


1.新教材高一英语UNIT5教案 篇一


Teaching plan forUnit 11

The Sounds of the world

Teaching goals:

1. Learn to enjoy different kinds of music

2. Be able to give opinions on music

3. Be able to retell the reading

4. Grasp the uses of some important points

5. Get the ability of using the passive voice freely

6. Write a short passage about music


Period 1:Warming up; Listening; Speaking.

Period 2: Listening in the workbook; pre-reading; reading comprehension and post reading.

Period 3: Deal with the important points in the parts above.

Period 4: Language study and the grammar.

Period 5: Integrating skills in the students book and integrating skills in the workbook.

Period 6: Deal with the practices in the workbook.

Period 7: A small test for Unit 11.

Period One

I. Warming up:

1. Brain storming questions:

1). What sound do you like best?

2). What sound do you like least?

3). What music do you like best?

4). Who is your favorite singer?

5). What instrument can you play?

If you are asked to choose, what instrument do you choose to play?

6). Do the practice in the text book.

II. Listening

III. Speaking

IV. Homework: Read and remember the new words and expressions

Period Two

I. Pre-reading

II. Play the tape and then ask the students to read the text for a while. After that the students should be able to answer some simple questions without looking at the book.

1. The music we hear on the radios or see on TV is all that exists in the world, isn’t it?

2. What kind of music is the blues?

3. Where does it come from? Why does it become an important part of American culture?

4. What other musical styles come from blues music?

5. What is the most important characteristic of rap music?

6. What does the singer in rap music do?

7. Where is Latin music from?

8. Among whom is it popular?

9.How famous are stars like Santana and Ricky Martin?

10. What’s the writer’s advice on buying a tape or a CD?

Ⅲ. Do the exercises in the post-reading.

Ⅳ. Retell the reading, introducing the musical styles in your own words.

Ⅴ. Homework: Try to recite several parts of the reading.

Period three

Ⅰ. Check the homework

Ⅱ. Study the use of the words:

1. turn n. duty, chance or right to do sth.

①It’s one’s turn to do sth

②take turns

③by turns

④in turn

e.g. 1). Whose turn is it to clean the room?

2). The three brothers took turns at looking after their sick mother.

3) .He asked each of us in turn what we had been doing.

2. in mind

①Remember several phrases about “mind”

②bear / keep in mind remember

③make up one’s mind be determined

④keep one’s mind on put one’s heart into.

⑤change one’s mind

⑥be in two minds hesitate

3. dance to done at the same time as music is being played.

e.g. 1). He sang to his guitar.

2). The poem has been set to music.


4. suggest doing

that sb (should) do

1). Tom suggested to Peter the plan.

2). Her parents suggested her buying a cellphone.

3). The assistant suggested that she (should) come another day.

But: Are you suggesting that I’m too old for the job?

(Now “suggest” means “hint or show” )

5. a world of a lot of, a great deal of

e.g. The holiday did him a world of good.

6. from around the world

from + prepositional phrase.

Other examples:

1). I took my watch from under the pillow.

2). I saw you first from across the street.

3). A bear came from behind me.

7. in common having the same feature sharing the some interests or experiences.

e.g. I haven’t a thing in common with my father.

8. Variety (u.c) ①consist of things which are different from each other

Susan’s idea of freedom was to have variety in her life style.

②a number of different kinds or examples of the same thing

West Hampstead has a variety of good shops and supermarkets.

Phrase: a variety of all kinds of

He offered a variety of excuses.

Ⅲ. Homework: Review what you have learnt

Period four

Ⅰ. Language study

Ⅱ. Grammar

1. Do the two exercises

2. Translate the following sentences; using the passive voice:

1). 这些工厂都由政府经营。

These factories are run by the government.

2). 到那个时候,这都没有被公开。

Up till then, this hadn’t been made public.

3). 大坝到现在应该已经完成了。

The dam ought to have been completed by now.

4). 这件事不需要如此匆忙。

It doesn’t have to be done in such a hurry.

5). 那些木房子即将被拆除。

Those wooden houses are all going to be pulled down.

6). 这样就使得我们省了很多麻烦。

We have thus been saved a lot of trouble.

7). 空调正在修。

The air conditioner is being repaired.

8). 他决定直到别人跟他讲话他才讲话。

He decided not to say a word until he was spoken to.

Period five

Ⅰ. Two items of integrating skills. You’d better prepare a few songs of the three kinds.

Ⅱ. Deal with some points as you like.

Period six

Deal with the workbook

2.新教材高一英语UNIT5教案 篇二

爱护动物 Love animals.

保护环境 Protect the environment.

人人有责 It’s everyone’s duty.

Unit 10 The world around us (课件)

高一年级英语组 胡章盛

(Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Unit 10. The world around us. Now please answer this question.)

What is the world made up of?

(It is made up of human beings, animals and plants.)

(Yes, our world is made up of human beings, animals, plants and other things. But do you know what have happened recent years? If you want know about these, please look at the following pictures and listen to the dialogues.)

Step one Warming-up

Show some pictures about the environment, plants and animals.

(Beautiful scenery)

We enjoy the breathtaking beauty of nature.

(Beautiful lake)

It’s clean and beautiful.

(The habitat of milu deer)

We love our home.

(The habitat of tigers)

How freely I am living!

(The picture of pandas)

It’s very delicious.

(The picture of tigers)

We need a good living environment.

(The picture of a forest)

The forest has been destroyed.

(The picture of some animals)

Some animals have been hunted by people.

