1.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇一
The World Expo in 2010(2010年世博会)
The World Expo in 2010
Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia.So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians.()ur government
has promised that it will be the best one.And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly.As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.The World Expo in 2010
Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia.So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians.Our government has promised that it will be the best one.And Shanghai, as a host city, will have more chances to develop quickly.As a student in Shanghai, I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners know more about Shanghai.Shanghai Embraces Expo
Celebrations spread across China when Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl was given the right to host the right to host the 2010 World Expo on December3.Shanghai won the honor after beating rivals from Russia, Mexio, Poland and South Korea.Bidding for the Expo shows that China is more confident of playing a more important role on international stage.It is competing for large events and the next one could be the World Cup.The World Expo is known as the “Olympics of the economic,cultural,scientific and technological fields'.It is usually held every 5 years and lates for six months.2010年世博会的脚步离我们越来越近。文明和谐的呼唤更是犹在耳边。中国上海获得2010年世博会举办权。中国2010年上海世博会将是世界的盛会。是上海新一轮发展千载难逢的大好机遇。更是我国民族精神的重要体现。
Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo in 2010
Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.The World Expo has a long history but it has never been held in Asia.So the 2010 World Expo is an honor for all of the Asians.()ur government-has promised that it will be the best one.And Shanghai.as a host city.will have more chances to develop quickly.As a student in Shanghai.I should learn English well so that I can be a volunteer in the Expo to help foreigners
know more about Shanghai.How To Be A Lovely Citizen(如何成为一个可爱的上海人)
Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now.As a citizen of Shanghai.I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit.First.I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful.Second.I should obey seven nos and be good at learning from others.Third.I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.关于世博会英语作文:我看世博会
Right from its establishment in 1992, Shanghai International Exhibition Center has provided much needed new potential for the exhibition industry in Shanghai , becoming the birthplace of many industry definitive exhibitions in Shanghai and making acclaimed contributions to the development of Shanghai exhibition industry.With its quality exhibition facilities and excellent services,it has been the first international exhibition center in China.As a member of the exhibition industry, Shanghai International Exhibition Center is committed to perfecting its hall services to exceed customers expectations, establishing exhibition brands, enhancing our capabilities of customer service and making contributions to the development of the exhibition industry in Shanghai and China as well!
Great changes have taken place in Shanghai and more and more people throughout the world are focusing their attention on Shanghai now.As a citizen of Shanghai, I feel I must spare no efforts to do my bit.First, I decide to help plant more trees to make our city more beautiful.Second, I should obey seven nos and be good at learning
from others.Third, I should study hard so that I can do something better for my city in the future.上海世博会英语作文—China and World Expo
On December, 2002, China won the bid to hosting Expo 2010.This is the first General Exhibition hosted by a developing country;However, China has a long-standing relationship with World Expo.Chinese people have participated in World Expo since its first presence.After wining its liberation, thePeople’s Republic of China has taken part in 12 world expositions.Chinese exhibits won many prizes in previous world expositions.The Yisheng Wine was awarded with the gold medal at Expo 1906 Milan Italy;many others like the embroidery of the Portrait of Jesus, Gold Prize Brandy , and Mao-Tai Chiew were among the highlights at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition—San Francisco 1915.2002年12月31日,中国成功申办2010年世博会,这是第一次在发展中国家举办的综合类世博会。但中国与世博会的渊源可长呢,从第一届世博会起,就有中国人参展。建国后,中国也参加了12届世博会。并且中国的展品在历届世博会上获得过很多奖项,比如在首届世博会上,来自中国上海的商人徐荣村,就凭其自己的“荣记湖丝”获金、银大奖;“颐生酒”在1906年意大利米兰世博会上获金奖,还有《耶稣像》刺绣、金奖白兰地和著名的茅台酒等都在1915年旧金山巴拿马世博会上傲视群雄。
China has taken an active part in the work of BIE since it joined the BIE on May 3, 1993.In December 2003 ,Mr.Wu Jianmin, the Chinese ambassador to France at that time, was elected as the Chairperson of BIE, and succeeded himself to the second consecutive term.It’s the first time in BIE history that an Asian occupied such an important position.
