1.牛津小学英语4a课件 篇一
1.字母:能熟练掌握 26个字母的听(听辨出字母读音)、读(字母准确读音)、写(字母大、小写);字母排列顺序、元辅音字母以及能记住一些常见的字母缩写词等。
1).注意复习的全面性; 2).要特别关注学困生;
5).注意密度、合理分配时间; 6).以练为主、综合练习为主;
2.牛津小学英语4a课件 篇二
上海版牛津英语按“话题—功能—结构—任务”相结合的体系, 设计和安排了大量的语言实践活动。教材的每个Unit都是根据某一话题提供了相关的词汇、句型或交际用语等教学内容并强调了整合与优化, 突出了整体与感悟。I have a friend是牛津英语上海版新版本四年级第一学期第二模块Me, my family and friends中的第三单元。本单元要求学生能学习与掌握常用的服饰名称, 能用He/She has...来描述他人的衣着, 注意语言的丰富 (采用适切的修饰语) , 注意服饰的季节性以及性别特征。同时, 能综合运用两个模块中的相关内容有条理、合理地介绍或描述自己或他人 (家人、亲戚、同学、朋友等) , 主要包括:名字、与描述者的关系、年龄、外表特征、衣着、才能、心情与感受等。在四个课时的学习过程中让学生感悟:“Different people like different clothes.Different clothes for different season.”在此基础上, 通过故事欣赏, 让学生初步领悟到“Everyone needs a friend.Friends make us happy.”这一朴素道理。
四年级的学生对英语有着浓厚的热情, 也有非常强的表现欲望, 他们能听懂全英语的课堂用语。通过三年的学习他们已经积累了不少的词汇量, 初步掌握了几种常见的简单句型, 也能初步知晓常用的语法结构。就词汇而言, 数词、食品类单词、水果类单词、学习用品类单词、玩具类单词、学校场所类单词等方面初有积累;就句型而言, to be, can和祈使句表达较为娴熟。他们有独立地说出一个小语段的能力。同时, 四年级学生在课堂行为上表现也更规范, 能够很好地与教师配合。
应用性阅读教学实现了语言、内容与情感的有机融合;提供了学习、操练新知的具体的学习环境;赋予了语言以真实的情感, 以文、应景、融情;架构了学与用的有效途径。在英语应用性阅读教学的整体设计中要特别关注:文本内容、文本语言和文本情感。以语篇、语境来带动语言学习, 即:在语境中学习, 通过语量语境相结合, 贯穿语音和语法的学习, 达成语用的教学目标。根据主题单元的教学内容我们需要对原有文本进行再构, 而文本的再构必须与单元主题紧密结合, 同时也要与所教的学生的知识掌握情况相结合。让学生在一个个语境的输入, 一次次语量的输出过程中最终达到“语用”的目的。
2012年10月, 在浦东教发院指导、浦东新区进才实验小学承办的基于四年级学习要求的主题单元教学的研讨活动中, 我们以牛津英语4A Module 2 Uint 3 I have a friend的教学内容为例, 根据教材内容和学生已掌握的知识和技能再构了该单元的教学目标、文本和教学过程, 展开了一次应用性阅读教学和主题单元教学的实践和探索。
Ⅱ.While-task procedure
▲Teach the structures
Introduce Kitty’s album on her blog.
Elicit her friend Tom.
学生听文本:Hi, everyone!Nice to see you again.Today is a beautiful autumn day.It’s sunny and cool.Century Park is so beautiful, so I go there with my friends.
教师询问:If you go to Century, what do you like doing there?开放式的提问让学生自由回答后, 再继续Blog内容, 带出:We take some photos.从而开始主文本的学习。
Show Kitty’s blog and elicit her friends Sally and Peter.
Ask some questions about Peter then ask the same question about Sally.
Ss answer T’s questions and then try to describe Sally and Peter.
Show some pictures let Ss practice:What does he/she have?He/She has...
学生看老师提供的图片操练What does he/she have?He/She has...
