


1.公司英文证明 篇一









货轮名称Name of carrying vessel:

提单号B/L No:

Vessel departure time开船时间:

Estimated time of arrival预计到达时间:

信用证号Documentary Credit Number:

开证日期Date of Issue开证行ISSUING BANK :


We stating that the carrying vessel comply with the following requirements:






we hereby certify

Company signature公司签章


2.公司英文证明 篇二

1 体裁定义及体裁分析理论概说

19世纪以前, 体裁一直属于文学研究领域和修辞学的范畴。最早将这一概念引入语言学研究的是人种学家, 他们想揭示某一话语社团是如何对其成员的交际行为进行分类和标识的。总体上看, 近年来的体裁研究和体裁分析可分为两个主要学派:以Swales和Bhatia为代表的“Swalesian School”和以Martin为代表的“Australian School” (秦秀白, 2000) 。Swalesian School通常以语步 (move) 和步骤 (step) 为语篇分析的出发点, 并且多以学术语篇作为分析对象, 尤其重视学术论文撰写方面的引导。在对学术论文引言部分的体裁特征做过研究后, Swales在1990年提出了修订后的CARS (Create a Research Space) 语篇原型模式 (prototypical model) :establishing a territory—establishing a niche—occupying the niche, 这三个语步又各自包含一个或多个步骤 (Swales, 1990) 。

2 中英文公司简介分析

本文将对60篇中英文公司简介进行体裁分析, 其中30篇中文简介选自2012年中国企业500强的公司简介, 30篇英文简介选自《财富》评选的2012世界500企业的公司简介。

2.1 中文公司简介分析

2.1.1 中文公司简介的语步分析

首先, 我们以中国移动有限公司的中文简介为例进行语步分析, 得出中文公司简介基本的语步结构为:






当然, 并不是每一篇公司简介都包含所有的语步, 通过对这30篇中文公司简介的分析, 我们将其语步结构出现的频率如下表1所示。

从上图中我们可以看出, 并不是所有这五个语步都是一定存在的。在某些公司简介中, 有一些语步是缺失的, 但是有些语步却在所有公司简介中都存在。总的来说, 第一语步, 第二语步, 第三语步是必选语步, 因为几乎所有的公司简介中都有着四个语步。第三语步和第四语步是选择性语步。

2.1.2 中英文公司简介的词汇特征

文章的的词语特征和句型特点很大程度上是由其内容和功能决定的。在公司简介中, 其词语和句型的正确使用对说服其潜在的客户和合作伙伴有重要的作用。

1) 褒义词

在中文公司简介中, 公司大量运用褒义词来试图说服客户来购买其产品或服务, 同时, 用这些褒义词也可为自己建立正面的公众形象。

在中文公司简介中, 公司使用褒义的名词, 形容词和动词来增强公司简介的说服力。例如, 出现在这30篇公司简介中的褒义词有:优质的、最大的、快速地、卓越的、灵活的、先进的、得天独厚的、享有、增长、发展, 享誉、满足、骨干企业、优势品牌等等。

在公司简介里很少使用贬义词, 但也会出现, 比如“一般的”, 但是这种贬义词其实也是用来表示褒义的含义, 例如“红塔好运烟草有限公司成立, 标志着红塔集团的国际化发展战略, 已从“一般”贸易向境外实体运作转型”。

2) 使用具有中国特色的复杂的名词、动词或者短语

在中文公司简介里出现了很多复杂的名词或者名词性短语, 和中国的国家政策结合起来, 用来概况本公司的指导方针或者指导思想。例如:中国石化将全面贯彻落实科学发展观, 继续秉承竞争、开放的经营理念, 扩大资源、拓展市场、降本增效、严谨投资的发展战略, 公司利润最大化和股东回报最大化的经营宗旨, 外部市场化、内部紧密化的经营机制, 规范、严谨、诚信的经营准则, 努力把中国石化建设成为主业突出、资产优良、技术创新、管理科学、财务严谨、具有较强国际竞争力的跨国公司。 (中国石油化工集团公司)

在这个例子里, “科学发展观”是中国的国家政策, “……化”其实表达的意思并不是很清晰, 但是中国的读者依然可以明白作者的意思。并且在这个例子里使用排比的动词和形容词, 使整句话读起来朗朗上口, 又感觉富有文采。

