


1.考研英语阅读理解真题 篇一

Could the bad olddays of economic decline be about to return? Since OPEC agreed to supply-cutsin March, the price of crude oil has jumped to almost $26 a barrel, up fromless than $10 last December. This near-tripling of oil prices calls up scarymemories of the 1973 oil shock, when prices quadrupled, and 1979-1980, whenthey also almost tripled. Both previous shocks resulted in double-digitinflation and global economic decline. So where are the headlines warning ofgloom and doom this time?

The oil price was given another push up this week when Iraqsuspended oil exports. Strengthening economic growth, at the same time aswinter grips the northern hemisphere, could push the price higher still in theshort term。

Yet there are good reasons to expect the economic consequences nowto be less severe than in the 1970s. In most countries the cost of crude oilnow accounts for a smaller share of the price of petrol than it did in the1970s. In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price, soeven quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pumpprices than in the past。

Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, andso less sensitive to swings in the oil price. Energy conservation, a shift toother fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensiveindustries have reduced oil consumption. Software, consultancy and mobiletelephones use far less oil than steel or car production. For each dollar ofGDP rich economies now use nearly 50% less oil than in1973. The OECD estimates in its latest Economic Outlook that, if oil pricesaveraged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, this wouldincrease the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25-0.5% of GDP. Thatis less than one-quarter of the income loss in 1974 or 1980. On the other hand,oil-importing emerging economiesto which heavy industry has shiftedhave become moreenergy-intensive, and so could be more seriously squeezed。

One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices isthat, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the backgroundof general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand. A sizableportion of the world is only just emerging from economic decline. TheEconomist s commodity price index is broadly unchanging from a year ago. In1973 commodity prices jumped by 70%, and in 1979 byalmost 30%。

31. The main reason for the latest rise of oil price is

[A]global inflation.

[B]reduction in supply。

[C]fast growth in economy.

[D]Iraq s suspension of exports。

32. It can be inferred from the text that the retail price ofpetrol will go up dramatically if

[A]price of crude rises.

[B]commodity prices rise。

[C]consumption rises.

[D]oil taxes rise。

33. The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries

[A]heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive。

[B]income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices。

[C]manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed。

[D]oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP。

34. We can draw a conclusion from the text that

[A]oil-price shocks are less shocking now。

[B]inflation seems irrelevant to oil-price shocks。

[C]energy conservation can keep down the oil prices。

[D]the price rise of crude leads to the shrinking of heavy industry。

35. From the text we can see that the writer seems






31. The main reason for the latest rise of oil price is 最近的油价上涨的主要原因是

[A]global inflation. 全球通货膨胀。

[B]reduction in supply。供应量减少。

[C]fast growth in economy. 快速的经济增长。

[D]Iraq s suspension of exports. 伊拉克暂时停止石油出口。

【答案】 B

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 根据题干可以定位到第一段的第二句话Since OPEC agreed to supply-cuts in March, the price of crude oilhas jumped to almost $26 a barrel, up from less than $10 last December。,说明由于石油输出国决定降低供给量,使得油价上升。所以本题的答案是[B]。[D]不是该现象的主要原因,因为OPEC的相关决定才是能够影响石油价格的走势的主要原因。

32. It can be inferred from the text that the retail price ofpetrol will go up dramatically if


[A]price of crude rises. 原油价格上升。

[B]commodity prices rise. 日用品价格上升。

[C]consumption rises. 消费上升。

[D]oil taxes rise. 油税上升。

【答案】 D

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 根据题干可以定位到第三段的第三句话In Europe, taxes account for up to four-fifths of the retail price,so evenquite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect on pump pricesthan in the past。.意思是说在欧洲,税占汽油的零售价的五分之四,因此相比以往,原油的价格变化对汽油的影响不会很明显。也就是说税的增加会导致汽油价格的猛涨,而原油价格的变化带来的影响不会很大。本题一个理解的难度是muted effect,另外一个是pump price。mute表示哑巴的,无声的,沉默的,和effect连用,表示影响不明显而pump price是一个很形象的说法,pump指的是泵,这里很形象用pump指代汽油。根据上述分析,可以得出答案是[D]。

33. The estimates in Economic Outlook show that in rich countries


[A] heavy industry becomes more energy-intensive。


[B] income loss mainly results from fluctuating crude oil prices。


[C] manufacturing industry has been seriously squeezed。


[D] oil price changes have no significant impact on GDP。


【答案】 D

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 根据本题的关键词《经济展望》的估计可以定位到The OECD estimates in its latest Economic outlook that, if oilprices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, thiswould increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25%-0.5% of GDP。。也就是说,油价的上涨对GDP 的影响很小,只有0.25%0.5%。因此我们可以得出答案[D]。

34. We can draw a conclusion from the text that 从文中我们可以得出的结论是

[A] oil-price shocks are less shocking now. 油价冲击已经不再那么骇人听闻。

[B] inflation seems irrelevant to oil-price shocks. 通货膨胀看起来和油价冲击无关。

[C] energy conservation can keep down the oil prices. 能源储备能够使油价下降。

[D] the price rise of crude leads to the shrinking of heavyindustry。


【答案】 A

【考点】 文章主旨题。

【分析】 本题的几个选项需要通篇理解。文章第三段指出油价的经济影响不会那么严重,作者指出其原因是原油价格占汽油价格的比例不高,发达国家对石油的依赖减弱,此次涨价的背景不一样了。文章最后一段说这次油价上涨与20世纪70年代的上涨不同,对各国的影响也基本没有反映出来,连物价基本都没有变动,也就是说,油价冲击已经不是那么可怕。所以答案是[A]。

35. From the text we can see that the writer seems 从本文中我们可以看出作者看上去是

[A] optimistic. 乐观的。 [B] sensitive。敏感的。

[C] gloomy. 沮丧的。 [D] scared。恐惧的。

【答案】 A

【考点】 作者态度题。

【分析】 本文作者主要讲的就是这次油价上涨的影响不大。尤其是第三段和最后一段的第一句话,强调人们不必担心此次油价上涨,因为这一次的情况与20世纪70年代不同。由此可见作者的态度是乐观的。


