1.七年级英语试题及答案 篇一
( )6.A、How do you do? B、I’m fine, thank you. C、Nice to meet you.
( )7.A、They are blue. B、They’re big. C、They’re small.
( )8.A、Thank you. B、That sounds good.
C、I like to play basketball.
( )9.A、He is Jim. B、This is Jim. C、Jim
( )10.A、It’s ten dollars. B、It’s 6236789. C、I’m ten.
( )11.A、Yes, she does. B、She has hamburgers for breakfast.C、She has eggs for breakfast.
( )12.A、Mike wants a white T-shirt.B、Yes, he wants. C、No, he doesn’t.
( )13.A、It’s on the table. B、It’s behind the computer.C、I don’t know.
( )14.A、Thrillers B、Comedies C、Documentaries
( )15.A、March 1st B、May 21st C、March 21st
Dear Tommy,
Can you 16 these things to your sister? Her video cassette, alarm clock, notebooks and baseballs. Her video cassette is on the 17 . Her alarm clock is on the 18 . Her notebooks are on the 19 . Her baseballs are 20 the bed.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
( )21.There is alarm clock on the dresser.
A、a B、an C、the
( )22.We need a lot of every day.
A、vegetables B、meats C、milks
( )23.“Where your new shoes? ”“ in the box.”
A、are, It’s B、are, They’re C、is, It’s
( )24.His sister a small sports collection.
A、have B、there is C、has
( )25.Let’s the sports club.
A、join B、to join C、do join
( )26.Your aunt’s son is your .
A、brother B、cousin C、sister
( )27.Jim like basketball. He computer games.
A、don’t, like B、doesn’t, likes C、don’t, likes
( )28.What color is our national flag(国旗)? It’s .
A、green B、yellow C、red
( )29.Jim, come and your math book here and take away your CDs.
A、give B、take C、bring
( )30. is the fourth month of a year.
A、January B、April C、March
( )31.When is birthday?
A、Li Lei B、Li Lei’s C、Li Leis’
( )32.I like thriller, I don’t like comedy.
A、but B、or C、and
( )33.Jack to go to an action movie.
A、want B、is want C、wants
( )34.We have great bags only $15.
A、for B、at C、are
( )35.“Does he have a tennis racket?”“ ”.
A、No, he doesn’t B、Yes, he doesn’t C、No, he does
( )36.Does he want to go to a movie?
( )37.What kind of movies do you like?
( )38.When is Jim’s birthday?
( )39.Hello, I’m Jim. What’s your name?
( )40.What’s this in English?
( )41.Where’s my backpack?
( )42.How much is the green shirt?
( )43.Let’s watch TV.
( )44.Is this your ruler?
( )45.What’s your telephone number?
The Spring Festival(春节) is the Chinese New Year’s Day. It usually comes in 46 . Everyone in 47 likes the Spring Festival very much. When Spring Festival comes, I usually 48 my parents clean our house and do some 49 . 50 that day 51 eats 52 , New Year’s cake and some other food. But I 53 dumplings. We usually 54 dumplings and 55 TV. I like the Spring Festival.
( )46.A、March B、November C、February D、January
( )47.A、America B、China C、England D、Japan
( )48.A、help B、helps C、ask D、carry
( )49.A、cleaning B、fishing C、reading D、shopping
( )50.A、On B、In C、At D、Of
( )51.A、everyone B、someone C、no one D、people
( )52.A、eggs B、meat
C、dumplings(水饺) D、mooncakes(月饼)
( )53.A、like B、eats C、make D、get
( )54.A、eat B、make C、make and eat D、like
( )55.A、look B、have a look at C、see D、watch
This is my room. It’s small but it’s very nice and clean. There is a desk, a bed and two chairs in it. The desk is near the window. You can see some books and plants on the desk. The bed is near the desk, and under the desk, there is a ball. My shoes are under the bed. There is a map of China on the wall. There is a picture on the wall, too. I like my room.
( )56.There is in the room.
A、a desk B、some plants
C、three desks D、some balls
( )57. are on the desk.
A、A book and a box B、A book and some boxes
C、Some books and some boxes D、Some books and plants
( )58.There is under the desk.
A、a chair B、my shoes C、a ball D、a box
( )59. are on the wall.
A、A map of China B、A map of China and a picture
C、A picture D、A window
( )60.My room is .
A、small B、nice and clean C、big D、A and B
Brad: What kind of movies do you like?
Michele:Well, I like comedies and funny movies.
Brad: Don’t you like thrillers and action movies?
Michele:Well, I don’t like thrillers. They’re scary and action movies are boring!
