


1.高二英语课程 篇一

高 二 英 语(第1讲)

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)



高中英语第二册(上) Unit 1 Making a difference




There’s no doubt that human right are above all.


It’s clear that he has made rapid progress in English this year.


It’s hard to say. 很难说。

What’s your idea? 你有什么想法?

Have you thought about giving up smoking?





genius inspiration perspiration undertake analysis obvious quote gravity radioactivity euripus debate scan boundary incurable exploration disable theory seek misunderstand observe predict astronomer heaven intelligent patient


dream of sth 梦想(做)……

doing sth

turn out (to do) … 结果(是)……

use up 用完

What if the spaceship moves faster than light?


the other way around 相反地,从相反方向


1、Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety nine percent perspiration.


这句percent这后不能加of,因为这里不是指灵感的百分之一及勤奋的百分之九十九,如用of应是:One percent of genius is inspiration, and 99percent, perspiration.

又如:40% of the students are girls in the school.


Blacks make up 20 percent of the population here.



Three fourths of his stomach was cut off in the operation.


2、There did not seem much point in working on my PhD - I did not expect to survive that long.



There’s no point in doing it. 做这事没用处。

What’s the point of telling her again?


There seems very little point in debating about the problem.


这句中that long也可用this,与so替代,但that与this比so程度上更确定,这句中就是指医生确诊还能活的那么一般时间,so往往不那么确定,往往面谈,试比较:

It’s so hot today. 今天那么热。

He’s so busy. 他是那么的忙。

Look, can you run that fast?


I’ve hover worked this late before.


3、Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamt of.



Never have I seen so thrilling a movie.


Seldom is he late for school.


Not until you’ve fished your homework can you watch the sports program on TV.


4、Readers were pleased and surprised to find that ancients could write about his word is a way that ordinary people could understand.


To explain what they have cent, they build a theory about the way in what things happen and the camases and effects.



第一句: … in a way that …这里that是understand的宾语,可以用which替代,也可省去,但决不能用in which替代。

第二句: …about the way in which …这里in which是定语从句中的方式状语可用that 代之也可省去,但决不能用which替代。


He always behaves in the way that I hate.



I don’t like the way in which he talks to me.



5、Scientists, on the other hand, Hawking writes know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.


turn out这里意为,结果是,最终发现是,最后证明是等先进事迹一种常见的用法,后面接形容词时to be 常可省略:

The examination turned out (to be) easy.

The noise turned out to be the dog scratching of the door.


It looked like rain this morning, but it has turned out to be a fine day.

(to be) fine.

6、If knowledge is power, as Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1507, then perhaps creativity can be described as the ability to use that power.



As he knew, she wasn’t good maths Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the 110 - meter high hurdles, as we have seen on TV.


7、Despite this warning, Hawking found it necessary to in clue one equation.


despite = in spite of 不管表示让步意义

He came to the meeting in spite of /despite his serious illness.


8、… he could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved.



He appeared to be talking to himself.


There appears to have been a mistuned standing.


You appear to have traveled quite a lot.


9、… it was said that only three people could understand it at the time.


It is said that … 据说 ……之意

It was said

而It says that … 强调文字材料表达的内容

It said


It is said that they have found water in Mars.


It says (in Boston Globe) that they have found water in Mars.


10、What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world.


an end 意为结束,完结

Don’t worry, there will be on end to your troubles one day.


I must warn you that my patience is almost at an end.


The meeting came to an end at last.




1、I don’t like watching cartoons; _________ playing PC game.

A、nor like I B、nor do I like

C、neither do I D、either I don’t like

2、He studies maths in the way ________ even the teacher is puzzled about.

A、which B、in which C、where D、as

3、_________ in the book that the Universe came for the Big Bay.

A、It is B、It was said C、It says D、It is said

4、Can “Green GDP” put ________ to the destruction of our environment?

A、the end of B、an end of

C、end to D、an end to

5、Choose the wrong sentence:

A、It seems that he has seen a ghost.

B、He appears to have seem a ghost.

C、He looks t have seem a ghost.

D、He seems to have seem a ghost.

6、___________, he went on climbing the high mountain. Choose the wrong answer:

A、Despite the rough weather B、In spite of the rough weather

C、As though the weather was rough

D、Though the rough weather

7、I feel it an honor ______ to attend the opening acrimony of the new library.

A、to invite B、to be invited

C、of being invited D、to have invited

8、_________ a famous university, we must work hard at senior high school.

A、To enter B、Entering C、Having entered D、Entered

9、I have a student ________ this afternoon.

A、talk to B、to talk to C、talking to D、talked to

10、I hurried to the bark only ________ it had closed.

A、finding B、found C、to find D、to have found


When you read the proof that today more than two and a half million children under six years old live in houses where there is the danger of lead poisoning, it is natural to ask how and why this situation has happened, and what can be done about it.

This threat to millions of children has growing through the years from several causes.

