Unit 3知识点总结


Unit 3知识点总结(共10篇)

1.Unit 3知识点总结 篇一

Unit3 Topic1 1.Excuse me ,could you please tell me your name ? Could/would you please do sth?(表示请求)


2.______________ 我会说点中文。



Speak 还有发言、演讲之意 _________________他明天要在班上发言。

What does he say in the letter?________________________


Kate saw a card in her table, it said:”Happy Birthday”!_______________________

Look!Our teacher is talking to(with)our parents._______________ talk 常与to/with/about等介词连用,表示一般的日常谈话

He will tell everyone the good news in our class.=__________________ 递给某个人或向别人讲述一件事一个故事 tell sb sth = tell sth to sb

3.I like it very much/a lot.(非常喜欢)

I like it a little.(有点喜欢)

I don’t like it at all(一点也不喜欢)not „„at all一点也不

我非常喜欢弹吉他。___________________ 我有点喜欢打篮球。___________________ 我一点也不赞同你的看法。____________________ 4.Could you help me with it?

help sb with sth.=help sb(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 ___________________你能帮我做数学作业吗? 5.没问题______________ 6.But my Chinese is not very good._____________________ 7.Who is the letter from?_____________________

__________________是莉莉。8.But he knows a lot about China.Know(a lot)about„„ 对„„了解(很多)他了解很多历史知识。__________________ 9.He wants to visit Beijing.___________________ Visit +地点 参观某地

visit + 人 拜访某人


Want to do sth.想要做某事

我想马上买一瓶水。______________________ 10.He lives in Beijing.对加粗部分进行提问_______________________

Live in +大地点

live at+小地点

苏珊住在巴黎。________________________ 麦克住在小村庄里。____________________________ 11.We often help each other.___________________________ 12.These letters are in English.______________________

Unit3 Topic2 1.Glad to meet you.____________________ 相同意思的句子还有____________________________ Be glad/happy to do sth.很高兴做某事

tell指把一件事传 2.What does your mother do ?=What’s your mother ?=what’ your mother’s job? 她是一名家庭主妇。_______________ 模仿上面三个句子,翻译“你的父母是做什么的?” _________________________________________________ 3.She works ___ home/___ a hospital/___ a farm/ ___ a restaurant.(填介词)对加粗部分提问______________________ 4.Maria shows a photo of her family to KangKang.=Maria shows KangKang a photo of her family.Show sth to sb=show sb sth.向某人展示某物

玛利亚个我看了她的新铅笔盒。_____________________________ A photo of her family _____________________ 改成名词所有格:_____________________ 5.She teaches us English.Teach sb sth/to do sth.爸爸教我要诚实。_____________________ 6.那个穿着黄衣服的年轻女人是谁?(in+颜色)_____________________




7.Kangkang has a big family.此处family是“家庭”,看作一个整体。

His family like each other.这里family是集体名词“家人”,做主语谓语动词用复数。8.He likes to play with Kitty.=_____________________ Like to do sth = like doing sth.Unit3 Topic3 1.Help yourselves(to sth)!随便吃!2.I would like some eggs.对划线部分提问:______________________ Would like sth = want sth would like to do sth.3.How about you?=What about you ? 你呢? 4.I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.对加粗部分提问:_______________________ 5.May I take your order?_________________________ 6.Would you like something to drink? 是的,我要一杯橙汁。______________

不要了,谢谢。________________ 7.你想和我一起吃晚餐吗?________________________ Yes,I’d love to.I’d love to ,but„„(拒绝)

8.Why not = why don’t you„„用于提建议,为什么不„„

干嘛不和我们一起去看电影呢?(两种译法)____________________ 9.They’re all kind to me.Be kind/friendly to sb.对某人友好

2.高中英语必修五unit3知识点 篇二

1. impression 印象,感想

2. take up 拿起,开始,继续

3. constant 时常发生的,连续不断的

4. previous 在前的,早先的

5. guide 指导,向导

6. lack 缺乏,没有

7. lose sight of 看不见

8. sweep up 横扫

9. slide into 移动,溜进

10. optimistic 乐观的

11. speed up 加速

12. desert 沙漠

13. instant 瞬间,片刻

3.Unit 3知识点总结 篇三



do morning exercises晨练,做早操eat breakfast吃早饭have English class上英语课play sports进行体育活动eat dinner吃晚饭eat lunch吃午饭climb mountains爬山go shopping购物,买东西play the piano弹钢琴visit grandparents看望(外)祖父母go hiking去远足


When do you eat dinner?你什么时候吃晚饭?