Show some other pictures about the animals in the book. (With the sound of the dialogues)

Picture 1


A: Hurry! My darling!

B:Oh! Where should we go?

A:I don’t know where to go. Farmers cut down the trees. We can no longer hide and hunt for food.

B:You are right. And many of us are killed by people. They want to sell our fur and use our bones for medicine. We are in danger, too.

Picture 2

Pandas (熊猫)

A:Mum, I’m hungry.

B:Sorry, child. There is nothing to eat.


A:There are few areas left where we can live. And there is nothing for us to eat. Some of us died of hunger.

Picture 3

Tibetan antelopes


A:Brother, what should we do?

B:I don’t know. There are many people around us. They want to hunt us for our wool. We are endangered.

A:I hate the human beings.

( We have just seen some pictures about endangered animals.)


1. Why are they endangered?

(They are endangered because of the environment and the human beings.)

2. Do you know of any other endangered animals?

(Other endangered animals include the African elephant(非洲象), the Asian elephant(亚洲象), the blue whale(蓝鲸), the gorilla(大猩猩), the snow leopard(雪豹)(eastern Asia) and the black rhino(犀牛))

3. Any more/What else?

(There are also several endangered birds, fishes, and other animals.)

4. Can we help them? (Yes, we can.)

5. How to help them? Or what can we do to help them?

(We can help endangered animals by protecting their habitats, creating new habitats, protecting the environment)

3.新教材高一英语UNIT5教案 篇三

2. Describe people, things and events, using Attributive Clause.

3. Practice students’ listening skills.

Aids: Tape-recorder.

Step1: Warming up

1.T: You just came back from your National Day holiday. So I want you to tell me something about your holiday.

Q: What did you do in your National Day holiday?

Q: Would you please use one word to describe your holiday?

T: Some of you enjoyed your holiday because it’s interesting. Will you forget it easily? (No). So we can say it’s …(Unforgettable). Some of you just stay at home, they just eating, watching TV, and sleeping, and they feel it’s boring. Now let’s see some unforgettable people, unforgettable things and unforgettable places together.

2.Turn to page 22, and ask students to talk about the pictures, and then make sentences using the words and phrases in a sentence with an Attributive Clause.

3. Students discuss in groups.

4. Q: What other things do you think unforgettable?


1. Arouse students’ background knowledge on earthquake

Q: Have you been in an earthquake?

Q: What is it like when an earthquake happens?

2. Make predictions:

Can you guess what might happen to Hank Stram?

3. Listen and check their predictions.

First time: listen and find the main idea

Second time: listen and write down the key words to answer the questions in part 1.

Third time: listen and check the answers.

4. Listen to part 2 and fill in the blanks.

5. Check the answers

Step3. Workbook

1. T: Jill and Grace are in a party and they are going to meet four people.

2. Listen to the tape for the first time.

3. Talk about the story in the listening part. Make sure that students are clear about the relationship about the six people.

4. Listen for the second time.

5. Check the answers.

6. Listen again.


1. Prepare for talking and speaking.

2. Collect information on things to do or not to do when meeting a disaster.


4.新教材高一英语UNIT5教案 篇四

Peer-assessment on group work






HeShe listens to their partners carefully.

HeShe understands their partners well.

HeShe understand the reporters well.

HeShe follows the teacher’s oral instructions.


HeShe pronounces words correctly.

HeShe speaks clearly and fluently.

HeShe uses body language properly while speaking.

HeShe uses linking words while speaking.

HeShe states the topic heir opinion briefly but clearly and completely.


HeShe involves himself in group work willingly.

HeShe works with their partners happily.

HeShe makes good preparations for group work in advance.

HeShe gives their reasonable suggestions.

HeShe follows their reasonable suggestions.

Comments and suggestions for improvement:

3) 自我检验(Self-testing)

5.新教材高一英语UNIT5教案 篇五

Period Two


Step 1 Listening

Have Ss listen to a piece of music and tell what kind of musical instrument the music is played with.

Step 2 Brainstorming

Have Ss tell as many kinds of musical instrument as possible by asking the question: What other kinds of musical instrument do you know? T collects kinds of musical instrument: organ, harp, piano, maracas, violin, saxophone, gone, cymbals, castanets, flute, timpani, tambourine, triangle, drum, xylophone, etc.

Step 3 Creating a situation (textual authenticity)

Have Ss work together with hisher partner. Take turns asking for and giving advice.

Student A

Student B

You want to buy a CD for your friend’s birthday, but you are not sure what to buy. Ask your partner to give some suggestions.

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to make a decision.

Step 4 Listening

Listen to the sample dialogue and make sure what the dialogue is about.

Step 5 Practice

Practice reading the dialogue, using one of the names of musical instrument mentioned above to replace CD and paying attention to sentences of asking for and giving advice.

Step 6 Dialogue

Have Ss choose one from the following situations to create their own dialogue.

Student A

Student B

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to decide what to do.

You want to find a good song to dance to. You like dancing, but you are not sure what song you should play.

Student A

Student B

Your partner needs your advice. Please help him or her to decide what to do.

Your classmates have asked you to pick a special song that will represent your class. It should be a song that everybody likes and that shows the spirit of your class. Ask your partner to help you.

Step 7 Demonstration

Have several pairs to demonstrate their dialogues.

Step 8 Sum-up

Have Ss think hard and summarize how to make suggestions and give advice and possible responses.(See Slide)

Step 9 Consolidation

Work in pairs or groups. Use one or more of the situations below to practise giving and asking for advice.