50 years ago all house paint was made with some amount of lead. The addition of lead made the paint dry faster and gave a shinier and harder finish(罩面漆). In fact, the more lead, the better and more expensive the paint, and some paint had as much as 50 percent lead.

Medical scientists, who had known for many years that lead could be poisonous when it got into the human body, finally began to speak out against the use of so much lead in places where people lived, worked and played. Then, 30 years ago the paint companies agreed to reduce the amount of lead in paint, especially that used on toys, children’s furniture and for inside walls and woodwork.

Although many--but not all--companies made an effort to reduce the use of lead, action was not quick enough to suit many public health officials and other concerned citizens. In 1972, a law was issued(提出) that, beginning in 1973, a new paint for sale on the market could not contain more than one half of one percent lead. This did not affect the old paint, of course. Some of it was over thirty years old on the walls of millions of homes.

During the post-war years, millions of Americans decided to move to larger cities and towns, away from small towns and farms. As cities grew, people from those cities moved out into the new suburbs. Many of the old houses in the cities were occupied by those who could not afford to have the houses newly-painted. Today, years later, the largest number of lead poisoning cases are being found in millions of older houses in the larger cities.

1、At one time paint that contained __________ was thought to be good.

A、no lead B、very little lead

C、a little lead D、a lot of lead

2、Factories began to reduce the use of lead __________.

A、after the second world war B、before 1972

C、after 1972 D、forty years ago

3、The largest number of lead poisoning cases today is found in _________.

A、poor areas of large cities. B、the countryside

C、rich suburbs around cities D、areas with newly built houses

4、The article suggest that heavily leaded paint is _________.

A、cheap B、fast drying

C、slow drying D、colorful

5、One can concluded after reading this article that ________.

A、although poisonous lead is useful when used in paint

B、lead is no longer used in paint

C、it’s not difficult to prevent lead poisoning

D、lead poisoning will continue to be a problem for some time

参 考 答 案

一、1、B 2、A 3、C 4、D 5、C 6、D 7、B 8、A 9、B 10、C

二、1、D 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、D

2.高二英语课程 篇二

《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》对语言技能、语言知识提出了相应的具体内容和标准, 并指出读是理解的技能, 是任何语言教学中任何阶段都需要包括的一个重要环节。 (教育部, 2003) 。外语学习对外语的接触量有高度的依赖, 在母语环境下, 除了英语课堂, 早读课是学生们接触英语的另一个重要场合。一堂早读课, 是课堂教学有益的补充和延伸, 它具有培养语感、感知文采、熏陶情感、厚积素材的作用。通过朗读, 学生能增强记忆效果, 提高学习效率。因此, 在英语学习中, 早读课是一个重要的组成环节。调查高二学生英语早读课的现状并进行策略上的研究, 对帮助学生提高英语成绩有着重要的作用。


(一) 、调查对象、方式及调查内容

笔者在本校高二年级随机抽选了6个班级, 共计347名学生进行了问卷调查;同时在年段中, 选择了部分同学进行访谈。调查内容主要是三个方面:被调查者的学科态度、早读情况、影响因素。

(二) 问卷调查统计、结果及分析

1. 对英语学科态度方面:你对英语学科感兴趣吗?

A.非常喜欢 (32.2%)

B.一般 (54.3%)

C.不喜欢 (12.4%)

D.厌恶 (1.1%)

2. 被调查者的早读情况方面:

(1) 你觉得英语早读课在整个英语学习过程中重要吗?

A.非常重要 (28.2%)

B.重要 (52.7%)

C.一般 (18.3%)

D.一点都不重要 (0.8%)

(2) 你喜欢目前的早读课吗?

A.很喜欢 (25.0%)

B.喜欢 (53.2%)

C.一般 (16.4%)

D.不喜欢 (5.4%)

(3) 你觉得目前早读课的时间 (30分钟) 够用吗?

A.太长 (11.6%)

B.刚好 (40.5%)

C.不够用 (47.5%)

D.可长可短 (0.4%)

(4) 上高二以来, 你早读课的效率如何?

A.很高 (5.3%)

B.高 (11.8%)

C.一般 (56.6%)

D.低下 (26.3%)

分析:通过对问题 (1) - (4) 的回答可以看出, 学生们对目前英语早读课的现状基本满意, 但有47.5%的学生回答时间不够用, 这与学生们的早读课效率不高有一定的关系。在访谈中, 笔者得知, 导致学生们早读课效率低下的一个原因是有些学生晚上经常就寝时间晚, 休息时间短, 以至于第二天早上犯困, 注意力不集中, 早读开始后10多分钟就开始打瞌睡。由此可见, 规范学生们的作息时间, 才能保证他们有一个高效的早读课。

(5) 一般情况下, 你的早读课有明确的计划吗?