Brad: Do your brother and sister like action movies?
Michele:No, they like documentaries. What kind of movies do you like?
Brad: Comedies, thrillers, action movies. Do you want to go to a movie?
Michele:That sounds fun! Let’s go!
( )61.Brad likes thrillers.
( )62.Michele likes scary movies.
( )63.Michele has a brother and a sister.
( )64.Michele’s brother likes action movies.
( )65.Brad and Michele go to a movie.
66.My f fruit is banana.
67.My father and mother are my p .
68.Do you want to go to a m ?
69.A lot of people think Beijing O is very intersting.
70.O 1st is our National Day.(国庆节)
71.The two (comedy) are very interesting.
72.My birthday is June (four).
73.Let’s (play) computer games.
74.I like (China) action movies.
75.The thrillers are (real) scary.
A: 76 I 77 you?
B:Yes, 78 , I want a sweater.
A:What 79 do you want?
A:Here 80 are.
B: 81 82 is it?
A:20 dollars.
B:I’ll 83 it. 84 you.
A:You’re 85 .
2.七年级英语试题及答案 篇二
一、了解小学的教学模式与方法, 帮助学生尽快适应初中的教学方式和策略
根据小学生学习的特点, 小学英语教学创建了以活动课为主的教学模式。教师主要是充分利用教学资源, 采用听、做、说、唱、玩、演的方式, 鼓励学生积极参与, 大胆表达, 侧重提高小学生对语言的感受和初步用英语进行听、说、唱、演的能力。教学重点是培养学生用语言进行交流的能力。小学五、六年级的英语教学在进一步加强学生听说能力的同时, 发展初步的读写能力, 为进一步学习打好基础。小学英语教学不要求讲解语法概念, 但不同学校和不同教师可能没有完全照这个要求来做, 有的老师讲, 有的不讲, 有的讲得多, 有的讲得少, 这就造成来自不同学校学生间的差异性, 这也是初中老师必须要面对的一个现实。因此, 从七年级开始老师就要重视学生对基础知识的掌握运用。学习英语的目的除了听说之外, 还有读和写, 语法和句法。读的方面, 可以让七年级学生读一些短小的故事和文章。写的方面, 可在七年级开始时, 与课文结合起来, 写一两句或一小段有关的话题短文或短信。我们不可以把英语基础知识的教学与英语听说读写能力的培养机械地对立起来。基础知识中除了常见的语法之外, 其中一个重要的方面便是词性的掌握。现行中小学英语课本均没有词性和短语的教学, 学生对于基础词性还难以分清, 故在七年级英语入门时, 我们便要开始教会学生去区分不同的词性, 对今后的语法教学将起到至关重要的作用。另外, 对于句子成分和结构也要附带讲一讲, 为八、九年级学习主从复合句打下基础。
二、把英语作为起始学科来开展教学, 培养学生良好的英语学习习惯
相对而言, 学生在小学阶段听、说、读的训练较多, 写的训练较少。不少学生到了初一后对字母、单词拼读还是模糊不清, 词汇的遗忘率较高, 对单词、句子会读但不会写, 甚至对学过的单词既不会读, 也不会写;不能正确理解语法;有些学生缺乏课前预习、课后复习等科学学习方法。因此培养学生良好的英语学习习惯显得尤其重要。
(一) 培养学生大声朗读和课后复习的好习惯
起始年级要过好三关:语音关、单词关和语法关, 要充分利用StarterUnits做好语音教学。语音是学习语言的根本, 学生学好了英语国际音标, 掌握了拼读规则将为后面的教学奠定坚实的基础。更为重要的是, 学生学好音标后, 能够自己拼读单词, 通过音标识记英语词汇, 改变小学会读不会拼也不会写的状况, 所以过好语音关对过好单词关起着至关重要的作用。在会认读的基础上, 应坚持每天让学生大声朗读单词。课前大声朗读新单词能帮助学生纠正错误的发音, 同时也是预习的一种方式, 在上新课前会读单词并记住意思, 不仅节约了时间, 提高了效率, 而且培养了学生的自学能力。
(二) 对作业要从严要求, 培养学生良好的书写习惯和改错习惯
由于小学老师对于学生的英语学习较为放松, 因此, 小学阶段的学生普遍存在如下问题:英文书写不规范, 拼写错误, 语法概念模糊, 用汉语方式代替英语表达等。因此, 七年级的英语教师不仅要培养学生按时完成作业的习惯, 还要注意英语书写规范, 在七年级开始阶段就要狠抓学生的书写, 同时培养学生改正错误的习惯。良好的习惯一旦养成, 不仅培养了学生认真学习的态度, 而且为今后的学习打下良好的基础。
七年级教师应注意给学生设置过渡地带。在教学的起始阶段, 更宜采用丰富多样的教法, 寓教于乐。教师可继续把唱歌、游戏、竞赛等活动引入课堂, 让学生在轻松、活泼、愉快的气氛中学习英语, 使他们逐渐度过一个爬坡式的缓冲时期, 以适应七年级的教学。
小学生独有的年龄特征表现为对新鲜事物好奇、好动、好问。刚进入七年级时, 他们依然如此。这就需要英语教师在教学过程中能认真把握好教材内容的趣味性, 利用各种直观教具或多媒体设备营造生动的语言交流情景, 使学生在真实的情景中学习英语, 体验英语学习的趣味性, 享受英语学习的乐趣。教师可以开展各种英语课外活动, 例如书写比赛、朗读比赛、英语单词竞赛等, 满足学生的心理需要, 让学生在活动中巩固和运用所学的知识, 在竞赛中享受到成功的乐趣。这样, 既可以维持和培养学生学习英语的兴趣, 又可以高质量地实施教学。
教师要认真上好导言课。在导言课中, 教师要做自我介绍, 包括教师的兴趣、爱好、特长、教学策略与方法等。其目的是让学生尽量多地了解老师, 排除师生情感沟通上的障碍;教师更要帮助学生明确学习目标, 对学生提出的具体的学习要求、方法、建议等进行深入思考;教师还要创造宽松友好的英语教学环境, 讲究教育艺术, 用真诚的态度和虚心好学、严谨治学的行为去影响学生, 感化学生, 帮助学生克服英语学习中的心理障碍。课堂上一视同仁, 多给学生表扬, 少给学生指责和批评, 及时鼓励学生的成功, 耐心诱导、启发学生学习过程中的兴趣, 使学生保持学习的热情, 获得他们的敬佩和信赖。
