


1.英语考试错题反思 篇一







2.英语考试错题反思 篇二



【错解】 因为AB⊥CD,所以∠AOC= ∠BOD=90°,所以△AOC与△BOD都是直角三角形.


【剖析】不是说两个三角形全等时,一遇到直角三角形就一定用“HL”,而是要根据已知条件和图形特点,本题中利用“HL” 的条件并不充分,而只能将其当成一般三角形来说明全等.

解:因为AB⊥CD,所以∠AOC=∠BOD= 90°,又因为OA=OB,OC=OD,所以△AOC≌ △BOD(SAS).


例2如图2,已知AB=AC,∠B=∠C, BD=CE.说明△ABE≌△ACD的理由.

【错解】在△ABE和△ACD中,因为AB= AC,∠B=∠C,BD=CE,



【正解】因为BD=CE,所以BD+DE=CE+ DE,即BE=CD.

在△ABE和△ACD中,因为AB=AC, ∠B=∠C,BE=CD,



例3如图3,AC与BD相交于点O, AD=BC,∠D=∠C,说明∠ABD=∠BAC的理由.

【错解】在△ABD和△BAC中,因为AD= BC,AB=BA,∠C=∠D,

所以△ABD≌△BAC(SSA),所以∠ABD= ∠BAC.

【分析】本题在得到AD=BC,AB=BA, ∠C=∠D这三个条件时,就立即运用“SSA” 去判定两个三角形全等,而事实上却并不存在这种判定的方法,即“SSA”并不能作为判定两个三角形全等的依据.

【正解】在△AOD和△BOC中,因为 ∠AOD=∠BOC,∠C=∠D,AD=BC,



所以△ABD≌△BAC(SSS),所以∠ABD= ∠BAC.

最后,我们来小结一下,上面的几种典型错误其实都可归到“对应”出错,一是边的对应出错,二是对应全等的类型出错.建议同学们建立自己的错题集,及时梳理自己曾经出现过的错误,复习时回顾反省, 将更具针对性,对提高数学成绩有很大帮助!






3.让易错题在反思中消解 篇三

一、 圆中弦、弧、圆心角、等弧等概念理解不清

例1 下列说法中正确的是( ).

A. 长度相等的弧是等弧

B. 相等的圆心角所对的弧相等

C. 相等的弦所对的弧相等

D. 相等的弧所对的弦相等




例2 如图3,请找出图3⊙O中的弦_______,优弧_______,圆心角_______.





二、 对圆周角的理解和运用出错,在圆中添辅助线的意识不强

例3 如图4,已知过A、C、D三点的圆的圆心为E,过B、E、F三点的圆的圆心为D,如果∠A=57°,那么∠ABC=________°.















三、 对圆中的内心、外心的理解混淆不清

例4 如图5,点O和点I分别是△ABC的外心和内心,若∠BOC=130°,则∠BIC=_______°.









四、 垂径定理理解不透,解题时缺乏分类的意识

例5 如图6,已知半径OD与弦AB互相垂直,垂足为点C,若AB=8 cm,CD=3 cm,则⊙O的半径为________.










例6 已知⊙O的半径是5,AB=8、CD=6是⊙O的两条平行弦,则AB、CD间的距离是________.



【正确解法】如图7、图8所示,连接OA,OC. 作直线OE⊥AB于E,交CD于F,













4.英语选择错题教案 篇四

A to practice English with B practicing English

C to practicing English with D practice English with 5.Stop chatting.I have ____ to tell you.A anything important B something important C important anything D important something 6.It‘s good that _____have their own ideas about life as well as about being cool.A the young B youth C the young man D young 7.My grandfather ___ me stories when I was young.A was used to tell B is used to telling C used to tell D used to telling 8.When I was a student , I was used to _____ at six.A get up B getting up C gets up D geting up

9.It is ____ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.A more B little C less D much

10.My brother is ___to carry the heavy box by himself.A old enough B enough old C enough strong D strong enough 11.I must get my homework ____, A done B does C do D did

12.People are not allowed ____ in the cinema , but they will allow ____in the rest room.A to smoke, smoke B smoking , to smoke C to smoke , smoking D smoking ,smoke 13.The music sounds _____

A well B nicely C good D beautifully 14._____ to improve our English?