2.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇二
“起来”通常称为趋向动词, 基本意义是表示物体自下而上的移动。“起来”由动词“起”和“来”组合而成。从历时的角度来看, “起来”出现于五代时期, 用在动词后表动作的趋向。宋金时期“起来”意思开始虚化, 用作补语表达多种特定含义;到了明代, “起来”的虚化程度进一步加深, 开始出现新的用法, 即与其前面的中心词结合构成的“_起来”结构, 此时, “起来”的主要功能也由语法转向语用层面。而发展到《红楼梦》所在的明清时代它的使用已十分频繁, 用法也非常丰富。
趋向动词能独立充当谓语, 但它最常见的用法是用作补语表达多种语法含义, 本文的讨论范围只限于作补语的“起来”。
我们在《红楼梦》前八十回语料库中搜索到包含“起来”的句子共有620句。其中“起来”充当谓语动词的只有87句, 占14%;做趋向动词的有534句, 占82%, 这表明“起来”做补语的用法已经大大超出了他做谓语的用法。我们对这五百多个“_起来”结构进行多角度的考察, 以尽可能细致准确地对“_起来”这一格式的特征进行描写。
趋向动词“起来”与前面中心词一起做句子成分, 可以充当“起来”前中心词的有动词、形容词、代词、动宾短语和小句:
(1) 是你们拉硬屎, 不肯去亲近他, 故疏远起来。第6回
(2) 要这样起来, 连平安都不能了。第34回
(3) 宝玉的心倒实, 听见咱们去就那样起来。第57回
其中中心词为动词的为420句, 形容词的为52句, 剩下的为短语或句子。其中中心词为动词的可以分为两大类, 一类本身就具有位移性, 如“站、爬、跳、拿”等;一类本身不具有位移性, 如“笑、想、说”等。其中位移性动词的数量与非位移性动词相比起来数量较少。
趋向动词“起来”最基本的用法是表示动作行为的趋向, 即物体自下而上的位移。根据对“_起来”趋向短语的考察, 发现与“起来”搭配的词直接影响到“_起来”的语义特征。“_起来”表达的语义可以分为三类:
“起来”的趋向义与“起”相同, 表示动作使主题或客体由低处向高处移动。表示空间意义的“_起来”前可以出现表示位移起、终点的处所状语, 如:
(1) 秋纹便将笔墨拿起来, 一同随宝玉进园来。第87回
(2) 忽见宝玉站起来, 嘴里咕咕哝哝的说道。第81回
据总结, 《红楼梦》中“起来”用在以下行为动词之后, 仍保持明显的动词特征, 如:“拿、站、举、跳、爬、拉、挑、坐、提、撑”等。这些词本身的语义就是要求有方向位移的, 并大都与身体四肢躯干部位有关的动词。《红楼梦》中所使用的这些行为动词中, “站起来”出现最频繁, 共有34次。
“起来”附在动词后表示动作或新状态开始, 并且一直持续或重复, 但是没有完成。
(1) 说的满屋里都笑起来。第22回
(2) 独立墙角边花阴之下, 悲悲戚戚呜咽起来。第26回 (3) 林黛玉见他如此, 早已哭起来。第29回
前面有表示动作已经开始并将持续下去的副词“已”, 更说明“起来”表示开始时有动作没有完成的含义。
(1) 吃疼不过时, 他便『姊姊』『妹妹』乱叫起来。第2回 (2) 说到这里, 只听宝玉房中一片声嚷, 吵闹起来。第19回《红楼梦》中“说唱”一类的词有“说、讲、叫、提、问、叙、论、嚷、应、读、喊、盘问、吵嚷、呜咽、闹吵、抱怨、攀谈、叫喊、咳嗽”十九个。
(1) 要在初次行经的日期就用药治起来, 不但断无今日之患。第10回
(2) 你们不知他的好处, 用起来得多少换买来还不中使呢。第77回
(1) 便说道:你这么个明白人, 怎么糊涂起来了。第25回 (2) 回话说的造次了, 后悔不来, 登时脸上红胀起来。第30回
“红胀”、“糊涂”表示集中达到一定的量的聚集, 这个意义中“起来”前大都是形容词。
(1) 说的贾母喜欢起来。第8回
(2) 贾赦怒起来。第45回
这类大都是形容词或心里动词, 如“喜欢”。
“_起来”表示动作和动作完成的结果。与表示趋向意义的“_起来”的中心词位移性较强不同, 表示结果意义的“_起来”的中心词往往含有[持续性]或[反复性]。据观察, “_起来”表结果意义时, 中心词大都是动词, 有为了出现某种结果或达到某种目的的意思。“起来”的结果意义在不同的句子中有所不同:
(1) 贾蓉忍不得, 便骂了他两句, 使人捆起来。第7回
(2) 莺儿便又采些柳条, 越性坐在山石上编起来。第59回
(3) 按荣府中一宅人合算起来, 人口虽不多, 从上至下也有三四百丁。第6回
(1) 只写了五十两, 然后画了押, 贾蔷收起来。第12回
(2) 不希罕, 我少不得就拿着。」说着又揣了起来。第29回
(1) 问起来, 比往日已算大愈了。第58回
(2) 如今细评起来, 方才这一联, 竟比『书成蕉叶』犹觉。第17回
(1) 黛玉一想, 方想起来昨儿失于检点。第41回
(2) 自己扫了兴, 不肯丢开手, 便要思索起来。第45回
“_起来”最大的语用功能就是对客观事实的描写及陈述。《红楼梦》中这样的句子约占总数的80%, 如:
(1) 许几家, 偏不许退定礼, 就打官司告状起来。第15回
(2) 以后有了这样的事, 便恣意的作为起来, 也不消多记。第16回
“起来”前常接谓词主体的想法和感觉来表达对客体的评价。此时, “V起来”中的V仅限于少数动词, 如“说、想”, 且其句式常常是“_起来+AP”。如:
(1) 那为君的药, 说起来唬人一跳。第28回
(2) 重重叠叠, 事虽小, 钱有限, 看起来也不妥当。第55回
“_起来”有时用来引进说话人的看法, 而这种看法往往是从刚刚观察到或听到的现象、情况中得出的, 是通过已知信息对事物的一种推测。这类词有“看、听、算、闻、吃、做”。此时“_起来”后往往还有谓词性的后续成分:
(1) 此时也用不着, 怕一时要用起来不够了, 我打发人去取就是了。第39回
(2) 算为奇, 只在群药里算。那为君的药, 说起来唬人一跳。
“用起来”表示推测估计, 当然这个时候句子前面会有“怕”、“就”等表示推测的动词、副词, “起来”与这些词一起使用, 其意义便带有了表推测的含义。表示推测这一语用功能的句子大都可以在“起来”后加助词“的话”, 如可以改为“那为君的药, 说起来的话唬人一跳。”
[1]曹宏.论中动句的句法构造特点[J].世界汉语教学, 2004 (3) .