1. Strengthening economic growth, at the same time as winter gripsthe northern hemisphere, could push the price higher still in the short time。

【结构分析】本句的主语是Strengthening economic growth,谓语是could push,插入成分是一个时间状语,其中有一个as引导的定语从句,修饰time。

2. The OECD estimates in its latest Economic Outlook that, if oilprices averaged $22 a barrel for a full year, compared with $13 in 1998, thiswould increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only 0.25-0.5% of GDP。

【结构分析】本句的主句是The OECD estimates... that,if引导一个条件状语,comparedwith $13 in 1998是过去分词短语做比较状语,主句是this would increase the oil import bill in rich economies by only0.25-0.5% of GDP,其中的主语this指代的是if条件句。

3.One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices isthat, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the backgroundof general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand。

【结构分析】本句的主干是One more reason is that.。.。在that引导的表语从句中,它的主语是it,指代的是the rise in oil prices。

















2.考研英语阅读理解真题 篇二

从整体来看, 今年的四级阅读理解相对往年难度相当, 但是, 主要加大了主旨类的题目, 两篇文章在题材上与以往有较大不一样, 都属于科普文, 同时, 两篇文章都涉及新技术、新材料、新科学, 文中所涉及的内容新颖, 所考查的词汇较难, 考生不容易把握, 无形中增加了阅读理解的难度。那么, 考生在规定的时间内如何解答好此题呢?因此, 在这里有必要以2009年6月CET4仔细阅读理解真题为例进行答题技巧的点拨。

★真题呈现 (保留原题号)

Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One

Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.

The January fashion show, called Future Fashion, exemplified how far green design has come.Organized by the New York-based nonprofit Earth Pledge, the show inspired many top designers to work with sustainable fabrics for the first time.Several have since made pledges to include organic fabrics in their lines.

The designers who undertake green fashion still face many challenges.Scott Hahn, cofounder with Gregory of Rogan and Loom state, which uses all-organic cotton, says high-quality sustainable materials can still be tough to fine.“Most designers with existing labels are finding there aren’t comparable fabrics that can just replace what you’re doing and what your customers are used to, ”he says.For example, organic cotton and non-organic cotton are virtually indistinguishable once woven into a dress.But some popular synthetics, like stretch nylon, still have few eco-friendly equivalents.

Those who do make the switch are finding they have more support.Last year the influential trade show Designers&Agents stopped charging its participation fee for young green entrepreneurs (企业家) who attend its two springtime shows in Los Angeles and New York and gave special recognition to designers whose collections are at least 25%sustainable.It now counts more than 50 green designers, up from fewer than a dozen two years ago.This week Wal-Mart is set to announce a major initiative aimed at helping cotton farmers go organic:it will buy transitional (过渡型的) cotton at higher prices, thus helping to expand the supply of a key sustainable material.“Mainstream is about to occur, ”says Hahn.

Some analysts (分析师) are less sure.Among consumers, only 18%are even aware that ecofashion exists, up from 6%four years ago.Natalie Hormilla, a fashion writer, is an example of the unconverted consumer, when asked if she owned any sustainable clothes, she replied:“Notthat I’mawareof.”Likemostconsumers, shefindslittletimetoshop, andwhenshedoes, she’s on the hunt for“cute stuff that isn’t too expensive.”By her own admission, green just isn’t yet on her mind.But thanks to the combined efforts o f designers, retailers andsuppliers one day it will be.

57.What is said about Future Fashion?

A) It inspired many leading designers to start going green.

B) It showed that designers using organic fabrics would go far.

C) It served as an example of how fashion shows should be organized.

D) It convinced the public that fashionable clothes should be made durable.

58.According to Scott Hahn, one big challenge to designers who will go organic is that.

A) much more time is needed to finish a dress using sustainable materials.

B) they have to create new brands for clothes made of organic materials.

C) customers have difficulty telling organic from non-organic materials.

D) quality organic replacements for synthetics are not readily available.

59.We learn from Paragraph 3 that designers who undertake green fashion.

A) can attend various trade shows free.B) are readily recognized by the fashion world

C) can buy organic cotton at favorable prices.D) are gaining more and more support.

60.What is Natalie Hormilla’s attitude toward ecofashion?

A) She doesn’t seem to care about it.B) She doesn’t think it is sustainable

C) She is doubtful of its practical value.D) She is very much opposed to the idea

61.What does the author think of green fashion?

A) Green products will soon go mainstream.B) It has a very promising future.

C) Consumers have the final say.D) It will appeal more to young people.

Passage Two

Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand (缕) of hair, a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims.

The method relies on measuring how chemical variations in drinking water show up in people’s hair.

“You’re what you eat and drink, and that’s recorded in you hair, ”said Thure Cerling, a geologist at the University of Utah.

While U.S.diet is relatively identical, water supplies vary.The differences result from weather patterns.The chemical composition of rainfall changes slightly as raid clouds move.

Most hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water are stable, but traces of both elements are also present as heavier isotopes (同位素) .The heaviest raid falls first.As a result, storms that form over the Pacific deliver heavier water to California than to Utah.

Similar patterns exist throughout the U.S.By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair, scientists can construct a geographic timeline.Each inch of hair corresponds to about two months.

Cerling’s team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a map of the regional differences.They checked the accuracy of the map by testing 200 hair samples collected from 65 barber shops.

They were able to accurately place the hair samples in broad regions roughly corresponding to the movement of raid systems.

“It’s not good for pinpointing (精确定位) , ”Cerling said.“It’s good for eliminating many possibilities.”

Todd Park, a local detective, said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake.The woman was 5 feet tall.Police recovered 26 bones, a T-shirt and several strands of hair.

When Park heard about the research, he gave the hair samples to the researchers.Chemical testing showed that over the two years before her death, she moved about every two months.

She stayed in the Northwest, although the test could not be more specific than somewhere between eastern Oregon and western Wyoming.“Itvs still a substantial area, ”Park said.“But it narrows it way down for me.”