I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.我晚上七点吃晚饭。

When do you get up?你什么时候起床?

I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.我通常在中午12点起床。

What do you do on the weekend?你在周末干什么?

Usually I watch TV and go shopping.我通常看电视和购物。

Sometimes I visit my grandparents.有时候我去看望我的外祖父母。I often play football.我经常踢足球。

Sometimes I go hiking.有时候我去远足。


eat breakfast—have breakfasteat lunch—have lunch

eat dinner—have dinnerplay sports—do sportsusually—often 复数形式:policeman—policemenpolicewoman—policewomen



同义句:What do you do ?---What are you?你是干什么的?



五、以复数形式出现的词组:visit grandparentsplant trees 介词后跟表示时间的词语时,表示在某年、某月、某个季节,某个时候(在上午,在下午,在晚上)用in;表示在某一天,在星期几用on,在具体的几点几分用at.七、too 和either的用法区别:too和either都是“也”的意思,但too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。



season季节 spring春天 summer夏天 fall冬天winter冬天swim游泳fly kites 放风筝 skate滑冰 make a snowman堆雪人 plant trees 种树


Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?

I like winter best.我最喜欢冬天。

Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season。夏天是很好,但是冬天是我最喜爱的季节。

Why do you like summer? 你为什么喜欢夏天?

Because I can swim in the lake.因为我可以在湖里游泳。

Why do you like winter? 你为什么喜欢冬天?

Because I can sleep a long time.因为我可以睡很长时间的觉。


三单:say—says ask—asks come—comes

对应词:wake up—sleep go to bed—get up

同义句:What’s your favourite season?(你最喜爱的季节是什么?)----Which season do you like best?(你最哪个季节?)

四、play with 玩雪,play in the snow在雪中玩.如果在横线后面有the ,则选择in , 如果在横线后面没有the , 则选择 with.五、like后面不能直接跟动词。如果需要跟动词或动词性词组时,则需在like后面加to.如果不加to.就要把后面的动词变成相应的动名词形式.如:I like to swim ===I like swimming.六、当表示某地某个季节的天气情况时,要把季节放在前面,地点放在后面。其结构为:What’s the weather like in 季节in 地点?


一、主要单词:January(Jan.)February(Feb.)March(Mar.)April(Apr.)May June July August(Aug.)September(Sept.)October(Oct.)November(Nov.)December(Dec.)


1.When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候It’s in May.在五月。

2.My birthday is in June.Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too.我的生日在六月。比尔叔叔的生日也在六月。

3.Is her birthday in June? 她的生日在六月吗?Yes.是的。

4.What’s the date? 今天是几月几日?June 9th.六月九日。

5.What’s the date today? 今天是几月几日?

It’s April 10th.四月十日。



(1)五月May , 六月June, 七月July,没有简写形式。九月September 的简写形式是前四个字母加点Sept.其他八个月的简写形式是前三个字母加点。



(1)一般情况下,直接在基数词后面加th.(one , two , three 除外)。one—first , two—second , three—third.(2)以ve结尾的基数词,变ve为f, 再加th.如:five—fifth , twelve—twelfth.(3)以t结尾的基数词,直接加h。如eight—eighth.(4)以不发音的字母e结尾的,丢掉不发音的字母e,再加th.如 nine—ninth.(5)以y结尾的整十数,在变为序数词时,将y变为ie,再加th.如twenty—twentieth.(6)20以上的两位数,变为序数词时,十位数不变,只将个位上的数变为序数词。如:twenty-one----twenty-first , twenty-two—twenty-second , thirty-four—thirty-fourth.(7)序数词的简写形式为表示该词的阿拉伯数字加上该单词的最后两个字母,最后两个字母要变成上标格式。如:first—1st , second—2nd , third—3rd , fourth—4th.twentieth—20th

