1.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module 篇一
新标准英语三年级起点第二册 Module 8 Unit 1 教学设计
1、认知目标 听懂会说new camera;take picture;read a book;write a letter.理解现在进行时及第三人称单数的应用。
2、能力目标 能在实际情景中运用所学语言向别人描述正在发生的事情,提高运用语言进行交流的能力。
教学重点:运用句型 be +doing
Step 1 warming-up.1.Greet the students.2.Chant.Ask a question Ask a question
Ask a question Ask a question
What do you like What do you like
I like swimming I like playing basketball
That’very nice That’ very nice
Step 2 Teaching and learning.Teaching
1.T : Speak after me ,I’m swimming.(做游泳的动作)
I’m playing football.(做踢球动作,便于学生理解)
2.T: Who can act and speak ?
S1 : 做读书动作 I’m reading a book.S2:做写字动作 I’m writing.S3:做早操动作 I’m doing morning exercises.S4:做写作业动作 I’m doing my homework.(设计意图:由作动作引入新课。充分调动学生的积极性,教学形式活泼,学生乐于接受。)
3.T :boys and girls ,look at this.(拿出照相机)what’s this ?教授新词camera 和new camera.做照相动作What am I doing ?提示学生参考课本回答You are taking pictures.同样方法教授write a letter
总结:师生共同总结描述与我们说话同时发生的事情,由be 动词(一般现在式)加现在分词(动词原形+ing)构成。如working ,walking ,reading, writing 等。
1.让学生看课本上的图片,理解故事大意。如.图中Amy 拿着什么东西;爸爸拿着什么;最后一幅图爷爷在干什么等。
Step 3 Practice
1.Play the game :Act and guess
One students do the action ,and others guess what he /she is doing.提醒学生注意be 动词随人称的变化而变化。同桌之间互相做动作,轮流猜。
Step 4 Homework
1. 收集二或三张人们做不同事情的图片或自己画的图片贴在一张大纸上。
2. 让他们下次上课时把帖画带来,上台展示并描述自己的图画。再两人一组练习。
转变教学方式, 激发学习兴趣落实课标任务
本节课涉及的语法是:现在进行时态及一般现在时中be 动词的第三人称单数的应用。其句型为be+doing;This +be +形容词性物主代词+名词。如果我把语法介绍搬到黑板上,必然会造成师生的手忙脚乱,浪费精力且学生理解、学习形成表面化,效率低。本节课,我只让学生体会在什么情况下使用此种句子,通过动作、肢体语言让学生理解、会说。这样使学生既牢固掌握基本语言知识,又注意了观察和叙述的条理性,帮助学生逐步理解,进而灵活运用。
2.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module 篇二
课题: m5 u1 i get up at seven o’clock.主备人: 使用人: 审核人: 使用时间:一、学习目标:1、单词get up go to school have lunch go home watch tv go to bed at …o’clock2、句型:i … at …o’clock.二、重、难点:1时间表达法at …o’clock2 表述在什么时间做什么事情 三、学习方法指导:练习法 x k b1.com四、学习过程:□□□□1复习数字can you read?two three eight nine one four ten eleven six five seven 重新排列这些数字。□□□□2. 时间表达方式:at+数字+o’clock = 在…点钟读一读,画一画:at two o’clock、at five o’clock、at eleven o’clock、at eight o’clock、at ten o’clock□□□□3. 翻译词组get up ____________ go to school ______________ have lunch ____________ go home _______________ watch tv ____________ go to bed _______________小组内一人做动作,大家来猜。想一想你是在几点做这些事情的。用英语该怎么说?i … at … o’clock.□□□□4. 读课文,判断正误i get up at nine o’clock. ( ) i go to school at eight o’clock. ( ) i have lunch at twelve o’clock. ( ) i go home at five o’clock. ( ) i watch tv at seven o’clock. ( ) i go to bed at nine o’clock. ( ) □□□□5.说说你自己 x kb 1.c omi get up at ______ o’clock. i go to school at _______ o’clock.i have lunch at ______________. i go home at _____________. i watch tv __________________. i go to bed __________________. □□□□6.听音连线
□□□□7.作业 学习反思(教学反思)xkb1.com
3.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module 篇三
课题名题:We’re going to go to Hainan.课时说明:第1课时(40minutes)
本节课是外研社新标准小学英语第三册第七模块第一单元第一课时,本节课所需时间为35分钟。课前的学习内容主要是复习所学有关动作、指令的单词。学习如何用be going to结构来描述自己的出行计划。根据这一主要内容,我确定了本课的目标:重点为单词visit swim by plane swimsuit from以及be going to句型。.我采用了听、说、学和做的四步教学方法,利用先进的教学设备(CAI、多媒体课件),增强教学的趣味性和新颖性。通过在“玩中学,学中玩”的愉快教学思路,将快乐贯穿于课堂教学中。
① 知识目标:掌握新单词visit swim by plane swimsuit from,如何用be going to结构来描述自己的出行计划。
② 能力目标:学会描述自己的各种计划。
③ 情感目标:乐于向他人学习、乐于同亲友交流。
①如何用be going to结构来描述自己的出行计划。
② 新单词swimsuit, visit的发音。
1.Sing a song.“Haibao”T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.T: Today we’ll have an interesting English class.At first, we’ll sing a song
together ,OK?