3.七年级英语试题及答案 篇三
A) 根据句意及首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。
1. Our English teacher looks very y______.
2. She doesn’t like watching TV. She thinks it’s b______.
3. I think Australia is a beautiful c______.
4. His school is a______ from the park.
5. The cat likes sleeping d______ the day.
B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。
1. I think tigers are very______ (danger).
2. Two______ (policeman) are coming now.
3. Mrs Green has three______ (child).
4. My uncle is a______ (wait) in a restaurant.
5. There are two______ (zoo) in the city.
C) 选用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。
wait for,on rainy days,be from,in front of,a little
1. What do you usually do______ .
2. There is______ ice cream in the cup.
3. This doctor______ Australia.
4. Who are you______ ,Bill?
5. Our classroom is______ our teacher’s office.
Ⅱ. 单项选择
1. Bob has a job for you______ a reporter.
A. for B. like C. as D. at
2. This kind of animal is very shy,______ please be very quiet.
A. but B. so C. because D. and
3. Many people come to China. Some______ visiting Beijing.
A. are B. is C. be D. am
4. Between the hotel and the post office______ a big supermarket.
A. has B. is C. are D. have
5. People from Canada______ English and French.
A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak
6. They are______ some books now.
A. reading B. seeing C. looking D. watching
7. What______ animals are there in the zoo?
A. else B. others C. other D. the other
8. That is a______ story.
A. relax B. relaxed C. relaxing D. relaxes
9.______ your pen pal from?
A. What’s B. Where’s C. How’s D. When’s
10.______ do you go to the zoo for?
A. What B. Why C. When D. How
11. —Where is New York?
—In______ .
A. Australia B. the United States
C. Canada D. England
12. —I hope you have a good trip.
A. All right B. I hope not
C. Thanks D. I hope so
13. —What is your uncle doing?
A. He’s a reporter B. He’s at the pool
C. He’s reading a newspaperD. He teaches English
14. —______ Is there a bank in the neighborhood?
—Yes,there is.
A. Sorry. B. How are you?
C. How do you do? D. Excuse me.
15. The boy never comes late______ school.
A. to B. for C. from D. at
Ⅲ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空填一词。
1. There are some people in the park. (改为一般疑问句)
______ there______ people in the park?
2. Tom’s parents speak English and Chinese. (改为否定句)
Tom’s parents______ speak English______ Chinese.
3. How’s the weather in Australia now? (改为同义句)
______ the weather______ in Australia now?
4. Anna’s pen pal is from France. (对画线部分提问)
______ Anna’s pen pal______ ?
5. I like Mr Li because he is very kind. (对画线部分提问)
______ do you______ Mr Li?
Ⅳ. 汉译英 根据汉语句子,完成英语句子,每空填一词。
1. 我哥哥正在游泳池里游泳。
My brother is______ at the swimming______ .
