1.小学生英语口语问答 篇一
● Do you like cats or dogs? Do you think it is good for you to keep a pet? ● Who is the boss in your family? You mother, father or yourself? Why? ● If possible, what class do you like best at school? ● Somebody says: ”The internet makes people lazy.” What’s your opinion? ● Do you agree with the view that boys are much more skilled in maths than girls? ● For saving water, do you have any good ideas? ● What are the good habit for studying? ● Could you tell us some healthy ways to lose weight? ● In your mind, what’s the most exciting sport and why? ● If it was Mid-autumn Day today, how would you spend? ● Could you introduce one of your favorite Western festivals? ● Do you prefer living in the city or in the countryside? ● Do you like doing exercises in the gym or outdoors? ● Do you prefer traveling by yourself or with others? ● Why do you think more and more people like reading E-book? ● Do you want a twin sister/brother and why? ● The magician, astronaut and actor/actress, which one do you want to be? ● Do you think what the “Family Day” is? ● What’s your plan for this summer vacation? ● If you had magic power, what would you do? ● Please list three advantages of raising a pet.● Do you think what animals is the most dangerous and why? ● What do you think of the animals in the circus? ● If you want to raise a pet, would you like to buy one or adopt one? ● Please choose a traditional Chinese gift for your foreign friend and give your reasons.● As a child, what can we do for our parents? ● What’s your biggest wish this year? ● Do you have any bad habit(s)? How do you plan to remove it/them? ● Do you know any interesting customs in your hometown? ● Please tell us only one thing that can represent your hometown most.● Why do you think so many people like to use micro blog? ● Please tell us one of the most unforgettable things you did for your parents.● What’s your greatest advantage? ● If one of your friends wanted to copy your homework, what would you do? ● How do you usually spend your pocket money? ● If you had a big deal of pocket money/the luck money, how would you use? ● If your best friend told others your secret, what would you do? ● If you could become a cartoon character, which character would you like to be? Why? ● Do you think the students should pursue fashion? ● Please design some rules for your class.● What do you think is the best way to relax ourselves? ● If your parents didn’t agree with your ideas, what would you do? ● Which do you prefer, self-help tour or package tour? ● What’s your mother like? ● Which sport do you want to try most? Why? ● Do you think it’s necessary for students to have mobile phones? ● Please describe the winter in your hometown.