3.基础英语教学中应重视语法教学 篇三
然而,现状令人堪忧。现在的基础英语教材,包括初中、高中,不很重视语法—— 一个能使初学者迅速了解语言规律,从而快速掌握这门语言的工具。据了解,很多学生在初中里基本上没有学多少语法知识,主要是跟老师读单词、背句子。由于缺少语法作支撑,这种读和背往往是死记硬背式的,费力且记不牢。进入高中后,学习任务和难度陡然增加,初中英语语法本来就带了帐的学生,学习高中英语就倍感吃力,有的硬撑,有的就选择了放弃。现行的高中英语教材,虽然有语法方面的训练,但从数量及难度上看,与高考的难度要求相比较,明显有弱化之嫌。有的学生高中都快毕业了,还分不清主、谓、宾、定、状、补,对非谓语动词、定语从句、虚拟语气更是一头雾水。语法题没有把握,长句读不懂,阅读理解能力始终不能提高,写作更是错误连篇,经常犯一些低级错误,写出来的英语纯粹是汉语式的。结果是学生感到英语难学,老师觉得英语难教。
4.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇四
与make后一样可接不带to的不定式做宾语的动词有: see, hear, help, have, watch, notice等 This photo often makes me ____ of my teachers in the primary school.A.thinkB.to thinkC.thinks D.thinking2.It seems that...= sb seems to do sth
_____that they have not known the news.A.It seems B.They seem C.It seem D.They seem 4.fifteen-year-old boy
复合形容词 基数词+名词单数+形容词构成一位38岁的妇女 一篇300字长的短文 一座100米长的桥 一棵8米高的树
My brother has a ____ son.A.four-years-oldB.fourth-year-old C.four-year-oldD.four-years-old
5.His mother could not afford to pay for her child’s education.我们能买起一个新房子。
We can hardly _____ to buy the computers because they are too expensive.A.offerB.affordC.ableD.have
6.His mother looked after him as well as she could.王明的足球踢得和张强一样好。
Daniel plays chess___, if not better than, David.A.as wellB.as well asC.so well D.so well as 7 in the end.In the end 意为“最后,终于” 相当于at last 和 finally 终于 最后他找到了丢失的钥匙。
the children came to a beautiful place with green grass.A.by the end.B.then C.at the same timeD.in the end.8.to one’s surprise.令某人惊奇的是。。
_____ his great surprise, he got out of the trap in the end.A.at B.to C.in D.on10.even though
I will do it even though there’s no pay.即使熬夜,我也要帮他完成工作。
11.take pride in 以。。为荣。Be proud of...= take pride in
Yao Ming is agreat basketball player.We are proud__ him.A.Of B.to C.for D.at
I am chinese.I always take ____ our great country.A.proud of B.proud in C.pride of D.pride in
12.pay attention to...我们应该注意我们的发音。
---May I have your ____? I am going to say something important.A.ears.B.listening C.attention D.notice.1.I__________ frustrated when I wasn’t sure of the correct answer.A.may beB.used toC.used to beD.use to beA.likingB.likeC.likedD.Likes 3.___________ work in Microsoft?
A.Did you used toB.Did you use toC.Do you used toD.Do you use to 4.Where ____ live before you came here? A.did you used toB.did you use to C.use he toD.he used to5.No one likes him ___________.A.stillB.neverC.anymoreD.too6.I am ________ of spiders.A.terrifyB.terrorC.terrifyingD.terrified 7.He is afraid of ________ strangers.A.seeB.seeingC.sawD.seen 8.It_____ that he has been ill for a long time.A.seemsB.looksC.looks as ifD.seems as if 9.I always go to sleep ______ the light on.A.inB.withC.to D.and
10.Don’t ____about things so much.It will make you stressed out.A.afraidB.terrifyC.terrified D.worry 11.We don’t think she is ____ honest girl.A.aB.anC.theD./
12.What’s wrong with my son’s ____? He can’t see things clearly.A.eyesB.earsC.mouthD.nose
The Shenzhou Ⅶ spacecraft set off on the evening of September 25th and landed safely on the afternoon of 28th.Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming, and Jing Haipeng ___1___ back from a 68-hour flight, which included(包括)a 20-hour spacewalk and ___2___ completed a space journey.“It was a glorious(光荣的)mission, full of challenges but the result is prefect(完美的).I’m proud of my country,” said Zhai Zhigang, sitting on a chair after coming out of the ___3___.During the spacewalk, Zhai wore a homemade Feitian spacesuit and ___4___ 20
minutes outside the spacecraft.He said, “Shenzhou Ⅶ is now outside the spacecraft.I feel ___5___.I am here greeting the Chinese people and people of the ___6___ world.” After the spacewalk, Zhai Zhigang was congratulated_7_ Chinese President Hu Jintao from the Beijing control centre.President Hu __8__ the astronauts for their devotion and excellent behaviours through a_9_.China has sent six astronauts into space since 2003, ___10___ the country’s first spaceman Yang Liwei, and the first pair Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.1.A.entered B.cameC.went D.ran 2.A.successfullyB.helpfullyC.clearly
3.A.centreB.airplane C.spacecraftD.space 4.A.hadB.tookC.paid D.spent 5.A.terrible B.peacefulC.well D.bad 6.A.all B.superC.whole D.public)7.A.for
5.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇五
Unit 2 Healthy eating
1.Learn to________your knowledge with my experience,and you are sure to succeed.A.joinB.uniteC.connectD.combine
答案 D
解析 考查动词辨析。join参加;unite联合;connect联系,连接;combine结合。句意为:学会把你的知识与我的经验结合起来,你一定会成功。combine...with...把„„和„„结合起来。
2.As we all know,everyone has his own________and weaknesses, so we should learn from each other.A.strengthsB.valueC.techniqueD.energy
答案 A
解析 句意为:众所周知,每个人有自己的优缺点,因而我们要相互学习。strength强项,长处,与weakness相对应。value价值;technique技术;energy精力,能量。
3.A good teacher should leave some time for the students to________the knowledge.A.introduceB.receiveC.digestD.accept
答案 C
解析 考查动词辨析。句意为:一个好老师应该留些时间让学生消化知识。digest消化;introduce介绍;receive收到;accept接受。
4.Who is most likely to________the old lady’s death?
