1.英文旅游景点介绍 篇一
My name is * * *, the major of tourism management. I am a cheerful, confident sunshine girl. Cheerful personality makes me energetic, good with people; calm and confident so I have the courage to challenge themselves to try to learn new things. I will go after four years of learning journey, full of four years university life, cultivate my rigorous scientific thinking method, I also created a positive and optimistic attitude towards life and the pioneering spirit of innovation. In the university I constantly improve themselves, improve their own quality. On the basis of learning professional courses and public courses, I read, a solid foundation for myself. I read a lot of extracurricular Books, constantly adding new knowledge, edify sentiment, to broaden their horizons. Moreover, I often attend the English corner activities, exercise the ability of spoken English, but also make many foreign friends.
In thought, I have to party, on the one hand, strengthen ideological and moral construction of themselves, armed themselves from the thought; on the other hand, with the purpose of serving the people, to help others, social services, demands on themselves to be members of the strict requirements. Finally in the third year to join glory the Communist Party of Chinese, and in the year after the smooth positive.
I actively participate in school organization during the period of school activities, exercise a certain communication ability. I served as the director of Public Relations Association and the University of * * * * literary society. Because of the ministers of the organization especially good at arts and sports, I served as the Department of Arts minister, Academy of art director and school dance association of Latin dance coach, and Football Team cheerleaders, organize and participate in the school held many performances and sports competitions. Haikou is the Golden Coast Lawton Hotel and Meritus Mandarin Hotel wedding celebration exclusive dance artists.
School activities are enthusiastic to participate in the * * * * to * * * * * * * * * years by the school competition and the competition prize. * school activities are enthusiastic to participate in the * * month * * * * the game won the prize. As a student I have also repaired their focus on the social practice. In application, combined with the practice of the theory in the summer to play I * * * * * * * * * * * *.**** skilled candidates in the summer internship I work in a company, has a solid foundation and strong interest in this aspect I made a lot of good solutions.
As a graduating student, I am still very young, but I understand: a young man, can be through continuous learning to improve themselves, to prove himself in practice. I believe that a good self-learning ability and unremitting spirit can make me for my work. I am cheerful, generous, have strong communication ability and practical ability, good at interpersonal communication. To master the knowledge of good manners and hospitality experience, the flexibility and agility, flexibility to work in an emergency.
★ 旅游管理专业求职自荐信
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2.英文旅游景点介绍 篇二
旅游业的发展不仅能刺激和带动区域国民经济中大批相关部门和行业的发展, 带来直接经济效益, 还能带来显著的社会效益, 从而改变山区小城镇的落后面貌, 推动其社会进步。基于对山区旅游资源的认识和区域发展的需要, 一些山区小城镇纷纷推出自己的旅游产品, 希望借旅游这个龙头, 带动和加快区域发展。旅游业正在成为山区小城镇的一个新的经济增长点。并逐渐成为许多山区小城镇的支柱产业。
