1.go的短语动词 篇一
运动在人类思维中具有特殊的作用, 运动动词中, go出现的频率最高, 动词go便具有了丰富了运动认知内涵。它不仅可描述空间移动, 更可用以描述抽象移动。以往研究多从单个运动动词的语法意义和语用意义入手进行阐述, 分析了学习者的使用错误和教学误区, 而认知语言学的路径观有别于传统的运动分析方法。从认知语言学的角度来研究英语运动动词, 不只是理论阐述上的突破, 更具有方法论上的优势。
1.运动研究方法研究现状。 (1) 从语法的角度对英语动词进行研究, 其研究都是基于在及物动词和不及物动词上的突破和演绎。然而, 此类研究是不完善的。 (2) 从形态学上来看英语动词, 其观点是动词分为单词动词, 动词片语和片语动词。 (3) 从语义的层面来进行英语动词, 可分为状态动词、过程动词、行动动词和行动——过程动词。美国语言学家菲尔墨更提出“格语法”。 (4) 基于语料库的动词研究方法很特别, 是从动词句型入手, 按释义进行分析。此方法让学习者不仅掌握语法句型还了解其意义, 具有参考价值。
2.动词GO研究现状。运动为其他更抽象的认知域提供了认知框架。Langacker (1993) 在Foundations of CognitiveGrammar Vo 1的第四章阐述道, 在我们的经验里, 物理运动是最基本的, 并试图从物理运动引申到抽象范畴。国内语言学家对动词GO的研究并不多。其中比较杰出的列举如下:高原从认知角度谈运动动词的时态、体态和情态, 发现三态并不只是用以描述时间的语法特征, 而是基于其作为空间概念的语义原型。文旭在其论文《“来去”的研究》中主要介绍了的“运动事件框架”。可见, 国内外学者对动词go的研究寥寥可数且不深入, 因此研究go非常有必要。
认知语义学认为空间概念是最基本的概念, 再经过转喻和隐喻模式, 物理空间概念被映射到其他抽象的概念中去, 于是, 其他本无空间内容的概念也被赋予了一种空间架构, 因为像go这类词, 便运用在不同的认知域中, 便有了空间和抽象运动之分。
1.Go的空间运动认知分析。物理运动指的是实体的具体位置和方向的移动。即使在最简单的空间运动中也会隐含一系列的认知事件。我们先从具体的物理运动入手, 用一个公式来分析单一、静态的认知事件图式来表示。公式中S代表相应情景, C代表概念化主体, T代表处理时间, >代表发生顺序, []代表具体相对独立性。
公式 (1) (a) 表示某个概念事物C在某时间Ti使某情景Si的概念化;公式 (1) (b) 涉及一图式向另一图式的过渡, 也就是说物体运动涉及到由多个图式构成的连续序列; >代表认知时间的发生顺序, 经处理时间 (processing time) [T0 > T1 > T2 >???], C概念生成了一系列的认知事件[S0 > S1 > S2 >???], 由此显示这些时间的连续性以及由此映射人对此运动的思维经验。下例中的动词go可以认知图式识解。I go to school on foot.
我们就该句做具体分析, 其中, C即概念化主体, 指说话人;S代表相应情景, 指的是“我”在去学校路上的某个具体情境;T代表处理时间, 指在“我”走路去学校的所用时间中的某个时间点;整个公式概念出“我”在相应情景不断变化循序渐进的动态过程。
2.Go的抽象运动认知分析。动词Go及其空间关系可延伸到非空间范畴。例如“go”的基本意义为实体在空间范畴的移动。若[m/li]关系中因素给予适当的诠释, 公式 (2) 可以解释抽象运动概念。此时, li为非空间范畴中得一点, m范畴中基本类型的实体, 符号“/”代表互相作用。
It takes only five seconds to go through the alphabet.
This milk is about to go sour.
我们不难看出, 以上句子中的go仅限于非空间范畴的抽象运动。代表主观构思的物理运动公式 (2) 分析如下:
公式 (2) (a) 暗示说话人C) , 在Ti概念化“时间-空间”图式[m/li]Ti。在 (2) (b) 和 (2) (c) 中, C不是中心参与者, m与ti在一定程度上非具体化, 那么上述例句理解为, 在已给方向的设想运动中, m等同于听者, ti则为说话时间;此时, m, ti因为凸显程度小而忽略不计。整句可指说话时间听话人跟随说话人思维路径的虚拟运动。我们挑选The milk is about to gosour.一句进行认知识解。其中C指说话人, m是the milk, T代表时间。暗示说话人C在Ti概念化“时间-空间”图式[m/li]Ti, 展示出在具体时间内牛奶变酸的抽象运动过程, 将概念以图示识解, 一目了然。
本文运用兰盖克的空间抽象运动观, 以图式方式识解动词go抽象的运动过程, 深入探讨动词go的认知机制, 对运动路径做出了合理解释。以具体图式表示出来, 一目了然。
[1]Langacker, R.W.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar Vo1.2[M].Stanford:Stanford University Press, 1993.
2.动词短语的结构与用法 篇二
leave off=stop, make out=understand, ring up=telephone, arrive at=reach
2. 动词短语的构成:
(1)“动词+副词”,这种结构在英语中使用十分广泛,如果后面接代词作宾语时,只能放在动词和副词之间;如果接名词,可以放在动词和副词之间,也可以放在他们的后面。常见的有:put up, call up, set up, fix up, get up, stand up, look up, make up, pick up, take up, clean up, cheer up, come on, go on, put on, turn on, be on, take off, turn off, put off, give out, work out, find out, run out, break out, give away, run away等等。例如:
Please put up the picture on the wall. 请把画贴在墙上。
He put on the coat, turned off the light and went to see a movie.
(2)“动词+介词”,其后可以跟名词、代词、动名词等。常见的有:look after,take after, care for, look for, look at, arrive at, come into, break into, listen to等。例如:
She is a volunteer. She is looking after the sick kid in the hospital.
Some robbers broke into a store and took away all the money.
(3)“动词+副词+介词”,常见的有:look down upon, put up with, do away with, look forward to等。例如:
How do you do away with the bad habits? 你怎样改掉坏习惯的?
