to:啊颖作文(精选5篇)啊颖作文 篇一
摘 要:本文根据作者在2009年7月23日“图书馆个性化知识服务研究与实践”学术研讨会的发言整理。作者认为,图书馆生存的价值取决于图书馆员的社会贡献,而图书馆员的社会贡献应通过丰富多样的个性化服务体现出来。图书馆员要发扬甘为人梯、敢为人先的职业精神,以卓越的专业技能和独特的社会贡献赢得职业的荣誉与尊严。
中图分类号:G250文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-1588(2009)04-0002-02
第三,要积极创新多样化的图书情报服务。在确保图书馆公益性服务的同时,我们要大力开发多样化、个性化的服务手段。图书馆面临的课题很多,有一般的和项目化的信息咨询服务、信息定制服务、科技评估服务等,还有面向专门读者群体的服务,如面向外国人或少数民族的多元语言服务,还有面向其他利益相关者的如金融、航运等的专题服务。图书馆服务要与时俱进,图书馆员的专业能力也要不断更新。啊颖作文 篇二
To be(a Chinese mother),or not to be(a Chinese mother)?蔡美儿是不是一个中国妈妈?她的育儿方式是不是中国方式?她能否代表中国文化?从家庭背景上来说,她生长于一个重视传承中国文化的华人移民家庭,在家里仍然是和父母讲闽南话。她的有一半犹太血统两个女儿(她们的爸爸是犹太裔美国人)在她的教育下,也能说一口流利的中文。
在蔡美儿身上,我看到了典型的中国父母的影子,“可怜天下父母心”这句话也适合放在她的身上。蔡美儿为两个女儿制定好人生发展的规划,为她们挑选学习钢琴、小提琴的老师,在女儿跟老师学琴时,她全程陪同,并作下详细的教学记录……当女儿索菲娅在卡内基音乐圣殿演出成功后,在围着庆贺的人群中寻找她时,这位严厉的妈妈眼里含着泪花,远远地退到了人群之外。啊颖作文 篇三
Language is the means by which people communicate with each other. Nowadays English, as a language, is more popular than any other language, and more widely used by people throughout the world. We regard English as a common language in our daily life, wherever or whenever we maybe use it in order to improve friendship or get to know people and something well. It is related to various aspects in society. David Crystal said, “English is now so widely established that it can no longer thought of as “owned by any single nation.”(Crystal 1997:21). As an English teacher, I feel that it is a great responsibility to teach students English well. But it is very difficult to be good at English, English teachers must be patient to help students interest in English. Otherwise, it will be late when we find that students have no interest in learning English.
Einstain said, “Interest is the best teacher.” Yang Zhengning, who ever won the Noble Prize, also said, “The secret of the success is interest.”Interest is very important to study. People can do everything better if they are interested in it, and at that time, their thinking is very active, if they face various difficulties, they will do their best to try out different ways to solve the problems. They can also ask the teachers、the students or someone else for help or search the books. They must be happy when they success. During the process, a kind of good habit in studying has been formed, and it can courage them to learn further. Now we know the vital status of interest in learning English, and we also know most of time that the teachers and the students can get together is in class. So how to deal with the process of teaching to motivate students to learn English, will become the most task for English teachers.
The importance of the process of teaching
As English isnt our native language in China. We cant usually speak English in some conditions at all, and there is no environment to practise English. In our town, we hardly ever meet a foreigner, we have no chances to communicate with other people in English. Sometimes we also speak English, but they are only some simple greeting words like “Hello, Hi and Bye-bye”in our daily life. But English as a vital subject, and most of English knowledge that students acquired comes from the class, the class is the major teaching form in China. So the process of teaching is quite important. During the process of teaching, English teachers should supply the students a good environment, let the students listen、say、read and write more, using all kinds of teaching methods. The teacher must catch such favourable chance to motivate students to learn English, and should often indicate them, the final aim of language is to use. Then some ways will be shown here.
Listening materials
Listening material is a very important part in English learning. We often emphasize four learning skills:listening、 saying、reading and writing. Listening lies in front, it is an important principle to learn language. Mostly, we get the knowledge through listening, first we hear it, second we can say and master it after practicing it. There are many kinds of listening materials, such as, a piece of new、a chant、a poet and so on.