2. 他姐姐不喜欢下雨天。
His sister doesn’t_______ _______days.
3. 我的工作有趣,但是有点儿危险。
My job is interesting but_______ _______dangerous.
4. 它经常夜里起来吃草。
It often gets up and eats grass______ ______ .
5. 你可以乘出租车去机场。
You can______ a______ to the airport.
Ⅴ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,在空白处填入适当的单词,使对话意思通顺、完整。
Sam:Yes,__1__. Maria? Hi!__2__ are you?
Maria:I’m in Canada. I’m__3__my friends here now.
Sam:That’s great!__4__ it going?
Maria:Great. How about you?
Sam:Pretty good! How’s the__5__ there?
Maria:It’s cold and humid. And it’s__6__.
Sam:Snowing? It is sunny and warm in Shanghai. We are looking at the__7__ in the zoo.
Maria:Oh,__8__can you see there?
Sam:An__9__. It is__10__Africa. It has two big ears and a long nose.
Ⅵ. 完形填空
Dear Maria,
How are you? My family are__1__now. I’m writing__2__you. My parents__3__housework. My brother is studying English in his room. He is a good student. He studies very hard. He wants__4__a good doctor when he grows up.
Do you like animals? What’s your favorite animal? I like pandas. They’re__5__interesting. They look very__6__. They have big eyes. I’m sure you will like them very much. But I don’t think you can see a real panda in your city. So now I give a photo of a__7__to you. Is it beautiful? I hope you can come to our city to see the pandas in the zoo. If you come here,you can find my house very easily. You can__8__No. 11 Bus to Qinghua Stop. Turn__9__on First Avenue,and you can see a post office. My house is just behind__10__.
Write to me soon,please.
Li Lei
1. A. friendly B. busy C. happy D. free
2. A. for B. with C. to D. at
3. A. do B. does C. is doing D. are doing
4. A. to be B. to do C. being D. doing
5. A. little B. a kind C. a little D. kind
6. A. cute B. ugly C. scary D. weak
7. A. tiger B. panda C. lion D. monkey
8. A. by B. take C. on D. ride
9. A. left B. to left C. the left D. to the left
10. A. this B. one C. it D. that
Ⅶ. 阅读理解
Sunny School
Our school is a bilingual(双语的) school for children between 6-15. We want a cook,a librarian(图书管理员),a sports coach(教练),and a language teacher.
1.______ can’t study in Sunny School.
A. A four-year-old child B. An eleven-year-old boy
C. A fifteen-year-old girl D. A thirteen-year-old child
2. Sunny School doesn’t need______ .
A. a P.E. teacher B. an English teacher
C. a math teacher D. a Chinese teacher
3. We know______ may not speak English in Sunny School.
A. the sports coach B. the language teacher
C. the librarian D. the cook
4. The sports coach must be able to(能) play______ well.
A. basketball B. chess C. soccer D. baseball
5. If a person wants to be a language teacher in Sunny School,he must
A. be 25 years old
B. be able to speak English and Chinese
C. be careful and strong
D. be able to play soccer and tennis well
It’s a sunny day. The students are having a good time. They are going on a field trip(野外考察). Look! Li Jie is collecting leaves. She likes collecting them very much. Zhang Ming and Li Gang are playing chess under a big tree. They both like chess a lot. They often play chess at school. Tian Yuan is reading a newspaper. Xiang Nan is watching insects(昆虫). She loves insects very much. Where is Wu Yifan? Look! He’s drawing pictures over there.
A little dog stands near an old well(井). He stands there all morning. “Wow-wow-wow!” the little dog barks (吠叫). Bob hears him all morning.__1__
“Why do you stand here,little dog?” he asks. “ 2__” The little dog looks at him. “Wow-wow-wow!” he barks again.
3__“Come here,Frank,” he says. “A dog wants to tell us something.” Ten minutes later,Frank arrives.__4__They see only a bone(骨头). “This is what the dog wants to tell us,” says Frank.__5__The dog is very happy and runs away.
