


1.英语必修五unit3教案 篇一


1. I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.


2. At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate.


3. The air seemed thin, as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.


4. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached.


5. Soon I was back on my feet again and following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer.


6. However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.


7. He was swept up into the center of them.


8. Arriving at a strange-looking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean room.


9. I found later that their leaves provided the room with much-needed oxygen.


2.英语必修五unit3教案 篇二


(一) 教学内容分析

本课出自北京师范大学出版社出版的高中英语必修模块五Unit 14 Careers, 本版块主要围绕“职业”话题展开。Job Trends是第十四单元第四课, 是以阅读策略训练为重点的阅读课, 内容主要涉及对未来工作趋势的预测以及求职者为适应工作变化而必备的技能和品质。文章提到一些传统行业的职位将急剧减少, 如农业、煤矿业等。而一些新兴行业, 如服务行业、传媒和信息技术将会发展良好。学生在阅读文章的同时, 通过预测和思考、讨论, 激发自己对未来工作的畅想和规划。学生通过对本课的学习, 认识到危机意识, 努力学习, 掌握必要的技能和品质, 在今后的职场中能做到“Survival of the Fittest”。

(二) 学生分析

本课授课对象为文科普通班学生, 整个班级中学生的英语水平参差不齐。大部分学生虽然有一定的英语基础, 但基础不扎实, 对很多较难的单词和语法掌握不到位, 词汇量小, 语法知识理解不透彻。大部分学生虽然有学习的目标性和主动性, 能配合教师的教学, 但不敢主动发言。高二学生经过高一一年的学习, 英语学习习惯已经基本形成。他们不喜欢照本宣科的教师, 且更喜欢有趣味性的学习。如果教师改变单调死板的词汇讲解和语法教学方法, 创设出能激发学生好奇心和创造力的语境, 联系他们最熟悉的日常生活教学, 学生就会很感兴趣, 会积极配合教师完成教学目标。

(三) 教学目标

本课的语言知识目标是识别文章中各段落的主题, 填补段落间空缺的句子;根据语境整体理解全文大意, 学习与工作有关的词汇, 练习动词词组的搭配。

本课的能力目标是使学生进一步提高阅读理解能力, 掌握信息匹配题的解题步骤和做题技巧, 提升他们查找信息、快速获取信息的能力。

本课的情感目标是通过对未来工作趋势的了解, 增强学生的学习动力, 促使学生学习必备的就业技能;培养学生的跨文化交际意识和合作意识。本堂课是这篇文章的第二课时, 第一课时学生已经认识了本课的新词汇, 能运用阅读技巧识别文章各段落的主题, 填补了段落间缺少的句子, 并听了课文录音。同时, 通过小组竞赛的形式提出职业市场的变化和发展趋势, 思考了个人的职业发展, 基本达到了语言知识目标、能力目标和情感目标的一部分。这堂课的任务是, 首先, 复习第一课时的词汇;其次, 着重于对语篇的理解分析, 进一步提高学生的阅读理解能力, 提升查找信息、快速获取信息的能力。

(四) 教学重点和难点

1. 引导学生对语篇的理解分析;

2. 指导学生的阅读策略;

3. 从情感上启发、激励学生。

(五) 教学媒体



Step 1 Warm up

Ss read and spell the new words together. (3 min.)

Step 2 Pre-reading

Words review (7 min.)

Students guess some words by the explanations.

Step 3 Reading (35 min.)

1.Skimming (for general idea)

Give the Ss a sentence with a blank and ask the students to read the passage and fill in the blank.

2.Scanning (Find detailed information)

(1) Show the Ss a form:

In the Past In the Future

Job Market

Working Areas

Size of Companies

Skills For Jobs

(2) Fill in the first two blanks to give an example.Then ask the Ss to fill in the other blanks after skipping the text.

3.Careful reading

(1) Show Ss the questions of Exercise 3:

What is“future shock”?

What is one of the job areas of the future?

How will jobs change?

How will companies change?

What skills and personal qualities will people need?

What personal benefits will the new situation bring?

(2) Ask the Ss to read paragraphs one by one, translate them, find the key words and answer the questions.

Step 4 Post-Reading

A quiz.

Step 5 Discussion

In pairs, students discuss the question“What can we do now to suit the job trends?”

Step 6 Homework

Students make a short passage about the answer to the discussion.


虽然这堂课结束了, 但留给笔者很多值得思考的问题。作为一名经验型教师, 深知“上好一堂课”并不是简单的一句话。从备课、上课到课后反思, 每个环节都不容忽视。备课不仅要备教材, 还要备学生。在课堂上, 教师除了要具备基本的教学素质, 形成自己的风格特点外, 充满激情也很有必要。另外, 反思也是十分重要的。

因为这堂课是常规课而不是公开课, 所以笔者的状态比较放松, 教态自然且富有亲和力。大部分学生愿意在轻松的氛围中配合教师完成教学的环节。每位学生回答问题之后, 教师都给出了及时、有效的评价, 如“Good job!”“Well done!”“Very good!”等, 还有鼓励的话语, 如“Don’t be nervous, you can do it!”等。

但是, 在具体的教学实施环节, 难免有得有失。教学设置的第一个环节是对第一课时学习过的新单词进行回顾。教师并没有直接给出汉语意思, 让学生说出单词, 而是给出英文释义, 让学生边理解边回顾单词。让学生直接用英语解释和记忆单词不仅节约了时间, 帮助学生培养了英语语感, 还能促使学生更好地运用英语。由于是第一次设置这样的单词检测环节, 教师担心有的学生不能完全适应, 所以在给出英语解释的同时, 还给出了中文意思, 以兼顾不同层次的学生。在实际的教学操作中, 学生的参与度和回答准确率较高, 达到了预期的目标, 这是笔者比较满意的一部分。

教学设置的第二个环节是略读, 找出文章的主旨大意。为了降低难度, 首先, 教师运用了填空的方式, 以便学生能很快找到答案, 初步把握文章大意。其次, 教师列出一个表格, 从不同方面把过去和将来的工作进行对比。但由于时间较仓促, 学生预习也不够充分, 导致这部分的反馈并不是很理想。

教学设置的第三个环节是每段落的详细阅读。根据教材的练习部分所给的问题逐段分析课文, 让学生了解未来职业变化的趋势, 以及求职者必备的与工作相关的技能和品质。这部分是整堂课最欠缺的部分。从课堂的操作和学生的反应来看, 课前期望的教学目标并没有完全达成, 且存在不少问题。首先, 课文的处理过于单调, 深度不够。其次, 没有发散学生的思维, 学生只是被动地思考。最后, 没有激发出学生的听课热情, 这是本堂课最大的不足。笔者只侧重于语言知识的学习和运用, 却忽略了“课堂有效性”。

