


1.绘画专业学生英文自荐信 篇一


dearadmissionscommittee:iampleasedtohavethisopportunitytorecommendoneofmycapablestudentsattheabcuniversity,mr.hung-doedoe,toyouruniversity‘smasterdegreeprogramincomputerscienceforenteringclassfall1996.throughmyextensiveobservationofhiminbothacademicandextracurricularfields,ihavecometotheconclusionthatmr.doepossessesanumberofvaluablequalificationsthatwillmakehimanoutstandingmemberofhisgraduateclass.ihavehadthepleasureofknowingmr.doewhenhewasundermyinstructioninthecourseofelectricalengineeringduringtheacademicyearof1993.whileattendingthisrequirementcourse,mr.doehasleftmewiththeimpressionasabrightandhard-workingstudentwhoishighlymotivatedinhiscoursework.hisacademicintegritycanbereflectedbythefactthatherankedinthetop10%intheclass.unlikemostofhispeers,whogainedknowledgemerelyfromschoollecturing,mr.doehasspentagreatamountofeffortandtimeonreadingadvancedarticlesandtextbooksandthereforehasdevelopedafirmgraspofthissubject.iamoftheopinionthatmyclasshasprovidedmr.doewithasolidbasicbackgroundinelectronicsandcircuitsanalysis,whichisvaluabletohisacademicpursuitincomputerscience.anopen-mindedindividualwhoneverletgoanylearningopportunityandisalwayswillingtosharewithpeoplehisownopinionsandideas,mr.doe,oftencametomediscussingvariousquestionsandproblemsheencounteredduringhisstudies.iwaspleasedtolearnofhisstronginterestinelectronicrelatedsubjectsandthemostup-to-dateadvancementinthisfield.hisdiligenceandcommitmenttocourseworkhasleftadeepimpressiononme.ihave,withoutanydoubt,cometoconsiderhimtobeahighlypromisingstudent.withtheintelligenceandpersistencethatmr.doehasdisplayed,hewillhavenodifficultyinsucceedinginanyacademicenvironmentandcontinuetoperf dearadmissionscommittee:iampleasedtohavethisopportunitytorecommendoneofmycapablestudentsattheabcuniversity,mr.hung-doedoe,toyouruniversity‘smasterdegreeprogramincomputerscienceforenteringclassfall1996.throughmyextensiveobservationofhiminbothacademicandextracurricularfields,ihavecometotheconclusionthatmr.doepossessesanumberofvaluablequalificationsthatwillmakehimanoutstandingmemberofhisgraduateclass.ihavehadthepleasureofknowingmr.doewhenhewasundermyinstructioninthecourseofelectricalengineeringduringtheacademicyearof1993.whileattendingthisrequirementcourse,mr.doehasleftmewiththeimpressionasabrightandhard-workingstudentwhoishighlymotivatedinhiscoursework.hisacademicintegritycanbereflectedbythefactthatherankedinthetop10%intheclass.unlikemostofhispeers,whogainedknowledgemerelyfromschoollecturing,mr.doehasspentagreatamountofeffortandtimeonreadingadvancedarticlesandtextbooksandthereforehasdevelopedafirmgraspofthissubject.iamoftheopinionthatmyclasshasprovidedmr.doewithasolidbasicbackgroundinelectronicsandcircuitsanalysis,whichisvaluabletohisacademicpursuitincomputerscience.anopen-mindedindividualwhoneverletgoanylearningopportunityandisalwayswillingtosharewithpeoplehisownopinionsandideas,mr.doe,oftencametomediscussingvariousquestionsandproblemsheencounteredduringhisstudies.iwaspleasedtolearnofhisstronginterestinelectronicrelatedsubjectsandthemostup-to-dateadvancementinthisfield.hisdiligenceandcommitmenttocourseworkhasleftadeepimpressiononme.ihave,withoutanydoubt,cometoconsiderhimtobeahighlypromisingstudent.withtheintelligenceandpersistencethatmr.doehasdisplayed,hewillhavenodifficultyinsucceedinginanyacademicenvironmentandcontinuetoperf ormoutstandinglyinyourgraduateschool.ingeneral,iconsidermr.doeahighlypromisingapplicanttothemasterdegreeprograminhisproposedfield.ihavetheleastreservationonhispotentialtosucceedinhisfutureeducationalaswellasprofessionalpursuits.igivehimmyhighestrecommendation.thankyouverymuchforyourtimeandconsideration.shouldyouwishtodiscussanythingpertainingtohisapplication,pleasedonothesitatetocontactme.