A What do you think we should do B Do you think what do we should C What do you think should we D Do you think what should we do 15.His bike is broken.It needs _____soon.A be repair B to mend C to be repaired D being mend 16.Three more men ____to do the work every day.A were needed B need C are needing D are needed 17.He is against ______ computer games.A playing B plays C play D to play

18.He was too hungry , so he ate ____in the evening.A plenty of B a lot of C many D a lot 19.I don‘t know _____.A what to do it B how to do C what to do D to do what 20.I don‘t know if I _____anyone at the party this evening.If I _____anyone , I will get nervous.A will know, won‘t know B will know ,don‘t know B know, won‘t know D know , don‘t know 21.Tom is afraid to speak in ______public.A the B a C an D /

22.The professor always has good solutions_____others‘ problems.A of B to C with D about

23.If you take my ______, please don‘t tell _____about it.A advice ,any B advices, some C advices, someone D advice , anyone 24.They are hardly ever tired ,______they? A are B aren‘t C will D won‘t

25.I‘ll have a test ______ writing next week.A at B of C on D in

26.If you have any ideas ______, please return them to him.A whose gloves are these B whose gloves is this C whose gloves these are D whose gloves this is

27._____ has been found out ____ oil food is bad for our health A That , that B That ,what C It , what D It , that 28 I prefer music that_____ great lyrics.A have B has C there is D there are 29.I only eat food that tastes _______.A well B nicely Cgood D deliciously The Greeen family would like to_______for about three weeks.A leave home B go out C come to China D be away 31.I hope ____have a happy year in our class.A you to B or you C to you D you

32.The two men walked ______ the forest and got to a small house.A across B through C crossing D over

33.The girl _____ her mother.I know her mother likes reading,too.A takes after B looks after C similar D takes care 34.Don‘t put off ____ to see the doctor when you are ill.A go B to go C going D gone

35.He spent every Sunday morning _____ in an old people‘s home.A to work B working C worked D works

36.He ___ to read , so he always puts his ___ to good use by working in the after-school care center at his elementary school.A love ,loves B loves ,love C loving,loving D loves ,loves 37.The sudden rain made ______for the singers to put on performces A that possible B that impossible C it possible D it impossible 38.____ ill, I can‘t go to school today.A Because of B As C Being D With 39.This watch ______China.A was made in B was made by C was made from D was made of 40.____ our football team won.A By the end B In the end C At the end of D Final

41.The headmaster announced that there would ____ an English speech contest next month.A have B has C to have D be

42.Did you go to the movie with Lucy? No , I _____

A didn‘t invite B wasn‘t invited C hadn‘t invited D wasn‘t inviting 43.–Excuse me, could you tell me ______?---Of course

A when had the train left the station B where is the nearest the hospital C if it will be windy tomorrow D how much did the car cost 44.Must I do my homework ?---No you _____.A mustn‘t B can‘t C needn‘t D won‘t

45.---I don‘t know ______next.– You could ask your teacher for help.A how to do B what to do C.why to do D when to do 46.Tom asked his friend ______.A not to be so angry B that knowledge is power.C when did he come back D where was he born

47.I find ___ a little difficult to remember the English words.A that B it C this D them 48 What are you nervous_____, Jenny.? A in B at C on D about 49.We should ____ that.A thinking of B thought of C have thought of D have thinking of 50.Don‘t get _____when you listen to the old.A bored B boring C tiring D excited

51.I don‘t like the people who always keep me ______.A wait B waiting C to wait D waited

52.—Do you like loud music ?---I am often ______ want to leave by it.A made B made to C making D making to

53.The pen doesn‘t work.I need to buy a new one to write_____ A with Bin C on D /

54.—You want to improve your spoken English.Why ____an English languageclub?----Good idea.A don‘t join B not join C not to join D not you join

55.If you have some trouble ____the railway station ,please ask the police for help.A finding B finding out C looking for Ddiscovering

56.—I don‘t know ______I should do with so many eggs.–You can sell them.A how B why C what D when

57.There used _____an old church here, but now we can see a park here.A to have B was C to be D had