3) 有关政治的一些词汇

除了使用复杂的名词, 动词, 形容词以及短语外, 有关政治的词汇出现的频率也非常的高, 尤其是国有企业的公司简介里。例如:集团公司组建以来, 全系统上下以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导, 深入贯彻落实科学发展观, 坚持以科技创新和改革调整为动力, 抓住机遇, 迎难而上. (中国兵器工业集团公司)

从这个例子里我们可以看出, 这些词语都跟中国最近的国家政策和经济政策有紧密的联系。它反映了公司能够根据政治环境的变化立即做出正确的反映。

2.1.3 中文公司简介的说服策略

1) 经过政府授权

一般情况下, 中文的公司简介总是通过和政府的联系来证明本公司的信誉和优势。

如海信是国家首批创新型企业, 国家创新体系企业研发中心试点单位, 中宣部、国务院国资委推举的全国十大国企典型. (海信)

用这样的表达方式的原因是, 在中国, 政府就是权威和可信性的代表。如果一个公司和政府有关或者是经过政府授权的, 那么客户就会对这个企业更有信心。因而, 公司也总是用这种方式来展示它们的能力, 并用来说服它们的客户。

2) 使用数字

数字可以更直观地向其潜在的客户表明公司的发展状况。例如:2011年末各项存款达9.62万亿元, 各项贷款5.63万亿元左右, 资本充足率为11.94%, 核心资本充足率为9.75%, 均处较高水平。 (中国农业银行)

2.2 英文公司简介的分析

2.2.1 英文公司简介的语步分析

在这一部分我们将对英文公司简介的语步结构进行分析。和中文的公司简介相比, 英语的公司简介的结构更加灵活多变。这些公司想通过不同的结构来展示自己的特色, 甚至还有些公司直接用简单的图表来展示其基本信息, 这样更加直观。有些公司则用很长的句子来阐释其概况。所以我们不能用一个特别的例子来说明英文公司简介基本的语步结构。所以我们只能从这30篇材料中提取出英文公司简介的结构。

从本图中可看出来, 没有一个语步是出现在所有的公司简介中的, 频率超过50%的语步有Company Overview (公司概况) , Introducing the Offer (公司业务范围介绍) 和Market Share and Performance (公司所占市场份额和表现) 。我们可以把这三个语步看作是必选语步, 其他的是选择性语步。

2.2.2 英文公司简介的词汇特征

1) 褒义词

分析过英文公司简介的语步结构之后, 我们来看看它们的语言特点。和中文公司简介一样, 在英文公司简介中依然使用了很多褒义词来提升公司的形象。它们使用褒义的名词、动词和形容词来增强公司简介的说服力。例如:largest, global, high, satisfy, broaden, expand, high quality, pioneer等等。文章中也出现了贬义词, 例如lowest, 但其实也是为了表达褒义的含义, 因为lowest后面加的名词是price, 显示了公司产品价格低廉, 为公司建立了正面的形象。

2) 主语清晰明确, 经常重复

英语是一种主语突出性语言, 除了一些祈使句之外, 大部分英语句子都有主语。在公司简介中, 句子的主语经常是公司的名称, 代词“we”或者“our”后面加名词, 公司不停地用主语来重复公司的名称可以使读者记清楚公司的名字, 用“we”可以缩短公司和读者之间的距离。

例如:We support initiatives in local communities where our employees live and work as well as from where we source our tobacco.We focus our giving mainly in the fields of human and social needs, agriculture and the environment. (Philip Morris International)

从这个例子可以看出公司名称和“we”做主语在英语公司简介中出现的频率很高, 这样可以给读者留下深刻的印象, 使他们记住公司的名字, 并对这个公司产生亲切感。

2.2.3 说服策略

首先, 英文公司简介经常使用标题、数字、首字母大写、粗体、斜体等使公司简介更具有可读性。甚至有些公司使用简单的表格向客户提供必要的信息。这样, 客户可以快速的抓住重点。

