


1.纯英文网名简短带翻译 篇一



2、Shes mine ; | Hes mine !

3、失魂人* Pugss | 控魂者* Monee

4、悲剧、spot@ | 残局、spot@

5、软妹sama! | 硬汉mam!

6、sandom° 繁花恋‖ | sandom°旧梦颜‖

7、苏妲己° 7/c | 商纣王° 7/c

8、Green♀man | Red♂woman


10、左瞳Remnant | 右眸Remnnant

11、xxxxxShit ° | xxxxxFool °

12、sunflower | sunshine

13、- 控心 loveㄣ | - 控肺 loveㄣ

14、梦 寐? Zahara|蛊 独? Xerxes

15、Curtain 情歌°|Flowers 情调°

16、旧人梦k Curtain°|旧情人k Curtain

17、dear、谁是谁的`爱の | baby、you是我爱∮

18、寒冬 Gentle S | 暖春 Gentle S

19、七秒记忆° ˉ2c | 灰白记忆° ˉ2c

20、骚不过Money` | 贱不过BIAOZI

21、、Smart 。k | 、Bloom 。k

22、Maybe丶我很单纯丿 | Maybe丶我很霸道丿

23、午夜男神 HOT! | 欧派女神 HOT!

24、II丶何必在意 | II丶何必再忆

25、各自安好aElope | 互不打扰aElope

26、Rebecca 「感」|Rebecca 「唯o」

27、沦陷° -fall | 散格° -lost

28、不三心 °sunset | 不二情 °sunset

29、巴黎左岸° Provence ? | 东京蓝调° Provence ?

30、qDemonァ浅唱 | qDemonァ轻吟

31、潮爷 emotion≡ | 潮娘 emotion≡

32、dear丶让我依赖 | honey丶让你依赖

33、- Emotiona°这段情 | - Emotiona°要珍惜


35、情迷|Las Vega | 迷情|Pox Dose

36、Mrs。r至死不渝 | Mr。r强聒不舍

37、|Perfume 染 | |Perfume 引味

38、醉后的情事,heart1 | 放纵的情欲,heart2

39、Good Gril | Bad Bay

40、我得到什么 | What I get

41、阳光里的smile | 夜幕下的crazy

42、°午叶smk | °凌辰xnk

43、忘却 2amor |怀念 2amor

44、`Star私守 | `Star终身

45、pugss 失魂人 | | monee 控魂者

46、?Potatoes | ?tomatoes

47、钻石草 pu2en | 霸王花 pu2en

48、昔年 °Cold, | 往日 °Cold,

49、a以心换心° -melt | a以命换命° -melt

50、夜寐- sink° | 深巷- depths°

51、暖心 Vicious. | 空心 Vicious.

52、执着于m的 feel|执着于m的 love

53、旧情话 clot|旧容颜() rose

54、Emperor 染指夕颜 | Emperor浮华夕颜

55、-感性De小男人。 | -性感De小女人。

56、Sunny°刺眼 | Rainy°情

57、夜寐-sink ° | 深巷-depths°

58、Honey。快到碗里来 | Daling。你才碗里去

59、smile、其实很简单。 | sweet、也许很可爱。

60、Insane| 疯狂先生 | Insane| 疯癫小姐

61、Believe@你爱我 | Because@我爱你

62、play boy | Play girl

63、巴黎左岸°Proven | 林肯中心°Provenc

64、f summer-空心° | f Extremeb虐心

65、″peerless 断夏 | ″peerless续送

66、浮浅Superficia | 唁冷Coldwords

67、Rebecca 「意境」 | Rebecca 「性感」

68、泯灭cucumber # | 褐瞳cucumber #

69、离岛日记 -7mr. | 离城日记 -7gr.