58.Everyone is _____to find that the little boy can play the piano so well.He is only 5 years old.A interested B surprised C excited D frustrated 59.My calculator is ________more expensive than yours.A fairly B very C quite D much 60.I‘d like to go there by bike ______by car.A.not B instead C than D rather than

61.At last , Mr Li ______a good idea , everyone felt happy.A thought B thought of C came up with D thought about 62.---Why hasn‘t Tom come here?----He ____ill at home.A maybe B may be C was D can‘t be

63.--____does the book ____?----Linda.She bought it this morning.A Whose , be B How much, cost C Whose , belong to D Who , belong to 64.The girl is too shy , she ____some time with her friends.A doesn‘t need spending B needn‘t spend C needs to spend D needed spending 65.I learn English by watching English – language videos______.A sometimes B sometime C some time D some times

66.Just now I saw some young children _____together on the playground.A are playing B playing C to play D have played

67.–The boy can hardly speak Chinese, _______? –No, He‘s been in China for only a few weeks.A can he B can‘t he C does he D doesn‘t he 68.It‘s very impolite ___you ____in line.A of ,to cut B for , cut C of , cut D for ,to cut 69.My life ____a lot in the last few years.A change B has changed C changed D changes

70.At that time, I was only ____11-year-old boy, I was a ‗problem child‖.A a B an Cthe D /

71.My friend Jenny has moved to ____city , I miss her often A.other B another C others D the others 72.This guitar might ___Alice.She plays the guitar.A be B has C comes from D belong to

73.—Do you prefer grapes ____bananas?----I prefer grapes ______bananas.A to, or B or ,to C than ,to D or , than

74.Why can‘t we ______to have more time to relax? A.are allowed B to allow C be allowed D allow

75.Nobody except Lily and Linda ____the man in a white T-shirt.A know B is knowing C have known D knows

76.She ______speak in class because she thought her classmates would laugh at her.A was afraid of B is afraid to C was afraid to D is not afraid of 77.I have ____the English club for three terms.A joined B been in C taken part in D become a member of

78.You ____to the meeting this afternoon if you have something important to do.A needn‘t to come B don‘t need to come C needn‘t coming D didn‘t need coming 79.–May I go swimming now,Mum ?

---No, you ____.You must finish your homework first.A mustn‘t B may not C couldn‘t D needn‘t

80.The bridge in my hometown is about _______meters long.A two hundred of B two hundreds of C two hundred D two hundreds 81.If he _____his father , he‘d spend more time studying English.A is B was C were D will be

Thanks to the _____English course , I can live in the USA easily.A six-months B six-months‘ C six –month D six months 83.The fish smells so _____.---Thanks.Mum cooks fish very ______.A good, good B well,good C well,well D good ,well 84.What ______you most?---Basketball does.I like it best.A interest B interests C interesting D interested

85.How I miss you!I ____you to come here to see me.(which is wrong)A hope B expect C like D want

86.---Do you know when the calculator _______?---Yes , in 1876.A invented B inventing C was inventing D was invented 87.Did you notice him ______out of the house ? A to leave B leave C left D leaves

88.When your homework ______, you can watch TV.A is finished B finishes C finished D is finishing

89.At last the man ______a woman who was two years older than him.A married with B got married C married D got married with 90.As soon as the bell for break rang, the boys _____to the playground.A ran into B ran out of C ran after D ran out 91.We should only obey all the school rules ,_______?

A don‘t B aren‘t C can‘t D shouldn‘t

92.It‘s good for you not to eat ______that‘s been cooked in oil.A anything B something C everything D nothing 93.Last night I listened to a CD______Heart Strings.A which calls B that called C called D calls 94.Let‘s try to be__ honest person.A a B an C the D/

95.I think you will look more beautiful if you wear shoes _____adjustable heals.A have B has C with D there are

96.Sometimes ,when it‘s rainy, I go to school ______my father‘s car.A in B on C by D from

97.I was _____ because I didn‘t go to bed until 3o‘clock a.m last night.A embarrassed B amazed C excited D exhausted 98.Yesterday I received a card that ____ ―Happy New Year‖.A says B tells C speaks D writes

