教师在任务型教学中的作用 (译林牛津版英语)


教师在任务型教学中的作用 (译林牛津版英语)(精选5篇)

1.教师在任务型教学中的作用 (译林牛津版英语) 篇一

模块六 重点词组

Unit 1

1) 突然大笑起来 burst out laughing; burst into laughter

2) 取笑,拿。。。。。。开玩笑 make fun of

3) 玩得高兴 have fun; enjoy oneself; have a good/wonderful time

4) 对。。。。。。做出反应;答复。。。。。。 in response to…

5) 对。。。。。。的反应 (one’s) response/reaction to…

6) 排队等。。。。。。 queue/line up for…

7) 至关重要 of vital importance; vitally important

8) 对。。。。。热情 be enthusiastic about…

9) 呈现新面貌 take on a new look

10) 承担额外工作 take on extra work

11) 推卸责任 shift the responsibility/blame for sth onto sb

12) 发生;进行 go on

13) 过着舒适安逸的生活 live/lead a cosy life

14) 引起公众对。。。。。。的注意 raise public awareness of…

15) 出洋相 make a fool of oneself

16) 筹集资金 raise/collect money

17) 减肥 lose weight

18) 绊倒 trip over

19) 在电视上直播 be broadcast live on TV; a live broadcast of…on TV

20) 刷牙 brush one’s teeth

21) 打开(电器等) turn on/switch on

22) 虚构,捏造;组成,构成,占;弥补,补偿 make up

23) 受。。。。。。喜爱 be popular with…/popularity with…

24) 效仿 follow in the footsteps of…

25) 对。。。。。。有影响 have an effect/influence on…;