Show Kitty’s new blog and elicit her friend Danny。
让学生通过看一张小男孩在雪地玩耍的照片, 捕捉必要的信息完成介绍Danny的短文填空。
上完课后, 浦东新区英语教研员吴建新老师就这堂课对我进行了如下指导:
吴老师:应用性阅读教学强调对文本的再构, 我在你这堂课上看到了基本的效果。但是, 我们在教学时也要注重细节, 有些教学环节如果不能帮助我们实现教学目标或者对学生的语言目标达成起不到作用, 就应该考虑调整或删除。比如, 课始, 你创设了Kitty去公园的情境, 同时询问:If you go to Century Park, what do you like doing?这个环节的设计意图是什么?
我:这是个开放式的问题, 没有固定答案。我主要是想让学生能够在我创设的世纪公园这样一个轻松的情境中有机会运用一下以前学过的词句, 比如fly a kite, have a picnic等等。
吴老师:想法蛮好, 但不一定适用。其实, 你已经把学习思路带到了Kitty的博客环境中去了。此时, 你应该开门见山地介绍Kitty的新博客, 并由此作为由头来展开新授内容的学习, 这样不显得更加紧凑与协调?
我:哦, 对的, 这样, 环节设计更加清晰了。那我把这步环节去掉, 然后重新设计一个文本, 提及介绍Kitty喜爱摄影, 请大家到她的博客上欣赏她的相册来展开教学内容?
吴老师:对啊。我建议你把Peter和Sally的图片也放进相册, 以不同的学生在不同季节中所拍摄的照片作为载体, 推进学习进程, 这样, 以欣赏Kitty的相册为主线的教学脉络就十分清晰了, 并且, 你也能为学生提供更多机会操练到不同的季节以及相关的服饰。
吴老师:还有, 你在教学Peter和Sally的语段时, 当中有个环节是出示了四个人物的图片, 然后训练学生:What does he/she have?He/She has...请说说设计意图。
我:我选择的是四个不同职业的人物, 是M3 U1中所学, 同时, 他们每人手里都拿有一样东西。我的目的是, 不仅让学生运用He/She has...来表述所穿的服装, 还可以用来表述他们所拥有的物品。
吴老师:想法不错, 但使用的方法值得推敲。你可以仔细看看教材呈现的文本, 是描述性文本还是对话问答式文本?很显然, 这个单元的教学目标是要训练学生用描述性的语言说话, 建议你改编问答式的语言训练形式。
我:哦, 我明白了。我原来只是想适当地拓展一下语言内容, 结果却忽略了语言内容的整体性与延续性。要不, 我将它改成描述性语言训练, 比如:Look at the...He/She has...
吴老师:对了!在while-task的最后一个环节, 你利用Kitty的博客出示了一张照片:一个小男孩 (Danny) 在雪地里玩耍的场景。能否把该人物也事先放在Kitty的相册里。这样, 欣赏相册的这条主线极为清晰, 学生的思路也更显完整。
我:好啊!以相册为主线展开教学过程, 这样一改, 我的思路也十分清晰了。
于是, 我进行了第二次教学实践。
1.引入环节, 学生聆听再构文本1
欣赏Kitty的相册, 引出对她的朋友Tom的情况介绍, 从而开始主体文本的学习:
Hello, everyone!I am glad that you come and see my blog again.I have a great camera.I like to take photos here and there.And I put them on my blog.Now you can enjoy them.
评析:以Kitty放在博客中的相册为主要线索依次展开对Kitty三个朋友的介绍。教学过程始终按照总—分—合的模式, 使得整堂课的教学思路统一完整。
2.展开线索, 学习第一段主体文本
介绍Kitty的好朋友Tom, 在提问中引发新学:
(1) Ask the students to listen to the passage about Tom.
(2) Ask Ss:Who’s he?How is he?What can he do?What does he have?
(3) Show the key pattern:He has..., then show SS a chant.
(4) Show some pictures, let Ss practice:He/She has...
