


1.届高三英语寒假作业练习反馈讲义(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) 篇一

1. be considerate of sb. 体谅某人

联想:take sth. into consideration 考虑某事

considering prep. 就… 而论; 考虑到

2. convince sb. of sth 使某人相信某事

convince sb. that… 使某人相信 convincing adj.有说服力的

be convinced of sth. 深信某事

be convinced that 深信….

3. commit a mistake / error 犯错误

commit sth to sb. 把某物托付给某人

commit sb. to prison 把某人送进监狱

commit sb to do /doing 责成某人做某事

commit sth. to memory 把某事记住

4. set about (doing) 开始做;着手处理

set out (to do) 开始做;着手处理

set down 放下;搁下;记下;写下

set aside 拨出/节省;对..不予考虑/把…置于一旁;驳回/撤消

set in (疾病、坏天气等)开始来临===

set off 1)出发 2)使爆炸 3)衬托;使更为突出

set up 建立(事业);成立(组织)

be set in 为(故事、戏剧等)构设背景。

5.be guilty of a crime 犯了罪 have a guilty conscience 问心无愧

6.accuse sb. of sth (= charge sb. with sth ) 指责/控告某人某事

be under accusation 被控告

7.be vital to 对…非常重要 be of vital importance 极其重要的

8. pass on 1)传下来;传给(后代) 2)离去;往前

pass away 去世;死

pass by 漠视;不理会

pass down 传递(=pass on )

9. have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择只好干….

10. live/lead a sad / lonely life 过着悲惨/孤独的生活

11. go wrong 出毛病,走错路

12.keep off 勿踏;让开 keep out 勿入;(使)在外 反义词 keep in

13.even though /even if 即使( 引导让步状语从句)从句中可用虚拟语气

14. be mistaken about sth/sb. 弄错 mistake… for… 误认

15.first of all = as the first thing 表示其后的内容先于其他发生

above all = more important than anything else 表示“特别重要的是/尤其是”强调其后的内容不同寻常,比其他重要。

16. protect …. from… 保护…不受侵害

prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

keep sb. from doing sth. 让某人避开做某事

persuade sb. from doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事

17. make a beeline for :走近路,走直路

The hungry boy made a beeline for dinner. 那个饥饿的男孩直奔回家吃饭.

18. come to light 显露,暴露,被发现 bring …to light 将…曝光,揭露

throw/cast light on/ upon 使明白,解释

19. 1) (=be busy with) “忙于” What are the children up to now?

2)“由某人负责” It’s up to you to take care of the children.

up to 3) “胜任;适于” He is still not up to the age.

4) 后接表示时间的词语,表示“直到某个时间”。

I haven’t heard from him up to now.

20.compare … to ….把…比做…. compare …. with …. 把…与… 进行比较

compare with/ to 和… 比较…(常用于句首或句尾做插入语)

21.tell …apart… 把…区分开来 tell A from B 辨别A 和B(= distinguish..from..)

22.be anxious about 为… 担忧… be anxious for sth. 渴望(了解;得到)

be eager for sth. 盼望;想得到 be eager to do 渴望做某事

be worried about 为…发愁 be curious about sth. 对…好奇

23. over and over again=again and again=time and time again=over and over一再地,经常地,重复地

24. 1)前进,进来 He came up to me and held my hands tightly.

2)上升 The sun came up at that time.

come up 3)长出,发芽 These seeds haven’t come up yet.

4)被提出讨论 The question came up at the meeting yesterday.

联想:come about发生; come across 碰见,受欢迎; come at袭击;

come down下降,流传;come out with 说出,透漏;come to oneself苏醒

25 a variety of +n.(pl.) 做主语时,谓语动词用复数。A variety of toys are on show in the shop.

The variety of +n.(pl.) 做主语时,谓语动词用单数.The variety of books he has is astonishing.

26.provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物

联想:be supplied with be equipped with be furnished with

be fitted with

27.award sb. a prize( award a prize to sb) 授奖给某人

award sb. the title of 授予某人…的称号

28.cover…with…. 用… 盖… be covered with 被…覆盖… (表状态)

be covered by 被… 覆盖….(表动作)

29. be divided into 把….分成… divide sth. in half / into halves 把…分成两半

divide up 划分;分配 divided by 除以 separate A from B 使A和B分离

30.keep in touch with 与.. 保持联系 get in touch with 与…取得联系

lose touch with 与… 失去联系 be out of touch with 与…失去联系

31.make sense of (=understand) 弄懂;理解 make sense 讲的通;有意义

make no sense 讲不通;无意义 in a sense 就某种意义而言;在某种意义上

32.be adapted to 适应 The plants are adapted to various climates and soil.

33.at a time (=each time) 每次 at one time (过去)曾经;一度

at the time 那时 at any time 任何时候 at the same time 同时

in time 迟早;及时 in no time 立即;很快 at no time 决不

for a time 暂时;一度 all the time 一直 for the first time 第一次

after a time 过了一会 ahead of time 提前 for the time being 暂时

2.届高三英语寒假作业练习反馈讲义(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) 篇二

Direction: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer that completes the sentence.

1. I opened the window _____ overlooked the garden.

A. who B. through which C. which D. where

2. Nowhere else_____such perfect silence_____in these mountains.

A. there is…as B. there is…like C. is there…like D. is there…as

3. _____the poor suffered in the underdeveloped area!

A. How hard B. How C. What D. How terrible

4. With all the things he_______,Mr. Smith left the supermarket and went home at once.

A. needed buy B. needed bought C. needed buying D. needs buy

5. John plays the violin______,if not better than David.

A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as

6. Xiamen is___most beautiful coast city and I believe I will come for_____second


A. the…an B. a…a C. the…the D. a…the

7. The first country singer liked singing____the guitar.

A. with B. while played C. to D. by

8. Ten years had passed and I found Mr. Zhang had_____.

A. a little white hair B. some white hair C. a few white hairs D. much white hair

9. John_____a book about China last year,but I didn’t know whether he has finished it.

A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing

10. Without the air to hold some of the sun’s heat,the earth at night_____,too.

A. would be freezing cold B. will be freezing cold

C. would be frozen cold D. can freeze coldly

11. His close friend and fellow actor_____always encouraging him to write a book on his own experiences during the war.

A. are B. were C. is D. be

12. The nurses are trying their best to quiet the patient’s fear____she would die of the


A. as B. which C. for which D. that

13. My orders are important, so pay ____ to what I am going to say.

A. interest B. attention C. care D. notice

14. He did not succeed in his task in ____ of all his careful preparations.

A. case B. point C. favor D. spite

15. Though I’m really a very ____ person, I can’t wait for you any longer.

A. patient B. sensitive C. modest D. sociable

16. He lifted the heavy box, and it was the greatest ____ had ever made.

A. strength B. force C. power D. effort

17. ---I can’t get my car______on cold morning.

---Have you tried______radiator with hot water?

A. started…to fill B. started…filling C. start…filling D. start…filling

18. What a pity my new computer doesn’t work._____must be something wrong with it.

A. It B. There C. This D. That

19. The students,______at the way the question was put,didn’t know how to answer it.

A. being surprising B. surprising C. surprised D. having surprised

20. We’ll be much obliged if you will be_______to make suggestions for improvement of

our work.

A. so kind as B. enough kind C. so kind D. as kind as

21. ---It rained so heavily that I had no choice but to stay at home.

---Anybody in your position______the same.

A. does B. will do C. has done D. would have done

22. She______the hospital so soon, for she has not yet recovered.

A. needn’t have left B. shouldn’t have left C. mustn’t have left D. hadn’t had left

23. When you need help, you should know the private and public sources______you can

turn for assistance.