A.benefitB.benefit from
C.be beneficialD.be beneficial to
答案 B[来源:Z.X.X.K]
解析 benefit对„„有益;benefit from从„„中获益;be beneficial to对„„有益,故选B项。
5.Never lie to your friends.Once you lose their trust, it is impossible to________.A.win it outB.win it over
C.win it backD.win it through
答案 C
解析 考查动词短语辨析。win out在竞争中取胜,战胜对方;win over说服;win through克服障碍。win back赢回,夺回,符合句意。
6.—They________have prepared for the meeting more carefully.—But they didn’t.What a pity!
C.mayD.ought to
答案 D
解析 ought to have done sth.本来应该做某事而没做。句意为:——他们应该更细心地
7.Don’t cheat in the exam—you’ll never________it.A.keep away fromB.stay away from
C.get away withD.do away with
答案 C
解析 考查动词短语辨析。get away with逃脱处罚,(做坏事)不受惩罚。句意为:考试不要作弊——你绝不会逃脱惩罚的。keep away from远离;stay away from离开;do away with废除。
8.I am heavily________at the moment, but I hope to be out of it when I get paid.A.in debtB.in trouble
C.of difficultyD.in danger
答案 A
解析 考查介词短语辨析。句意为:我现在陷入严重的债务危机中,但是我希望发了工资后会摆脱债务困扰。由后半句的“out of it when I get paid”可知A项正确。in debt欠债;in trouble陷入困境;in danger陷入危险。
9.If you don’t ________ your smoking,I will ________ your supply.A.cut up;cut downB.cut down;cut off
C.cut in;cut offD.cut in;cut up
答案 B
解析 句意为:如果你不减少抽烟,我将中断供应。cut down削减;cut off切断,中断。
10.The director had her assistant ________ some hot dogs for the meeting.A.picked upB.picks up
C.pick upD.picking up
答案 C
解析 have sb.do sth.叫某人做某事。句意为:主任让她的助手顺便为会议买了些热狗。
11.Usually there is a speed ________ of 30 km/h in towns or villages.A.levelB.standardC.limitD.degree
答案 C
解析 句意为:通常在城镇或乡村的时速限制为每小时30公里。a speed limit时速限制,符合题意。
12.I don’t think you should ________;you are quite slim.A.put on weightB.lose weight
C.put weightD.gain weight
答案 B
解析 根据空后的“你相当苗条”可知,“你”不应该“减肥”(lose weight)。put on/gain weight表示“增加体重”。
13.You ________ go to the post office.It’s going to rain.A.had better not toB.had not better
C.had better notD.had not better to
答案 C
解析 had better的否定形式为had better not。故选C。
14.He went from door to door,________ waste papers and magazines.A.gatheringB.gatheredC.gatherD.being gathered
答案 A
解析 考查现在分词短语作伴随状语,又gather与he为主动关系,故选A。
15.—What makes Tom unpopular with his fellows?
—________.A.Tell a lieB.Telling lies
C.Told liesD.Telling lie
答案 B
解析 考查tell a lie/lies“说谎”;同时telling a lie/lies在句中作主语。
Over the summer,18-year-old Roberto Mancera of Chandler wasn’t looking forward to dances,football games or even his last year in high school.He was more excited about building a robot that will compete in the sixth annual FIRST Robotics Competition(FRC)Arizona Regional.FIRST stands for For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology,a non-profit organization that believes the heroes of today’s youth should be engineers,not sports or pop stars.They aim to change the culture by hosting athletic-like competitions for robots,with cheering fans,mascots(吉祥物)and music.Mancera and a team of about 14 of his schoolmates will compete this year against 44 other high school teams from all over Arizona,California and New Mexico at the Arizona Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix.Finalists will move on to the FRC 2009 Championship in Atlanta to face teams from 48 states and seven other countries.For the 40 regional events worldwide,a similar “kit(工具包)of parts” is given to each of the 1,680 teams from around the globe every January.The robot functions are different every year,and after a six-week building season,robots are boxed up and shipped off to the competition’s destination.The competition has a minimum $6,000 entrance fee,and students are sponsored and by adult professionals and experts,like computer science teacher Sam Alexander,39,at Chandler High.“I try to give the kids the challenge and they try to figure it out,” he said.“They work through the entire scientific method without me giving them the answers.”