其次, 公司经常使用公司的名字和“we”做主语, 以加深客户对公司的印象, 并缩短客户和公司的距离。

最后, 公司经常使用数字来表明公司的能力, 以说服客户购买他们的产品。例如:The company recorded revenues of$42905 million during the financial year ended September 2009 (FY2009) , an increase of 14.4%over 2008.The operating profit of the company was$11, 740 million in FY2009, an increase of41%over 2008.Its net profit was$8, 235 million in FY2009, an increase of 34.6%over 2008 (Apple Inc.) 在这个例子中, 苹果公司使用一系列的数据向客户表明公司的经营状况良好, 产品非常受消费者的欢迎。

3 中英文公司简介的异同及原因

通过以上对中英文公司简介的分析, 我们可以得出他们之间的异同点。

3.1 中英文公司简介的相同点

1) 中英文公司简介都使用语步结构来增强公司简介的说服力。并且它们还有共同的语步结构, 即公司概况和公司业务范围介绍。

2) 它们都使用大量的褒义词来提升公司的形象, 贬义词的使用频率非常低。

3) 它们都通过数字来显示公司具有竞争优势, 以此来吸引消费者和潜在客户。

3.2 中英文公司简介的不同点

1) 中文公司简介的语步结构比较固定, 相比之下英语的语步结构比较灵活。

2) 英文公司简介常用标题, 斜体, 首字母大写等方式使简介更具有可读性, 但中文公司简介很少会使用这种方式。

3) 中文公司简介总是通过和政府的联系和授权来显示其公司的信誉和地位, 这种情况在英文公司简介中并未出现。这是因为在中国, 政府是权力的中心, 具有最高的威信。若得到政府的授权或者奖励, 就意味着这个公司的信誉是有保障的。

4) 英文公司简介中出现了一些语步, 像innovation (创新性) , sustainability (持续性) 和customer admittance (客户通道) 等, 在中文公司简介里是未出现的。这是因为在西方, 公司比较重视创新, 产品或服务的创新就意味着公司可以不断地满足客户新的要求, 也可以使公司实现可持续发展。同时西方是一个“顾客至上”的社会, 因而专门的客户通道可以给客户带来方便, 留下美好的印象。

4 结论

Klein (2005) 认为公司简介不仅能让其客户了解本公司, 也可让其潜在的员工和合作伙伴评估其是否是他们想要合作的公司。因此, 公司简介在贸易往来中起着重要的作用。本文通过对60中英文公司简介进行体裁分析, 总结出中英公司简介不同的宏观结构, 发现中外公司在进行公司简介写作时存在着一些认知差异, 并分析了存在这些差异的原因。这些研究结果对国内公司撰写更地道的英文公司简历提供了参考。


[1]SwalesJ M.Genre Analysis:English in Academic and Re search Settings[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Edu cation Press, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1990:181, 38, 58, 141, 144, 141.

[2]Hackett, Ann.How to Develop an Effective Company Profile—and Why.Retrieved on Dec20, 2006.

[3]Klein K.Company Profiles.Retrieved on Dec20, 2006.URL:

3.公司英文证明 篇三





4.英文派出证明样式 篇四


To whom it may concern,RE: CONFIRMATION OF THE VISIT

Dear Sir or Madam: At the invitation of 邀请单位英文名称, 派员单位英文名称 is going to send Mr.(or Ms.)出访人姓名拼音,职务英文to 出访国家英文名称 to participate in 出访任务英文简述 from X年X月X日 to X年X月X日.We guarantee that the he(or she)will obey the local laws during the visit and come back to China as soon as he(or she)finishes the visit, and his(or her)position in the unit will be kept for him(or her)until he(or she)returns.It is understood that all the costs, including hotel, meals, international air ticket and health insurance will be borne by派员单位英文名称或支付费用的单位英文名称.Please give necessary convenience for the visa application.Yours sincerely


5.在校证明英文模版 篇五

Statement of Student’s Status


This is to certify that, male/female, born on, has been studying full-time at our school since.He/ She is in Class, Grade, and performs well all the time.兹证明,男/女,出生日期年月日,自年月起到年月在我校年班读书,在校期间表现良好。






Date :

6.英文离职证明 篇六



员工离职证明书 Employee Demission Certification

姓名:________ 性别:____出生年月:_______________ Name Sex Born Date

文化程度:________________ 住址:_____________________ 弄 ______号______室 Education Address