A. which B. that C. to which D. in that

24.If you are a man, you may point out that most scientists are male; if you are a woman,

you may say that_______are most prisoners.

A. the same B. so C. also D. even

25. I don’t think he could have done such a stupid thing last night,_______?

A. do I B. could he C. did he D. has he

26. Higher and higher_____and then the kite was out of sight.

A. flew it B. it flew C. did it fly D. was it flying

27. The sunlight came in ____ the windows in the roof and lit up the whole room.

A. through B. across C. on D. over

28. So difficult ____ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well.

A. I have felt B. have I felt C. I did feel D. did I feel

29. I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, ____?

A. do I B. don’t I C. will they D. won’t they

30. You can’t imagine that a well-behaved gentleman ____ be so rude to a lady.

A. might B. need C. should D. would

31. As I know, there is __ __ car in this neighborhood.

A. no such B. no a C. not such D. no such a

32. What would have happened, __ __, as far as the river bank?

A. Bob had walked farther B. if Bob should walk farther

C. had Bob walked farther D. if Bob walked farther

33. ___ __for your laziness,you would be a good student.

A. Were not it B. Were it not C. If were it not D. If were it

34. He fell in love with the girl at first______.

A. scene B. sight C. look D. view

35. You are old enough to______your own living.

A. maintain B. manage C. earn D. arrange

36. What worried the child most was______to visit his mother in the hospital.

A. his now allowing B. his not being allowed

C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed

37. The tower has been rebuilt so that it looks as if______during the 18th century.

A. it were done B. it used to be C. it was done D. it had been done

38. The teacher patiently gave us many examples in order to get the difficult points in the passage fully_____.

A. explaining B. explain C. to explain D. explained

39. They were surprised that a child should work out the problem______they themselves could not.

A. once B. then C. while D. if

40. Her pale face suggested that she_____in bad health,but she still insisted that the

meeting______on time.

A. be…would be held B. was…be held

C. was…should held D. being…was to be held

41. They must have finished their work now,_____?

A. must they B. haven’t they C. didn’t they D. don’t they

42. We’ll discuss such problems______something to do with our own interests.

A. which was B. as have C. as has D. what have

43. ---Will your brother go to the concert?

---_______if I go.

A. So is he B. He does too C. So will he D. So does he

44. ---I haven’t heard from Henry for a long time.

---What do you suppose ______to him?

A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened

45. He was seen ______ a letter in his bed room.

A. write B. to write C. written D. wrote

46. Those who learn from their mistakes will change for______.

A. the best B. the better C. better D. good

47. I want to start my own business if I can ______the money

A. claim B. lift C. raise D. demand

48. The college student has got a part-time ______working in the garage.

A. duty B. task C. job D. assignment

49. Ronald Reagan was ______a Hollywood movie star.

A. from time to time B. at times C. at one time D. time and again

50. Our school has sent two ______students to foreign countries every year. So they can

experience a real English environment.

A. dozen B. dozens C. dozens of D. dozen of

3.届高三英语寒假作业练习反馈讲义(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) 篇三





2008年高考英语试题较全面地考虑到湖南的英语教学实际,充分体现了新课程改革精神,将《新课标》理念渗透于整个试卷中,主要表现在: (1)强调语言的基础性及综合能力的考查,注重语言的实用性,体现了能力,方法和知识的相互渗透,基础和深度并举。 听力填空题既考查了考生获取信息的能力,又考查了考生归纳整合与转换信息的能力。单项填空题强调在语境条件下,对基础语法知识进行了考查。完形填空题考查了考生在语篇层次上,灵活运用所学语言知识的综合能力。其中有些试题需要考生逾越句子,甚至段落来进行理解和推断。阅读填空题考查了考生综合运用语言知识和各种技能的能力。写作则对考生的行为习惯、语言组织能力和创造能力提出了更高的要求。 (2)语言及选材的时代性强。反映了当今语言的变化,使考生感受了当代语言的鲜活性和时代性。


项目 题号 话题

听力 1 购物付账

2 交通搭车

3 信件收发

4 礼物赠送

5 师生课堂

6--7 改变计划,观看北京奥运

8--10 问路去动物园

11--13 营前准备

14--17 诉苦抱怨

18--20 快乐购-广告词

完形填空 36--55 儿时趣事-“投蛋比赛”

阅读理解 56--59 介绍图书馆的通知

60--64 建筑艺术,实现梦想

65--68 哈欠的连锁反应,谜底揭开

69--72 名人效应,光环不再

73--75 冰雕比赛,灵感何来

阅读填空题 76--85 绿色屋顶:粗放型+集约型

书面表达 我的“喜好”?




3: 难易度适当,较好地体现了试卷的选拔功能



0.7以上 07-0.4 0.4以下

14(18.7%) 42(56.0%) 19(25.3%)

15(20%) 44(58.7%) 16(21.3%)

13(17.3%) 51(68%) 11(14.7%)



1: 听力
















1. 数字与计算

2. 地点与去向

3. 人物与事件

4. 请求与建议

5. 方式与方法

6. 背景与关系

7. 意图与观点


1. 日常活动 6. 购物饮食

2. 学校生活 7. 文娱体育

3. 兴趣爱好 8. 旅游交通

4.家庭朋友 9. 文学艺术

5. 工作职业 10. 热点话题


1. 演说类

2. 应用类

3. 新闻报道类

4. 叙述类



平均分 难度 区分度

2004 19.28 0.642 0.854

2005 18.90 0.630 0.854

2006 19.16 0.639 0.835





平均分 难度 区分度

2005 0.91 0.202 0.623

2006 1.37 0.306 0.730













词 代

词 副

形 连

词 情

态 时态 语 态 非

谓 介

词 短语动词习惯交际

06 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 2 1

07 1 1 2 4 1 2 2 1 1

08 1 1 1 4 1 2 4 1



平均分 难度 区分度

2005 7.48 0.498 0.746

2006 7.53 0.502 0.783

2007 8.14 0.513 0.798


3. 完形填空



所以该题旨在检测考生在阅读理解的基础上对英语语言知识的综合运用能力。要求学生在短文所设计的语言情景中,淡化语法, 侧重语篇,讲究整体,体现语用。



体裁 总阅读量 短文词数 试题词数 读速(w/m)

2004 记叙文 496 301 195 33.1

2005 记叙文 516 328 188 34.1

2006 记叙文 665 375 190 44.3

2007 记叙文

2008 记叙文



动 形 名 副 介 连 代 数

06 7 5 4 2 1 1

07 8 3 2 2 2 2 1

08 9 2 5 2 1 1

附表9 04-08年完形填空试题成绩统计表

平均分 难度 区分度

2004 14.99 0.500 0.881

2005 16.99 0.567 0.878

2006 16.60 0.553 0.869




4. 阅读理解





总阅读量 短文总词数 试题总词数 读速(w/m)

2005 2383 1629 754 68.086

2006 2355 1585 770 67.286

2007 2525 1730 795 72.142

2008 2433 1739 694 69.514



教育与人力资源 14.8%

情感与心理 12.9%

自然与环境 11.9%

个人经历 10.5%

旅游交通 10.5%

科学技术 10%

健康饮食与购物 8.6%

运动与休闲 7.1%

文化语言 6.2%

政治经济 3.8%

历史地理 2.4%

文学艺术 1.4%


说明文 44.8%

记叙文 29.5%

应用文 15.7%

议论文 10%

5. 阅读填空:

6. 书面表达

三 典型试题分析





1、英国《经济学家》 www.economist.com

2、美联社 wire.ap.org/GoToAP.cgi

3、英国BBC news.bbc.co.uk

4、《纽约时报》 www.nytimes.com

5、普利策新闻奖1995年到全部获奖作品 www.pulitzer.org

6、美国全国广播公司 www.msnbc.com/news

7、《华尔街日报》评论 www.opinionjournal.com

8、香港《南华早报》 china.scmp.com/index.html


1、CNN可以直接访问的地址 asia.cnn.com(亚洲版)