62.What is the scientists’new discovery?

A) One’s hair growth has to do with the amount of water they drink.

B) A person’s hair may reveal where they have lived.

C) Hair analysis accurately identifies criminal suspects.

D) The chemical composition of hair varies from person to person.

63.What does the author mean by“You’re what you eat and drink” (Line 1, Para.3) ?

A) Food and drink affect one’s personality development.

B) Food and drink preferences vary with individuals.

C) Food and drink leave traces in one’s body tissues.

D) Food and drink are indispensable to one’s existence.

64.What is said about the rainfall in America’s West?

A) There is much more rainfall in California than in Utah.

B) The water it delivers becomes lighter when it moves inland.

C) Its chemical composition is less stable than in other areas.

D) It gathers more light isotopes as it moves eastward.

65.What did Cerling’s team produce in their research?

A) A map showing the regional differences of tap water.

B) A collection of hair samples from various barber shops.

C) A method to measure the amount of water in human hair.

D) A chart illustrating the movement of the rain system.

66.What is the practical value of Cerling’s research?

A) It helps analyze the quality of water in different regions.

B) It helps the police determine where a crime is committed.

C) It helps the police narrow down possibilities in detective work.

D) It helps identify the drinking habits of the person under investigation.


Passage One

短文大意:本文摘自2008年4月14日美国的Newsweek《新闻周刊》, 主要讲述了时装设计的新潮流及新材料的运用, 同时, green fashion的逐步推广和运用也给现代以及未来的时尚圈带去了更多的环保的色彩。

57.A.解析:从文中第一段第二、三行中可知一月的时尚秀第一次激发许多顶尖的服装设计师去用可持续使用的环保材料做衣服, 句中top与A选项中leading为同义词, 同时, for the first time与选项中的start意义相近。因此, 本题的答案是:A.

58.D.解析:从文中第二段第一、二行中 (The designers who undertake green fashion still face many challenges.Scott Hahn, cofounder with Gregory of Rogan and Loom state, which uses all-organic cotton, says high-quality sustainable materials can still be tough to fine.) 可找到Scott Hahn和challenge, 同时, 该题所问的是:根据Scott Hahn, 对将要使用有机材料的设计师来说最大的挑战是什么?句中can still be tough to find与选项中的are not readily available意义相近。因此, 本题的答案是:D.

59.D.解析:从文中第三段的第一行 (Those who do make the switch are finding they have more support.) 中可知转向实用绿色可持续使用的环保材料的设计师发现他们得到了更多的支持。因此, 本题的答案是:D.

60.A.解析:从文中第四段第四行 (By her own admission, green just isn’t yet on her mind.) 中可知not on one’s mind与选项中的not care about it最相近, 意思是“根本没有考虑过”而选项B、C都是表示对绿色材料功能方面的怀疑, 选项D表示对绿色时尚的反对, 均不符合原文。因此, 本题的答案是:A.

61.B.解析:从文中第四段最后一行 (But thanks to the combined efforts of designers, retailers and suppliers one day it will be.) 可知one day it will be传达了作者对green fashion所持的态度是肯定和乐观的。而选项中只有B中的promising意思是“有希望的, 有前途的”符合原文的意思。因此, 本题的答案是:B.

Passage Two

短文大意:本文摘自2008年3月1日美国的Los Angeles Times《洛杉矶时报》, 主要讲述的是通过头发的化学成分来鉴别犯罪分子或者受害者以及根据饮用水在头发中表现出来的变化推测你的大致方位所在。

62.B.解析:从文中第一段 (Scientists have devised a way to determine roughly where a person has lived using a strand of hair, a technique that could help track the movements of criminal suspects or unidentified murder victims.) 可知科学家用头发帮助分析或找出犯罪嫌疑人或受害者的活动地点。句中movements与选项中的the place where they have lived意义相近。因此, 本题的答案是:B.

63.C.解析:从文中第二、三段 (The method relies on measuring how chemical variations in drinking water show up in people’s hair;“You’re what you eat and drink, and that’s recorded in you hair, ”said Thure Cerling, a geologist at the University of Utah.) 可知“这一方法是依靠测量饮用水中化学成分出现在人们头发中的不同”。此外, 选项中leave trace的意思是“留下的痕迹”, 而body tissues在该处所指代的是hair。因此, 本题的答案是:C.

64.B.解析:从文中第五段第二行 (The heaviest raid falls first.As a result, storms that form over the Pacific deliver heavier water to California than to Utah.) 可知随着降雨的过程持续, 雨水的重量会减少。句中出现了The heaviest和heavier两个词的鲜明对比。因此, 本题的答案是:B.

65.A.解析:从文中第七段第一行 (Cerling’s team collected tap water samples from 600 cities and constructed a map of the regional differences.) 可知Cerling团队从600个国家收集管道水的样本并以此为基础构建了一个地区差异图。由此可见, 最终完成即produce的成果是map, 再结合样本的内容, 所以, 答案就显而易见了。因此, 本题的答案是:A.

3.考研英语阅读理解真题 篇三




《普通高中课程标准实验教科书教师教学用书》明确指出,阅读的基本技能主要指:掌握基本事实,抓住中心思想,了解时空顺序,理解文章内涵,从上下文猜测不熟悉的语言现象,分析作者的观点、态度、意图,读懂图表和说明书等,分析语篇结构,获取语言和文化知识,综合评价文章等。根据语言学专家对于不同阅读目的的划分,在实际的教学过程中,我们可以采取四步训练法,即:reading for information, reading for structure, reading for ideas, reading for writing。具体步骤如下。

第一步:reading for information。通读全文,先不做题目,而是了解文本的主要意思。同时在有疑问和重要的地方标注记号,用简单的语句叙述大意,也可以直接用文章的主题句来概括。

第二步:reading for structure。对所有标注记号的部分仔细分析,可以借助词典或向老师同学求助,重点突破难词和难句,根据文章大意和上下文,联系构词法和句法,分析理解句子,做到词不离句、句不离段,在语境中强化词法和句法。这一阶段不能看文章的正确答案和解析,而是要自己去解释、分析。