随着全球经济一体化进程的不断推进, 我省乡村对外合作与交流步伐也日益加快。越来越多的外国朋友到我省洽谈贸易, 投资办厂或观光旅游。为了给国外游客提供良好的服务, 规范英文标识语翻译就是最基本和最直接的服务。英文标识语的范围很广, 在对外宣传中发挥着不容忽视的作用。英文标识是否标准和规范, 会直接影响到外国朋友对河北的第一印象。
标识语的一个重要功能就是施为功能, 即提示人们应该或避免做某事。在翻译标识语时需要正确把握其语用、语言特性。公路旁的提示牌上写着“禁止酒后开车”, 英译文是Don’t Drink and Drive。该译文与原文之意不符合, 会使外国游客误认为该道路不可以驾车。建议改译为No driving after drinking。“小心碰头”的标识牌被误译为Attention或Take care of your head, 由于这些译文大多属于汉化英语, 很难准确传递信息, 让老外感到莫名其妙, 无所适从, 建议改成Mind your head, Watch your head/Low Ceiling;某公园草坪处的标示牌“足下留情”, 英文是Please show mercy, 建议改为Please keep off the grass。
景区中, “闲人莫入”译为Strangers are forbidden或Strangers go no further等。译文语气稍显强硬, 有拒人千里、违者需受责罚之嫌。参考麦当劳快餐连锁店墙壁上的提示语:“请勿在本餐厅内进食非麦当劳食品或饮料”及对应译文CONSUMPTION OF MCDONALD'S FOOD ONLY, 其译文很妙。“非公莫入” (或“闲人免进”) 的译法可以效仿一下, 建议改译为Employees/Staff Only。依此模式可以对以下常用语作如下翻译:贵宾专用Dl STINGUISHED GUESTSONLY、公交专用道BUSES ONLY、会员俱乐部MEMBERS ONLY。由此, “…+Only”是翻译类似公共场所标识语的常见模式。
另外一则“不许随地吐痰、大小便”误译为Don’t spk, piss and shit everywhere。此标识语属于管理规定应使用正规语体, 而piss和shit口语化, 略显粗俗, 很难让西方人接受。应译为No spitting, urinating or defecating in the public place, 该句措辞则显得规范正统, 说服性强。此外, 还可用以下形式:“No+动名词”、“No+名词价词短语”。例如, “禁止停车”NO PARKING, “谢绝人内”NO AD-MIRTANCE, “珍爱生命, 拒绝毒品”NO TO DRUGS, YES TO LIFE。
语法方面常见的错误有名词单复数的误用、冠词使用不当以及词性的误用或滥用等。“男洗手间”和“女洗手间”, 英文用Man Toilet和Woman Toilet, 及用Male和Female的, 建议改为Men’s Toilet和Women’s Toilet。把“禁止攀登”译为Please don’climb-hag, 改为No climbing;把“爱护绿地, 请勿入内”译为Care of the green, no entrance, 改为Pleases keep off the grass。标识语中用词不当的“残疾人通道”, 英文是Door for Handicapped, 改为Disabled Access。
景区中, 一个标识牌“有您的参与, 垃圾不会无家可归”, 英译是If you would like to join us, rubbish will never be homeless。这则标识语意在于规范游人的行为, 但其英译却过于忠实, 建议管理方采用No littering。再如, “为了您和大家的健康, 吸烟请到吸烟区”被译为For your and others health, the passengers who smoke, please go to the smoking area。这种译文不像标识语, 措辞繁琐, 有曲解原文的禁令、纵容他人吸烟之嫌, 最好译成No smoking。还有一则标识牌:“如果你需要帮助, 请打电话……”, 英译是If you need to help, please play telephone XXX。建议译为Call XXX for help, 把需要强调的信息Call……提前, 这样译文节奏紧语言简洁, 突出信息的焦点。
望文生义, 即将公示语按各词的字面意义进行逐字对译, 这样的译文令人费解, 有时竟不知所云。如“禁止乱涂乱画”被译为Don’t sketch, 建议改为NO SCRIBBLING ON THE WALL;某地一家酒店中, “音像室”竟然翻译为the sound is like room, 译文与原义毫不相干, 应改为Audio-visual Room;“洗浴中心”翻译为Massage Center, massage的意思是“按摩”, 有时还作为“妓院”的委婉语, 用此词改变了原文的涵义, 建议改为Bath Center;“会客厅”翻译为:Conference Room意为“会议”, 与“会客”语义不完全相符, 改为Reception Room“中餐厅”翻译为the Chinese Restaurant意思是“中餐馆”。改为Chinese Food Hall。如果中文标识语附上相应的英语的误译会给人们带来错误的信息, 误导顾客, 使交际陷入尴尬的境地。在通往旅游景区公路段上的警示语“请勿疲劳驾驶”, 译文不应是Don’t drive tiredly或Don't try fatigue driving, 按照交通法规术语应该翻译为Drowsy driving is dangerous或Drive alert, arrive alive。
3.天津市旅游景区英文译文错误分析 篇三
这类错误常见类型有少或漏字母、字母错位、错用字母。某公园湖边立有一块“水深危险”的木质中英双语警示牌,将“Caution”一词错写成“Cautionl”。如某公园将“游客中心”译为“vistor center”,“报警电话”译成了“ploice”;某酒店的“室内消防栓”译成了“Indoor Fire Hydrant”。这类错误在各种翻译中都属于低级错误,责任往往不在译者,而在排版印刷环节中。这类错误会使场所的形象大打折扣,所以应极力避免。
这类错误不是来自语言本身的问题,主要原因在于译者的语言积累缺乏,文化背景掌握不足,造成机械翻译的结果,即形成“中式英语”。这种“中式英语”翻译,文字和句式极不规范,严重误导了国际游客。例如,有一景区,在山路的拐角处,树立一个木牌“游客注意安全,当心滑落---Passengers Attention Security Caution Slip”。游客不是passengers,而是tourists,简洁翻译为“Caution! Slippery”。
用词不当是旅游景区公示语英译过程中出现频率较高的一种错误。一般是由于翻译者水平有限或是对英汉两种语言的文化背景差异了解不足所造成的。如某公园的“导游图”译成了“guide diagram”,“diagram”指的是“图解,图表”的意思,这里用“map”就可以了。
生硬直译指的是按原文逐字直译,造成译文不知所云或不符合目标语表达习惯。这类错误的出现在于译者没有查阅相关资料,没有掌握汉语原文的英文惯用表达方式。比如某公园湖边的警示语“水深,请注意安全”译成了“Deep water,please notes safe”,还有类似的警示语“水深,请看好您的小孩”也译成了“Deep water.Please notes safe of children”.