They look forward to visiting Paris. 他们盼望访问参观巴黎。
(4)“动词+名词+介词”,常见的有:take care of, pay attention to, put an end to, give rise to, have a look at等。例如:
Please take care of my dog when I leave for Beijing.
Pay attention to your pronunciation, please. 请注意你的发音。
(5)“be+形容词+介词”,常见的有:be fond of, be used to, be angry with, be strict with, be good at, be afraid of, be ready to等。例如:
He is quite used to hard work. 他颇习惯于艰苦的工作。
Parents should be very strict with their children.
3.go的短语仔细检查 篇三
“go over something” 的意思是 “仔细检查、考虑或确认”。这个说法经常用来谈论 “为保证信息准确而再次察看某事”,也就是汉语口语里常说的 “把…过一遍”。
“Go over” 的后面可以接
“笔记 notes”、“方案 plans”、“数字 numbers 或 figures”、“文件 documents”、“你的作业 your homework”、“练习题 the exercise” 等词。
Can we quickly go over these figures before the presentation? Let’s check the numbers are all correct.
OK, class, please remember to go over my lecture notes before your exam tomorrow. All the questions will be based on what we discussed today.
The architect is coming to go over the plans for the new building one more time before we all agree.
4.特殊的英语动词短语 篇四
在英语中,有动词和小品词(up, down, in, out, on, off, over, away)构成的动词短语很多,有时很难猜出它们的意义,笔者收集了一些常见的动词短语,通过分析小品词的意义,对这一类的短语进行分类,找出它们的规律,以便更好地掌握它们,注意这些短语意义很接近,这要结合例句和上下文掌握它们的用法。
1)向上(toward or into a higher position)
lift up 举起,climb up 爬上,come up 上升,get up 起来,stand up 站起来,pick up 捡起,draw up 升起,grow up 长大,hand up 托起,put up 举起,send up 使上升,rise up 升起,look up 抬头看,zip up 拉上,hold up 举起,pile up 堆起,dig up 挖出,take up 拿起,build up 树立,set up 建立,搭起。
2)完成,结束(expressing completeness and finality)
finish up完成, drink up喝干, eat up吃光, burn up烧光, wash up洗净, use up用光, fill up装满, pay up付清, settle up解决, lick up舔尽, sum up总结, open up透露, end up结束, let up中止,减少, draw up停止, close up关闭, swallow up吞没, beat up痛打, cover up掩盖, break up结束,分解。wind up结束。
3)离开,消灭(expressing separation and destroy)
break up拆开, cut up切碎, split up分裂, divide up分割, smash up捣毁, blow up炸毁, wither up枯死, tear up撕碎, give up放弃, fold up垮台, dry up枯竭, crack up撞碎, clutter up使散乱, litter up 乱丢垃圾。
4)增加,变强(to a state of greater activity, force, strength, power and degree)
(1)mount up增加, pick up振作加快, pluck up振作, turn up开大,出现, shake up震惊, steam up使发怒, stir up激起搅起, ease up放松, warm up兴奋, speak up大声说, heat up加热, total up总和, tense up紧张, gather up收集, speed up加速, screw up振作, build up增大, show up显现, cheer up振作起来, work up激动,刺激。
(2)用在带“-en”后缀的动词后(used after the verbs with suffix of-en)
brighten up发亮, fatten up发胖, freshen up使新鲜, harden up变硬, sharpen up变快, smarten up变精明, strengthen up加强, sweeten up变甜, tighten up使紧密, toughen up使强大, soften up变软。
5)变好,改善(as to be better and proper)
bring up抚育, check up核对, clear up清理晴天, clean up整理, do up整理, patch up修理, polish up擦亮,改进, light up点亮, tune up调整, tidy up整理, rub up擦亮, train up训练,培养, make up化妆,和解,弥补, buy up囤积, figure up计算, fix up修理整理, take up从事。
6)关住,锁紧,固定住(firmly, tightly and closely)
shut up关闭, lock up锁住, tie up栓住, chain up锁住, nail up钉住, fasten up系住, pin up钉住, bind up装订, bar up关住, block up堵塞, choke up堵塞, save up存起来, store up储藏, stock up储存, cover up掩盖, wrap up包住, lay up储存, hold up延误, keep up坚持。
7)向说话人的方向(to the place where the speaker is)
catch up, come up, drive up, go up, run up, rush up, walk up, swim up, marsh up.2.down
5.常见的be动词短语/词组 篇五
1.be pleased to do 做……感到愉快 2.be pleased/satisfied with 对……满意 3.be excited/crazy about 对……感到兴奋 4.be surprised at 对……感到吃惊 5.be amazed at 对……感到惊讶 6.be impressed by 被……感动 7.be interested in 对……感兴趣 8.be anxious about 因……焦虑 9.be worried about 为……感到担忧 10.be shocked at/by 对……感到震惊 11.be tired of 对……厌烦 12.be fed up with 对……极厌烦 13.be embarrassed at 对……尴尬 14.be disappointed in sb.对某人感到失望 15.be disappointed at sth.对某事感到失望 16.be filled with=be full of 装满/充满 17.be crowded with 挤满 18.be covered with 盖满……,掩满 19.be stressed out 有压力的,紧张的 20.be relaxed(about)觉得放松 21.be dressed in 穿着……衣服 22.be married to sb. 