第三步:reading for ideas。再重新阅读文章,经过对生词难句的处理,阅读已经顺畅了很多,但仍有一些看似简单、没有任何生词但意思却不容易理解的句子,需要在再通读中解决。可以结合文章的思路,分析语篇结构,对作者的写作手法、逻辑顺序和技巧以及思想进行整理归纳,以产生新的观点。

第四步:reading for writing。这是阅读比较高的境界,在一定量的语言输入基础上,结合读者的自身体验,选取文章的适当话题发表自己的看法,这样可以跨越时间和空间的限制与智者先人对话,并训练语言表达能力,是有意义的语言输出。



第一步:让学生阅读文章,了解文章大意,并将生词和重要词句画出来。这一步骤五分钟内完成。阅读后请了四个学生分别说出该文的大意:“When hearing bad news, some people will be very angry.”“We should receive it with a calm state of mind. When facing bad news, we should learn to accept it.”“Everyone will hear bad news. We should face it.”“Big winners know, when delivering any bad news,they should share the feeling of the receiver.”前面三个学生的回答差不多,都是从读者的角度来看待。第四个学生的回答直接引用了文章的句子。对于这四个答案,让学生讨论哪个比较接近文章的真正意思。对于理解的偏差,问题在哪里呢?带着这个问题,我们进入了第二步reading for structure。


首先是词汇问题。我们会碰到以下几种情况。第一,误看单词,如把poor看成pour, diner看成dinner, fist看成first;第二,单词掌握不牢固,如exhausted, broad, professionals, appreciated,还有对关键词deliver意思的不确定,在教材中学过的有“送报纸”“接生孩子”的意思,在这里“deliver bad news”学生有点转不过弯来;第三,不能利用构词法知识识别生词,如misfortune, employee, merrily,尤其是merrily,当提示“Merry Christmas”时,学生才知道它的含义。其中最重要的词就是文章中的unsympathetic, 文章用了“a smiling neighbor, with a broad smile, cheerfully, merrily”来衬托当事人沮丧、焦急的心情,从全文的理解不难猜出是“幸灾乐祸的,毫无同情心的”意思,但也有一些学生把握不到位。

其次是句型结构。在这篇文章中有两个句型值得一提。Its not the news that makes someone angry ... 这句很好地烘托了主题,但很多学生理解为定语从句,对典型的句型掌握不到位影响了整体的理解。另外是虚拟语气的倒装用法:Had my neighbor told me of the upcoming rainstorm with sympathy, I would have appreciated his warning. Had the Greyhound salesclerk sympathetically informed me that my bus had already left, I probably would have said, “Oh, thats all right. Ill catch the next one.” 对于这块知识掌握不扎实的学生,在理解时会有云里雾里的感觉。

在reading for structure阶段,学生可以学习和巩固许多语言知识,如第二段中的“strike sb on the face”,第四段中的两个句子“A doctor advising a patient she needs an operation does it in a caring way ”和“A boss informing an employee he didnt get a job takes on a sympathetic tone”的结构完全一样,分词短语作定语来修饰主语。

第三步:在这步中,主要了解作者的写作手法、逻辑顺序和技巧以及思想。如文章的第一段用古埃及法老的故事引出作者的想法,很多学生在做第一道题目时对选项“introduce a topic”弄不清楚,这里的introduce仅仅理解成“介绍”,就很难选择了;第二、三段则是作者用亲身经历的两件事来说明第一段中法老的做法,表达了作者在接到坏消息时的愤怒心情,由此引出下段对于传递消息,尤其是坏消息时一种恰当态度的重要性。这样的写法让读者容易产生共鸣,易于接受作者的观点,文章的主题句“Big winners know, when delivering any bad news, they should share the feeling of the receiver”的出现就顺理成章了,形成了一篇很好的说理文章。接下来,作者用“unfortunately”作为关联词,谈到很多人在很多场合没有这种“share the feeling of the receiver”的意识,又是两个情景问句,让读者身临其境地感受对于幸灾乐祸的、毫无同情心的这种态度的愤怒,用“land your fist fight on their unsympathetic faces”来佐证了“Dreams of head-cutting”,这样第三个题目就迎刃而解了。最后,作者用了两个虚拟语气的句子,对前面谈到的两个例子进行了假设,一种恰当的态度可以改变很多事情,大家会心存感激,缓和气氛,首尾呼应,引出结束语:Delivering bad news properly is important in communication. 这也就是第四个题目“What is the main idea of the text?”的答案。

第四步:这是一篇很好的文章,尤其可以在学习语言之后学生可以学习一些为人处世、做人做事的道理,对于现在的学生有现实的教育意义。因此,在读完之后,可以让学生就“How to deliver bad news after reading this passage?”进行讨论。在讨论的基础上,让学生写一篇题为“What do you think of the passage? What can you learn from it?”的读后感。




1. 教师要积极研读高考阅读真题,利用精泛读结合的办法,选取一些文章给学生泛读,教师做简单的讲评,对于内容丰富、语言优美、底蕴深厚的文章进行精读,激发学生的兴趣,保持阅读的激情,可以使学生有很大的收获,从而提高学生的语言能力。

2. 在高考阅读真题教学中,要结合高考词汇表,对于高频词和常见的短语搭配、语言结构要做到落实,真正让学生掌握,做到在阅读中学习,在学习中巩固,在巩固中提高。

4.考研英语阅读理解真题 篇四

In spite of “endless talk of difference,” American society is an amazing machine for homogenizing people. There is “the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and the casualness and absence of difference” characteristic of popular culture. People are absorbed into “a culture of consumption” launched by the 19th-century department stores that offered “vast arrays of goods in an elegant atmosphere. Instead of intimate shops catering to a knowledgeable elite。” these were stores “anyone could enter, regardless of class or background. This turned shopping into a public and democratic act。” The mass media, advertising and sports are other forces for homogenization。