1. You want to learn to play the piano, but you don’t know how.

2. You would like to write a song about your mother, but you are not sure what you should write.

3. You want to learn an English song, but you don’t know which one.


1. Finish off the workbook exercises.

2. Try to memorize names of different kinds of musical instrument.

6.高一英语新教材教学总结 篇六

春光中学 李晓晖












3.warming up 设计不科学,能说的话题少,学生的积极性不高。



1.Warming up & Reading

2.Learning about language:words,3.Listening(SB)& Reading(WB)

4.Reading2(SB)& Writing


1.对于大量增加的单词,主要采用集中识词,然后进行针对性练习。具体操作步骤为:由于初中不少学校不重视读音规则,学生的发音存在较严重的问题,因此可以在早、晚读时通过领读、齐读纠正学生发音;每个单元之前,课内抽出定量时间专门处理词汇。对重点单词的用法做简单的讲解,使学生初步接触新的知识,并通过造句检查学生的掌 1 expressions & grammar



也可以让学生预习之后概括课文的段落大意或找出topic sentence;或者可以将Learning about language的词汇练习选取部分布置为预习作业,让学生事先学习一下阅读课的生词。

3.Warming up 在某种意义上就是读前活动,考虑到课时紧凑,而且热身的目的是为充分地进入阅读活动作准备,因此没有必要花费一节课的时间进行热身活动,可以直接插入到读前活动中,通过问卷调查、看图讨论、情景听说、思考问题等多种形式开展活动。阅读教学还是按照任务型教学模式展开教学,分读前、读中、读后,主要参考了台州市新教材评比课件和英语周报光盘课件,并根据自己备课的思路和学生的特点做适当的改动和增删。


5.由于新教材的听力训练难度明显加大,因此我们主要根据材料的难易程度对听力练习作了一定的处理和修改,比如:Unit 1 P6的听力训练材料内容并不难,但是练习要求学生把所获取的答案再转换成间接引语,对于高一新生而言难度比较大,我们就要求学生把答案找出即可。

6.新教材的口语训练部分仅仅提供了交流的情景或主题,而不给出功能句,这对于高一的学生来说,缺乏操作性。因此,我们可以把口语训练结合在阅读及听力活动之后(Post reading中的discussion其实就是speaking);或者也可以根据口语训练部分提供的话题自行设计活动,并给出功能句来展开针对性训练。




7.新教材高一英语UNIT5教案 篇七





【教学设计】 [教学目的]:






[教学流程]:主持人导入(小品2分钟)+十五位学生代表自我介绍(现在职业,10分钟)+讲讲自己的故事(三名同学发言,介绍自己的求职经历,演示模拟现场15分钟)+一名同学迟到(自主创业者的发言,5分钟左右)+同学评价,老 师总结择业和创业原则。(8分钟)




















8.新教材高一英语UNIT5教案 篇八


1.There is a v_________(多样)of goods in the supermarket.2.They made a great p________(收益)by developing the new product.3.The e____________(设备)for teaching in our school is very a_____________(先进的).4.Once a week, we’ll do an e_____________(实验)in the lab.5.In some culture theme parks, you can have pictures taken in the clothing of m________(少数)people.6.There are usually some a___________(运动员)competitions in a sports theme park.7.He likes to a_________(逗…笑)his friends with some jokes.8.He is skilled in the t___________(技巧)of describing nature.9.My wish is to be a t____________(翻译)in the future, so I must learn English hard now.10.The _________(设备)of Information Technology is expensive indeed.11.Only a m_______(少数)of students receive(s)the scholarship.12.Many people would agree that it is one of the most technologically _________(先进的)theme parks in the world after visiting Futuroscope on France.13.Stop looking for the perfect job---it’s just a ________(幻想).14.In science fictions, aliens are _________(生物)from the outer world.15.You’d better leave now if you want to _________(弄清楚)of getting there on time.16.You are very cool with your family, but with your friends you really ____________(活跃).17.What I said about Tom ________(对……适用)everyone in our class.18.Tasmania ___________(以……命名)its discoverer, A.J.Tasman.19.How many countries will ____________(参加)in the next Olympic Games, do you know? 20.The teacher said to Bruce that he should come to class on time_________(以后).21.Don’t _______(卷入)me in solving the troublesome situation.22.The architecture(建筑)in the town center is a successful _______(结合)of old and new.23.We should __________(准备)any trouble that may happen.24.Don’t worry, but I will try to _______(分摊,均分)the cost with you.25.To our great amusement, there are____________(不同的,各种各样的)colours to choose from.26.The deal(交易)will put the company in a __________(独一无二的)position to export goods to Eastern Europe.27.The society was set up to____________(保护,保留)endangered species from extinction.28.Only a small ____________(少数,少数民族)of students is/are interested in politics these days.29.This science and technology-based theme park in France uses the most___________(先进的)technology.30.She failed to gain_____________(允许进入,入场费)to the university of her choice.31.As you wander around the_____________(幻想,怪念头)______________(消遣,娱乐)park, you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.32.Disneyland also has many exciting rides, from giant ___________(摇摆的)ships to terrifying free-fall drops.9.With all these____________(吸引), no wonder__________(旅游业)is increasing where there is a Disneyland.10.People come from all over America to see __________________(木匠)and other _________________(能工巧匠)make wood, glass and iron objects in the old-fashioned way.33.Thunderhead is world-famous for having the most___________(长度)in the smallest space.34.Then the ____________(译员,翻译)took a trip to Brazil and experienced surviving an airplane crash in the __________(丛林)