● Do you think the computer will take the place of television in the future? ● Have you ever been in summer camp? What did you think about it? ● When you are crossing the road, as a pedestrian, what rules should you obey? ● In your mind, who is the hero/heroine? Why? ● If one of your friends suddenly cried, what would you do? ● Do you think big cities need more public transportation instead of more private cars? ● If your teacher said something wrong in class, what would you do? ● Which one can broaden our eyes better ,reading books or traveling? ● How do exercises help us? ● There’s a saying:” Where there is a will, there is a way.” What do you think of it? ● How do you balance your study and activities? ● Could you tell us three elements for success? ● Please describe your worst experience.● Could you share some good ways to relieve pressure with us? ● Do you think watching American cartoons can improve our English? ● What kind of friends do you need? ● What are the advantages and disadvantages of the fact that people are more and more working with computers? ● Do you prefer to spend your time alone or with friends? ● Someone says:” Only people who earn a lot of money are successful.” What’s your opinion about it? ● Do you agree that face-to-face communications is better than any other types of communication, such as e-mails or telephone calls? ● Are you a boy/girl who like taking risk? ● If you could live in a different time and place, what time and place would you choose? ● Is it right for big cities to forbid firecrackers? ● If you could have a dinner with a historical character ,who would that be? ● Why has foreign fast food become so popular in China? ● If you were the headmaster of your school, what kind of changes would you like to make? ● Do you think how to get along with people from different cultures? ● If you could be a teacher, what subject would you teach? ● Which song impresses you most? ● Could you imagine when you become an old lady/gentleman, how will you spend your life? ● What do you do to stay healthy? ● Do you think it’s necessary to install/have camera in the classroom? ● Do you think environment protection is everybody’s business? ● Have you ever found a friend over the Internet? Do you think friendship on the Internet is reliable? ● What do you think about the values of failure? 说明:以上题目仅为参考,并不代表四川省半决赛会出现同样的题目。
2.小学生英语口语问答 篇二
1. 形成平等与民主的课堂
美国心理学家阿伦森做过一个“错误效应”的试验,结果表明犯了错误能力超凡的人被视为最具吸引力。教师把自己的内心世界在教学中向学生敞开,学生就会把教师当做“自己人”,他们会向老师表露心迹,喜欢在课堂上积极配合教师,展开想象,提出很多与教学有关的问题,融洽的师生关系是培养学生质疑能力的前提,也是有效教学的前提。如《Look!I have a new bag》一课中,如果离开了平等民主的课堂,教师与学生的互动不可能如此融洽:
这其中“Can I see it?”“What's in it?”和“Open it and see.”都是本课的重点句型,在教师与学生真实的情景对话中很自然地就引出来并使用了,并且文具单词的教学也不露痕迹地在学生求知欲很强的时候适时引出来,教学双方都很愉快,教学效果当然是好的。
2. 教师示范,授之以法
3. 激发引导,组织调控
1. 交流式的提问导入新课,调节气氛
众所周知,交流可以促进了解、增进感情、化解误会。教师应当以愉快、友好、从容、谈话式的态度来提问。提问时,如果既能保持自由自在、不拘礼节的气氛,又能说话举止得体,师生就能进入一种和谐的交际氛围中。比如牛津小学英语6A Unit5 On the farm,笔者就通过以下交流式的提问达到了自然导入课文,并融洽课堂气氛,和谐师生情感。
2. 追问式的提问训练开阔的思维
英语课堂上的许多问题通常可以套用例句,比如牛津小学英语每个单元的C和D部分的句型操练,学生只要将每幅图中的重点词组进行简单的替换,而且学生都有了准备,不是在语境中真正的思维体现;到底学生有没有真正掌握,能不能用到实践中去,还不得而知。那么怎样提高学生的综合运用能力,使学生在没有准备的情况下得到语言操练和运用,追问式的提问就可以解决这个问题。比如说,牛津小学英语6A Unit1Public Signs中的C Look and say的第5幅图,老师可以进行这样的追问:
3. 诱发式的提问增强学生的自我效能感
1. 及时优化反馈信息
2. 真诚关注学生的情感
3. 把握准确的候答时间
3.关于高三下学期英语补差的问答 篇三
1. 词汇补差复习
(1) 熟悉考纲词汇,避免复习盲目性。我们要知道哪些词汇是需要会读、会写、会用,哪些是只需要会读和认识的词汇,不能平均使用力量。
(2) 词汇复习要注重联系,通过音、形、义的变化和对比形成“词汇集成块”。如:复习analyze,要联系到analysis 和analytical。复习content,要联系到contest, context,contact,contract,continent,contradict,contrast等。通过对音似、形似、义近的词汇对比记忆,比单独记忆效果好。