旅游英语是为了适应不同文化背景的人方便进行交流和了解而发展起来的。跨文化交际是指不同文化背景的信息发出者和信息接受者之间的交际。对于能直译的景点名词用拼音直译,但有时具体问题得具体分析,有些名词用 “直译+解释”更佳。例如产于南国的“红豆”,寄托着人们的爱意与相思,如果反义词植物学术语 “osmosis”或直译成 “Red Peas”,该词的蕴含之意则全无,不如改成“Love Peas”。因此翻译过程中,从文化形象及其内涵方面说,切勿望文生义,一定要查阅相关资料再确定翻译。要本着“以中国文化为取向,以译文为重点 ”的原则,结合文本的预期功能和目的,考虑读者的接受能力,既要简明易懂,又不必完全迁就外文读者而丧失中国文化特色。
[4]王秋生.旅游景点翻译亟待规范 [J].中国翻译,2004(3):77-79.
4.英文版家乡介绍,自我介绍 篇四
It’s really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce my hometown to you.My hometown is Qiqihar ,the second largest city in Heilongjiang province.It’s well known as crane city,because it is the homeland of red-crowned crane.All the year round ,there are so many different kinds of birds living in the Zhalong Nature Reserve.It’s true that my hometown is the paradise of birds.Besides my hometown isfamous for producing green food, which is more tasty and nourishing than the ordinary food ,and it is also good to our health.I have lived in my hometown more than twenty years , and I love it so much.So if you want to come here , don not hesitate it any more.I promise you will have a good time!
5.英文旅游景点介绍 篇五
I think this company is potential to be a great company in the future.Also this company value the ability of the youth so I will have a better development here and contribute my power here to make it difference.2.你凭什么认为自己最适合这个工作?
Well, on the one hand ,I enriched my experience in my campus life so that I understand well how to adapt to this career quickly and how to work well.On the other hand, I am to die for this job which encourages me to work harder and more careful than others.So I think I am your best choice.3.你能否接受加班?
Yes, I can accept it.But it depends on vocations that if you offer extra salaried for the extra work time and make sure we have a reasonable holiday system, then I amwill to accept it absolutely.4.你以前工作的成功与失败?
Yak.my colleagues think I am mature, dynamic and honest.My previous leaders think I was person with ability plus flexibility should apply.But I also have some shortages that may hinder my development for some points.For example, I am easily to lose my temper sometimes.But I think I can overcome these shortages.5.你的同学如何评价你?