99.Can you tell me ____ you can come to my birthday party on Friday or not.? A that B if C when D whether

100.―Help _____to some chicken.‖ Mrs Smith said to us as soon as the chicken was served.A yourself B you C yourselves Dyours

101.There are many trees on_____sides of the road.They were planted several years ago.A each B both C either D every

102.Though it was late , ______he went on with his work.A but B and C so D /

103.Every summer we will have a _____holiday after the exam.A two month B two-month C two-months D two months

104.Can you tell me ____you can come to my birthday party on Friday or not? A that B if C when D whether

105.This room is big enough for all of us ______.A live B living in C to live in D to live

106.All the workers were made ______some extra hours last month.A.work B.to work C worked D working 107.Is this _____that you saw in the street yesterday? A one B the man C that D he

108.You can talk with anyone ______you think is.friendly.A who B whom C which D the one

109.All _____I want ______a room somewhere.A that ,is B what, is C what ,are D that are

110.Susan is a girl _____bike was borrowed by me yesterday.A whose B who C whom D that 111.Is this the coat you ____last Sunday.?

A bought B have bought it C bought it D had bought

112.Look!The man who is ____the bus stop is my English teacher.A waiting for B waiting on C waiting at D waiting up

113.My father prefers ______to staying at home.He loves playing sports.A to play football B to travel C playing football D traveling

114.My brother told me there was a good movie ______TV the next week.A on B on the C in D about

115.The children find that they have no paper_______.A to write B to write with Cto write on D write on 116.Why _____home tomorrow? I miss my parents.A not go B not going C not to go D didn‘t go 117.The TV set is too loud.Would you please _____?

A turn down it B turn it down C to turn down it D to turn it down 118.It‘s cold outside.You‘d better _____your coat.A to put on B putting on C puts on D put on 119.The toy you bought in the USA ______in China.A made B makes C was making D was made

120.Our sports meeting has been _____till next Monday because of the bad weather.A put on B put off C put up D put down

121.I‘m not sure if it_____tomorrow.If it ______, we won‘t climb the South Hill.A will snow, snows B will snow,will snow C snows , snows D snows ,will snow 122.–Would you like to visit Shantou City with me this summer vacation?---No, I ______it before.Besides , it‘s hot and humid in summer.A visit B visited C will visit D have visited

123.The teacher asked me _____I had finished my homework and I said ―Yes‖.A what B if C that D /

124.I used to prefer ______to______.A swimming/running B swim /run C swimming/run D swim/running 125.---Could you tell me if it ____today, please?

---Yes.The radio says there will ____a heavy rain later today.A will rain/have B will rain / be C rains/have D rains /be

126.I ___the Human food though I‘ve been in Changsha for more than one year.A didn‘t use to B used to C don‘t get used to D gets used to 127.We shouldn‘t eat or drink_______walking down the street.A while B until C before D after

128.Neither of my hands is empty.There is a book in one and there is a long ruler in ____.A other B the other C another D others

129.The machine doesn‘t work ______it says in the advertisement.A as quickly as B as good as C as well as D as carefully as 130.Ten years has passed _____I started to work in this school.A since B before C when D until

131.The cinema is next to the park.Walk _____the park and you can get there.A through B past C across D out

132.Spending time with friends ____ very important to us.A is B are C has D have

133.They arrived ____ Paris ____ a winter evening.A at/in B to/on C in /on D in/at 134.I prefer ____ rather than ______.A to be a teacher/ be a boss B to be a teacher/ to be a boss C being a teacher/ being a boss D be a teacher / be a boss

135.______the help of my classmates ,I‘ve improved my English.A By B With C Under D For

136.Have you checked your licence ______? A also B too C either D neither

137.You must keep your eyes _____, touch it.A close B closed C closing D to close

138.My hair is too long.I‘ll have it _______tomorrow.A cut B being cut C cutting D to cut 139.Bill said they would have ______holiday.A a two-month B two months C a two-months D two month‘s 140.—Do you have enough books to read?