4、《华盛顿邮报》社论版 可以通过代理服务器访问的地址:


1、《泰晤士报》 www.thetimes.co.uk

2、《基督教科学箴言报》 www.csmonitor.com

3、《今日美国》 usatoday.com

4、美国广播公司 abcnews.go.com

5、英国《观察家》 www.observer.co.uk

6、英国《每日电讯》 www.dailytelegraph.co.uk


1、《每周标准》 www.weeklystandard.com

2、《外交事务杂志》 www.foreignaffairs.org http:/...eignaffairs.org

3、《沙龙》 www.salon.com

4、《美国观察者》 www.gilder.com/amspec/index.html



5、《新共和》 www.tnr.com/

6、《国家评论》 www.nationalreview.com

7、《国家杂志》 nationaljournal.com/about/njweekly/stories/

8、《纽约客》 www.newyorker.com/

9、《纽约书评》 www.nybooks.com/

10、《外交政策》 www.foreignpolicy.com/

11、《大西洋月刊》The Atlantic Online www.theatlantic.com//

12、《外交政策聚焦》 www.foreignpolicy-infocus.org/

13、《民族》The Nation www.thenation.com/

14、《进步》Homepage of The Progressive magazine www.progressive.org/

15、《洋葱》 www.theonion.com/(有趣新闻站点)


4.届高三英语寒假作业练习反馈讲义(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) 篇四

E:Bob, 你在那里做什么?

B:我在暖手,Scrooge 先生。这里太冷了。


B:我快冻僵了,Scrooge 先生。看窗子上的霜。我的手冻得不能写了。我甚至连自己写的东西都认不出来了。




E: 那又怎样?你明天该不是想要休假吧/



B: 一年就一次圣诞节,Scrooge先生。

E: 每年的12月2 5日从人家兜里往外掏钱,这是站不住脚的借口!好吧,那你就休假吧,但是你得保证第二天一大早就到办公室!噢,谁来了?是我的侄子Fred.





E: 我就是这个意思。圣诞快乐!你凭什么快乐,你这么穷?

F: 那么,什么原因让你不快乐,你这么富有?

E: 嗯!鬼话!

F: 求你了,叔叔,这很不友好。

F: 侄子,你用你自己的方式庆祝圣诞节,我用我的方式庆祝它!

E: 庆祝它!但是你并没有庆祝它。



F: 有很多事情我从中受益虽然并没有给我到来利润。圣诞节是一个好机会。这是这一年里唯一的好时机,人不再光想着自己,所有人都敞开心扉并且也替别人考虑。因此,虽然它从未把金子或者银子放在我的口袋内,但是我相信它已经对我有好处,而且将来也会。我说,上帝保佑它!来吧!明天与我们共进晚餐。


E: 快停止你那愚蠢的掌声!让我从你那里听到另一种声音,你将通过失去工作来庆祝圣诞节!


G:Scrooge & Marley事务所吧。您是Scrooge还是Marley先生?

E: Scrooge只是个名字。我的合伙人在7年以前的这个晚上死了。


E: 难道没有监狱吗?也没有联合劳工作坊吗?




E: 那就去死吧,如果他们愿意。就个人来说,我不关心。这与我没有关系。我个人的事已经够忙的了。下午好,先生们!(他们全部离开。)好!都走了。










5.届高三英语寒假作业练习反馈讲义(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) 篇五

Going High: The Pioneers of The Third Pole

Step 1 Led- in

In the last reading passage we talked about navigation exploration. That is to say, the Ocean exploration As we know, by the middle of the1920s , the farthest corners of the earth had already been explored by human being. Continents had not only been reached, but also mapped out. People had even reached the North and South Poles Now what new limit did human being endeavour to cross or conquer?

Step 2 Reading

1. First look at the title “Going High: The Pioneers of the Third Pole”. What does “going high “ mean in this text?

-----Climbing the mountain.

2. What does” the pioneers “ means?

----Of course the climbers who try to conquer the mountain.

3. What new exploration did people want to challenge?

-----How to climb the highest mountain-Mount Qomolangma

4. Why does the writer call it “ the third pole” ?

-----Because Mount Qomolangma can be compared with the North and South Poles

for its extreme condition. The exploration is as tough and risky job as reaching

the North and South Poles. It is said that climbing is like going to the moon.

5. What difficulties and dangers do you think a person will face when he climbs Mount Qomolangma?

---- I think the climbers will face the cold, thin air and low oxygen levels. Besides, continuous bad weather may endanger the climbers’ lives. Worse still, they may meet with snow collapse, which is fatal. Lastly, there will be no chance to survive if the oxygen runs out.

6. What are needed to conquer the Mount Qomolangma besides all the necessary equipment and preparations ?

---- climber’s skill, courage, strong will and wisdom

7. Since it is such a dangerous place , why can the Tibetans live at ease in such extreme conditions ?

---- Because they lived in Himalayas for centuries and have adjusted to the

conditions at such a height.

8. What makes Sherpas the most reliable guides in every attempt to climb Mount Qomolangma?

----Sherpa strength, skill, honesty and dedication have made them the most reliable


9. We know the Sherpas are the local people who live there many years and can be used to the weather there but why don’t they climb that mountain?

----Because in their eyes the mountains were sacred.

10. What might have been the possible reasons that made the British expeditions fail in 1922 and in 1924?

----They were not prepared for many unexpected difficulties and they were not very

familiar with Mount Qomolangma.

11. Why could Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay make it to the summit of Mount Qomolangma?

----Because after World War II, technological advances in clothing and equipment

had been made and more was known about the mountain itself.

12. How do you understand the sentence “ Like winning in the Olympic Games, climbing a mountain such as Mount Qomolangma is a great personal achievement”?

----Mountain climbing itself means exploring human possibilities and every success

proves the conqueror’s courage, endeavour and ability.

13. After the first successful climbing, why did so many people still want to climb Mount Qomolangma?

---- Because different people represent different countries and different “number


14. Did the Chinese team ever reach the summit of the mountain? How do you know?

---- They left behind an iron container with our national flag and a portrait of

Chairman Mao Zedong on the summit.

Step 3 Understanding

1. Read the text again and finish Ex. 2.

(1). Going to Mount Qomolangma was like going to the moon.

= it was regarded as difficult as going to the moon.

(2). The death zone = people find it almost impossible to live in the area.

(3). They had no idea what they were up against.

= They didn’t what conditions were to be faced with.

(4). English air = oxygen

(5). Some suggested that it could not be accomplished. = thought

Step 4 :Language points:

1. accomplish: 1). complete / finish

(1). We accomplished such a difficult task in one day

(2). He has accomplished a great deal of work in the past few weeks.

Cf. finish

_____his homework, he went out to play.

_____the following sentences.

2). be accomplished in / at = be clever / skilled / expert in / at

(1). She is accomplished at several foreign languages.

(2). …………………… in a great many arts.

2. apart from: 1). except / except for / but ….

(1). Apart from a few faults, he is a reliable friend.

(2). Apart from you and me, I don’t think nobody knows this matter.

(3). To tell the truth, apart from the slow salary, I don’t think it is a bad job.

2). in addition (to)/ besides / as well as 除了…外,还;;;

(1). Apart from the cost, the dress doesn’t suit me.

姑且不论价格, 这件衣服不适合我穿.

(2). Apart from being used as a building material, wood is also made into paper.

(3). Apart from a dictionary, he presented me with a dozen pencils.

3). to / at a distance ; separately

(1). The two houses stand 80 meters apart ( from each other.)

(2). He keeps himself apart from other people.