Ss :OK.[设计意图:课前唱一首歌,可以活跃课堂气氛,同时让学生有良好的情绪准备进入新课的学习之中。让同学们用这首歌中的人物:Haibao作为本节课上的人物主线带着同学们去旅游,因此活跃课堂气氛的同时也为后面的环节做好了前期铺垫。]
Play a game: To be Haibao.T: Boys and girls now let’s do and say, say and do.like Haibao.Ss: Yes!
T: You’ll be Haibao.If I say “turn around”, you should say and act” turn around”,.If I say “touch the ground”, you should say and act” touch the ground”.If I say “swim”, you should say and act” swim”, Are you clear?
Ss: Yes!
T: OK, let’s play.(Ss and T play the game together.)
1)T: Haibao is from England, he is going to travel in China, and he likes the sea.He’s going to swim in the sea.But he doesn’t know where is the sea.Can you help him? Ss:Weihai, Yantai, Qingdao, Hainan.(学生在图片的帮助下说出有大海的地方)T: Hainan is warm there, and it’s very beautiful.教师模仿Haibao的声音说出自己的出行计划)
Ss: I’m going to go to Hainan I’m going to swim in the sea.(学生跟读本课重点句型)
T;Hainan is very from us, how is he going?
Ss : By plane, by car, by taxi, etc.T;I’m going to go by plane.[设计意图:通过多媒体课件直观形象地演示了出行地点,Haibao的计划恰到好处地点破本课重点。]
2)T: This is Haibao’s travelling.Ss: I’m going to go to Hainan.I’m going to swim in the sea.I’m going to go by plane.(学生说计划,老师在黑板上写出来,让学生朗读。))
T::This travelling is very good.Let’s chant.3)Chant: Hainan, Hainan, go to Hainan,I’m going to go to Hainan.Plane, plane, go.by plane,I’m going to go by plane.Swim, swim, swim in the sea,I’m going to swim in the sea.[设计意图:chant的出现让学生更明了对本课重点内容做了机械操练,为下一步情景的意义操练做了语言储备。]
T: I like travelling, too.Do you like travelling?
Ss: Yes.T: Winter holiday is coming.Where are you going? How are you going there? Please tell your partners.S:OK!I’m going to go to„.I’m going to go by„
Step5.Let’slearn.1)T: We made our travelling plan, but our friend, Amy and Sam, where are they going tomorrow?
let’s read the dialogue and try to find the sentences with ”..going to”.(找出课文中be going to 的句子。)
2)T: You have found the sentences and know how to make a plan.Now learn to say.(通过电脑和录音机来学说单词)
3)Practise in groups and show.(小组练习、展示表演)
T: Let’s do role play.(给与小奖品。)
4)Check : Fill in the blanks(当堂检测)
T: All of you did a good job!Now please take out your paper and try to choose the true answer.[设计意图:检测学生在本节课中对单词、句子的掌握程度,以及存在的问题,做到及时反馈,为进一步搞好教学,提高教学质量收集第一手的资料。] T: Now let’s check your answer.Step6Consolidation.Do a survey in groups.(学校成立了雏鹰假日小队,你们组的周末计划是什么?请通过调查,制定出你们组的周末计划。)
Ss: We’re going to„,and we’re going to get up at„o’clock.[ 再现本课重点,并将所学知识运用于实际。]
T: Boy and girls, tomorrow you’re going to do many things, then our friend Teddy bear, what is he going to do? He’s going to go to the zoo and visit his friend.Do you
want to go there? You must finish your homework.[设计意图:首尾呼应,激发孩子的想象力,从而为下一节课的学习奠定基础Step7.Homework.1)Listen and repeat the dialogue.2)Make a family plan at the weekend and record it.Dad: I’m going to„tomorrow.Mum: I’m going to„tomorrow.We’re going to „tomorrow.[设计意图:让课中学习到的东西在课后得到充分的巩固。因为课后学生有很多的时间可以练习英语,让学英语的浓厚兴趣进一步得到发展和加强,教师在上下一节课时也能作为检测的基础。]
Module7 Unit1 We’re going to go to Hainan..I’m going to go to Hainan.bedtime
I’m going to go by plane.get up
I’m going to swim in the sea.visitswimsuit
4.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module 篇四
Module 6 Travel
UNIT 1 I went there last year
Teaching objectives
1.Words and phrases: photo.stay week
2.Sentences: where/when/what/who did you?