----No, I think we need ______books.A another two B other two C two another D two the other 141.---Listen, Helen is singing in the next rom.----It ______be Helen.She has gone to Beijing.A mustn‘t B can‘t C may D should

142.It is a good way to keep both teachers and students_______.A to happy B happying C happy D happily

143.Many students like reading the book Harry Potter_____by J.K.Rowling.A written B was written C wrote D was writing 144.I think it‘s difficult to go _____the forest alone.A across B through C though D cross

145.The artist hoped ______drawing the picture soon.A his son to finish B to finish C finishing D his son will finished

146.I visited Hong Kong_____in 2000,and I‘d like to travel there again._____

A one day/ a day B one day/some day C some day/one day D some day/ some day 147.He is considering _____a primary school in that mountain village.You surely can‘t

consider him ____a selfish man.A building/ to be B building/being C to build/being D to build/to be 148.Mrs Brown will never forget the day ____she met Jane in the street.A that B when C which D where

149.I am a League member.I volunteer my time _____ others.A help B to help C helping D helped

150.What‘s the best way to _____life‘s big and small problems? A deal with B do with to C deal with to D dealing with 151.He is used to____up early in the morning.A get B getting C to get D got

152.The abacus was inviented in _____century.A six B the sixth C sixth D the six

153.If the child ____, please telephone the police.A found B is found C was found D has found

154.—English is ____useful language, isn‘t it?----Of course it is.A a B the C an D/

155.–How does your mother go to work?

--She usually goes to work ____her car, but sometimes on foot.A by B on C in D about

156.The big bowl ____wine warm in the old days.A was used for keeping B is used by keeping C was used by keeping D is used to keep 157.____people will take part in the meeting next week.A Hundreds of B Two hundreds of C Two hundred of D Two hundreds 158.What if ____tomorrow?

A it rains B it will rain C does it D will it rain 159.I ______play the piano when I was a young boy.A wasn‘t used to B wasn‘t use to C didn‘t use to D didn‘t used to 160.Now the traffic in our city is becoming ______.than before.A much heavier B more heavier C much heavily D very heavier 161.But none of the artists knew _____to make the King happy.A when to do B what to do C how to do D where to do

162.When they got to the station ,the train ______for 20 minutes.A had left B went away C had been away D had gone 163---May I play soccer with Tom now, Mum?

---When all the homework ______, you may go out to play.A finish B will finish C is finished D will be finished

164.The number of teachers in our school ___60 and a number of them ___male teachers.A is/are B are/is C are/are D is/is

165.Nick _____a job in a bank, but to our surprise, he didn‘t take it.A is offered B was offered C offered D has offered

166.____ is believed that Bell invented the first telephone in 1876.A This B That C it D One

5.科目一理论考试错题集 篇五




5车辆从匝道驶入高速公路加速车道后,在加速车道迅速将车速提高到每小时60公里以上 6黄底灯光射出标志为前照灯远光









15机动车在夜间行驶,没有路灯或路灯照明不良时,应当开启___、示廓灯和后位灯。答案 前照灯






6.英语考试错题反思 篇六


1.(1.0分)一个项目团队成员告诉你,他不知道他参与的哪个项目工作更重要。谁负责确定项目在公司的优先权? A)项目经理 B)项目投资人 C)高级管理层 D)项目团队

正确答案:C 你的回答:B 解析:项目经理负责单个项目的管理;多个项目的管理,由高层负责;项目投资人是发起某个项目,并且提供钱的人。

19.(1.0分)工作授权系统可以用于 A)控制谁做每项工作



正确答案:B 你的回答:D 解析:工作授权系统的作用资料来源《PMBOK指南》第5版第562页

7.(1.0分)高级管理层将项目经理分派到一个国际开发项目上。项目发起人提供文件,作为编制项目章程的依据。项目经理拥有工作说明书、合同、组织过程文件以及其他文件。项目目经理下一步应该怎么做? A)整理所有文件将利用他们作为编制项目章程的依据 B)将精力集中在最重要的文件上,仅把这些文件作为依据 C)使用专家判断技巧,评估所有依据文件 D)使用石川图来验证文件