Immigrants are quickly fitting into this common culture, which may not be altogether elevating but is hardly poisonous. Writing for the National Immigration Forum, Gregory Rodriguez reports that today’s immigration is neither at unprecedented level nor resistant to assimilation. In immigrants were 9.8 percent of population; in 1900, 13.6 percent .In the 10 years prior to 1990, 3.1 immigrants arrived for every 1,000 residents; in the 10years prior to 1890, 9.2 for every 1,000. Now, consider three indices of assimilation-language, home ownership and intermarriage。

The 1990 Census revealed that “a majority of immigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spoke English ‘well’ or ‘very well’ after ten years of residence。” The children of immigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in English. “By the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families。” Hence the deion of America as a “graveyard” for languages. By foreignCborn immigrants who had arrived before 1970 had a home ownership rate of 75.6 percent, higher than the 69.8 percent rate among native-born Americans。

Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics “have higher rates of intermarriage than do U.S.Cborn whites and blacks。” By the third generation, one third of Hispanic women are married to non-Hispanics, and 41 percent of AsianCAmerican women are married to non-Asians。

Rodriguez notes that children in remote villages around the world are fans of superstars like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks, yet “some Americans fear that immigrants living within the United States remain somehow immune to the nation’s assimilative power。”

Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America? Indeed. It is big enough to have a bit of everything. But particularly when viewed against America’s turbulent past, today’s social indices hardly suggest a dark and deteriorating social environment。

21. The word “homogenizing”(Line 2, Paragraph 1) most probably means

[A] identifying. [B] associating. [C] assimilating. [D] monopolizing。

22. According to the author, the department stores of the 19th century

[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture。

[B] became intimate shops for common consumers。

[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite。

[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption。

23. The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S。

[A] are resistant to homogenization。

[B] exert a great influence on American culture。

[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture。

[D] constitute the majority of the population。

24. Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?

[A] To prove their popularity around the world。

[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants。

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants。

[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture。

25. In the author’s opinion, the absorption of immigrants into American society is

[A] rewarding. [B] successful. [C]. fruitless. [D]. harmful。


21. The word “homogenizing” (Line 2, Paragraph 1) most probably means


[A] identifying. 识别 确认 [B] associating. 联系,联合

[C] assimilating. 吸收,同化 [D] monopolizing. 独占,垄断

【答案】 C

【考点】 词义题。

【分析】 本题的答案直接可以定位到第一句话。文章说“尽管人们不停地谈论差异”,用到了表示转折的“in spite of”,后面显然就是与前面的意思相反了。差异的反面自然是相同。如果考生没有把握,只要继续读两句,就会发现作者描述的都是一个同化了的社会的特征。而“homogenize”这个单词,如果从词根来分析,也不难判断。“homo”表示相同的,比如同性恋就是“homosexual”,而“homogenize”的原意就是“使均匀,均质化”,所以只有[C]“assimilate”这个单词合适。“assimilate”的本意是“吸收,消化”,后引申为“使相同、使相象”,以及“把(移民或文化出色的群体)同化到盛行的文化中”。[A]“identify”一般表示对身份的“识别,确认”,不合题意。[B]“associate”表示“联系,联合”,不合题意。[D]“monopolize”(独占, 垄断),这个单词由“mono(单一)+pole(极)”构成,用在本处意思不符合。

22. According to the author, the department stores of the 19th-century


[A] played a role in the spread of popular culture. 在传播流行文化方面发挥了作用。

[B] became intimate shops for common consumers. 成为了和普通消费者关系亲密的商店。

[C] satisfied the needs of a knowledgeable elite. 满足了知识精英的需要。

[D] owed its emergence to the culture of consumption. 其出现归功于消费文化。

【答案】 A

【考点】 事实细节题。

【分析】 题干关键词“department stores”出现在第一段第三句,该句子的意思是“人们沉迷于一种始于19世纪的商场的消费文化”。随后进一步解释说“商场和那些精品店不一样,是人人都可以去的,购物变成了一种民主和公众的活动”。也就是说,商场对于流行文化的传播起到了推动的作用,故[A]为本题的正确答案。[B]的错误在于它故意将那些迎合精英人士的精品店与其顾客的那种亲密的关系用在商场与普通消费者的关系上。[C]的错误在于商场满足的是普通大众的需要,而不是那些知识精英的需要。至于[D],它故意颠倒了因果关系,商场的出现推动了流行文化的发展,而并不是流行文化导致了商场的出现。而且作者在这一段结束的时候,还提到,其它的一些推动流行文化发展的`因素还有大众传媒、广告以及运动业。

23. The text suggests that immigrants now in the U.S。


[A] are resistant to homogenization. 对于同化是抵制的。

[B] exert a great influence on American culture. 对美国文化施加了很大的影响。

[C] are hardly a threat to the common culture. 对大众文化几乎没有威胁。

[D] constitute the majority of the population. 占人口大多数。

【答案】 C

【考点】 推断题。

【分析】 题干中出现了“immigrant”这个关键单词,就是告诉考生,本题解题的关键是和移民相关的内容。只有阅读完相关的内容,才有可能正确答对本题。“immigrant”可以定位到第二段。文章说“移民正在快速适应这个大众文化”。第二句就引用记者的话说“如今的移民既未达到前所未有的水平,而且也不抵制同化”。这样一来,就可以排除[A]。后面提到美国移民的人口比率只有百分之几,显然不可能是人口的大多数,因此[D]“移民占人口大多数”可以被我们排除。不但人数不占优势,所占比率还在缩小,因此,可以说[C]“对大众文化几乎没有威胁”是合适的。至于[B]项,文中没有提及。但是考虑到人数这么少,对美国施加巨大的影响一说就不太现实了。

24. Why are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Garth Brooks mentioned in Paragraph 5?


[A] To prove their popularity around the world. 为了证明他们在全球都很受欢迎。

[B] To reveal the public’s fear of immigrants. 为了表明公众对移民的恐惧。

[C] To give examples of successful immigrants. 为了举出成功移民的范例。

[D] To show the powerful influence of American culture. 为了展示美国文化的强大影响。

5.考研真题历年英语二阅读 篇五

It‘s no surprise that Jennifer Senior’s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatter – nothing gets people talking like the suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life-enriching experience. Rather than concluding that children make parents either happy or miserable, Senior suggests we need to redefine happiness: instead of thinking of it as something that can be measured by moment-to-moment joy, we should consider being happy as a past-tense condition. Even though the day-to-day experience of raising kids can be soul-crushingly hard, Senior writes that “the very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense gratification and delight.”