A.有, 能合理安排 (22.1%)

B.偶尔有 (33.6%)

C.无计划, 随意读 (20.3%)

D.听从老师安排 (24.0%)

(6) 早读课你采用的朗读方式是:

A.大声朗读 (24.7%)

B.小声读 (36.7%)

C.默读 (25.8%)

D.边写边读 (12.8%)

分析:从问卷反馈来看, 早读课有明确计划的学生不多, 还有些学生期待老师的安排。在早读课上能大声朗读的也不多 (24.7%) , 边写边读的比例比较小。由此可见, 部分学生在早读课前并没有明确的计划, 盲目性比较大。实践证明, 大声朗读能帮助自己克服胆怯心理, 增强自信。有些朗读材料, 如果学生们能边写边读的话, 就能把听、读、写有效结合起来。

(7) 下列英语学习活动, 哪一项占你最多早读时间?

A.背《单词表》 (75.7%)

B.读课文 (8.8%)

C.背范文 (2.0%)

D.复习练习册和笔记等 (13.5%)

(8) 你有朗读课外美文的习惯吗?

A.经常有 (1.8%)

B.有 (5.2%)

C.很少 (48.2%)

D.几乎没有 (44.8%)

分析:如果早读课内容枯燥, 无疑会压抑学生们的学习积极性。从信息反馈看, 有75.7%的学生在早读课上只背单词;读课文、读美文的比例微小。要想使学生喜欢读, 早读课内容上的选择很关键, 笔者认为, 作为老师, 除了指导学生进行有效的单词、课文等方面的朗读背诵外, 还要帮助学生选择一些语言优美、韵律感强的朗读材料, 这样可以激发学生对语言本身的兴趣爱好, 有利于提高学生的文化素质和语言运用能力。

(9) 你有否对自己的早读课表现进行自我评价及总结?

A.经常有 (5.6%)

B.有 (7.1%)

C.很少 (45.0%)

D.几乎没有 (42.3%)

分析:关于自我评价及总结方面, 选择很少或几乎没有的同学占大多数 (87.3%) 。《英语课程标准》指出, 学生应在评价中发挥主体作用。课后总结过程是一个充分运用大脑对需要记忆的内容进行删除、替换、重组和保留信息的充满学问的过程。早读课后许多学生并无自我评价, 也没总结, 导致了他们缺乏对自己学习上的思考和认知, 没有学习积极性。

(10) 你觉得英语老师对你进行早读课的学法指导有必要吗?

A.非常有必要 (66.4%)

B.有必要 (13.6%)

C.可有可无 (15.2%)

D.没有必要 (4.8%)

分析:从信息反馈看, 老师应在日常教学中适时对学生进行早读课的学法指导, 提高他们的早读效率。

3. 早读课影响因素:

通过问卷调查与访谈, 影响学生早读课效率的因素主要有:学生对早读课的重要性认识、对学习的主动性和积极性的认识、“读”的技能的掌握等方面。


爱因斯坦曾说过:成功=刻苦学习+正确方法+不说空话。因此, 良好的学习方法就是成功的法宝。要想有一堂有效的早读课, 就必须尝试从以下做起。

(一) 明确早读课的重要性。

As the old saying goes, A day`s plan starts with morning.早读是人的记忆高效期, 学生通过大声朗读, 不但能增强记忆效果, 而且能有效地将语言的音和形结合起来, 从而更深入地习得这种语言。心理学告诉我们:朗读就是用清晰响亮的标准语音有感情地读出文章, 是将书面语转化为有声语言的活动。通过朗读, 能很好地培养学习者的语感, 提高学习者品行修养。而早读课就是培养学生这种综合运用语言能力的主要阵地。

(二) 合理早读课的计划性。

在访谈中, 笔者发现很多同学要5-10分钟以后才能进入早读的状态, 这对于只有25或30分钟的一堂早读课来说, 这部分时间的浪费很是可惜。因此, 在早读课前, 学生们要提前做出合理的安排, 在老师的指导下, 明确早读课的具体内容, 做好充分的准备, 在最短的时间进入早读的状态, 以免出现早读课上被动、漫无目的地读, 读后也不知所云的现象。有些学生在读了10多分钟后, 把早读课的时间用来做其他科的作业, 甚至用来补觉, 这些都源于学生缺乏合理的计划。在读的方式上, 学生们也应该根据不同的材料, 选择不同的读法。日本心理学家高木重朗曾说过:“一般来说, 朗读比较能记住东西, 尤其是头脑不清醒的时候, 更应该清楚地朗读出声音来”。因此大声朗读, 能使早读课真正活跃起来。而有些学习材料, 由于他们本身的特点以及所需掌握的程度, 则应采取边写边读的方式, 把所读之处重要单词、短语、句型记下来, 这样任务明确, 学习者也不易开小差。 (如下) 。

例:The doctor treated her headache with a new medicine, but didn’t cure her.On the contrary, her injured leg healing nicely.