26) 战胜疼痛 fight pain

27) 查生词 look up a new word

28) 被分成。。。。。。 be divided into…

29) 为。。。。。。腾出地方 make room for…

30) 做。。。。。。是某人的责任 it’s one’s responsibility/duty to do…

31) 与。。。。。。相撞 bump/ knock/ run/ crash into…

32) 把。。。。。。一撕为二 tear sth in two; tear sth into halves

33) fool sb. into/out of doing… 哄骗某人干/不干某事

34) sb. be torn between…and… 左右为难

35) tear oneself away from… 依依不舍地离开;把。。。。。。拿走

36) in an emergency 在紧急情况下 40)raise sb to sb’s feet 将某人扶起

37) howl with laughter 狂笑 41)be supposed to …被期望;应该

38) in charge 负责;掌管 42)do fine 干得不错

39) take sb. on 雇佣某人

Unit 2

1) 在。。。。。。方面取得成功 achieve success in…

2) 实现目标 meet/reach/achieve/accomplish one’s goal

3) 以防(万一);如果 in case

4) 把。。。。。。描述成。。。。。。 describe…as…

5) 投身于,献身于 devote/dedicate one’s life/oneself to…

6) 使某人失去。。。。。。 cost sb sth

7) (使某人)振作起来,高兴起来 cheer (sb) up

8) 情绪高涨,兴高采烈 in high/good spirits

9) 以。。。。。。而自豪 be proud of…/take pride in

10) 适应。。。。。。 adjust/adapt (oneself) to…

11) 一系列 a series of…

12) 特别注意。。。。。。 pay special attention to…

13) 只要。。。。。。 so/as long as; if only

14) 充满 be full of; be filled with

15) 对。。。。。。满意 be content/pleased/satisfied with

16) 对。。。。。厌倦 be tired of/be bored with/be fed up with

17) 提高成绩 improve one’s grades

18) 放弃做。。。。。。 quit doing sth; give up doing

19) 回顾 look back on

20) 在阳光下 in the sun/sunshine

21) 保证所有人的健康和快乐guarantee good health and happiness for all

22) 做兼职 do/work part-time jobs

23) 简化生活 simplify one’s life

24) 花最多的时间做。。。。。spend the maximum amount of time doing…

25) 享受生活 enjoy one’s life

26) 为自由而奋斗 struggle/fight for freedom

27) 克服困难 overcome one’s difficulties; smooth away one’s difficulties

28) 令某人失望的是。。。。。。to one’s disappointment

29) 对。。。。。。乐观 be optimistic about…

30) 对。。。。。。表示同情 express/feel/have sympathy for…

31) 安排某人做。。。。。。arrange for sb to do…

32) 生动描述。。。。。。 give a vivid description/account of…

33) 与。。。。。。交流 communicate with sb

34) 做。。。。。。的动机 the motivation to do…

Unit 3

1) 上网 go online; log on

2) 收集信息 accumulate/gather/collect information

3) 一直,始终 all the time

4) 每当涉及到/提到。。。。。。时whenever it comes to…

5) 参与 participate in; take part in; join in

6)习惯于。。。。。。 be used to (doing)sth; be accustomed to (doing) sth

7) 满足几个目的 serve several purposes

8) 燃放爆竹 set off firecrackers

9) 与。。。。。。有联系/有关be connected with/to…; be linked/related to…

10) 在某人年轻时 in one’s youth

11) 尽可能。。。。。。 as…as possible; as…as sb can

12) 领某人参观。。。。。。take sb around; show sb around

13) 相关的人 the people concerned

14) 分发 give out; hand out

15) 与某人握手 shake hands with sb.

16) 与某人联系/接触 in contact/touch with sb

17) 使某人能够做。。。。。。enable sb to do…

18) 与众不同的 with a difference

19) 乐器 musical instruments

20) 是。。。。。。的家园 home to…

21) 属于 belong to…

22) 信仰;信赖 believe in

23) 养成。。。。。。的习惯 form/be in the habit of…; get/fall into the habit of…;

24) 改掉坏习惯 kick/quit/get out of/get rid of the bad habit(s)

25) 一般来说,。。。。。。 generally (speaking); in general

26) log off 关机;下线

27) go through the proper procedure 履行正确的程序

28) hold up 延迟,阻碍;搀扶,支撑;举起,抬起

29) hunt for 追猎;搜寻,寻找

30) make a(no/some)difference有(没有/有一些)关系/影响/区别

31) native speakers of English 英语是其母语的人

32) meet with 偶然遇见/碰见;开会

33) settle down 定居,过安定的生活;安下心来,平静下来

34) adjust (oneself) to…调整,调节;适应

35) settle differences 消除分歧

36) as far as I’m concerned,… 就我而言

37) take sth into account 考虑。。。。。。

38) account for…解释,说明;了解,查明;占(比例)39)in plain clothes穿着便服

Unit 4

1) 生活在贫困中 live in poverty

2) 由。。。。。。组成 be made up of; consist of

3) 解决问题 settle/solve a problem

4) 在。。。。。。方面进行合作 co-operate in…

5) 提升人们对。。。。。。的意识 increase/raise people’s awareness of…

6) 吸引某人对。。。。。。的注意力draw/attract one’s attention to…

7) 一笔钱 a sum of money

8) 缺乏。。。。。。 (a )lack/shortage of…; lack…

9) 让某人可得到。。。。。。 …be available/accessible to sb

10) 使某人意识到。。。。。。 make sb aware of…

11) 帮助需要帮助的人 help people in need

12) 被强迫做。。。。。。 be forced to do…

13) 给。。。。。。捐钱 donate money to…

14) 改善生活条件 improve living conditions

15) 出故障;抛锚; sth break down

16) 患(某种疾病) suffer from…

17) 提出(方案、建议等) put forward; come up with

18) 体重增加 put on weight; gain weight

19) 开展活动 conduct a campaign

20) 使某人想起。。。。。。 remind sb of sth

21) 做自愿者工作 do voluntary work

22) 从。。。。。。中吸取教训 draw lessons from…

23) 代表。。。。。。 on behalf of…

24) 生活舒适 live in comfort; live a comfortable life

25) volunteer for sth/volunteer to do sth自愿做。。。。。。

26) make an urgent request for sth 紧急要求得到。。。。。。

27) if only 只要;但愿,要是。。。。。。就好了

28) by means of/by no means/by all means凭借/决不/当然可以

29) on purpose 故意地 36) at the expense of… 以。。。。。。为代价

30) flood-stricken areas 洪泛区 37) refer to谈及;涉及;指;参考;查阅

31) bring sb. closer together 使。。。更团结 38) apart from…除了……(还有)