从本堂课的教学容量来看, 教师预期完成对整篇课文的理解和分析, 由于没有考虑学生的认知程度, 所以在实际操作中不得不结合学生的反应, 在分析课文时将节奏放慢, 导致没有在有效的时间内完成所有的教学任务。预先设计的小测试和讨论也没有如期进行。由于担心时间不够, 笔者就没有留出足够的时间让学生思考和寻找问题的答案, 无形中形成了紧张的气氛, 学生的压力较大。这一环节似乎只有一部分英语程度较好的学生在回应教师所提出的问题, 相当一部分学生或听不懂, 或阅读有障碍, 几乎没有回应, 整体参与面不广。鉴于此, 在今后的教学中, 教师首先要调整好心态, 多采取丰富有趣的教学活动来调动课堂气氛;其次, 为了课堂教学的有效性, 因提前布置好预习任务, 这样上课时就能有的放矢, 不至于冷场。

《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》明确提出把“优化学习方式, 提高自主学习能力”作为五大基本理念之一, 特别强调“高中英语教学要鼓励学生通过积极尝试、自我探究、自我发现和主动实践等学习方式, 形成具有高中生特点的英语学习过程与方法”。为此, 以后的阅读教学中教师需要改进以下方面:

首先, 新课标强调培养学生的阅读策略, 重点培养学生在阅读中发现、探究、分析、判断、解决问题的能力和逻辑思维能力。教师可以围绕文本主题精心设计出能引导学生自主思考和阅读的问题。不仅要有整体性, 而且要面向全体学生, 具有层次性和梯度性。这样, 学生可以由易到难、循序渐进地理解文章。

其次, 改进和完善教学设计。虽然本课的教学环节设计得比较清晰, 但显得不太充实, 容量也不够大, 教学的步骤和方法都比较传统。今后在设计教学环节时, 一定要多考虑学生的实际, 设计出符合他们年龄特征和学习认知水平的教学环节, 巧妙构思, 启发学生的思维, 留给学生更多的自主活动时间和空间。根据学生的个体差异, 布置不同的任务, 充分调动学生的积极性, 让学生明确学习目标, 从而有切实的任务可完成, 在学习的过程中体验学英语的乐趣。借助一些教学素材辅助教学, 巧设情境, 通过直观的图片、生动的影音材料等, 让学生在真实、轻松的情境中融入语言环境, 从而活跃课堂气氛, 提高他们学习的积极性。以后的课堂教学可以依托多媒体技术, 设计出更多、更新颖的课件, 为课堂教学锦上添花。

3.英语必修五unit3教案 篇三



1.设计大情境。中国学生平日除了汉语外,很少接触外语,普遍缺少说英语的语言环境,学生学习英语的主要途径就是英语课堂,所以教师需要通过情景教学法,给学生提供足够的操练英语的机会,在模拟真实的情景中培养运用英语的能力。所以在Warm up阶段,我通过和学生随意交谈,不但复习了旧知,同时也是营造一个说英语的环境,使学生在不知不觉间投入英语的学习中。







4.英语必修五unit3教案 篇四



认知目标:1.使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:hundred, thousand, about.2.使学生能口头练习回答句型:How far is ____? 能力目标:1.使学生能复习所学过的数词并练习写说、新授的数词单词。


二、教学重难点:1.使学生争取掌握(包括正确地说、读、写、用)单词:hundred, thousand, about.2.使学生能口头练习回答句型:How far is ____?



Ⅰ.Class Opening.1.Greetings.2.Old Saying: 每节一句谚语小故事。3.Duty Report: 让学生上讲台做值日报告。

Ⅱ.Main Activities for Teaching and Learning.1.Numbers.1.1 Revision: 与学生一起复习所学过的一百内的数字单词并提醒学生注意数字单词的规律。1.2 Demonstrate: 向学生介绍本课的新单词,并板书黑板。

1.3 Drills: 让全班学生一起看黑板朗读、拼读本课新单词,然后随便写出一些数字让学生练习说。1.4 Practice in Pairs: 让学生同桌之间相互练习说100到1000的数字。1.5 Play a Game:Say numbers.让上到讲台来的学生抽取卡片带其他学生读。2.How far is Beijing? 2.1 Induction: 用提问学生:How tall are you? How tall is ___?来引出新的句型: How far is ___? It’s about ___.板书黑板并让学生明白其中意思。

2.2 Drills: 让学生大声朗读数遍,在黑板上写下几个城市的名称,结合句型练习。2.3 More Drills: 用地点单词卡片来练习本课的新句型。

2.4 Listen to the Tape: 让学生打开课本,听录音跟读,然后解释一些重要的句子意思。2.5 Do the Excises: 让学生做活动手册练习。

Ⅲ.Class Closing.板书设计:

5.英语必修五unit3教案 篇五

a.能够提问并回答三餐所吃的食物,如:What would you like to eat? I’d like some … , please.b.能够简单描述一些事物的味道,如:They are sweet…

c.能够提问并回答最喜欢吃的食物是什么,并说出原因,如:What’s your favourite food? I like apple.They are sweet…

d.能够听懂、会唱歌曲“What would you like to eat today?”和本单元的歌谣。2.过程与方法

a.认读A、B部分Let’s learn、Let’s talk中的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词。b.掌握Read and write中的四会句子,读懂对话内容,完成句子填空。c.了解Let’try ,Let’s check, let’s wrap it up等部分的内容。d.了解Let’s spell中字母组合ow的发音规则,认读相关的单词。e.了解Story time部分的内容。3.情感态度与价值观



Period 1 教学目标 1.知识与技能

a.能够听、说、读、写本课时四会单词:ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich, salad五个单词及替换句型:What would you like to eat? I’d like… b.能用本课时单词卡片完成小组活动,操练新单词。2.过程与方法

通过游戏、对话等方式掌握目标语言。3.情感态度与价值观 培养学生的合作精神和创新意识 教学重、难点

1.重点:掌握有关食物的单词:ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich, salad.2.难点:词汇量大,要求掌握的单词多。教学准备

The audiotape and record 教学时数 One lesson 课堂类型 New Lesson 教学过程 1.Greeting What would you like for lunch? a.Let’s chant:(四年级下册Unit 6 B Let’s chant.)b.Lead in:

T: What would you like to eat? I’d like…(板书单元题目,并领学生读几遍。2.Presentation a.T: Let’s know more foods.b.播放A Let’s learn录音,学生跟学。c.小组交流,互相汇报。d.班级展示,教师指导。

(第一次接触的词汇:ice cream, hamburger, tea, sandwich, salad.在教学词汇时,穿插着教学句型What would you like to eat? I’d like….)

e.听音跟读。3.practice a.利用卡片,拼读单词,速拼单词。b.出示谜语,猜猜食物。


利用课本中的Group work,以小组为单位,利用食物的图片或词卡,编演课本剧,操练新单词和巩固句型:What would you like for lunch? I’d like...课堂小结:


将Let’s chant.说唱给父母或同学听。板书设计:

Unit 3 What would you like ? ice cream




salad.What would you like to eat?