(三) 丰富早读课的内容。

如果早读课长时间读一种内容, 学生就会容易感到疲劳。在访谈中, 不少学生都觉得早读课就是背单词, 是一件很枯燥的事。因此, 教师宜在早读课前把要读的内容提前写在黑板上, 并建议学生结合自己的实际情况, 做好合适的早读计划。笔者建议学生把早读课分成三个时段, 每个时段有不同的早读内容, 虽然每个时段只有10分钟左右, 但长时间坚持下来, 也是一个很丰厚的积累。


语言研究专家束定芳指出, “语言由语音、词汇和语法三大要素构成, 其中词汇是最明显的承载文化信息、反映人类社会文化生活的工具。由此可见词汇是英语学习的关键。高二的学生, 他们需要掌握的主要是现阶段的模块词汇, 因此, 学生们在早读课上大声朗读单词, 注意音形义结合, 强化单词的拼写能力。同时结合教科书配套材料, 朗读延伸词块、例句, 这样在语境中学习的单词不易遗忘, 也能促进词汇的整体感知。在读”addicted”时, 学生先记忆词块“be/become addicted to”拓展词块“addict oneself to sth.”然后诵读例句: (1) He became addicted to the drug. (2) The boy addicts himself to computer games and his parents feel worried.学生边读边写, 做到眼到、心到、口到、手到。仅仅是这样是不够的, 周大明 (2014) 认为, 新词必须融入已知词汇的关联网络, 并经常提取和应用, 才能逐渐成为永久记忆的信息。学生在读“addicted”时, 联想到:“be lost in;be bured in;be absorbed in;be involved in”, 如此便提高了所学词汇的复现率, 减少遗忘。


虽然这个时段才10分钟, 但长时下来, 学生们的篇章诵读也能读出丰富的内容来。 (以人教版Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news为例。)

(1) 回归课文。

俗话说“书读百遍, 其义自见”。学生们使用的人教版教材, 内容贴近学生的生活, 有时代气息, 所使用的语言也地道、真实。因此, 学生们在早读课上反复朗读课文, 并背诵其中的一些佳句, 既夯实了基础, 又增强了语感, 为学生写作方面也提供了很好的模仿与借鉴。

例1:Unit 4 Reading部分, 以对话的形式, 一个新闻记者讲述了他的第一次难忘的工作经历。在朗读时, 学生可以分角色, 增加早读课的趣味性。在读的过程中, 学生除了能积累一些好词好句, 如:concentrate on, have a good“nose”for;Here comes my list of dos and don`ts. (倒装句) Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.还能了解一个新闻记者的工作, 增加课外知识。

(2) 开发课文。

新课程提出, 对教材需要进行适当的、科学性的补充和删减, 或是资源的整合, 即对教材进行“二次开发”。在早读课上, 把课文内容的整合材料利用多媒体设备投放出来, 让学生朗读。

例2:To the reporters, it’s unnecessary for them to take a camera because they have professional photographers with them.The reporters should be curious and they must have a nose for a story.They know how to acquire the information they need.While interviewing, they won’t be rude, they won’t talk too much themselves, and they listen to the interviewee carefully.They will listen to the detailed facts and ask new questions.There is a trick of the trade, that is, with the permission of the interviewer, they would use recorders which could keep the evidence to help support their story.

这是对课文Reading教材的概要, 其中划线部分可以让学生以笔头练习的形式先填出来再读, 也可以直接呈现, 通过设置不同颜色的字体, 引起学生的注意。学生们读后的感觉就和读课文原文的感觉不一样了, 又再现了一些重点词块。

(3) 延伸课文。

学生们接触的报刊, 教辅材料中, 经常会有课文的同话题文章, 在早读课上可以进行朗读。

例3:Interviewing is one of the most basic tasks in journalism and also an important skill for any jourbailst.A“source”-anyone a journalist interviews-can provide the following elements that are important in any news stories, including basic facts, background on the topic being discussed and direct quotes.

It`s an old debate among print journalists works better when interviewing a source, taking notes or using a cassette or digital voice recorder.Both have their advantages and disadvantages.A reporter`s notebook and a pen or a pencil are the easy-to–use, time-honored tools for interviewing, while recorders enable you to get everything someone says word-for-word.Which works better?It depends on what kind of story journalists are doing.

Many green reporters complain that with a notebook and pen they can never take down everything a source says in an interview, and they worry about writing fast enough in order to get quotes exactly right.They always want to take the most thorough notes possible.But remember, you don`t have to take everything a source says.Keep in mind that you`re probably not going to use everything they say in your story.So don`t worry if you miss a few things here and there.

So you`ve done a long interview with a source, you have pages of notes, and you`re ready to write.But chances are you`ll only be able to fit a few quotes from that long interview into your article.Which one should you use?Reporters often talk about using only“good”quotes for their stories, but what does this mean?Broadly speaking, good quotes are those that are interesting or said in a very interesting way.