2. 听力补差复习
(1) 勤听、多听。听力的提高首先要依靠听的训练,听英语节目、听力训练试题、高考真题等,听完后再和听力原稿核对,找出自己没有听懂的地方,再次回放,就能知道自己出错的地方。最后最好能模仿录音大声朗读。
(2) 做好听力材料有声复习。一般同学认为听力做过以后核对答案就完成任务了,其实还有一个复习巩固和提高的环节,那就是间隔一段时间再回顾。如,在晚上入睡前听完一个材料以后,早上起来再回放一遍,印象就比较深刻。
(3) 自我听力训练时候不要使用耳机,因为考试时候是广播系统传声,依靠耳机时间长了会不习惯听广播里面的录音材料,而且经常使用耳机会对听觉有损伤。
3. 语法补差复习
(1) 梳理高考必考语法项目,针对自己薄弱语法项目,巩固训练。如,自己对一般过去时、现在完成时、过去完成时经常搞混淆,可以对照资料,查阅它们的区别,然后找相对应的试题实战巩固。
(2) 特殊考点特殊对待,考前背诵有成效。比如说情态动词shall、should、must等的特殊用法;虚拟语气中有哪些常见的结构,主从句中对虚拟语气时态的选择要求;倒装句中完全倒装和不完全倒装有哪些常见结构等;容易误用的及物动词有哪些(如seat, dress, locate, devote等)。
(3) 侧重三大从句(定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句)和非谓语动词的复习,全面掌握后不但可以提高单选题的得分,而且可以应用在书面表达中,提升英语作文层次。
4. 阅读补差复习
(1) 侧重语篇理解,以文为本。完成阅读理解类试题最忌讳的是孤立做题和模糊做题。孤立做题指的是把每一个完形填空当成是孤立的单选题,忽视上下文的照应、暗示等,模糊做题指的是看完文章感觉似懂非懂,选择时模棱两可。完形填空训练要从整篇语义入手,顾及上下文,兼顾语法结构,阅读理解训练要培养从文中寻找答案依据的习惯,任务性阅读训练要注意原文语句和表格中的语句对比,特别关注词形、词性的变化。
(2) 阅读补差训练要限时,刚开始的时候可以适当长一点,逐渐缩短到规定的时间。一般来说,完形填空在20分鐘以内,一篇阅读在8分鐘左右,任务性阅读在15分鐘以内。
(3) 阅读补差训练也要注意阶段性集中专项。即在某一段时间内专攻某一项,如某一周内集中训练完形填空,读一篇懂一篇,认真体会一篇,对比较好的语篇,可以作为自己朗读背诵的范本。
(4) 阅读训练时杜绝查字典,培养猜词能力,提高速度。查字典可以在限时训练以后进行,验证自己猜测的含义是否正确。
5. 作文补差复习
(2) 限时完成往年高考作文。高考作文比较规范,通过限时自我模拟,可以训练自己谋篇布局的能力,提高应急表达能力。一篇150词左右的短文从打草稿到认真誊写在答题卡上要控制在25分鐘以内。写好以后拿高考范文与自己的作文对比,把范文中好的语句摘录下来背诵。
(3) 训练英语字母书写,切不可轻视。漂亮的书写一定是得分的增长点。
(4) 背诵作文范文,尤其是常用的句式。
4.希望之星口语问答 篇四
8.What do you do when school is off? Do you go home immediately or play outside? Tell us the reason.9.Do you like singing? Can you sing any English songs? 10.Why do you choose that story? Can you tell us the reason why you choose that story for your prepared speech? 11.Do you like watching TV? Which program do you like best? Why? 12.Who cook in your family? Which dish is your favorite? Why? 13.What are your hobbies? Can you share with us some of your hobbies? 14.Do you like swimming? Why? 15.Do you think keep reading a story everyday is a good way of improving one’s English? Why? 16.When do you get up in the morning? Do you often do morning exercises? Why? 17.Do you like eating hamburger or any other western food? Why? 18.Do you have English class everyday? Can you tell us an interesting thing that happened in your English class? 19.How do you go to school everyday? Can you ride a bicycle to school? 20.Do you often help your mother do some housework? What can you learn from doing those housework? 21.Do you like ball games? Football, basketball, volleyball, or any other kinds of ball? 22.If today were your mother’s birthday, what would you give her for present? Why?
23.Do you know how many days are there in a week? Can you name them? 24.Do you like watching cartoon? Why? 25.What’s the weather like today? What kinds of weather do you like best? Why? 26.How many seasons are there in a year? Can you name all the seasons? And which season do you like best? 27.What do you usually do on weekends? You play ourside or study at home? Why? 28.Do you like flowers? Why? 29.How many hours do you spend in studying English per day? Why do you think English is important? 30.Do you like going shopping? Why? 31.What kinds of books do you like to read? Can you tell us one of your favorite books?