2.绘画专业学生英文自荐信 篇二

就业能力指的是“个体获得和保持工作、在工作中进步以及应对工作中出现的变化的能力”。简单来说, 就是从事某种工作所必备的能力。就业能力主要包括两个组成部分, 即一般就业能力和特殊就业能力, 二者在职业活动中都是必备的, 要成功地从事某种职业, 需要一般就业能力与特殊就业能力的有机配合。笔者在工作中, 也是从这两个方面着手, 积极对学生进行就业能力的培养与训练。


一般就业能力, 也可以称为综合素质, 如一个人的态度、价值观、习惯、人际沟通能力、自我管理能力等。一般就业能力对就业成败的影响是至关重要的, 但通常也是被学校和学生个人所忽视的, 因为一般就业能力与实际工作的关系不是十分明显。实际上, 用人单位十分看重毕业生的一般就业能力, 许多求职者就是因为一般就业能力不强而未被录用的。美国有一份失业调查报告显示, 失业中的90%的人不是因为不具备工作中所需要的技能, 而是因为不能与同事、上司友好相处, 或者经常迟到。可见, 这些人失业并不是因为缺乏特殊就业能力, 而是缺乏一般就业能力。

(一) 艺术专业学生一般能力的现状及分析

在大学中有一个共识, 人们普遍认为艺术类学生素质不高, 像吸烟喝酒、出言不逊、打架斗殴、迟到早退现象等, 一般都会想当然地认为是艺术类学生的“作为”。很多公共课教师最怕承担艺术类学生的教学任务, 甚至将其视为苦不堪言的事情。作为一名多年来从事艺术专业教学工作的教师, 实事求是地讲, 艺术类学生身上的确存在这样的问题。近几年, 高校艺术类专业的大幅扩招进一步将艺术类专业的生源质量拉低, 高校艺术类专业在一定程度上成为一批“中学混混”在高考时临时抱的一个佛脚, 经过一段时间的专业急训与考核, 就能以相当低的文化课分数考入大学。在近几年持续的“艺考热”浪潮中, 充斥着相当一部分这样的学生。

艺术类专业教学强调个性化, 在塑造学生个性的过程中也产生了偏差。首先, 对个性的实质存在误解, 很多学生认为人性就是与众不同、特立独行, 甚至认为自己不弄出点花样来有失自己的艺术生身份, 因而致力于打破常规, 追求奇特, 只要是与众不同的就是好的, 结果造成自身综合素质越来越低, 甚至难以融入和适应群体的生活。我国的艺术领域受西方现代、后现代主义思潮的冲击是相对惨重的, 这与艺术类专业学生一贯盲目追求个性是有一定关系的。

(二) 艺术专业学生一般就业能力提高的途径

在观念上, 使艺术专业学生明确认识一般就业能力的重要性和个性的真正含义, 使学生明确认识在大学期间有意识地塑造自身的综合素质是与学好专业甚至比学好专业更为重要的学习任务, 应该是一项常抓不懈的工作, 也应该是一项全面性的工作。在学生的入学教育中就应该明确强调, 在四年的大学学习生活过程中, 无论是辅导员, 还是任何一个专业课教师, 都应该不厌其烦地向学生强调这个问题。使学生明确认识个性的真正含义, 个性是一个心理学概念, 指一个人区别于他人的、在不同环境中显现出来的, 并且相对稳定地影响人的外显性和内隐性行为模式的心理特征的总和。简单地说, 个性包括个性倾向性和个性特征, 前者包括需要、动机、兴趣、理想、信念、世界观等, 后者包括能力、气质、性格等。使学生明确, 个性绝不是不伦不类之流。