3.在回答When is your birthday?这个问题时,如果只说明生日在几月份,在月份前用in.如 My birthday is in July.如果要具体说明生日是在几月几日,则要把in去掉,直接用is,或者在is后加on。如My birthday is June 9th.或My birthday is on June 9th.4.注意区分两个句子:What day is it today ?今天星期几? What’s the date today? 今天是几月几日?

5.根据要求写单词: make(现在分词)---making.send(现在分词)---sending.6.句子:How many birthdays are in October ?有几个人的生日在十月? There are 3.7.My birthday is in February.(变为一般疑问句)---Is your birthday in February?

8.Does she have a computer? 她有计算机吗?当第三人称单数和句子中出现了does时,其他动词必须使用原型。

4.Unit3教案 篇四

Unit 3 Language in use.课型:Revision 课时:45 minutes 课前预测 In this Unit, they’ll learn more about the Present Continuous Tense.It will not too difficult to learn it.教学方法:Interactive approach, writing and speaking.板书设计:Key words and sentences in PPT.教学目标:

1.Master the key words and expressions in Module 10.2.Master the Present Continuous Tense.3.Cultivate their ability of creation.教学重难点:

1.Key words and expressions.2.Key sentences in Module 10.3.How to use the Present Continuous Tense.教学准备:

PPT/pictures on the Internet/ videotape.教学过程:

Step 1.Warming up:

Ask them: What do Chinese people often do on Spring Festival? step2.Language practice.1.Go through the sentences and read them.2.Find the rules and talk about the picture in Part 1.step3.The Present Continuous Tense.1.The forms of different sentences of the Present Continuous Tense.2.The differences between the Simple Present Tense and the Present Continuous Tense.3.Exercises about the Present Continuous Tense.step4.Complete the passage.1.Complete the passage in Part 4 by themselves.2.Check answers each other, then read their answers loud in class in pairs.Step 5.Saying.Find four things that you both do at Spring Festival.Check the answers.Stetp 6.Around the world.Go through the passages of around the world to learn something about Christmas.Step 7.Ask and answer.Work in pairs.Ask and answer questions to finish Part 6.Step 8.Write notes.Write notes to finish Part 7.Step 9.Writing and saying.Write a letter to a pen friend.Then have a quick test.Step 10.Exercises

5.Unit3教学反思 篇五




6.Unit3教学反思 篇六

本堂课教学时间为40分钟。根据初一学生学习英语的特点和规律,按照任务型教学模式,本堂课由Warming up,Presentation,Listening,Game四个教学环节构成。下面我具体讲一下我的教学步骤和设计:

1. Warming up



2. Presentation




3. Listening:



4. Game:



7.人教版高二unit3 篇七


Teacher Li Shujuan

School Fu Song No.1 Middle School

Type Warming up / Listening



Demands knowledge 1. To learn more about art and literature.

2. To encourage Ss to activate the relevant vocabulary

ability 1. To widen Ss’ range of knowledge.

2. To develop Ss’ listening abilities.

moral To arouse the Ss’ interest in art and literature, and to get the Ss’ to appreciate them.

Key points To know about art and literature.

To master and practice listening skills

Teaching aids computer and tape recorder

Teaching procedures

Step I Lead in :

To show some pictures about Modern Buildings and Traditional Buildings and ask Ss to express their ideas about them. Then to come out come words to help to introduce the listening methods

No. 1

Step 2 Present situation 1:

To listen to an unfamiliar listening material.


Teacher’s tip: Enable Ss to focus on specific words to finish Ex.1 and Ex.3

1. Take the listening text for example to explain how to get the specific information.

2. Instruct Ss to listen to the text. methods


Specific words

Step 3 Present situation 2:

To listen to a unfamiliar listening material.