正确答案:C 你的回答:A 解析:编制项目章程的工具。参见《项目管理知识体系指南》第5版第71页。

1.(1.0分)你获得项目活动的三种估算。最乐观估算为245天,最悲观估算为269天,最可能估算为257天。这个活动对项目非常关键,你的项目发起人希望获得关于活动历时95%的确定结果,你将向发起人汇报 A)265至273天 B)253至261天 C)261至277天 D)249至265天

正确答案:D 你的回答:B 解析:(245+4=249,269-4=265天)

5.(1.0分)估算活动持续时间的工具方法包括 A)类比估算、参数估算、三点估算


C)专家判断、类比估算、参数估算、三点估算和储备分析 D)专家判断、类比估算、参数估算、三点估算和自下而上估算

正确答案:C 你的回答:D 答案:(C.专类三参+储备!!)

11.(1.0分)一个活动最早开始日期为第3天,最后开始日期为第13天,最早结束日期是第9天,最晚结束日期是第19天。这个任务的浮动时差是? A.10天 B.6天

正确答案:A 你的回答:B 答案:(开始-开始,结束-结束!19-9=10天)

15.(1.0分)逆推法的目的是确定: A)关键路径 B)最早完成日期 C)最晚开始日期 D)赶工日期

正确答案:C 你的回答:B 解析:逆推法从网络图的右端往左端推导,得到每个活动的最晚开始、最晚结束日期。(上面最早,下面最晚~)

35.(1.0分)一个AON图显示了在两个关键路径上的下列活动:D-E-J-L和D-E-G-I-L。除了L历时为1天外,其他每个活动有最少3天历时。如果你计划减少这个项目历时1天,哪个活动最可能被修改? A)L B)E或J C)G或I D)D或E

正确答案:D 你的回答:C 解析:有二条关键路径,要减少1天的历时,那么应该修改共同的活动:D或E或L。但活动L只有1天,进度压缩是不改变范围的,排除活动L。那么就只有活动D或E了,即选项D。

37.(1.0分)对于关键链法,下面哪项是不合适的? A)关键路径不是在关键链法中计算出来的 B)关键链法关注于控制缓冲而不是关键路径 C)关键链受到所获资源的约束


正确答案:A 你的回答:D 解析:关键链法中有关键路径的。参见《 PMBOK指南》第五版第178页

52.(1.0分)一个项目可能 A)没有关键路径 B)有多条关键路径 C)有一条关键路径 D)有一条或多条关键路径

正确答案:D 你的回答:B 解析:参见《 PMBOK指南》第五版第176-177页。

56.(1.0分)下面哪项是介于两个任务之间等待期间的其他名字? A)松弛 B)浮差 C)滞后 D)CPM

正确答案:C 你的回答:B 解析:滞后的定义。参见见《 PMBOK指南》第五版第159页。

57.(1.0分)一组项目团队成员被派往公司的另一个新项目中。当指派新成员时,对于项目进度,项目管理团队应首先考虑: A)关键路径和主要里程碑的的变化 B)在已批准的网络图中的活动顺序 C)资源估算和历时估算 D)完成时间目标的概率

正确答案:B 你的回答:C 解析:项目时间管理过程的顺序。四个选项的先后顺序是:B-C-A-D

58.(1.0分)你的项目管理团队刚刚为项目完成了工作分解结构,下一步要做 A)计算算活动历时估算 B)产生进度基准

C)决定是否需要额外的项目成员 D)创建范围说明书

正确答案:C 你的回答:A 解析:项目管理过程的顺序。根据范围说明书创建WBS-估算活动资源(选项C)-估算活动持续时间(选项A)-产生进度基准(选项B)

60.(1.0分)在活动定义期间,一名名团队成员确定了一项需要完成的任务。但是,另外一名团队成员认为按照项目章程理解,该活动不是项目的组成部分。项目经理应该如何做? A)与项目发起人商谈