FIRST students are also eligible(有资格的)to apply for $9.7 million in college scholarships,something that Alexander’s students have taken advantage of.“You learn skills that your average student isn’t learning,” Mancera said.“It’s really amazing,and
I’ve been able to meet a lot of interesting people.” Mancera said that he found himself when he joined the robotics team.He now has a career goal set and has learned valuable leadership skills.1.The goal of FIRST is to________.A.help students have a rich summer
B.choose heroes for today’s youth
C.develop the interest of young people in sports
D.create a culture of valuing technology
答案 D
解析 事实细节题。根据第二段的“They aim to change the culture by hosting athletic-like competitions for robots...”可知答案为D项。
2.Each robot made for the competition is________.A.designed for a different function
B.decorated similarly
C.a team-made product
D.a copy of famous robots
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段的“Mancera and a team of about 14 of his schoolmates...” 可知,参赛机器人是团队制作的产品。
3.Which of the following words has the similar meaning to the underlined word “mentored” in Para.5?
A.Guided.B.Controlled.C.Judged.D.Replaced.答案 A
解析 猜测词义题。根据第五段中“students are sponsored and...by adult professionals and experts”可知专家们赞助并指导参赛学生。
4.What’s the influence of FIRST on Roberto Mancera?
A.He has been awarded a college scholarship.B.He has become the hero for his classmates.C.It has helped him to decide his future career.D.It has allowed him to make a lot of friends with the same interest.答案 C
解析 事实细节题。根据最后一段的“He now has a career goal set...”可知答案为C项。
Scientists studying the impact of climate change on the Arctic need to consider ways to reduce their own carbon footprints(碳排放量),says Ryan Brook,a researcher who regularly flies north to study the health of caribous(驯鹿).He calls on scientists to show leadership by examining and sharing ways to reduce the impact of working in polar regions.“The importance of the research is not at question here.It is important to our understanding of and adapting to climate change.But we need to think about better approaches,” says Brook.“This is an issue for all scientists,though polar researchers often travel particularly long distances using commercial air travel.We also rely extensively on small aircraft,icebreakers,and snowmobiles,all of which produce large amounts of carbon.”
Brook studies the health of caribou herds in Nunavut and Northwest Territories.He works with northern wildlife managers.This work typically takes him north five or six times per year and when he calculated his own carbon footprint,he was not happy with the result.“My research footprints are about the same as the annual footprints of an average Toronto resident.Basically,I have two footprints—my own personal life,which is moderate,and my research footprint.”
Climate scientists can rightly argue that Arctic research is a specialized field and the community of scientists who travel north is relatively small.Even if all scientists working in the north reduced their carbon emissions,it would not make a big impact on the global scale.For Brook,it’s the option that matters.There are ways researchers can reduce the amount of carbon they use.Some helicopters use less fuel than others.Solar and wind power are alternatives to gas-fired generators.And while carbon offsets(抵消)don’t reduce the amount of carbon emitted,they are an easy first step.“There aren’t necessarily any easy answers,but we need to start talking about it,”says Brook.“This is particularly important for the next generation of scientists being trained and I hope to see them become leaders in this issue.”
5.The underlined word “It” in Para.2 refers to________.A.the research of climate change on the Arctic
B.the study of the health of caribous
C.the impact of working in polar regions
D.the reduction of polar scientists’carbon emissions
答案 A
解析 代词指代题。根据“The importance of the research is not at question here.It is important to our understanding of and adapting to climate change.”(这项研究的重要性不言而喻。它对我们理解并适应气候变化很重要)可知“It”指:对北极气候变化的研究工作。
6.What did Brook find when he calculated his own carbon footprints?
A.His carbon footprints are more than the annual footprints of a Toronto resident.B.His personal life footprints are more than the annual footprints of a Toronto resident.C.His research footprints are about the same as his personal life footprints.D.His personal life footprints are more than his research footprints.答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据第五段的“My research footprints are about the same as the annual footprints...I have two footprints—my own personal life...and my research footprint.”可知Brook的carbon
footprints(personal life footprint+research footprint)比“the annual footprint of an average Toronto resident”多。
7.We can infer from the last paragraph that________.A.we should take actions immediately instead of just talking
B.it’s easy to start talking about the problem of carbon emissions
C.it’s necessary now to pay attention to the problem of research footprints
D.the next generation of scientists are more interested in research footprints
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“...but we need to start talking about it...”可知答案为C项。
8.What’s the main idea of the text?