A. Bob calls his brother Frank.
B. Then Frank gives the dog a bone.
C. At last Bob goes to the well.
D. And what are you barking at?
E. They look down into the well.
Ⅷ. 书面表达
根据下面的提示词语,以“Winter in China”为题,写一篇短文。
提示词语:the coldest season,from December to February,trees turn yellow,leaves fall,wear warm clothes,snow,all white,go skiing,play snowballs
Ⅰ. A) 1. young 2. boring 3. country 4. across 5. during
B) 1. dangerous 2. policemen 3. children 4. waiter 5. zoos
C) 1. on rainy days 2. a little 3. is from 4. waiting for 5. in front of
Ⅱ. 1-5 CBABD 6-10 ACCBA 11-15 BCCDB
Ⅲ. 1. Are,any 2. don’t,or 3. What’s,like 4. Where’s,from
5. Why,like
Ⅳ. 1. swimming,pool 2. like,rainy 3. kind,of 4. at,night
5. take,taxi
Ⅴ. 1. speaking 2. Where 3. visiting 4. How’s 5. weather
6. snowing 7. animals 8. what 9. elephant 10. from
Ⅵ. 1-5 BCDAC 6-10 ABBAC
Ⅶ. A) 1-5 ACDCB
B) 1. collecting leaves 2. playing chess with Zhang Ming
3. reading a newspaper 4. watching insects 5. drawing pictures
C) 1-5 CDAEB
Ⅷ. One possible version:
Winter in China
4.七年级上册英语测试题及答案 篇四
21.D f占上中下三格。i占上中两格;y占中下两格;B占上中两格。
22.B Cc,Dd, Gg与字母B都含有相同的音素/i:/,Ff的发音为/ef/,故选B项。
23.B Good night.意为“晚安”是晚上的道别用语;Hi!是熟人、朋友之间的打招呼用语,较为随便。Thank you.用于向别人致谢;Go odbye.则为人们分别时常用的礼貌用语。
24. B 由答语知,问句是询问某物的颜色,故用“What color+be+某物?”句型。
25. D 两人见面打招呼用语,Hello的答语仍用Hello。
26. C 回答What’s this/that?用It’s…回答。
27. C 本题考查交际用语。当别人对你表示感谢时,你应该说That’s all right./Not at all./It’s my pleasure./You are welcome.等,表达“不客气,不用谢”之意。
28. C your(你的), my(我的)都是形容词性物主代 词。your name和my name分别作主语,谓语动词be都应用is。
29.B 本题考查交际用语。对别人提出的礼貌请求应表示感谢。
30.D 由答语知,问句是询问某物的颜色 ,要用“What+color+be+某物?”句型。
31. B 句意:我的名字叫王华。
32. C 主语是第一人称I,故谓语动词用am。
33. B 由后文的介绍可知应是classroom “教室”。
34. A 由chairs可知此处应是desks “课桌”。
35. C 此处为there be句型。
36. B 由后文的Lucy and Lily可知应是“两个”英 国女孩。
37. A in our class意为“在我们班上”。
38. B 指两者,故主语用they。
39. C 句意:我们是朋友。
40. A our意为“我们的”。
41.red 从文中得知,女孩们的铅笔盒不是黑色的,Doris的铅笔盒不是蓝色的。而Bill说他自己的铅笔盒是白色的。故可推断出Doris的铅笔盒是红色 的。
42 .blue 由第41题及短文可知,Rose的铅笔盒不是红色的也不是黑色 的;而Bill说他的铅笔盒为白色的,故Rose的铅笔盒是蓝色的。
43.black 从文中得知,Bill说他自己的铅笔盒是白色的,从第41、42题可知Doris的铅笔盒是红色的,Rose的铅笔盒是蓝色的,故Ji m的铅笔盒是黑色的。
44.white 由Bill说的话可知Bill的铅笔盒是白色的。
45.Talking about the colors of the pen cil-boxes.
46.an English的读音以元音音素开头,其前用不定冠词an。
47.B good为形容词,作定语修饰其后的名词friends。
48.B “in+某种语言”意为“用 某种语言”。
49.你好吗?(你身体好吗?) 询问身体状况。
50.I’m fine, too. 回答身体状况“好”用fine。
51. What’s 52. color 53. white 54. spell 55. English 56. your 57. you
58 . my 59. I; is 60. is 61.Is this 62. thanks 63. What’s 64. My name is Frank 65. What color
One possible version:
5.七年级英语试题及答案 篇五
( )1.A.How are you? B. Fine, thanks. C. It’s black.
( )2.A.Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. Good evening!
( )3.A.It’s an egg. B. It’s yellow. C. They are eggs.
( )4.A.There are ten desks. B. They are desks. C. D-E-S-K, desk.
( )5.A.It’s a pen. B. There is one. C. It’s on the desk.
( )11.What’s Daming’s favourite food?
A. Fish. B. Ice cream. C. Cake.
( )12.What is the boy’s favourite colour?
A. Green. B. Blue. C. Black.
( )13.Where’s the boy’s English book?