35.I went to the bottom of the ocean to see strange blind ____________(生物,动物)that have never

seen____________(阳光).36.It has many excellent hotels nearby, most of which provide a ___________(航天飞机)service to the park.37.Haier is a top _____________(品牌,商标)in China.完成句子练习:

1.The novel written by him this year is ______________(两倍长)of the one last year.(length)

2.Some suggestions are made at the meeting that these traditional customs ________________(应该保留).(preserve)3.I ________________(在伦敦居住)for many years,but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.(live)

4.We wrote a letter of thanks to ________________(凡是帮助过我们的人).(whoever)

5.One side of the board shall be painted yellow and ________________(另一面要油漆成绿色).(other)6.Asia,Africa,and Australia would civilised by England,and covered with new states ________________(模仿)the English fashion.(model)

7.So rapidly ________________(计算机技术的发展)that no book can ever be fully up to date.(advance)8.Such knowledge is still useful ________________(当应用)to similar situations in other countries.(when)9.My mother was so proud of all ________________(我所做的)that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.(do)

10.Last night’s TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ________________(未证实)yet.(prove)

11.The theme park you are probably __________________(对…熟悉)is Disneyland.12.With all these attractions , ________________(难怪,不足为奇)tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland.13.It is______________________(因为-----而闻名)having the most length in the smallest space.14.________________________(于1987年开放), Futuroscope is one of the largest space-age parks in the world.15.The amazing, ____________(最新的)information together with many opportunities for hands-on learning makes the world___________________(苏醒过来,恢复活力)in a completely new way for visitors.16.Tickets are also __________online.(可以得到的)

9.高一英语新教材第一单元教学设计 篇九


Teaching Aims And Demands:

1. Learn and master the following words and expressions:

argue solution classical sorrow survive share cast deserted adventure scared…

be fond of in order to hunt for care about…

2. Review direct speech and indirect speech

3. Train the students’ ability of speaking.

4. Train the students’ ability of reading comprehension.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Everyday English:

1) Talk about friends

2) Practice talking about likes and dislikes

3) Learn to make apologies

2. The correct understanding of the passage

3. Grammar: direct speech and indirect speech

Teaching Difficult Points:

Train the students’ ability of reading comprehension

Teaching Methods:

1. Explanation to make the Ss understand the difficult languages in the passage.

2. Fast reading to find out the general information in the text.

3. Question and answer to help the students go through with the whole passage.

Teaching Aids:

1. tape recorder

2. multimedia

Teaching Procedures

Section 1

Step1. Lead-in ( warm up)

It’s the first time for you to leave your family to live all alone. And everything around you are strange, the strange school, the strange classmates, the strange teachers and so on. Most of you do not get used to the life here, especially some girls, they maybe cry at night, they miss their father, mother, sisters, brothers …, because they feel alone.

Question: What do you need when you feel alone?

Warm up

Most of you think that you need friends to talk, to care about each other when you feel alone. But not all friends are good, some of them maybe do harm to you. So what do you think a good friend should be like?…


You have talked much about good friends, and I think I will be one of your good friends, of course, I am not the smartest, but I am helpful; I am not the strongest, but I am kind; I am not the most handsome, but I am gentle. OK! I have described myself, your new friend. Now it’s your turn to describe yourselves and one of your good friends.

Step2. Listening

Good friends are helpful, they can bring you happiness, but sometimes they will

bring you some trouble too, because you can’t agree with each other on everything, so, of course, you will argue with them. Now let’s listen to this kind of argument between two friends. Please pay attention to what they are arguing about. And how do you think to solve their problem?

1. Listen to the tape.

2. Finish the questions.

3. Notes to the listening:

1) What’s the big deal?

2) What’s up?

Step3. Speaking

1. Speaking

From this material you maybe feel it important to choose people to make friends with, if there are too many differences between you, you will argue more against each other. Now, there are six persons for you to choose, the following is their information, please read it carefully and think who could be your friends and tell me your reason for your decisions.

2. Discussion

What quality of good friends is the most important? Why?

3. Make up dialogues

Situation1: You meet a new classmate, you want to make friends with him/ her.

Situation2: Two friends are arguing, because they have different opinions on something.

Step4. Language points

1. A good friend is someone who makes me happy.

make sb. / sth. +a. make sb. / sth. + n.

make sb. / sth. + pp. make sb. / sth. + do sth.

e.g. 1) We will make our country richer and stronger.

2) We make him our monitor.

3) He tried to speak clearly to make himself understood.

4) Don’t make him drink too much.

5) He is made to study by his parents, because he is not into studies

too much.

much too.

2. 他讲得太快了。

He spoke much too fast.


Tom drank too much wine yesterday, so did I.

3. Tom昨天没喝酒,我也没有。

Tom didn’t drink wine yesterday, neither / nor do I.

表示前面的情况也适合于下面时可以用so / neither / nor引起一个倒装来表示,其结构为so / neither / nor + 情态动词/帮助动词/ be + 主语


Tom drank wine yesterday, but he didn’t drank too much.


So it is / was with… 或 It is / was the same with…

﹡so / neither / nor 引起的倒装句其放在主语前面的助动词、情态动词或系动词应与前一句保持一致(人称和数作适当调整)。


e.g. 1) I dislike coffee, so does she.

2) She is unmarried, so am I.


e.g. ---- He came to school late yesterday.

---- So he did.

