


1.declare的用法及例句 篇一


give的过去分词常用作定语,多前置,构成过去分词短语时则一般后置。过去分词短语作状语时表示完成或被动的意义,作“假定; 容许; 如果有…”解。


习语giveit me主要用在英国,giveit to me则多用在美国,是正式用法。

2.declare的用法及例句 篇二


第一, 表示征求对方意见或许可的情态动词有must, can, could, may, might, shall等, 如:

——Must I hand in my homework today?——Yes, you must.Yes, you have to.

——No, you needn’t.No, you don’t have to (用mustn’t是讲不通的)

Can I come in and have a good look at your house with my girlfriend now? (比较口语化)

——Could I use your mobile phone as mine is power off? (语气委婉)

——Yes, you can. (回答不能用could)

MayMight I use your bicycle? (比较正式, 用might语气更委婉)

Shall I open the window to let in some fresh air? (shall此用法只用于第一和第三人称)

Shall he come to sit in this seat and listen to your speech? (同上)

第二, 表示邀请或请求的情态动词有can, will, would, could, 一般用于第二人称;用would和could时表示语气更加委婉, 如:

CanCould you lend me some money to buy some books and dictionaries?

WillWould you please tell us a story or joke for pleasure?

第三, 表示允许或许可的情态动词有can, may, 如:

You can sit here and do your homework because the seat is not occupied.

You may go to bed and get up as late as you like;nobody cares about that.

第四, 表示禁止的情态动词有can’t, mustn’t, shan’t等否定形式, shan’t多表按照某规定“不能”如:

They can’t wear whatever they like when they are at school.

Anybody mustn’t take books out of the library without permission.

You shan’t hand in your papers ahead of time in the examinations according to the regulations.

第五, 表示建议或劝告的情态动词有ought to, should, had better, need等, 如:

Parents ought to take care of their children when they are young and children ought to look after their parents when they are old. (ought to表示义务, 为别人做某事)

You should do a lot of exercise regularly to improve your health. (should表建议, 多指为自己做某事)

You had better put more clothes in case it is cold on the mountain, boy! (多用于上级对下级, 长辈对晚辈之间)

In order to learn English well, you need practice speaking English more often besides reading. (比较口语化)

第六, 表示能力的情态动词有can, could, be able to等。can表示现在的“能力”, could表示过去的“能力”, be able to用来填充can, could没有的时态, 但waswere able to除了表示过去的能力以外还表示“过去设法做成功某事”, 等于managed to do something或succeeded in doing something, 此用法不能被could代替, 如:

When I was in China I couldn’t speak English, but now in USA I can speak it fluently.

I am sure that this promising young man will be able to support his family in the future.

They charged 20 thousand dollars for the car but I was able to bring the price down. (managed tosucceeded in…)

第七, 表示推测的情态动词有may, might, must, can, could, should, ought to等。must表推测语气最强, 但只用于肯定式, 否定式中用can’t或couldn’t代替;mustmaymightcan’tcouldcouldn’t+have done表示对过去发生事情的推测;should, ought to表示“按理说应该”, 如:

It may be the headmaster’s office.I am not sure. (把握性不大)

He was careless.He might have won the first place otherwise. (过去的可能性很小)

——Who can it be? (can代替must)

——It must be our manager.

——No, it can’t he him.He is in Japan at the moment. (must不能用于否定句, 由can’t代替)

——Was it in the street that he played football yesterday?

——It could be in the street, but I am not sure. (可能性不大)

There were five men in your car during the long journey.It must have been uncomfortable. (=It couldn’t have been comfortable.可能性很大)

He was with me in the class at that time yesterday.He couldn’t have played basketball on the playground yesterday. (动词是过去式时用couldn’t have done, 不用can’t have done)

He should be over fifteen years old, because he is a student in the 11th grade.

She ought to turn up at any moment, for she is always on time for work.

第八, 表示轻微埋怨、责备或后悔的情态动词有shouldought toneedn’tcouldmight+have done, 如:

The movie star has died.You shouldought to have come here earlier. (过去该做而没做)

She is unhappy now.I shouldn’toughtn’t to have told her the bad news. (过去不该做而做了)

I needn’t have carried so much cash.All my bank cards could be available actually. (做了没必要做的事)

You could have married me at that time.I loved and love you but he doesn’t. (过去本可以做但没做)

She was out of mind.She might have passed the exam otherwise. (过去也许会但没有)

第九, 表示警告、允诺、命令或威胁的情态动词是shall, 常用于第二、三人称, 如:

You shall take the book to read as long as I finish it before Friday.