(3). He lives apart from his parents.

3. adjust (sth. /oneself )to = adapt oneself to

= 1). become / get/ make suited ( to new conditions)

(1). If you want to work in Tibet , you must first adjust / adapt yourself to the

new climate.

(2). In order to get adjusted / adapted to the life there, he took an active part in

the activities there.

2). arrange / put …into correct order / position

(1). Astronauts in flight must adjust to their weightlessness.

(2). The desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child.

(3). This lady carefully adjusted her clothes and hair before going out.

4. dedicate …to… vt. 1). give / devote (oneself / time / energy / effort ) to…

(1). He dedicated his life to the service of his country.

(2). Madam Curies dedicated herself to the cause of science.

(3). His dedication to teaching gained the respect of his students.

2). be dedicated / devoted to = be absorbed in / bury oneself in

/ be busy with

(1). He is dedicated / devoted to the cause that he likes.

(2). When entered, he was dedicated to his work.

5. refer to 1). mention / speak of / mean

(1). The man referred to yesterday has arrived at the airport.

(2). In his speech he often referred to his past experiences as a peasant.

(3). I knew he was referring to Bill Gates when he spoke of a promising boy.

2). turn to ….for information 向。。。查询

(1). If you don’t know the words, please refer to the dictionary.

(2). In the course of his speech he referred several times to his notes.

(3). This traveler referred to his guide book for details of his journey.

3). send…..to…for help / advice / action 提/送交。。。以求。。。

(1). They sent the patient to a big hospital for treatment.

(2). It’s suggested that the nuclear problem on Iran should be referred to the UN.

4). owe ….to….

(1). When asked about the secret of his success, he said he referred his success

to his wife and children.

5). refer to……as = regard / consider / look on…as

(1). The local people laughed at the strange bottles containing what they

referred to as “English air”.

6. arise (from / out of ) iv. 1). appear / come into existence(being)

(1). A new situation will arise when the examination system comes into being.


(2). Nobody knows how the quarrel between them arose.

2). result from

(3). New difficulties will arise from such situation.

(4). Some accidents may arise out of carelessness.

7. sth.(food/money/time/patience/strength) run out

= sth. give out / be exhausted

sb. run out of sth. = sb. use up sth.

(1). ---- Have we run out of food?

---- Yes, our food has run out. We’d better buy some.

(2). That day his patience ran out , so he got very angry with you.

8. have no chance of doing / that… = possibility / hope

(1). --- Do you think he has a good chance of winning? --- I don’t think so.

(2). Is there any chance that he will be rescued ?

/ Does he have any chance of being rescued?

9. …be the first to make it to summit of Mount …

make it 1). succeed in ( one’s career )

(1). --- Do you think we can catch the train?

---- I hope we can make it.

(2). He says he’ll get up at six tomorrow morning, but he’ll never make it.

2). arrange

(3). -- When shall we start? -- Let’s _____it 8:30. Is that all right? (02 Beijing)

A. set B. make C. meet D. take

Cf. mange it. = deal / cope with

(1). ---- May I help you to carry your suitcase?

---- No, thank you, but I can manage it.

(2). Without your help, I shan’t be able to manage the job.

10. leave ….. behind = fail / forget to take / bring ……

(1). Wait --- don’t leave me behind.

(2). It won’t rain. Please leave your umbrella behind.

Cf. leave + n. / pron. + o.c. =cause….in a certain state of….

(1). Don’t leave the door open / locked / shut / closed.

(2). The crash of the aircraft left more than 80 passengers dead.

(3). Most men in the village left for the big cities for better job, leaving the

women and children doing their farm work.

11. be( go / come) up against sth. = be faced with ( problems / difficulties…)

(1). He really doesn’t know what problems he will be up against in the future.

(2). He is really up against difficulties./ in great difficulties.

12. try to remember:

by the middle of the 1920s

at such a great height

act as a guide

rely on = depend on

make an / the attempt to do

in one’s attempt to do

a great personal achievement

on one’s return

be praised as

succeed in doing / be successful in doing

= manage to do

fail to do

ideal companions

6.届高三英语寒假作业练习反馈讲义(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) 篇六

班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. The movie was boring from b ______________ to end.

2. Much of Holland is b ______________ sea level.

3. The goods were sold c ______________ because they were on sale.

4. Can you make s ______________ of this poem? I just don’t get it.

5. The longest moustache reached a l ______________ of 1.6 meters.

6. There are many things we need to take into c ______________ before we buy an expensive product.

7. Learning a foreign language usually takes place in school and there are few o ______________ to communicate with other speakers of the language.

8. Australian English d ______________ in pronunciation from British and American English.

9. Paul’s not a ______________ at present. Should I ask him to call you back?

10. Mary d ______________ most of her spare time between the study and her bedroom.

11. The harder you work, the more ______________ (精力旺盛) you will become.

12. Several years ago there came a ______________ (灾难) ---SARS, in which many people died.

13. He is an ordinary man of ______________ (中等的) height.

14. We are thinking of ______________ (扩大) our business at home and abroad.

15. One problem of young people today is their lack of ______________ (雄心).

16. My back gives me a lot of pain, so I have to c ______________ my doctor about treatment.

17. He looked very much e ______________ when he was speechless in public that day.

18. He is so fat that he had to walk through the doors s ______________.

19. Of the two doctors, the l ______________ is far better than the former.

20. I doubt whether the boy will be a ______________ to the key university.


班级 ______________ 姓名 ______________ 分数 ______________

1. At the UN conferences, there are always r ______________ from all over the world.

2. How amazing it is! We can find no word to d ______________ the beauty of the scene.

3. The o ______________ meaning of this word is different from the meaning it has nowadays.

4. Every spring our school organizes trips to d ______________ places of interests nearby.

5. His works of art will be on e ______________ in the museum next month.

6. --- I’m sorry I i ______________ you. Please go on. --- Were was I?

7. It was g ______________ of Bob to offer to pay the dinner bill for both of us.

8. S ______________ enough, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.

9. I am sorry it’s b ______________ my power to make a final decision on the project.

10. His rich experience gave him an a ______________ over the others applying for the job.

11. My teacher always e ______________ me when I meet with difficulties.

12. This v ______________ painting is worth more than a million.

13. G ______________ speaking, the more expensive the TV is, the better it is.

14. Plastic is a kind of widely used m ______________ .

15. Geographically the United States may be s ______________ into three major districts.

16. Tommy was ______________ (缺席) from school with a cold.

17. The ______________ (攀登) made me worn out when I reached the top of the mountain.

18. He ______________ (答应) me that he would pay back within a week.

19. I’ll have to buy a pair of ______________ (裤子) to match my new shirt.

20. Last year Sam went to ______________ (欧洲) on business.


1. beginning 2. below 3. cheaply 4. sense 5. length 6. consideration 7. opportunities 8. differs 9. available 10. divides 11. energetic 12. catastrophe/disaster 13. medium 14. enlarging/expanding 15. ambition 16. consult 17. embarrassed 18. sideways 19. latter 20. admitted


7.届高三英语寒假作业练习反馈讲义(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) 篇七

1.Train the students’ reading ability by reading the passage about young volunteers

2.Learn some useful words and expressions

3.Help the students know much about voluntary work

Teaching Important Points:

1.Help the students grasp the main idea of the passage and understand the passage better

2.Learn and master the useful words and expressions in this period

Teaching Difficult Points:

1.How to help the students improve their reading ability

2.How to master the language points in the passage

Teaching Methods:

1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text

2.Discussion to help the students understand the passage better

3.Listening and repeating to improve the students’ listening ability and improve their pronunciation

Teaching Aids:

1. the multimedia 2. the blackboard

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in (Dr Bethune: pictures on the screen )

Dr Bethune was a Canadian, but he volunteered to come to China to help the Chinese people during the Anti-Japanese War. At last he lost his life in order to save others. Some volunteers teach in remote areas to help children there receive good education, and their work is making a big difference to the children’s future. Some volunteers also help the people who live alone. They help the elders living alone do shopping, do housework and sometimes read newspapers to them. The elders enjoy their company and they may feel more energetic and optimistic. Some volunteers help protect our environment. They plant trees, help people realize the importance of protecting rivers and animals. Step 2 Skimming:

Lu Hao : is helping an elderly gentleman who lives alone with shopping, doing jobs in house, reading the newspaper to him and chatting.