和某人结婚 23.be mad/annoyed at sb生某人的气 24.be terrified of 惧怕 25.be divided into 把……分成 26.be afraid of 害怕 27.be allowed to do 被允许做…… 28.be supposed to do应该做/被要求做 29.be made from 用……制成的 30.be made in 在某地制造 31.be made of 用……制造的 32.be made by 由……制造 33.be used as(被)当作……来 34.be used in 被用在…… 35.be used by+sb(被)……用 36.be used for doing sth.(被)用来做… 37.be used to do sth.(被)用来做…… 38.be used to doing习惯于 39.be angry at(about)sth. 生某事的气 40.be angry with 生某人的气 41.be far away from 离……很远 42.be near/close to 离……很近43.be the same as 和……一样 44.be different from 与……不同 45.be away from 从某地离开 46.be blind in the eyes 眼睛失明 47.be weak/poor in 在……弱/差 48.be good at 善于/擅长 49.be careful about/with 当心 50.be carefu1 of 当心某人 51.be good for 对……有益 52.be bad for 对……有害 53.be proud of=take pride in 以……自豪 54.be/get lost 迷失(道路)55.be sure of 对……有把握 56.be sure that 确信 57.be sure to do sth. 一定要;务必 58.be worth doing sth. 值得做…… 59.be busy with忙于/be busy doing忙于做60.be willing to do 愿意做 61.be confident of 对……有信心 62.be strict with sb.in sth.在方面对某人要求严格 63.be friendly to sb. 对……友好 64.be kind/nice to sb. 对……好 65.be similar to 与……相似 66.be similar with 熟悉,通晓 67.be popular with 受某人所喜爱 68.be sorry for 抱歉 69.be ill in hospital 生病,住院 70.be in the hospital 在医院里 71.be in danger 处于危险之中 72.be in trouble 陷入困境 73.be late for school/class上学/上课迟到 74.be on sale在热销中 75.be across from 在……对面 76.be serious about 对……很认真 77.be on show 在展出 78.be on duty 值日、值班 79.be on holiday 在度假 80.be on business 在出差 81.be on the school soccer team在校足球队 82.be grateful to sb.对某人表示感激 83.be grateful for sth 因为某事表示感激 84.be asleep 睡着的 85.be awake 醒着的
86.be able to do sth. 能够做某事 87.be for doing sth.赞成做某事
88.be against doing sth. 反对做某事 89.be famous for…… 以……著名,出名 90.be famous as… 以……身份而出名 91.be/come from 来自于,是……人 92.be/get ready for 为……作好准备 93.be/get ready to do 准备好做某事 94.be familiar to 对……熟悉 95.be in good health 身体健康 96.be confident of 有信心 97.be suitable/fit for 适合
98.be of medium height/build 中等个头/身材 99.be in agreement 同意
6.空间隐喻与英语短语动词教学 篇六
传统英语短语动词的教学强调短语动词在特定语境中的词汇意义, 并且仅仅向学习者介绍短语动词最常见的意义及其在字典上的不同的意义, 孤立解释每个短语动词并举例的方式居主导地位。但是这种孤立的教授英语短语动词的方法并没有达到预期的教学效果, 因为英语短语动词除字面用法, 其他用法具有不同程度的语义隐晦性 (semantic opaqueness) [2]。短语动词的整体意义不是其构成成分的语义简单叠加, 不能简单地从字面意思上进行理解。因此, 短语动词的语义隐晦性是影响我国学习者熟练掌握英语的一个主要因素, 是英语词汇习得中的一大难题。
从空间隐喻理论的视角看来, 学习者学习英语短语动词的主要困难是对这一语言现象存在认知误区。在短语动词的教学中, 如果教师能向学习者讲解短语动词所暗含的隐喻理据, 以促进学习者隐喻意识[3], 学习者就可以根据短语动词的隐喻来推断短语动词在不同语境中的含义, 培养语义推理能力, 有效解决短语动词习得这一难题。
空间隐喻属概念隐喻的次范畴。概念隐喻理论认为隐喻在日常生活中无处不在, 隐喻不仅是一种语言现象, 更是一种思维方式。就思维和行为而言, 我们一般的概念系统本质上都是隐喻性的, Lakoff&Johnson认为隐喻组织了我们大部分的概念系统[4]。概念隐喻由结构相对清晰的始源域和一个结构相对模糊的目标域组成, 其实质就是将始源域的图式结构映射到目标域之上, 让我们通过始源域的结构来构建和理解目标域。始源域是具体可以直接被体验和感知的, 而目标域是相对抽象且与主观经验有关。在日常生活中, 人们一般参照熟知的、有形的和具体的概念来认知思维中不熟悉的无形的和抽象的概念。
Lakoff&Johnson (1980) 将概念隐喻分为三类:实体隐喻、结构隐喻、空间隐喻 (方位隐喻) 。其中空间隐喻以空间为始源域, 通过将空间结构映射到非空间概念上, 赋予该非空间概念一个空间方位, 使得我们可以通过空间概念来理解、思考和谈论非空间概念。
英语短语动词中小品词 (副词或介词) 的始源意义是以前、后, 上、下, 部分、整体, 中心、边缘等表示空间关系的意像图式[5,6]为语义基础的。人类在认知很多抽象领域的事物时常会借助这些表示空间方位的概念结构, 从而从物理空间映射到其他非物理空间。
概念隐喻作为一种认知机制, 制约语言表达的方式, 是语言多义现象和语义变化的理据 (motivation) [5], 也常是英语习语语义隐晦性的理据。
在教学中, 研究短语动词空间隐喻意义, 让学习者理解小品词对短语动词中的语义构成的作用, 可以促进英语短语动词教学从而帮助学习者习得短语动词。本文以含有“up”和“down”的短语动词为例, 运用空间隐喻的部分理据, 研究多义形成的过程, 找出其规律性, 解构其学习方法。
认知心理学家Clark指出, 当人们站立的时候, 所能看见的任何事物都是向上的 (up) , 也是肯定的。相反, 凡是看不见的, 向下的 (down) 和低于地平面的事物都是否定的[7]。就“up”和“down”而言, 从空间隐喻理论角度分析, “up”和“down”的始源域为上下域, 目标域为人或者事物的状貌特征与情态动作或物质系统所处的状况, “up”表示空间的上升和终结, 常常投射积极的意义, “down”表示空间的下降, 投射消极意义。
分析“up”的空间意义发现, 人们常用“up”的空间概念来认知“情感”、“数量”、“地位”、“身体状况”等抽象概念的上升或向积极的方向发展。例如:
1. 含有“up”的短语动词
(1) Hebrightenedupattheirwordsof encouragement.听到鼓励的话, 他高兴起来。 (情感域)
(2) Retail prices were scaled up by 5 percent.零售价格提高百分之五。 (数量域)
(3) That family has certainly come up in the world.这一家真地进入了社会上流。 (地位域)
(4) A hot drink will soon set you up.你喝杯热饮料马上就精神了。 (身体状况域)
2. 含有“down”的短语动词
(5) He was weighed down with grief.他因忧愁而颓丧。 (情感域)