They think I am energetic independently, mature and resourceful.But sometimes I was sharp in someplace which may impress others on uneasy going impression.6.自我介绍
Good morning, sir.I am lyy and I graduated from Shandong University and my major is electronic management.My object is to be a formal journalist in your company.I think I am the fittest person for this job.From my prospective, many reasons contribute to it.Firstly, I am abundant in experiences comparing with the other candidates.Secondly, I can adapt to new atmosphere quickly and I can play well role in my job.Then, I am energetic and resourceful so that I can stand
6.公司英文介绍范本 篇六
Since 1993, Wuxi Changhong Masterbatches Co.,Ltd manufactures high technology color masterbatches and performance additives.In order to satisfy the expectations of rapidly growing and developing plastic industry, Wuxi Changhong Masterbatches Co.,Ltd improves its world-integrated technology continuously and owns the broadest plastic coloring and performance improving masterbatches portfolio in the region.Also founding another branch in Anhui province since 2005, named Langxi Changhong Masterbatches Co.,Ltd.With years of pragmatic striving and innovation, our annual capacity reaches 50,000MT masterbatches.As a first-class masterbatch supplier and manufacturer in China, we are a leading company integrating production, research, and marketing with service.Furthermore, our company provides several overseas corporations with OEM service in addition to stable and long-term business relationships with foreign masterbatch dealers and customers for packaging, house wares, commodities, building materials, communication, appliances, medical treatments, and auto parts.Our first-rank products at competitive price are constantly selling well at home and abroad.With strict management, powerful technical capability, advanced processing facilities and complete detection, our factory are complying with the ISO9001 standards.
7.英文旅游景点介绍 篇七
When it comes to tourism,Hainan is flying high with colors in more ways than one.Hainan Island has often been called the Chinese Hawaii,it attracts the tourists from both home and abroad.Hoping to join the ranks of Hawaii,Australia and the Caribbean,Hainan is promoting all kinds of tourism on the island.
1.1 The Building of Hainan International Tourism Island
As the country's major strategic plans,China will initially build in 2020 in Hainan Island a world-class leisure destination,an open island,Green Island,an island of civilization and harmony of the island.Hainan's international tourism has six strategic position.
二、The Cultural Tourism in Hainan
2.1 Red Culture Tourism in the Ascendant
Hainan is also promoting what is known as“red tourism”.In its most recent efforts to attract tourists,the island is catering to those who want to learn about China's communist roots.Although it's not a part of the mainland,the island has strong ties to the Party,providing key generals and strategic military camps during the war.
三、The Function of developing Cultural Tourism
3.1 To Preserve local Culture of Hainan
Cultural Tourism plays an important role in preserving the local culture of Hainan.In last few years,Hainan saves innovation train of thought,dig connotation of native land culture deep,promote native land culture with fashionable culture again.A lot of tourists are admiring natural landscape,more the culture connotation that saw landscape backside contain.
四、The Relationship Between Developing Cultural Tourism and Building Hainan International Tourism Island
Developing Cultural Tourism and building Hainan International Tourism Island interact with each other.
五、Possible Existing Problems in the Process ofDevelopment
5.1 The Conflict and Integration of Cultures
The cultures in any societies are isolate,theirconflict and integration will occur when the relation among the nations or countries change.The construction of Hainan International Tourism Island has a deep impact on economic and social life of Hainan,it also has caused the mutual exchange,conflict,mergence of different national culture.
From a cultural perspective,this article hasmade a normative analysis on the cultural factors of building Hainan International Tourism Island.In fact,the"International Tourism Island"has always been'of keen interest from all walks of life in Hainan.There is no doubt that International Tourism Island of Hainan can speed up the building of tourist industry to create advantages.
[1]Jin Rong,Wang Xueping.Analysis on inbound tourists' satisfaction in China:an empirical study based on the investigation of 5 cities.Ecological Economy,2009,(5):168-176.
[2]Li Jia,Cheng Shengkui,Gan Hong.Evaluation of regional tourism competitiveness:a case of southwest China.Ecological Economy,2007,(3): 393-404.
[3]纪俊超.英语海南导游,北京:中国旅游出版社[M], 2009-1-1.
8.复试英文自我介绍 篇八
Good morning ,Dear professors,It’s my honour to meet all of you here.my name is ××× and is come from ×× in ×× province.i feel so wonderful to be here today for an interview test for the reason that i have just graduated from×× last year, mayjoring in ×××.As a matter of fact ,in have taken the postgraduate examination last year ,after which i have applied for a job all around ,but all failed ,while so many friends adviced me to give up ,i choosed to stick to.i don’t think i am inferior to others though i have failed many times ,i will keep trying and this is me.I decided to pursue a postgraduate learing for a profound study on the one hand ,I’ll take the three year’s schoolday to improve me and rich me ,and that is the more important matter.What’s more, i like playing badminton and some other outdoor sports with frends in my spare time.generally speaking ,i am a hardworking and optimistic girl.finally ,i wish a meaningful life here.That’s all.thank you!