在课程设置上, 有针对性地开设一些有利于提高学生综合素质的课程。近几年, 各高等学校都意识到了综合素质在人才素质结构中的重要地位, 在人才培养方案中增列了通识教育模块, 面向全校开设了一大批通识教育课, 供学生自由选修, 修满规定的通识教育学分是获得毕业资格的一个重要条件。问题是, 学校开设的通识教育是否能够提高学生的综合素质, 还有待验证和不断完善。从现状来看, 学校开设的通识教育课起码不适合艺术专业学生, 难度过高, 根本起不到预想的教育效果, 反而使艺术专业学生厌倦文化类课程的学习, 艺术专业学生是通识课中逃课的惯犯。有些学校艺术专业已经尝试独立开设通识教育课程, 根据本专业学生的实际文化素养水平, 有的放矢地实施教育, 是值得学习借鉴的。

此外, 还可以在教学与管理实践中, 有针对性地开展一些学习与课外活动, 有意识地培养和锻炼学生的自我管理能力、沟通协调能力、语言表达能力以及良好的意志品质等。


特殊就业能力, 也可以称为专业能力, 指从事某个职业所需的特殊技能。在高校中, 学生对专业能力的学习还是很重视的, 将其视为自己将来在社会上立足的资本。如何培养学生较强的特殊就业能力, 与社会经济发展需要相适应, 是个现实性问题。作为一名绘画系教师, 笔者对绘画专业学生特殊就业能力的提高问题谈两点认识。

(一) 绘画专业学生特殊就业能力的现状及分析

近年来, 绘画专业学生特殊就业能力低已是一个不争的事实, 其原因是多方面的, 主要有以下三点:

1. 在“艺考热”的大浪潮当中, 高校艺术专业成为相当一部分人在文化课成绩颇低、升学无望情况下的投机选择。

相当一部分艺术考生是在进入高中之后、甚至是在高二阶段才选择学习艺术的, 经过一至两年时间的应试训练, 就顺利地混进了高等学校的大门。不言而喻, 这样的生源质量必然制约学生专业能力的发展。

2. 绘画专业毕业生的就业空间不及同领域的艺术设计专业, 导致生源质量相对更低。

艺术考生在填报志愿的时候, 一般将艺术设计专业作为首选, 绘画专业沦为无奈情况下的选择, 有些学校的绘画专业需要调剂才能保持基本的运营。

3. 绘画专业学生在四年的学习生涯当中, 不能找准定位和很好地进行职业规划, 这也是导致最后就业难的重要原因。

绘画专业的相当一部分学生, 入学初就带着迷茫, 如何利用好大学四年时间, 如何在未来的职业竞争中谋得一席之地, 这是他们最不解的问题, 有些学生甚至直到毕业的时候还迷茫着。大学四年, 混混沌沌, 无所收获。也有一些学生, 好高骛远, 致力于做一个职业画家, 对就业市场的情况不闻不问, 也毫不在乎, 甚至认为自己可以做一个乞丐, 将绘画视为生命的一切……

(二) 绘画专业学生特殊就业能力提高的途径

在观念上, 使绘画专业学生明确就业的现实性、特殊就业能力的重要性。就业不仅是关乎高等教育质量的重要问题, 也是关乎社会稳定发展的重要问题。对绘画学生要进行积极地引导, 鼓励其客观正确地面对就业问题。同时, 要强调特殊就业能力的重要性, 三百六十行, 行行出状元, 如果具备一定的专业技能, 就不愁没有用武之地。

在教学中, 一定要加强基础教学, 强化学生的专业基础。础柱不正, 焉能称平大梁?加强基础课教学, 强化学生的专业基础是古今中外艺术专业不变的办学原则。在今天学生专业基础明显下降的情况下, 加强基础课教学显得更加必要和艰巨。人才培养方案中基础课的教学时数是有限的, 如何在有限的时间内进行大量的高效的基础训练, 使学生打好专业基础, 着实要下一番工夫。有些学校尝试缩短周课时数, 同时延长教学周数, 虽然总的教学时数没变, 但是学生有了相对较长的训练和理解消化的过程, 这是值得推广的。学生有了扎实的专业基础, 毕业之后还可以从事艺术类人才的早期培养工作, 这就轻松开辟了一条就业之道。