(6) The panic pulled stock prices down by40%percent.那次大恐慌使证券价格下跌百分之四十。 (数量域)
(7) She tried to play down his part in the affair and play up her own.她极力贬低他在这一事件中的作用而抬高自己的作用。 (地位域)
(8) She was worn down with fatigue.她已疲惫不堪。 (身体状况域)
分析以上例句中的含有“up”和“down”短语动词可知, 人们把“空间”概念域映射到“情感、数量、地位、身体状况等概念域”, 用“up”和“down”来显示情感的变化、数量的增加或减少、地位的高低以及身体状况的变化。一般来说处于较积极的状态为上, 处于较消极的状态为下。这些表达方式是以人的身体体验为基础, 因为在人类的认知和语言的发展过程中, 空间的感知比较容易, 空间概念的形成也比较早, 由此最初用于空间概念关系的词语后来被用于隐喻时间、情感等抽象概念。
因此, 英语短语动词的习语意义与人类的概念系统是紧密联系的。在教学中, 教师首先将英语短语动词根据其深层的空间隐喻概念进行组织分类, 再将短语动词的意义及小品词的隐喻意义有机结合, 来教授短语动词的含义, 帮助学习者建立短语动词习得中的隐喻意识, 培养其推断理解短语动词在其他语境的意义, 有利于学习者的英语短语动词习得。
运用空间隐喻概念进行短语动词教学, 以小品词的空间隐喻意义对短语动词进行认知分类, 可以避免传统教学中就逐个独立地讲解短语动词的不同语义, 使学习者对短语动词形成整体层面上的认知, 融会贯通地理解其含义。
传统的英语短语动词教学重点强调动词的意义和短语的表面意义, 在一定程度上忽略了短语动词的隐喻意义。运用空间隐喻理论进行短语动词教学, 介绍短语动词的隐喻意义和在不同的语境中隐喻信息, 使学习者对短语动词的语义理解和使用语境更有把握。以“pull down”为例,
(9) Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge.爱及邻居, 勿拆藩篱。
(10) They intend to pull him down a peg or two.他们想杀杀他的威风。
(11) Smoking can pull you down, so you'd better give it up.吸烟能使你的身体变弱, 所以你最好戒掉。
(12) His failure pulled down his heart.他的失败使他颇为丧气。
在不同的语境中, 上述例句中由“down”构成的不同动词短语的语义似乎是孤立的, 彼此之间相互无关, 但根据“down”在不同目标域中所投射的隐喻信息分析, 它们之间不但关系密切, 而且具有一定的规律性, 即在不同的语境中小品词的本义辐射出动词短语的意义。因此, 在短语动词的学习过程中, 学习者可以结合具体语境, 根据小品词所投射的隐喻信息推理、猜测具体短语动词的意义, 理解由”down”构成的不同动词短语的语义联系, 判断短语动词的诸多词义。
传统语言学认为短语动词中的介词只是一个比较弱势的语法辅助词, 所以在短语动词的习得过程中, 介词被弱化为一种补充成分。而认知语言学认为, 介词是界标 (landmark) , 是一个认知域 (cognitive domain) 与另外一个认知域的分界点。在短语动词的习得过程中, 合理地处理介词的语料输入, 既能够理解掌握短语动词的表层意义, 还能够认知其深层的隐喻意义。
笔者认为, 英语短语动词是英语学习的难点之一, 学习者在理解和使用短语动词效率低下的根本原因是认知偏差。文章提出, 在教学中, 应将含有“up”和“down”的英语短语动词中的小品词所投射的隐喻意义根据空间隐喻概念归类, 在教学中把短语动词的形式和隐喻意义结合起来, 以促进学习者对英语短语动词的习得。
[1]Quirk, R, et al.A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.London:Longman Group Limited.1985.
[2]沈育刚.隐喻意识对英语短语动词习得的作用.国外外语教学, 2002 (2) .
[3]龚玉苗.隐喻意识与外语词汇教学.外语界, 2006 (1) .
[4]Lakoff, G.&M.Johson.Metaphors We Live By.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.1980.
[5]Lakoff, G.Women, Fire, Dangerous Things.Chicago:Chicago University Press.1987.
[6]Langacker, R.W.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Theoretical Prerequisites.Stanford:Stanford University Press.1987.
7.中考动词短语强化训练 篇七
exercises to ____there are no mistakes.
A. look for B. make sure
C. find out D. think about
2.I thought it was a good idea but he didn’t ____ me.
A. agree B. agree to
C. agree thatD. agree with
3. ——Excuse me. Where is the Hualian Hotel?
——Take a No. 5 bus and ____ at the second stop.
A. get on B. get up
C. get offD. get to
4. ____, young man!If you are late for work again,
you’ll lose your job.
A. Watch your step B. Take it easy
C. Use your head D. Have a look
5. Both of his feet were hurt in the accident. ____ a
doctor, please.
A. Send for B. Look for
C. Wait for D. Care for
6. ——What is the police station’s telephone number?
——I can’t remember it. ____ in the telephone book,
A. Look it for B. Look it over
C. Look it upD. Look at it
7.——Thanks for ____ the ruler from the floor for me.
——That’s all right.
A. paying forB. playing with
C. pointing toD. picking up
8.The doctor is ____ Mary carefully. There wassomething
wrong with her eyes.
A. looked upB. looking over C. looked forD. found out
9. Tom is ill in hospital and his mother is ____ him.
A. looking for B. looking overC. looking atD. looking after
10. ——Hello, can I speak to Mr Green?
——____, please. He is coming.
A. Hold on B. Keep on C. Go onD. Come on
11.He ____ the radio every morning.
A. listens toB. listens C. hears fromD. hears of
12.I think people here are friendly. Do you ____ me?
A. get along withB. agree with C. laugh at D. play with
13.Please ____ the TV. I’d like to watch the TV play.
A. turn up B. turn onC. turn down D. turn off
14.Tim felt too hungry when he got home. He quickly ____ all the food on the table.