Teaching procedures:
A: songs: mangoes and rice
B: free talk: Where did you go?
C: Step 1: leading
(Introduce the English Where is Beijing? /London /New York /Tokyo /Moscow)
Say the names of famous places in China and England
Step 2: Take out many photos
Introduce: This is a photo(举一张).These are photos(举全部,多张照片)
Then have the students try to describe the photos.The teacher can say: I stay there for one /two weeks.Explain: ‘stayed’ is the past tense of stay
Week: from Sunday and Saturday is one week.Step 3: Playing the tape
So that the students can listen to the conversations and follow in the books
Tell each pupil to get a piece of paper and draw a question on it.Ask the students to close their books
Play the dialogue part by part and have to listen.If they have a question, they have to hold up their pieces of paper and say questions.Now tell the students to open their books and underline all the questions in the dialogue
Have the students answer the questions
Do Activity book Exercise 1
Step 4: Show the pictures and have the student try to say and write.Use the drills.At last give them answers
Who has got some photos?
Where is Lingling?
When did Lingling go there?
Who did she go with?
Where does her uncle live?
Steps 5:Activity book Exercise 3
5.新标准英语三起第二册教学计划 篇五
四、教学任务: 1.培养学生良好的学习习惯;2.激发培养学生学习的热情,对英语学科的喜爱;3.引发学生用所学知识进行交际的意识和勇气;4.继续培养学习兴趣,提高他们听和说的能力。
6.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module 篇六
英语新标准三年起第四册 Module 4 教案与建议
Module 4 题目 Robots(机器人) 题材 (主要) 内容 Daming 和Sam在探讨机器人能够做什么,将来会做些什么。Daming告诉Sam,将来机器人能做一切事情,就是不能做作业。 教学目标 语言 知识 目标 功能 用will谈论将来可能发生的事情; 运用情态动词can描述能力。 语法 (结构、句子) 一般将来时: Robots will do everything. Will it be windy in Beijing? can描述能力: It can walk. 词汇 听 能在听录音的过程中从语句中辨别单词:robot, everything, housework, learn, our, weather 说 能在句子中正确使用单词:robot, everything, housework, learn, our, weather 读 能在图片的提示下、跟着录音在语句中正确朗读单词:robot, everything, housework, learn, our, weather 写 能够正确抄写并拼写出单词:our, one, day 语言 技能 目标 听 听懂介绍将来可能发生的事情的句子。 说 能用will简单描述将来可能发生的事情。 读 能够看图认读用will表示将来行为的句子; 能熟练并有节奏地朗读韵句。 写 能看图抄写出描述机器人能做的事情的句子。 学习策略 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 文化意识 了解中国城市的地理位置及其天气变化特征。 情感态度 培养学生的模仿能力及团队合作精神。 任务 一名学生扮演机器人,做出各种动作,其他同学来讨论它能做些什么; 观看本地区天气预报,然后制作本地区天气预报图表,小组间进行天气预报。 《英语》(新标准)(供三年级起始用)第四册Module 4 Unit 1 教案设计 福建厦门实验小学黄宛辉 一、语言功能 描述将来的.行为与状态。 二、语言形式 They will ... (It will...) 三、词汇 one day, walk, talk, everything, do the housework, children, learn 四、教具准备 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带、机器人头饰、练习卷。 五、教学步骤 Step 1 热身活动:Listen and do the activity. 教师发指令: run, jump, play football, play basketball, play the flute, row a boat, do Taichi, write a letter, make a cake, wash clothes, watch TV, do homework, repair the chair, etc. 学生做出相应的动作。 (设计意图:通过活动,帮助学生回忆学过的动词和动词词组,为接下来学生能流利表述将来要做的事情做铺垫。) Step 2 导入及任务呈现 1.教师谈话导入 As you can see, sometimes we have to do many things. And we will be very tired. If someone can help us, that will be good. Who do you think can help us? Can robots help us? (学生发言) 2.