学生初步感知Tom的语段, 利用chant和4幅人物图片的描述让学生初步掌握He/She has...的句型。
评析:明确了训练的主要形式:描述性语段训练。以儿歌形式明确主要句型结构, 围绕这个主要教学目标设定不同人物进行机械性操练。让学生通过描述图片中人物所穿所拥有的东西明白如何使用He/She has..., 最后又回归到主体文本1, 训练过程由浅入深, 清晰明了。
3.平行推进, 学习第三段主体文本
介绍Kitty的好朋友Danny, 通过练习巩固新学:
Show Kitty’s album again and elicit her friend Danny.
Ss try to fill in the blanks and make the passage completely.
评析:有统一的形式:欣赏博客中的照片;有不同的训练要求:先听再说、先听再填空再说、先观察再填空再说, 最后达到一次比一次高的训练目的。不同的形式让学生始终保持学习的兴趣, 循序渐进的要求令学生始终保持学习的信心。
这次与洋泾菊园学校的老师一起承担整个4A Module 2 Unit 3I have a friend的教学实践, 对我的帮助非常大。在设计教学过程的时候我不再只是关注一堂课的教学内容而是前前后后考虑四个课时的所有教学内容。如何在四个教时分配教学内容, 每个课时之间如何联系都要思考。这也让我在实践过程中感悟到什么是单元整体教学。思考问题的角度扩大了, 视野也就开阔了, 相对的教学目标也更清晰了。
一、针对单元, 体现课时协统
整体单元教学设计比单纯设计一堂课要难得多。因为着眼点不同, 设计的思路也有所不同。如何在四个课时, 不同的教学形式里体现整体单元设计?我想了很久也和其他老师商量过几次, 最终才决定以介绍Kitty的博客这一形式完成。我们将本课的所有教学板块打乱然后重新组织, 四节课的课题设计和内容分配安排如下:第一课时:Kitty’s blogs——About me (新授Look and learn, 欣赏Listen and enjoy) ;第二课时:Kitty’s blogs——About my friends (新授Look and say, Play a game, Think and write, 欣赏Listen and enjoy) ;第三课时:Kitty’s blogs——About animal friends (新授Read a story, Listen and enjoy, Learn the sound) ;第四课时:Kitty’s blogs——About Unit 2 (Revision) 。博客可以呈现的内容以及形式更多样化, 比邮件或微博能更完整地呈现整个单元的教学内容, 同时又可以兼顾教学内容以单篇博文的形式进行细化的教学。有了这个大背景, 后面的主体教学内容就很容易解决了。
二、基于课时, 梳理学习重点
原教材提供了五个学习板块:Look and say, Look and learn, Play a game, Think and write, Listen and enjoy。其中的核心学习内容是Look and say和Look and learn, 即:四会掌握服饰类词语:coat, shirt, blouse, T-shirt, skirt, sweater, jeans, shorts。同时能用He/She has...这一句型描述他人的穿着和服饰。
我执教的第二课时就是要完成核心句型的教学。教材原先提供的是Alice和Danny分别介绍各自的好朋友。很多教师会像我一样总觉得教材所给的内容太少, 似乎按照我的学生的水平可以增加更多教学内容。但是却有可能忽略教材要求的语言训练形式。比如, 这个单元所有教学内容从课文、游戏到儿歌都呈现的是描述性语段。在这里增加问答句的训练是很不合适的。
通过两次试教, 我更加明确自己的教学内容和教学重点。在Kitty的博客中我就将两段文本改成Kitty一个人介绍不同的朋友, 同时又增加了对Danny的介绍来拓展学生的语言训练。这样的设计既满足了我的教学要求又在形式上达到统一完整。本堂课所呈现的三个语段虽然简单, 但是对学生训练的目标不同, 一次比一次要求高。第一段语段呈现:I have a friend.His name’s Tom.He’s tall and thin.He has a green T-shirt and a pair of blue shorts.He can skate.此时我设计的教学任务是让学生通过听录音了解图片内容, 然后回答相关问题, 如:Who’s he?How is he?What can he do?并且用问题What does he have?引出重点句型He has...的教学。最后能描述Tom的衣着。此时学生初步掌握了He has...的句型。