32) bring people’s attention to… 使人们注意。。。 39) in chaos/in a mess处于混乱状态

33) bring up children 教育/抚养孩子 40) promote respect for…增进对。。。的尊重

34) fresh water 淡水 41) look out for…留神;提防

35) running water 自来水 42) get hold of 得到;抓住

2.教师在任务型教学中的作用 (译林牛津版英语) 篇二

关键词:“任务型”教学 写作 结合


一、 任务型教学与写作教学结合的模式在牛津版初中英语中的体现


1. 任务前阶段,即构思阶段


2. 任务环阶段,即实施阶段


3. 任务后阶段,即评价阶段


4. 完善巩固阶段


二、 牛津版初中英语任务型教学与写作教学结合的教学案例

我们以《My low?carbon life》为牛津版初中英语任务型教学与写作教学结合的教学案例。首先是构思阶段。

T: The earth is becoming warmer and warmer. The global warming is mainly because of the carbon emissions, which has made lots of bad effects. So it??s important for us to have a new lifestyle——low?carbon life. The word has become very popular and fashionable. Do you know what it means? (提问两名学生)

之后是执行阶段。可以引导学生先用自己的语言口头表述身边生活中的低碳概念,从而为Writing and self?editing(写作)做出必要的铺垫工作。

T: It??s true that low?carbon lifestyle has been part of your family life. Not only I but also your pen friend Tom is very interested in it. Can you write an email and tell him about it?


三、 牛津版初中英语任务型教学与写作教学结合的其他注意事项

1. 在牛津版初中英语任务型教学与写作教学的课堂之外,建议老师尽量组织一些兴趣小组,有针对性地开展牛津版初中英语“任务型教学”的有关模拟训练,从而在实践中引导学生构思和组织语言的兴趣爱好。

2. 在牛津版初中英语任务型教学与写作教学的课堂上,教师要尽量根据课堂实际情况增加一些与任务相关的、有趣味性的读、听和说的活动,提升课堂气氛,增强大家的参与性和积极性。

3. 教师在牛津版初中英语任务型教学与写作教学结合的整个过程中要尤其注意充分调动学生的积极性和主动性,也就是要通过不断的鼓励和引导措施,使学生敢于开口讲英语,充分展现学生自己对英语词汇的理解能力和写作任务的完成信心。

四、 结语



1. 郝群.提高英语写作水平的六条途径[J].中小学英语教学与研究,2003(3).

2. 龚亚夫,罗少茜.任务型语言教学[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2003.