教师提出任务 Yes. One day, robots will do many things. In this lesson, we are going to talk about the robots in our imagination. Let's see whose robot is the best one! (设计意图:“任务型教学途径”强调在课的一开始就向学生提出任务,让学生在完成具体任务的活动中学习、使用语言。) Step 3 观看录像,整体呈现语言 请学生欣赏一段有英文配音的、关于未来机器人的录像。(英文配音内容:One day, robots will do everything! Look! They will play the piano. They will sing. They will dance. They will talk. They will play basketball. They will pick fruits. They will make the introduction. How capable they are!) (设计意图:近年来语言教育领域出现的“整体式语言教学”理论认为:语言是一个整体, 语言应该在语境中使用。教师应根据本节课的内容创设恰当的语境,通过声音、图片、动作等媒介,调动学生的多种感官,使其全面感知,从而能运用所学语言进行交际,同时为引入课文教学做铺垫。) Step 4 课文及单词教学 1.教师谈话引入 Are the robots capable? Do you want to have a robot? Have you got a robot? Our good friend Daming has got a robot. Let's see what his robot can do and what his robot will do. 2.学生观看课文录像 (设计意图:同上) 3.复习单词walk, talk 教师提问What can Daming's robot do? 学生回答: It can walk. / It can talk. 小组读单词: walk/talk 4.学习词组 do the housework 教师提问:But Daming hopes his robot can do more things. What does he want the robot do? 如果学生回答: Do the housework. 教师要适时补充: They will do the housework. 学习单词housework,可顺便与homework进行比较,并领读They will do the housework. 5.语法学习They will... 教师点明:Daming's robots cannot do these things now. They will do these one day. So we should say: They will do the housework./They will help children learn. (设计意图:通过观看课文录像引出单词,使学生易于理解、接受,并为理解课文和完成交际性任务扫清障碍。同时,适时、适当地点明语言点也是很有必要的。) 6.游戏活动Listen and do the activity. 教师发指令:walk, talk, do the housework, help children learn. 学生做出相应的动作。 (设计意图:小学生的有意注意时间较短,经过一段较长时间的学习,注意力可能分散,这种活动有助于活跃气氛,并能巩固所学单词和词组。) 7.听录音,跟读课文 教师:We learned something about Daming's robot. If you want to know more about his robot just now, please open your books and read after the tape. 学生跟读课文两遍后分角色朗读课文。 (设计意图:让学生听录音跟读模仿,有助于进一步理解课文并形成良好的语音、语调。) 8.完成《课堂活动用书》P14 Exercise 1 教师:I think you know well about Daming's robot. Now please open your Activity Book to P14. Let's do Exercise 1. (设计意图:通过完成《课堂活动用书》的练习,既进一步学习、理解课文,又可以照顾到不同学习类型学生的需求,为教师提供了对学生进行单独关注的机会,并了解学生对课文的掌握情况。) Step 5 游戏活动 1. Guess what Ms Huang's robot will do? 教师: Ms Huang admires Daming very much. And I have a dream, one day I'll have a robot, and it will do many things. Now the robot in my dream comes to our class. Please guess what it will do. 请一名学生上台,戴上机器人头饰扮演成机器人,并按老师悄声给的指令做动作,让其余学生猜。It will... 2. Guess what your partner's robot will do? 教师: I'm sure you have the same dreams, too. Act out what the robot in your dream will do and ask your partners to guess. 学生在小组内进行游戏,一人做动作,其余同学猜:It will... 然后由做动作的学生上台表演。 (设计意图:教师是课堂活动的促进者,通过创设学习语境和条件,让学生主动参与认知活动,通过“做中学”的活动来学习语言,使整个语言学习过程都以学生为中心,促使他们为了了解他们感兴趣的事情而主动运用所学的语言,从而产生成就感和对英语学习的兴趣。) Step 6 “我理想中的机器人”交流 教师:OK. Now do you want to have a robot? Please imagine what a robot will do one day, draw and write them and talk about them in your group. 学生在小组中画一画、写一写、说一说自己理想中的机器人能做什么事。 Step 7 展示、汇报,评出“最能干的机器人” 学生上台展示自己的机器人,并汇报这些机器人会做的事,根据会做事情的多少(即学生能说句子It will...数量的多少)评出“最能干的机器人”。 (设计意图:通过小组的“我理想中的机器人”交流展示活动,培养学生的想象能力、表达能力和写作能力。在活动中,学生们能充分运用所学语言描述自己的机器人将来能做什么,尝到了“学了能用的甜头”。评选“最能干的机器人”活动又与课前所提的任务相呼应,把整堂课推向了高潮。) Step 8 作业布置 1. Talk about what your robots will do one day for your parents. 2. Finish the Exercises of Module 4 in Activity Book. 3. Follow the tape of the text.