9.大学英文自我介绍 篇九
My name is xxxx is my English name,which is also the name of my idol.I’m a recommended student from CCFLS,in which I have studied for six years.During the time I stayed there,I’ve learned a lot from the teachers who I must thank sincerely.Another school in my life is my family.1990 witnessed me born in a happy family.I was treated as the apple of my family members’ eyes since childhood.Genuineness,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement are the characters my family gives me.Today,but for their support,I would not be this confident.Many thanks to my family.I love them all.I’m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amount of hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my blog.What deserves to be introduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of pains.It’s without much gaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth reading.The website address is here.Your prensence and guidance are requested.Unlike many other girls,I’m quite good at sports.Swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc.are my preferences.In spite of my height,I have a good jumping capacity.Due to this,I’m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our school.In addition,I’m fond of playing chess.I’ve got a silver medal when I was a child.Futhermore,I’m a very versatile girl.piano and clarinet are my forte.They all get the ninth level.Besides,I’m a good organizer and leader in the school activities.I organized many English speech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the best.Especially,I directed an English play called“the sound of music”,which is a gorgeous success,so that every audience spoke highly of it.I’m very proud of that.To conclude,I’m sure I won’t let you down.I hope that you can give me a chance to study in Xiamen University,which is the shrine in my mind, and I’ll give you much glory in return.That’s all.Thank you for your attention.
10.英文旅游景点介绍 篇十
旅游 (tour) 这个词来源于拉丁语的“tornare”和希腊语的“tornos”, 含义是“车床或圆圈围绕一个中心点或轴的运动”。所以, 旅游是指一种离开后又回到原点的往复行程。对旅游的定义是多种多样的。国际上普遍接受的是1942年瑞士学者汉沃克尔和克拉普夫在他们出版的《普通旅游学纲要》一书中对“旅游”的定义:“旅游是非定居者的旅行和暂时居留而引起的一种现象及关系的总和。这些人不会因而永久居留, 并且主要不从事赚钱的活动”。 (王敬武, 2006) 这个定义于20世纪70年代为“旅游科学专家国际联合会 (AIEST) ”所采用, 强调了旅游的综合性内涵, 即旅游中必将产生经济关系和社会关系。在我国, 最有代表性的定义则是20世纪80年代, 经济学家于光远先生给出的“旅游是现代社会中居民的一种短期性的特殊生活方式, 这种生活方式的特点是:异地性、业余性、享受性”。 (于光远, 1986) 旅游观光对丰富人类的物质文明和精神文明、提高生活质量、改善生存状态、促进社会的全面发展等方面都有着重要的意义。