学生在反复朗读这篇文章后, 能进一步了解新闻采访工作的一些知识, 加深了对课文话题的理解。此外, 文章中的一些新的词汇的出现, 增加了学生们的词汇量。

3. 早读课第20-30分钟时段:美文诵读。

(1) 诗歌是高中英语学习中不可缺的一部分。英语诗歌语言优美, 韵律感强, 而且文化内涵丰富, 是基础英语教学中很有潜力的教学资源, 重复开发和利用这一资源, 可以激发学生对语言本身的兴趣和热爱 (林景鸿, 2007) 。英语教材中, 除了模块6中的诗歌单元外, 在一些单元后面, 也有一些诗歌, 供学生们早读课上朗读。

例4:Book 5 Unit 3 Dreaming (by Rachel Burns)

Dream, dreaming of tomorrow

what it will be

Dreaming of my future

The life that is ahead of me

对于这些诗歌, 学生们可以进行单独朗诵或小组朗读, 提高自己对诗歌美的欣赏能力, 感受美文的气息。

(2) 学生还可以利用这个时段背诵一些优美的范文。美文可以从书面表达的范文中来, 也可以从学生的习作中选择, 这样既能增加学生们对写作信息的输入, 还能鼓励学生们写出好的文章, 增强学生的创作信心。

(四) 开展早读课的评价

早读课后的评价就像一面镜子, 能让学生在评价中不断纠正、提升自己。课标要求, 英语课程的评价体系, 既要体现主体的多元化, 评价形式也要多样化。英语早读课的评价主体, 可以是学生自己、也可以是同伴、教师。形式上, 可以采用朗读竞赛, 评出班级朗诵之星;也可以开展英语谚语、俗语背诵大比拼, 提高学生们的学习兴趣。此外, 也可以采用传统的评价方式:听写、默写, 来检测学生早读课的效果。合理地设置评价体系, 能有效地发挥早读课指导功能, 使学生在长期的早读中提升对早读课的认识和效率。


早读课是学生语言学习的输入环节, 教师要强化这种意识, 积极探索帮助学生提高早读课效率的有效方法, 指导学生把所学语言灵活地输出, 运用到英语学习中。As we know, a good method is half done.


[1]教育部, 普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) [S].北京:人民教育出版社, 2003

[2]普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修5[T].北京:人民教育出版社, 2010

[3]束定芳, 庄智象, 现代外语教学、理论、实践与方法[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1996

3.高二英语课程 篇三















4.高二英语课程 篇四

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)






Don’t you think that Ireland belongs to the UK? 你不认为爱尔兰属于联合王国吗?

I’m not so sure about that. 我吃不准。

No, you are wrong thinking so. 不,你这样想是借的。

Surely it must be an independent republic. 它一定是个独立的共和国。

I believe that you’ve got it right. 你想你对了。



1、The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many.


这里that…是名词性从句作同位语,是指这个事实。make up是主动式,上句可改成:

Three counties make up Great Britain.

被动式总是be made up of = consist of 意为由……组成,其中of不能代之by。

make up其他一些常见用法:

John made up a joke about the talking dog. 约翰编了一个会讲话狗的笑话。

You must make up the work you missed. 你一定得把你没做完的工作补上。

Most women make up (their faces). 大多数女人都化妆。

Pay increases will not always make up for poor working conditions.


2、The British Isles are a group of islands that lies off the west coast of Europe.



off the coast 指海岸外,在海上。 on the coast 指在海岸线上,海边,大陆上。


The city lies on the west coast of America. 这城市位于美国西海岸。

The small island lies 70 miles off the east coast of America.


3、In the summer months the difference in temperature between London and the north can be as much as nine degrees. 夏日伦敦与北方的温差可达九度。

There could be as many as six hundred thousand sheep fed within six miles of Salisbury, measuring every way round and the town in the center.


这里as much as与as many as同义,多达……,但温度是不可数名词(尽管degrees是复数)只能用as much as,而羊是可数名词当然用as many as …,又例:

The maglev can move as much as 400 kilometers per hour.


They have built as many as 180 bridges so far. 至今为止他们造了多达180座桥。

4、make use of, make the best of及make the most of:


make use of 利用

Do you want to make use of the waste paper? 你要利用这些废纸吗?

You should make good use of your spare time. 你应该好好利用你的空余时间。

The main use they make of the satellite is to broadcast TV programs.


make the most of 充分利用

George studied hard. He wanted to make the most of his chance to learn.

full use


make the best of,尽量利用,善用,含有使不利变有利的意义:

Make the best of your limited time. 善用你有限的时间。

We have lost the train, but we must make the best of it.


Since we can’t find a bigger apartment, we’ll have to make the best of what we have.


5、It is twenty five miles across the fields to Salisbury. 跨越25英里的田野到达索尔兹伯里。

这里用across不用from,因田野是一片不是一个地点,from … to是指两点之间:

It is 2 kilometers from my home to school. 从我家到学校有2公里。

It is 500 miles across the desert to the small town. 越过沙漠到这个小镇要走500英里。




It’s 5.00 now. It is Monday today.