A. ate upB. took up C. took careD. ate out
15.We could see nothing because the lights suddenly ____.
A. went on B. went overC. went downD. went out
16.——Did you ____ what the teacher said?
——Not completely. He spoke a little too fast.
A. prefer B. listen to C. catch D. learn from
17.——I’m sorry I’ll have to ____ my office. I’ve had a wonderful time here.
——It’s a pleasure to have you here.
A. get on B. return C. leave for D. reach for
18.My mother often asks me ____ early.
A. get up B. got up C. getting upD. to get up
19.——I have to go now. Please remember to ____ the lights when you leave.
——I won’t forget that.
A. turn offB. turn down C. turn toD. turn on
20.Don’t ____ your coat, Tom!It’s easy to catch a cold in spring.
A. take awayB. take off C. take downD. take out
21.——Look!The bus is coming.
——But there are too many people in it. I’m afraid we can’t ____ it.
A. get off B. get down C. get on D. get over
22.Jack always runs faster than Peter, but this time he ____ Peter.
A. went over B. fell behindC. put offD. dropped off
23.It’s really not easy to catch up with my classmates. Whenever I want to ____, my teacher
always encourages me to work harder.
A. go on B. turn down C. give back D. give up
24.Tom, please help me ____ the picture on the wall.
A. put up B. put out C. put off D. put into
25.I’m ____ Helen. Have you seen her?
A. looking upB. looking afterC. looking atD. looking for
26.Wu Dong, here is an important letter for Mr Li. ____ to give it to him.
A. Make a decisionB. Make a contribution
C. Make sure D. Make up your mind
27.Could you tell me more about Hong Kong?I’m ____ going there for a holiday soon.
A. looking up B. thinking about C. trying outD. finding out
28.So far, man-made satellites have been ____ into space by many countries.
A. opened up B. put upC. sent upD. gone up
29.——____ all your things, Tom!I have them here and there.
——OK, Mum.
A. Put upB. Put onC. Put downD. Put away
30.When he comes back, Dad alway ____ his shoes and leaves them by the front door.
A. tries onB. takes offC. takes awayD. puts on
31.——Your sweater looks nice. Is it____ wool?
——Yes, it’s ____ Inner Mongolia.
A. made of; made byB. made of; made in
C. made by; made for D. made by; made from
32.——It’s too noisy outside. I can’t hear the radio clearly.
——Let’s____ a little.
A. turn it onB. turn it off C. turn it upD. turn it down
33.Miss Li told the children to walk one after another. She didn’t want them to ____ in the park.
A. get wrongB. get awayC. get lostD. get ready
34.“Get a ladder, please. I can’t ____,” Jim said in a tall tree.
A. come backB. come outC. come downD. come over
35.The flowers start to ____ in spring.
A. come in B. come outC. come fromD. come to
36.The plane to Hong Kong ____ at this time of day.
A. takes offB. gets toC. leaves forD. takes away
37.I have ____ my parents, and I’m answering it now.
A. heard ofB. heard fromC. heardD. heard about
38.We all helped him with his English so he didn’t ____ in his studies.
A. fall offB. fall downC. fall behindD. fall over
39.He found it hard____ his class.
A. to catch upB. catch up withC. catch upD. to catch up with
40.When the headmaster came into the hall, all the students ____ to welcome him.
A. sat downB. went outC. stood upD. turned back
8.短语动词 篇八
动词加小品构成的起动词作用的短语叫短语动词(Phrasal Verb)。例如:
Turn off the radio. 把收音机关上。(turn off是短语动词)
1) 动词+副词,如:black out;
2) 动词+介词,如:look into;
9.go的短语动词 篇九
Unit 1
1、study for 为……学习
2、have conversations with与…交谈/会话
3、read aloud 大声读
4、spoken English 英语口语
5、a little 有点儿
6、give a report 作报告
7、at first 起初;起先
8、word by word 一字一字地;逐字
9、the secret to… ……的秘诀
10、so … that … 如此……以至于……
11、because of 因为
12、fall in love with 爱上……
13、as well 也
14、something interesting 有趣的事情
15、look up 查阅;抬头看
16、so that 以便;为了
17、take notes 记笔记
18、how often 多久一次
19、make mistakes 犯错误
20、a lot of 许多
21、talk to 交谈;谈话
22、depend on 视……而定;依赖;依靠
23、learning habits 学习习惯
24、in common 共有
25、be interested in 对.......感兴趣
26、pay attention to 注意;关注
28、for example 例如
29、get bored 感到无聊/厌烦 30、think about 考虑
31、be good at 擅长
32、even if 即使;尽管;纵然
33、be afraid of 害怕
34、look for 寻找
35、each other 彼此;互相
36、find out 找到;查明
37、instead of 代替;而不是
38、worry about 担心;担忧
39、by doing sth.通过做某事
40、What about doing sth.? 做某事怎么样?
41、It + be + adj.+ to do sth.做某事是……的
42、finish doing sth.完成做某事
43、try to do sth.尽力做某事;试图做某事
45、find it + adj.+ to do sth.发现做某事……
46、be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事
47、be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事
48、begin to do sth.开始做某事
49、help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 50、want to do sth.想要做某事
51、practice doing sth.练习做某事
52、need to do sth.需要做某事
53、keep doing sth.一直做某事
54、remember to do sth.记得做某事
55、It’s a piece of cake.小菜一碟。
56、It serves you right.你活该。
57、Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。
Unit 2
1、the Water Festival 泼水节
2、the Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节
3、the Chinese Spring Festival 中国春节
4、the Lantern Festival 元宵节
5、put on 穿上;增加(体重);发胖;上演
6、sound like 听起来像
7、be simiar to 与……相似
8、wash away 冲走;洗掉
9、Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
10、shoot down 射下
11、fly up 飞向……
12、call out 大声呼喊
13、lay out 摆开;布置
14、come back 回来
15、at night 在夜里
16、as a result 结果;因此
17、Mother’s Day 母亲节
18、Father’s Day 父亲节
19、have to 必须;不得不
20、think of 想起;认为;思考
21、play a trick on sb.捉弄某人
22、dress up 装扮;穿上盛装
23、the importance of ……的重要性
24、care about 关心;在乎
25、make money 赚钱
26、end up 结束;告终
27、remind sb.of 使某人想起
28、wake up 醒来
29、the beginning of ……的开始
30、not only …but also… 不但……而且……(就近原则)
31、between … and … 在……和……之间
32、give out 分发;发放
35、give sb.sth.=give sth.to sb.给某人某物;把某物给某人
36、plan to do sth.计划做某事
37、refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事
38、one of + 复数名词
39、It is + n.+ to do sth.做某事是……
40、What do you think of …?=How do you like…?