第二段语段的呈现:I have two friends.They’re Peter and his sister Sally.Peter has an orange T-shirt.He can ride a bicycle.Sally has a pink skirt.She can fly a kite.我采用的是先听再填空最后再说的教学步骤。这样的替换练习再次巩固了新授句型, 达到训练教学重点的目的。第三段语段:This is my friend.His name is Danny.He is 9 years old.He’s fat and tall.He has a purple________, a pair of blue________.He has a long and blue_____too.He has a______.He can ride it very well.He likes riding his bicycle.我采用的是先观察图片再填空最后说的步骤。至此学生已经能够尝试运用今天所学的本领来描述他人的服饰, 从而为Post-task环节做好充分准备。
学生在一次又一次的输入语段之后, 最终能够成功地输出描述自己朋友的语段, 这才是这堂课要达到的目标。
三、关注内容, 优化学习过程
针对本课的学习内容和学生情况, 我们需要对文本进行再构。其实再构一篇语段本身并不难, 但再构的前提是对教学内容和教学目标有非常明确的了解, 随意再构文本, 脱离了主要的教学内容, 不仅会破坏教学的整体结构, 还会浪费宝贵的教学时间, 适得其反。如同人们在看电视剧当中却突然插播广告让人厌恶难受一样, 思路被打断再要让学生重新回到主线上就难了。所以每一节课都应该有一条非常清晰的内容主线, 所有的教学环节必须围绕这条主线开展, 在文本语言的教学过程中让学生感悟文本带来的情感。教师不仅要明确一堂课的教学目标, 更要清楚这堂课在本单元中的地位和作用, 只有明确了整个单元的总体教学目标, 才不会在教学设计上走弯路。
本课Look and say所提供的主文本是介绍三个朋友以及他们的衣着, 但是它并没有强调季节与服装的相关性。但是在分析教材时我们认为这是一个应该强调的教学点, 同时也是与学生生活实际密切相关的内容, 于是我们在相册里增加了相应的教学内容。比如, Kitty介绍自己四季的服装 (第一课时) , Tom穿的是秋季的服饰, Sally和Peter穿的是夏季的服装, Danny穿的是冬季的服装。学生在练习描述的同时也会关注到服装与季节的关系, 从而感受到Different clothes for different seasons, 实现了语言教学与生活实际结合, 为学生创造了真实的语言体验, 很好地培养了学生语用能力。
四、联系实际, 彰显生活体验
本单元的情境设计是以Kitty的博客为背景, 以Kitty放在博客上的相册为主线, 展开语言教学。博客和相册都是学生日常生活中非常熟悉的事物。当这些事物呈现到学生眼前时, 学生就会有一种亲切感, 从而更愿意参与到课堂教学中去。一年四季的服饰是学生都接触的事物, 学生可以轻松地在这样的话题中做到言之有物, 言之有理。
这点不仅体现在课堂的post task的反馈环节, 学生能自如地运用课堂学习到的句型介绍自己的朋友, 而且在课后的回家作业里也充分体现出来。很多学生都能对自己的朋友进行全面的介绍, 尤其突出对他人衣着服饰的介绍, 好多学生都举一反三、洋洋洒洒地写了整整一面的作文。联系实际的话题才能真正让学生有话想说, 有话可说。说明这节课的教学目标设定比较正确, 完成得比较好。
在参与和体验了整个单元的设计、修改、上课、反思后, 我深深地体会到应用性阅读教学通过对教材提供的原始文本的整合与优化推进了整体单元教学设计。而学生对再构的更加合理的文本的一次又一次的体验和感悟最终达到了语言知识和语言能力的提高, 教学有效性也大大提高。
3.小学牛津4A U6教案 篇三
本节课是《牛津小学英语》4A Unit6 Whose gloves?第一课时。执教者在处理教材时没有机械地照搬教材原来的设计,而是根据学生对英语掌握的实际情况进行了大胆、巧妙的切割和重组。从而降低了教材难度,让绝大多数学生通过自己的努力达成语言学习目标,尝到成功的喜悦,为以后难度稍大的英语学习奠定坚实的基础。
本课传统教法是先讲BC部分,也就是“a pair of...”“Whose...is this/are they?”共有八个单词和词组以及两组新句子,单复数的灵活转换和运用是本课的难点。执教者没有将“Whose...is this/are they?”纳入本课学习重点,而是通过各种各样的环节设置,操练“The...is too.../The...are too...”使B部分名词词组的单复数用法在学生脑海里留下深刻印象,培养学生良好的语感。
Step1.Free Talk
T: Class begins.Good morning.How are you ?