7.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module 篇七
一. 选出你听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。(10’)()1.A.ooh
C.yellow()3 A.red
C.please 二. 选出你听到的句子,每个句子读两遍。(10’)()1.A.Hello, I’m Sam.B.Hello, Sam.()2.A.How are you?
B.How old are you?()3.A.Good morning, Linling.B.Good afternoon, Linling.()4.A.I’m fine, thank you.B.Fine, thank you.()5.A.I’m Daming.B.My name is Daming.()6.A.Sit down, please.B.Stand up, please.()7.A.Point to the door.B Point to the blackboard.()8.A.It’s red.B.It’s green.()9.A.It’s a blue dog.B.It’s a green dog.()10.A.How many?
B.What’s your name? 三. 听句子排序号,每个句子读两遍。(10’)()A.How are you?
()B.What’s your name?()C.Point to the desk.()D.One, two, there, four.()E.I’m nine.()F.How many?()G.Good morning, Linling.()H.Stand up, Amy.()I.It’s a yellow cap.()J.Bye-bye, Ms Smart.笔试部分(70分)四. 选择正确的答案。(20’)()1.Good_____, Ms Smart.A.morning
C.hello()2.How are you, boys ____ grils?
C.up()3.What’s your name?
A.I’m Tom.B.I’m fine
C.Thank you()4.Point____ the chair,please.A.to
C.sit()6.It’s _____yellow dog.A.a
C./()7._____name is Xiaoqiang.A.I
C.I’m()8.How many______?
C.are()10.______your name?
C.How 五.选词填空。(10’)
()1.Point _____the window.()2.Point to the _____.()3.Good morning,____and girls.()4.I’m fine_____,thank you.()5.Look!It’s a _____.Hello,Tweet-tweet.五. 连词成句。(15’)
2.window Point the to______________________________
3.name is your What________________________________ 4.fine am you thank I_________________________________ 5.It’s red a dog________________________________________ 六.连线。(15’)
1.What’s your name?
A.Point to the bird.2.Good morning, Daming.B.My name is Sam.3.How many boys?
C.Good morning,Mr li.4.Hello,boy and girls.D.Hi, Ms Smart.5.point to the door.E.Eleven boys 七.情景选择。(10’)()1.你想和同学告别,应该怎么说___.
B.Goodbye()2.同学们问大明的名字,大明应该怎么回答______.A.I’m fine, thank you.B.I’m Daming.()3.它是一只黄色的猫,应该怎么说___.
A.It’s a yellow cat.B.It’s a green cat.()4.有十个女孩,应该怎么说___.
A.ten girls
B.ten boys()5.坐下,应该怎么说___.
A.Stand up
B.Sit down
一. 选出你听到的单词,每个单词读两遍。(10’)1.wow
10.panda 二.选出你听到的句子,每个句子读两遍。(10’)
1.Hello, I’m Sam.2.How are you?
3.Good morning, Linling.4.I’m fine, thank you.5.My name is Dam ing.6.Stand up, please.7 Point to the blackboard.8..It’s green.9.It’s a green dog.10.What’s your name? 三. 听句子排序号,每个句子读两遍。(10’)
1.One, two, there, four.2.Point to the desk.3.I’m nine.4.How many?
5.Good morning, Linling
6.Bye-bye, Ms Smart.7.It’s a yellow cap.8.Stand up, Amy.9.What’s your name?
8.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module 篇八
Module4 Chinese people invented paper
Words: important , paper , newspaper , invented , pringting, printed
Sentences: Paper is important.Chinese people invented …….Chinese people didn’t invent …….2、能力目标
Help the students use these words and sentences in
activities and daily life.Help the students to know some greating inventions.Help the students to learn the past indefinite tense.2、情感态度目标
Inspire the students’ interest.Inspire the students to love our homeland.二、教学重点
To master the basic sentence “Chinese people invented…….”