A.The importance of arctic research is not at question.B.Climate change becomes worse because of arctic research.C.Brook suggests ways of reducing the use of carbon.D.Scientists must look at their own carbon footprints.答案 D
6.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇六
【关键词】小学英语 语法教学 构建方法
教师的英语教学要以激发学生学习兴趣为出发点,创造融合听、说、读、写为一体的英语语言环境,运用实物、图片和多媒体等形象直观的教学手段吸引学生的注意力,增强学生学习的兴趣。如在学习“what are you doing”句型时,可以导入打电话情境:“Oh,my god.I'm sorry,my mother is calling me.接着,拿起电话:Hello,yes,I'm busy now,my students are waiting for me.Hold on,please.What am I doing?Who knows?”在问题情境中,教师可以与学生展开互动。
在小学英语语法课堂构建中,教师可以利用学生喜闻乐见的chant,编一些朗朗上口的简单句式让学生交流,易记易读,让语法学习更加生动。如在学习“What do you like to do”时,可以将之改编成chant:“What do you like to do?—I like to go to the Zoo.What do you like to do?—I like to watch a kangaroo.What do you like to do?—I like to go to the store.”通过chant,学生对语法知识点进行理解与运用,提高了学习效率。
在小学阶段,教师通过导入任务教学法,将语法任务与学生的认知、情感和技能培养协同起来,鼓励学生从中获得有意义的学习成果。如教师可以设计交际任务,利用语境预设语言形式,将语法知识渗透到任务中,让学生在任务操练中得到学习目标。如在学习一般现在时时,教师可以通过设置“make a survey”形式,让学生分组交流,如“When do you (get up)?”“I usually ... at ...”教师要让学生不断通过对话交流强化任务训练,让学生理解一般现在时的运用范围、语法规则和特点,提高学生的语言交际能力。
7.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇七
8.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇八
一 概念
表示在过去某个时间里所发生的动作或存在的状态。通常在句子里找到表示过去时间的词或词组。如:yesterday, yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, yesterday evening, the day before yesterday, last night, last week, last month, last year, a moment ago, just now, two days ago, a week ago, in 1990等。
如:I went to bed at eleven last night.昨晚我11:00睡觉。二 动词过去式的构成规律
1,一般情况下,在动词原形后面加-ed;Look---looked play----played start---started visit—visited 2, 以不发音e结尾的动词,在词尾直接加-d;Live—lived use---used 3, 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,先将y 改成i,再加 –ed;Study---studied try—tried fly---flied 4,以重读闭音节(即辅音+元音+辅音)或 r 音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,要先双写这个辅音字母后,再加 –ed。Stop---stopped plan---planned preferred(二)不规则动词的过去式 1 改变动词中的元音;
Begin---began drink---drank come---came eat---ate Grow---grew run---ran know---knew win---won speak---spoke Take---took write---wrote get---got 2 变词尾的-d 为-t Build---built lend---lent send---sent spend--spent bend--bent 3 与动词原形一样;
Cut---cut put---put cost----cost hurt---hurt shut---shut 4 变-ay 为—aid(少数动词)Say---said pay---paid lay---laid
Sell---sold teach----taught buy----bought 6 其他
Am/is---was are---were have/has---had do---did
二 加 –ed 后的读音方法 1 ed加在清辅音后面读/t/ Finished/-t/ help /-t/ asked/-t/ 2 ed 加在浊辅音或元音结尾的,读/d/ Played/-d/ lived/-d/ enjoyed/-d/ 3 ed 加在/t/或/d/后面,读/id/ Wanted /-tid/ needed/-did/ visited /-tid/
过去时练习: 写出下列动词的过去式
Isam______ fly___ plant_____ are_____ drink_____ Play ______ go____ make______ does_____ dance_____ Worry______ ask____ taste_______ eat_____ draw_____ Put_____ throw______ kick_______ pass_____ do______ 用所给动词的适当形式填空 We_____(live)in Japan last year.2 Susan_____(stop)the car on the street yesterday.3 My mother____(clean)my room and I _____(study)for the English test last Sunday.4 What____ you_____(do)last night? 5 On Saturday morning I ____(play)football 二 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空
(1)May_____(finish)her homework very late yesterday evening.(2)Han Mei_____(bring)her pet to the park that day.(3)His father______(buy)a new computer for him last week(4)Miss Du______(walk)to work every day last term.(5)We____(move)to Shenyang 8 years ago.(6)_____ you _________(have)bread for breakfast this morning?(7)She_______(give)me a nice present last night.(8)The police______(stop)the car and_____(catch)the thief(小偷)just now.(9)Tom ____(carry)water for the old man last Saturday.(10)Uncle Wang______(come)into the room and______(find)something to eat.(11)Lily______(study)in the classroom for two hours and then ____(leave).(12)Jimmy______(do)a lot today.He______(go)shopping and _____(cook)supper.(13)We_____(go)to the cinema last night.The film_____(be)very good.(14)What time ______you________(get)to school this morning? 三 句子变化
1.把 was, were放在句首,其余位置不变。由Was„? 引导的一般疑问句,肯定答为:Yes,„ was.否定回答为:No,„wasn’t 由Were„?引导的一般疑问句,肯定回答为:Yes,„were.否定回答为:No,„weren’t.如:
(1)I was born in Shanghai.----Were you born in Shanghai?---Yes, I was.(肯定回答)----No, I wasn’t(否定回答)(2)They were in Li Yan’s home last night.----Were they in Li Yan’s home last night?--Yes, they were.(肯定回答)--No, they weren’t(否定回答)2.在行为动词的句子中,要用助动词did 来引导,其余的语序不变。要注
意的是,要把行为动词的过去式改为原形。肯定回答为:Yes,„did 否定 No,„didn’t.如:John played computer games last night.---Did John play computer games last night? Yes, he did.No,he didn’t(二)一般过去时的否定句
在表示过去存在的状态的句子中,相接在was, were的后面加上not。
(1)He was in the park the day before yesterday.He was not in the park the day before yesterday.(2)We were busy last week.We were not busy last week.2 在表示过去的时间发生的动作的句子中,要在行为动词的前面加助动词didn’t.然后把过去式的行为动词改为动词原形。即:didn’t+ 动词原形。
(1)She played the violin last night.She didn’t play the violin last night.(2)They swam in the lake yesterday.They didn’t swim in the lake yesterday.(三)一般过去式的特殊疑问句
1.What did„?(主要是询问过去发生了什么事情,注意要把过去式改为动
We ate Chinese food last night.What did we eat last night? 2.Where did ?(主要是询问过去事情发生的地方)They sang and dance in the music room yesterday morning.Where did they sing and dance yesterday morning? 3.Who +动词过去式„?(主要是询问过去事情发生的人物)Mike and Tom climbed mountains last weekend.Who climbed mountains last weekend?