A. On the chair. B. Under the bed. C. Under the chair.
( )14.How many flowers are there in all(总共)?
A. Five. B. Three. C. Two.
( )15.What are these?
A. Legs. B. Arms. C. Eyes.
( )16.What colour are the flowers?
A. Yellow. B. Red. C. Blue.
( )17.How many flowers are there?
A. Four. B. Six. C. Eight.
( )18.Who is Yangyang?
A. Mr Wang’s student. B. Mr Wang’s daughter. C. Daming’s friend.
( )19.What’s Daming’s favourite food?
A. Apples. B. Pears. C. Bananas.
( )20.Who has got(拥有) a white bag?
A. Mr Wang. B. Daming. C. Yangyang.
( )1.The black book____on the chair and the red books____on the desk.
A. is; is B. is; are C. are; are
( )2.This is____pear and that is____apple.
A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an
( )3.—What’s your favourite____? — Red.
A. food B. colour C. drink
( )4.—_____are the desks? —They are red.
A.How many B. Where C. What colour
( )5.—What’s your name? —_____.
A. I’m fine B. I’m Julia C. I’m a girl
( )6. —What’s between (在……和……之间)Ff and Hh? —____.
A. Gg B. Jj C. Kk
( )7. —Which group of the letters is different from others?(哪一组字母在分类上与其它不一样?) —_____.
A. Ee—Oo—Uu B. Aa—Cc—Kk C. Ee—Ll—Rr
( )8.—What’s this ____English? —Sorry, I don’t know.
A. in B. on C. under
( )9.—What’s this ? —A pen.
—______. —A book?
—Yes, a book!
A. Yes B. OK C. No
( )10.—What are these? —They are _____.
A. hand B. eye C. feet
( )11.Which sentence can match the picture? (哪个句子能与图画匹配?)
A. The books are on the chair.
B. The books are in the chair.
C. The books are under the chair.
( )12.—Jack, what’s _____favourite fruit?
—My favoutite fruit is apples.
A. my B. you C. your
( )13. — Please sit down! —_____
A. It’s a chair. B. Thank you. C. Where’s the chair?
( )14.Everyone(每个人) has(有)one____and two _____.
A. mouth; eyes B. nose; heads C. leg; arms
( )15.—Mom, this is____Gao. She is my English teacher. —Hello!
A. Mr B. Miss C. Teacher
( )1. —What colour is the cat? —It’s_____.
( )2.—_____do you spell “green”? —G—R—E—E—N.
( )3.I’m Daming. My favourite _____ is ice cream.
( )( )4-5. —How many ____ are there? —There_____ one. And it’s a black bird.
( )6.This_____is my friend, Jack
( )7.Miss Li is _____English teacher. She’s a good teacher.
( )8.—____this in English? —It’s a book.
( )9.—Where _____my shoes? —Under the bed.
( )10.—What are these? —They are_____.
A: Good afternoon, Helen! B: Good afternoon, Daming!
A: What’s this? B: It’s a photo of my family.
A: Can I see it? B: OK. Look! This is my father and this is my mother.
A: Who (谁) is that girl? B: She is my sister, Susan.
A: And who is that boy? B: He is my brother, Jack.
A: But where are you, Helen? B: I’m not in the photo.
( )1.When (什么时候) is it now (现在) ?
A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
( )2.What are they talking about (正在谈论)?
A.Helen’s father. B. Helen’s mother. C. Helen’s family.
( )3.How many people are there in the photo?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Five.
( )4.Who is Jack?
A.Helen’s friend. B. Helen’s father. C. Susan’s brother.
( )5.How many sisters does Jack have(有)?
A. One. B. Two. C. Three.
A: What’s this in English, Jim? B: It’s fish.
A: Fish? It’s my favourite food. B: Oh, you like(喜欢)fish, Kate?
A: Yes. What’s your favourite food? B: My favourite food is noodles.
A: Does your sister Mary like noodles, too? B: Yes. But they aren’t her favourite.
A: What’s her favourite food, then? B: Rice. She likes rice very much.
A: What about your brother, Bob? What’s his favourite food?
B: His favourite food is eggs.
( )6.Who is Mary?
A. Jim’s sister. B. Jim’s friend. C. Kate’s sister.
( )7.Who likes rice very much?
A. Kate. B. Bob. C. Mary.
( )8.What’s Bob’s favourite food?
A. Noodles. B. Fish. C. Eggs.
( )9.Who is Bob?
A. Jim’s brother. B. Kate’s brother. C. Mary’s pen friend.
( )10.What are they talking about?