4. argue

argue (vi.) + with sb. about / over sth.

e.g. 1) They are arguing with their classmates about the solution to the problem.

Step5. Practice ( consolidation )

1. ---- I hear Bill likes playing basketball.

---- Yes, __________, and_________.

A. he does; so like me B. he is; either do I

C. so he does; so do I D. He does so, so am I

2. ---- Do you know which team won the game?

---- I don’t know, _____________.

A. nor do I care B. nor I care

C. neither will I D. I don’t care, too

3. These math problem are _______ difficult for me. Can you please help me out?

A. much too B. too much

C. very much D. very


1.Review what we have learned.

10.新教材高一英语UNIT5教案 篇十

Period 1 Warming-up and speaking

Teaching Aims:

Goal: 1.In this lesson, students will enhance their speaking abilities through talking about films.

2. In this lesson, students will practice their skills of interviewing.


1. In this lesson, students will be able to describe the movie pictures.

2. In this lesson, students will be able to act out an interview.

Teaching Important Points:

How to improve the students’ speaking ability.

Teaching Aids:

1.a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming-up

Activity1: Greetings

T: Class begins. Good morning, class!

Ss: Good morning, Miss Yang!

Activity 2: Talk about the types of film

T: Ok, class, do you like seeing films?

Ss: Yes.

T: Great minds think alike (英雄所见略同). I also like seeing films. What kind of film do you like? Let’s enjoy some film posters first.

(Show the posters on the screen)

T: Do you like these posters? Maybe except the last one. It is a bit terrible, right? Ok, the first poster tells a story of a lovely pig, and his name is “麦兜”. So, this kind of film is called cartoon film. Can you give any other examples? Such as “Finding Nemo” and Shrek. The second one is “E.T.”, so it’s science fiction film”. I think you’re very familiar with the third one, it’s “我的野蛮女友”, so it is a love story. The fourth one is “古墓丽影”, so it is adventure film. The fifth one is the latest Jackie Chan’s film, it’s “New Police Story”. We call it action film. Ok, now let’s come to the last one. It looks very terrible, right? So, it’s horrible film.

T: Which kind do you like best? Maybe most of girls like love stories, such as “Titanic”, while boys like action films, such as “New Police Story”.

T: Ok, ××, which film impressed you most? Why? Who is your favorite actor/actress? What do you think of him/her?

(Ask 2-3 students to answer)

Activity 3:Talk about the film posters

T: Ok, class. Just now we’ve talked something about “The silver screen”, it means “银屏” in Chinese. You know I’m also a movie fan. I like collecting film posters. I want to share them with you. Do you want to have a look?

(Show the film poster “Stuart Little”, and stick it on the blackboard)

T: Who is he? In Chinese we call him “精灵鼠小弟”. Yes, he is Stuart Little. Do you like him? I think he is so lovely! What is he different from other mice? He can speak, think and do everything a person can do. He has fingers, legs and he wears clothes and a hat. What clothes does he wear?

Ss: He wears a yellow T-shirt, a red sweater and blue trousers.

T: Yes, and he wears a pair of sport shoes. Maybe they are made in Wenzhou. He is so cool, right? What’s under his feet?

Ss: It’s a beautiful skateboard.

T: Ok, can you guess what is he going to do?

Ss: ……

T: Maybe he is going to rescue his friend, the little bird Margalo, from the mouth of Falco. Then what kind of film do you think this is?

Ss: It’s a cartoon film.

T: Very good. Now, I want to show you some other posters. Please open your books and turn to page 29. There are four film posters on the book. Please discuss them with your partner, asking as many questions as you can. You also can ask these questions on the screen.

Q1: What can you see in the poster?

Q2: What does he/she wear?

Q3: What’s the color of his/her clothes?

Q4: What is happening in this scene?

Q5: What do you think happens before this scene?

Q6: What do you think happens after this scene?

Q7: What kind of film do you think this is?

(Explain the first one to the students, then give students 3 minutes to prepare and ask 3 pairs to act them out)

Step 2: Speaking

Activity 1: Enjoy the video of “The Matrix”

T: Boys and girls, because all of you have done a good job, so I want to give you a reward. Now I will show you something interesting, please enjoy it.

(Show the video of “The Matrix”, about 2 minutes)

Activity 2: Introduce the two famous film stars to the students

T: What’s the name of this film?


T: Yes, it’s “The Matrix”. Do you like “Neo”? (Show his photos on the screen) I think he is pretty handsome. Do you know the actor’s name? He is “Keanu Reeves”. Before this class, I’ve heard a wonderful news: Keanu Reeves will come to China today with another famous American actress Meryl Streep. They will take part in CCTV’s interview program---Life of Art. To your surprise, Zhujun will choose our classroom to interview them and he will give the chance to you. You’re so lucky, right? I think we must make full preparation of it. Ok, please turn to page 30, read the two biographies first, and find out the difficult points. I will explain to you later.

(Give students 2 minutes to read, and then explain some language points)

Language points:

1.While still a student, ……= while she was still a student, ……

2.Play roles in : act roles in …

3.Meryl Streep made her first film, called Julia in 1977.

Called = which was called Julia

Activity 3: Interview the two famous film stars

T: Ok, now please read the two biographies again, and think out as many questions as you can. What you want to ask these two superstars? You can discuss with your partner and write the questions on the paper. If you like, you also can use the questions on the screen.


Can you tell us something about the place where you grew up?

Can you tell us something about the time where you were young? What were your dreams? What made you decide to become an actor/actress?

What did you do next? Were there any special reasons why you started working in film?

