitors(1-5英雄)
3. Those countries speak English either because of foreign rule or because of its special role as an international language.(1-2英语) We were put in a position in which we had either to accept the fact or fight the government. (1-5英雄)
4. As time went by, I realize my idea was totally wrong(2-3电脑) As the years have gone by, I was made smaller and smaller. (2-3电脑)
5. I have got to go to school on Saturdays. (1-1朋友)
6. For one thing, a journal isn’t as personal as a diary. For another, it has a different purpose. (1-3游记)
7. The spelling of English is more of a problem in the days before a dictionary. (1-2英语)
8. There is no doubt that it was moved to Germany. (2-1古迹)
9. The design was of the fancy style. (2-1古迹)
10. There are events like ice skating. That is why they are called the Winter Olympics(2-2奥运) This is why I am writing to you. (2-3电脑) I don’t wish to share my secret thoughts with others. That’s why I thought my diary a good friend of mine. (1-1朋友)
11. It is too high a price to pay. (2-4生物) The earth got too hot to live on(2-4生物) The pigs were too nervous to eat. (1-4地震)
12. They must leave Britain before it was too painful for them. (2-5音乐) Before the Nazis could get to the Palace, the Russians were only able to remove the furniture. (2-1古迹)
13. I ask for help by writing a letter. (2-4生物) She was able to replace her usual afternoon’s work by watching some exciting sports. (2-2奥运) He became rich by being a computer bully. (1-5英雄)
14. People didn’t know him but talked as if they were friends. (2-5音乐)
15. He wanted to be famous more than anything else. (2-5音乐) Music is more than just sound. It is a way of thinking. (2-5音乐)
16. The more you speak English, the better your English will become. (2-2奥运)
17. The past is not only for us to enjoy but also for the children of the future. (2-1古迹)
第三节 上佳表达
1. I wish your well on your journey. (1-3游记)
2. It is better to be safe than sorry. (1-4地震)
3. It is always calm before a storm. (1-4地震)
4. Only time will tell. (1-2英语)
5. It seems you can’t win. (1-2英语)
6. We can hardly wait to see them. (1-3游记)
7. Thank you for your time. (1-3游记)
8. Good luck on your journey. (1-3游记)
9. It was great fun. (1-3游记)
10. Sorry, I can’t follow you. (1-2英语)
11. That can’t be true. (2-1古迹)
12. That’s good news. Thank you for your time. (2-2奥运)
13. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (2-2奥运)
14. Thank you and good luck. (2-2奥运)
15. Intelligence is what I am all about. (2-3电脑) This is what wildlife protection is about. (2-4生物)
16. I had the honor to be chosen again. (2-3电脑)
17. It was very nice of you but I can’t accept it. (2-4生物)
18. Well done! (2-4生物)
19. I didn’t know that. (2-4生物)
20. The good news is that great attention is being paid to wildlife protection. (2-4生物)
21. Without music, life is a journey through a desert. (2-5音乐)
22. My son turned ten the other day. (2-5音乐)
第四章 知识点滴
第一节 高频知识
1. He came to school very upset. (1-1朋友)
2. Your dream will come true. (2-5音乐) Something would come true. (2-5音乐) The dream had finally come true. (1-3游记)
3. He fits his new software free in very computer. (1-5英雄)
4. Let your imagination run wild(2-3电脑)
5. Then things went wrong. (2-5音乐)
6. I grew crazy. (1-1朋友)
7. Stay awake(1-1朋友) (1-3游记)
8. Languages do not always stay the same. (1-2英语)
9. Our legs felt heavy. (1-3游记)
10. The fruit goes bad easily. (1-4地震)
11. It feels as hard as a stone. (2-1古迹)
12. It felt strange. (2-5音乐)
13. It sounds very simple. (2-3电脑)
14. Fall ill(2-3电脑)
1. Anne was very upset that her family had to move. (1-1朋友) Everyone was very upset. (2-2奥运)
2. We were tired but also very excited. (1-3游记) An excited elephant(2-4生物) He was an excited supporter of Coco Li(2-5音乐)
3. She gave me a determined look. (1-3游记)
4. She was amazed when they heard of the rules. (2-2奥运) Daisy was amazed. (2-4生物)
5. She will be relaxed. (2-2奥运)
