


1.八年下古诗文 篇一

Unit 1Where did you go on vacation?


()1.“___ you ___ your key?”“Yes.It was in my bag.”

A.Were, find B.Did, find

C.Do, find

D.Are, find

()2.“___ your father busy last Sunday?”“Yes, he helped my mother clean the




C.WereD.Does()3.They had great fun ___ the Olympic Games.A.watchB.watching C.watched D.to watch()4.The weather was sunny, so they decided ___ to the mountains.A.to go


D.went()5._____the morning of last Sunday , he ____a movie.A.In , sees

B.In, saw

C.On, sees

D.On, saw

()6.She isn’t ____to carry the box.A.enough strongB.young enoughC.enough young

D.strong enough()7.The news about Shenzhou VII make me ___ excited.A.feel

B.to feelC.feelingD.felt()8.How was the volleyball game yesterday? Great._______had a fun time.A.everything B.everyone C.anyoneD.anything()9.I think the people there ___ very friendly.A.was




()10.“Was everyone here yesterday?”“___”

A.Yes, Li Hong wasn’t here.B.No, Li Hong wasn’t here.C.Yes, everyone is here.D.No, Li Hong isn’t here.()11.He found his car_____.A.was losing

B.had lost


D.was missed

()12.He ___ any classes last week.A.doesn’t haveB.doesn’t hadC.wasn’t have

D.didn’t have

()13.I didn’t bring back ____from Thailand.____at all ?Why not?

A.anything ,everything

B.nothing ,something

C.something, nothing

D.anything, nothing()14.I often ___ my homework after supper.But yesterday evening, I ___ TV.A.do, watchB.did, watchedC.did, watch

D.do, watched

()15.___ she often ___ her homework in the evening last year?

A.Does, do

B.Did, does C.Does, did D.Did, do

()16.Did you go ____?

A.interesting somewhere

B.somewhere interesting

C.anywhere interesting

D.interesting anywhere()17.---____?----Dumplings.They were so delicious.A.How was your lunch

B.What did you have for lunch

C.Where did you go for lunchD.When did you have lunch

()18.I found a little cat ___ with a ball in the garden.A.plays


C.playingD.is playing

()19.I don’t have ___ money for a taxi, ___ I have to walk home.A.many, becauseB.any, soC.some, so

D.any, because

()20.There was ______ with my watch.A.anythingwrong

B.wrong anything

C.something wrongD.wrong something



Last Sunday we had a fantastic trip.My father, my mother and I to summer camp.We went to the mountains.First we the taxi and then weto the foot of the mountain.In the middle of the mountain, there was a river.The water wasI washed my face with the water.It was warm.There some fishes in the river.In the mountain there were many flowers.They were veryAt 12:00, many people got together, and they were veryWe made our lunch in the mountain.The food was veryAfter lunch, we went on our trip.At last, we got to the top(顶)of the mountain.We were veryIt was really()1.A.goB.goesC.goingD.went()2.A.takeB.hadC.tookD.by()3.A.getB.got



B.hungryC.beautiful D.boring()7.A.smartB.sad



()8.A.awfulB.delicious C.expensive D.terrible()9.A.happy

B.unhappy C.interesting D.boring()10.A.terrible





Two weeks before Christmas one year, I wentLondon with my mother.I shall never forget the day.The streets werepeople.The shop windows were very bright.My mother held my hand and we both went into a toy shop.The shop was full ofThere were nice toysThen I saw Father Christmas himself!I pulled my motherthe hand.“Pleaseme to Father Christmas,” I said.There werechildren near Father Christmas.They were standingline.Father Christmas spoke to every one of them.At last it was my“Hello, little Tom,” he said to me.As soon as I heard his John Smith.()11.A./



D.out()12.A.crowds of B.full ofC.manyD.fill of()13.A.students




()14.A.anywhere B.somewhere C.nowhere D.everywhere()15.A.byB.withC.inD.on()16.A.letB.takeC.ask