Mr./Ms.__________, fromY MD, you were employed by our company.因

_________________________________________________________________________ 于______年______月______日提出离职。Because ______________________________________ , you dismiss from Y M

D.根据《有限公司劳动合同》的规定,经协商同意,自______年______月______日起批准__________ 先生/女士离职。

According to < limited company labor contract>, we approved Mr./Ms._________ by to dismiss.From Y M D, you are relative with our company.离职人:__________________ 经办人:__________________

Person to Dismiss Person in charge

_________________ 有限公司

Limited Company


Leaving certificate

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sir / madam / miss,since _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ to _ _ _ _ years _ _ month _ _ day in our company as a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Department)of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ position,due to _ _ _ personal _ _ _ _ _ _ reasons resignation,now with the company to terminate the labor relationship.Hereby certify that!

Company name(seal)

Year,month and day


Party A:(name)

B : ID number:

Party B shall _ was _ _ _ _ _ _ _(Department)of the _ _ _ _ _ _ _(post),in XXXX year 07 on the 31 mutual agreement to terminate the labor contract.A B both parties confirm lifting / termination of labor relations.Both are now available on issues related to agree,and completed the formalities of dismissal.Hereby certify that.Party A: Party A representative(signature):

Party B sign:

Year,month and day


Leaving certificate

This is to certify that Mr / Mrs / mioriginal series my company market development staff,serving time for the 20xx 01 Sept.01 to 20xx 07 31.Has to go through all formalities of dismissal.Hereby certify that!

Company name(with the official seal)

In 20xx 07 months 31 days


Leaving certificate

Sir / madam / mi(ID number)since 01 20xx 01 entry in our company as a Human Resources Department HR assistant,to 20xx 07 months 31 days due to personal reasons for leaving,while no bad performance,by consensus,completed turnover procedures.Because of not signing the relevant confidentiality agreements,to liberty.Hereby certify that.Company name(with the official seal)

7.公司英文证明 篇七

In recent years, since the ineffective non-executive directors in company not only affect the company but also have significant impact on the entire society, the heated debate is on the effectiveness of non-executive directors' function and this essay will concentrate on the paradigmatic notion of “good” corporate governance in terms of the role of non-executive directors.This essay will be divided into two sections to discuss the function of non-executive directors in good corporate governance.The first section will summarize the role of non-executive directors and the requirements of non-executive directors in different reports and briefly explain it.Moreover, the essay will outline some paradigmatic notions of “good” corporate governance and discuss the strengths and weakness of these paradigms with cases.Finally, I will give some view on good corporate governance in terms of the role of non-executive directors.

2.The Role of the non-executive directors

The non-executive directors have two main functions in corporate governance: monitoring the activity of executive directors and playing a role in the development of strategy.Nevertheless, the Higgs Review (2003) gives more details on the role of a non-executive director as follow:

Constructively challenge and contribute to the performance of strategy;

Scrutinize performance of management and monitor reporting of performance;

Verify that financial information is accurate and financial controls and risk management robust and defensible;

Determine the remuneration of executive directors.

To play a role in the appointment removal of senior management and in determining the succession plan.

Also, Tyson Report (2003) suggests some similar role of non-executive directors as follow:

Provide advice and direction to a company’s management in the development and evaluation of its strategy;

Monitor the company's management in strategy implementation and performance;

Monitor the company's legal and ethical performance;

Monitor the veracity and adequacy of the financial and other company information provided to investors and other stakeholders;

Assume responsibility for appointing evaluating and, where necessary, removing senior management; and plan succession for top management positions.

As we can see from above, the Tyson report and Higgs review both emphasize the functions of monitoring, auditing and contribution in different aspects.Moreover, there is a non-negligible role of non-executive directors which is helping to reduce the notorious conflicts of interest between shareholders and company management.However, it raises a concern about how to enhance the effectiveness of these roles of non-executive directors in “good” corporate governance.There are some ways to enhance the effectiveness of these roles of non-executive directors.

3.Paradigmatic notion of “good” corporate governance

The current paradigmatic approaches to ‘good’ corporate governance are focus on the interlinked roles of internal control and risk management procedures, internal audit and external audit, overseen and co-ordinated by a formal structure of board committees (audit committee, nomination committee, and remuneration committee) .In terms of non-executive directors in board, there are various methods to support the effectiveness of roles of non-executive directors such as independence, personal contribution and diversification in “good” corporate governance.This section discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these paradigms to see whether they lead to truly good corporate governance or not.