在教学中, 也大胆向实用型绘画转型, 培养学生的市场应对能力。在与艺术设计专业的竞争中, 绘画专业的市场空间变得相对狭小。但是, 随着人们生活水平的提高, 人们的审美品位也发生了转变, 如原来室内摆放的印刷型装饰品正在逐渐退出人们的审美视野, 人们对婚纱影楼制作的数码照片也感觉乏味和庸俗……现在有越来越多的人倾向于在室内悬挂、摆放或陈设真正的艺术品, 这些都是有益的信号。可以说, 绘画专业学生的就业市场在逐渐变好。

摘要:绘画专业毕业生就业率持续偏低, 提高绘画专业学生自身的就业能力是改变现状的重要突破口。从一般就业能力和特殊就业能力两个维度, 分析绘画专业学生就业能力的现状, 并紧密联系社会经济发展的实际需要, 从思想观念与教育教学实践等方面着手, 谋求绘画专业学生就业能力的提高, 是保障高校绘画专业可持续发展的应然选择和当务之急。



[1]吴继峰.加强艺术类毕业生就业能力培养的实践思考[J].艺术教育, 2010, (2) .

[2]曲辉.高校艺术生文化素养问题刍议[J].黑龙江教育, 2010, (1) .

3.绘画专业学生英文自荐信 篇三

【关键词】英语写作 中式英语 写作方法




(1)Nowdays/ nowaday; 这是错误频率非常高的一个词,同学们在拼写时总是漏掉一个a 或者一个s。

(2)Modern.拼写成morden。因为它发音简单,同学们也是没有认真学习这个单词就大致记住它的拼写。一系列易混淆单词的拼写错误。比如:weather/whether; affect/ effect; principle/ principal. 这些单词发音相似或接近,稍微不留意,就会用错。

2.名词,形容词,动词不分。最容易出现的几个错误有:(1)I am happiness; I have a happiness family. (2)Success/ succeed/ successful. 这几个单词的使用非常混乱。


4.中式英语的使用。这是英语写作里最大的一个问题,也是一个主要问题。其原因是同学们没有摆脱掉汉语的思维方式,对于他们来说,写英语作文不是写作文,而是翻译。即先用汉语进行思考,然后再把脑海中的汉语直接生硬地翻译成英语,简单粗暴,不成一文。关于语言的学习,其实就是一个洗脑的过程,就是要用这门语言去思维。卡尔·马克思一生掌握了多门外语,他对向自己请教学习外语方法的人说,学习一门外语最好的办法就是忘记自己的母语。我们学习英语最大的障碍就来自于我们自己的母语,完全忘记了语言和语言是不同的。比如说到“好”,我们就想到good, 说到“坏”,就想到bad.完全不管语言习惯的不同。当说“我的表坏了”这个句子时,同学们几乎都是脱口而出:my watch is bad. 没有认真思考这个坏的意思是什么,不是只品格德行的恶劣,而是说表不走了,不工作了。就是:my watch dose not work.类似的还有mountain people, mountain sea. Give you some colour to see see. Good good study, day day up。改变这种中式思维的方法既是进行大量的英文阅读,积累大量的地道表达习惯,在表达意思的时候,要先认真思考应方法是否合乎英语表达习惯,然后再提笔书写。