To practice how to get unfamiliar sentences in the listening material.

To listen to the text and do EX.2 Listening

Specific sentences

Step 4 Present situation 3:

To Determine Context (听取大意)


To encourage Ss to summarize the main idea of the listening text .

Procedure: Listening

Summing up

Get the Ss to summarize the listening by filling the table.

Names Likes Dislikes



Step 5. Access:

To have a quiz on the workbook to access the teaching effect.

Step 6. Homework:

1. To listen to I-IV on the Extensive Reading Book.

2. To read the comprehension texts on Buildings in the Entrance Examination paper of and 2oo2.


8.八下unit3教学设计 篇八

Period 1

一、教学内容Section A 1a----1c


1.学习词汇do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, do the laundry,sweep the floor, clean the living room.2.句型 Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.三、教学准备 学生预习本单元所有的词汇 多媒体课件 活动表 奖品


1.Warming up

Enjoy ourselves.Watch cartoon Cinderela.看动画片段《灰姑娘》导如入本课话题和新词汇―chores‖美丽善良的鬼姑娘因继母的嫉妒,每天得做所有的家务。片段的主题使学生联想到本课的话题。

2.learn new words and phrases

Look!What is she / he dong? 看图学习动词词组do chores, do the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash, fold the clothes, do the laundry, clean the living room.3.Guessing game.What is she doing ?

4.Pair work.1a, Do you do these things at home? Write ―Y‖ for ―yes‖ and ―N‖ for ―no‖.5.Listening.1b , Peter’s chores or Mom’s chores?

理解目标语Could you please clean your room? Yes, sure.Write ―M‖ for Mom’s chores, ―P‖ for Peter’s chores in the chart.6.Pairwork

Look at the picture, Ask your partner to do the chores that you see.7.Interview Who is the most able at home?

1)What chores do you do at home? How often do you do the chores? Work in four, interview

each of the students in the group, fill in the chart.2)Then one student make a report to the class.―In my group….Does the dishes every day,…We think … is the most able one in our group.‖




Read the words and phrases you learn today.make a dialogue between you and your parent about doing the chores.五.教学反思

本节课主要谈论家务,话题贴近生活,在热身阶段, 以灰姑娘的动画片段导入动词词组,猜图游戏使词汇得到巩固,为下面的活动做好铺垫。新词汇结合学生的生活实际, 掌握运用target language礼貌提出请求, 并使学生受到爱劳动的教育..是本课的重点.。

Period 2

一、教学内容Section A 2a-4


1.词汇:stay out late, work on the computer, get a ride, use the car, go to a meeting.Hate to do /dong sth。区别make与do的用法


Could I please use your computer? Sorry, you can’t..Could I please watch TV? Yes, you can.But you have to clean your room first..3.表达看法:

I like doing dishes because it’s relaxing, but I hate to do…because it’s boring.三、教学准备 课件 卡片 小奖品

四、教学过程。1.Warming up

Game ―Chain drill‖.运用上节课的target language―Could you please do…?‖依次问答,其中的动词短语不能重复 ,复习动词短语。

2.Fill in the blanks with ―make‖and ‖do‖.3a

3.Chores that you like or dislike, 3b

1)呈现 like doing/to do, hate doing

2)Make a list of chores that you like and dislike.3)Pairwork.谈论喜欢和不喜欢的家务,并表达自己的看法。

A: Do you like doing dishes?

B: Yes, I like …because it’s relaxing,No, I hate to do…because it’s boring.4.Listening.2a

1)Peter ask his father if he can do four things.Check ―yes‖ or ―no‖

2)Listen again, Why does Peter’s father say ―no‖

Draw lines to the reasons in the chart.5.Present target language

由听的活动2a 引入target language:

6.Game.Sorry!I can’t!

Play the game in 4.7.Groupwork.(小组为灰姑娘动画片段配音)

(One day, the king invited all the girls to the great party.Her step mother and her two sisters were going, She wanted to go very much, so she asked her mother―…?‖ and what’s her mother’s answer?