6. It was painful for me and I felt frightened. (2-3电脑) I saw many frightened cows rush up Market Street. (1-4地震)
7. The waterfall is even more exciting to see. (1-3游记) She was able to replace her usual afternoon’s work by watching some exciting sports. (2-2奥运)It was so exciting when my letter became neat and tidy. (2-3电脑) A most exciting experience(2-5音乐)
8. The word is confusing to me(1-2英语)
9. Your tour sounds interesting. (1-3游记)
10. It was a frightening night. (1-4地震)
11. All his music was written for God and some of it is very moving.(2-5音乐)
三.a number of; the number of
1. English has a large number of speakers(1-2英语)
2. Such a great number of people died. (1-4地震)
3. Inside the earth there are a number of plates. (1-4地震)
4. A number of people think God moved the statues. (2-1古迹)
5. The number of English speakers is increasing rapidly. (1-2英语)
6. China has the fastest growing number of English speakers. (1-2英语)
7. The large number of English speakers(1-2英语)
8. The number of people who were killed reached more than 400. (1-4地震)
四.Used to; be used to
1. I used to write about the Games years ago. (2-2奥运)
2. Farmers used to hunt the elephants. (2-4生物)
3. Money used to go to big companies. (2-4生物)
4. I love being used to connect people(2-3电脑)
5. A keyboard is used to keep data into a computer. (2-3电脑)
6. The antelope fur is being used to make sweaters. (2-4生物)
7. Seven thousand tons of amber were used to make the room. (2-1古迹)
五. get的用法
1. Wang Wei got them interested in cycling. (1-3游记)
2. The dog got loose. (1-1朋友)
3. Have you got everything ready? (1-3游记)
4. He made speeches to get others to help him. (2-1古迹)
5. He hurried to get dressed.(2-4生物)
6. How do people get to form a band? (2-5音乐)
1. She insisted that we find the source of the river. (1-3游记)
2. We advised the parents that the child should not be taught too much. (1-5英雄)
3. He advised poor people on their problems. (1-5英雄)
4. Give some advice. (1-1朋友) Give us some advice(2-5音乐)
5. He insists that it belongs to his family. (2-1古迹)
6. I’d like to help as the WWF suggests. (2-4生物)
7. Some people even suggest we should do more. (2-4生物)
8. Read the plan and suggest ways to make it better. (2-1古迹)
9. She tried to persuade him not to fight the government. (1-5英雄) She persuaded me to buy one(1-3游记). He persuaded the government to buy some land in the center of the city. (2-1古迹)
七. Be+hard+主动不定式
1. Earthquakes are very difficult to predict. (1-4地震)
2. Water and food was hard to get. (1-4地震)
3. The air is hard to breathe(1-3游记)
4. It is difficult to prove. (2-1古迹)
5. The amber room was not easy to make. (2-1古迹)
八.参加join; take part
1. I joined the ANC Youth League as soon as I could. (1-5英雄)
2. The prison guards also joined us. (1-5英雄)
3. Dao Wei will join us there. (1-3游记)
4. Join in discussion(1-1朋友)
5. Women were not allowed to join in. (2-2奥运)
6. He sang his latest hit and joined in. (2-5音乐)
7. take part in the Olympics (2-2奥运)
8. All countries can take part. (2-2奥运)
1. He has given up many things in his life to help others. (1-5英雄)
2. He gave up a rich life for his ideas. (1-5英雄)
3. I have to give up a lot of things to win gold medals. (2-2奥运)
4. I had to give in. (1-3游记)
十.感官动词+sb+ doing sth
I often hear my grandfather talk about cultural relics. (2-1古迹)
If you find someone smuggling cultural relics, what can you do? (2-1古迹)
The man saw some Germans taking apart the room. (2-1古迹)
十一. remain
1. It remained when the rest has been destroyed. (2-1古迹)
2. The part of ancient walls remain as good as before. (2-1古迹)
3. What happened to the city remained a mystery. (2-1古迹)
I didn’t dare open the window. (1-1朋友)
I know I didn’t need to encourage her. (1-3游记)
十三. agree
1. I do not agree with your opinion. (2-1古迹)
2. I don’t agree with the writer. (2-1古迹)
3. I don’t agree that it should be returned. (2-1古迹)
4. All members have to agree with what music to play. (2-5音乐)