70、Reserved -{矜持丶|Composure -{淡定丶

71、Crazy@ | Furious@

72、King丶薄凉少年 | Queen丶暖心菇凉

73、双生花 Callous | 旧恋人 Callous

74、____ King丶 | ____Queen丶

75、夏末- moent° | 初秋- Gentle°

76、明眸° Sunshine | 浅笑° Sunshin

77、冷温柔°Triste | 热柔情°Active

2.英文网名带翻译有内涵 篇二

Floating dream. 浮梦

心碎 Heart-broken°

痕迹 Trace #


虚度年华 tempt▲

Coquettish. 妖|艳。

Be happy° // 要幸福 ∝

Fleeting time。流年。

Extreme°/极致 °

▲ 比情兽更禽兽 Animals

碎脸 Scent flavor

顽废 Timeless

Bred Anderson 罪孽


侵蚀 Finer Feelings -


乱人心 Triste 。

Distance 距离

格调 Moment


hyacinth. 风信子。

Madman 疯子 #

挂念 - hcs/u3


离开 decidedly-

暖心人 soumns╰

In my heart. 心已死。

永远 ▍ Forever°

虎斑蝶 Givp up you

凝固 freezeぁ

The reason° // 理由 ∝


Glu TtoNy |▏沉沦

空房子 Alan ▎⒈995

念旧 - feat mellwo

the sunshine、那抹阳光

Curtain 私念

Excuses° // 借口 ∝

Lost love 失爱 -

麻醉 anesthesia/。

The killer inside 潜伏-

You are my eyes. 你是我的眼。

oo-┈→Monica℡~ 莫妮卡

Murray 玛瑞, 盖尔, 海员

Octavia 奥克塔薇尔, 拉丁, 第八个小孩。

◢▂Sharon▂◣ [雪伦]很美的公主;平原

㊣Zara㊣, 莎拉, 希伯来 黎明。

Lilith 莉莉斯……属于晚上的

︻◣_Ninaり~ 妮娜,有势有的;孙女。



深巷- depths°


stronger 更坚强

『Flowers 繁花』


3.带英文情侣网名 篇三

神经病 | Third

精神病 | Third

灯红酒绿 U Soul

守望信仰 U Soul







A love. 一份爱

Two men. 两个人

重唱 ensemble

消逝 friendshi

▲ Temptat10n b 夜

▲ Temptat10n b 昏



如此迷人 Corina

如此动人 Corina

|旧约 testa

|新约 testa



你是我的.信仰 |Faith

你是我的依赖 |Faith

旧爱 Uoutsi 、

新欢 Uoutsi 、

失心人 ▲lest-

得心人 ▲lest-

知足 Content つ

识趣 Content つ

执着于岫m的 feel

执着于岫m的 love

蛊惑 1nto

迷惑 1nto



梦 寐? Zahara

蛊 独? Xerxes()