All the candidates shall remain at their seats until the bell rings announcing the end of the exam.

第十, 表示偏执的情态动词是must, 如:

If you must want to know my age, which is a privacy, let me tell you unwillingly.

Must you smoke at a no-smoking area?You will be punished seriously.

第十一, 表示怀疑的情态动词有should (竟然) , dare, can’t, 如:

Such a high official should be so rude to that little girl.What a shame!

How dare you say that I treated you unfairly?Actually I did it right.

Why can’t you know my telephone number and email address?We are good friends.

第十二, 表示习惯性的情态动词有will, would, will表示现在反复, would表示过去反复, 如:

After work he will go to the caféto have a cup of coffee every day.

Whenever and wherever he met him, he would stop the soldier and ask the same questions again and again in the army.


第一, must&have to。must表示主观上“必须”, have to表示客观逼迫“不得不”, 如:

We must study English very hard, which I like very much.

I have to study English very hard, because I have to pass the exam in the NMET.

第二, would, used to, be used to doing&be used to do sth。would表示过去反复的动作, 而uesd to则侧重“过去如此, 现在已经不是那样了”以及“过去存在的状态”;be used to doing是表示“习惯于做某事”, 其中be有时态和人称的变化, 后跟动名词;be used to do something表示“某东西被用来做某事”, 如:

When he was in that factory, he would go to that coffee shop at the corner after work every day.

He used to smoke and drink a lot, but now he doesn’t.

There used to be a big temple where there is a school now. (过去的状态)

He has been used to working in such bad conditions.

Wood can be used to make desks and chairs as well houses.

第三, didn’t need to do&needn’t have done。didn’t need to do表示“过去没必要做也没做”, 而needn’t have done表示“过去没必要做但已经做了”, 如:

It was raining yesterday.I didn’t need to work in the fields, so I stayed at home. (没去工作)

It was Sunday yesterday.I needn’t have gone to school.But I forgot it and went as usual. (去学校了)

第四, need&dare。这两个词既可用作情态动词, 也可用作实义动词, 一般来说, 情态动词多用于否定和疑问句;实义动词用于各种句式, 后跟动词不定式, I dare say是固定短语, 意为“我认为、我相信”, 如:

——Need I finish my report by six o’clock today? (情态动词)

——Yes, you mustyou have to.

——No, you needn’tyou don’t have to.

As a Chinese high school student, I need to work at least 10 hours a day. (实义动词)

My car needs repairingto be repaired thoroughly. (实义动词, 后跟动名词主动表被动)

Tom daren’t go out alone when it is dark at night. (情态动词)

Dare you go home to face your parents when you haven’t done well in the exams? (情态动词)

I don’t dare to feel the snake even if it is dead. (实义动词)

第五, can’t have done&couldn’t have donecould have done。can’t have done和couldn’t have done均可表示must的否定推测, 强调从现在角度出发推测过去某事“不可能”;但当主句的谓语动词是过去式时, 就必须用couldn’t have done;could have done表示“过去有能力或有可能做某事但没有做”, 有惋惜、遗憾、批评、责备等意思, 如:

His jacket is still here, so he can’t (couldn’t) have gone home. (must的否定式)

My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday, so he couldn’t have attended your lecture. (过去不可能)

You could have walked here instead of taking a taxi;it is so near.

第六, would like to do&would like to have done。would like to do表示现在或将来“想做某事”, 而would like to have done表示过去“想做某事但没做成”, 如:

I would like to go to the concert tonight, but my parents don’t allow me to.

I would like to have gone to the concert last night but I had to review lessons for the exams.


[1]张道真.实用英语语法[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002

3.ask的用法及例句 篇三

1. 可以接双宾语。如:

Ask him his name. 问问他的名字。

She asked me what I wanted. 她问我想要什么。

有时双宾语交换位置,借助介词 of。如:


正:He came to ask me a favour.

正:He came to ask a favour of me.


正:He asked me a question.

正:He asked a question of me.