于光远先生曾经对旅游者赠言:“求新、求知、求乐、求得一个美好的回忆”。旅游资料作为一种宣传品, 势必要努力满足旅游者所要求的“四求心理”, 要向潜在的读者介绍展示当地优秀的自然和人文景观, 激发读者的好奇心和兴趣, 传播本国文化, 促进旅游的发展。世界各地有很多优秀的旅游资源, 但无论多么高明的语言学家, 语言表达方式都是有限的, 并不能尽述其美, 正所谓“言有尽而意无穷”。人们能做的只能是最大限度用语言去“接近”这些自然和人文景观, 力求做到“神似”、“类似”, 而决不可能“完全准确地、彻底地表达”。因此, 旅游资料中的语言描述必然会留下许多意义空白空间。按照接受美学的观点, 这些空白空间形成了召唤结构, 要求接受者充分发挥自己的想象力, 通过自身的生活经验、道德观念、学识水平、审美能力和标准等, 在自己心中形成一个朦胧的意象。显然, 旅游资料写作和翻译时的思维方式越接近接受者 (读者) 的思维方式, 接受者就越容易发挥自己的想象力, 形成关于景观的初步心理意象;也就越容易使旅游资料能够激发接受者的兴趣和好奇心, 刺激他们领略异地风光和生活、寻找平日不易得到的知识和快乐的欲望, 达到传播本地文化的目的。但是, 中西方分属不同的文化体系所造成的思维上的巨大差异, 已经成了影响我国旅游资料翻译质量的重要因素之一, 有必要对这一问题进一步深入的研究, 以促进翻译质量的提高, 促进中国旅游业的发展。
思维与语言的关系问题, 很早就受到了研究者的重视。早在18世纪末19世纪初, 德国语言学家威廉·洪堡特 (Karl Wilhelm Von Humholdt, 1767-1835) 在一篇长达300多页的绪论中, 就曾在语言的本质和功能、语言与思维的关系、语言的文化内涵等多方面的问题上, 做了富有创见性的研究和探讨, 为现代语言学思想奠定了基础。 (洪堡特, 2006) 他认为语言从精神出发, 再反作用于精神, 这里的“精神”即是指“思维”。旅游资料中的语言从作者或译者的思维出发, 最终将作用于接受者的思维当中。因此, 只有尽量贴近接受者的思维方式和特点, 才能够激发他们的旅游热情, 体现出旅游资料的功用。关于中西方思维的差异性问题, 国内已有很多学者进行了精辟地论述, 为进一步的研究奠定了良好的基础。比如连淑能教授指出思维方式的差异本质上是文化差异的表现, 东西方分属两大不同的文化体系, 所以形成两大思维方式;进而提出了中西思维方式的十大差异, 包括伦理型与认知型、整体性与分析性、意向性与对象性、直觉性与逻辑性、意象性与实证性、模糊性与精确性、求同性与求异性、后馈性与前瞻性、内向性与外向性以及归纳型与演绎型。 (连淑能, 2002) 根据对中西方景点旅游资料的对比研究, 笔者以为当中所体现出来的思维方式的差异主要有以下几点:
1. 直觉性与逻辑性
旅游资料中用语言来描述景点优势时, 很多时候中国人通常按照自己的直觉评价“好”, 并主要依靠堆砌大量褒扬词汇来展现, 而缺乏具体的、有序的证据证明自己的观点;与中国人评价的方式殊异, 西方的旅游资料虽然也会尽力体现自己景点的优势, 但是言语的展开却更像是科学研究, 会具体的指出认为“好”的理由。思维方式是造成这种差异的重要原因。在思维方式上, 中国人的思维具有直觉性, 也就是人们基于有限的事实, 凭借自身已有的知识、经验和体验, 对事物本质及其规律所做的识别、判断和理解。这种思维过程不是依据严密的逻辑规则, 所得结论就必然具有一定程度的猜测性。所以, 中国人历来提倡“悟性”, 强调感悟生活、感悟自然, 重在“传神”而不在于“形似”, 注重个体的直观体验, 很多时候都是“只可意会, 不可言传”。旅游资料中所堆砌的大量褒扬词汇, 能充分发挥中国人的想象力, 让他们从语言美中感悟到具有很大想象空间的朦胧的意象美, 感受到“意境创造的极致即含蓄美, 朦胧美” (孙迎春, 2002) , 激发他们的好奇心与兴趣。而西方人注重理性思维, 注重形式逻辑, 强调科学实证和形式论证, 凡事都讲究清晰、严密、符合逻辑且条理分明, 认为只有思辨的东西才是最完善、最美好的。表现在语言上, 除了通常所说的语言形态的外露及形式的完整外, 在内容上也强调层次清楚, 逻辑分明。因而, 单纯大量的词汇堆积只会让他们觉得“空而不实”、“没有意义”, 自然无法生出美好的想象;但是如果有具体的事实做支撑, 西方人就会认为这种美好是可以想象的, 是有根据的。比如下面关于山东蓬莱阁景区的简介:蓬莱仙阁, 层崖千仞, 重溟万里, 浮波涌金, 扶桑日出, 霁河横银, 阴灵生月, 烟浮雾横, 碧山远列, 沙浑潮落, 白鹭交舞, 游鱼浮上, 钓歌和应。听览之间, 恍不知神仙之蓬莱也, 乃人世之蓬莱也。 (曹佩升, 2007) 这段文字充分体现了中国人重直觉的思维特点。作者大量堆砌了四字词语, 虽然对蓬莱阁“美”的叙述提出了很多的意象, 但这些意象较朦胧且彼此间的形式论证并不十分明显;但是当中优美的语言却让中国的读者能够充分想象蓬莱阁“人间仙境”的那种超凡脱俗的美。而关于蓬莱阁的英文介绍却是:Penglai Pavilion Tourist Area has always been known as the Fairyland on Earth.The legend of Eight Fairies Crossing the Sea and the natural wonder of mirage have won world wide reputation.Penglai Water Fortress, the most completely preserved ancient naval base in China, is, together with Penglai Pavilion, the national key---protected historical relic.Visitors can vividly experience four different styles of cultures here including the fairy culture, the patriotism culture, the port culture and the maritime folk culture.可以看出, 作者没有像中文资料中的那样堆砌大量词汇, 而是采用了通过指出比较具体的事实来引起读者“到此一游”的兴致。比如在谈到“different styles of cultures”时, 具体列举了四种, 包括“the fairy culture, the patriotism culture, the port culture and the maritime folk culture”;而在说到“Penglai Water Fortress”时, 则较准确地指出了它是“the most completely preserved ancient naval base in China”, 这符合西方人重视逻辑、强调科学实证和形式论证的思维特点, 能够较好的激发他们旅游的兴致。