地平线 horizon°



玩物丧志 tempt▲

虚度年华 tempt▲

夜寐- sink°

深巷- depths°

e Forever、卟离

e Forever、卟弃

爱或毁 Extreme

恨或厌 Extreme



厮守 Print li

相守 Print li°

说唱机 old-dec

点唱机 old-dec

温柔 Tender%

霸道 Tender%

忘却 2amor

怀念 2amor

Goddard 不理不睬

Goddard 不闻不问

Eternal 感性

Eternal 理性



こpeerless 断夏

こpeerless 续连

旧情话 clot

旧容颜 rose

如履薄冰 ▲ Gluttony

旧城失词 ▲ Gluttony

Reserved -{矜持丶

Composure -{淡定丶

偏执 Paranoid *

执著 Paranoid *

Curtain 情歌。

Flowers 情调。



Rebecca 「伤感」

Rebecca 「唯美」



|左瞳 Remnant

|右眸 Remnant

温流 & Warm sunshine

暖流 & Warm sunshine

羁绊 °sunset|

牵绊 °sunset|



旧人梦k Curtain°

旧情人k Curtain

别许诺 2amor

会失诺 2amor

Surehrut ▲伤害

pretend △假装





忘却 2amor

怀念 2amor

旧情话 clot

旧容颜 rose



s寞灵 Accompa

s梵灵 Accompa





浮夸 Toxica

旧梦 Toxica

- mmmmm°离心率c

- mmmmm°失心疯c

失心控 lostf


touch 墨染 -

touch 然 -

没感觉 End.f

不在乎 End.f


4.英语情侣网名带翻译 篇四

1、双生花 Callous | 旧恋人 Callous


3、my heart/ 为m痴迷- | my world/ 为m颠覆-

4、神经病 | Third|精神病 | Third

5、替代品 Substitute■ | 太委屈 grievance■


7、温柔cc - yok1 | 柔情cc - yok1


9、温瞳 Sou1f | 冷眸 Sou1f

10、Toxicant°罂栗花 | Toxicant°彼岸花


12、厮守 Print li|相守 Print li°

13、爱或毁 Extreme | 恨或厌 Extreme

14、Surehrut ▲害|pretend △装

15、或毁 Extreme|恨或厌 Extreme

16、▲ Temptat10n b 夜|▲ Temptat10n b 昏

17、夜色的朦胧,love | 醉眼的迷蒙,love

18、双生N Callous | 旧恋人 Callous

19、Goddard 罘理罘睬|Goddard 罘闻奈

20、浮浅Superficia | 唁冷Coldwords

21、Curtain 情歌°|Flowers 情调°

22、浮浅Superficia | 言冷Coldwords

23、岛屿cucumber # | 海岸cucumber #

24、|旧约 testa||新约 testa

25、Sunny°刺眼 | Rainy°情

26、血59曼珠沙AJUST | 冷36温暖眼瞳MOST

27、人情味 Humane※ | 半颗心 Broken※

28、旧情话 clot|旧容颜 rose

29、受疲惫的°■heart | 跌荡起伏的°■Mood

30、寂寞。Ⅱ lonely | 洫暗。Ⅱ lonely

31、羁绊 °sunset||牵绊 °sunset|

32、受伤疲惫的`°■heart | 跌荡起伏的°■Mood

33、西决 -dream | 东霓 -dream

34、|左瞳 Remnant||右眸 Remnant

35、Have you now、陪伴 | Have you now、疼

36、旧人梦k Curtain° | 旧情人k Curtain°

37、巴黎左岸° Provence ? | 东京蓝调° Provence ?

38、写意 n|Zionye | 言情 n|Domlon

39、谨守° Version- | 谨护° Version-

40、Insane| 疯狂先生 | Insane| 疯癫小姐

41、说唱机 old-dec|点唱机 old-dec

42、【煞有误事 Full Version】 | 【煞有介事 Full Version】

43、醉後的情事°heart1 | 纵的情欲°heart2

44、别许诺 2amor|会失诺 2amor

45、e Forever、卟x|e Forever、卟

46、失心人 ▲lest-|得心人 ▲lest-

47、Tout-An.诺尘。 | Tout-An.诺粞

48、|Perfume 染 | |Perfume 引味

49、执着于m的 feel|执着于m的 love

50、偏执 Paranoid * | 执著 Paranoid *

51、ゆ、 流苏 Forget。 | ゆ、 褐瞳 Cutey。

52、こpeerless 断夏 | こpeerless 续连

53、醉后的情事,heart1 | 放纵的情欲,heart2


55、寒冬 Gentle S | 暖春 Gentle S

56、A love. `份|Two men. 两人

57、Sunny°刺眼 | Rainy°伤情

58、ゆ 情蛊 - Fate | ゆ 情愫 - Fate

59、温柔 Tender%|霸道 Tender%

60、泯灭cucumber # | 褐瞳cucumber #

61、my heart° 为m痴迷- | my world° 为m颠覆-

62、寞灵≈Accompany | 梵灵≈Accompany

63、温流 & Warm sunshine|暖流 & Warm sunshine

64、Have you now、陪伴 | Have you now、疼爱

65、|左瞳 Remnant | |右眸 Remnant

66、血59曼珠沙华JUST | 冷36温暖眼瞳MOST

67、余存° d3sTiny- | 温存° d3sTiny-

68、写意 n|Zionye | 唁情 n|Domlon

69、忘却 2amor |怀念 2amor

70、- 控心 loveㄣ | - 控肺 loveㄣ

71、|Perfume 染烟 | |Perfume 引味

72、失魂人* Pugss | 控魂者* Monee

73、暖色 cheeks - | 冷色 cheeks -

74、知足 Content つ|识趣 Content つ

75、Toxicant°罂栗N | Toxicant°彼岸N

76、- Emotiona°这段情 | - Emotiona°要珍惜

77、情迷|Las Vega | 迷情|Pox Dose

78、25JOSD 眼神空 | 36GUIL 眼眶红

79、或毁 Extreme | 恨或厌 Extreme

80、Reserved -{矜持丶|Composure -{淡定丶

81、灯红酒绿 U Soul|守望信仰 U Soul

82、海岸线coastline|地平线 horizon°

83、挂念 - hcs/u3 | 想念 - gm/v4

84、寂寞与红酒Nervou | 蒂与口红Direct

85、寂寞与红酒Nervou | 烟蒂与口红Direct

86、冷温柔°Triste | 失眠梦°Triste

5.高中英语简短记叙文带翻译 篇五

Last week,I was so happy,because our class planned to have the activity.All of us felt so excited,we decided to have the picnic on the park.We played some games,the ones who lost the game were punished in some interesting ways.When I got punished,I was asked to ask the stranger to give the cell phone number.I felt so awkward,but I conquered my fear and finished the task.We laughed so happily,we had done so many things that we dared not to do before.We took many pictures and recorded the unforgettable moment.I wish we can have more class activities,it is a good time to promote the munication.