32.Do you like playing computer games? Do you think playing computer games is fun or a waste of time? Why? 33.How many months are there in a year? What are they? 34.Have you ever got up late for school? If one day you got up very late, what would you do? 35.Do you know your father’s hobbies? Can you tell us some of your father’s hobbies? 36.Who’s your best friend? Why he or she is your best friend? 37.Do you like eating ice cream? What kinds of food do you like best? 38.Can you tell me what is the most difficult thing in learning English? What other languages would you like to learn? 39.If you were a tourist guide, could you introduce your city to us? 40.Do you learn English everyday?
Can you share with us your way of learning English? 41.Do you like this competition? If you won this competition and went into the final, what would you do next? 42.Do you think learning English is hard or easy? Why do you learn English? 43.Do you get on well with your classmates? How many classes do you have everyday? Can you name some of them? 44.Do you learn something on weekends? What kind of thing would you like to learn? What is your favorite activity on weekends? 45.Do you often play games with your friends?
What games do you like to play? 46.Do you like traveling? Which city do you think is the best place to visit? Why do you think so? 47.What is the name of the festival for children? When is that day? Do you know any other festivals? What do you usually do during festivals? 48.Do you have many friends in your school? Who is your best friend?
What do you do when you are together? 49.How long have you been learning English? What do you think is the greatest difficulties in learning English? How can you solve that problem? 50.When and where were you born? Have you ever had a birthday party with your classmates? What kind of presents do you want most? 51.Do you have a computer in your home? What can you do with the computer? 52.Do you have many good friends?
Do you like asking your friend for help when you are in trouble? 53.Do you raise a pet at home?
If possible, what animal do you want to raise most? Why? 54.Do you want to be a teacher?
If possible, which subject would you like to teach? Why? 55.How far is it from your home to your school? How do you go to school everyday? What fruit do you like best? Do you know what kind of fruit we often eat in summer? What fruit do we have in autumn? Can you tell us something about your hometown? How would you like to celebrate your next birthday? If a foreign friend sends you a bunch of beautiful flowers as a gift, what would you give him or her in return? Do you like traveling? If you could go anywhere of the world, where would you go? How do you go home after class? Among all the subjects you take at school, which subject you dislike most? Who is your best friend? Do you want to have a beautiful friend or a ugly one? You must spend a lot of time learning English, but do you have any other hobbies? Do you have any hobbies? Does it affect your studies? Which is your favorite animal? Do you like Pop star, Movie star, TV star? Do you want to be one? Do you like Harry Potter? Have you seen the movie? Who do you like in the book? If one day after school your best friend played too long and had to go home late, and then they ask you to lie to their parents.Would you do this for them? What do you want to do when you grow up? What’s your favorite sport? And tell us why.What 3 words will you use to describe yourself? Do you think it is necessary for your parents to sign on your test paper? What is your favorite color? And why? How much pocket money did you get last spring festival? And how did you spend it? Why is it important to wash your hands? And what does washing hands prevent? Every New Year a lot of children like to send out greeting card to their little friends.What’s your way of greeting your friends in the New Year? What is your favorite season and why? Do you often go to an English corner? Why? Do you think listening to English tapes is a good way of learning English? Why? What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? Have you ever watched an English movie? Do you think that watching English movies is a good way of learning English? Which animal do you like best? Do you agree with that animals are our friends? Have you ever made your parents angry? Tell us a story about that.Do you want to be an English teacher when you grow up? Why or why not? Can you tell us something about your school life? Do you think study hard is the only way of getting a high score? Why? Who do you like most and who do you dislike most? Why? What is the biggest problem in your study? Do you think you can solve it? Some people say that watching TV is not good for a primary school student.Do you think so? What can you do for the 2008 Beijing Olympiad? Do you like playing computer games? Why or why not? Do you think learning English is a hard thing or not ? Why? Do you want to make friends with a good student or a bad one? Why? If your best friend want you to do his homework for him, will you help him or not? Why? English and Chinese, which one you like better? Why? Some students say that it is boring to memorize new words.Do you
5.面试原因英语问答技巧 篇五
want is the chance to learn some advanced methods of management from foreign staff members. / No, not only for high pay(rermunaration),but also for a good working envioronment. As far as I know,working in a sino-foreign joint venture calls for punctuality and responsibility. It is such a working environment that I am looking for. / The reason for my application for this position is simple: my educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job.