What roles did you act?

How long have you been working as an actor/actress?

What do you like to do in your spare time?

What will you do if you are not an actor/actress?

When will you get married?

(Give students enough time to prepare)

T: Are you ready? Now I will act as Meryl Streep. You can ask any questions if you like. Hands up please!

(Give students 3 minutes to ask questions)

T: You have done a very good job. Let’s stop here. Now I’d like to choose a boy to act as Keanu Reeves. Who’d like to try?

(Choose a boy to act as Keanu Reeves, and ask him to come to the blackboard)

Step 3: Summary

T: Ok, Let’s stop here. In this class, we’ve talked about some famous films, actors and actresses. I’m very glad to see that all of you have done a good job. Ok, today’s homework:

1. Talk about your favorite film with your partner in English by using the sentences we have learned today.

2.Preview the reading part “Getting to know Steven Spielberg”.

Period 2 Reading

Getting to know Steven Spielberg

Teaching Aims:

1. Train the students’ reading ability.

2. Learn the following words and phrases: scene, script, academy, studio, take off, blockbuster, cut…into pieces, dinosaur, go wrong, follow-up, cruelty, in the end

Teaching Important Points:

1. How to make the students understand the reading text better.

2. Learn and master the following phrases: work on, take off, cut…into pieces, hit, go wrong, in the end, owe…to…

Teaching Different Points:

1. The differences between the following pairs of words or phrases: be afraid of doing sth. /be afraid to do sth. , high/highly

2. Learn the following sentence pattern: …love and friendship are the most important things in life.

Teaching Methods:

1. Fast reading to get a general idea of the text.

2. Question-and-answer activity to get the detailed information in the text.

3. Explanation for students to master some language points.

Teaching Aids:

1. A computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2: Pre-reading

T: In the last period, we learned something about the silver screen (write on the Bb). Now, let’s play a game. Please tell me something about the silver screen. I’ll divide you into 2 groups. These two are group A; these two are group B. Let’s have a competition. See, which group will win? Are you clear? Now I will give you an example first. For example: director. Let’s begin.

Bb: G.B. G.A.


(make) film/movie actor

scene actress

script Silver screen studio

(win) award (play, take, act) role

Oscar/Academy Award Hollywood


(Play the game and decide which group is the winner)

T: Ok, just now we listed many things that are related to the Silver screen. Can you tell me which is the most important one?

Ss: …

T: In my opinion, I think director is the most important one. We can say director is the soul of a film. Do you know any Chinese director? Who are they?

Ss: Zhang Yimou, Chen Kaige, Tian Zhangzhang, and Feng Xiaogang…

T: Very good. Now I want to introduce an American director to you. Listen to me carefully and guess who he is? He is one of the top directors in the world. He is also a producer. He won 2 Oscar Awards for Best Director. Some of his films are very familiar to us, such as: Jurassic Park, E.T., Saving Private Ryan. And he found the Dream Work SKG. Who is he?

Ss: He is “Steven Spielberg”.

T: Very good. Do you like him? Now let’s learn something more about him. Please open your books and turn to page 31: “Getting to know Steven Spielberg”.

Step 3: Reading

Activity 1: Fast-reading

T: Please mark the paragraphs first. Now, please read the whole text as quickly as you can and answer the questions on the screen.


1. What was Spielberg’s dream?

2. How many films are mentioned in the passage? What are they?

(Teacher gives students 5 minutes to read the passage and then asks some students to answer the questions.)

Suggested answers:

1. His dream was to go the Film Academy.

2. Five. They are “Jaws”, “E.T.”, “Jurassic Park”, “Schindler’s List” and “Saving Private Ryan”.

Activity 2: Careful-reading

T: Now we have a general idea of Steven Spielberg. Next, let’s learn more details about him. Please read the first 2 paragraphs slowly and carefully and fill in the table on the screen.

Name Sex







(Ask a group of students to answer)

T: You’ve done a very good job. Now please think over this question: “Why did Spielberg study English instead of film?”

(Ask one student to answer)

Suggested answer:

3. Because his grades were too low.

T: In these two paragraphs, we should pay attention to the phrase “take off”, it has many meanings, such as “脱掉,(飞机)起飞”, here it means “success”, “成功”.

e.g.: I hear the business is really taking off.

T: Now please read the following 4 paragraphs carefully and finish the table on page 32, the second exercise. What are these films about? You can discuss with your partner.

Jaws (1975)

E.T. (1982)

Jurassic Park (1993)

Schindler’s List (1993)

Saving Private Ryan

(Teacher gives students 2 minutes to prepare, and then ask someone to answer)

T: You have done a good job. Next, let’s think about this question: “Why were people who saw the film Jaws afraid to swim in the sea?”

(Answer this question together)

Suggested answer:

4. Because they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.

(Teacher explains the language points of these 4 paragraphs to the students: be afraid to do sth/of doing sth, be afraid of doing sth/be afraid +that clause, cut…into pieces, do research, go wrong)

T: Ok, class, by now we’ve already known something about Spielberg’s life and his films. There is a Chinese saying: “There is always a woman behind a successful man.” Right? Let’s see who is the woman behind Spielberg? Please read the last paragraph carefully and answer the question: “How important is Spielberg’s family to his career?”

(Teacher gives students 1 minute to prepare)

T: Ok, what’s the name of Spielberg’s wife?

Ss: She is Cate Capshaw.

T: Then how important is his family to Spielberg’s career?