To master the past indefinite tense “invent-invented , print-printed”
To talk about what Chinese people invented.三、教学难点
To talk about what Chinese people didn’t invent.To use these words and sentences in the past indenfinite tense correctly.四、课前准备
五、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up 1.sing a song CHILDREN FROM CHINA ARE CHINESE 2.T: Which country is it?(point to the Chinese national flag)S: China.T:+The people from China are(Chinese)T: Are the Chinese people very clever? Ss: Yes.Chinese people are very clever.T: Chinese people invented many things.T: Chinese people invented paper, printing, compass and explosives.Step 2 Presentation and practice 1.Learn Words 1)(PPT)出示中国四大发明,随机板书学习单词:invent_invented paper printing 说句子;Cailun/Bisheng invented paper.Chinese people invented paper/printing/compass/explosives.Chinese people are very clever.2)T: They are very important for world.板书学习单词:important。
T;What is important for you(in our lives)? Ss练习说话。2.Learn Text 四大发明影响世界,Amy他们也在课堂上学习呢,学习课文 Chinese people invented paper:(板书课题)Watch the CD-ROM.(1)Repeat.随机学习单词;print_printed.总结ed在t后面的发音规律:id
(2)Repeat again.画出动词过去式。(3)Group show and assessment.(4)Answer the questions(CD-ROM)
1)Chinese people invented important things.2)Chinese people invented paper.3)Chinese people invented printing.4)Sam printed his newspaper.Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1)game快速反应(PPT)2)Look and write(CD-ROM): Sam printed this newspaper yesterday.He didn’t print the book.Daming walked to school yesterday.He didn’t walk to thepark.Lucy played the flute yesterday.She didn’t play the drum.Zara cleaned the doll yesterday.She didn’t clean the teddy bear.3)出示物品图片,自行车、电视、电话、丝绸、飞机。。(PPT)
T:.Who invented bicycles?
导入Chinese people didn’t invent …….T: Guess and choose:Which thing was invented by Chinese people?
Step 4 Summary
T: What have you learn today?让学生自己总结今天学到了什么
Step 5 Homework
9.新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module 篇九
八年级英语外研版小学起点下Module 1Unit 1教案
更多精彩;英语教师网 英语教师网论坛bbs.ewteacher.com Module1Hobbies Unit 1 Do you collect anything?课型 Listening and vocabulary 第 1 课时 教学 目标 知识目标 1. Grasp the four skills of the words. 2. Grasp the useful expressions in this unit. 3. To elicit information about hobbies from the conversations. 能力目标 Talk about hobbies freely. 情感目标 Get the students to enjoy their hobbies and life. 内容 分析 重 点 The words, useful expressions and the grammar. 难 点 The usage of the new structures 关 键 点 The words, phrases. 教法学法 Task―based approach and communication approach. 教具 学具 Multimedia, a CD, some objects. 教 学 程 教材处理 师生活动 时间 Class opening 1. Greeting. 2.Duty report Step 1. Lead in. Step 2 Learn the new words Step 3 Listening Step 4. Listen and read. Step5. Read and act Step 6. Pronunciation and speaking Step7: Language points Step 8. Writing Step 9. Homework. The teacher shows a box of stamps and says:” what are these?” “Yes, they are stamps, I collect stamps. Do you collect anything? Today we’ll learn Module 1 Unit 1 Do you collect anything? Ask the students look at the video and read after it, knowing their meaning. First talk about the picture. Listen to the video and complete the chart. Share the answers in groups. Listen again and answer the questions. Listen to the video and write notes. Listen again and check. Read the dialogue freely and compete the sentences in Activity 5 Ask the students to read the dialogue in group of three. And ask some groups to act it out. Make sure that they act lively with actions. Listen to the tape and repeat the sentences after the tape and explain intonation. Let the students listen to the video and make some sentences with the phrases. Ask the students to write a passage about their hobbies. Then present freely. Practice the dialogue after class.