Lin Ying : has gone west and now works as a teacher in a village school.

Meng Yu: took part in an event and is collecting money to help starving children in some of the least developed countries.

Step 3 Scanning

1. According to the passage, why young people choose to do voluntary work?

They want to make some contributions to society.

2. What do people think of young volunteers?

People think it is a good deed for youths to be volunteers. As Kofi Annan, Secretary of the United Nations said“each contribution - no matter how small - can help make a difference.”

3. Do you think the “1 helps 1” scheme affects Lu Hao’s study? Why? No, I don’t think so. Because Lu Hao visits Mr. Zhao only twice a week after school, so he can arrange his study and the voluntary work properly. Besides he can learn some history from Mr. Zhao. The job is helpful to him too.

4. How does Lin Ying like the people in the remote village? Lin Ying thinks the people there are poor but they have big hearts and made her very welcome.

5. What’s Lin Ying hoping to do? She is hoping to improve the standard of education in the school by introducing the modern teaching methods they use in the east.

6. Why did Meng Yu and her classmates go without food for 30 hours?

Because they wanted to promote awareness of hunger.

7. How did Meng Yu like his study in a foreign country? Meng Yu thinks that coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in.

8. Why did the three volunteers make different choices about the work and the time? Because their own studying and working conditions and abilities were different, so they had to choose different voluntary work at different time according to their own actual conditions.

Step 4 Explanation

1. acknowledge vt. ① admit ② express thanks for e.g. He refused to acknowledge that he was defeated. We must not fail to acknowledge the professor’s help.

2. company n. being together with another or others e.g. I enjoy his company. I’m glad/grateful of your company.

3. apply v. ① make a formal request ② fit; be suitable/useful

e.g. They applied for an extension for their visas. He applied to return to his motherland. The rule doesn’t apply to middle school.

4. straight away/off: without hesitation/delay e.g. I can’t tell you straight away/off.

5. fit in: be in harmony with sb./sth. e.g. You can’t bring outsides into a place like this; they won’t fit in. You should fit in with other employees.

6. Mostly we just drink tea and chat. mostly: mainly and chiefly eg: He wrote to his parents every week, mostly on weekends.

7. I really feel I’m doing something worthwhile and I’m having a great time doing it. worthwhile: adj. used as an attribute

1) worthwhile: worth spending time eg: It is worthwhile visiting / to visit the museum. But we can’t say “The museum is worthwhile visiting.”

2) worth one’s while eg: The work is worth our while.

8. Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in. “require” is similar to “need, want” in meaning. We can say “need / want / require doing ... / to be done”. eg: The room requires cleaning. The room requires to be cleaned.

Step 5 Further Understanding

What activity

Lu Hao: “1 helps 1” scheme of the Youth Volunteer Community Development Project

Lin Ying: Go West Project organized by the Communist Youth League of China

Meng Yu: An event organized by Meng Yu and her classmates


Lu Hao: Every Tuesday and Friday

Lin Ying: After graduation

Meng Yu: During weekends


Lu Hao: In the old man’s house

Lin Ying: In a remote village school of southwest China

Meng Yu: In Canada

Whom to help

Lu Hao: An lonely old man

Lin Ying: Some poor kids

Meng Yu: Starving children

Benefits to others

Lu Hao: Mr. Zhao doesn’t feel lonely any more; his health has been improved; he feels more energetic and optimistic.

Lin Ying: The kids become eager to learn; the pass rate has greatly improved; the children will get rid of the poverty and has a bight future.

Meng Yu: Make the children get rid of starvation and live a better life.

Benefits to him or her

Lu Hao: He learns more history from Mr. Zhao and his grades have improved a lot.

Lin Ying: She gets a lot of satisfaction, acquires valuable skills and experience, and builds up confidence, self-awareness, good communication skills and leadership ability.

Meng Yu: By making some different friends she doesn’t feel lonely and homesick but feels more positive; she begins to value the chance to get a good education; it has given her the motivation to succeed

Step 6 Post-reading

What volunteering projects do you know about in our area? And how do you think these benefit the young people who are involved in them?

Step 7 Homework

8.届高三英语寒假作业练习反馈讲义(人教版高三英语教案教学设计) 篇八

Word study 1.barber 2.chef 3.accountant 4.adviser 5.typist 6.receptionist 7.greengrocer 8.astronaut 9.supporter 10.adore 11.vacant 12.outstanding 13.assess 14.staff 15.salary 16.occupation 17.amatenr 18.instant 19.flexible 20.shortly 21.nevertheless 22.drawback 23.applicant 24.personnel 25.accommodation 26.addition 27.qualification 28.modest 29.arithmetic 30.paperwork 31.punctual 32.tournament 33.draft 1.理发师 2.厨师 3.会计师 4.顾问 5.打字员 6.接待员 7.果菜商 8.宇航员 9.支持者 10.热爱 11.空着的 12.杰出的 13.评价 14.全体职工 15.薪水 16.职业 17.业余爱好者18.立即的 19.灵活的 20.立刻 21.然而 22.缺点 23.申请人 24.人员 25.住所膳宿 26.增加的人或事物27. 资格28. 谦虚的 29.算术 30.文书工作 31.准时的 32.比赛 33.起草

Useful expressions 1.hold back 1.退缩

Sentence patterns&

Communicative English 谈论喜欢不喜欢:

She likes/ enjoys/ loves... She is fond of...

She hates/dislikes... She thinks that ...is boring/terrible


I intend/mean/plan to... I feel like doing...

I’d like to do... I want/hope/wish to do...

I would rather (not)do... I wish that...

If only I could...

Topics & Writing 掌握个人自述的写作方法



What should you consider in finding jobs

What should you think about in trying to find your career? You are probably better at some school subjects than others. These may show strength that you can use in your work. A boy who is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career. A girl who spells well and likes English may be good at office work. So it is important to know the subjects you do well in at school. On the other hand, you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a generally satisfactory standard. Although not all subjects can be used directly in a job, they may have indirect value. A knowledge of history is not required for most jobs, but if history is one of your good subjects you will have learned to remember facts and details. This is an ability that can be useful in many jobs.

Your school may have taught you skills, such as typing or technical drawing, which you can use in your work. You may be good at metal work or cookery and look for a job where you can improve these skills.

If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in summer, think what you gained from it.If nothing else, you may have learned how to get to work on time, to follow instructions and to get on with older workers. You may have learned to give correct change in a shop, for example. Just as important, you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in apart –time job.

Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself. You may be all thumbs (笨手笨脚) when you handle tools; perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures. It is better to face any weaknesses they do not exist. Your school record, for instance, may not be too good, yet it is an important part of your background. You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a chance of a fresh start at work.



What do you expect they will discuss? 你认为他们会讨论什么?

【点拨】expect sth/ (sb)to do/ that

e.g. This is the parcel which we have been expecting from New York.


e.g. You can’t expect to learn a foreign language in a week.


e.g. We expected him to arrive yesterday. 我们本希望他昨天来的。

e.g. You are expected to finish it in time. 希望你及时完成这件事

e.g. I had not expected that things should turn out like this. 我没料到的是事情结果竟然是这样

One of the students get in touch with a careers adviser.