A. Favourite colours. B. Favourite teachers. C. Favourite food.
1. —What’s your_________ (名字)? —I’m Julia Roberts.
2. This_________ (女孩) is my daughter, Yangyang.
3. — What’s this in English? —It’s a _________(课桌).
4. This_________ (书包) is my sister’s, and that is mine.
5. —What are these? —They are_________(地图).
6. We have a nose, a mouth and two_________ (脚).
7. There are_________ (八) people in Tom’s family.
8. _________ (绿色) is good for(对……有好处) our eyes.
9. The_________(鞋子)in the box are Lily’s.
10.—Where is the football? —It’s_________(在……下)the bed.
1. This is an egg.(划线部分提问) →_________ _________ in English?
2. I’m fine.(划线部分提问) →_________ _________ you?
3. There are ten desks.(划线部分提问) →_________ _________desks are there?
4. My cat is black and white.(划线部分提问) → _________ _________ is your cat?
5. My pens are on the desk.(划线部分提问) →_________ _________ your pens?
七、任务型阅读。 5%
6.七年级英语试题及答案 篇六
Ⅱ.6.A 7.C 8.B 9.A 10.B
Ⅲ.11.C 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D
Ⅳ.16.A 17.C 18.C 19.D 20.C 21.D 22.B 23.B 24.D 25.D
Ⅴ.26.B 27.B 28.B 29.D 30.A 31.D 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.A
Ⅵ.36.B 37.A 38.A 39.B 40.B 41.A 42.B 43.D 44.C 45.A 46.Jim;Cindy 47.他在学校网球俱乐部 48.He doesn’t play tennis with his friends every day. 49.B 50.孩子们
Ⅶ.51.ring 52.us 53.late 54.things
Ⅷ.56.is on 57.call;at 58.Our;tidy 59.Her;are in 60.How do;spell
Ⅸ.61.doesn’t like 62.Does;watch 63.These;cups 64.they are 65.Where are
Ⅹ.66.E 67.C 68.A 69.G 70.F
7.七年级英语试题及答案 篇七
1. What about going __________(shop) this afternoon?
2. Do you know the __________(high) of the building?
3. Would you like some __________(potato)?
4. We have two great _________(special) at our dessert house.
5. She _________(stay) at home yesterday morning.
6. In our _________(地理) class, we are learning about rivers.
7. I _________(写) a letter to my friend yesterday.
8. Mr. Michael passed the driving _________(测试) at last.
9. He will ________(度假) his holidays in Hainan this year.
10. He often _________(练习) speaking English with his foreign friends.
Ⅱ. 单项填空。(本题共20分,每题1分)
( )11. My sister has short ________ hair, not curly.
A. thin B. long C. heavy D. straight
( )12. —________?
—Id like some noodles.
A. What do you like B. Do you like some noodles
C. What would you like D. What size would you like
( )13. The lovely girl is good-looking. But shes ________ quiet.
A. bit little B. a bit little C. little bit D. a little bit
( )14. Tom is a tall boy ________ long brown hair.
A. with B. have C. has D. in
( )15. Nobody in my class ________ how to work out this math problem.
A. knowingB. to know C. know D. knows
( )16. I dont like his new ________ because he looks like a bad man.
A. look B. looking C. teacher D. home
( )17. What ________ bag would you like?
A. kind B. kind of C. kind for D. of kind
( )18. —Can I help you?
—Yes, wed like something to eat. Can I look at the ________?
A. reason B. menu C. list D. number
( )19. —Would you like some tea?
A. Yes, please B. No, please C. No, I dont D. Yes, I would
( )20. It is time ________ to school.
A. wentB. go C. goes D. to go
( )21. —Where did you go on vacation?
—I went to the country and ________ my grandma.
A. visit B. visited C. visits D. visiting
( )22. —Did she ________ to the movies yesterday evening?
—No, she went to the party.
A. goes B. go C. going D. went
( )23. —________ your mother go fishing last weekend?
—No, she didnt. She went shopping.
A. Does B. Is C. Did D. Do
( )24. Edward came in and said he had ________ to tell the class.
A. anything important B. important everything
C. something important D. important something
( )25. —_______?
—She likes swimming and dancing.
A. How does Lily like B. What does Lily look like
C. What is Lily likeD. What does Lily like
( )26. —Hey, look! ________ Vivian!
—Oh, woo! You know, shes my favorite star.
A. Here comeB. Here comes C. She comes D. Come here
( )27. —Is your brother Mike very tall?
—No, he is ________.
A. medium highB. medium tallC. medium height D. medium long
( )28. —________ would you like?
—12, please.