(Ask one student to answer this question)

Suggested answer:

5.He owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children. That’s the secret of his success.

T: Here “owe…to…” means “把…归功于某人”.

Step 4: Post-reading

T: Ok, by now we’ve learned the whole passage. We know Spielberg’s family, childhood, grades, jobs, dream and most important: his films. Now please think over the question: What have you learned from reading about Spielberg? Or what should you do if you want to be success? You can discuss it with your partner.

(Teacher gives students enough time to prepare and ask some students to give their opinions.)

Suggested answers:

What we learn about Steven Spielberg is that his passion for film, hard work and perseverance have made him who he is.

Remember: Working hard and believing in your dream will make your dream come true.

Step 5: Summary

T: That’s all for today. At last, let’s enjoy a film, which was directed by Steven Spielberg.

(Enjoy the video of “Minority Report”, about 2 minutes.)

Step 6: Homework

1.Finish the Word study on page 32.

2.Finish Vocabulary 1 on page 110.

3.Find out the Attributive Clauses in the text.

Period 3 Grammar

Teaching Aims:

1. Review the text learned in the last period.

2. Learn the Attributive Clause with prepositions.

3. Learn the Attributive Clause introduced by relative adverbs “where, when and why”.

Teaching Important Points:

1. The usages of “prep. + the relative pronoun”.

2. The usages and functions of the relative adverbs.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1. The choice of the prepositions in the Attributive Clause.

2. The choice of the relative adverbs.

Teaching Methods:

1. Consolidate the words learnt using the review method.

2. Learn some usages of Attributive Clause using explanation and inductive methods.

3. Individual or pair works to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1. A computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2: Retell

T: In the last period, we’ve learned something about Steven Spielberg. Do you still remember him? Now, I’d like someone retell the text. You can use the information on the screen if you like.

NameSteven Spielberg Sex Male

Year of Birth 1946 Place of Birth Cincinnati, Ohio

Occupation Director, producer and screenwriter

1958(twelve) Made his first real film

1959(thirteen) Won a prize for a short film

1962(sixteen) Made a film called Firelight

DreamGo to the Film Academy

Jobs Got a small job at a film studio

FilmsJaws (1975), ET (1982), Jurassic Park (1993), Schindler’s List (1993),Saving Private Ryan (1998)

(Teacher asks a student to retell the text)

Step 3: Revision

T: In the last unit, we have learned the usages of the relative pronouns. Can you tell me how many relative pronouns are there? What are they?

Ss: Five. They are “who, whom, whose, that and which”.

T: Right. Now let’s do an exercise to review them. Look at the screen please.

Choose the proper relative pronouns to fill in the blanks.

1. October 1, 1949 is the day______ we’ll never forget.

A. when B. whose C. that D. it

2. Is this the shop_______ sells children’s clothing?

A. which B. where C. in which D. what

3. His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone______ family was poor.

A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose

4. Do you know the boy_______ is standing at the gate of our school?

A. who B. which C. whom D. whose

5. All_______ glitters is not gold.

A. that B. which C. / D. what

6. The woman_______ you saw just now is my aunt.

A. who B. whom C. which D. whose

(Teacher asks the students to give the answers. If they make mistakes, teacher points them out and corrects them.)

Suggested answers:

1.C 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.A 6.B

Step 4: Grammar Study

Activity 1: Learn “preposition + whom/which”

T: The relative pronouns are used as objects either after verbs or after prepositions. When they are used as the objects of prepositions, the position of the prepositions must be paid attention to. The preposition usually follows the verb in spoken English. “Who” “whom” “that” or “which” can be used and they are usually omitted in spoke English. If the preposition is used before the relative pronoun, “which” or “whom” can only be used and they cannot be omitted. That is “preposition + whom/which”. Please look at the examples on the screen.

e.g. 1. A. The woman who/whom Spielberg is married to is an actress.

B. The woman to whom Spielberg is married is an actress.

2.A. The person (who/that/whom) you should write to is Mr. Ball.]

B. The person to whom you should write is Mr. Ball.

T: Then, how can we choose the proper preposition? First, we can find out which verb the preposition is used with in the clause. Second, we can find out which noun or pronoun the clause modifies. Third, we can find out the meaning of the clause. Ok, I’ll show you some examples to make you clear. Please open your books and turn to page 33. Look at the examples of exercise 3.

e.g.: The painting at which I looked was painted by Vincent van Gogh.

The girl with whom you talked at the meeting is a college student.

(Explain the two examples to the students.)

T: Are you clear? Now please finish exercise 3 within 2 minutes.

(Ask a group of students to answer)

Activity 2: Check the Attributive Clauses in the reading passage.

T: Next, let’s check the Attributive Clauses in the text. See, who will do the best job? Have you finished?

(Finds out the Attributive Clauses with the students and points out their mistakes.)

Activity 3: Learn the relative adverbs

T: We’ve mastered the usages of relative pronouns. Next, we’ll learn the usages of the relative adverbs: “where, when and why”. “When” is used for time, “where” for place and “why” for reason.

e.g.: Jurassic Park is about a park where a very rich man keeps different kinds of dinosaurs.

1958 was the year when Spielberg made his first real film.

The reason why Spielberg could not go to the Film Academy was that his grades were too low.

(Explain these sentences to the students)

T: Are you clear? Ok, now let’s do the first exercise on page 33.

(Check the answers with the students)

T: But we also should pay attention to some special cases. Look at the examples on the screen.

e.g. 1. Hangzhou is the place _______ I visited last summer.