D.bring()17.A.a lotB.much

C.lots ofD.few()18.A.byB.inC.withD.at()19.A.time







Everyone must go to bed early(早)and get up early, or we won’t be healthy and clever.Is this true? Perhaps(可能)it is.The body must have enough(足够)sleep.Children of your age need ten-hour sleep every day.If you don’t go to bed early, you will not have enough sleep.Then you can’t think properly(完全地)and can’t do your work properly.You’ll not be clever.Some people go to bed late and get up late.That is not good for them.We must sleep at night when it is dark(黑的).The dark helps us to sleep soundly.When the daytime comes, we must get up.This is the time for exercise.If you lack(缺乏)exercise, it becomes weak(虚弱的).Exercise keeps a strong body.Exercise helps the blood(血液)flow(流动)around inside the body.This is very important.Blood takes food to all parts of our body.The brain(大脑)also need blood, we think with our blood.If we keep our body healthy and take exercises, we can think better.()1.If we want to be healthy and clever, we must go to bed _____.A.late and get up early

B.early and get up late

C.early and get up earlyD.late and get up late()2.Children of your age need _____.A.nine-hour sleep B.ten hours’ sleepC.eleven-hour sleep D.twelve-hour sleep()3.The best time to sleep is when _____.A.daytime comes B.it is dark C.we are taking exercise D.it is late afternoon

()4.Exercise makes the body _____.A.weak B.clever C.unhealthy D.strong()5.Exercise _____.A.makes more blood

B.helps the blood to flow

C.makes food for our bloodD.makes our brain tired


Most American families like to have a vacation in summer.Summer is a good season for vacation.It is often hot in July and August.Children do not go to school in those two months.Some people like to stay at home, read books, or watch TV.Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake.Some people have

enough time and money to travel(旅行)to other countries like France, Japan and Australia.They usually fly to these countries.Many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries.Their favorite cities are New York,Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.Not everyone likes to go to busy cities.Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys(山谷).()1.___ is a good season for vacation.A.Spring




()2.Some people like to stay at home during their vacation.They don’t ___.A.read booksB.visit their friendsC.watch TV

D.go to work()3.Many families like to have their lunch ___ during their vacation.A.in the office

B.near a cinemaC.near a big factoryD.near a nice lake()4.If you have ___, you can travel to other countries.A.money and friendsB.friends and timeC.money and time


()5.Which of the following is “芝加哥”?

A.Chicago.B.New York.C.Miami.D.Los Angeles.(C)

One day as the teacher was walking into the classroom, he heard a low voice, “Here is the teacher.I am sure the boring fellow(烦人的家伙)is going to talk about putting in commas(逗号).”It was Billy’s voice.He was talking with the boy next to him.The teacher didn’t get angry.And then he wrote on the blackboard the sentence, “Billy says the teacher is a boring fellow.”

“Now,” said the teacher, “I will show you how important commas are.”

He put two commas into the sentence and then read, “Billy, says the teacher, is a boring fellow.”

1.What did the teacher hear when he was walking into the classroom?

____________________________________________________________________ 2.Where did the story happen?

____________________________________________________________________ 3.What did the sentence mean when the teacher put two commas into it?

____________________________________________________________________ 4.把(A)句翻译成汉语

____________________________________________________________________ 5.把(B)句翻译成汉语

____________________________________________________________________ IV.词汇


1.It was my f ____time there.So e______was really interesting.2.There was nothing m_____to do but read.3.I bought s______for my parent,but n______for myself.4.Still no one s_____ to be bored.5.We f____some hens and saw some baby pigs.6.We took q ____ a few photos there.7.We had s_____ special for the teacher.8.I w_____ what life was l______here in the p______.9.We wanted to walk u___to the top of the mountain.10.They waited o____an hour f______the train.11.Because o___the bad weather,we couldn’t see anything b______.12.The city looked w______from the top of the hill.B)用所给词的适当形式填空

1.The old man __________(be)ill and went to see a doctor.2.__________ you __________(go)to Shanghai last year? 3.We __________(have)a party last night.4.We __________(visit)the museum and then went home.5.“How __________(be)the students?”“They were very friendly.” C)用所给词的适当形式填空,完成短文 Dear Mum,I had a school trip last May Day.We(1)__________(spend)the first four days in Paris.We(2)__________(have)a sightseeing of the city and we also(3)__________(visit)some of the famous places like the Eiffel Tower and the Louver.From Paris we traveled down to the south of France near Marseilles by boat.We spent five days there.There we(4)__________(have)a lot of fun.We(5)__________(swim)in the sea and(6)__________(take)a lot of pictures.We also(7)__________(do)lots of sports on the beach.We(8)__________(go)back a week later by train.I think the trip(9)__________(be)interesting.I liked the food best.It(10)__________(be)delicious.Love,Betty