S: Fine, thank you.And you?
T: I’m fine, too.I’m your new teacher today.Look!My eyes are big.My mouth is small.My hair is long.(走到学生中间)Your pencil box is small.Oh, your bag is big.Who can say something about your things?
S1: My rubber is small.T: It’s cute.S2: His ruler is short.T: It’s nice.S3:My eyes are big.T: You are lovely.…
由于是借班上课,在此环节中,执教者先自我介绍,描述自己的长相,让学生产生亲切感,减轻学生对新老师的陌生程度,融洽师生关系。执教者在自我介绍的同时,帮助学生复习本课将要用的已学单词“small, big, long, short”。接着学生向老师描述自己的长相和物品,既复习了已学单词,又活跃课堂气氛,充分调动学生的积极性。Step2.Presentation and Practice
T: Look at this jacket.I’d like to try this one on.(老师放慢语速说这句话并穿上夹克衫)Am I nice? S: Yes!
T: Hello,try this jacket on, please.(有适当的肢体语言提示学生试穿夹克衫)
T: Is she/he nice? Oh, it’s too big.T: Hello, Is she nice?
S1: No.It’s too big.T: Try this one on, please.(教师拿出另一件儿童夹克衫)
Is she nice? S: Yes.这样的环节设置,非常具有真实性,穿在老师身上很漂亮的夹克衫,给同学穿就太大了。这种直观明了的区别,让学生自然而然地理解“too big”的涵义以及用法。而且,此时学生对“Try this one on.”也有了初步的理解。
T: Look!There are two sweaters.Who wants to try on?
S: Me.T: This one or that one?
S: This one.T: Why?
S: That one is too small.(走到学生中间,个别提问)
T: What’s your opinion? This one or that one?
S1: This one.S2: That one.„
T: OK.Try this one on, please.(板书)
在这段对话中,执教者将“Try this one on.”拆成两部分“try on”“this one”,由于“this one”是学生耳熟能详的词组,这样,学生更容易直接理解“try on”的意思。而且,学有余力的学生已经会用 “Try that one on.”这样的句式。
T: I have a scarf.What colour is it?
S: It’s orange.T: Is it pretty? S: Yes.T: Hello,***,try this one on, please.S1: OK.T: Oh, it’s too long.Try this one on, please.S1: OK.T: How nice!
Let’s act the dialogue like that.(学生根据黑板上挂着的衣物做对话,四组学生表演对话)
T: What are they?
S: Socks.T: A pair of socks.(领读,指名读)
T: What are they?
S: Shoes.T: A pair of shoes.(领读,指名读)
I want to try on.But try this pair on or try that pair on?(重读pair,板书)
S: Try this pair on.Try that pair on.T: Try this pair on or try that pair on?
S1: Try this pair on.T: Why?
S1: That pair is too small.T: Thank you.T: Try this pair on or try that pair on?
S1: Try this pair on.T: Why?
S1: The socks is too small.T: The socks are too small.Thank you.(重读are,并提示两只袜子)
T: So good!You’re all so good!I love you!
(板书 love,领读,添加字母g)
How to read? S: Glove.T: Good job!(添加字母s)
How to read?
S: Gloves.T: A pair of gloves.(领读)
Hello,***,try this pair on, please.S1: All right.T: Oh, they’re so big.The gloves too big.Whose hands are big?
Hello,***,try this pair on, please.S1: All right.T: They’re nice!
T: They’re jeans.(领读)
How to say a...S: A pair of jeans.T: Good!A pair of jeans.(指名读)
The jeans are long.(拿出短裤和牛仔裤比较)
But they’re short.They’re shorts.(板书,领读)
The jeans are long.The shorts are short.(学生跟读书上B部分录音)
A game.大屏幕上出现B部分八个单词和词组,点击鼠标变成八个方框,学生用这样的句子猜。
S1: What’s in Picture A?