(1) The independence

Independence of non-executive directors might have significant impact on the effectiveness of their roles.However, the definition of independent non-executive directors is stated as follow:

A non-executive director is considered independent when the board determines that the director is independent in character and judgment and there are no relationships or circumstances which could affect, or appear to affect, the director’s judgment.

(Higgs Report, 2003, P.37)

According to Cadbury Report (1992) , non-executive directors should offer a view on performance, corporate strategy and appointments independently.Moreover, the majority of non-executive directors should be independent of management and free from any relationship that might affect their independence.Several methods can be suggested to enhance the independence of the non-executive directors.For instance, in order to enhance their independence, the decision of appointing non-executive directors should be taken seriously via the formal process (using nomination committee) and also the remuneration of non-executive directors is a significant decision should be taken by the remuneration committee, otherwise it might cause bias during appointment and remuneration.Furthermore, strengthening non-executive independence encourages them not to participate in the share option schemes since it increases the difficulty to balance the interest between managers and shareholders.In the past, there are some cases of perceived governance failure due to lack of independence of non-executive directors.According to Solomon J. (2007) , if the relationship of non-executive directors and other stakeholders are not independent, it will raise the conflict of interest.For example, Lord Wakeham who is a member of audit committee in Enron, and he also has a consulting contract with Enron.Also, Wendy Gramm was the chairman of Enron’s audit committee and her husband, Phil Gramm, a senator, received substantial political donations from Enron.These kinds of interest conflicts show that it fails to exercise the real independence of non-executive directors.Furthermore, according to Gwilliam D and Marnet O, since those non-executive directors in Enron are having interest conflicts, they either have great contribution to performing their role of internal control and monitoring or rely on the view of executive directors.So the executive directors can control the executive activities and the committee.Another example is thatthe Hollinger board is essentially consisted of friends of Conrad Black including the aging Henry Kissinger and Anne-Marie Kravis, wife of a buy-out billionaire who is completely impotent in terms of either identifying or controlling his activities.This would result in the powerlessness of the board or even affect the failure of Enron.However, the independence of non-executive directors might avoid some of the interest conflicts among them and might lead them to engage more in internal control and their monitoring role.Thus, independence of non-executive directors on board has significant impact on ensuring the effectiveness of their role in corporate governance.

(2) Personal Attributions

Personal attributions of non-executive directors might great contribution to the effectiveness of their role while they are monitoring insider directors and contributing to corporate strategy.According to Higgs Report (2003) , since non-executive directors should listen sensitively to the views of others both inside and outside the broad, and have to debate constructively, they are required to be sound in judgment.Further, in order to increase their credibility and reduce probability of different understanding of the knowledge between non-executive and executive directors, non-executive directors must have the knowledge to take their responsibility and it also requires them to be familiar with the business, the environment and the issue which the company are facing and will face.Apart from these, interpersonal skills are an essential characteristic of the effective non-executive director, since much of the effectiveness is determined by exercising influence rather than giving orders and requires the establishment of high levels of trust.Also, the non-executive directors should be able and willing to query and survey since it can raise concerns in some specific issues and improve performance of executive.Meanwhile, integrity of non-executive directors should be the basic requirement of their characteristic.For example, the unethical activities in Enron indicate that the non-executive directors in Enron still lack personal characteristics especially in moral and in integrity, although these are the basic requirements of them.Although it is hard to detect whether they are fulfilling all the requirements or not which will need further study on it, some of the personal attributions should be essential requirements of non-executive directors since it has significant effect on the effectiveness of the role of non-executive directors.