10.新标准英语第二册教案1-5 篇十
Module 1 Alphabe:Unit 1 It’s the ABC song 一、素质教育教学目标: 1、知识教学点:字母歌及26个字母的读音 2、能力训练点:训练学生的口语表达能力 3、德育目标:激发学习英语的兴趣 二、教学重难点: 1、字母歌及26个字母的读音 2、单词:favourite, song, alphabet 三、教学方法:歌曲、游戏。 四、教具:语言座、字母卡、字母挂图 五、教学过程: (一)导入: 1、复习学过的英文歌曲,问:What’s your favourite song? 2、分音节教学favourite (二)字母教学: 1、挂图呈现字母表 2、手偶对话,引出课文对话 3、播放课文录音,学生看字母表仔细听 4、播放课文录音,学生指书上字母表跟读 5、将全班分为4组,播放歌曲,让每组依次唱其中一行 6、告诉学生字母分大小写及何时要大写 7、让学生从26个字母中选一个自己最喜欢的字母,将它写在纸片上,播放字母歌,当唱到这个字母的时候,自己将纸片高高地举起来 8、全班按顺序齐读26个字母 9、请小老师领读26个字母 10、打乱顺序指字母挂图,让学生认读 11、全班开火车按顺序读26个字母 12、请自告奋勇的学生用身体展示出自己喜欢的字母 13、老师在黑板上将大小写字母打乱顺序书写,让学生配对找朋友 14、全班、同桌、分小组唱字母歌 (三)课堂作业 六、板书设计: Module 1 Alphabe:Unit 1 It’s the ABC song What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC song Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car. 教学目标: Talking about favourite things. 教学重难点: 1、My favourite toy is a car. 2、单词 toy, car, ship, doll 教学过程: 一、Warming up: 1. Sing ABC song. 二、Revisions: 1. Recite the letters together. 2. Recite the letters one by one. 3. 教师出示字母卡片,学生快速读出字母。 4. 教师说出一个字母,学生快速说出后一个字母。 5. 快速读出字母。单词卡展示单词favourite,每个字母用不同的`颜色表示, 每出现一个字母, 问What’s this? What colour is it ? f, a, v, o, u, r, i, t, e, yes, it’s favourite. My favourite colour is red. What’s your favourite colour? 启发学生用It’s ….来回答问题。同样方法出现 t, o, y, yes, it’s a toy. 三、New lessons: 1. T: Do you know toy? (出示卡片)Teach the new word: toy and my favourite toy. 2. T: There are lots of toys, doll, ship, car, computer game. Teach the new words. (game: What’s missing?) 最后一次时,教师说:My favourite toy is …. 问学生: What’s your favourite toy? 启发学生用It’s a ….来回答问题,引入新课你知道Amy最喜欢的玩具是什么吗?(板书)My favourite toy is a car. 3. Open the books and turn to page 4, listen to the tape first, underline the new words.将单词与相对应的汉语连线,请学生到前面来完成练习,边做边问,What’s your favourite colour? Now listen, point and read. (twice) 4. Ask the kids to read the sentences one by one. 5. Ask the kids to talk about their favourite things, using: My name is …. My favourite toy is …. After talking, teacher says, This is …. Her / His favourite toy is …. 四、Teach the chant in Students Book P5. Listen and do. 五、Homework: 1. Listen to the tape 3 times. 2. Read the text loudly. 3. Prepare Module 2. 板书设计: Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car. My favourite toy is a car. toy, car, ship, doll Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 They’re monkeys. 一、教学目标: 1、能听说读写单词:they,monkey,tiger,big,lion,elephant,small,fat, Look at 2、能灵活运用句型:What’s this? It’s a tiger. It’s big. What are they? They are monkeys. They’re small. 3、能识别并且描述动物。 二、教学重、难点: 1、能听说读写单词:they,monkey,tiger,big,lion,elephant,small,fat, Look at 2、能灵活运用句型:What’s this? It’s a tiger. It’s big. What are they? They are monkeys. They’re small. 三、教具准备:录音机、磁带、挂图、动物单词卡片 四、教学过程: Teaching steps: 一、Warming up: 1、Listen and do the actions: Stand up ! Sit down ! Point to the desk. Stand up ! Point to the window! Sit down ! Stand up ! Point to the door! Sit down ! (简单的听指令做动作,让学生动起来。) 2、sing a song 二、Revisions: 1. 出示单词卡片复习第一模块单词, 用What’s this? 提问,要求学生完整回答问题,用It’s a…. What’s this? It’s a toy. Toy, toy, it’s a toy.同样方法复习doll, ship, car, computer game. 2. T: My favourite toy is a doll. What’s your favourite toy? 