41、make sb.do sth.让某人做某事
42、warn sb.to do sth.告诫某人做某事
43、tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事
44、decide to do sth.决定做某事
45、promise to do sth.承诺/答应做某事 Unit 3
1、get to 到达
2、a pair of 一对,一双,一副……
3、on one’s/the right
4、turn left/right 向左/右拐
5、go past 经过;路过
6、come on 快点儿;请过来;加油
7、on one’s way to … 在某人去…的路上
8、a good place to eat 一个吃饭的好地方
9、lead in to 导入;引入
10、on time 准时;按时
11、not … until … 直到……才……
12、Let’s do sth.咱们做某事吧。
13、start doing sth.开始做某事
14、spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事
15、thank sb.for(doing)sth.为(做)某事而感谢某人
16、would like to do sth.想要做某事
17、look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事
18、suggest doing sth.建议做某事 Unit 4
1、used to 过去常常
2、be afaid of 害怕
3、from time to time 时常;有时
4、take up 开始做;占用
5、deal with 应对;处理(常与how连用)
do with 应对;处理(常与what连用)
6、not … anymore 不再
7、worry about 为……担忧
8、be careful 当心
9、hang out 闲逛
10、give up 放弃
11、be alone 独处
12、give a speech 作演讲
13、in public 当众
14、all the time 一直;总是
15、on the soccer team 在足球队
16、be proud of 为……骄傲
17、no longer 不再
18、make a decision 做决定
19、in person 亲自
20、to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是
21、even though 尽管
22、take care of 照顾
23、take pride in 为……感到自豪
24、in the last few years(现在完成时)
25、used to do sth.过去常常做某事
26、be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事
27、have to do sth.必须做某事
28、make sb.do sth.让某人做某事
29、give up doing sth.放弃做某事
30、adj.+ enough to do sth.足够…做某事
31、be prepared to do sth.准备做某事
32、see sb.doing sth.看见某人在做某事
33、take up doing sth.开始做某事
34、require sb.to do sth.要求某人做某事
35、make a decision to do sth.决定做某事
36、It has been + 一段时间 + since + 从句
37、dare to do sth.敢于做某事
38、It’s + adj.+ for sb.+ to do sth.(adj.为描述事物特征的词)
It’s +adj.+ of sb.+ to do sth.(adj.为描述人物品质及性格特征的词)
39、People sure change.人确实会变的。Unit 5
1、be made of 由……制成2、be made in 在……制造
3、be made from 由……制成
4、be famous for 以……著名
5、for example 例如
6、be known for 以……闻名
7、as far as I know 据我所知
8、by hand 用手
9、all over the world 全世界
10、be good for 对……有益
11、no matter 不论;无论
12、different kinds of 不同种类的
13、fly a kite 放风筝
14、be from 来自
15、such as 例如
16、turn…into… 把……变成
17、according to 根据;按照
18、send out 放出
19、ask for help 请求帮助 20、in trouble 处于困境中
21、be covered with 用……覆盖
22、rise into 上升;上涨
23、a symbol of ……的象征
24、paper cutting 剪纸
25、put…on… 把……放在……上
26、be used by 被……使用
27、be used for 被用于……
28、sky lanterns 孔明灯
29、It seems that + 从句
好像…… 30、find it + adj.+ that从句
31、buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.给某人买某物
32、avoid doing sth.避免做某事
33、allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事
34、want to do sth.想做某事
35、learn to do sth.学会做某事
36、It takes + 一段时间 + to do sth.做某事花费多长时间
37、be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 Unit 6
1、such a great invention如此伟大的一项发明
2、be used for 被用于
3、by accident 偶然;意外地
4、fall into 落入;陷入
5、some time 一段时间
6、less than 少于;不到
7、take place 发生;出现;举行
8、in the 19th century 在19世纪
9、without doubt 毫无疑问
10、at a low price 以低价
11、translate…into… 把……翻译成
12、all of a sudden 突然;猛地
13、by mistake 错误地;无意中
14、in the end 最后
15、more than 多于;超过
16、divide…into… 把……分成……
17、at the same time 同时
18、stop…from doing 阻止……做……
19、dream of 梦想;向往
20、the number of …的数量(谓语动词用单数)
21、more and more 越来越……
22、look up to 钦佩;仰慕
23、take notes 记笔记
24、be used to do sth.被用于做某事
25、lead to 导致;导向
26、It is said that + 从句
27、It is believed that + 从句
28、ask sb.(not)to do sth.要求某人(不要)做某事
29、teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事
30、encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事 Unit 7
1、be worried about 为……担心
2、be excited about 对……感到兴奋
3、take photos = take a photo 拍照
4、make sure 确信;务必;确保
5、keep…from… 使……避开……
6、give sb.a hug 给某人一个拥抱
7、talk back 顶嘴
8、agree with sb.赞同某人
9、keep…away from 使……远离
10、make one’s own decision 自己做决定
11、be strict with sb.对某人严格
12、get in the way of 挡……的路;妨碍
13、be serious about 认真对待
14、care about 关心
15、keep off 关闭
16、be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事
17、stop doing sth.停止做某事
18、get/have sth.done 使某事被做
19、should do sth.应该做某事
20、spend time with sb.与某人共度时光
21、be excited about doing sth.对做某事感到兴奋
22、regret doing sth.后悔做某事
23、allow ab.to do sth.允许某人做某事 Unit 8
1、belong to 属于
2、pick up 捡起;拾起;接载
3、nothing much 没什么事
4、call the policemen 报警
5、at first 起初
6、go away 离开
7、run after 追赶
8、communicate with sb.和某人交流
9、a kind of 一种
10、keep healthy 保持健康
11、point out 指出
12、wait for 等待
13、be late for 迟到
14、What’s wrong with…?