2.Hangzhou is the place _______I went last summer.

3.The reason_______ she gave for not coming to the party is that her mother wouldn’t let her.

A. what B. why C. that D. as

(Explain these sentences to the students)

Suggested answers:

1. which/that 2 where 3. C

Activity 4: Learn “relative adverbs = preposition+ which”

T: The relative adverbs “when” “where” and “why” can be replaced by “preposition + which”.

When = in /on/at/during which

Where = in /at/on/ which

Why = for which

T: Then, how can we choose the right preposition? It depends on the noun or pronoun that the Attributive Clause modifies. Are you clear? Let’s look at some examples on the screen.

e.g. The reason ____________ Peter is so happy is that he passed the exam.

I remember the day ___________ my father died. I was only ten years old at that time.

I will go back to the place _____________ I grew up and live there forever.

Suggested answers:

1. why/for which 2. when/on which 3.where/in(at)which

T: Now let’s finish the second exercise on page33. Please do it carefully.

(Check the answers one by one)

Step 5: Homework

T: That’s all for today. Your homework:

1.Finish the Grammar parts of your workbook.

2.Preview the Integrating Skills “Not One Less”.

Period 4 Listening and Integrating Skills

Teaching Aims:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Important Points:

1.How to improve students’ listening ability.

2.How to make comments and give opinions.

3.How to train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Difficult Points:

How to improve the students’ integrating skills.

Teaching Methods:

1.Listening and answer activity to help the students go through with the listening text.

2.Asking –and-answer activity to go through the reading material.

3.Individual or group work to train the students’ writing ability.

Teaching Aids:

1.a computer

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step 2: Listening

Activity 1: Pre-listening

T: In this unit, we’ve learned many things about the Silver screen, the films, the actors/actresses and the director-Steven Spielberg. What we have learned from him is that working hard and believing in your dream will make your dream come true. Today, I want to introduce Mr. Malcolm Langland, a famous actor to you. He is also such kind of person. Let’s listen to an interview of Mr. Langland. See, what had happened on him? And how he insisted on his dream?

Activity 2: While-listening

T: When you listen for the first time, please finish the exercises on the screen. Remember to take notes when you listen to the tape.

Choose the right answers:

1. What was Mr. Malcolm’s dream when he was young? ( )

A. He dreamt of being a teacher.

B. He dreamt of being a lawyer.

C. He dreamt of being a film star.

2. Why didn’t Mr.Langland study art? ( )

A. He had no chance.

B. His father did not want him to study art.

C. He liked law better than art.

3. When did Mr. Langland decide to become an actor? ( )

A. Before he joined the Student Club.

B. When he met his wife at the Student Club.

C. After he graduated from the school.

(Check the answers with the students)T: Now let’s listen again. This time please finish filling in the blanks on the screen. Before you do it, please read these questions carefully.

(Teacher gives students 1 minute to read)

T: Now, let’s begin. I’ll pause after important sentences.

Listen to the interview with Mr. Malcolm Langland and answer the following questions:

1.What do we know about the city where Malcolm grew up?

It was _______________ far from the _________.

2. What did he want to be when he was a student?

When Malcolm was young he wanted to be ___________.

3. What was the reason why Malcolm studied law?

The reason is ____________ wanted him to ___________.4. When did Malcolm really start his career in the theatre?

When he met __________, he started his career in the theatre.

5. Why was the film called The Dream Machine important to Malcolm?

It was important because he did not have any _____________.

(Check the answers with the students, and let them listen again if necessary.)

Step 3: Integrating Skills

T: Are you tired or not? Anyway, let’s relax for a while. Let’s enjoy some beautiful film posters.

(Show 4 film posters on the screen)

T: What’s the name of them?

Ss: They are “My father and Mother”, “Lover”, “Raise the Red Lanterns” and “Happy Time”.

T: Do you know who is the director of these 4 films? He is Zhang Yimou. Do you like him?

(Show some photos and biography of Zhang Yimou on the screen.)

Ss: …

T: Anyway, today I will introduce one of his films to you, that is “Not One Less”. Please open your books and turn to page 34. Read the whole passage by yourself. When you read, think out these 2 questions:

1.What kind of story is it?

2.Does it have a happy ending?

(Teacher gives students 4 minutes to read and then ask two students to answers the questions)

Suggested answers:

1.A moving but simple story.

2.Yes. The film has a happy ending.

T: Now please read the whole passage again and finish the table on page 35. You can discuss it with your partner.

Title: Director:

What’s the film about? Tell the story in your own words.

Does the film have a happy ending? Why?

What do you think about the story of the film? Why?

How do you feel about the ending of the film? Why?

(Ask some students to answer the questions first, and then give them the reference answer)

T: Did you see the film “Trueman’s Show” this Tuesday night? Have you written a review about it? How do you write a review in Chinese?

Ss: …

T: Ok, now let’s see how shall we write a review in English? Let’s look at the tips on page35 first.

(Explain the tips to the students)

T: Are you clear about it? Ok, now let’s look at the table above again. If we combine the answers together, you will find that is a review of “Not One Less”. Have you found it? Now I want to show you a review of the film “The Princess Diaries” to give you a deep impression.

(Show the film review on the screen)

Step 4: Homework

T: Ok, class over. Your homework: please write a review on the film you saw. You can use the structure on the screen.

1.The story is about___________.

2.I think the story is___________.

The actors/actresses are__________.

The ending of the film is__________.

The plot(情节) is________________.

The scenes(场景) are______________.