I’d like….Period 2 教学目标 1.知识与技能

a.能够听懂,会说:What would you like to eat?I’d like并能在情景中进行运用。b.能听懂提示语,按照Let’s try的录音内容选词填空。2.过程与方法



1.重点:掌握询问别人喜欢吃食物的句型:What would you like to eat?I’d like..2.难点:句子What would you like to eat?或是drink的灵活运用。I’d like….的不同回答。


The audiotape and record 教学时数 One lesson 课堂类型 New Lesson 教学过程 1.Warm-up a.Greeting: b.Chant: What would you like to eat? I’d like….c.情境引入:教师利用句型What would you like to eat?I’d like….来调查学生.同时,要指导学生“What would you like for lunch?”是指午餐你想吃什么? 2.Presentation a.播放Let’s try,学生判断,整体感知。b.学生试读Let’s talk,教师巡视,个别指导。

c.学生交流,质疑答疑。如果学生没有问题,教师要提出:如What about you?是什么意思。

d.播放录音,学生跟读。3.Consolidation a.Pair work.Role play the dialogue.b.替换练习,改编对话。4.Extension 为学生介绍中国及其他国家的饮食文化。课堂练习:

完成Talk and match的练习。课堂小结:

学生小组归纳总结本节课学到了什么? 作业布置:



Unit 3

What would you like?

What would you like to eat? I’d like….Period 3 教学目标 1.知识与技能

a.能够掌握Let’s spell部分的新词汇:cow, flower, wow, down, slow, snow, yellow, window.b.能够理解Let’s spell部分的chant。c.能够完成本课时的练习。2.过程与方法





The audiotape and record 教学时数: One lesson 课堂类型: New Lesson 教学过程: Step 1.Warm-up a.听唱 “Who’s your teacher?”

b.复习上一单元内容,Let’s spell 部分的字母组合的发音/i:/.Step 2.Presentation

a.Present: cow, flower, wow, down, b.Present : slow, snow, yellow, window.c.利用单词、字母的拼写进行巩固,学生手持一个字母,教师报单词,学生上台组合成该单词。(class work)d.听Let’s learn录音、模仿。总结发音规律。字母组合ow的发音/au/和/ԑu/

e.Let’s chant.听、学Let’s chant.用背景图展现chant内容。其中的形容词可用前三课时中所学的进行替换、自编。

Step 3.Listen, circle and say a.cow snow down b.how flower window c.now snowy slow d.wow tomorrow yellow e.让学生再听录音,订正答案。4.Listen,write and say。

a.Listen to the tape and finish the sentences.b.Listen to the tape again and choose one sentences from above and write.课堂练习

Listen, write and say.Listen to the tape finish the sentences and read the sentences together, 课堂小结 The pronunciations.作业布置



Unit 3 What would you like ?




down, slow



window..Period 4 教学目标 1.知识与技能

a.能够听、说、读、写本课时四会单词:delicious, hot, sweet, fresh, healthy。b.能够完成 look, write and say 部分的练习。c.能够了解Story time部分故事大意。2.过程与方法



1.重点:听、说、读、写四会掌握Let’s learn中的单词。2.难点:单词healthy的发音。教学准备

The audiotape and record 教学时数 One lesson 课堂类型 New Lesson 教学过程 1.warm-up a.Greeting: b.Let’s sing:

c.Free-talk(情境引入): 通过谈话,自然过渡。如师生问答:What would you like to eat? I’d like fish, tomatoes and tofu.教师接着问:Do you like fish? Why?从而引出fresh等词。

2.Presentation a.板书fresh,并采取多种方式拼读。

b.T: Do you like tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and potatoes? What for?从而引出healthy,同时教学delicious,然后进行各种拼读练习。

c.利用糖的实物,洋装品尝呈现表情,进行教学:sweet,。教学中同时重复It’s my favourite.d.Play the audiotape and repeat.3.practice a.品液体,猜味道。一名学生品尝液体或某种食物,呈现不同表情,然后学生们猜测:Is it salty?…

b.出示单词卡片,快速记忆单词。c.完成Look, write and say 部分的练习.4.Extension Story time.a.Listen to the tape and repeat.b.Read the story together.课堂练习




Unit 3 What would you like ?

fresh healthy

sweet hot


Period 5 教学目标


a.能听懂、会说:What’s your favourite food ? I love/ like …并能在情景中熟练运用。

b.能够听懂Let’s try的录音,为几张图配对。2.过程与方法




1.重点:句型What’s your favourite food ? I like …

2.难点:单词favourite 的发音。




教学时数 One lesson 课堂类型 New lesson 教学过程

1.Warming up


b.Say the chant of Part B Let’s chant 2.Preview a.Let’s try

b.Review the chant of Grade four 3.Presentation

a.T:Do you like fish?(mutton,pork,eggplants,grapes,cucumbers,tomatoes)S:Yes,I do.或No, I don’t.回答。b.Talk about What’s your favourite food?

T:Fish is my favourite food.What’s your favourite food? 学生模仿问句What’s your favourite food? 的读音。b.Practice the sentence: What’s your favourite food?

A:What’s your favourite food?

B:I like … c.Let’s talk

Listen to the tape and read the dialogue in roles.4.Let’s play Pair work 将表发给每两人一张,同位子两人先用所学句型谈论各自喜欢的食品,并运用所学形容词简单说明原因,完成两边表格中的句子:I like...It’s / They are...;然后讨论共同喜欢的食品:I like...Do you like...? 完成中间表格的句子:We like...向全班汇报:I like...My partner likes...We like....5、Consolidation and extension


b.Present Time

将Task time 1 学生在课后制作的有关食物的小广告,展示出来。

课堂练习Make a survey 课堂小结

What’s your favourite food? I like ….在情景中的应用 作业布置

1.Finish off the exercises on page 22 of exercise book.2.Write a short passage about your favourite food.(选做。不少于五句话。)板书设计

Unit 3 What would you like ?