【点拨】get in touch with sb /lose touch with sb 与某人取得联系/与某人失去联系

keep in touch with sb/ be out of touch with sb与某人保持联系/与某人断了联系

e.g. I try to keep in touch with current events by reading newspapers.


e.g. We have been out of touch with my grandparents for years and is trying to get in touch with them by radio.我与祖父母失去联系好多年了,目前正努力通过广播与他们取得联系


What jobs can your partner suggest that might be suitable for you?


suggest sth/doing sth/that sb (should) do; suggestion后表示建议的从句也常用虚拟语气.

e.g. Can you suggest a way to solve the problem? 你是否能就如何解决这个问题提供建议?

e.g. They suggested to the foreigners a tour to the Great Wall. 他们向外国人建议去游览长城.

e.g. He suggested taking the children to the zoo. 他建议把孩子带到动物园.

e.g. I wrote suggesting that he (should) come for the weekend.


e.g. It’s suggested that the work should be started at once. 建议这个工作应当立即开始.

e.g. It’s a good suggestion that we should have a short rest.



e.g. His cool response suggested that he didn’t like the idea.


e.g. Are you suggesting that I’m not telling the truth? 你是不是暗示我没说实话?


While he was still a schoolboy, he attended training sessions with a London club, and at the age of sixteen, he was invited to join Manchester United as a trainee.

当他还是学生时,就加入了伦敦一个俱乐部队集训. 16岁时被召进曼联队训练.


e.g. My wish is to join the army after graduation. 我的愿望是毕业后参军。

e.g. Our headmaster will join us in the discussion this afternoon. 校长下午加入我们一起讨论。 join in 和take part in参加比赛、活动,后者指正式或大型群众性活动。

e.g. Almost all the teams of our school joined in the basketball match.


e.g. We will take part in social activities during summer vacation.



e.g. They didn’t attend the wedding. 他们没参加这次婚礼。

e.g. The three of us had a bad cold and couldn’t attend school/church.


Every time he plays football he is watched by thousands of adoring Backs fans all over the world. 他的每场球都有世界各地成千上万崇拜贝克汉姆的球迷在观看。

【点拨】every time/each time/the first time/the last time/the next time和 the moment/ the minute/ the week/ the year连接表示时间的句子不用连词

e.g. The harvest will be got in the next time you come. 下次你来时庄稼一收好了.

e.g. The first week I stayed in the hotel I came across an old friend of mine. 我在旅馆住的第一个星期就遇见了一个老朋友.

Instead the employers---the football clubs---find the right abilities and offer them employment.


【点拨】为某人提供某物(常指无偿提供)可用provide sth. for sb. 或provide sb with sth

e.g. Our parents provide food and clothes for us. 父母给我们提供衣食.

e.g. They provide the poor with food and medicine. 他们给穷人提供食物和药品.

supply sth. to sb. 或 supply sb. with sth.多指有偿提供;

offer sb sth或 offer sth to sb. 多指主动提供.

e.g. Newspapers supply lots of information to us every day. 报纸每天给我们提供大量新闻.

e.g. In Britain milk is supplied to each home in bottles. 英国的牛奶是用瓶子送到各户的.

e.g. This shop supplies us with all we need. 这家商店给我们提供了我们所要的一切.

e.g. She offered me a cup of coffee. 她给我倒了一杯咖啡.

e.g. I offered my seat to a blind man on the bus. 在公共汽车上我把座位让给了盲人

e.g. The policeman offered to drive us to the airport. 警察主动开车送我们去机场.

China have special football schools where children acquire ball skills as well as a formal education. 中有特殊的足球学校,在那儿孩子们既学球技术,也进行正式的教育.

【点拨】as well as...和...一样 as well 也

e.g. He’s a talented musician and a writer as well. 他既是天才的音乐家也是一位作家.

e.g. They can speak English and Knows German as well. 他们能说英语也动德语.

e.g. The child is lively as well as healthy. 这孩子既可爱又健康.

e.g. He grows flowers as well as vegetables. 他种花也种菜.

e.g. The teacher as well as the students has made a mistake. 老师和学生都犯了错误.

as well as, if not better than...不比...差,至少与...一样好

e.g. Tom plays football as well as, if not better than David. 汤姆篮球打得不比大卫差.

There’s a lot of competition for places on the team, the salary is low and the job includes cleaning the changing rooms, toilets, and senior colleagues’ boots. 队里有许多名额的竞争,薪水很低.还要打扫更衣室,厕所和为高一级球员擦球鞋.

【点拨】 include 包含,包括

e.g. Does the price include lunch? 价钱里包括午饭吗?

e.g. A visit to the Great Wall is included in the tour. 这次旅游包括去长城。

在作状语时用 including sb/sth; 或sb/sth included

e.g. The price is 50 dollars, including postage.包括邮资价格是50美圆

e.g. We all laughed, the teacher included.我们都笑了,老师也笑了。

include表示包括可以分开的一个或几个组成部分,而contain表示含有,内含;也有容纳, 装有的意思.

e.g. Whiskey contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌含酒精度很高.

e.g. Sea water contains salt. 海水中含有盐分.

e.g. This box contains soap. 这个盒子装有肥皂.

From this point on the success of their career and how much they earn depends on their performance and how many matches their team wins. 从这时起,他们事业的成功和能赚到多少钱就看他们的表现,能打赢多少场比赛.

【点拨】具体指某人某方面的成功用the success;一个成功的人或一件成功的事用asuccess;作抽象意义成功、成就、胜利时,不可数

e.g. The meeting was a success.会议开得很成功。

e.g. Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。

When David Beckham was a child, he dreamt of playing for Manchester United.


【点拨】dream of doing 梦想作某事.

have a dream about sth 梦见某事

e.g. His dream of visiting Peking has come true. 他去北京的梦想是实现了.

e.g. The boy dreams of becoming a plot. 男孩梦想当飞行员.

e.g. I little dreamt of seeing you here. 做梦都没想到在这见到你.

Integrating skills

You need to convince the reader that you understand what the company or organization does, and what the job or course will involve.


【点拨】convince sb of 或convince that 使某人确信某事

e.g. This convinced me of his honest.或 This convinced me that he is honest.


e.g. He was convinced of his error.他认识了错误.

【点拨】involve 包含,使卷入;

e.g. Building this road will involve the construction of ten bridges. 建这条路要造十座桥。

e.g. He was involved in trouble. 他卷入了纠纷。

e.g. They were all involved in working out the plan. 他们都专心一意的制订计划。


1. (95上海11) All the rooms are ___ with electric lights.

A. supplied B. given C. offered D. burnt

2. ( 湖南34) They’ve ___us $150,000 for the house. Shall we take it?

A. provided B. supplied C. should D. offered

3.(01北京春季14)---Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?

---Yes, I gave it to her ____I saw her.

A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once

4. (03上海春季36) ____ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.

A. The president will attend B. The president to attend

C. The president attend D. The president’s attending

5. (03上海春季25) After supper she would sit down by the fire, sometimes for ____an hour, thinking of her young and happy days.

A. as long as B. as soon as C. as much as D. as many as

6. (01北京春季16) ---Why haven’t you bought any butter?

---I____ to , but I forgot about it.

A. liked B. wished C. meant D. expected

7. (02北京春季26) All the people ____ at the meeting were his supporters.

A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important

8. (02上海春季34) The famous scientist grew up ____ he was born and in 1930 he came to Shanghai .

A. when B. whenever C. where D. wherever

9. (01上海39) Fishing is his favorite hobby, and ______.

A. he’d like to collect coins as well B. he feels like collecting coins too

C. to collect coins is also his hobby D. collecting coins also gives him great pleasure

10. (01上海春季36) Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ____some schools for poor children.