15、have fun doing sth.做某事有乐趣
16、could/might be doing sth.可能正在做某事
17、stop sb.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事
18、must have done sth.一定已经做了某事
19、one of + the +adj.最高级 + 复数名词
最……的…...之一 Unit 9
1、sing along with 随……唱歌
2、dance to 随……起舞
3、in that case 既然那样,假使那样的话
4、feel like 想要;感觉像
5、stick to 坚持;固守
6、cheer up 使振奋;使高兴
7、plenty of 大量;充足
8、shut off 关闭;停止运转
9、in time
10、once in a while 偶尔地;间或
11、not…anymore 不再
12、talk about 谈论
13、be written by 由/被……写
14、be born 出生
15、such as 比如
16、make money 赚钱
17、get married 结婚
18、in this way 这样;通过这种方法
19、in total 总共;合计
20、both…and… 两者都;既……又……
21、feel like doing sth.想要做某事
22、like to do sth.喜欢做某事
23、too…to… 太……而不能
24、enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事
25、continue to do sth.继续做某事
26、make sb.+ adj.使某人处于某种状态
27、It is a pity that… ……真是遗憾
28、try one’s best to do sth.某人尽全力做某事 Unit 10
1、shake hands(with sb.)
2、as soon as 一……就……(主将从现)
3、hold out 伸出
4、find out 发现;找出;查明
5、drop by 顺便访问;顺便进入
6、as…as one can/could 尽可能……
7、at noon 在中午
8、get mad 大动肝火;气愤
9、something interesting
10、clean…off 把……擦掉
11、table manners 餐桌礼仪
12、stick…into… 把……插入……
13、point at 指着
14、thanks for 因…….而感谢
15、have a good time 玩得高兴;过得愉快
16、make…feel at home
17、because of 因为;由于
18、at first 最初;首先
19、cut up 切碎
20、be like 像
21、show up 出席;露面
22、be supposed to do sth.应该做某事
23、be expected to do sth.应该做某事;被期望做某事
24、to one’s surprise 让某人吃惊的是
25、make plans to do sth.制订计划做某事
26、invite sb.to do sth.邀请某人做某事
27、make an effort to do sth.努力做某事
28、without doing sth.没有做某事
29、plan to do sth.计划做某事
30、go out of one’s way 特地;格外努力
31、It’s no big deal.没什么大不了的。Unit 11
1、would rather 宁愿
2、drive sb.crazy/mad 使某人发疯/发狂
3、be sure 确信;确定
4、leave out 不包括;忽略
5、feel left out 感觉被忽略
6、feel like 感觉像;想要
7、take one’s position 取代某人;代替某人
8、to start with 起初;开始
9、clean up 打扫
10、let…down 使失望
11、knock on 敲(门、窗等)
12、be too hard on sb.对某人太苛刻
13、rather than 而不是
14、be close to 离……近
15、pull together 齐心协力
16、in agreement 同意地
17、would rather do sth.宁愿做某事
18、Why don’t you do sth.?=Why not do sth.? 为什么不做某事
19、feel like doing sth.想要做某事 20、miss doing sth.错过做某事
21、hear sb.doing sth.听见某人正在做某事
22、offer sb.sth.=offer sth.to sth.提供给某人某物
23、kick sb.off 开除某人
既不……也不……(就近原则)Unit 12
1、take a shower 淋浴
2、by the time 到……的时候
3、be late for 迟到
4、go off 突然响起
5、wake up 醒来
6、rush out 冲出;奔出
7、give sb.a lift 捎某人一程
8、be full of 充满;装满
9、be about to 刚要;即将
10、wait in line 排队等候
11、stare at 凝视;盯着……看
12、in disbelief 怀疑地;难以置信地
13、turn into 变成
14、show up 赶到;露面
15、leave for 动身去……
16、by the end of 到……时为止
17、get dressed 穿衣服
18、stay up 熬夜
19、on April Fool’s Day 在愚人节那天 20、all kinds of 各种各样的
21、play jokes on sb.开某人的玩笑/捉弄某人
22、on more 不再
23、sell out 卖完
24、get married 结婚
25、hundreds of 数以百计的
26、run away 逃跑
27、leave sth.+地点
28、be about to do sth.刚要/即将做某事
29、forget to do sth.忘记做某事
30、invite sb.to + 某地
31、marry sb.= get married to sb.和某人结婚
32、as+adj./adv.原级+as one can/could =as+adj./adv.原级+as possible
33、end up doing sth.做完某事 Unit 13
1、cut down 减少;砍倒
2、be good for 对……有益
3、make a difference 起作用
4、hear of 听说
5、cut off 割掉
6、be harmful to 对……有害
7、worse and worse 越来越糟
8、take part in 参加
9、not…any longer 不再
10、begin with 以……开始
11、turn off 关掉
12、pay for 付费;付出代价;赔偿
13、add up 加起来
14、take action 采取行动
15、throw away 扔掉;抛弃
16、put sth.to good use 好好利用某物
17、pull…down 拆下;摧毁
18、upside down 上下颠倒;倒转
19、set up 建立
20、look like 看起来像
21、bring back 恢复;使想起
22、play a part in doing sth.参加做某事
23、remember to do sth.记得去做某事
24、can’t afford to do sth.担负得起做某事
25、hope to do sth.希望做某事 Unit 14
1、in a row 连续几次
2、take a break from running 暂停跑步
3、be patient with 对……有耐心
4、work out 算出
5、put in 投入
6、prepare for 为……作准备
7、make a mess 弄得一团糟
8、keep one’s cool 沉住气;保持冷静
9、have problems with sth.在某方面有困难
10、go by 流逝
11、believe in 信任;信赖
12、first of all 首先
13、be thirsty for 渴望;渴求
14、deal with 处理
15、be proud of 为……骄傲
16、ahead of 在……前面
17、be responsible for 为……负责
18、go your separate ways 分道扬镳
19、set out 启程;出发
20、separate from 与……分离
21、none of…
22、remember doing sth.记得做某事
23、advise sb.to do sth.建议做某事
24、guide sb.to do sth.指导某人做某事
25、Shall we + 动词原型…? 我们……好吗?