6.说说英文带翻译 篇六

2.We love others too early, self love too late 我们爱别人太早,爱自己太迟

3.I just want to wait until early date. 我只想等到出头日。

4.I will cherish every good to me, 我会珍惜身边每一个对我好的人

5.You are a grand dream wake up I can blame.你是一场盛大的梦 梦醒了我能怪谁

6.I never want to be without you。

7.baby now I need you by my side

8.You do not have much good, I like it [ 你不用多好,我喜欢就好]

9.If I can I love you forever!!如果可以的话,我将永远爱你!

10.No te entristezcas, to quiero. 别伤心,我爱你

11.My thoughts are deep into you 我深深地想念著你

12.If we give enough, if we learn to trust 如果我们真心付出,如果学着去信任

13.constant dropping wears the stone. 滴水穿石。

14.I learned to give up finally (我终于学会了放弃)

7.英文求职简历带翻译 篇七

Female, 44,

Education: high school

Expected salary: 3001-5000 yuan

Working years: 3 to 5 years

Working area: Shanghai fengxian

Working experience:

Job seekers had not fill in working experience.

Education experience:

Job seekers had not complete education experience.

Introduce myself:

Month sister-in-law, parenting sister-in-law, lactation, a maid, arrive early and aunt home, a care, our service flexible and varied in form, have regular cleaning, daily cleaning, etc can also according to your special requirements, with the most reasonable price, thoughtful service, and the maximum to meet your special requirements for my physical condition is very good, very suitable for this kind of work. I am responsible for my things will always stick to it. I do things meticulous attention to detail. I good fellowship, have affinity. I am honest, never cheat others. S) I believe in practise. I am a man of great perseverance. I am willing to and able to quickly learn new knowledge, new skills.







工作区域:上海 - 奉贤






8.说说英文带翻译的 篇八

2、Alone in a noisy walk street, my world still only have me.独自一人走在喧闹的街,我的世界仍然只有我。

3、A person walking down the street, suddenly remind of lonely I love you.一个人走在寂寞的街,忽然想起我爱你。

4、Trust always can not stand test, appear so vulnerable.信任,总是经不起考验,显得如此不堪一击。

5、You use your gentle eyes, killed who want to forget you.你用你那温柔的眼神,杀死了我要遗忘你的我。

6、E ora si vuole lasciare, io sono disposto a lasciar andare.而如今你要离开,我愿意放手。

7、Ha scoperto che niente in questa vita e di amore.她曾认定,此生与爱无关。

8、Non è buono perché hai solo a rimanere al vostro fianco, per darti la felicità.就是因为你不好,才要留在你身边,给你幸福。

9、Afterlife strada solitaria, ho dovuto trovare qualcuno da servire.来世路上太寂寞,我总得找个人伺候。

10、No one is in charge of your happiness except you。没人能决定你的幸福,除了你自己。

11、Every day without you is like a book without pages.没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书。

12、Because when young, with a total want of good in the future.只因那时年少,总把未来想的太好。

13、At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet.每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。

14、Finally, even a commom;cynical greetings like disturb.终于连一句不咸不淡的问候都像是打扰。

15、After you left, I still stand in situ, silly fantasy you will come back.你走后,我还站在原地,傻傻的幻想你还会回来。

16、Youth is wasted, while we are still young, go crazy .青春就是用来浪费的,趁我们还年轻, 疯狂吧。

17、You never abandon a useful, is it right?你说的不离不弃、是不是一辈子有用。

18、When love is not madness, it is not love.如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。

19、When it has is lost, brave to give up.当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

9.圣诞节简短祝福语英语(带翻译) 篇九

Wishing you a magical and blissful holiday!

Have a merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!

2、愿本季的奉献成为你美好生活的开始。 有一个伟大的祝福假期!

May this season of giving be the start of your better life.

Have a great and blessed holiday!

3、愿这个圣诞节的季节 带给你的只有美好的回忆, 幸福和欢笑

May this Christmas season Brings you nothing but fond memories,

Happiness and laughter

4.祝你一切顺利,这个假期 并且全年, 圣诞节快乐!

Wish you all the best this holiday season and throughout the year,

Merry Christmas!

5、让我们忘记过去,重新开始, 希望能在这个圣诞节见到你!

Let us forget the past and start anew, wishing to see you this Christmas!