A. set up B. setting up C. have set up D. having set up

11. (NMET00,19) I’ve worked with children before, so I know what ____ in my new job.

A. expected B. to expect C. to be expected D. expects

12. (00上海37) He sent me an E-mail, _____ to get further information.

A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope

13. (NMET9712) I’d love ____ to the party last night, but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.

A. to go B. having gone C. going D. to have gone

14. (NMET04,23) The English play ____ my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success.

A. for which B. at which C. in which D. on which

15. (04上海27) According to a recent US survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ____ TV.

A. to watch B to watch C. watching D. watch



6. meant to本打算去做却没做

10. devote...to doing固定短语

13. would love to have done过去想做某事

14.spend ...doing 固定短语





1.A great deal of money as well as many clothes ____to the flooded areas.

A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered

2. He _____ to lend me his new bicycle but I refused, for I didn’t want to trouble him.

A. failed B. offered C. considered D. insisted

3. --- Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

---Yes. They have better players, so I _____ them to win.

A. hope B. prefer C. expect D. want

4. This dictionary is _____ to my translation, but that one is ______.

A. great help; helpless B. a great help; of no use

C. important; of few importance D. very helpful; of no any use

5. Gorge plays football ______, if not better than, Peter.

A. so well as B. as well as C. so well D. as well

6. ---How long _____ at this job?

---Since 1990.

A. were you employed B. have you been employed

C. had you been employed D. will you be employed

7. A new school was _____ in the remote village last year.

A. held up B. set up C. sent up D. brought up

8. They discovered a pot ____ thousands of gold coins under the ground.

A. containing B. including C. contained D. included

9. Don’t be afraid of asking for help ____ it is needed.

A. unless B. when. C. although D. when

10.---Hello, Jim. I _____ to see you today. Sonia said you _____ ill.

---Oh, I’m OK.

A. didn’t expect; were B. don’t expect; were C. haven’t expected; are D. are not expecting,are



They ______ ______ ______ make an announcement later on today.


I’m trying to ______ ______ ______ ______ my brother; he emigrated to Australia, and I ______ ______ ______ him.


She refused our ______ that we ______ the cinema right away


I ______ her ______ ______ I saw her.


They all ______ ______ ______ ______ the song.


I ______ ______ ______ a job in advertising.


The firm that ______ ______ ______ us has gone out of business.


I’m going to London and my sister’s coming ______ ______ .


We finally ______ ______ ______ our innocence.


If I ______ you, I wouldn’t ______ ______ ______ their problems.



1. ---What did you mean by saying that?

---I mean no harm. I only _____.

A. meant helping B. want to help C. meant to help D. want helping

2. I like _____ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

A. this B. that C. it D. one

3. Mary kept weighing herself to see how much ____ she was getting.

A. heavier B. heavy C. the heavier D. the heaviest

4. The forest guards often find campfires that have not been _____ completely.

A. turned down B. put out C. put away D. turned over

5. My mind wasn’t on what he was saying. So I’m afraid I ______ half of it.

A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed

6. We have planted thousands of trees in recent years. This year _____ we’ve planted ten thousand trees

A. even B. just C. alone D. only

7. As we all know, air is to us ____ water is to fish.

A. that B. what C. where D. how

8. ---Mark broke his leg when he was playing football.

---_____ was that?

A. Since when B. Since when ago C. How long D. How long ago

9. ---Has Sam finished his homework today?

---I have no idea, He _____ it this morning.

A. did B. has done C. was doing D. had done

10. Nowadays the doctors are trying their best to reduce the people’s fear ____ they would be affected by the present disease called “Bird Flu”.

A. whether B which C. that D. when

11.---Can I help you, sir?

---No, thank you. I______ .

A. have served B. am being served C. can serve D. was served

12. A cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen.

A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked

13._____ be sent to work there?

A. Who do you suggest B. Who do you suggest that should

C. Do you suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should

14.You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _____ I disagree.

A. why B. where C. what D. how

15.---May I put my luggage on the seat beside you, madam? If it is free?

---________ .

A. Sure, with pleasure B. Oh, please yourself C. Well, never mind D. Yes, help yourself


My First Job

I was six when I joined my father and tow elder brothers at sunrise in the fields of Eufaula, Okla.___1__ the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up old furniture. He gave me a cent for every nail I __2__ out of old boards.

I got my first__3__ job, at JM’s Restaurant in town, when I was 12.My main responsibilities (职责) were___4___ tables and washing dishes. __5__ sometimes I helped cook..

Every day after school I would___6__ to JM’s and work until ten. Even on Saturdays I ___7___from two until eleven. At that age it was difficult going to work and ___8___ my friends run off to swim or play .I didn’t necessarily like work, but I loved what working __9___ me to have . Because of my__10__ I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local Tastee Freez. This made me__11__ .

Word that I was trustworthy and hard-working__12__ around town. A local clothing store offered me credit (赊帐)__13__ I was only in seventh grade. I immediately__14__ a $68 sports coat and a $22 pair of shoes. I was __15__ only 65 cents and hour, and I already owed the storekeeper $90! So I learned __16___ the danger of easy credit. I paid it __17__ as soon as I could.

My first job taught me self-control, responsibility and brought me a _18__ of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced. As my father, _19__ worked three jobs ,once told me, “If you __20__sacrifice(奉献) and responsibility, there are not many things in life you can’t have.” How right he was.

1. A. Before B. Within C. From D. By

2. A. pulled B. put C. picked D. pressed

3. A. usual B. real C. main D. packing

4.A.sweeping B. packing C. cleaning D. emptying

5.A orB so C. but D.even

6.A.head B. turn C. change D. move

7.A.studied B. worked C. played D. slept

8.A.helping B. having C. watching D. letting

9.A.asked B. old C. promised D. allowed

10. A. study B. power C. age D. job

11.A. proud B. friendly C. lucky D. hopeful

12.A. ran B. got C. flew D. carried

13.A.although B. while C. if D. since

14.A sold B. borrowed C. charged D. wore

15.A.keeping B. making C. paying D. taking

16.A.gradually B. greatly C. hardly D. early

17.A .out B. over C. away D. off

18.A.point B. level C. part D. sign

19.A.he B. that C. who D. whoever

20.A.understand B. demand C. offer D. fear



Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy (扫盲) volunteer. The training I received, though excellent, did not tell me how it was to work with a real student, however. When I began to discover what other people’s lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.

My first student Marie was a 44-year-old single mother of three. In the first lesson, I found out she walked two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she didn’t know which bus to take. When I told her I would get her a bus schedule , she told me it would not help because she could not read it .She said she also had difficulty once she got to the supermarket because she could not write out a shopping list. Also, she could only recognize items by sight, so if the product she wanted.

As we worked together, learning how to read built Marie’s self-confidence, which encouraged her to continue in her studies. She began to make rapid progress and was even able to take the bus to the supermarket. After this successful trip, she reported how self-confident she felt. At the end of the program, she began helping her youngest son, Tony, a shy first grader, with his reading. She ate with him before he went to sleep and together they would read bedtime stories. When his eyes became wide with excitement as she read, pride was written all over her face and she began to see how her own hard work in learning to read paid off. As she described this experience, I was proud of myself as well. I found that helping Marie to build her self-confidence was more rewarding than anything I had ever done before.

As a literacy volunteer, I learned a great deal about teaching and helping others. In fact, I may have learned more from the experience than Marie did.

1.What did the author do last summer?