2. 主体性与客体性
中国的旅游资料中, 常常会加入一些人的主观观感与评价, 比如在对自然风景的描述中加入一些人的主观想象等;而此种情况在西方却较少出现。笔者以为这与中国人的思维中重主体, 而西方人的思维中重客体有关。中西传统哲学思维的根本分歧在于:中国的思维是以主客体统一为基础的, 而西方的思维是以主客体对立为出发点的。在中国人的思维中, 主体与客体是相互联系, 甚至是可以相互转变的, 强调“天人合一”、“物我交融”, 从而使自然景观与人发生了密切的关系, 成了“你中有我, 我中有你”、“万物皆有灵”。由于注重主客体的统一, 强调主体要参与到客体中去, 就必然强调主体的意识;因此, 在描述自然和人文景观时, 加入主体的观感、判断或评价就是十分自然的了。西方的哲学则是将主体与客体截然分开, 二者是不相容的, 因此必然要保持物我之间的距离, 主体才能够对客体进行理性的、客观的剖析与描写。所以, 对西方人而言, 旅游资料中对景观的语言描写是为了给读者提供尽量完整、客观的现实描写, 以方便读者做出理性的判断;而人的主观感受或评价会干扰读者的判断, 是需要努力避免的。例如在张家界国际旅游网站上有一段介绍:“在这里, 幽深的峡谷中, 一簇簇、一群群、一片片拔地而起的奇峰异石数也数不清, 傲然挺立, 直上直下, 棱角分明, 如刀砍, 如斧劈, 极富男人的阳刚之气, 似人似兽, 若剑若戟, 形成了世界上独一无二的石英砂岩峰林峡谷地貌景观。”在中国人看来, 这段话中虽然作者溶入了自己的主观感受, 认为“极富男人的阳刚之气”, 却并不会让人觉得不客观、突兀, 反而显得更加生动、有活力、有亲近感, 十分形象地展示出了张家界独一无二的地貌, 比较符合中国人的思维方式。但是, 试想如果将这段描写翻译成英语, 按照西方人保持物我之间的距离, 给读者提供尽量客观的现实描写的思维特点, 对于“阳刚之气”这类充满主体主观感受与评价的词句, 则是需要“敬而远之”的。关于这个问题, 从下面一段对欧洲著名的Postojna大溶洞的介绍, 也可窥见一斑。“On the road leading from central Europe to the Adriatic coast lies a small Slovenian town of Postojna.Its subterranean world holds some of Europe’s most magnificent underground galleries.Time loses all meanings in the formation of these underground wonders.The dripstone------stalactites, columns, pillars and translucent curtains, conjure up unforgettable images……”以上介绍以朴实、客观的描写, 向人们勾画了洞中千姿百态的钟乳石所形成的自然奇景, 虽然中国人可能会觉得有些过于平实、单调, 但却是符合西方人的思维方式的。
3. 模糊性与精确性
模糊的思维方式是客观存在于人的大脑中的, 人所共有的。Wang Paul P.&S.K.Chang认为“人的大脑能够用不精确的、非定量的、模糊的方法进行思维和推理。”有学者也曾指出, 从语言的发生学角度看, 语言是模糊的, 因为模糊性的根源在于客观世界的无限性和人类大脑在信息处理方面的局限性。 (李文戈和武柏珍, 2004) 认识主体和客体模糊性的相互碰撞使得模糊语言大量存在, 所以模糊性是思维和语言本身所固有的属性, 是绝对的。但是, 思维方式又是有模糊与精确的相对区别的。中国人重直觉、提倡“悟性”的思维方式, 强调“神似”而非“形似”, 使得思维的不确定性大大增加, 思维的模糊性也会随之增加;而西方人注重逻辑的思维方式, 使他们更强调形式上的准确表达, 思维的精确性越高也就越可能实现严密的逻辑关系。比如, 人们常常可以在不同的中文旅游资料中发现“天下第一”这类字样, 很多时候这是中国人模糊地表达赞美、表达“好”的一种方式, 并不一定该处的风景就真是世界第一;中国人思维的模糊性, 使人们不会认真地追究它的真实性, 而只将其作为一个泛化的概念来考虑。但是在英文旅游资料中, 若不是有权威统计的结果佐证或可靠的引证, 极少夸奖某处风景是“the first in the world”;因为西方人的精确思维不会将其当成一个朦胧的概念, 而是当作具体的标尺看待。
在全球化旅游业大发展的今天, 为了更好的介绍各国、各地的旅游资源, 达到发展经济, 推介地方文化的目的, 提高景点介绍资料的翻译质量是必要的, 具有相当的社会价值。为了达到这一目的, 研究中西方思维差异是必须做的工作。本文通过实例分析, 展示了中西方思维差异的几个方面, 即直觉性与逻辑性、主体性与客体性、模糊性与精确性的差异。对这些差异的了解和领会无疑有助于促进旅游资料翻译质量的提高, 有助于克服由于不同的文化背景和社会基础所造成的跨文化交流障碍, 促进跨文化交流, 有助于促进旅游业的发展。
摘要:随着旅游业的快速发展, 提高景点介绍资料的翻译质量变得紧迫起来。研究中西方思维差异有助于解决这一问题。本文通过对比中西方旅游景点介绍, 从思维角度分析了造成其中差异的原因, 其中涉及直觉性与逻辑性、主体性与客体性、模糊性与精确性。这一分析角度和结论具有较佳的现实和指导意义。
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[4]洪堡特 (德) :论人类语言结构的差异及其对人类精神发展的影响[M].陕西人民出版社, 2006
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[7]曹佩升:中西旅游审美心理差异与旅游资料的英译[J].内蒙古农业大学学报, 2007 (3) :350-352
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11.面试英文自我介绍 篇十一
Good morning,ladies and gentlemen