S2: It’s a.../They’re...此游戏帮助学生在玩乐中复习所学句型,强化其对单复数的使用,避免了枯燥无味的讲解和机械的练习。
A: Hello,***, try this one/pair on, please.B: OK./All right.A: Oh, it’s/they’re too big/small/long/short.Try this one/pair on, please.B: It’s/They’re nice/pretty/smart.事实上这部分对话两个人做就已经可以了,执教者之所以分成四人组,其实是让学生可以共用自己带来的衣物,这既锻炼了学生的语言能力,也培养了他们与人分享和彼此配合的能力。在两个人做对话的时候,另外两个人也可以欣赏和学习别人的长处,从而产生提高自己对话水平的动机。
are too
is too
is too
are too
.T: Look at David’s shoes.They’re too small.Can you say something about Helen’s dress?
S1: It’s too short.T: How about Liu Tao’s jacket?
S2: It’s too big.T: And Yang Ling’s Jeans?
S3: They’re too long.(学生完成填空题,同桌交流,指名读出自己写的内容。)
4.牛津小学英语4a课件 篇四
1、能听懂,会说,会读和会拼写a pen、a ruler、a rubber、a ball pen、a pencil case、a bookmark、a pencil、a notebook、a book.2、能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语:Come in、Thank you、Goodbye.3、能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型May I have…? Yes/Sure.Here you are.教学重点和难点
Step 1 Free talk
1.T: Hello, may I come in?(敲门动作)
Hello/ Good morning./ Good afternoon.How are you?
Are you happy? …
3.板书:May I come in? 拼读划线部分
Step2 Revision
T: Oh , a new pen , It’s nice.Look, what’s this?
Do you like this …
pen , ruler, rubber, ball pen, pencil, book(English book, Chinese book)。
Step3 Presentation
T: I like your … May I have a … Yes or no.帮助学生理解后,在问两三名同学之后,告诉他们很愿意的话可以说:
Sure, here you are.(做送出的动作)
2.Play a game.你们有这么多的新文具,老师很羡慕,Now answer my question,你如果有
T: May I have a …
Ss: Sure , here you are.3.Look,do you know what’s this in English?
1)I have some notebooks , do you like notebooks?
(叫起一位学生)Do you like this notebook? 当他表示喜欢时,提示他用
May I have a …的句子来向老师要。
5.Read the dialogues.Step 4 Practice
1.Part C
2.Work in groups.任务:看看你的同学有了什么新文具,能不能借过来欣赏一下,小组内用英语交流
Step5 Consolidation
1.I say, you show
2出示小黑板:a pen, a ball pen, a pencil, a book
May I have a …Sure , here you are.(讲书写要求,拼读单词)
3.Write down in notebook.课后把Part C部分写在作业本上。
Unit 1 May I have…
a ruler a rubber
a pen a ball pen
a pencil a pencil case
a book a book mark
5.牛津小学英语4A第二单元测试卷 篇五
1、What’s this on the desk? A.这是什么? B.在课桌上的这是什么? C.在课桌上的那是什么?()
2、I’d like this rabbit.A.我喜欢这只兔子。B.我想要这只兔子。C.我喜欢那只兔子。()
3、I like your little book.A.我喜欢你的书。B.我想要你的小书。C.我喜欢你的小书。
4、That’s Helen’s toy train.A.那是海伦的玩具火车吗? B.这是海伦的玩具火车。C.那是海伦的玩具火车。()
5、Is that his toy car?
A.那是他的玩具小汽车吗? B.那是他的玩具小汽车。C.那是他的小汽车吗?
6、Can I have a look at her book?
6.牛津小学英语4a课件 篇六
一、教学内容 Unit 1Let’smake a fruit salad
1.四会单词 make,any,banana,some,our
四会句型;I have…Do you have…? Yes,I do./No,I don’t.三会单词:let’s,fruit,salad,pineapple,mango,grape,thanks,cool,wonderful,how many
2..能会唱歌曲《Do you like purple grapes?》
句型:I have…和Do you have…?