C: I was offered a posision, but I didnt accept it since the location is too far away from my house. / They turned me down. / I havent heard the result yet. /
I: Why dont you think you got got the job?
C: I think the only reason is that I was too nervous during
the interview and I couldnt express myself the way I want to. / My failure is due to the fact that I dont hold a local lD card.
I: Whats the reason why you failed to get the post?
6.导游大赛英语口试问答题库 篇六
1、Please make the Welcome Speech to the tourists on the way from the airport to the hotel.The contents include the introduction of yourself , the driver and the hotel.Model : Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Changsha of China.First , please give me a change to introduce myself.I am the national guide.My name is … I come from the China International Tour Agency.The driver serve for us is Mr.Wang , he is a man of rich experiences of driving.Now we are going to the hotel named ____Huatian Hotel.I hope you will have a good time in Changsha.2、旅游者在不影响团体旅游计划的前提下要求自由活动时,地陪应做好哪些工作。
2、What do you think a local guide should do when the tourists want to have free activities without affecting the whole travel plan? Model : A : Remind the tourists of taking the sign or the name card of the hotel , or write a note with the important things.B :Remind them not go too far away and don’t come back so late.And then remind them something else about their safe.C : The local guide must help the tourists to take a taxi.(Pay the bill himself.)
3、How to recognize the tour groups as a local guide ? Model : When the tour groups arrived at the exit ,the local guide must try to recognize it at once.A : The local guide should stand at the obvious place next to the exit and raise the sign ,wait the national guide or the travel leader to meet.B : The local guide can assess the situation according to the national feature , costume of the tourists ,or the sign of the travel agency.And the local guide also can make enquiries on his own initiative , ask about the travel leader or the tourists’ name , numbers , nationality ,the name of the tour group and so on.C : You can make sure it is the tour group you’ll meet if meet all the details.3、在车上,清点人数有何技巧?
答:A、目点,切忌用手指; B、点车上的剩余空位。
4、What is the count technique on the bus ? Model : A : Just count in mind.Don’t count with your fingers.B: Count the vacant seats on the bus.5、在购物导游服务中,地陪应注意哪几个方面?
答:A、严格按照旅行社规定服务; B、了解对象,因势利导; C、当好购物参谋; D、积极维护旅游者的利益。
5、What must the local guide should pay attention to when go shopping ? Model : A: Abide by the rules of the travel agency rigorously.B: Know the tourists well , and take tide at the flood.C: Be a good guide while shopping.D : Protect the tourists’ benefits actively.6、在游览期间,一名新加坡游客不慎丢失中国护照,导游人员应如何处理?
6、A Singaporean tourist carelessly lost his passport during the trip.How to deal with this problem? Model : A : The loser must get a certificate which made out from the travel agency.And then go to the police station to report ,come out a certificate there also.B : The loser must bring the certificate , photos and some documents to apply for a new passport at the Singaporean Embassy in China.C : After getting the new passport , then apply for the new visa at the Entry-Exit Office of the local police station.7、在某景点游览结束后,发现个别旅游者走失,地陪应采取什么措施?