2. 与介词的常见搭配:

(1) 与介词 for 连用,有“要求得到”的意思。如:

She is always asking for money. 她老是要钱。

He asked 100 yuan for a box. 他要100元一箱。

有时单独用 ask 也可表示 ask for 的意思。如:

He asked (for) the teacher’s advice. 他向老师征求意见。

=He asked the teacher for his advice. 他向老师征求意见。

(2) 与 about 连用,表示询问或打听关于某事的情况。如:

Ask (him) about the ring — he may have found it. 问问(他)你丢的戒指——也许他捡到了。

(3) 与 after 连用,表问候或问好。如:

He always asks after you in his letters. 他每次来信都向你问候。


He asked her something. 他问她一个问题(或一件事)。

He asked her for something. 他问她要某东西。

He asked her about something. 他问她关于某事的问题。

3. 后接不定式或不定式的复合结构,表示要求做某事或要求某人做某事。如:

He asked to stay with us. 他要求和我们一起留下。

She asked me to post some letters. 她叫我寄几封信。

1、ask a price:要价

4.enable用法及例句 篇四


1、使能够, 使成为可能, 使实现


3、起[启]动, 恢复操作


enable sb. to 使人能(做)...

enable sb. to do 使人能(做)...

A temporary swipe card, to enable building access, will be issued to every employee.


(give a grand send-off, etc.) to enable sb. to depart in style


★ enable to的用法及例句

★ dip过去式和用法例句

★ picture过去式和用法例句

★ carve过去式和用法例句

★ score的过去式和用法例句

★ arise的过去式和用法例句

★ devise的过去式和用法例句

★ abuse的过去式和用法例句

★ owe的过去式和用法例句

5.谈日语中惯用语的用法及特点 篇五

惯用语, 顾名思义, 是人们习惯使用的固定短语。它来自社会生活的沃土, 生动浅近, 通俗易懂, 同时又承载了丰富的民俗文化内涵, 是人们在长期的社会活动中积累而成的语言的精华。一个民族的语言, 除了语言和音韵、基本词汇以及语法这三大组成部分外, “惯用语”在丰富语言的表现力方面发挥着重要作用, 占据着重要位置。日语中的“惯用语”或称“惯用短语”, 如同其他民族语言的同类词语一样, 是在漫长的历史发展过程中逐步积淀形成的。日本《国藉大辞典》对“惯用语”的定义为:连接或相应使用两个以上的单词, 其结合成的整体表示某个固定的意思。《日本文法大辞典》的定义为:指两个以上的单词和语句的结合, 表示某个固定的意思。本文主要从惯用语与固定词组的区别, 惯用语的词性特点以及意义转换三个方面对日语中的惯用语进行一些简要的分析。


固定词组或者说习惯说法是在某一社会中, 基于生活方式, 历史习惯等形成的人们所喜欢的说法, 没有固定的形式, 使用上比较灵活自由。如汉语中说“醉酒”时, 一般是指饮酒超过适当的量, 常常伴随着“丑态”的含义。而日本人说“酔う”时, 既可以表示饮酒超量, 也可以表示恰到好处, 常常会使用“いい気持ちによってきた”、“いい気持ちになってきた”、“いいご機嫌だ”等的习惯说法。表示饮酒时心情不好时则会使用“いくら飲んでも酔えない”等的说法。中国的歌词中表达无比高兴, 无比畅快的心情时会唱到“千杯万盏也不醉”, 直译成日语的话, 很多日本人都不能理解。日本的报纸介绍这段歌词时译作“酔うほどに気持ちが高揚する”。

与习惯说法不同, 惯用语有严格的固定形式和意义, 不是与某一内容, 某一场面相关联的使用上的问题。惯用语的词形是固定的, 原则上不能改变其中的词的顺序, 插入其他成分等。如不能因为想说的更委婉一些而把“道草を食う”说成是“道草を食べる”, 也不能因为是书面语而把“油を売る”说成是“油を販売する”等。同样, 汉语的成语也不能为了进一步强调而把“胸有成竹”说成“胸有成铁”, 也不能因为字意相近而把“去伪存真”说成是“去假存真”等。