What’s your favourite food? I love/like …

It’s / They are...Period 6 教学目标 1.知识与技能

a.能够听、说、读、写本课时四会句子:What’s your favourite fruit? I like apples.They’re sweet.并能在情景中正确运用。


c.能够完成Let’s check部分和Let’s wrap it up 部分的练习。2.过程与方法




The audiotape and record 教学时数 One lesson 课堂类型 New Lesson 教学过程 1.Greeting 2.Show-time

学生展示自己制作的广告宣传画,两人一组向大家介绍:What’s your favourite food/fruit? I like …

3.Free-talk What’s your favourite fruit?(板书)I like apples.Why? They’re sweet.Do you like grapes? Why? 4.Presentation Look!What’s Zoom’s favourite food? Why? Let’s Read and write.a.四人一组,互助学习。b.小组展示,教师指导。

c.质疑答疑。(学生如果提不出问题,教师可以设疑,如:I’m heavy now.是什么意思?)

d.播放录音,学生跟读。5.Practice a.四人一组,角色表演。b.完成习题,组内交流。c.激励学生,速记句子。d.小组合作,完成表格。6.Extension Pronunciation Listen to the tape and try to read.课堂练习: Let’s check.课堂小结:


1.将Read and write中的句子按照格式,抄写在作业本上。2.四人一组,将Read and write表演给同学们。板书设计:

6.英语必修五unit3教案 篇六

教学课题:人教版高中英语 必修一

Unit 3 Travel journal Reading: Journey down the Mekong



该课程标准强调“使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极地情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践的过程。”英语教学是一种教与学的双边活动,教学的实质是交际。从这个意义出发,阅读不应是传统意义上的接受性技能(receptive skill),而是一个积极主动的思考理解及获取信息的过程,同时也是作者与阅读者双方参与的言语交际、思想交流的过程。信息时代的到来需要人们进行广泛而有效的阅读,因而对阅读技巧的培养也提出了更高的要求。










2、技能目标:通过skimming,careful reading,generalization,inference 等阅读技能训练,提高阅读能力和阅读技能,培养学生获取信息、处理信息、运用信息进行推理、判断的能力;学会用英语来表达与旅游文化相关的话题;学会用英语设计旅游计划。


(四)教学重点与难点 教学重点



1、如何利用略读、查读等阅读技巧来确定关键词、主题句、形成 阅读策略。









通过pair work, group work等活动形式,培养学生的学习策略。





Step 1 pre-reading 10’ 1.Warming up and leading-in 1.Present some pictures which I took of beautiful places to arouse their interest of traveling.Have a free talk with the students.Ask them a question: Do you like traveling? Why? 2.Share some pictures of rivers.Let them guess the names of these rivers.3.Ask students: “Have you visited the Mekong River?” If no, show a map to them, then introduce some information about Mekong River and show a video of Mekong River.设计意图:


2.Prediction 学生预测课文内容,教讲解预测策略。设计意图:

有意识地培养学生的预测能力,增加阅读的兴趣,提高阅读的效率。Step 2 while-reading 25’ Task1略读

快速阅读文章,帮助学生归纳文章大意。简单讲解略读策略。Task 2.跳读


1.Who have the journey down the Mekong River ? 2.What is the relationship between them? 3.Where did they go? 4.when did they get the chance to realize their dream? 5.How did they travel along the Mekong River? Why? 偶数排的学生阅读二,三段,找出问题答案。

Q1: Where is the source of the river and which sea does it enter? Q2: What difficulties did Wang Kun and Wang Wei find about their journey? Q3: What can you see when you travel along the Mekong? 将学生重新组合,奇数拍与偶数排组成一组,共分成若干小组,在一起讨论,问答,交换信息。

设计意图:利用信息差,是学生通过语言交际活动把所缺的信息补充完整,达到对课文内容全面了解的目的。Task 3 detail reading 学生详读课文,尝试概括总结王坤和王薇对待这场旅行的不同观点态度。Task 4 Language learning 让学生从文章里找出一些重要的单词和短语,并能够记住它们。1.Words and phrases that indicate people’s attitude and personality: dream about , be fond of, care about, determined, stubborn, insist, shortcoming, make up her mind, change her mind, give in, reliable 2.Words and phrases that relate to a trip plan ever since, persuade, graduate, cycle, organize, schedule, journey 3.Names of certain places glacier, rapids, valley, waterfall, delta 设计意图: 引导学生掌握有用的词汇和表达,并应用到实际语言交际中。Step 3: Post-reading 10’

运用本节课所学知识(单词,短语,be doing结构)制定旅行计划。Group discussion: A travel plan Destination: Reasons: Transport: Reasons: Budget: Preparations: 设计意图:创设一个真实的场景,让学生们在这个场景中用英语进行思考、表达及交流。该阶段也是学生们在课堂上运用英语的一个真实展示。Step 4 Homework 1.Make a travel plan for your summer holiday, use the words, phrases and sentences learnt from in this class.2.preview the tasks in learning about language.三、板书设计






1.课前给学生提供充分的时间预习课文,并梳理好文章脉络,充分发挥学生 的主观能动性

7.英语必修五unit3教案 篇七

1.Talk about science fiction.

2.Learn to express beliefs and doubts.

3.Learn about Word Formation2.

4.Practise creative writing.

The First Period Warming up& Listening& Speaking

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn about some scientific facts by doing a small science quiz.

2.Train the students’ listening ability.

3.Develop the students’ speaking ability by talking about science fiction using the useful expressions for beliefs and doubts.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Master the useful expressions for beliefs and doubts.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.

2.How to finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Methods:

1.Free talk to arouse the students’ interest in science fiction.

2.Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.

3.Discussion to make the students finish the task of speaking.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Free-talk and Lead-in

T: Do you like reading novels?

Ss: Yes.

T: What kind of novel do you like best?

S1: I like reading detective novels.

T: Why do you like novels of this kind?

S1: Because this kind of novel is full of suspension and the end of it is often surprising.

T: Very good. Does anyone have a different opinion?

S2:I enjoy reading about science fiction.

T: Tell us why, please.

S2:Science fiction is often about the things that may be possible in the far future. It can help us develop our minds and imagination.

T:A good job. Sit down, please. Today we’re going to talk about science fiction.

(Bb: Unit 12 Fact and fantasy)

Step Ⅲ Warming up

T:OK. Now, look at the covers of the two books written by Jules Verne.(The multimedia shows the two books.)

T: Have you read them?