答:A、了解情况,迅速查找; B、向景点有关部门报告,寻求帮助; C、打电话与饭店联系; D、向旅行社报告; E、做好善后工作; F、写出事故报告。
7、If a tourist lost after touring a scenic spot.What a local guide should do? Model : A : Ask about the details ,and look for him quickly.B : Report to the office of the scenic spots and ask for some help.C : Give a telephone call to the hotel.D : Report to the travel agency.E : Deal with the rehabilitation works.F : Write down the accident report.8、在住店期间,发生火灾事故,导游人员应采取什么措施? 答:A、立即报警; B、迅速通知旅游的领队和全团旅游者; C、迅速与现场工作人员一起通过安全通道疏散旅游者; D、引导旅游者自救;E、处理善后事宜。
8、What a local guide should do if meet the fire affairs when stay in the hotel?
Model : A : Report it at once.B : Notify the tour leader and all the group members immediately.C : Evacuate the tourists to pass the thoroughfare safety with the staff of the hotel quickly.D : Lead the tourists to save themselves.E : Deal with the rehabilitation works.9、在旅行途中,如发生交通事故,导游人员应采取什么措施? 答:A、首先组织抢救; B、保护现场,立即报案; C、迅速向旅行社汇报; D、做好其他旅游者的安抚工作; E、写出书面报告。
9.If a traffic accident happened during the trip.What will the tour guide do ? Model : A : First give the first –aid to the tourists.B : Keep the scene intact and report to the police.C : Report to the travel agency immediately.D : Pacify other tourists.E : Write down the written-report.10、发生旅游者食物中毒事件时,导游人员应采取什么措施? 答:A、首先应设法催吐,并让食物中毒者多喝水以加速排泄,缓解毒性; B、然后将患者送往就近医院抢救,并请医生开具诊断证明; C、报告旅行社,追究供餐单位的责任。
10、If a food poisoning taken place , what a tour guide should do ? Model : A: First try to vomit, drinking a lot in order to speed up the metabolism and reduce the toxicity.B : And then take the patient to the nearest hospital.Let the doctor make out a medical certificate.C : Report to the travel agency and find out who is to blamed?
二、英语即兴演讲 1.Conquer yourself
2、What do you think of the phenomenon of tourism shopping?
4、To adapt, change;
5、My Chinese dream;
7、Learn to share;
8.Win win cooperation;
10、communication network;
7.小学生英语口语问答 篇七
外语教学的具体实施过程主要在课堂。教学大纲和教材中的指导思想和要求, 只有在课堂上才能得到具体的体现。课堂也是教师和学生交流的主要场所, 是教师控制学生情感因素、协调学生学习行为、保证语言输入之质量的地方;同时也是学生获得主要的可理解的目的语输入, 如教材内容、教师语、同伴语等的重要场所。
课堂问答的方式是教师与学生互动的一种最常用的手段。教师通过提问使学生积极参与课堂活动, 给学生提供在课堂使用目标语的机会。课堂问答是学生进行口语表达并提高学生英语口语能力的有效途径。课堂问答活动成功与否, 合作原则和礼貌原则起着至关重要的作用。下面笔者从合作原则和礼貌原则的角度探讨师生之间的课堂问答。