A. She worked in the supermarket.

B. She helped someone to learn to read.

C. She gave single mothers the help they needed.

D. She went to a training program to help a literacy.

2. Why didn’t Marie go to the supermarket by bus at first?

A. Because she liked to walk to the supermarket.

B. Because she lived far away from the bus stop.

C. Because she couldn’t afford the bus ticket.

D. Because she couldn’t find the bus stop.

3. How did Marie use to find the goods she wanted in the supermarket.

A. She knew where the goods were in the supermarket.

B. She asked others to take her to the right places

C. She managed to find the goods by their books.

D. She remembered the names of the goods.

4. Which of the following statements is true about Marie?

A. Marie could do things she had not been able to do before.

B. Marie was able to read stories with the help of her son.

C. Marie decided to continue her studies in school.

D. Marie paid for her own lessons.


I’m seventeen. I had worked as a box boy at a supermarket in Los Angels. People came to the counter and you put things in their bags for them, and carried things to their cars. It was hard work. While working, you wear a plate with your name on it. I once met someone I knew years ago. I remembered his name and said, “ It was nice talking to you Brett.” I felt great. He remembered me. Then I looked down at my name plate. Oh no. He didn’t remember my name at all, he just read the name plate. I wish I had put “Irving” down on my name plate. If he’d have said, “Oh yes, Irving, hoe could I forget you?” I’d have been ready for him. There’s nothing personal here.

The manager and everyone else who were a step above the box boys often shouted orders. One of these was: you couldn’t accept tips. Okay, I’m outside and I put the bags in the car. For a lot of people, the nature reaction is to take a quarter and give it to me. I’d say, “I’m sorry I can’t,” They’d get angry. When you give someone a tip, you are sort of being polite. You take a quarter and you put it in their hand and you expect them to say, “Oh, thanks a lot.” When you say, “I’m sorry, I can’t, they feel a little put down. They say, “ No one will know.” And they put it in your pocket, you say, “I really can’t.” It gets to a point where you almost have to hurt a person physically to prevent him from tipping on you. It was not in agreement with the store’s belief in being friendly/ Accepting tips was a friendly thing and made the customer feel good. I just couldn’t understand the strangeness of some people’s ideas. One lady actually put it in my pocket, got in the car, and drove away. I would have had to throw the quarter at her or ate it or something.

I had decided that one year was enough. Some people needed the job to stay alive and fed. I guess I had the reasons and could afford to hate it and give it up.

5. What can be the best title for this text?

A. How Hard Life for Box Boys B. Getting Along with Customers

C. Why I Gave up My Job D. The Art of Taking Tips

6. From the second paragraph, we can infer that_______ .

A. the writer didn’t like the impersonal part of his job

B. with a personal plate, people can easily start talking

C. Mr. Castle misunderstood Irving for Brett

D. Irving was the writer’s real name

7.The box boy refused to accept tips because ________ .

A. customers only gave small tips B. some customers had strange ideas about tipping

C. the store forbade the box boys to take tips D. he didn’t want to fight with the customers

8.The underlined phrase “put down” in the second paragraph probably means ______ .

A. misunderstood B. defeated C. hateful D. hurt


Dear Lily,

I got your letter and pleased to hear about your job 1_______

interview at a grocery store. I know you wanted to 2_______

get a job at a TV station, but you’ve been looking 3_______

for several week now and haven’t found anything. 4.________

The job at the grocery store doesn’t sound badly. If I 5________

am you, I’d like it. If you worked there a while, you 6________

could earn some money. Its your decision, of course, 7_______

but I advise you to take it. Let me to know what you 8_______

decided to do. By the way, after you get the job you 9_______

can think about get a bike later. 10______



姓名 李华 出生年月 1977年2月 出生地 辽宁大连

学历 1984-1990光明小学


所学科目 语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、电脑

特长 英语电脑(去年全校电脑竞赛第一名)

业余爱好 游泳、滑冰、集邮、流行音乐


A 级




1.are expected to 2. get in touch with; lost touch with

3. suggestion; leave 4. recognized; the moment

5. joined us in singing 6. have been offered

7. used to supply 8. as well 9. convinced them of

10.were; get involved in





1-5DABCC 6-10ABCDD 11-15ABACB 16-20DDBCA




1.pleased前加be 2.对 3.the 改为a 4.week改为weeks

5. badly 改为bad 6.am 改为were 7.Its改为It’s

8.去掉to 9.decided改为 decide 10.get 改为getting


My name is Li Hua. I was born in Dalian, Liaoning Province in February1977. I started school in 1984 when I was seven. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. After that I went to No.6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. The main subjects I studied at school included Chinese, maths, English, physics, chemistry and computer, I like English and computer best and I am very good at them. Last year I won the first prize in the school computer competition. In my spare time I enjoy listening to pop music and collecting stamps. My favorite sports are swimming in summer and skating in winter.


Language practice

1 1.with改为to 2.arranging 改为arranged 3.high改为 highly 4.对 5.to后加be 6.shortly后加before 7.at改为 of 8. from 改为than 9. 对 10. expensive改为 expense 11. means改为 mean 12.to改为 at 13.hugely 改为huge14. 对 15.trend 前加the

3. trainee young inexperienced keen careful

adviser wise helpful knowledgeable respectable

interpreter professional fluent exact

colleague kind friendly humor

amateur active enthusiastic keen

professional skillful hardworking cautious

chef neatly clean careful

Integrating skills


I have recently leaned from Xinhua Daily that an English secretary is wanted in your company. I beg to take this job. My name is Lin Ying, a girl of twenty-five. I have been an English teacher for three years since I graduated from the English Department of Zhengzhou Normal University. Besides, I have made friends with the foreign teachers from Britain and have no difficulty talking with them. I think I will be interested in the job as a secretary because I can speak and write English very well. I very much hope that I will be accepted by your company. Would you please reply to me once you have accepted me? And in future I will make more money for your company. Thank you very much.


足球, 该不该是选择的职业?

小时候的大卫是个足球迷, 他一有空就在操场上,伦敦东区住地的街道上踢球, 象成千上百万男孩和越来越多的女孩一样, 他梦想成为一名职业足球队员。 他拥护曼联队, 梦想穿上红衬衫在著名的老特拉福得球场在成千上万观众的喝彩中进球。

当他还是学生时,就加入了伦敦一个俱乐部队集训。 16岁时被召进曼联队训练。 大卫的一夜成名始于他作为曼联青年队球员在1992年赢得“足总青年杯”。同年入选“红魔”主力队。这是他非凡事业的开始。

现在大卫是英格兰著名的中场球员和世界明星。他的每场球都有世界各地成千上万崇拜贝克汉姆的球迷在观看。大卫 贝克汉姆实现了自己的目标,但其他有着同样梦想的孩子呢?他们是否也能实现自己的抱负?



许多国家建立了鼓励和发展青年球员,俱乐部评估球员,发现未来的球星。中国有特殊的足球学校,在那儿孩子们既学足球技术,也进行正式的教育。英国俱乐部派遣星探在全国范围内发现有足球天赋的孩子。这些星探观看成百上千场在农村,小镇和城市里的学校球队比赛。当他们发现有天赋的青年时,就邀请他们到俱乐部训练。如果球员在16岁以下,就一边上学,晚上到俱乐部集训,周末到初级球队打球。那些表现出色的球员在16岁时成为青年训练队员加入了俱乐部并能拿到薪水。这段时间他们接受指导,为青年队效力,但并非生活得很如意。队里有许多名额的竞争,薪水很低, 还要打扫更衣室, 厕所和为前辈球员擦球鞋。他们还每周一次到大学里学习足球专业其他方面,学习球场维护和办公管理。


贝克汉姆小时候就梦想为曼联队踢球。他达到了自己的目标,使红色7号球衣闻名世界。现在, 他的发式跟进球一样著名。大卫的故事有了圆满的结尾,但许多有着同样梦想的孩子却永远没有机会穿上他们最喜欢球队的球衣,他们许多人只能作为业余爱好者在空闲时间踢球。他们到足球梦不一定能实现。