3.教师在任务型教学中的作用 (译林牛津版英语) 篇三






4.教师在任务型教学中的作用 (译林牛津版英语) 篇四

1、 go birdwatching去观鸟

2、 at the market在市场

3、roast chicken烤鸡

4 Beijing Duck 北京烤鸭

5 learn more about birds in the wetlands


6 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

7 get more information 获取更多的信息

8、fly to northern countries飞往北方国家

9 long-pointed wings 尖长的翅膀

10 long-winged birds 长翅膀的鸟

11 web-footed animals 有蹼足的动物

12 forked tails 剪刀似的尾巴

13 a long thin neck 细长的脖子

14 brownish feathers 略带棕色的羽毛

15 colourful feathers 鲜艳的羽毛

16 hooked beaks 带勾的喙

17、nature reserves自然保护区

18、in north-east China在中国东北

19 one of the world’s most important wetlands 世界上最重要的湿地之一

20 provide food and shelter for wildlife


21 provide food and shelter for wildlife


22 provide sth for sb = provide sb with sth


23 an ideal home 理想家园

24 live comfortably 住得舒适

25 all year round 全年

26 an important living area 重要的生活区

27、stay there for a short stay=go there for a short stay


28、catch fish for food捕鱼为食

29、rare red-crowned cranes稀有的丹顶鹤

30 change the wetlands to ……把湿地改成……

31 change……to do sth 改换……来做某事

32 make space for ……为……留出位置

33 have enough living space 有足够的生活空间

34、the Chinese government中国政府

35、count birds/ do a bird coun t数鸟

36 protect these endangered birds


37 less and less living space 越来越少的生活空间

38 a lot of tourists 许多游客

39 study the different kinds of birds


40 the changes in their numbers 他们数量上的变化

41do something to help the birds 为保护鸟做些事

42、understand the importance of the wetlands


43、be in danger处于危险当中

44 members of ……的成员

a member of ……的一位成员

45 do something for the birds 为鸟类做些事

46 in a dangerous state 处于危险状态

47 show good/bad manners to others


48 walk a long way 走很长一段路

49 make them actively take action to protect wildlife


50 the bus stop outside our school


51 return to school 返校

52、a large/small number of大量/ 少量

53、keep shops开店

54、in other areas of the world在世界的其他地方

55、a pair of leather shoes一双皮鞋

56、drop litter carelessly随意扔垃圾

57、finish school毕业

58、be quiet安静下来

59、liaten to your talk 听你的演讲

60、make a lot of noise发出很多噪音,吵闹

61、during the birdwatching在观鸟期间

62、a report on Zhanglong关于扎龙的报告

63、prevent the flood防洪

64、for example例如

65、have an area of 120,000 hectares


66、an application form申请表

67、interests and hobbies兴趣和爱好

68、become a member of成为……成员

69、can’t wait for 等不及

can’t wait to do sth迫不及待地做某事

70 take the bus back 乘车返回

71sing nicely 唱得好听

72 speak softly 说得轻

73greet us politely 有礼貌地向我们问候

74make sure 务必,一定,确保

75 frighten the birds 吓着鸟

76 during the watch 在观察期间

77 other smaller birds 别的更小的鸟类

78 World Wetlands Day 世界湿地日

79the home of plants , animals and birds


80 on that day 在那天

81 call sb on +(电话号码)


82 e-mail sb at + 电子信箱


83 prevent sb from sth / doing sth

阻止某人某事/ 阻止某人做某事

84 go to the wetlands photo show 去参加湿地相片展

85a big white bird with a long thin neck


86 World Wetlands Day 世界湿地日

87、watch the birds closely近距离观鸟

88 come to club activities 来参加俱乐部的活动

1 I am going birdwatching at the market .


2 What do you know about birds ?


3 Which bird do you like best ?你最喜欢那种鸟

4 The area provides food and shelter for wildlife .


5 Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round .


6 Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes .


7 Some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings .


8 This means there will be less and less space for wildlife .


9 More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space .


10 The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds .


11 This year, members of our Birdwatching Club are going to study the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers .


12 Many people do not understand the importance of the wetlands .


13 We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife .


14 When you go birdwatching , you sometimes have to walk a long way .


15 If you leave litter there ,you will be unwelcome . 如果你把垃圾留在那儿,你将会不受欢迎

16 I found the article on wildlife interesting .


17 First walk to your birdwatching place quietly .


18 You must talk very softly during the watch .


19 It is important for you to write your reports clearly .


20 Zhalong is the home of a lot of plants and animals , including different kinds of birds .


21 There’s an interesting bird show as well .


22 I will be very happy if I can became a member of your club .


23 Are you going to the wetlands photo show next week ?


24 They simply can’t wait for the show next week .







5.联系方式:Tel: 0519-7088888.

Dear Sir or madam,

I listened to your report on birds yesterday . I would like to become a member of the Birdwatching Club . I a student in Grade 8 . I am interested in football . My favourite lessons are science and geography . I love birds and the nature as well . I can come to club activities from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. . I’ll be very happy if I can be a member of your club . You can call me on 0519-7088888 .