(3) The proportion of non-executive directors on boards

The proportion of non-executive directors on board might have significant effect on their effectiveness.In the earlier Cadbury Code, it required that non-executive directors should comprise no less than one third of the board.The 2003 Combined Code revision suggested that the higher proportion of non-executive directors on board can enhance the role of the audit committee in monitoring the integrity of the company’s financial reporting, reinforcing the independence of the external auditor and reviewing the management of financial and other risks.Later on, in Higgs Report, it recommended that non-executive directors should even comprise at least half the board to have more support to ensure them to exercise their role and also ensure the effectiveness of their performance.Also no-one should sit on all three main board committees (audit, remuneration and nomination) (except in small companies) .However, in the Hampel Report, it indicates that the non-executive directors’ role of monitoring which has been overemphasized is misleading.Some (limited and dated) US evidence suggests that whereas there is a positive price reaction to inside executive director appointments (Rosenstein and Wyatt, 1990) , and a higher proportion of non-executive directors on the board is associated with weaker performance (Agrawal and Knoeber, 1996) .For one reason, some of the shareholders believe that independent directors on boards can do harm to corporate governance by reducing entrepreneurship in the business and by weakening board unity.For another reason, they are questioning the ability of non-executive to fulfil their wide range of roles which expected by them and think that is a costly and risk taking action.Another reason is that for improving the performance, outside directors were often joined in board while the performance is bad (Hermalin and Weisbach, 1988) .For example, the WorldCom company, although there are high proportions of non-executive directors in board of WorldCom, the company failed by lack of regular procedures in the internal audit department corresponding to the auditing, a lack of co-operation between internal auditors, external auditors and the audit committee, which is supported by the bankruptcy examiner.More specific, in the audit committee of WorldCom, they have 4 non-executive directors with different experience and skill and the committee met 3 to 5 times a year.In other words, the committee has high proportion of non-executive directors and has more meeting (more than what?) .It seems to have good corporate governance but what these non-executive do and whether they fulfil their auditing role might be a question.The non-executive directors in audit committee of WorldCom would only receive the information pack or might be presentation (be presentation? I don't get it) from the internal auditors and these information are just executive summaries of audit report, not the total reports.Either the limited communication between external auditors and internal auditors or absence of documents would confine the external non-executive directors to conduct audit and offer reassurance to the audit committee.Then they might not have any input to change that plan, which means it might lead to the non-executive directors highly depend on the plan made by internal auditors.Thus, it is not the higher proportion of the non-executive directors in board, the better contribution to the corporate governance.In terms of the appropriate proportion of non-executive directors in board, it will depend on each firm’s specific situations and the shareholder’s views in different countries such as most of the companies in USA have higher proportion of non-executive directors on board than those in UK.We cannot judge whether the company has good corporate governance simply by the proportion of non-executive directors on board.However, some of the disadvantage of high proportion could be release such as the concern of misguiding by excessive non-executive directors might solved by training them more frequently.Diversification

Tyson report (2003) called for greater diversity in the skill, background and experience of non-executive directors which itwas seen as both improving boardroom effectiveness and improving relationships with corporate stakeholders including customers, employees and shareholders.The Tyson Report indicated the need to employ more transparent and more rigorous searches for non-executive directors in knowledge, skills, experience, gender, race, nationality and age.Nevertheless, it had to diversify appropriately since there are some constraints including board size, existing board membership, growing responsibilities and liabilities.However, the weakness of diversity in the skill and experience will raise some problems.Firstly, the non-executive directors might not be able to comprehend the complexities of the transactions entered into and the manner in which they are reported.Executive directors would control information flows by executive management.Secondly, diversification might lead to the reducing of the power of board unity.


In conclusion, the main roles of non-executive directors are auditing, monitoring and giving constructive contribution to committees (audit committee, nomination committee, remuneration committee and so forth) .Also, there are some ways such as the increasing of independence, proportion and diversification of non-executive directors and requiring some personal attribution to either ensuring them to fulfill their role or strengthening the effectiveness.However, whether these approaches would lead to “good” governance in terms of enhancing the effectiveness of the role of non-executive directors or not might need to be considered in detail.The consideration might include its own specific, individual optimal profile for non-executive board membership.