(Some say “Yes”,while some say “No”.Teacher asks two students who say “Yes” to stand up and say something they know about the books.)

S3:I have read the book “20 000 Leagues under the sea”.It mainly tells us a story in which Dr Aronnax, his servant and a Canadian whale hunter were kept as prisoners by Captain Nemo and then went on a voyage across the oceans by the Nautilus.

S4:The book “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” describes what two men experienced after entering the centre of the earth through a chimney in an extinct volcano, which lies in Ireland.

T: You’re wonderful! Have you read any of his books besides these two books? What are they about?

S5:I have heard of his book “Around the World in 80 Days”,but I haven’t read it. So I don’t know what it is about.

T: It doesn’t matter. If you’re interested in it, you can go to the library or surf the Internet to read it after class. Jules Verne lived between 1828 and 1905,so there were many scientific facts that he didn’t know or guess. Do you know the following facts? Now,let’s have a quiz to see if you know any better.

(Teacher uses the multimedia to show the following.)

1.What is the highest mountain on earth and how high it is?

2.What is the deepest point in the ocean and where is it?

3.Which is the longest river on earth and how long is it?

4.What is the distance from the earth to the moon? 5.How far is it to the centre of the earth?

6.How high are the temperatures near the centre of the earth?

7.What is the longest distance around the world?

8.How fast does a balloon travel?How about an aeroplane?How about a space shuttle?

T: Now, I’ll give you five minutes to write your answers on a piece of paper. After a while, you can check your answers with the screen and tell me how many points you get.(Five minutes later)Time is up. Have you finished?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now check your answers. (Show the answers on the screen.)

Step Ⅳ Listening

T: So much for Warming up. Now, let’s do some listening. Look at the listening part on Page 9.Listen to the tape and write down where, when and what Sam and Betty saw. Then according to the description you hear on the tape, make a sketch of the animal. Are you clear about that?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now, let’s listen to the tape carefully and finish the task.

(Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen. Then give the students a few minutes to fill in the chart and make a sketch of the animal as they saw. When they finish, teacher checks their answers and picks out one sketch of the animal drawn vividly by them as an example.)

T: OK. Let’s go on with the listening practice. Listen to the tape again and then finish Exercise 2.Before listening to the tape, you need to go through the questions and know what to do.(After a little while.)Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

(Teacher begins to play the tape for the second time. During this time, teacher may pause for the students to write down the answers to the questions. At last, check the answers with the whole class.)

T: Now, write down five possible questions that other people may later ask Sam, Betty and Karen. First discuss in pairs and then write down your answers when you’ve finished. Exchange your questions with other groups.

(Students do as the teacher says.)

Step Ⅴ Speaking

T: As we know, science fiction is often about things we believe may be possible in the far future, maybe a hundred years later. For example, space travel may be possible in the near future. Because Yang Liwei went on a 17-hour travel to space by Shenzhou Ⅴ spaceship last year. But sometimes people doubt whether science fiction may come true. Do you agree with me?

Ss: Yes.

T: Now, open your books and turn to Page 10.Let’s look at the Speaking part. There are four dialogues about such topics, which are incomplete. Work in pairs to create dialogues. When you’re making the dialogue, you can use the expressions on the blackboard. (Teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)

I believe… I suppose… I doubt…

I’m(not) certain… I can’t imagine… It could be…but…

It’s likely… It would like… I’m sure that…

T :Now, look at the blackboard. The useful expressions are used to express beliefs and doubts. They’re helpful for you to create the dialogues. I’ll give you a few minutes to do them. After a while, I will ask some groups to act out your dialogues. Each group should choose a topic you’re interested in. Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. You can begin.

(Teacher goes among the students while they’re making their dialogues. It necessary, teacher may give them some advice.)

T:(A few minutes later) Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Which group would like to act out your dialogue?

(Two students stand up and act out their dialogue before the class.)

T: Thank you for your good performance. Please go back to your seats. Which group has made a different dialogue?

(Another two students stand up and their topic is about life in 3098.)

(Teacher at least asks four groups to act out their dialogues before the class, and their topics should be different from each other’s.)

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we’ve talked about science fiction and done some listening and speaking practice. When talking about science fiction, we have done a science quiz to help us learn more about some scientific facts. In the speaking part, we’ve learnt to express our beliefs and doubts freely by making dialogues. Besides, we have also talked about an imaginative dream in the practice part. After class, according to what you’ve said in class, make a dialogue using the useful expressions on the blackboard. At last, don’t forget to prepare for the next period. That’s all for today. See you tomorrow.

Ss: See you tomorrow.

The Second Period Reading

Teaching Aims:

1.Learn and master the useful words and phrases.

2.Train the students’ reading ability.

3.Let the students learn about the French writer Jules Verne and his two famous science fictions.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Improve the students’ reading ability.

2.Master the useful phrases.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to make the students understand the passage better.

2.How to help the students finish all the exercises in Post-reading.

Teaching Methods:

1.Discussion before reading to make students learn more about some scientific facts.

2.Fast-reading method to get the general idea of the passage.

3.Careful-reading method to get the detailed information in the text.

4.Discussion after reading to help the students finish the tasks in Post-reading.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

StepⅠ Lead-in and Pre-reading

T: Yesterday we talked about science fiction and also had a scientific test. By doing the exercises, we learnt some scientific facts. Today, let’s continue to learn more about scientific facts. Look at the pictures on the screen.

(Show the following pictures on the multimedia.)

T: Here are three great inventions. Who can say when the inventions in the pictures were made?

S1:Electric railway was invented in the early years of the 20th century.

S2:Thomas Edison invented the light bulb in 1879.

S3:Steam-powered boat was made in 1807.

T: You’re quite right


T: Yesterday, we talked about a famous writer, who is known for science fiction. Who is he?

Ss: Jules Verne.

T: Good. Do you remember the books written by him and talked about by us in the last period?

Ss: Yes.(Students say out the titles of the books together.)

T: Very good. Open your books and turn to Page 12.Let’s look at the reading passage. Before you read it, write down eight key words that you expect to find in the reading passage .Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

(Students begin to write eight key words. After they finish, teacher says the following.)

T: Now, read the passage quickly to check whether the words you’ve written are all in the passage.

(Students begin to read the passage and then check their words. As answers are various, teacher may just check two or three students individually.)

T: Well, re-read the passage carefully to further understand it. Then answer the questions on the screen.

(Show the following on the multimedia.)

1.To make a living, what did Jules Verne have to do?

2.What will many of the instruments in his novels remind the readers of?

3.How did Verne lay the foundation of modern science fiction?