1.要有丰富的词汇量。词汇是一切的基础,只有在平时的学习中去掌握更多的词汇,才可以在写作的时候可以做到有内容可以写。究竟怎们样才算背单词呢?我们学习一个单词的最终目的是要使用它,而不是只知道它的拼写和意思。所以,一般应该有几个步骤:(1)学习单词的正确发音。能够正确读出一个单词,可以帮助将其正确拼出。大部分单词都是规则拼写,但是也不排除一些单词发音比较特殊。比如: na?ve这个单词。(2)学习单词的正确拼写。(3)学习该单词的词性。这是许多同学容易忽视的地方,英语单词在不同句式中的使用方法是不一样的。(4)学习单词的常见和主要意思。除了table之类这种特定单词,大多数单词的意思不止一个,所以除了要掌握它的基本意思以外,还要学习掌握它其他的一些意思。许多同学来上大学,还在吃着中学的老本,使用一些初级词汇,这对于大学英语学习来说,是完全行不通的。同学们应该慢慢用一些中高级词汇代替中学的初级词汇,比如,我去上学,大家马上会说I go to school.这种说法连小学生都会!同学们可以换一种说法:I attend school. (5)学习单词的使用方法。许多单词书都有例句的。而多阅读英语文章的也是提高单词量一个非常好的办法,只有在文章中真正遇到这个单词,才可以促使大家进行思考,从而加深记忆。

2.阅读英语文章。像学习汉语进行大量的阅读和背诵一样, 英语也是如此。语言就是一个模仿的过程,我们去读英语文章,借此模仿英语的表达习惯,造词方式。背诵优秀的范文,然后用到自己的文章里。






4.数学专业英文自荐信 篇四


I Gannan Normal University Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science graduates of mathematics, after careful consideration of your school wishes to join.Three years at the university at all times in accordance with the “wide professional, thick foundation, strong capacity, high-quality” standards and the development of self-training, in the continuous learning and practice to improve the overall quality of their own, have their own shape to become a professional solid foundation of knowledge structured and adaptable, collaborative spirit of wealth to the youth of the times.I believe that the future needs of our society is a complex of high-quality talent, the success of learners in fully understanding the value of the book, it also recognized that the book should be of no value.So I learn from outside, the active participation of a wide range of extra-curricular activities, such as “Computer Society”, “Mathematical Modeling” and so on.All of these activities are beneficial to my own computer to improve the capacity and ability of group collaboration.Semester in the second half of 2007 Huichang County, Jiangxi province, the second practice of secondary education for more than a month, teaching and class work in two aspects receive better training to master all aspects of the teaching of the basic requirements and methods of the class teacher understanding of the main content and its significance, with an independent work and class teaching ability.Outstanding performance during the internship period, by the local teachers, leaders recognized by the school as “outstanding intern.” In class and student management and communication benefits, to manage the capacity of a class is not only alone, but more importantly is the intention, passion, full of vigor and vitality as long as the energy can have better to do a good job.I firmly believe that only the god of destiny ready to tend to those who have witnessed the cultivation of his alma mater, the past is deeply en deep attention to the future, only blood, in good faith, tears and sweat of the gift back to society, so that the struggle of life to hold high the light of a candle!

I will be your school as the preferred target, because your school has a beautiful teaching environment as well as a positive fighting spirit.I believe that the help of your school under the guidance of the leadership, I will learn more and do better.Believe your eyes, I believe my choice.prudential further good news!

5.幼教专业英文自荐信 篇五










6.信息管理专业英文自荐信 篇六

Hello!First of all, please allow me to work hard to extend your deep respect, and bring to you my sincere greetings and best wishes!Thank you for your busy schedule for taking the time to read my job material!

My name is XXX, Guangxi College of Finance and Economics of the Economic Information Department of Information Management and Information System professional graduates a year.And good humor, optimism, generous, strong and confident, studious, has a strong team spirit and sense of responsibility.I firmly believe that the “sweat and post-harvest is the most loyal partners, vision and hard work is the most intimate lover.”

7.教师通用专业英文自荐信 篇七

dear school leadership:

first of all, your hard work to extend our deep respect, thank you for your busy schedule to read.

with the excitement and hope of presenting to you this resume, in the face of opportunities and challenges, in a four-year colleges and universities of higher education and honed life, i give you confidence to show my presence.

xx i xx university graduates. over the past four years, i know that knowledge is power, so the efforts of research expertise, nose to the grindstone, after teaching for a solid theoretical basis; now is the new century, new starting point, new challenges. more and faster development of the social demand for more and high-quality personnel. therefore, in addition to extra-curricular professional, i also participated in the high spoken english training courses to improve their foreign language proficiency, in order to strengthen and improve the capacity, i actively participated in various activities, training their own.