It is my great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself.and I hope I could make a good performance today, eventually become a member of your school.Now let me introduce myself please.I’m a graduate student from MAOMING UNIVERSITY.My name is ** ,* years old., born in MAOMING.GuangDong province.My major is English, and I will graduate this June.In the past 3 years,I spent most of my time on English studying and practise.I have a good command of both spoken and written English and past CET-4 with a ease.Skilled in use of Office 2003, excel.My graduate school training combined with my cadet teacher should qualify me for this particular job.Although perhaps I’m not the best among the candidates, but with my strong knowledge background and full enthusiasm for education, I am sure I will satisfy you well.As a college student, I concentrated on studying modern teaching technology.I have acquired enough essential and fundamental knowledge of English teaching in the past three years.Since September 2005, with great interest, I have been doing student cadre for almost each semester and formed good team-work spirits.It also kindly provided me crucial guidance to analyze interpersonal relationship.My teachers and classmates describe me as a reliable and considerate person.Other than my major study, I have master a great skills in computer operation.One month as cadet teacher in the March of 2008, not only did i obtain enough first hand experience in my field but also gradually realized that the career I have chosen is sacred and significant.Therefore, I am determined to become a diligent, hardworking, and responsible educator.Last but not least, I will be fully committed and I am confident to work efficiently and meticulously under pressure as a competent team member.I welcome the opportunity to speak with senior management further regarding my qualifications for the position.Thank you for your attention!
12.外贸英文自我介绍 篇十二
my name is***
since graduated from hunan huangpu foreign language college in XX,i had done the teaching for one and half an year,and had worked in foreign trade business.until in feb,XX,i returned to the south central university for studying more knowledge and confirming objective.during the past two years studing,i had been majoring the application english on the base of trading english,including the advance english(one),advance(two),economy and trade english,busiess english correspondence,selected readings in english and american literatures,chinese and english translation course,interpret and listening,japanese,advance english writing etc.in addtion, i got the undergraduate diploma,flunetly oral english,good conpprehesion reading
better social communication ability!