A. How many dumplingsB. How much dumplings
C. How many dumplingD. How much dumpling
( )29. —What are you going to buy?
—Im going to buy some ________.
A. chicken, fish and cabbageB. chickens, fish and cabbage
C. chicken, fishes and cabbageD. chickens, fishes and cabbage
( )30. He put his book down and _______ me pick up my pen.
A. helpB. helping C. helps D. helped
Ⅲ. 完形填空。(本题共20分,每题2分)
It was Childrens Day yesterday. We 31 the park. Our teacher was 32 us. 33many people there. Some Young Pioneers (少先队员) 34 near the river. 35 sang and danced. There were some 36 on the river. There was a hill 37 . Some boys 38 in the river. We sat under 39 apple tree with our teacher. We 40 on Childrens Day yesterday.
( )31. A. went B. went to C. went for D. went in
( )32. A. to B. from C. with D. of
( )33. A. Those wereB. How C. Had D. There were
( )34. A. are B. was C. were D. did
( )35. A. They B. Them C. Their D. Theirs
( )36. A. hills B. boats C. flowers D. trees
( )37. A. here B. over C. over there D. near
( )38. A. swim B. swimming C. swimmed D. swam
( )39. A. a B. an C. /D. the
( )40. A. liked B. enjoyed C. had great fun D. did
Ⅳ. 阅读理解。(本题共20分,每题2分)
It was very difficult to find jobs in the northeast of England, and when John lost his job, he found it impossible to get a new one. He had soon spent all his money, so he decided to go down to the south of the country, where he had heard that things were better, and that it was easier to find a job. The best way to go was by train, so he went to the railway station and got into a train which was going to London.
He was the only passenger in his compartment (车厢). Then another man with a gun (枪) in his hand came and said to him, “Your money, or your life!”
“I havent got any money,” John answered.
“Then why are you trembling (发抖) so much?” the man asked angrily.
“Because I thought you were the ticket collector, and I havent even got a ticket,” answered John.
( )41. John left for the south of England because ________ in the northeast.
A. it was colder B. it was difficult to find a job
C. it was easier to find jobs D. it was richer
( )42. John went to the south ________.
A. to have his holidays B. to see his friends
C. to see his children D. to look for a job
( )43. The man with a gun asked John to ________.
A. show his ticket B. take out his money
C. die D. tremble
( )44. John was trembling because ________.
A. he was afraid of the mans gun B. he was afraid of being robbed (抢)
C. he thought the man was the ticket collector D. he thought the man wanted his life
( )45. Which of the following statements is true?
A. John had to take out his money.
B. John rang up the police station.
C. John was too poor to buy a ticket.
D. John gave his money to the man in order to save his life.
My friend, Dick, has a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon, Dick takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.
One afternoon, a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed for a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for a walk. But the man was still (仍然) there. Jack became very worried (着急的). He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the man and looked at him. But the man kept talking. Finally Jack couldnt stand it. he went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the man, but this time he held the mans hat in his mouth.
( )46. From the story, we know that Jack is ______.
A. Dicks good friend B. a large police dog
C. a young man D. a young mans dog
( )47. Where does Dick walk with his dog every Saturday afternoon?
A. In his room. B. In the street. C. In the park. D. In the field.
( )48. Jack became very worried one afternoon because ______.
A. Dick couldnt take him out for a walk at the usual time
B. a young man came to visit Dick that afternoon
C. Dick walked around his room several times
D. he couldnt find the young mans hat
( )49. The word “stand” means “______” in Chinese.
A. 站立B. 理解C. 支持D. 忍受
( )50. Why did Jack sit down again in front of the man with the young mans hat in his mouth?
A. It tried to make the man laugh.
B. It liked the young man very much.
C. It wanted to ask the young man to leave at once.
D. It wanted to talk with the young man.
Ⅴ. 阅读理解填词。(本题15分,每题1.5分)
Thebestplacetobuyahamburgerisafast-foodrestaurant. In these r51 , people
a52 for their food, and w53 just a few minutes. Then when the food is ready, they take it to their tables by t54. They can eat it in the restaurant or take the food o 55in a plastic box and eat it at home, at work, or in a park. At some restaurants people can drive up beside a w56. They ask for the food and a waiter sells it to them t 57the window. Then they drive off and eat in their c 58 .
Fast-food restaurants are very p 59because the service is fast and the food is cheap. Many married women with children work outside the home. They are often too b 60or too tired to cook dinner for the family at night. So fast-food restaurants are a great help to people.
51. r______52. a______53. w______54. t______ 55. o______
56.w______57. t______58. c______59. p______60. b______
Ⅵ. 书面表达。(15分)