It’s warm. It rains every day.


It is noisy in the classroom. It is very beautiful beside the lake.

6、As we traveled through this country, we saw many old relics from ancient times and ruin of the native population of this kingdom.



Helen listened to music as she washed. He washed as he passed.

As it grew darker, it became colder.

7、It is built where two rivers come together. 它建于两河交汇处。


I found the books where I left them.

Where there’s plenty of sun and rain, the fields are green.




all kinds/sorts of books/food 各种书/食物


many 许多种书/食物

three 三种书/食物

this kind/sort of book/food或books/food this kind/sort 这种书/食物

that that 那种书/食物

a kind/sort of book/food 一种书/食物

of a kind/sort 贬义:

They are all of a kind/sort. 他们都是一类人。

a poet of a kind/sort 蹩脚诗人 coffee of a kind/sort 劣质咖啡


He is a kind /sort of genus. 他可算一个天才。

I feel kind of cold. 我觉得有点冷。


She kind of hoped he would come. 她多少有点希望他会来。

sort of

9、Although a small country, it has an amazing history of over 5000 years.


这Although是省略从句 = Although it is a small country, …如改成in spite of或despite则应:

In spite of being a small country, being不去掉为宜。


10、Since Ireland became independent, the Irish government has recognized that if nothing is done, this part of Irish culture will disappear.



I recognize you now; you were my neighbor ten years ago.


He recognized that he was not fit for the post. 他认识到(承认)他不能胜任这个职位。

I recognize your right to ask that question. 我承认你有权问这个问题。

They agreed to recognize the republic in the end.


[语法] 名词性从句⑴


That earth goes around the sun. → that the earth goes around the sun


That the earth goes around the sun is known to all.


It is known to all that ….


Even a child knows that the earth goes around the sun.

Though Galileo made it clear that … , most people didn’t believe him.(形式宾语先行)



The fact is that the earth goes around the sun.


People didn’t agree to the truth that the earth goes around the sun until the 16th century.



1、Japan lies ______ the east coast of China.

A. to B. in C. on D. off

2、If you pay attention, you’ll find ______ 50 dogs around this block.

A. as much as B. as many as C. so much as D. so many as

3、_______ brave, they got defeated at last. Choose the wrong answer:

A. Though B. Despite C. Although they were D. Inspire of being

4、The world-famous jewel is made _____ four parts, each of which is made _____ diamond.

A. up of, of B. of, up of C. up for, from D. into, of

5、Defeated in the war, England had to _________ the independence of America.

A. agree B. recognize C. accept D. promise

6、I’ve only found some rice in the refrigerator, so we have to _______ of it.

A. make the most B. make full use C. make the best D. make good use

7、Because they walked into a very crowded street the little kid got ______ from them soon.

A. separated B. lost C. missing D. away

8、After the civil war, a new school was put up _____ there had once been a church.

A. in which B. when C. where D. on which

9、What those high officials say is often different from ______ they are doing.

A. how B. what C. that D. when

10、It is certain _________ we will land on Mars some day.

A. that B. whether C. how D. what


In 1909 an English newspaper offered £1000 to the first man to fly across the English Channel in a plane. Today, modern jets cross it in minutes. But at that time it still seemed a good distance. The race to win the money soon became a race between two men. Both were very colorful.

One was Louis Bleriot, who owned a factory in France that made motorcar lamps. He was already well known as a pilot because he had crashed several times. Some people laughed at him. One man said, “He may not be the first to fly across the Channel, but he will certainly be the first to die in a crash!” But Bleriot was really a good and brave pilot.

The other man was Hubert Latham. He took up flying when his doctors told him he had only a year to live. “Oh, well,” he said, “if I’m going to die soon, I think I shall have a dangerous and interesting life now.” Latham was the first to try the flight across the Channel. Ten kilometers from the French coast, his plane had engine trouble. It crashed into the water and began to sink under the water. When a boat reached him. Latham was smoking calmly on the wing. Bleriot took off six days later. He flew into some very bad weather and very low cloud. Finally he got to the English side and landed in a farmer’s field. When he did so, a customs officer rushed up to his plane and asked, “Have you anything to declare?”

1、Bleriot had once been regarded as __________.

A. the first man crossing the Channel B. an excellent factory manager

C. an unskilled pilot D. a good and brave pilot

2、What happened just before Latham’s plane sank under the water?

A. A boat came in time to save him. B. He cried out for help.

C. The weather became worse and worse.

D. Something was seriously wrong with one of the wings.

3、Bleriot started his flight across the Channel __________.

A. but crashed into the water B. and almost crashed in low cloud over France

C. but had to turn back when his engine went wrong

D. and succeeded in reaching England

4、We can conclude that in the end __________.

A. nether Bleriot nor Latham won the race

B. Bleriot won £1000 offered by the newspaper

C. Latham won £1000 offered by the newspaper

D. £1000 was shared between Latham and Bleriot

5、What kind of man would you say Hubert Latham was?