The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week. There are also stories about newly adoptive – and newly single – mom Sandra Bullock, as well as the usual “Jennifer Aniston is pregnant” news. Practically every week features at least one celebrity mom, or mom-to-be, smiling on the newsstands.

In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing ? It doesn‘t seem quite fair, then, to compare the regrets of parents to the regrets of the children. Unhappy parents rarely are provoked to wonder if they shouldn’t have had kids, but unhappy childless folks are bothered with the message that children are the single most important thing in the world: obviously their misery must be a direct result of the gaping baby-size holes in their lives.

Of course, the image of parenthood that celebrity magazines like Us Weekly and People present is hugely unrealistic, especially when the parents are single mothers like Bullock. According to several studies concluding that parents are less happy than childless couples, single parents are the least happy of all. No shock there, considering how much work it is to raise a kid without a partner to lean on; yet to hear Sandra and Britney tell it, raising a kid on their “own” (read: with round-the-clock help) is a piece of cake.

It‘s hard to imagine that many people are dumb enough to want children just because Reese and Angelina make it look so glamorous: most adults understand that a baby is not a haircut. But it’s interesting to wonder if the images we see every week of stress-free, happiness-enhancing parenthood aren‘t in some small, subconscious way contributing to our own dissatisfactions with the actual experience, in the same way that a small part of us hoped getting “ the Rachel” might make us look just a little bit like Jennifer Aniston.

36.Jennifer Senior suggests in her article that raising a child can bring

[A]temporary delight

[B]enjoyment in progress

[C]happiness in retrospect

[D]lasting reward

37.We learn from Paragraph 2 that

[A]celebrity moms are a permanent source for gossip.

[B]single mothers with babies deserve greater attention.

[C]news about pregnant celebrities is entertaining.

[D]having children is highly valued by the public.

38.It is suggested in Paragraph 3 that childless folks

[A]are constantly exposed to criticism.

[B]are largely ignored by the media.

[C]fail to fulfill their social responsibilities.

[D]are less likely to be satisfied with their life.

39.According to Paragraph 4, the message conveyed by celebrity magazines is





40.Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?

[A]Having children contributes little to the glamour of celebrity moms.

[B]Celebrity moms have influenced our attitude towards child rearing.

[C]Having children intensifies our dissatisfaction with life.

6.考研英语 透过真题全面提升阅读 篇六


固定搭配也要加强记忆,因为无论是在阅读理解中,还是在完型填空或是翻译中,都涉及到一些固定搭配的使用,所以考生一定要重视这一部分。说到长难句,应该是所有考生最头疼的部分,对长难句的分析不透彻直接影响了考生对所阅读的文章的理解和做题的准确率,也是影响考生做题速度的关键因素。并且不仅是阅读,翻译部分也是考查对长难句的理解。所以考生要格外注意每篇阅读的文章中的长难句,一定要做到细致准确的分析出每个长难句的句子结构和成分,能表达出汉语意思,并且熟记下来,能做到脱口而出。语言的学习过程其实就是输入和输出的过程,只有不断地大量的输入,多记单词,多背长难句,多读文章,才能有很好的语感,才可能有语言的输出,才有可能提高说和写的能力。难句的句子结构和成分,能表达出汉语意思,并且熟记下来,能做到脱口而出。语言的学习过程其实就是输入和输出的过程,只有不断地大量的输入,多记单词,多背长难句,多读文章,才能有很好的语感,才可能有语言的输出,才有可能提高说和写的能力。考研 教育网



7.考研英语阅读理解真题 篇七


高等学校英语应用能力考试是教育部批准实施的、针对高职高专学生进行的教学考试。从句这一语法项目在英语AB级考试中是重点语法考查部分, 分为对状语从句、定语从句和名词性从句的考查。下面就考试中经常出现的考查内容加以归纳。


状语从句是每年AB级考试中单项选择部分必考题之一。考查的重点是考生容易混淆的近义连词在逻辑行文和语篇结构中的使用。从近几年的考题中, 可以看出命题者把着眼点放在了对时间状语、条件状语从句中从属连词用法的考查, 以及对主句与从句中动词的时态呼应的考查, 时而涉及原因状语、目的状语和让步状语从句。下面选取近几年AB级考试真题进行归纳分析。

(一) 考查根据逻辑关系选取从属连词

状语从句包括时间、条件、原因、结果、目的、让步状语从句, 根据从句与主句的逻辑关系来判断从属连词是从句中的重要考点之一。做此类题, 考生应该先判断主从关系, 再根据主从关系选择合适的连词。

【例1】The new staff didn’t know how to use the system_________I explained it to him yesterday. (2009-6-A)

A.until B.because C.if D.since

解析:until用于否定句中, 构成“not...until...”结构, 意为“直到……才……”。因此此处该选A。

【注意】当until用于肯定句中时, 意为“到……时候”, “在……之前”。例如:

His father was alive until he came back.