―Could I go to the party? No, you can’t.? / Sure, you can.But you have to do all the chores first.Hahaha!…‖)

8.Who’s the luckiest?

1)一个学生扮演仙女,其他学生展开想象,向仙女礼貌地提出自己的梦想.请求帮助;运用target language ―Could I please…?或者Could you please...?‖



Is there really a fairy in the world? We must try our best to make our dreams come true.9.Grammar focus

10.Homework.Could I go to the party? The concert? / the football game?…


本课以灰姑娘的故事为线索,围绕―chores‖ 这个话题, 礼貌地征求对方的许可。以游戏导入,复习提出请求的句型Could you please …? 谈论喜欢和不喜欢的家务,从听的活动自然过渡到本课的target language―Could I..? ‖,接着,为灰姑娘想参加舞会而被继母拒绝的无声片段的配音,为学生运用目标语提供了一个趣味平台。―幸运之星‖的活动,每个学生向仙女提出帮助实现梦想,让学生熟练地综合运用Section A 部分的target language。最后渗透德育,启发学生走向成功光有梦想不够,惟靠自己的努力!

Period 3

一、教学内容Section B 1a-2c


1.学习词汇 invite my friends to …,buy some drinks and ,snacks, borrow some money r,teenager disagree 2.掌握句型.Could you please buy some drink and snacks? Sure./ Yes, I can.Could I borrow xome money? Yes, you can..Sorry, you can’t.3.难点;综合的运用单元的目标语针对实际情景解决问题.三、教学准备

复习动词短语,并且预习生词, 游戏用的卡片 小奖品


1.游戏.学生两人一组,代表所在的大组, 相对而立, 老师展示课前准备好卡片,卡片上写着动词词组, 一学生表演动作,另一学生在十秒内猜测词组, ,根据猜对的词组个数,评出挑战成功的组.这个游戏的目的是复习所学的动词短语..打好脚手架架.sweep the floor, fold the clothes, clean the floor, cook, make the bed, buy some drinks and take out the trash, wash the car, invite your friends to …等,2.Discussion

(在屏幕上展示出刚才的动词短语).,1)1a What can teenagers ask their parents to do? What do parents ask their teenagers to do? 学习用I agree/ disagree 表示自己的观点.T: Come to the front , talk about your ideas.(.这个任务地目标运用词汇进行表达, 同时渗透了对学生爱的教育,爱父母,爱家庭,爱劳动.)

A:I think teenagers …B:I agree./ I don’t agree(disagree).I think …

2).Sally’s weekend.Ask: What chores does Sally do on weekends? What do you think of Sally? Then Show some photos of Sally.3.A game

Practice with―Could you please…?‖―Could I …?‖将课前准备的双色卡片(如:红/蓝)分发给学生,卡片以字母编号,同一编号的有两张,上面有简笔画,规定获得红色卡片的学生先发问,根据卡片上的简笔画回答。



homework first


A: Could you please clean the floor?

A2: Sure!But I have to do my homework first.B: Could I have a digital camera?

B: Sorry, you can’t.It’s too dear..Or

B: Could I borrow some money from you? I want to buy a camera.It’s 2000RMB.B: Sorry, I don’t have so much money.4.Listening.1)

2a Listen and check the things you hear..2)2b Listen again., and fill in the chart.What is Sandy’s mother going to do ?

What is Sandy going to do?

What are Sandy and Dave going to do?

3)Listen to Happy birthday song..5.Group work.Make a telephone invitation and ask for help.(小组继续比赛)

If you are sandy,you want to invite you good friends to come to you party, and you need their help, too..Make a list of things you want to buy and to do first, then discuss in group, act it out..让学生进行评价.评出有特色的―最佳表演‖―最佳创意‖―最…‖小组,给予奖励。

6.总结本课的target language.7.Homework.Invite your friends to have a picnic with you, and ask for their help to prepare for the picnic..make a conversation.教学反思