A. He was not interested in life. B. He was full of courage.

C. He was a bit foolish. D. He was very proud of his flying skill.


一、1、D 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、B 6、C 7、A 8、C 9、B 10、A

5.高二英语课程 篇五

主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)






I’m interested to read some Shakespeare’s sonnets.


I’ve never heard of Robert Frost, so I’m very interested in his poems.


I think it (will be ) too difficult to write a sonnet.


I don’t know much about John Milton except his “Paradise Lost”.





poem poetry poet intention recite pattern dialogue sort fantasy grammar glory sonnet absence district isle atmosphere introduction embrace tale shade extraordinary idiom crow mood apart insane essay recommend contribute


play with … 玩要……,与……一起玩

call up 唤起,调动,打电话

stand out 出类拔萃,突出

come into being 出现,形式


1、More than any other form of literature, poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar.


上句中more than的用法是习语,又例:

They were more than glad to help. 他们非常乐意来帮忙。

He was more than upset by the accident.


Newspapers and other media do more than simply record what happens.




v.t. play football 踢足球 play cards 打牌

play chess 下棋

play the piano 弹钢琴

the violin 拉小提琴


We’ll play Class 3 at football.

Will you play me at chess?

Smith is playing the former champion in the tennis match.


New York played Chicago for the baseball championship.



play “Hamlet” 演“汉姆雷特”这出戏

play (“the role/part of ”) Julie 扮演朱丽叶这角色

play a trick on … 捉弄

a joke

v.i. 玩,玩弄

Children like to play.

Can Bob come out to play with me? 鲍勃能出来和我一起玩吗?

The cat is playing with a football. 这猫正在玩一个足球。

He is a playboy. He’s always playing with a girl’s affections.


2、Poetry also calls up all the colors, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.


这里call up意为remind,唤起,但用法上有异,试比较:

His story called up (in my mind) a terrible experience I had last year.

reminded me of


3、Modern English started around the time of William Shakespeare towards the end of the sixteenth century.



He is only about/around/some five feet tall.

The journey will take us about/around/some ten days.

The date of his death may be set around/about 86 B.C.

He lived about/around the same time as Einstein.


We arrived at the village towards 9 o’clock. (We didn’t arrive at the village until 9 o’clock.)

The rain stopped towards morning. (The rain didn’t stop until morning.)

4、John Keats died at a very young age in 1821;while William Wordsworth, who spent much of his time in the English Lake District, lived to the age of 80 and died in 1850.



To/Until the day of his death he kept up his studies.

He teaches from morning to/till four o’clock..


I didn’t stay to the end of the meeting. 我没耽到会议结束。

(cf. I didn’t leave until the end of the meeting. 我直到会议结束才走。这句如用持续动词stay,会有歧义,无法理解。)

5、The style and atmosphere in their poems has often led to comparisons with poets such as Du Fu and Li Bai. 他们的诗作的风格与气氛常常导致与杜甫、李白的比较。

①领导,带领之意,不跟to do:

He led the Allied forces during the war. 他在战争期间领导盟军。

The Party leads us (in) building socialism. 党领导我们建设社会主义。

He led a human right movement in the late 1980s. 他在80年代领导一场人权运动。


What led him to run away? 什么使他逃之夭夭?

The news leads me to believe that they will come. 这个消息使我相信他们会来的。

③lead to导致,to是介词。

Herd work leads to success. All roads lead to Rome.

The heavy rain led to a flood.


What led you to (drawing) this conclusion? 什么导致你得出这个结论?

6、The introduction of English poetry to China came late. 英语诗歌传入中国比较晚。



Allow me to introduce my friend Mr. Smith to you.

The chairman introduced the lecturer to the audience.

Have you been introduced? 你被引见了吗?


It was my cousin who introduced me to jazz.

My father introduced me to the game of baseball.

Let me introduce you to Keats’ long poems.


Too many kinds of GM food have been introduced to China, which may bring about side effects.

Wang Shuo introduced the slang of Beijing street gangs into his novels.


7、Besides, no matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. 一首诗不管译得多好,都会失去原作的神韵。

no matter how well …是让步状语从句,让我们小结一下让步状语从句的一些结构:

He didn’t light the fire though/although it was cold.

I’ll do it, even if/even though it takes all the afternoon.

Tall as/though he was, (yet) he couldn’t reach the apples.

Though/Although he was tall,



While I understand what you say, I can’t agree with you.


No matter what I did, no one paid any attentions. 不管我做什么,没有人理睬。


Don’t believe the rumour, no matter who repeats it.


The book will be ready for him (no matter) whether he comes or not.

No matter how hard she worked, she failed the exam in the end.

However hard

No matter when and how the invaders come, they will be wiped out clean.