6、我希望你能得到这个假期 全年的爱,和平与快乐, 圣诞节快乐!

I wish this holiday season you would receive Love, peace and joy for the whole year,

Merry Christmas!

7、愿你在这个圣诞节得到最大的礼物, 有人分享你的生活, 圣诞节快乐!

May you receive the greatest gift of all this Christmas, someone to share your life with,

Merry Christmas!

8、如果我能告诉圣诞老人要给你什么, 这将是幸福与和平不只是这个圣诞节, 但整个一年

If I could tell Santa what to give you, It would be happiness and peace Not just this Christmas, but for the entire year

May this Christmas be more than just a season, but a way of life

9、五月这个假期 充满惊喜和欢呼, 只是因为你应得的最好的

May this holiday season be full of surprises and cheers, simply because you deserved the best


We’re all hoping that you have a fantastic holiday season and a fabulous New Year!

11、这是我们唯一能达成一致的照片。 我希望你的家人有一个更上镜的圣诞节!

10.简短英语句子带翻译有哪些 篇十

2.How much does the elephant weigh? 这个大象有多重?

3.What’s the color of your new dress? 你的新衣服是什么颜色的?

4.What’s the size of your shoes? 你的鞋多大尺寸?

5.My brother is twice as tall as your sister. 我弟弟比你妹妹高一倍。

6.My grandma is years older than me. 我祖母比我大岁。

7.This river is one third as long as that river. 这条河只有那条河的三分之一长。

8.What’s the shape of your balloon? 你的气球是什么形状?

9.How wide is this bridge? 这座桥有多宽?

10.How thick is the ice here? 这儿的冰有多厚?

11.This metal is harder than that one. 这种金属比那种硬。

12.He can run as fast as Jim. 他跑的和吉姆一样快。

13.Kate is smarter than I. 凯特比我聪明。

14.How long do you watch TV every day? 你每天看多长时间电视?

15.How often do you go swimming? 你多久去游一次泳?

16.Would you please open the door for me? 请你帮忙开个门好吗?

17.May I ask you a question? 我能问你个问题吗?

18.Please give me a hand. 请帮我个忙。

19.Could you do me a favor? 能请你帮个忙吗?

20.Would you help me remove the refrigerator? 能帮忙移一下冰箱吗?

21.Get me my coat, please. 请帮我拿下外套。

22.Make me a cup of coffee, will you? 给我冲杯咖啡,好吗?

23.Call me tomorrow if you have time. 明天要有时间就给我打个电话。

24.Could you tell me where I can find these books? 您能告诉我在哪儿能找到这些书吗?

25.Certainly. 当然了。

26.With pleasure. 很高兴。

27.I’m sorry. I’m busy now. 对不起,我现在正忙着。

28.I’m glad to, but I’m afraid I don’t have the time. 我很乐意,但我恐怕没时间。

29.Would you mind closing the window for me? 能帮我关一下窗户吗?(你介意关下窗户吗?)

30.Not at all. 当然可以。(当然不介意)

31.Excuse me, madam. Could you tell me where the post office is? 对不起,女士,请问邮局在哪里?

32.It’s just around the corner. 转弯就是。

33.Excuse me, how can I get to the bus station? 对不起,汽车站怎么走?

34.You can take the bus and get off at the second stop. 你可以坐公共汽车第二站下。

35.Excuse me. Where is No. Street? 对不起,第五大街在哪儿?

36.Go straight ahead and turn left at the second crossing. 一直往前走,在第二个十字路口往左拐。

37.Excuse me. Can you tell me how to get to Mr. Hu’s restaurant? 对不起,你能告诉我怎么去胡先生的餐馆吗?

38.Go on for about meters. It’s on your left side. You can’t miss it. 往前走约米,在你左手边,你不会错过的。

39.Which one is Mr. Jame’s office? 哪间是詹姆司先生的办公室?

40.It’s Room on the second floor. 二楼房间。

41.Can I use the lift? 我能用电梯吗?

42.Sorry, it’s broken. You have to use the stairs. 对不起,它坏了,你只能走楼梯了。

43.Where are the stairs? 楼梯在哪里呢?

44.Go along the corridor and it’s on your right side. 沿着走廊走,在你右手边。

45.Thank you for directions. 感谢你为我指路。

46.Are you married? 你结婚了吗?

47.I’m single. 我现在单身。

48.You have a younger brother, don’t you? 你有个弟弟,是吗?

49.How is your family? 你的家人怎么样?