如何激发学生的兴趣, 使他们主动积极地参与活动,开展合作学习, 使课堂充满活力,使设计的每个任务产生实效, 这是任务型教学中的首要问题.本节课开展小组竞赛, 任务链为:游戏热身(巩固词汇), 讨论(学习运用句型), 表演(综合运用)等活动, 逐步递进, 从简到难, 从谈论Sally 的周末, 到谈自己一周里所干的家务,电话邀请和请求帮助 ,都是来自现实生活的话题, 极具真实性.为学生综合表达提供了丰富的素材.让学深入、让学生参与过程的评价体现了以学生为主体的原则.Period 4

一、教学内容Section B 3a –3c & self check


1.学习词汇 take care of, forget to do, feed the dog, move to a new house,take the dog for a walk

2.学习写留言条获得朋友的帮助。.3.难点;综合运用单元目标语,针对实际情景解决问题.三、教学准备 复习词汇和句型, 预习3-4, some paper


1.warming up.1)Memory challenge.复习词汇 和Target language

Tom’s week.Students look at the chart for only one minute, then the chart is covered, Students say what Tom does on weekdays and weekends.2)Do 1 in self check 2..3a Reading

1).Question: Do you have a dog or a bird ?

How do you take care of it? Discus in pairs.2)Read the e-mail message.Quickly.in 3a.What does Thomas ask Nancy to do?

3)词汇分类.Which things are about food? Cleaning? Exercise?

4)学习写求助的留言的方式法.3.Help Sandy Complete the e-mail message.(3b and 3c),展示优秀的作品.4.Group work.―Help Wanted‖

1)给出不同的话题,让每个小组抽取一个话题,合作讨论, 写留言条寻求帮助.2)然后将条子贴在黑板上,让每组学生代表上来找到自己能做的事,并和小组进行对话表演.5.总结.6.homework:


9.三年级英语unit3教案 篇九


2.熟练地运用句型What colour is / are the…? It’s /








Step1: Warming-up1.Sing a song(复习以前学过的颜色歌) 2.Greetings 3.Free talk :Talk about some things around with colours(接力赛)

T: I can see a red pencil case.. What can you see?

S1: I can see a book.

T: What colour?

T: It’s…(提示学生)

S1: It’s yellow.

T: Very good!

T: Anyone else? What can you see?


1.Guessing (PPT)

T: Children, This is my room. T: Can you guess what’s it?

S1: There’s a table.

T: Yes, you are right!

﹍﹍ 2.Introduction

T:Now, Look at my room. Is it pretty?

Ss: Yes!

T: Look at my room. What colour is the table?

Ss: It’s yellow.

T: How many walls are there?

Ss: There are four walls.

T: What colour are the walls? Ss: They’re pink.

Step4: Practice

1.Pair work: Panit your room, then make a dialogue.

-----What’s in your room?

-----There’s / There’re …

-----What colour is / are the …?

-----It’s / They’re…

2. Group work: Finish the survey in the group.

name thingsnumber colourXiaoming table one Grey

Paul shelf two White

Karla … … …

Anna … … …

(1) Introduce the information of survey.

Eg: S1: Xiaoming has a table. It’s grey.

S2: Paul has two shelfs. It’s white. Step6: Homework

Step6: Homework

(1)Design a room, and introduce it to your parents and friends.

(2)To find more information about the room by the internet, next time share the information with us.


Unit 3 My room

I have a pretty room.. shelf

What colour is the shelf?

It’s yellow. Wall

What colour are the walls?

10.unit3课文默写 篇十




我认为学做家务和帮助父母做家务对于孩子们来说是重要的。只是在学校取得好成绩是不足够的。现在的孩子们太依赖他们的父母了。他们总是说:“你能帮我拿这个吗”?或者 “你能帮助我那个吗?”做家务能帮助开发孩子性独立并且教他们如何照顾自己。这也能帮助他们理解公平的含义。既然他们和父母住在一起,他们应该知道每个人都应该保持这个房子干净整洁。我们邻居的儿子上了一个很好地大学,但是在他在大学的第一年,他不知道该怎么照顾自己。因此,他经常生病并且他的成绩下滑。孩子们越早学会独立就对他们的未来越好。