(注意这里有when and how两个连词一般不用whenever and however并列替换。)

8、I started with small poems, but now I think I most like long poems.


begin with, start with意为以什么为开始,一开始做什么,一般with后面不接动名词,只接名词、代词:

I began with some short stories.

reading some short stories. ×


He is starting with grammar.

teaching grammar. ×


9、I close my book and my sadness is gone. 合上书本我的悲伤也就消失了。


Her diamond necklace was gone. (表语)

I found my wallet gone. (宾补)

Don’t regret the gone case. (定语)

cf: He has gone. 他走了或他离开了。

He is gone. 他死了或他失踪了。

10、After Milton, almost every poet had a hand at this kind of poetry that was free of rhyme.


have a hand at/in … 参考,做过一点……,插手……

He had a hand at the gamble when he was young. 他年轻时干过赌博这行当。

None of your business, don’t have a hand in (it). 不要插手,与你无关。

He once had a hand at photography before he became an artist.


11、Modern poets wanted to break with all the traditional forms of poetry.


这里break with = break away from

I should break with/break away from such habits.

He broke away from/broke with all his old friends.

[语法] 过去分词作状语


Moved by the movie, Jane burst into tears. (原因)

Heated to 100℃, water boils. (条件/时间)

The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students. (方式/伴随状况)


Because/As she was moved by the movie, …

If/When it is heated to 100℃, …

…, who was followed by a group of students.


2、过去分词作状语时,为了强调条件让步时间等意义,常前置连词,常见的有:when, if, unless, until, till, once, although, though, even if, etc,但引导时间状语的while一般不能接过去分词,因为过去分词的完成过去的意义与之有矛盾:

Experience, when dearly bought, is of great value.

Once seen, it will be impressed in your memory.

John, don’t speak until spoken to.

Unless asked, you should keep silent.

If given another ten minutes, I’ll finish sending the email.

He is very modest though praised by all.

Even if taken good care of, the man was not satisfied.



1、Who are you going to ________ in the tennis match?

A. play with B. play C. be played D. have played

2、They completed the new lab building _______ the end of summer vacation.

A. to B. until C. towards D. by

3、She introduced _____________.

A. Suzhou gardens to American friends

B. American friends to Suzhou gardens

C. American friends Suzhou gardens

D. Suzhou gardens for American friends

4、The computer __________. Choose the wrong answer:

A. belongs to Tom B. belongs to mine

C. is his D. is Tom’s

5、Jack’s surfing the net far into the night led to __________ to school again the next day.

A. come late B. coming late C. come later D. coming later

6、More and more students are ______ the Net these years.

A. interested to surf B. interested surfing

C. interest in surfing D. interested to surfing

7、Nowadays many people ______ the habit of staying up watching TV till midnight.

A. fall B. fall in C. fall into D. fall with

8、Teddy decided to ______ the street gang.

A. break away with B. break from C. break away D. break with

9、_________ the question, he didn’t know what to say.

A. Asking B. Asked C. To ask D. Having asked

10、Though __________ much money, yet he became a beggar a few weeks later.

A. giving B. having given C. being given D. given


以下是美国诗人朗弗罗(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1807-1882)的一首名诗“生命颂”,请将它译成中文:



Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

“Life is but an empty dream!”

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!

And the grave is not its goal:

“Dust thou art, to dust returnest,”

Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow.

Is our destined end or way;

But to act, that each to-morrow

Find us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,

And our hearts, though stout and brave,

Still, like muffled drums, are beating

Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle,

In the bivouac of Life,

Be not like dumb, driven cattle!

Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!

Let the dead Past bury its dead!

Act, -act in the living Present!

Heart within, and God o’erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime,

And, departing, leave behind us

Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,

Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,

A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,

Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing,

With a heart for any fate;

Still achieving, still pursuing,

Learn to labor and to wait.


一、1、B 2、C 3、B 4、B 5、B 6、A 7、C 8、D 9、B 10、D



第1行 numbers 韵律,语调

第7行 thou art = you are returnest = return

第18行 bivouac 露营地

第21行 howe’er = however

第24行 o’erhead = overhead

第26行 sublime 崇高,伟大

第27行 departing 逝世

第30行 main 海洋(诗歌用语)

第32行 take heart 得到鼓舞

6.高二数学教本课程教学计划 篇六













第一周 空间中的线面关系

第二周 函数的变化率与导数

第三周 函数的变化率与导数

第四周 函数的变化率与导数

第五周 导数在研究函数中的应用

第六周第七周第八周第九周 利用导数解决用料最省问题 导数处理选址最佳问题 用导数求利润最大问题 利用导数处理费用最省问题




数学思想和方法在推理中的应用 第十周 利用导数处理效率最高问题 第十一周 第十二周 第十三周 第十四周第十五周 复数题型研究

第十六周 函数与导数在生活中的应用

第十七周 函数与导数在平面几何中的应用

第十八周 函数与导数在立体几何中的应用







7.高二英语学困生成因及转化对策 篇七