Last week, I(1)h__________ a busy week.On Monday morning I first(2)c__________ my room, because it was too dirty.In the afternoon, I(3)d__________ my homework.It was a little difficult.On Tuesday morning, I(4)s__________ geography.I like to study geography.In the afternoon I(5)w__________ to the library.I read a book about music.I like music very much.So on Wednesday I(6)p__________ the guitar at home.Then on Thursday, I(7)p__________ football.It was a fun day for me.On Saturday I(8)v__________ my aunt.My aunt(9)c__________ dinner for me.On Sunday night, I(10)w__________ TV.I saw an interesting play.V.补全对话

A: Hi, Vera.(1)______________________________ V: It was great!


V: I went to Tokyo with my family.A: Really?Wow!(3)______________________________ V: Well, we visited a lot of interesting places and ate some nice food.A:(4)______________________________ V: Yeah, I did.I bought some gifts for my friends.A:(5)______________________________

V: The people there were really friendly.My parents had some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at their houses.VI.翻译 A)词组 1.去度假

2.去参加夏令营 3.参观博物馆4.看望我的叔叔


6.上个月 7.品尝起来好吃8.在乡下 9.又走了两个小时10.去海滩 11.在回家的路上


13.到达山顶14.从山顶 15.北京烤鸭



1.“你弟弟假期到哪儿去了?”“去夏令营了。” 2.“上个星期天天气怎么样?”“又热又潮湿。” 3.“他参观博物馆了吗?”“不,他没参观。” 4.“你的假期怎么样?”“相当好。” 5.他没带来足够的钱。6.她经常帮我打扫房间。7.我认为这本词典不贵。8.多好的天气呀!我们去爬山吧!9.我们在水里玩得很高兴。




根据下面的提示写一篇日记,描述一下你印象最为深刻的一次假期旅行。要求:内容清楚,语句通顺,书写规范,60词左右 提示:1.Where did you go?2.What did you do there?3.How was the weather there?4.How were the people there?5.How was the food there?


2.二OO八年下学期工作总结 篇二













3.八年下古诗文 篇三

Unit 7 What’s the highest mountain in the world?第3课时(Section A3a – 4c)

学习目标:掌握51页和52页单词,短语重点句子 学法指导:以旧带新,合作探究


1.Tom’s father is as tall as him.(two)

(expensive)than before.(weigh)of 180 pounds.4.Theof the Qomalangma is 8,844 meters.(high)5.The heavy rain prevented us from(come)in time.6.Have you ever seen the film 7.I think it’s one of(enjoy)trips in my life.8.After a short rest, he continued 9.Who do you think is

(worry)we became.学习过程:自主学习(20′)A级。朗读51页3a.更正读音。

B级1.阅读3a.翻译。把不懂,不会的单词,短语和句子划出来。待同桌读完译完后,互相探讨。还不懂的。留待合作探究时小组讨论。2.为每个段落,选出合适的主题。C级。完成3b的表格 D级。根据课文回答问题 知识点解析


Hainan island is in the south of China.southern--形容词,南方的Hainan island is in the southern part of China.同理,有eastern,western,northern,分别表示东方的、西方的、北方的2.raise及物动词。提高,举起。宾语是头,手,眼,帽子,重物,温度,声音等。如;raise one’s hand 举手raise a flag升旗 raise a stone 搬石头 raise one’s voice提高嗓门说话

rise 不及物动词。主语是日,月,云,烟,热,汽,温度计,物价,河水等 主语是人时,指人站起,起身。如:The sun rises in the east.太阳在东方升起。Prices are rising.价格在上涨

He rose to welcome me。他起身欢迎我。

3.succeed 动词,成功success 名词,成功 successful形容词,成功的 he is a _________man.The filmis a huge ______.If you want to ______,you must work very hard.合作交流(5′)1.交流不懂的短语,句子 2.提出问题和见解。展示质疑(10′)精讲点拨(2′)小结(2′)达标测试(3)A.下列短语。


The cheetah can run about 100 2.这种新型的手机只有五厘米长。

This new type of mobile phone is only 5 centimeters ____________________.3.我们在一起的时间越长,我们越快乐。

__________________ we stay together , ________________ we will be 4.黄河是中国第二长河。

in China.5.中国的人口比印度的多。