十四. Gone, missing, lost
1. All hope was not lost. (1-4地震)
2. San Francisco was gone. (1-4地震)
3. Two minutes later, everything was gone. (2-4生物)
4. It is now missing. (2-1古迹)
十五. include
1. Horse riding is not included in the winter games. (2-2奥运)
2. All these men and young boys came from different parts of Greece, including Athens. (2-2奥运)
3. Others went to work with Murray, including his two daughters. (1-2英语)
第二节 零散知识
1. She was able to travel far because of the flying chair. (2-4生物) They speak English because of foreign rule. (1-2英语)
2. He belongs to a trade union. (2-1古迹) The earth belongs to the living. (2-1古迹) I found the person to whom it belonged. (2-1古迹) The computer company belonged to Wang An. (1-5英雄)
3. They were seated near the bowling area. (2-2奥运)
4. The bag of food should last you 3 days. (1-4地震) People began to wonder how long the disaster would last. (1-4地震)
5. The search has cost a lot of time. (2-1古迹)
6. They decided to pass a law that all trainers must be men. (2-2奥运)
7. He died for his ideas. (1-5英雄) He died from a piece of falling furniture. (1-4地震)
8. He believed in three principles. (1-5英雄)
9. He was in prison for thirty years. (1-5英雄)
10. He entered university in 1937. (1-5英雄) The river’s delta enters the South China Sea. (1-3游记)
11. We felt very happy to have studied in college. (1-3游记)
12. The teacher asked him when he went to bed the night before. (1-1朋友)
13. They can’t understand everything(1-2英语) She didn’t like everything about the relic. (2-1古迹)
14. English speaking world(1-2英语)
15. They looked at you a little strangely. (1-2英语)
16. It doesn’t matter what English you learn. (1-2英语)
17. There is no such thing as standard English. (1-2英语)
18. You can’t meet a better man than Bill Gates. (1-5英雄)
19. They try their best to make the capital a special place. (2-1古迹)
20. They don’t believe it even though they are given a lot of evidence(2-1古迹) They understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English. (1-2英语) They didn’t want to protect us even though tourists love to see us. (2-4生物)
21. The information is called evidence. (2-1古迹)
22. He can’t prove that he is right. (2-1古迹) It can be proved that China has more people than any other country. (2-1古迹) A fact is anything that can be proved. (2-1古迹) This mother proved that women trainers can be better than men trainers. (2-2奥运)
23. It must be expensive. (2-2奥运) You must be very proud. (2-2奥运)
24. People doubt that they were dragged over land. (2-1古迹)
25. Use the computer every day. (2-3电脑)
26. I am part of a football team. (2-3电脑) On this island, friendship is part of the aloha spirit. (1-1朋友) The amber room was part of the winter palace. (2-1古迹)
27. Our team got second place. (2-3电脑)
28. A special village to live in(2-2奥运)
29. How often(2-2奥运)
30. Many more things(2-3电脑)
31. In three years they may all be gone. (2-4生物)
32. Show me some place where there is some wildlife protection. (2-4生物)
33. No matter what happens, we will pay more attention to wildlife protection from now on. (2-4生物)
34. Up till now, the organization has collected millions of dollars. (2-4生物) We have written a lot of e-mails on the computer in the past year. (2-3电脑)
35. He felt very lonely(2-5音乐)
36. He couldn’t go out without being followed everywhere. (2-5音乐)
37. even more popular(2-5音乐)
38. It was the biggest work of amber art ever made. (2-1古迹)
39. The Queen had the room moved outside the city. (2-1古迹)
40. Serve the human race(2-3电脑) Food is served between 12:00 and 14:00 every day. (2-2奥运)
41. She wants to marry a king or a princess. (2-2奥运)I will be married to a man who can run faster than me. (2-2奥运)
42. He received a place to study mathematics in the university. (1-5英雄)
43. They write about their travels in what is called a travel journey. (1-3游记)I live in what you call Ancient Greece. (2-2奥运)
第五章 语法重点