惯用语一般是由两个以上的词构成, 它的词性是根据最后一个词的词性而定的, 主要有以下几种。

名词性惯用语, 如:茨の道、寝耳に水、玉に傷、馬の耳に念仏、馬の骨、いたちの道、借りてきた猫、犬と猿、鶴の一声、呑舟の魚、花より団子、両手に花、草野球等。

副词性惯用语, 如:ピンからきりまで、泣いても笑っても、ためつすがめつ、根堀り葉掘り、猫の目のようだ、火が消えたようだ、千里の堤も蟻の穴から等。

动词性惯用语, 如:顔から火が出る、頭が下がる、頭を使う、顔を出す、目が回る、目を掛ける、口を酸っぱくする、骨が折れる、背伸びをする、親のすねをかじる等。

形容词性惯用语, 如:頭がいい、見る影もない、風あたりが強い、頭が痛い、穴があったら入りたい、気が多い、鼻の下が長い、逃がした魚は大きい、耳が遠い等。

形容动词性惯用语, 如:赤子の手をねじるよう、木で鼻を括ったよう、狐を馬に乗せたよう、鼠に引かれそう、水を打ったよう、蛇が蚊を飲んだよう等。

连体词性惯用语, 如:音に聞こえた、けんもほろろの、下へも置かぬ、水の漏らさぬ、虫も殺さぬ、虫が好かぬ等。


惯用语都有固定的意义, 在很多情况下不能望文生义, 否则会导致误会。如:“足を洗う”意为:金盆洗手, 并不是洗脚之意;“猿も木から落ちる”意为:智者千虑必有一失, 并不是字面上的猴子从树上掉下之意。惯用语意义的形成, 主要有以下几个类型。





























足を洗う=金盆洗手, 改邪归正。

後足で砂をかける=过河拆桥。字面意为动物大小便之后, 用后腿将沙子盖在上面, 引申义为忘记别人的恩情, 临走还给被人留下麻烦。





惯用语是语言符号中一类比较特殊的符号, 它是定型的语言表达形式。由于历史的积淀、社会的习用, 使得这些语言符号在形式上、意义上、功能上和使用环境上具有区别于它类语言符号的特点:它在形式上是定型的, 意义上是整体的, 功能上可以把它当作一个词、一个短语来使用。从社会语言学的角度看, 它所负载的文化内容最丰富, 它所折射的人文世界最精彩, 它所表达的处世道理最深刻, 它所反映的世态人心最直接。正因为如此惯用语的使用在日常生活中才具有了更为重要的意义。它不但丰富了日常用语的词汇, 而且取得了更好的表达效果, 学习一个民族的语言是了解这个民族的思维方式和思维习惯的必要手段。因此对于外语学习者来说, 只有多注意, 多观察, 多留心, 正确的掌握和使用语言, 才能真正得了解一个民族的独特的文化本质和内涵。

摘要:日语中的惯用语属于一类特殊的词汇, 它由两个以上单词构成固定的形式, 表达特定的意义。惯用语通常以一些具体事物、通俗形象或褒或贬、或含蓄、或直接地表达一些深刻的人生哲理和行为规范。本文就日语中惯用语词性特点和意义等进行了简要的分析。



[1]皮细庚.日语概说[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1997.

[2]松本洋介.新订综合国语便览[M].日本教育图书出版第一学习社, 2000.

[3]金田一京助, 等.新明解国语辞典[M].三省堂, 1989.

6.most of的用法及例句 篇六

1、The most pleasurable experience of the evening was the wonderful fireworks display.


2、Early American weathervanes were most often cut from flat wooden boards.


3、Most of the wine was unfit for human consumption.

7.submit的用法例句 篇七

1. I had asked everyone to submit questions in advance of the meeting.


2. The students must submit themselves to the disciplines at school.


3. He was losing the fight but he would not submit.


4. Never submit to a threat.


5. I will not submit to such treatment.


6. The minority should submit to the majority.


7. Joe refuses to submit.


8. I submit that this should be allowed.


9. I submit to your superior judgement.


10. Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.


11. Candidates in India are advised to submit their applications through the overseas student office in London.


12. Builders will then be sent the specifications and asked to submit a tender for the work.


13. They are inviting talented, but unheralded film-makers to submit examples of their work.


14. The commission has invited interested parties to submit comments, and these are now pouring in.


15. He estimate his income tax bill by extrapolation from figures submit in previous year.

8.purchase的用法和例句 篇八




9.hear of的用法及例句 篇九

hear的用法1:hear的基本意思是“听”,强调的是“听”的结果,即“听见”,引申还可表示“听说”“得知”,指收到某种信息。hear用作及物动词接名词或代词作宾语时,表示无意识地亲耳听到某种声音; 宾语指人时,表示听到某人发出的某种声音(如讲话声、唱歌声、读书声、走路声、敲门声等)。



hear的用法4:hear后可接复合宾语,宾语补足语可以是不带to的动词不定式、现在分词或过去分词。跟含不带to的动词不定式的复合宾语,指听到整个行动或事件,常暗示故意听; 跟含现在分词的`复合宾语,指听到行动或事件的一部分或正在进行的动作,常暗示偶然听到; 而动词的过去分词充当宾语补足语则含有被动意义。


hear的用法6:在非正式的书面语体里, hear能引出直接引语。
