1.英文简历:需要避免表示法 篇一
* 不要为了强调,而刻意的把每个字母大写。例如把PowerPoint写成POWERPOINT。虽然达到强调的目的,却增加阅读的困难。
* 避免不当使用术语、简称、或缩写,不但容易产生距离感或卖弄感,还容易令人误解。例如:Acronym 取几个个别的字的第一个字母,组成一个字。例如: B2B (business to business,一种电子商务型式),DCF(discount cash flow,一种财务分析工具)。 求职 者在使用时,必须体贴预想, 面试 官可能没有这方面的涉猎,根本不知道这些缩写代表什么。
* 此外,因为acronym是取几个字的头一个字母,所以相同的acronym, 可能代表南辕北辙的另一串字。例如:CD,日常生活中至少就有以下几种可能:
Compact Disc (光盘片)
Christian Dior (迪奥名牌)
Certificate deposit (定存)
* 另一种为缩写为abbreviation,例如:International 缩为Intl, Vice President 缩为VP,缩写的.确可以精简句子、也减少了版面的占用,但有时会稍嫌不正式,读者也可能因为不了解而心生疏离。
* 最需要避免的,就是通篇履历表,使用过多的缩写。例如:从教育背景的文学士B.A. (Bachelor of Arts),公司头衔的VP (vice president, 副总裁),一路到工作内容的LBO(leverage buy out),通通都用缩写。这样的履历表, 面试 官在看时,得经常分神去「解读」、甚至「猜想」这些缩写的意思,那又怎么能读得赏心悦目呢?
2.写英文简历需要注意什么 篇二
错误:Hi,I‘m an entrepreneur.Can you make this app for me for free?Because,you know,I have this brilliant idea but I don’t know how to code.
正确:Hi, I‘m an entrepreneur. Can you make this app for me for free? Because, you know, I have this brilliant idea but I don’t know how to code.
错误:I think our current version is too skeuomorphic ,why don‘t we ,uh ,make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish?
正确:I think our current version is too skeuomorphic, why don’t we, uh, make it flatter so that it looks more metro-ish?
正确:139 2739 6856 或 139-2739-6856
错误:In , I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre.
正确:In 2008, I created this amazing service during my internship at Playboy which is totally LBS avant la lettre.
正确:(86) 139 2739 6856 或 (86) 139-2739-6856
七、对于有序列表,应采用「阿拉伯数字 + 英文句点 + 半角空格」的方式。
Three words I hate:
2, Leverage.
3 Synergy.
Three words I hate:
1. Innovation.
2. Leverage.
3. Synergy.
错误:Byte Press(née Tangcha ) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period.
正确:Byte Press (née Tangcha) is the best Chinese-language eBook app. Period.
错误:After the linguistic turn, people are getting addicted to pretentious bracketed words such as ‘(ex) plain (ed)’.
正确:After the linguistic turn, people are getting addicted to pretentious bracketed words such as ‘(ex)plain(ed)’.
错误:“Bazinga!” ‘You are pwned!’
正确:“Bazinga!” ‘You are pwned!’
十、正确使用各种短横:em dash
(—) 是破折号,en dash (–) 用来连接年份、时间,是「到」的意思,hyphen (-) 是连字符。
错误:Glenn Gould (1932-1982) is probably my one and only hero - the person who taught me to think differently well before Steve Jobs.
正确:Glenn Gould (1932–1982) is probably my one and only hero — the person who taught me to think differently well before Steve Jobs.
1. 若写作时用两个 hyphen (--) 代替破折号,Word 等文书处理软件会自动将其转为 em dash。有监于 em dash 输入不便(Mac 上是 shift + option + -),这也是英文写作通用的替代法。
2. 破折号(em dash)两端可各留一半角空格,亦可不留。此乃英美习惯之不同,无对错之分。惟请在同一份简历中保持统一。
3.表示比较的英文词汇 篇三
1、like To them, animals have their own right to live a natural life like human beings.2、likewise By this logic the soldier would call his rifle “she”, and likewise the carpenter his hammer.3、in the same way We repaired the machine in the same way as he.4、in a like manner There are constitutionally allowable measures that can be enacted at the federal level to reduce ID fraud.Federal politicians, in a like manner to state ones, should consider submitting bills calling for all federal agencies to immediately cease using Social Security account numbers and birth dates as universal passwords.5、another Another reason is that there is a big gap between the majors some students study in school and the demands of vacant jobs.So companies think some students are not fit for the jobs.6、equally important At the same time, willingness by other countries and regions to work together with China is equally important
7、besides Besides, parents own much more life experience than us.Sometimes, they are just like our models.8、in fact There is not enough energy, in fact, in many regions of China.9、furthermore Furthermore, they should face their weak points so as to improve themselves and be more competent.1
10、too This is exact the job that I’m looking for, which is totally in line with my major, and the salary is very tempting, too.11、then I think after you become mature enough, then you can use your sharp eyes to recognize people, find who you really suit to, then, take it seriously.12、in addition to She speaks five foreign languages in addition to English.13、for one thing For one thing,with the increase in car ownership in recent years,the roads are becoming more and more crowded,often making the journey to work more of a nightmare than a dream.14、moreover Moreover, you have risk to find the bad persons when chat in chat room especially women.15、at the same time At the same time, they will help us to shake off our demerit.16、accordingly So you should change your search term accordingly.17、similarly Similarly, a country, too, needs friends.二、进行对比时常用的过渡词语:
1、on the contrary On the contrary, I have only just begun.2、on the other hand On the other hand, libraries should not refuse the latest information technology, which will enable them to regain those young readers.3、despite Despite that, the majority of mid-aged people and senior citizens uphold the importance of the traditional performance.4、yet Yet there is no consensus on the development of private cars.5、unlike Unlike people and dogs, cats are true carnivores.6、in contrast In contrast, science/technology/ education and art/literature/poetry books only account for 10.8 percent and 5.1 percent separately.7、conversely Conversely, many people have an ordor for pop music.8、however However, without perseverance, one’s success may be more dependent on luck than anything else.9、different from Learning a language is different from learning math.10、in spite of In spite of all the above mentioned, I still favor owning a car.11、although Now although every minute is critical for this young life, his oiperation has been delayed for lack of money.12、but But when I went home and read it carefully, I found in surprise that a few pages were missing, what’s worse, there are too many misprints.13、whereas In conclusion, my idea is that just as there is no distinction between high culture and low culture, so it is inappropriate to say pop music belongs to the “lower” people whereas symphonies in a higher, loftier form of music.14、while Some believe that they can learn best by listening to the advice of others, while others believe that it is better to learn through personal experience.3