Yours sincerely,

5.教师在任务型教学中的作用 (译林牛津版英语) 篇五



牛津高中英语模块一Unit 1 (下)







contest, replace, possession, complete, include, programme, present(v), event, item, venue, timetable, compare, issue, order, dynasty, professor, unnecessary, attractive, underline, approve, , generation, require, scary, design, draft, wording, previous, finalize, poem, poet, confident, run(manage,operate), host, hostess, advertise,vote.


refer to 指 , function as当作…使用, 具有….的功能 , leave out省略 , relate to 和…相关 , pay attention to注意, in short form用宿略的形式, take place发生, make decision作决定, make comparison作比较, take turns轮流, follow the outline按照纲要, be responsible for对…负责, consist of包含,由…构成, come up with想出, base on根据, have it approved by…征得…..的同意, inform sb of sth告知, sign up签名参加.


1. I have to do my home work in a place that has desks and chairs.


I don’t want to study in a room where desks and chairs are too small.


第一句里定语从句 that has desks and chairs的关系代词that指代主句中的名词room,作从句的主语;第二句里定语从句where desks and chairs are too small的关系副词where 指代主句中的in a room, 在从句中是地点状语。试比较:

This is the beach where(on which) many North Europeans spend their summer holidays.

This is the beach that(which) has white sand and palm trees.

上一句的beach是北欧人度假的地方,在这个地方是地点状语,所以用关系副词where 指代; 下一句中有白沙和棕榈树的是beach,它是从句的主语,所有以用关系代词that来指代。

2. Besides, I might be reading the books in your father’s bookcases instead.


She will be reading newspapers and magazines instead of doing her homework.


“might be reading”,“will be reading”属于“情态动词+be+doing” 的结构,表示对某个时间正在发生的事情的预言、推测或期待。例如:

I shall be lying in bed and watching my fvourite football game by the time he finishes his homework..等他做完家庭作业时,我早就会躺在床上看我喜爱的足球比赛了。

“instead,instead of ”都表示“代替,而不是….” “instead”通常需要承接上文才能表达完整的意思,“instead of ”则可以在一句话中表达做了和没做的事情。例如:

We didn’t go home after school. We went to a net café instead.

→Instead of going home after school, we went to a net café.

2) Students in UK don’t have lots of home work.. They have many school activities.

→Students in UK have many school activities instead of homework.

3. A programme is a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved.



4. The more choices you have, the better your final decisions will be.

相当于:If you have more choice (条件状语从句为一般现在时), you will make better decision(主句用将来时). 你的选择越多,最后的决定就越好。“The+比较级(adj/adv)或含比较级的词组,the+另一个比较级(adj/adv)或含比较级的词组”, 表示“越……就越…..”。

5. Your teacher has received an e-mail from a friend asking her about a history book from your school library.


划线部分是现在分词短语作定语,补充说明宾语e-mail 的内容。

6. ISBN ( International Standard Book Number) 国际标准图书编号

ISSN (International Standard Serial Number)国际标准期刊编号

7.make常见的动宾搭配: make tea/coffee 沏茶、冲咖啡 , make friends交朋友 , make mistakes犯错误, make trouble惹麻烦, make a suggestion提建议, make a fire生火, make faces做鬼脸, make a decision做决定, make comparasions作比较, make a living谋生, make money挣钱 , make a request提要求, make an application申请。


通知是上级对下级、组织对成员或平行单位之间部署工作、传达事情或召开会议等所使用的应用文。以布告形式贴出,把事情通知有关人员,如学生、观众等,通常不用称呼;通知要求言简意赅、措辞得当、时间及时。 例一:布告形式的通知:通常此类通知上方正中写Notice或NOTICE(通知),发出通知的的单位的具体名称可放在正文前,也可放在正文后,右下角处,发出通知的日期写在左下角处。例如

NOTICE All mumbers of the students’union are requested to meet in the school conference room on Saturday, Sept18th, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss questions of international culture exchanges with New Zealand high school band. Sept.14,


Make a poster explaining a safety rule. It should give us a good Stay Alert message. If your poster wins you will receive a SASS T-shirt and it will appear in the SASS Gallery.