在他回来之前, 他爸爸还活着。

【例2】They had talked only for a few minute_________they found they were of different opinions. (2008-12-A)

A.unless B.while C.before D.once

解析:此句要表达的意思是:他们只谈了几分钟就发现彼此观点不相同。因此, 应该选择before, 表示“仅过多长时间……就……”。因此此题选C。

【注意】引导时间状语从句的名词短语有:next time, every time, the moment, the minute等。

【例3】The policeman saw the thief_________he appeared on the street corner. (2006-12-A)

A.not until B.as long as C.the moment D.only if

解析:名词短语the moment此处意为“一……就……”, 相当于as soon as。此句意为:“小偷一出现在拐角处, 警察就看见了。”故此处选C。

【例4】The machine will continue to make much noise_________we have it repaired. (2004-6-B)

A.when B.because C.if D.unless

解析:此句要表达的意思是:除非我们把机器拿去修好了, 否则它会一直响个不停。根据主句与从句的逻辑关系, 从句应该是一种条件, 只有unless能符合题意。故选D。

【例5】I didn’t answer the phone_________I didn’t hear it ring (2007-6-B)

A.if B.unless C.although D.because

解析:分析主句与从句的逻辑关系, 从句应该为主句的原因, 故选D。

(二) 考查状语从句中的时态问题

当主句是一般将来时, 时间、条件等状语从句中常用一般现在时表示将来。

【例6】What would you do if it_________tomorrow? (2001-6-B)

A.Rain B.rains C.will rain D.is raining

解析:if引导的条件状语从句常用一般现在时表示将来, 故选B。

【注意】当连词引导的不是状语从句, 而是宾语从句时, 从句谓语动词根据主语时态可以用一般现在时或其他时态。

(三) 考查状语从句转换成分词结构

在B级考试中, 对于“连词+分词”结构考查得特别多。一般情况下, 可以把这个结构转换成一个状语从句, 这样更有助于考生理解考题内容。分词的形式根据分词所表达的动作与主句主语的逻辑关系, 若此动作与主语是逻辑上的主谓关系, 则用现在分词, 若此动作与主语是逻辑上的动宾关系, 则用过去分词。在AB级考试中, 现在分词考查得相对较多。

【例7】Location is the first thing customers consider when_________to buy a house. (2008-6-B)

A.planning B.planned C.to plan D.having planned

解析:本句要表达的意思是:顾客在计划买房子的时候, 首先考虑的就是地理位置。计划这个动作与主语“customer”是逻辑上的主谓关系, 应用现在分词, 而plan与consider是几乎同时发生的, 没有明显的时间先后, 所以排除D。故选A。


在AB级考试中, 定语从句考查重点是关系代词与副词在定语从句中的功能, 尤其是关系代词在从句中作主语的情况考得比较多;其次是关系代词作宾语和定语的情况;时而涉及关系副词作状语和“介词+which/whom”引导定语从句。

1.关系代词who和whom引导定语从句, 都可用于指人, 用法类似。区别主要在于:whom在从句中只能作宾语;而who在从句中可以作主语, 也可以代替在从句中担任宾格的whom, 但它的前面不能有介词;如果用于介词后指人时, 必须用宾格的whom。

【例8】Life is more enjoyable to people_________are open to new ideas. (2007-12-B)

A.whose B.whom C.who D.which

解析:本句要表达的意思是:生活对那些乐意接受新观点的人来说是享受。后半部分是定语从句, 修饰people, 先行词为人, 并把此先行词带入后面的从句中, 作主语, 故选C。

【例9】We were talking about the American tourist_________we met during our trip to the Great Wall. (2005-1-B)

A.what B.which C.whose D.whom

解析:首先判断, 后半句是修饰和说明tourist的, 因此判断为定语从句。先行词为人, 带入到定语从句中, 充当met的宾语, 故选D。

2.关系代词which既能修饰某物, 也能在非限制定语从句中代替整个主句或主句中的部分内容;此时, 其引导的定语从句一般谓语主句后面。

【例10】The new model of the car was put into production in2007, _________helped to provide another 1400 jobs. (2008-6-B)

A.that B.when C.what D.which

解析:此题考查的引导是非限制性定语从句的关系词, 不难看出此关系词在从句中充当主语, 因此应该填关系代词which, 并且从句意来看, which在从句中代替的是前面整个主句。故选D。

3.whose引导的定语从句, 其先行词不仅可以指人, 而且可以指物;whose在从句中作定语, 修饰其后的名词。

【例11】I live in a room_________window opens to the south.

A.that B.which C.what D.whose

解析:定语从句中需要填入一个词作定语, 所以应该用whose来充当window的定语, 相当于the room’s, 故选D。

4.在“介词+which/whom”的结构中, 介词的选择要看定语从句中动词或形容词与介词的搭配;从句中的动词或动词词组与先行词的搭配, 以及先行词与介词的习惯搭配。

【例12】It is important to provide an environment_________people are encouraged to make suggestions at all levels of company (2008.12A)

A.from which B.on which C.in which D.for which

解析:此题考查介词与关系词的搭配, 此题中, which代替的是先行词environment, 与之搭配的介词应该是in, 意为“在此种环境下”, 故选C。


名词性从句的考查在近几年的A级考试中出现较多, 平均每年均有1—2个题。名词性从句包括主语、宾语、表语和同位语从句。其考查重点是:that在名词性从句中的使用, 尤其是同位语从句;以及宾语从句和表语从句中连接词的使用, 时而涉及形式主语、形式宾语句型。

1.同位语从句。它一般跟在某些名词后面, 用以说明该名词表示的具体内容。可以跟同位语从句的名词通常有news, idea, fact, promise, question, doubt, thought, hope, message, suggestion, words (消息) , possibility等。英语中引导同位语从句的词通有连词that, whether, 连接副词how, when, where等。

【例13】The fact_________Mary was late for the meeting again made me angry. (2008-12-A)

A.that B.why C.what D.which

解析:此处“Mary was late for the meeting again”是说明fac的内容, 因此它们互为同位语, 同位语从句结构完整, 只需填入不充当任何成分的that。故选A。

2.引导词what与that的用法区别。引导主、宾、表语从句时, what要充当主语、宾语或表语等句子成分, that不作任何成分, 只在语法上起连接的作用。例如:

【例14】%%%we can’t achieve seems better than%%%we have.

A.What;what B.What;that C.That;that D.That;what

解析:本句包含一个主语从句和一个宾语从句, 且两个从句都缺乏宾语, 可见两个引导词都必须充当成分, 所以答案是A。

3.引导词whether和if的用法区别。通常, 引导主语从句、表语从句和引导同位语从句时, 要用连词whether, 不用if;若句尾有or not, 也只能用whether。例如:

【例15】_________the he will accept our invitation is not known yet.