4.In his novel “20 000 Leagues Under the Sea”,what kind of person is Captain Nemo?

5.How does the story “Journey to the Centre of the Earth” begin and end up?

(A few minutes later, teacher asks some of them to answer the questions one by one.)

Suggested answers:

1.To make a living, Jules Verne had to write and sell stories.

2.They will remind the readers of Dr Benjamin Franklin’s experiment with electricity.

3.By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further.

4.He is someone you will neither like nor dislike. He is very cruel because he keeps Aronnax and others as prisoners and destroys ships. But at other moments, he is gentle and weak because he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk.

5.The story begins with the discovery of an ancient document and ends up with them being shot out of a volcano in southern Italy with ever increasing speed and temperature.

Step Ⅲ Language Points

T: Now, you’re familiar with the passage. But I think the following on the screen should also be paid attention to.

(Show the following on the multimedia.)

1.make a living(=earn one’s living)

e.g. She made a living by singing in a nightclub.

2.lay the foundation of

e.g. Four-year college life laid solid foundations of his career.

3.come true

e.g. The boy’s wish to become a PLA man has come true.

4.set out

e.g. They set out to look for the lost child.

5.turn out(to be)+adj./n.

e.g. The weather man said it was going to rain this afternoon but it turned out to be very lovely.

To everyone’s surprise, the fashionable girl turned out to be a thief.


e.g. We should defend our country against attacks.

7.be dressed in

e.g. The girl was always dressed in red.

Dressed in uniform, he looks handsome.

Step Ⅳ Post-reading

T: Now, read the passage again. Then finish Exercise 2 in Post-reading on Page 13.

(After a while, teacher checks their answers with the whole class.)

Suggested answers:

2.During the time they do all they can to continue to live…

3.They realize that they come to the surface of the monster

4.his long-term guests

T: Well. Now, please look at Exercise 4.In Jules Verne’s times, the knowledge about the earth was very limited, and many scientific facts couldn’t be explained by people. But Jules Verne contained a lot of knowledge about the earth in his novel. Where do you think he might have got his ideas from? You can use all the knowledge you have learnt to explain the questions. Work in groups of four to have a discussion.

(After a while, teacher checks their answers. Students may have various answers.)

T: OK. Let’s go on with the exercises in Post-reading. Under water travel and space travel have many things in common. Do you know the differences and similarities between them? Work in groups of four to finish the chart of Exercise 3.

Suggested answers:


Speed slow fast

Landscape under water landscape space landscape

Number for people a lot of people a few people

Food common food special space food

Clothes diving suits space suits

Similarities Demand for skills is high.

They’re both exciting.

Tourists must be trained by experts.

They’re expensive.

T: Well done! If you were going to climb down into a very deep cave, which tools and things would you bring? What would be the most important dangers and things that could happen? Work in groups of five to discuss the questions and then finish the chart in Exercise 5.Is that clear?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. You can begin.

(Teacher gives them a few minutes. Teacher joins them in the discussion and gives some advice if necessary.)

Suggested answers:

Preparation: Tools and things to bring Risks: Dangerous and things that could happen

food, water, warm clothes, ropes, matches, a knife, a chisel, some medicines losing one’s way falling into a hole being injured

Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework

T: In this period, we’ve read a passage about Jules Verne. By reading, we’ve learnt more about Jules Verne and his two novels. We’ve also learnt some useful expressions and done some concerned exercises. After class, try to make more sentences using them to master them better. Besides, read the passage over and over and prepare for retelling it. At last, preview the third period-Language Study. Class is over.

The Third Period Grammar

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the new words appearing in the last periods.

2.Learn to use the rules of word formation to guess the meaning of the word.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Learn to choose proper words according to the contexts of the given passage.

2.Learn to guess the meaning of the words by the meaning of some stems and affixes.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.Master the meanings of the following stems and affixes:

mis-=wrong extra-=outside inter-=between sub-=under

under-=below over-=too much dis-=not -marine=sea

2.How to guess the meanings of the words according to these stems and affixes.

Teaching Methods:

1.Review method to consolidate what we’ve learnt.

2.Practice to make the students learn and master these stems and affixes, and then guess the meanings of the words using what they’ve learnt.

3.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T: In the last period we learnt a passage about a French famous writer Jules Verne. Now, who’d like to retell the text? (One student stands up and retells the text in his own words.)

T: Very good. It seems that you’ve read the passage again and again.

Step Ⅲ Word Study

T: In the last period, we learnt some new words. Now, let’s review them. Take a piece of paper and write down the words and phrases when I read them in Chinese. Are you ready?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Let’s begin.

(Teacher says the following words in Chinese and students write them down in English: collision, permanent, voyage, escape, on board, fiction, fantasy)

T: If you’ve written them down, make a short sentence using every word. After a while, I’ll ask some of you to read out your sentences.(A few minutes later)Have you finished?

Ss: Yes.

T: OK. Who’d like to make a sentence using the first word “collision”?

S1:The plane crashed after a collision with a tall building, killing all the passengers on board.

T: Very good. Next word “permanent”.Who will try?

S2:Love is a permanent topic for us all.

S3:Next month, he is going to go on a voyage across the English Channel.

S4:A thief robbed the young lady of her handbag and escaped.

S5:All passengers on board are not from the same country.

S6:He is fond of science fiction.

S7:Not all fantasy can be realized in the future.

T: Well done. Your sentences are very good. Now, please turn to Page 14 and finish the exercises in Word Study. First do it by yourself. Then check your answers in pairs. Finally I’ll check your answers.

Step Ⅳ Word Formation

T: As we know, learning the rules of word formation is one of the ways to enlarge our vocabulary. We can guess the meanings of the words using them without looking them up in the dictionary. Please look at the screen.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)







over-=too much



T: Please look at the screen. Study the meanings of these stems and affixes in pairs and then try to give some examples with the stems and affixes.(A few minutes later)Are you ready? (Ss: Yes.) Now, I’ll ask some students to read out the words they’ve written. Any volunteer?

S: Misconduct, extraordinary, international, subsoil, underground, overcharge, disagree…

(Teacher writes these words on the blackboard.)

T: Terrific! Now, let’s do an exercise. Open your books and turn to Page 12.Look at Word Study, Exercise 1.Match the words and the correct definitions. I’ll give you two minutes to do it, and then I’ll check your answers.

T: You’re right. Now, let’s go on with Exercise 2.Guess the meanings of the words in italics, using context clues and what you know about word parts, and then translate each sentence into Chinese. First do it by yourself, and then check your answers with your partner. Finally, I’ll ask some of you to finish the exercise.