四 句子结构
在表示某个时间里存在的状态的句子,系动词用过去式was,were 构成。
如:(1)I was at home yesterday.昨天我在家。
(2)We were in the gym just now.刚才我们在体育馆、2 在表示过去某个时间里发生的动作,用动词的过去式构成。
如:I visited my uncle yesterday.昨天我拜访了我的叔叔。3 各种句式
主语 + 动词过去式 + 宾语或表语。
He worked in Shanghai ten years ago.(2)一般过去时的否定句:
a.主语 + didn’t + 动词原形 + 宾语。(did+not=didn’t)He didn’t do morning exercises yesterday.b.主语 + wasn’t/weren’t + 表语。(was+not=wasn’t were+not=weren’t)
a.Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 宾语?
Did you study English in `1990? b.Was/Were + 主语 + 表语 ?
Was he a pupil five years ago?(4)一般过去时的特殊疑问句:
a 特殊疑问词 + did + 主语 + 动词原形 +宾语?
Where did your parents live five years ago? What did you do last Sunday? b 特殊疑问词 + were/ was + 表语?
9.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇九
1.多年来,这位身居澳大利亚的老人日夜梦想着回到自己的祖国。(day and night)
2.我和我朋友昨天见面时,她为自己没有信守诺言而向我道歉,并希望我能原谅她。(keep one’sword;apologize;forgive)
3.很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸。(It is obvious that;hold one’s breath)
5.明天举行的大会是为了纪念他们的祖先100多年前来到这个村庄。(take place;in memory of;ancestor;arrival)
1.事实上,当他们进入办公室时是偶然被保安发现的。(spot;by accident)
3.这些年,我有很多朋友来到这座大城市追求幸福和成功。至于我,则想碰碰运气,在家乡开 个公司。(seek one’s fortune;as for;take a chance)
5.小女孩盯着桌上的苹果派,心想着能不能将它全部吃掉。(stare at;apple pie)
1.孩子们对周围的一切事物都感到好奇。(be curious about)那时候他靠买卖旧家具谋生。(earn one’s living)我们认为有必要把理论和实际结合起来。(combine---with)在大街上盯着外国人看是不礼貌的。(stare at)他愿意把有限的生命投入到无限的为人服务当中去。(devote to, limited;unlimited)
1,别打扰她。她昨晚刚生了一个男孩,现在还在睡觉。(give birth to)
2,既然我们已经完成了设计,就该由公司来进行建设了。(now that; in one’s turn)
3,沙尘暴导致了连锁反应,最后造成火车撞毁。(sandstorm;a chain reaction;end in;crash)
4,大部分证据都被毁了。因此,我们不能找到这种药物是有害的的证据。(thus; harmful)
5,火灾没有造成太大损失,因为消防人员及时赶到了。(in time)
1,她的衣着和行为证实了我的猜想——她确实很富有。(confirm; wealthy)
2,据我所知,距离汽车站不到一百米就有一个银行。(as far as; within)
刻的印象。(surround; in the distance; scenery; impress)
5,按照传统,鹰常常被人们当作勇气的象征。(tradition; eagle;symbol)
1,如果想知道如何翻译这个句子,你最好查字典。(refer to)
2,作为一名学生你应该谦虚,不应该瞧不起那些知道得比你少的同学。(modest: look down upon)
3,努力提高工人的工作条件是值得做的事。(It is worthwhile to…; condition)
4,她的行为鼓舞了其他人继续为保护野生动物而奋斗。(behavior; inspired)
5,当警察离开广场后,人群涌了进来。(move off; crowd in)
1,今天的课主要讲如何写文章的摘要。(focus on;summary
5,我打算写一篇关于农民们如何让自己的土地远离化肥的报告。(keep...free of;chemical fertilizers)
1,这个农民花了20年的时间来创建自己的企业。(build up)
2,使用过多的化肥将导致严重的问题。(lead to)
3,直到现在,医生还没有找到治疗这种致命疾病的办法。(treat;deadly;disease;up to now)
4,父亲死后的一段时间里,查理非常贫困。(badly off)
5,地震过后,政府为无家可归者提供了食物和毯子。(provide;the homeless)
3,这些年轻人愿意为保卫祖国而战斗。(in defence of)
4,我发现我能从接近真实生活中学到很多东西。(get close to)
10.学习英语语法知识课件 篇十
(1)When he was born is unknown. 他生于何时还不知道。
(2)What he did last night is being investigated. 他昨天晚上干了些什么正在调查之中。
1. 主语从句一般用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将主语从句放到句末。如:
(1)It is possible that he has stolen the car. 很可能他偷了小车。
(2)Isn’t it strange that he should not have passed the test? 他测试没有通过,难道不奇怪吗?