B)自己決定该活动是否包括在内 C)与最终客户进行商谈


正确答案:A 你的回答:D 解析:根据章程理解有疑问,应该去询问发起人。


A)资源可利用情况、自下而上估算、活动清单 B)资源分解结构、活动资源需求、活动清单 C)活动资源需求、活动清单、活动属性 D)活动清单、活动属性、资源日历

正确答案:D 你的回答:C 解析:参见《 PMBOK指南》第五版第161页。

63.(1.0分)在做好项目成本结果概率分布后,有15%可能被超过的估算大约 准差: A)低于平均数 B)高于中位数 C)高于平均数 D)低于中位数

正确答案:C 你的回答:D 解析:在正态分布图中,加权平均值到无穷小小这个区间的概率是50%,加权平均值到【(加权平均值+一个标准差】这个区间的概率是68.26%/2=34.14%,那么高于或超过『(加权平均值+ー个标准差)的概率是15.87%,大约15%。

69.(1.0分)理想情况下,资源均等(resource leveling)应作用于哪些活动? A)负浮动的活动 B)正浮动的活动 C)零浮动的活动


正确答案:B 你的回答:D 解析:资源均等就是资源平衡,应该作用于非关键路径,即活动时差大于0。参见《 PMBOK指南》第五版第179页!


26.为了替换一个不成功的项目,一个新项目被启动,在项目执行期间,增加交付期仍然导致项目进度大幅延迟。项目经理应该更新下列哪一项? A.采购工作说明书(SOW)B.采购管理计划 C.风险登记册 D.工作绩效报告

答案:(D.绩效报告。因为已经延迟了already delay。所以,不是更新风险登记册!如果题目说,可能延迟will delay,就选风险登记册了。)

59.项目经理确定一项具有关键依赖关系的高风险任务应外包。这项任务必须在一个特定的一周时间范围内执行。一个供应商基于其已为公司的类似项目合作长达10年时间且未发生任何问题而被选中。项目经理应提议哪个合同类型? A.成本加激励费用合同(CPIF)B.固定总价合同(FFP)C.总价加激励费用合同(FPIF)D.成本价固定费用合同(CPFF)


68.由于工程师不熟悉某些技术,项目落后于进度一周.项目经理任命一名高级资源来指导工程师,并将其记录在项目管理计划中.这属于下列哪一项范畴? A.工作绩效信息 B.专家判断 C.纠正措施 D.预防措施


74.在每个阶段,项目经理应怎么做在避免一致性问题的再次发生? A.将其记录在项目收尾报告中 B.实施质量保证 C.执行经验教训 D.完成工作绩效报告

答案:(C.项目每一阶段,时时刻刻收集经验教训!而不是这个阶段收集,那个阶段不收集;整个项目过程中,持续收集。一致性,不是质量保证方面。)84.为了确定项目成本,项目经理利用一个过程类似项目的实际成本(AC),项目经理使用的是哪一种估算技术? A.参数估算 B.类比估算 C.自下而上估算 D.三点估算法


85.在发布一个基于云的应用程序前几周,质量保证团队报告了大量错误。项目经理首先应该做什么? A.审查质量管理计划 B.通知干系人 C.执行根本原因分析



104.项目团队成员拥有广泛的各种知识水平和组织影响力。下列哪一项工具或技术能够帮助项目经理确保项目估算阶段尽可能完整和准确。A.德尔菲技术 B.头脑风暴

C.优势、劣势、机会与威胁(SWOT)分析 D.三点技术


144.项目经理邀请干系人参加经验教训|会议。干系人之间意见不同,且之前已提出问题。项目经理可使用哪项工具或技术有建设性的接洽干系人? A.德尔菲技术 B.问卷调查 C.头脑风暴 D.引导式研讨会


158.在与关系人一起召开的季度状态评审会上由于计划外的运输罢工,施工公司的项目经理汇报了一个负成本偏差。项目经理应该如何解决这个问题? A.调整成本绩效基准。B.从应急储备中分配资金。C.从管理储备金分配资金。D.测量项目事件的影响。


169.项目经理正在实施一个公司范围的IT系统,该系统预期将对组织和其许多干系人产生重大影响,应该使用下列哪一项来收集需求? A.问卷调查 B.沟通方法 C.原型 D.观察


174.一个IT项目的开发工作已完成。可交付成果也已准备好交付给客户。但项目经理发现未分配一名技术作者来编写用户手册。用户手册本应该作为可交付成果的组成部分包含在内。下列哪一份文件应已收集该需求? A.人力资源管理计划 B.沟通管理计划 C.项目管理计划 D.变更管理计划


