


1.2024年英语四级写作高分替换词 篇一

考研英语作文 高分利器―替换词


典型例句:I“ll help you.


E.g: I”ll endeavour to accomodate you.


典型例句:Sth is helpful (to sb)


E.g: Sth is conducive to sb


time-honored 时代赋予的

do credit to our forbears 继承先辈的优秀传统


典型例句:as it shows in the picture



典型例句:I think ―― ――



典型例句:xxx is ugly


垃圾词汇6:by the way

典型例句:by the way,……。。



典型例句:xxx because xxx

替代语:in that/in as much as


典型例句:We must consider xxx

替代语:allow for

E.g: We must allow for xxx


典型例句:There has been a much increase in the world population

替代语:There has been a drastic increase in the ――


典型例句:It is about 250 times of that

替代语:It is approximately ――






2.六级写作十大常用替换词 篇二

1.more and more:越来越多

= is / are(increasing, getting increasingly, growing)


=(acknowledge, hold the, consider)that

3.in my opinion:以我看来

= as for me, from my part, from my own perspective

4.popular:流行的= is / are(prevailing, prevalent)


= however, although, on the contrary, nevertheless

6.because: 因为

= for, result from, due to, caused by, on account of


= enhance, promote, boost, soar

8.finish:完成= complete, fulfill, accomplish, achieve


=quickly, rapidly, in a fast speed

3.2024年英语四级写作高分替换词 篇三

负面现象,一般写带来的危害,产生的原因 Undoubtedly,It will have /exert a / produce

considerable/profound / beneficial/ favorable/ undesirable/ negative influence/ effect on… what is more worrisome is that…

1)It may cause /produce /bring about considerable/drastic/ sweeping change/ rise in… 2)This





some dreadful/serious/pernicious(很有害的,恶性的)consequences

3)Just think/ imagine that /what would happen if…(想一下,如果人人做好事都想回报社会会变成什么)

5)he majority of people would agree that sth has caused serious problems.6)Personally, it is my belief that sth threatens to do more harm than good.7)if allowed to proceed unchecked, the problem will undoubtedly …(带来的一个具体问题)


9)on the surface of it, this may seem to be ridiculous/ attractive/ funny/ just a popular phenomenon, but If thinking again, we would point out some drawbacks/ strong points/reasons.10)it is superficially plausible/ ridiculous/ attractive/ funny/just a popular phenomenon, but when subjected to analysis ,it turns out that(but a close inspection of the idea would reveal that)it will cause many problems/ result in many advantages/ has its fundamental reasons.11)(一般用于说缺点)it is true that(好处)internet has the power to educate and to entertain, but unfortunately, these benefits are outweighed by the harm it does to dedicated /addicted users.用来总结:

A If no measures are taken to ensure(要具体的写内容)…, a … disaster may not be far away and the next victim will probably be man himself.B if we let this situation continues as it is, we do not know what will happen between people’s relationship in the future.正面现象,一般写带来的好处,原因分析或举例说明

A admittedly, as the reflection of the outlook of the people, sth, as priceless spiritual treasure ought to be preserved and cherished.At the same time there are positive reasons to advocate sth.举例段

A examples to prove the view are abundant.The most persuasive one is the case of sb who;

B this can be illustrated by the example of sb who

C numerous examples can demonstrate the power of sth(cooperation / confidence).a case in point is that(concerning sth)

D such stimulating/ less impressive cases /stories are not rare in our daily life.E to examine this , let’s return to the example of sb/sth 解决问题段:

A(坏东西)Therefore, it is high time that effective measures must be taken to solve the problem.The essential solution, in my opinion, is to ….In addition /apart from this, people’s awareness must be heightened through education and publicity.In a word, we can never solve the problem until all of us take action to regulate people’s behaviors.B(坏东西)therefore, it is imperative for us, people in all walks, to take drastic measures to reverse this disturbing trend illustrated in the picture above.For on thing, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict laws to control… for another, we should cultivate the awareness that sth is of great significance to us.Only in this way , can we(要写的很具体,不要写结局问题,过上幸福生活)(one measure would be to… more importantly/meanwhile/,)

I believe that we humans can surmount this difficulty and we will have a brilliant future.C(好东西可以提倡保护)what should be done to promote(好事情 the communication between people in the present-day society)? Chinese citizens are excepted to enhance their awareness that sth is an indispensable part for sth(the construction of harmonious society).The local and central authorities, not only Chinese but also foreign ones, in coordination with the press, are obliged to … , only through these action can the culture between nations have a glorious future.D(好东西)accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implication from these thought –provoking drawings.E(坏东西)if we donot desire/hope the trend to become a reality one day in the future, positive steps must be taken to put an end to sth right now.F(好坏都行)in order to make… we still have tremendous tasks to accomplish.G(好坏)to improve/put an end to the positive/negative situation of , my suggestion are the following steps.H(坏)there is, as a matter of fact, little doubt that immediate action is required to eliminate