Step Ⅴ Consolidation

T: Look at the screen, please.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

Add a proper affix to each of the following words to form another word.

1.______curricular 2.______ dependent 3.______patient

4.______stop 5.______judge 6.______tired

7.______heading 8.______clothing 9.______advantage

Suggested answers:

1.extra- 2.in- 3.im- 4.non- 5.mis- 6.over- 7.sub- 8.under- 9.dis-

Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T: In this class, we’ve reviewed some new words appearing in the unit by doing exercises. We’ve also learnt some rules of word formation. By doing so, we can guess the meanings of some words without looking them up in the dictionary. After class, learn the affixes on the blackboard by heart, and look for some reading materials to try guessing the meanings of new words. Besides, don’t forget to prepare for the next period. Time is up. That’s all for today. See you next time.

Ss: See you next time.

The Fourth Period Integrating Skills

Teaching Aims:

1.Review the useful expressions learnt in this unit.

2.Review some word formation.

3.Train the students’ writing ability by practising creative writing.

Teaching Important Points:

1.Consolidate word formation learnt yesterday.

2.Help the students finish the creative writing.

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students practise creative writing.

2.How to improve the students’ reading ability.

Teaching Methods:

1.Revision method to help the students consolidate the useful expressions.

2.Question-and-answer activity to help the students understand the reading passage better.

3.Discussion method to help the students finish the task of writing.

4.Individual,pair or group work to make every student work in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step Ⅱ Revision

T: In the last period, we’ve learned some rules of word formation. Do you think knowledge of word formation can help us learn new words? Why?

S1:Yes.Because many English words are formed by adding affixes. So long as you know the meanings of some affixes, and word parts, you will guess the meanings of some new words without looking them up in a dictionary.

T: Quite right. Sit down, please. Now, let’s do an exercise to consolidate it. Please look at the screen, and then fill in the blanks.

(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)







(After a while, teacher asks one student to do the exercise. Then teacher shows the answers on the screen.)

T: Good. Tell me the Chinese meaning of each word, and point out what the suffixes mean.

Suggested answers:

1.潜水艇 sub+ marine sub-=under

2.消失 dis+ appear dis-=not

3.打翻 over+ turn over-=too much

4.因特网 Inter+ net inter-=between

5.在水下的 under+ water under-=below

6.囚犯 prison+er -er=person who carries out the action of the verb

Step Ⅲ Reading

T: In the last two periods, we have learnt much about science fiction and known more about Jules Verne, the father of science fiction, who wrote many famous science fiction, such as 20 000 Leagues Under the Sea, Around the World in 80 Days, Journey to the Centre of the World…He combined fact with fantasy cleverly. Now, we’re going to read another passage about science fiction, whose title is the Story of Dr Frankenstein. Open your books and turn to Page 15.Read the passage quickly and then answer some questions on the screen.

(Show the following on the screen.)

1.What did Dr Frankenstein want to do when he was young?

2.After he was sent to university, what did he think of the things taught at university?

3.What attracted his attention?

4.Did he discover the cause of life?

5.Although he knew how to create life, what remained a difficult work for him?

6.Why did he decide to create a larger human being than man about eight feet in height?

(Teacher gives them five minutes to read them. After that, check their answers.)

Suggested answers:

1.He wanted to learn the secrets of heaven and earth when he was young.

2.He found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided to pioneer a new way himself.

3.The structure of the human body and any animal that was alive attracted his attention.


5.How to prepare a body for it with all its muscles and organs still remained a difficult job for him.

6.Because the small size of the parts slowed down his speed.

T:Now,let’s do an exercise.(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)

1.The boy ______ becoming a pilot.

2.______ before you reach the crossroads.

3.He shouted to ______.

4.The fire ______.

5.Can you ______ the problem?

6.He ______ meat with a sharp knife.

7.Her skin is ______.

T:Fill in the blanks using the proper phrases on the blackboard.

Suggested answers:

1.dreams of 2.Slow down 3.draw people’s attention 4.burn not

5.throw any light on 6.cut up 7.as white as snow

Step Ⅳ Listening and Reading Aloud

T: Now, let’s listen to the tape. First listen and repeat. Then read the passage aloud by yourselves. Pay attention to your pronunciation.

(Teacher plays the tape for the students to listen and follow. Then give them a few minutes to read. After that, ask some students to read the passage and correct the mistakes in pronunciation.)

Step Ⅴ Designing and Writing

T: We have read a passage about Dr Frankenstein, which tells us how Dr Frankenstein created a human being like us. In fact, one of man’s greatest dreams has always been to create life, especially a life form that looks like us: to create a man. Now, look at the screen. Please discuss them in groups of four.

(Teacher shows the following on the multimedia.)

1.How does your doctor create a life form that looks like a human being?

2.Describe your doctor’s efforts to do that.

3.Creat a word web of nouns, verbs and adjectives for the story. Add all the words you need.

(Teacher goes among the students to help them finish the word web.)

Suggested answers:

1.My doctor uses high technological skills to create a life form that looks like a human being, who has the advantages of human beings and animals, and at the same time has the features of advanced computers. It is a superman.

2.My doctor takes the following steps to create the human:

First, choose the cells of human body and fur and features of animals as materials.

Second, use the test tube and medicine to cultivate cells in the lab.

Third, on the one hand, arm the man-made human with culture and thought; n the other hand, put the machine which has the functions of storage, code, language…in the body of him.

Fourth, a superman is born.

3.T: OK. Your imagination is very good. Now, write a short story about how your doctor would create a human being according to what you’ve discussed. Before writing, read the tips for writing on Page 16.They will give you some help.

(The teacher gives the students enough time to finish the task and asks some of them to read their creative writing to the whole class.)

The Fifth Period Word Formation

Teaching Aims:

1.Review all the methods of word formation the students have learned and summarize them.

2.Do some exercises to enable the students to master what they’ve learnt.

Teaching Important Point:

How to enable the students to apply what they’ve learned about word formation to help them in reading comprehension.

Teaching Difficult Point:

How to apply what they’ve learned about word formation to guess the meaning of an unknown word.

Teaching Methods:

1.Explanation to make the students understand what they’ve learned clearly.

2.Practice to enable the students to master what they’ve learned.

3.Pair work or group work to make every student active in class.

Teaching Aids:

1.the multimedia

2.the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision

Greet the whole class as usual.

(Teacher asks one of the students to read his homework and then asks some other students to check it. Then teacher discusses some of the answers with the students and corrects the mistakes the students made in their homework if there are any. At the same time teacher gives some explanation if necessary.)

Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Discussion

T:(Teacher shows the following on the screen.)Let’s do an exercise now. Look at the sentences on the screen. Please fill in the blank of each sentence with a suitable word according to the word given in the bracket.

Complete the following sentences:

1.These gold rings are ______ while those glass ones are ______(value).

2.We all like the report given by the famous scientist yesterday. It is ______(encourage).

3.Mary’s daughter is old enough to ______ and ______ herself.(dress)

4.We were on duty yesterday. But after school we couldn’t find Jack. Tom said that he was ______(self) and must go home.

5.______(self) is a virtue of the Chinese people.

6.He lost his keys. He is ______.I’m sure he will be ______ with everything from now on.(care)

7.At the beginning the Blacks in the US had no right to vote. It was ______(fair).

8.That plan was a waste of money. We ______(agree) with it.

(Teacher goes into the students and has a discussion with them. After a few minutes.)

T: Have you finished?(Ss: Yes.)Now give us your answers please. Volunteer! One student, one answer.

S1:In the first sentence, we should fill “valuable and valueless” in the blanks according to the meaning of the sentence. Am I right?

Ss: Yes, you are right.

S2:The second answer is “encouraging”,I think.

S3:I’ll try the third sentence. I think “dress” and “undress” should be filled in.

S4:The fourth. It is the word “selfishness” that is suitable for this sentence. Am I right?

S5:I can’t agree with you. Here an adjective is needed.“Selfish” is right in this sentence, I believe.

T: Which is right,S4or S5?

S6:I think S5 is right. A word ending with “-ness” is a noun, not an adjective.

T: Is he right?

Ss: Yes, he is right.

T: Please go on!

Suggested answers:





Step Ⅲ Further Discussion

T: Do you like the exercise?(Ss: Yes.)Just now we reviewed a method of word formation. I’m glad you like it. There are four methods of word formation. The first is Clipping or Shortening. For example, telephone→phone; examination→exam; refrigerator→fridge; television→TV; the Chinese Communist Party→CCP etc. Who can give us some other examples?

S7:aeroplane→plane; bicycle→bike; mathematics→maths; very important person→VIP; the United States of America→the US.

S8:photograph→photo; laboratory→lab;October→Oct.; November→Nov.; United Nations→UN

T: So much for this. Now I’ll tell you that the second method of word formation is common.It is conversion.(Show the following on the screen.)Look at the sentences on the screen.Who can tell us the difference between the underlined words in each group of sentences?

Compare the following sentences:

1.a.It has not much taste.

b. The bread tastes delicious.

2.a.They had a quarrel yesterday.

b. They quarrelled for half an hour last night.

3.a.I’ve got an interview with National Chemicals.

b. We interviewed 20 people for the job.

S9:In each group of the sentences, the words underlined belong to the different part of speech. The word in the first sentence is a noun while the other is a verb.

T: That’s right. This method of word formation, Conversion, is to use a form that represents one part of speech as another part of speech without changing the form of the word. The process of creating new words without adding any affixes is also called zero-derivation

Step Ⅴ Test

T: Now let’s have a test.(Show the following on the screen.)Please write your answers on a piece of paper. A few minutes later, we’ll check the answers.

Can you tell us the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence?T ry to guess them.

1.The hall can seat a thousand people.

2.The train slowed down.

3.They helped us bridge over the difficulties.

4.We must better the life of the people.

5.His holiday was ruined by a series of misadventures.

6.There is often subzero temperature in winter here.

7.I disbelieve every word Tom says.

8.He is extra-thin.

9.The article has a subtitle.

Suggested answers:

1.坐 2.慢了下来

2.度过 4.改善

5.不幸事件 6.零度以下

7.不相信 8.相当瘦


Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework

T: In this class we’ve reviewed the four methods of word formation and some useful affixes…(Teacher writes all of these on the blackboard.)To master some knowledge of word formation is very important. It can not only help to improve our ability to read English articles but also help us remember new words. I say, it is a useful tool in helping us study English. Let’s work hard at it. Today’s homework: Collect as many prefixes as you can and divide them into groups according to their meanings. So much for this class. Good-bye!

Ss: Good-bye!

The computer is a wonderful machine. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in them and be taken out any time when it is needed. So computers are used a lot in many ways.

Scientists are trying to make computers smaller and smaller so that they can be easily used. Computers have worked faster and faster now.

Computers can do many kinds of work. They can be used in doing business work, in scientific research work and in science of medicine. We can see them in some large factories, even in many homes. They have become popular indeed.

The computer is a wonderful machine. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in them and be taken out any time when it is needed. So computers are used a lot in many ways.

Scientists are trying to make computers smaller and smaller so that they can be easily used. Computers have worked faster and faster now.

Computers can do many kinds of work. They can be used in doing business work, in scientific research work and in science of medicine. We can see them in some large factories, even in many homes. They have become popular indeed.

The computer is a wonderful machine. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in them and be taken out any time when it is needed. So computers are used a lot in many ways.

Scientists are trying to make computers smaller and smaller so that they can be easily used. Computers have worked faster and faster now.

Computers can do many kinds of work. They can be used in doing business work, in scientific research work and in science of medicine. We can see them in some large factories, even in many homes. They have become popular indeed.

The computer is a wonderful machine. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in them and be taken out any time when it is needed. So computers are used a lot in many ways.

Scientists are trying to make computers smaller and smaller so that they can be easily used. Computers have worked faster and faster now.

Computers can do many kinds of work. They can be used in doing business work, in scientific research work and in science of medicine. We can see them in some large factories, even in many homes. They have become popular indeed.

The computer is a wonderful machine. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in them and be taken out any time when it is needed. So computers are used a lot in many ways.

Scientists are trying to make computers smaller and smaller so that they can be easily used. Computers have worked faster and faster now.

Computers can do many kinds of work. They can be used in doing business work, in scientific research work and in science of medicine. We can see them in some large factories, even in many homes. They have become popular indeed.

The computer is a wonderful machine. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in them and be taken out any time when it is needed. So computers are used a lot in many ways.

Scientists are trying to make computers smaller and smaller so that they can be easily used. Computers have worked faster and faster now.

Computers can do many kinds of work. They can be used in doing business work, in scientific research work and in science of medicine. We can see them in some large factories, even in many homes. They have become popular indeed.

The computer is a wonderful machine. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in them and be taken out any time when it is needed. So computers are used a lot in many ways.

Scientists are trying to make computers smaller and smaller so that they can be easily used. Computers have worked faster and faster now.