A.Whenever B.If C.Whether D.That

解析:试题中的从句位于句首, 在整句中充当主语, 故选C。

4.名词性从句的语序。与其他从句一样, 名词性从句应用自然语序, 即使在疑问句中, 从句也不倒装 (而在主句上倒装) 。例如:

【例16】No one can be sure_________in a million years.

A.what man will look like B.what will man look like

C.man will look like what D.what look will man like

5.形式主、宾语。当主语从句较长, 而谓语较短时, 常常将从句后置, 而用it作为形式主语, 置于句首。与此类似, 形式宾语也只能用it来代替较长的宾语从句放在原宾语位置, think, find, consider, believe, feel等动词后常可以带it作形式宾语。例如:

【例17】_________is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A.There B.This C.That D.It

解析:所需词位于句首, 同时后面有that从句 (逻辑主语) , 可见这里应该用形式主语it, 所以答案是D。

对于任何一种语言, 语法都是贯穿整个语言的, 是构成语言体系的框架、基础。在英语语法中, 从句作为复合句中的一部分又是重中之重, 本文通过分析单项选择题中的从句考点, 帮助学生复习从句中的基本知识, 为学生更好地进行阅读理解及听力理解打下坚实的基础。


[1]史晓楠, 刘治选.高等学校英语应用能力考试应试教程.北京:化学工业出版社, 2010.

[2]教育部高教司.高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2000.

[3]阎文培.高等学校英语应用能力考试B级演练与测试题集.北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2004.


8.考研英语阅读理解真题 篇八








此次的快速阅读文章来源于《新闻周刊》(Newsweek),题目为“Minority Report”。与2010年6月和12月的快速阅读题目相比,此次快速阅读题目的难度有所降低。十道题中以细节题居多,而且其答案基本都是原文内容的照搬或同义替换。


4.How many African-American students earned their degrees in California community colleges according to a recent survey?

A. Fifty-six percent.B. Thirty-nine percent.C. Fifteen percent.D. Sixty-seven percent.

解析:根据题干中首字母大写的名词词组African-American students和California community,考生可将答案信息快速定位至原文第四段最后一句话:“A recent review of California community colleges found that while a third of the Asian students picked up their degrees, only 15% of African-Americans did so well.”对比这句话和题干,考生可以轻易得出正确答案为选项C。

5.Harvard, Yale, and Princeton show almost no gap between black and white graduation rates mainly because ______.

A. their students work harderB.they recruit the best students

C. their classes are generally smaller D. they give students more attention

解析:根据题干中的学校名Harvard、Yale和Princeton,考生可将答案信息定位至原文第五段第四句话:“The most selective private schools—Harvard, Yale, and Princeton—show almost no gap between black and white graduation rates.”但这句话只叙述了题干中所说的事实,并未指出事实背后的原因。考生可接着看第五句话:“But that may have more to do with their ability to select the best students.”这句话中的have more to do with (与……有很大关系)相当于题干中的because,考生由此可以得出这道题的正确答案应为选项B。选项B中的recruit即对原文中select的同义替换。

9.For years, private colleges such as Princeton and MIT have provided minority students with __________ during the summer before freshman year.

解析:根据题干中的关键词Princeton和MIT,考生可将答案信息定位至原文倒数第二段第二句话:“For years private colleges such as Princeton and MIT have had success bringing minorities onto campus in the summer before freshman year to give them some preparatory courses.”这句话中的give被替换成了题干中的“provide ... with”,由此可得出正确答案应为some preparatory courses。


1.What is the author’s main concern about American higher education?

A. The small proportion of minority students. B. The low graduation rates of minority students.

C. The growing conflicts among ethnic groups. D. The poor academic performance of students.

解析:这道题为主旨题,考查文章的主要关注点。通常情况下,考生只有略读全文才能得出文章的主旨。但因这道题为第一题,考生如果在做此题时就略读全文,无疑会延长答题时间,降低效率。所以,遇到这样的情况时,笔者建议考生先浏览文章的标题、小标题和开头部分,看能否快速得出全文主旨。此次的快速阅读文章没有设置小标题,但考生可以通过全文大标题和导语找到答案线索。通过文章的大标题“Minority Report”,考生可知这篇文章主要讲述与少数族裔(minority)相关的话题。重要的答案信息隐藏在导语中:“American universities are accepting more minorities than ever. Graduating them is another matter. ”导语第二句话中的another matter与第一句话中的more形成对比,表明虽然少数族裔学生的入学人数越来越多,但顺利毕业的人数却没那么多。由此考生可以得出这道题的正确答案应为选项B。









48.The author’s second warning is that we should avoid running a greater risk by __________.

解析:根据题干中的关键词second warning,考生可将答案信息定位至原文第三段第三句话:“The second rule is don’t raise the stakes by challenging her authority.” 原文中的second rule被替换成了题干中的second warning;原文中的raise the stakes被替换成了题干中的run a greater risk。由此可知这道题的正确答案是原文中的challenging her authority。

50.To ensure fairness to reporters, it is important to set up a system for stories to _________.

解析:根据题干中的关键词system,考生可将答案信息定位至原文倒数第二段第二句话:“First, you need a system for how stories are proposed and reviewed.”原文中的“for how stories are proposed and reviewed”(修饰stories的定语从句)被替换成了题干中的“for stories to _________”(非谓语动词),形式上发生了变化。这提醒考生在填空时要注意使用正确的语态。这道题的正确答案为be proposed and reviewed。







56.What is the irony about the debate over immigration?

A. Even economists can’t reach a consensus about its impact.

B. Those who are opposed to it turn out to benefit most from it.

C. People are making too big a fuss about something of small impact.

D. There is no essential difference between seemingly opposite opinions.

解析:根据题干中的关键词irony,考生可将答案信息定位至原文最后一段第一句话:“The irony is that for all the overexcited debate, the net effect of immigration is minimal.”这句话的关键信息在于minimal一词,该词表明移民带来的影响其实非常小,而人们对影响如此小的一件事进行如此热烈的辩论,着实有点小题大做了。分析到这里,正确答案已经揭晓了。选项C中的making too big a fuss有“小题大做、大惊小怪”之意,因此选项C为正确答案。