“diligent innovation, paragon of virtue”, as a normal university students, will bear in mind that the school motto. in the beginning of september this year, a period of more than 40 days of teaching practice, i studied hard materials, a variety of teaching methods repeatedly thinking in a flexible manner and fluent in the language of pop, to mobilize the students to learn actively, and successfully completed teaching tasks, by teachers and students at home. where i completed the excellent teachers to the role from the first step in the conversion.

heard so much about your school teacher is strong桃李满天下, i am very eager to become a member of your school, this will be the honor of my life. although, i am teaching a novice about to graduate, but i am confident that with your culture and the influence, i would you like to do better than others. i will use my outstanding performance to prove my ability to prove that you have no reason to regret the choice!

i keep waiting for a convenient time when you go interview, and finally i would like to thank you sincerely for reading.


8.机械制造专业英文自荐信 篇八


One with a solid professional knowledge, with the spirit of teamwork, with a strong will and self-confidence to students of machinery-XXX

Solid professional knowledge is fundamental to the success.I am well aware that the University take full advantage of four years, a serious study, and achieved good results.Through four years of university study, not only I have the machinery industry theory, but I do have a strong capacity and design capability.Large-scale socialized production with the development of the skills needs of the community have a number of complex talent.Learning courses in the same time, I self-study computer, foreign languages and international financial and other popular knowledge.In the computer context, can skilled use of FORTRAN, C programming language, and proficiency in the use of AUTO CAD, WOTD for graphics and word processing.In a foreign language context, with a certain degree of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation capability, has completed 5,000-word translation of professional literature.In addition, also shown on the financial interest has a self-study, “International Finance”, “portfolio investment”, “Money and Banking” and other basic courses.And has a small trial to test their abilities in the stock market, and accumulated some experience, an increase of knowledge.In short, to broaden their knowledge and improve the quality of its own.Team spirit is a guarantee to play the school.In order to it, I actively participated in collective activities, with strong coordination ability.A strong will is the essential quality of success.In order to it, man I do not tear easily.I have the knowledge, I re-team, I am confident, I firmly believe that......Give me an opportunity, but also you a surprise!

Choose me, right!


9.网络专业人员英文自荐信 篇九


Dear Sir/Madam:

Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System.I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S.degree.My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English.My ability to write and speak English is out of question.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.With many thanks,Wang Lin

10.专业英文自荐信 物业管理 篇十

dear leaders:


first of all, thank you for your work in a busy自荐信of my attention, where you will savor a century, the desire of university students and absolute sincerity of heart.

i graduated from the university of shenyang construction professional property management. the new century, the opportunities and challenges have become the theme of the times, and a reasonable choice and use of talented people, a period of time than ever before are more obvious the importance of the times. for the company to find a good assistant, i know you and look forward to the responsibility, and to seek a full play to its own expertise to the full is my wish. i believe that with my abilities, knowledge to meet the challenges of any work, but i believe i will win the outstanding performance of your appreciation.

talent is becoming more competitive, the opportunities and the same pressure. in a few years of university life, i would like to improve their own quality, solid professional foundation, become more qualified and talented people to ask their own criteria. i know that knows no boundaries of xuehai, facing the wall and knew the meaning of the decade. . . . . .

now, as the early studies, to be pregnant in order to benefit from red cliff, in order to take good scholar-lun. to face challenges, i would like to show the school, and create a better future!

world first bole, chollima after, i am not claiming to pearl baoyu, superb talent and learning more to call himself or herself, hurried time, knowledge at the beginning of the school to the community, i know there is a growing process. but fortunately, i live in an era of wind and waves, as long as more than the struggle and confidence, move forward unabated, with the pursuit of the future and explore the cause of devotion and love, i can be in a civilized and self-confidence, unity, collective progress in, do our best to add brilliant, i must live and love your expectations.

i am looking forward to another challenge in life, but also look forward to the event before exposure to the work of good will and development to the infinite space. give me a piece of the sky, i will make it more beautiful, this is my commitment to never. look forward to your good news!

loyal blessing: the prosperity of your company, all staff working smoothly!