Showing materials
Chinese ancient great educationist, Confucius said,"Its better to like than know, enjoy than like.”Interest is the most active and positive factor in learning, and is also the basic internal motive power.To junior students, when they begin to study English, maybe they feel it interesting, but a bit hard, at this time, showing things directly can get rid of their afraid feeling. For example, twenty-six letters、traffic means of transport、fruit、school things and so on. Students know those things well. At this time, we show pictures about them, and they can think English is easy and interesting. I can learn it well if I do as the teacher does.
Making up stories
Everyone likes listening to the stories, especially the children. So it is one of the best ways to improve students interest. The teacher can change the new words、the new drills and the grammar into a story, it may be humor、strange、happy、sad or moving, no matter what it is, the story should supply them thought and moral character education, and they should be helpful to the students. The students learn not only the knowledge from the book but also some ways about how to live in society.
Asking questions
Questions must be the first step in getting knowledge, just the ancient people thought, “ Thinking is the most important in learning,but thinking comes from questions, finally the result. We cant catch it well until the result appears.” Thinking and question exist in the same thing, and they will be never divided. So asking appropriate questions can guide the students to be eager to know the result, then they will pay more attention to solve the questions. The approach is suitable for learners in different ages, so the teacher should provide some good questions about the text to motivate students desire of getting the knowledge.
Playing roles
The development of the self-consciousness is an important character for the junior students development on personality, they usually think they have grown up, they like expressing their own opinions on all kinds of things, they wish to be respected by other people. So the teacher should understand it and provide enough chance for them to show them.
Using the poems、songs、films and rhymes
Ways of the poems、songs and rhymes. I talk about one example of songs. Singing songs can give people pleasant feeling. Everyone likes singing and watching films, we always do one of them to relax us when we are very tired, at the same time we can learn more, I think its one of the ways to motivate the students interest.
However as we know that we cant get all the knowledge only in class, but we can organize some extracurricular activities.
English corner
English corner is the best way to learn English, the students can practise the conversations learned in classes. As we know, we cant express ourselves better until we speak more, the students communicate with each other in English from the simple sentences to the difficult sentences in the environment like that. When they cant do it, they can learn from the others at once. As in the school, sometimes the teacher may assign them a certain oral training material according to the students and the textbook every time, from one circumstance to another circumstance, gradually they can use more tenses and more drills, then the short passages, even the long passages, after a long time, the students can speak English more fluently than before, later they will be interested in speaking English, and usually like to express their meaning in English. It is a good way to learn English. They can understand how to learn English? Now where are their shortages and how are they going to change them? The clear learning consciousness will improve the quality of the teaching.
Various matches
The junior students are not easy to give up anything when they are in trouble, but not willing to be defeated by the others willingly and gladly, above are their the most obvious characters. So it is the second important and necessary way to learn English. On the one hand, The students can get more chances to practise the knowledge learned in classes, on the other hand, the ways of the matches are richer and more interesting, I often use the following ways to organize the activities: 1. English handwriting.2. reciting words and texts in limited times. 3.writing down the usages of the grammars.4. Holding the relay race about the words of the same category. 5. Playing short English essays. 6. English speeches. 7. Games and so on.
Furthermore, those activities should be insisted on in a certain time, I think it is held once a week at least. If we can do like those, we will motivate the students interest in learning English truly.
Conclusion:啊颖作文 篇四
The score of Xiaoming’s college entrance examination was not as satisfying as expected and it could only offer him a vocational institute instead of college according to the cut-off line. Thus, the families’ attitudes differ a lot on the issue of choosing a suitable college. Xiaoming’s father, who is a typical traditional and strict Chinese father, dreamed of sending him to a good university, at least a qualified junior college. He suggested Xiaoming to restudy for a year to enter a good university. Holding the opposite attitude, his mother didn’t want her son to be too stressful under such high pressure. In her mind, entering a junior college is unsatisfied but at least acceptable.
XIaoming’s uncle, who strongly recommended him to go to a vocational college of civil aviation so that he could be expertise in a certain major, which would offer him a certain job in an airport or airline company after graduation. But his parents hold the different thoughts. Firstly, the quality of non-publicly funded vocational institutes is not as reliable as colleges, and this kind of college limit the occupation choice. Under such disagreement between Xiaoming’s families, he felt lost and confused to decide whether he is suitable for vocational college.