Mail you poster to:Stay Alert ... Stay SafeP.O. Box 93006,499 Main St. S.Brampton, OntarioL6Y 1N0


1.定语从句中关系代词that、which 用来指代物,who 、whom和that 用来指代人,whose用来表示所属关系,关系副词when、where和 why指代时间、地点和原因。

2.关系代词的用法 (1) 如果先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which。例如: All that I have is my love for this land.

There isn’t much that we can do to ease his pain. (2) 如果先行词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, only, few, much, no, some, very等词修饰,关系代词常用that,不用which。例如:

The last person that we want to invite to our house is Uncle Sam.

No nation that is capable of such atrocity can be trusted by its neighbours. (3) 非限制性定语从句中,不能用关系代词that,作宾语用的关系代词也不能省略。例如: There are about seven million people taking part in the election, most of whom are well educated. (4) which还有一种特殊用法,它可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中,which可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语,多数情况下意思是与and this 相似。例如: She failed in her attempt to catch the prince’s attention, which was a great disappointment to her mother. (5) 如果作先行词的集体名词着眼于集体的整体,关系代词用which;若是指集体中的各个成员,则用who。 (6) 先行词有两个,一个指人,一个指物,关系代词应该用that。例如: The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely. (7) 如果先行词是anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody,关系代词应该用 who 或whom,不用 which。例如: Is there anyone here who will go with you?


The girl (whom) you just saw is the cheer leader of our football club.

Every moment(that) we spent in the UK will be a precious memory for us. As在定语从句中的用法 一. 引导限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 (1)as多与such 或the same连用,可以代替先行词是人或物的名词。 (2)as 也可单独使用,引导非限制性定语从句,作用相当于which。例如: The elephant’s nose is like a snake, as anybody can see.二.关系副词引导的定语从句 1.关系副词也可以引导定语从句 关系副词在从句中分别表示时间.地点或原因。关系副词when在从句中充当时间状语,where 充当地点状语,why充当原因状语。例如:We shall always remember the day when Japan surrendered to the ally force.

This is one of the few places where you can buy top quality wine. 2. that有时也可引导定语从句表示时间.地点或原因 That有时可以代替关系副词 when, where 或者why引导定语从句表示时间.地点或原因,这种定语从句中的that也可以省去。例如:

That is the time(that) he arrives.

That is the reason (that) he came.



1. His parents wouldn’t let him play with anyone ______ scores was poor.

A. of whom B. whom C. of whose D. whose

2. She heard a terrible noise, _______ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it B. which C. this D. that

3. In the dark street , there wasn’t a single person _____ she could get help.

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

4. The day _______ he chose for his son wedding was a lucky day in the lunar calendar.

A. when B. where C. that D. who

5. After living in Pairs for fifty years he returned to the small town ____ he grew up as a child.

A. whichB. where C. that D. when

6.This monument is all ______ remains of the ancient kingdom.

A. it B. that C. when D. which

7.He mentioned a book the tile of ______ I can’t remember now.A.whoB.which C.this D.what

8. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase , _____ was very reasonable.

A. which price C. the price of which

C. its price D. the price of whose

9._____ has already been pointed out , grammar is not a set of dead rules.

A. As B. It C. That D. Which

10. He lived in London for 3 months , during ____ time he learned some English.

A. this B. which C. that D. same

11. On the wall hangs a picture, _____ color is blue.

A. whoseB. of which C. which D. its

12.I still remember the time ______ I first became a college student.

A. what B. whichC. that D. when

13. Mr.Ford still talks like the man______ he was ten years ago.

A. that B. where C. which D. there

14. The boss ____ department Ms King worked ten years ago looked down upon women.

A. in which B. in thatC. in whose D. whose

15.I don’t like _____ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which

16.I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella ._______ I got wet through .

A. It’s the reason B. That’s why

C. There’s why D. It’s how

17. He made another wonderful discovery , ____ of great importance to science.

A. which I think is B. which I think it is

C. which I think it D.I think which is

18. There is only one dish on the table_______ I want to eat .

A. who B. that C. what D. whcih