提问几名学生,让他们用My favourite toy is a….或It’s a….来回答问题。 (强调完整回答,为以后的教学打好基础。) 三、New lessons: 1. 出示猫、狗、熊猫的单词卡片,用What’s this? 提问,要求学生完整回答问题,用It’s a….再说:My favourite animal is a dog. What’s your favourite animal? 我最喜爱的动物是小狗。你呢?问两个学生,然后启发:我们在那儿可以看到这些可爱的动物?学生回答:动物园。师说:今天我们就去动物园参观参观。(以旧带新,自然引入新课。) 2. 板书课题:Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 They’re monkeys. 师指着图片问:What’s this ? 生答:It’s a …. 用单词卡片教monkey(边读单词边配上动作),monkey, monkey.将卡片贴于黑板。教tiger(分大声小声读单词),tiger,tiger. 将卡片贴于黑板。教elephant 与monkey一样边读单词边配上动作。教lion 与tiger一样分大声小声读单词。 (较大密度的机械训练及不同的单词教法使学生得到更多的锻炼。) 3. Games: (1) 看老师嘴形,学生大声读出单词,(教师不出声音做口型,既可以检查学生是否认真看、听老师,又可以考一考学生的听力和反应。) (2) What’s missing? 将所学过的动物卡片一起呈现出来,dog, cat, panda, elephant, monkey, lion, tiger.让学生说:It’s a …. 然后藏起其中的一张,问学生:What’s missing? 让学生回答:It’s a …. 才能得分。(此游戏既调动了学生的积极性,又进一步巩固了新单词的学习。) 4. Look at the screen. 出示老虎,问What’s this? 学生回答It’s a tiger. It’s big.配上手势和动作教big, 请一横排学生起来边做动作边读单词,并将单词贴于黑板。第二张出示大象,巩固big.第三张出示熊猫,同样配上手势和动作教fat, 请一横排学生起来边做动作边读单词,并将单词贴于黑板。第四张出示一只狮子,问What’s this? 学生答It’s a lion.然后出现三只,问What are they? 教学生回答They’re lions. 教读they, they’re, They’re lions. They’re big. 第四张出现几只猴子,问What are they? 学生回答They’re monkeys. They’re small. 同样配上手势和动作教 small. 请一横排学生起来边做动作边读单词,并将单词贴于黑板。 (把句型板书在黑板上教学生读) 5. Look at the blankboard.将今天所学的新词呈现在黑板上,大声读出单词,教师故意把中英文搞混淆了,请学生到前面做中英文连线练习。(让学生进一步巩固所学的新单词) 6、同桌之间进行对话。 7. Now open your English books, turn to page 6. First, listen and underline the new words. (让学生听磁带划出新单词,然后再读新单词)Then listen and repeat twice. (感受标准的原版读音,让学生模仿动物的声音和动作及正确的语音语调。在跟读的过程中,注意纠正学生的读音。) 四、Games: 1. Listen and guess. 教师播放动物的声音并提问,学生作完整回答,否则不得分。 五、Homework: 1. Listen to the tape 3 or 5 times and read the text loudly. 2. 抄写单词 Module 2 Unit 2 That monkey is fat. 一、教学目标:1、能听说读写单词:tree,tall,short,thin 2、会唱本课的歌曲,以及会书写A,B,C三个字母。 3、灵活运用句型:This tree is tall. That tree is short. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat. 二、教学重难点:1、能听说读写单词:tree,tall,short,thin 2、会唱本课的歌曲,以及会书写A,B,C三个字母。 3、灵活运用句型:This tree is tall. That tree is short. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat. 三、教具准备:录音机、磁带、挂图、单词卡片 四、教学过程: Step 1:Warmer 1 Greetings. Step 2:Revision 出示上一节课学过的单词复习一次(只出示卡片只露一部分,让学生猜,在这里引出新的tree) whats this ?---Its a tiger/ elephant. ---Its big . what are they ?---Theyre lions/monkeys. ---Theyre big /small. Step 3: Presentation Look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short. look at the monkeys. This monkey is thin . That monkey is fat. The ways: 1.T says: Today well study some knowledge about animals ,too . Look here ,I show a picture of zoo. In here ,there are two trees and two monkeys.Lead-in the new words: look at / trees / tall /short / thin / fat 2. 跟老师读句子,再让个同学充当小老师,重复问老师刚刚问过的问题. Step 4:Listening 1.Listen to the tape and point. 2.Listen again, 3.Reading after me. Step 5:Dills 1. the new words: look at / trees / tall /short / thin / fat 2. the new sentences: Look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short. look at the monkey【新标准英语三年级起点第二册教案Module】推荐阅读:
新标准英语小学三年级起点第二册Module 3 Unit 1教案03-04
新标准英语三年级起点第二册Module 5 Time01-11
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小学新标准英语第一册Module6 Unit2教学设计07-14