Actually, this kind of disagreement between families has occurred once after Xiaoming’s high school entrance exam. Though his score was not good enough to enter a good senior high school, his family spent some sponsorship fee and managed him to enter one. Some of his fellow friends who hadn’t reach a satisfying achievement turned to go to vocational college instead of junior high school.
Xiaodong, one of Xiaoming’s neighbors, chose to study western-food cooking in a well-known vocational college. It is acknowledged that most of the graduates of this major have a promising career future. This college is recommended by one of Xiaodong’s remote relatives, who works in a famous hotel in Shanghai as the chief of western food. Just as similar as the situation, Xiaoming’s uncle wishes he go to the vocational college of civil aviation to have a good job. Considering all the factors, Xiaoming’s mother tends to stand by his uncle’s side and prefer the vocational college. However, his father, strongly show his objection toward it, he thinks it’s too risky to escape from high school education and vocational high school limits further career development, which means one has no other choices after graduation.
Finally, Xiaoming obeyed the will of his father’s and attended a junior college majoring in computer. Nevertheless, he didn’t like the major and was not performing outstandingly on his major, so after graduation, he was not engaged himself in computer-relevant job after all. Later, he took a training class to learn baking and went to be a patissier for a cake shop. Sometimes, Xiaoming asks himself, what it would be like if he went to study baking right after his graduation from junior high school? He might have become a senior patissier already.
Xiaoming is an assumed name which represents a true story of my friend. With the development of the society, more and more young people have the pulse to be educated professionally. Despite the fact universities are instantly expanding their enrollment, the number of students who can take higher education is also very limited, which makes vocational colleges an important supplement to the educational system. What’s more, universities and vocational colleges emphasize on different sides. The former one focuses on comprehensive education which makes the society longing for more professional and technical personnel. In this case, educational education is back to the focus of social concern again. Nowadays, parents treat occupational education with a different attitude, but the opinion of Xiaoming’s parents on occupational education is representative and could be regarded as an epitome of our society.
小明最后还是选择了听从父亲的话,上了一所普通的大专,学了计算机专业,但毕业后,小明也没有从事任何与计算机相关的工作,他说自己不喜欢,专业也不够突出,在这个领域不好找工作。他参加了半年的西点培训班,现在小明在一家蛋糕店做一名蛋糕师傅。有时候小明也会问自己:如果初中毕业那年就去职高学西点,现在会不会已经成为高级西点师了呢?啊颖作文 篇五
Olympic athletes can make competing in their events look simple. But one man found out swimming definitely isn’t as easy as Ryan Lochte, Michael Phelps or Julia Wilkinson make it seem.
A 34-year-old, unnamed London man was apparently so gripped by Olympic fever that he decided to swim from Biarritz, France to New York.
The man told his friends while they were on vacation in the beach town that he was going to deliver some Olympic spirit across the Atlantic and jumped in the water, according to Daily Mail.
His friends thought he was joking, but because he was a strong swimmer they let him go. Even if he was a strong swimmer, he hadn’t trained and set out without any equipment, according to Gapyear.
He swam out past the 300-meter buoys which marked the end of the legal swimming area and kept going. But he didn’t make anywhere near America.
Because he was out of sight, the lifeguards had to call in a helicopter to find him. A diver dropped into the sea and explained it probably was a bad idea to swim across the Atlantic Ocean. But the man said he was a strong swimmer and felt up to it. A rescue dinghy arrived around the same time and brought the man back to shore.
“He was a bit naive,” said Laurent Saintespes, senior officer at Biarritz airbase to AFP. “But at a time when the Olympics are taking place in London you have to see the funny side of things.”
If he swam in a direct line it would be about 5,800 km. That’s more than 25 times the longest distance ever swum unassisted in open water and 580 times longer than the longest Olympic swimming event. The longest open water swim was set by Veljko Rogosic when he swam across the Adriatic Sea.
However, someone has swum across the Atlantic Ocean, but it was assisted. Benoit Lecomte did it in 1998 to raise money for cancer and completed it with wetsuits, an electromagnetic field to ward off sharks and a 13-meter long support boat. He swam for eight hours a day and would rest and eat on the boat when not swimming. It was a good thing he had the shark fence, because a great white shark followed him for five days of his 73-day journey.
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