179.为期一年的项目进入四个月时,客户请求一项变更。变更控制委员会(CCB)评审并批准变更。但是一名干系人认为该变更超出范围。项目经理可以参考哪一项来证明该变更请求是适合的? A.事业环境因素 B.更新的项目范围基准 C.变更管理计划 D.组织过程资产


191.项目经理必须在风险最小的情况下通过轮班工作缩短一个项目的时间。项目经理首先应该做什么? A.赶工

B.快速跟进进度计划 C.利用项目活动的浮动时间 D.重新安排及重新定义项目活动


200.团队成员向项目经理提供一份培训手册,这份培训手册属于预期在明天交付的可交付成果组成部分,项目经理发现了几个可能导致客户拒收可交付成果的错误。项目经理应该怎么做? A.纠正错误,并向客户提交修订后的手册 B.将问题上报给该团队成员主管 C.让团队成员修正错误


7.高中英语错题集的利用 篇七













8.高考英语易错题专练 篇八

1. Shes fainted. Throw some water on her face and shell ____.

A. come round B. come along C. come on D. come out

2. Small as it is, the ant is as much a creature as ____ all other

animals on the earth.

A. are B. is C. have D. do

3. The inspector ____ his fingers over the sheet of newspaper. There were some marks on the surface of the paper.

A. turned B. set C. held D. ran

4. A British man who ____ to play practical jokes ____ his own

humorous art work in four major New York museums over the last two weeks.

A. liked; has secretly hung B. likes; has secretly hung

C. had liked; secretly hung D. has liked; secretly hung

5. My command of English is not ____ yours.

A. as half as B. so half good as

C. good as half as D. half so good as

6. I know the man by ____ but I have never spoken to him.

A. chance B. heart C. sight D. experience

7. Youd better not wear such ties, because they ____ three years ago.

A. went on B. went off C. went over D. went out

8. ——Watch!

——I ____ but I ____ anything unusual.

A. watched; have watched B. have watched; am not seeing

C. was watching; wasnt seeing D. am watching; dont see

9. He ____ writing the paper now. He hadnt written a single word when I left him ten minutes ago.

A. shouldnt be B. cant have finished

C. cant be D. mustnt have finished

10. ——Why are the tax collectors so busy?

——Many people prefer to have their tax forms completed by a

professional rather than ____.

A. do it themselves B. doing it themselves

C. to do it themselves D. done by themselves

11. There arent many seats left for the concert; you had better make sure ____ two today.

A. getting B. to have got

C. that you get D. that you will get

12. ——You cant imagine ____ fantastic fun web chatting is.

——Really? But it may cause a lot of trouble sometimes.

A. what B. how C. why D. so

13. ____ friend of my grandfathers will come tomorrow. Im wondering how old ____ man he might be.

A. The; a B. The; the C. A; a D. A; the

14. I spent the whole day repairing the motorbike. The work was ____ simple.

A. nothing but B. anything but C. something ofD. all except

15. In fact, more and more people ____ to live a greener, healthier and more environmentally “green life”.

A. chose B. choose C. are choosing D. have chosen

16. In Scandinavian countries it is common ____ for the husband to stay at home to look after the baby.

A. use B. sense C. practice D. idea

17. Id like to live somewhere ____ the sun shines all year long.

A. which B. that C. where D. in which

18. ——Your book, Tommy?

——No, Mom, its my friends.

——Remember to return it to ____ name is on it.

A. what B. which C. whose D. whosever

19. Thank you for sending us ____ fresh vegetables of many kinds. You have done us ____ great service.

A. 不填; a B. the; a C. 不填; 不填 D. the; 不填

20. ——Tom, you are caught late again.

——Oh, ____.

A. not at all B. just my luck C. never mind D. thats all right

21. I have no one ____ me, for I am a newcomer here.

A. help B. helping C. to help D. to have helped

22. ——Do you mind if I smoke?


A. Why not? B. Yes, help yourself.

C. Go ahead. D. Yes, but youd better not.

上一篇:办公室内勤人员的个人工作计划下一篇:领导干部提拔 临别感言