2. if引导主语从句时,只能用it作形式主语,放在句首,而将if引导的主语从句放到句末。如:
It is uncertain if he will leave for Beijing tomorrow. 明天他是否去北京还不敢肯定。
3. that引导主语从句放在句首时,that不可省,但在句末口语中可省。如:
That he was ill yesterday is known now. 大家都已知道他昨天生了病。
4. 连接代词引导主语从句只能放在句首。如;
(1)Who has broken the glass is unknown. 谁打破了玻璃现在还不知道。
(2)What he wants is all here. 他所要的东西都在这里。
5. 主语从句中主句的谓语动词一般用第三人称单数形式,但what引导主语从句的主句谓语动词的形式须根据句子的意思来判断。如
(1)How he worked it out is still a secret. 他是如何把它做出来的还是一个秘密
(2)What they makes in this factory are TV sets. 他们在工厂里所做的`东西就是电视机。
1. 宾语从句前有插入语。如:
We hope, on the contrary, that he will stay at home with us. 恰恰相反,我们希望他和我们呆在家里。
2. 有间接宾语时。如:
He told me that he was leaving for Japan. 他告诉我他要去日本。
3. that在与之并列的另一个宾语从句之后。如:
He said (that) the book was very interesting and that(不省略) all the children like to read it.他说那本书很有趣,所有小孩都喜欢读。
4. 在“it(形式宾语)+补语”之后时。如:
I think it necessary that he should stay here. 我们认为他有必要留在这里。
5. that从句单独回答问题时。如:
—What did he hear? 他听说了什么事?
—That Kate had passed the exam. (他听说)凯特考试及格了。
6. 在except等介词后。如:
He has no special fault except that he smokes too much.他除了抽烟太多之外,没有什么特别的毛病。
7. 位于句首时。如:
That our team will win, I believe. 我相信我们队会赢。
8. 在较为正式或不常用的动词(如reply, object)后。如:
11.英语基础语法知识有哪些 篇十一
2、可以用来表达命令,如:Sit down; Stand up
3、表示客气的口吻,可以加please这人词,如please listen to me或listen to me ,please.
4、后面可带附加结构will you 或 wob’t,相当于汉语中的“好吗”,“好不好”,如help me study English,willyou?
5、对第一人称或第三人称提出建议可用Let(表示让,允许)结构,即let+人称代词+动词原形,如let me try。
12.英语学习_英语语法基础知识_必备 篇十二
1.violin(表人)2.piano(表人)3.science(表人)4.drive(表人)5.education形容词6.send过去式 7.foreign名词(表人)8.mean名词9.discuss名词 10.begin名词11.hobby复数12.week形容词13.person形容词14.own名词
1.成长2.计算机程序设计员3.篮球运动员 4.学习计算机科学5.成为一位作家
6.确信;对……有把握7.确保;查明 8.上表演课9.上音乐课
12.把它们寄给杂志社和报社13.学习弹钢琴 14.组建足球队15.多锻炼
16.上吉他课17.再学一门外语18.上钢琴课19.下决心;制定计划 20..……的意思21.一种承诺
24.不同种类的决心25.关于;与……有关系 26.学习做;开始做27.制订每周的计划 28.向某人保证/承诺29.同意某人的话
30.取得好成绩31.一部很有教育的电影32.使你的生活更容易33.使我的家人高兴 34.讨论不同类型的决心。35.质疑做决定的观点
3.—Wow,now I know why you’re so _____________________—哇,现在我知道你为什么如此擅长写故事了。4.—Most of the time,we_____________other people。However,promises
you _______________are resolutions。
5.Some people _____________________________________________一些
人写下他们来年决心和计划.6.This helps them _____________________________这帮助他们记住自己的决心.7.Many resolutions ____________________________________.许多决心和自我提高有关系.8.For this reason,some people say _______________________因为这个原因,一些人说最好的决心就是不下决心.9.The third resolution is about _______________________________ my
family and friends.第三个决心是关于改善我和我家人、朋友关系的.10.The last resolution is about _________________________ school.最后一个决心是关于怎样在学校里做的更好的.11.我打算完成高中和大学学业后开始。12.她打算学习教育学。13.我打算在大学学医。14.我打算学习另一门外语
15.一些人可能会说他们打算开始一项爱好,比如画画、拍照或者学弹吉他。6.李伟昨天制定了他的新年计划。Li Wei his New Year’syesterday.17.他打算怎样成为一名篮球运动员?___ is he going to a basketball player?
18.我打算努力学习并取得好成绩。I am going to______________________________ 19.下一年你打算做什么?_____________are you____________ to do next year?
20.What’s the ____________(关系)between the man and the woman?21.What we are talking is about______________(自身提高)