人们在谈话中必须相互配合, 才能使谈话得以顺利进行, 使谈话目标得以实现。美国哲学家Grice于1967年在哈佛大学的William James讲座上提出了会话含意理论。他认为, 在日常会话交际中, 人们总是在遵守着一套相互合作的基本原则, 旨在有效地使用语言达到交际的目的。他把这套原则称为“合作原则” (Cooperative Principle) 。合作原则包含四个准则, 即量的准则 (Quantity Maxim) , 质的准则 (Quality Maxim) , 关系准则 (Relation Maxim) 和方式准则 (Manner Maxim) 。格赖斯认为交际的双方必须遵从这些准则才能配合默契, 交际才能顺利地、和谐地进行。如果违反了这些准则, 可能产生误解。课堂上教师和学生要做到互动, 达到交流的目的, 遵守合作原则至关重要。以《新视野大学英语读写教程第二册》第五单元Passage A Weeping for My Smoking Daughter这篇文章为例。
(1) 量的准则 (Quantity Maxim) :话语提供必要而不是冗余的信息。
要让学生积极参与课堂活动来练习口语, 教师在课堂提问时应提醒学生回答问题时要遵守量的准则。即学生的回答应包含所提问题所需要的信息, 不应超出所需要的信息。例如针对教师的“Who weeps for the smoking daughter?”这一问题, 学生应该直截了当的回答是母亲因为女儿抽烟而哭泣, 没有必要提及父亲也吸烟这一话题。
(2) 质的准则 (Quality Maxim) :话语的内容是真实的。
学生在回答问题时不要说自知是虚假的、缺乏足够证据的话。例如, 当老师问What are the effects of smoking according to the passage? 因为课文中谈的是吸烟的一些不利的影响, 如果学生的回答是关于“the good effects of smoking”, 就违背了质的准则。
(3) 关系准则 (Relation Maxim) :要说与特定语境中话题有关的内容。
教师的提问应该与所学课文内容密切相关, 学生的回答与老师的提问要有关联。例如, 当老师提出“How does the writer feel when she sees her daughter smoking? ”这一问题时, 学生应回答“She feels terrible. She wants to weep and she does weep a little.” 而不是“Her daughter's smoking reminds her of her father who used to smoke the same brand of cigarettes and died from pneumonia due to years of smoking.” 。
(4) 方式准则 (Manner Maxim) :表达方式要清楚明白, 简洁而有条理。
教师课堂提问应注意提问方式和技巧, 通过一些特定的、明确的目的语来引导学生积极思考、积极参与。提问时要避免晦涩、歧义, 要做到简练、井井有条。学生回答也应清楚明白、简洁、有条理。例如, “What do you think of smoking?”这一问题, 学生可能会产生疑惑, 究竟是谈论自己的观点呢还是根据课文内容来回答。这时, 老师应该使自己的提问清楚明白, 要么是“What are the effects of smoking according to the passage?”, 要么是“What are the effects of smoking according to your own experience?”。
礼貌原则 (Po1iteness Principle) 是由英国著名的学者利奇 (G.N.Leech) 于1983年在合作原则的基础上提出来的, 是与格赖斯的合作原则互为补充的又一语用原则, 其中包括六项准则, 即得体准则 (Tact Maxim) , 慷慨准则 (Generosity Maxim) , 赞誉准则 (Approbation Maxim) , 谦逊准则 (Modesty Maxim) , 一致准则 (Agreement Maxim) 和同情准则 (Sympathy Maxim) 。从利奇的礼貌原则中可以得出这样的规律:说话人总是尽量多地给听话人一点好处、尽量让自己吃亏, 使对方感到受尊重, 获得对方对自己的好感, 有助于交际的顺利进行。在课堂问答活动中, 礼貌原则的作用不可轻视。
(1) 得体准则 (Tact Maxim) :尽量减少他人付出的代价, 尽量增大对他人的益处。
Will you answer my question?
Would you answer my question?
Could you possibly answer my question?