26、It’s time to do sth.到了做某事的时间了。
27、with one’s help 在某人的帮助下
28、fail to do sth.未能做成某事
10.从现在起积累你的动词短语吧 篇十
1. —You look upset. What’s the matter?
—I had my proposal______ again. (2011江苏卷)
A. turned overB. turned on
C. turned offD. turned down
分析 同样的一个动词turn,而与之又有不同的副词搭配:turn over意为“翻过来,翻倒;仔细考虑”;turn on意为“接通,打开”;turn off意为“关掉”;turn down意为“调低;拒绝”。答句意为:我的建议又被拒绝了。答案为D。
2. The experiment has______ the possibility of the existence of any life on that planet, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.(2010江苏卷)
A. found outB. pointed out
C. ruled outD. carried out
分析 这是一道动词词组比较的试题,显而易见,他们有一个共同特点,那就是他们均有同一个介词out。而他们的含义却截然不同:find out意为“查找出”;point out意为“指出”; rule out意为“排除”;carry out意为“执行,实施”。根据后面的宾语the possibility以及上下文,可知正确答案应该为C。
—Is Peter there?
—, please. I’ll see if I can find him for you. (2008江苏卷)
A. Hold upB. Hold on
C. Hold outD. Hold off
分析 此题中hold up意为“支持,延迟”; hold on意为“等一会,别挂断;坚持住”;hold out意为“伸出;维持;坚持(要求)”;hold off意为“推迟,拖延;阻止,抵挡住”。此题为一电话对话,可知B为正确答案。
bring about 引起;导致bring back 带回来;使……想起bring down 使……降低;击落;打倒bring forward 提出;提议bring in 引进;赚钱bring out 推出;使显出;激起bring up 教育;抚养;呕吐
keep away 使……不靠近keep off = keep away from 避开;离开keep down 压制,镇压;降低keep on 继续keep up 保持(良好状态)keep to 不离开;遵守;信守
put aside 放一边;暂时搁置put away 收拾好;储存put down 镇压;写下put forward 提出(建议)put off 推迟put up 搭建;张贴;留……过夜put out 扑灭;伸出;生产;出版;发布put on 上演put up with 忍受
take away 拿走take down 记下take in 吸收;理解;欺骗take off 脱;起飞take on 呈现;承担take over 接管;承袭take up 开始从事
—I’m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have______.
—So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. (2009江苏卷)
A. broken upB. finished up
C. divided upD. closed up
分析 此处break up为“绝交”之意,finish up意为“以……结束”;divide up意为“把……分成”;close up意为“堵住,关闭”,故应该选择A项。
accustom oneself to 习惯于……
addict oneself to 沉溺于;对……上瘾
devote oneself to 献身于;专心于
attach ... to 附属于;将(重要性等)置于……
adjust to 适应……
get down to 着手做
lead to 导致
object to 反对;不喜欢;不赞成
look forward to 盼望
pay attention to 注意
stick to 坚持
see to 负责;注意
contribute to 对……作贡献;有助于
add to 增加______
turn to 转向;求助于
look up to 尊敬
admit to 承认
belong to 属于
take to 喜爱;开始
respond to 回答;对……作出回应
amount to 等于
set an example to 给……树立榜样
refer to 谈到;参考;查阅
prefer ...to... 更喜欢
turn a blind eye to 对……视而不见
turn a deaf ear to 对……充耳不闻
put an end to (bring... to an end) 结束
drink (a toast) to 为……干杯
set fire to 放火烧……
occur to sb. 想起;想到
be close to 几乎;将近
help oneself to 随便,自用
do wrong to 冤枉某人
date back to 追溯到
come to 来到;达到;结果为 (比较:come to do sth. 逐渐做某事)
treat sb. to sth. 请某人吃……
pay a visit to 参观……
hold to 坚持;抓住
频率较高的“of ”
inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事
rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物
cure sb. of sth. 治愈某人某种疾病
remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事
accuse sb. of sth. 指控某人……
convince sb. of sth. 使某人信服某事
approve of 赞成
read of 读到……
1. He decided that he would drive all the way home instead of______ at a hotel for the night. (2011浙江卷)
A. putting downB. putting off
C. putting onD. putting up
2. To get a better grade, you should______ the notes again before the test. (2011四川卷)
A. go overB. get over
C. turn overD. take over
3. The hotel porter______ anybody who wasn’t wearing a collar and tie.
A. turned againstB. turned off
C. turned awayD. turned up
4. It was getting dark. We decided to
for the night at a farmhouse.
A. put upB. put away
C. put downD. put on
5. How I wish I could______ my ideas in simple and wonderful English chatting on the Internet.
A. set offB. set out
C. set overD. set up
6. Some insects______ the color of their surroundings to protect themselves. (2011陕西卷)
A. take inB. take off
C. take onD. take out
7. Many foreigners______ the great wall of China as the world’s seventh wonder.
A. look atB. look for
C. look aroundD. look on
8. Eating too much fat can______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. take toB. contribute to
C. attend toD. devote to
9. —Try to remember to turn off the light when you leave the room.
—I’m trying to______ expenses.
A. keep offB. keep down
C. keep outD. keep from
10. Our city is no longer what it used to be. It has______ a new look.
A. carried onB. kept on
C. taken onD. put on
11. When a fire______ at the national exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.
A. broke offB. broke out
C. broke downD. broke up
12. The sports meet, originally due to be held last Friday, was finally______ because of the bad weather.
A. set offB. broken off
C. worn offD. called off
13. The store had to______ a number of clerks because sales were down.
A. lay outB. lay off
C. lay asideD. lay down
14. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man______ the exit as quickly as possible.
A. made offB. made out
C. made forD. made up
15. The government has taken measures to
______the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable. (2011湖北卷)
A. take downB. bring down
do some reading 与go shopping 一类短语及用法12-07
一类动词 二类动词06-20