摘要:非执行董事的职能在公司治理中的地位显得越来越重要了, 但是怎样才能使得非执行董事在公司治理中发挥作用, 同时又保持独立性, 这个问题一直有不少学者在研究。本文认为非执行董事在好的公司治理中主要有以下职能:改进公司治理结构, 对公司中某些特定利益的保护以及抑制其他董事滥用权力, 并且论述了非执行董事的构成, 资历和个人贡献这些因素分别对非执行董事作用的发挥产生很大影响。



[1]Agrawal A., & Knoeber, C. (1996) .Firm Performance and Mechanisms to Control Agency Problems between Managers and Shareholders.Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 31 (3) , 377-397

[2]Benjamin E., & Michael S. (1988) .The determinants of board composition.The RAND Journal of Economics, 23, 65-73

[3]Cadbury Report (1992) .Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance (aka the Cadbury Report) Caution - PDF

8.留学实习证明英文 篇八


Internship Certificate

This is to certify that ****, a student from **** University, Grade XXXX with his major in *******, has been interning in ***** Co., the Market Investigator from January 15th XXXXto February 23rd XXXX.His main responsibility was to take charge in the marketing investigation, assist in analyzing the information and write the final report for the market investigation.During his internship period, *** was conscientious with his work.When he met with questions, he would consult with the senior staff modestly and accept their advice with an open mind.Moreover, he could apply the knowledge that he has learned at school to his specific work, managing to complete the tasks with high quality.Meanwhile, he complied with the rules and regulations of our company, showed high respect to our staff and got along well with his colleagues, thus won favorable appraisals from them.Hereby certified!

********** Co., Ltd.March 4th,XXXX

兹有 卍卍卍卍大学 xxxx级卍卍卍专业 卍卍卍卍 同学于XXXX年01月15日至XXXX年2月23日在卍卍卍卍有限公司卍卍卍营业部实习。该同学的实习职位是市场调研员,主要参与和负责我公司市场调研工作,以及协助分析撰写分析报告评语。






Human Resource Operations

Date: April 21,XXXX


This is to certify that Miss XXX has completed her Internship in(organizational Name)’s Finance Department starting from January 28, XXXX to March 28, XXXX.Her duties included

Checking the Credit Files and preparation of disbursement cheques for different Departments

Monthly Bank Reconciliations of Loan Accounts

Vouchers entry in MIS.During her stay we found her hard-working with an aptitude for learning and ability to grasp diverse concepts quickly.She possesses a strong analytical sense, decision making ability and proved herself a team player.We wish her best of luck for future endeavors.XXX

9.英文在职证明 篇九

German Consulate General in Beijing

Sun****(Passport No.***** Date of birth ****.**.*)is the Colleagueof the Contracts Management Department in our Company since 2006,and the monthly salary is RMB 8000.We have approved the annual leave in Sep & Oct for 12 days to German.All the expenses during the travel will be borne by the employee.We hereby guarantee the employee will obey the laws overseas and we shall retain the position till the end of the holiday.Company:


10.在职证明(英文) 篇十


Consulate General of Russia in Beijing/Shanghai/chengdu,DATE:

Herewith we confirm Mr/Ms belongs toOur company business license registration number His/Her working period isyears.We approved his/her trip to European countries during his/her holiday from September 24 to 28.All the cost and accommodations will be paid by himself/herself.We hereby formally guarantee that he/she will abide by all outbound laws position after his returning.Name:(姓名拼音)

Passport No.(护照号)

Date of Birth:(出生日期)




Position: HR Manager






Consulate General of Ukraine in Beijing/Shanghai/chengdu,DATE:

Herewith we confirm Mr/Ms belongs to 称).Our company business license registration number is.His/Her working period is years.We approved his/her trip to European countries during his/her holiday from September 28 to October 1,2013.All the cost and accommodations will be paid by himself/herself.We hereby formally guarantee that he/she will abide by all outbound laws and regulations and will come back to China on time, we will reserve his/her position after his returning.Name:(姓名拼音)

Passport No.(护照号)

Date of Birth:(出生日期)




Position: HR Manager






Consulate General of Romania in Beijing/Shanghai/chengdu,DATE:

Herewith we confirm Mr/Msbelongs称).Our company business license registration number is(公司营业执照号).His/Her working period is years.We approved his/her trip to European countries during his/her holiday from October 1st to 5th, 2013.All the cost and accommodations will be paid by himself/herself.We hereby formally guarantee that he/she will abide by all outbound laws and regulations and will come back to China on time, we will reserve his/her position after his returning.Name:(姓名拼音)

Passport No.(护照号)

Date of Birth:(出生日期)




Position: HR Manager