11.生物化工专业英文求职自荐信 篇十一

Hello!Let me take this cover letter I wish you best wishes and sincere work and good luck!

I am a chemical Hunan Vocational and Technical College 05 professional biochemical process of a student about to graduate.DENG Hao name, I, with a sincere heart and pursuit of the cause, in good faith recommend your own.Three years in school, I did not feel wasted.I learned a lot not only knowledge, but also to improve the quality of their own, college, in life as a member of the class, have been teachers and students alike.This chain of my work and organization and management ability of a high degree of my sense of responsibility.I pay attention to quality, and actively participate in school activities, when the sophomore basketball team participated in the Department work together with students from the whole of the fourth house, when the junior grades the first game.professional areas: proficiency in biochemistry, microbiology, cell biology, enzyme engineering and fermentation technology courses and other important principles of the theory, do experiments to understand its basic operation and applications.Computer areas: learning and familiar with the Windows Xp operating system platform, Office2003 Office(Word, Excel, powerpoint, etc.).AutoCAD2007 graphic design, etc.However, this does not satisfy my thirst for knowledge, students at the same time I understand that the strengths and weaknesses.Therefore, I apply for schools Nongda Hunan food undergraduate engineering, but also the examination and obtained the chemical analysis of evidence.I have to improve their level of education as well as ability to pay attention to social practice, the cold, the summer in between my coach and served as conductor of KTV establishments, develop their own communication and the ability of different people, summer vacation this year, I also learn and apply for a car to drive card, but a matter of time only as a result of examination of two subjects(also due to a road test).Easy-going personality in life, I have a good habit, I am confident but not arrogant.In a life full of energy most of the time, I hope that in the wider world to demonstrate their talents in the hope has been tempered in practice and improve.So I hope you can join.I will do a good job down the job of their own to do its utmost to work to obtain good results!

Low job-seekers holding a book, read the mind of self-confidence sincere, thank you for your busy schedule to give my attention, your company would like to record breaking achievement, and wish your career and life are smooth.I eagerly look forward to hearing from you.Thanks

12.矿山测量专业英文自荐信 篇十二

Dear Human Resources Leadership:

Hello!Heartfelt thank you for your busy schedule to read this material I.My name is Song辉耀, M, 21 years old, from Lanzhou, Gansu.In June XX and graduated from vocational and technical resources and the environment, Lanzhou Institute of Mine Surveying Professional.I February XX to April XX the company name during the period: copper silver Samwon limited liability company, the main catalog to mine geology, core identification, CAD and the production of ore processing, as well as the geological survey and mine surveying.Is what I learn in school applications;a variety of practice in schools, but also made me more careful thinking and more to endure hardship and accept the challenge;the scene of the construction management team I have great management capabilities to improve.In the catalog as mine geology, geological surveying and mine surveying, we must practice a large number of the field in order to ensure the quality of work, schools are set up for us such a platform.Schools in the core identification, catalog mine geology, geological surveying and mine surveying abnormal attention, every student should master these basic skills.We have learned the professional courses are: general geology, minerals, petrology, measurement science,paleontology, and history of stratigraphy, structural geology, mine geology, sedimentary rocks and sedimentary facies, hydrogeology, environmental geology, mineral deposit geology as well as the mine plan and so on.With relevant practical experience, can adapt quickly to complex, boring work.Internship experience, as I am not going to just step out of the ivory tower of the students work for their own illusions.On the contrary, I would be more satisfied with their duties to carry out a relatively complicated and boring day-to-day work.Minco Mining distinguished workers(China)Limited for the

leadership of your organization in the recruitment information to see, I would very much hope that this post can be.But I also know that I am currently in school or in his capacity as may be the biggest obstacle to stop me, this is only my desire to just a good.In any case, be able to receive your appointments, I will be very excited and look forward to your good news!