以上话语的礼貌程度呈递增趋势, 从听话人即学生的角度来说, 教师提问时越礼貌, 学生越愿意回答老师的提问, 越愿意参与到课堂活动中来。
(2) 慷慨准则 (Generosity Maxim) :尽量减少对自己的益处, 尽量增大自己付出的代价。
得体准则和慷慨准则是同一问题的两个方面。前者讲应该如何对待他人, 适用于请求, 而后者则讲如何对待自己, 适用于答应帮助。教师在承诺对学生的帮助时应遵守慷慨准则。
(3) 赞誉准则 (Approbation Maxim) :尽量缩小对他人的批评, 尽量增大对他人的赞扬。
从实践教学中可知, 教师在学生回答问题后, 应给予积极反馈。因为积极反馈能使学生知道他们正确地完成了任务, 同时还能通过赞扬增强他们的学习动力, 从而使学生更加积极地参与课堂的问答活动。批评则会损伤学生的自尊心, 扼杀其学习动机。对于不能正确回答问题的同学应尽可能地鼓励, 提供暗示, 帮助分析原因, 帮助他们做出正确回答, 切不可冷言相对, 挫伤学生的自尊。否则会打击他们学习的积极性, 使学生处于对立的一面而影响课堂教学。例如当学生回答了问题后, 教师应对学生的回答给予肯定, 说一些类似“Well done”, “Good job”, “You've done a very good job”等等。
(4) 谦逊准则 (Modesty Maxim) :尽量缩小对自己的赞扬, 尽量夸大对自己的批评。
赞誉准则和谦逊准则也是同一问题的两个方面。前者规定如何看待他人, 后者规定如何看待自己。由于汉文化的影响, 中国学生在受到赞扬后, 为了遵守谦逊准则, 往往采取自贬的方式以表谦虚有礼。但是, 英语民族没有贬己尊人的文化习惯, 当他们受到赞扬时, 总会乐意地说一声“Thank you”表示接受。因此, 在英语课堂问答活动中, 有必要让学生知道是否遵守谦逊准则应根据具体情况来确定。
(5) 一致准则 (Agreement Maxim) :尽量减少双方的分歧, 尽量增加双方的一致。
一致准则提出不应直接表示不同意对方的看法, 否则就是不礼貌的行为。因此人们在表达不同意见时总先要说上一些表示歉意或遗憾的话 (如I'm sorry to say…) 。即使对方的看法或意见是错误的, 为了礼貌, 也应笼统地肯定一下对方 (如Yes, in a way.) , 或者象征性地表示赞同 (如Yes, you are quite right, but…) , 然后再将不同意的真实看法说出来。因此, 在课堂问答活动中, 即使学生回答错误, 或者回答不全面, 教师总是会先肯定学生的积极参与, 然后再说出正确的答案。
(6) 同情准则 (Sympathy Maxim) :尽量缩小对他人的厌恶, 尽量扩大对他人的同情。
遵守同情准则的关键是要注意表达自己与对方共同的心情, 要喜他人之喜, 忧他人之忧。当一学生谈到某一不幸时, 教师和其他的学生应遵守同情准则, 忧他人之忧, 急他人之急, 而不是幸灾乐祸。
在具体的英语课堂问答活动中, 要很好地做到师生之间的互动, 是否遵守、如何遵守合作原则和礼貌原则起着非常重要的作用。当然, 人们并非在任何时候、任何地方、同任何人交际时都要恪守合作原则和礼貌原则。有时为了顺利交际, 人们会违反合作原则或者礼貌原则。因为, 在言语交际中, 人们首先考虑的不一定是合作, 而是话语的得体性, 即礼貌问题。正是出自礼貌, 人们才有不同的语用策略, 或遵守合作原则, 或违反合作原则;或直言不讳, 或声东击西。在紧急或意外事件中, 在激烈的争辩或紧张工作的场合, 或者在十分亲热友好的朋友之间不拘礼节的谈话中, 礼貌原则可能会让位于话语的内容或交际信息, 屈居次要地位。总之, 通过英语课堂问答活动, 了解合作原则和礼貌原则并学会何时遵守、如何遵守合作原则和礼貌原则有助于人们在不同的语言交际环境中进行有效、得体地交际。
[1]Leech, G.Principles of Pragmatics[M].London:Longman, 1983.
[2]何自然.语用学与英语学习[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1997.
[3]何自然, 冉永平.语用学概论[M].湖南:湖南教育出版社, 1988.
8.选聘大学生“村官”政策问答 篇八