句型:I have…和Do you have…?及其回答
词汇:some 和any 的用法。
利用图片或实物引导学生学习使用I have…Do you have…?等句型。在学生熟练掌握的基础上,教师可以联系以前学过的内容,设计多个情景,引导学生进行综合操练,从而使学生能自然流利地运用所学内容
7.牛津小学英语4a课件 篇七
A purse
A Read and say 1 GAO Shan, what’s that over there? It’s a purse.2 Nancy, is that your purse? No, it isn’t.Perhaps it’s Yang Ling’s.3Where’sYangLing? She’s in the classroom.4Come here, YangLing.Is this your purse? Let me see.yes, it is.Thankyou.No t at all.A storybook
a water bottle 一本故事书
一只水壶B and learn A key
an umbrella
a crayon
a fan a tape
一把扇子 一个带子
一只钱包 教学
1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a key ,a purse ,a story book ,a fan和a tape.2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Come here ,Let me see.Not at all.Excuse me, I’m
don’t know.Where’s …? Perhaps he’s /she’s in ….Where are you? I’m …
3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Is this /that my /your /his/ her …? Yes, it is /No, it isn’t.Where my /your /his /her …? Perhaps it’s in /on …
4. 了解辅音字母g和h在单词中的读音。5. 能有表情地演唱歌曲Perhaps.教学理念:
1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a key ,a purse ,a storybook ,a fan和a tape.2. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写本单元四会句型。教具准备:
教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4A第三单元,第一教时Read and say.教学目标:
1.能听懂、会说、会读单词a purse.2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Come here.Let me see.Not at all.Excuse me, I’m sorry.Sorry, I don’t know.Where’s …? Perhaps he’s /she’s in …where are you? I’m … 教学过程: 第一、Warm up.1.Greetings(师生之间常规问好)2.Sing a song : 《We are happy bees.》 3.Free talk.(通过师生之间交谈,复习巩固1-2单元所学句型)2.On duty.二、Presentation and practice.1.创设真实情境,在交际中引出新授句型。
A. a.利用图片,复习句型: I can’t find ××, s Where’ she /he? She’s /He’s in the …
b.出示句型卡片,领读,认读句型: Where’s ××
c.出示A部分挂图,指导观图,学习句型: T: I can’t find Yang Ling? Where’s she? Let me see, oh, she’s in the classroom.出示句型卡片,指导朗读句型: She’s in the classroom.Let me see.d.师生之间,同桌之间操练句型 : S1: I can’t find ××, Where’s she/he? S2: Let me see.She’s /He’s in the classroom.B.a.师事先拿学生的文具用品,创设一个Lost property office, 然后取出学生的物品走到学生面前说Are you …? Is this your pencil –box? 在得到学生肯定答复后,引导他们说Thank you.教师边摆手边回答Not at all.b.出示句型卡片,指导朗读如下句型:Let me see.Not at all, come here.Is this you’re …? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.c.指导学生利用实物操练句型:
S1:Is this you’re …? S2: Yes, it is.Here you are.Thank you.Not at all.C.a.创设真实情境,利用室内物品学习句型What’s that over there? Perhaps its ××’s.b.指导学生实际操练句型。2.学习新单词 a purse.a.指远处钱包询问:What’s that over there? b.出示图片领读单词。
c.听力练习: whose purse is it? 生听录音回答问题。
三、Have a rest.Enjoy a song 《Perhaps 》.四、Consolidation.1.指导观图。
2.Listen and repeat.3.Read after the tape.五、总结。Homework.1.跟录音读A部分5遍。2.自编对话。板书设计:
Unit 3 a purses.A.Read and say.Is this /that your purse? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.Perhaps its Yang Ling’s
Where’s Yang Ling? 第二课时 教学内容: A Read and say及歌曲《Perhaps》.教学目标:
1.能有表情地演唱歌曲《Perhaps》.2.能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词a key ,a purse , a storybook, a fan和a tape.教学过程:
一、Warm up 1.Greetings.2.Sing a song 《We are happy bees 》
3.Free talk.主要巩固上一课时所学内容。
4.on duty.二、Review.复习A部分内容。
三、Presentation.1.新授单词an umbrella , a water bottle ,a fan.a.T: It’s too hot, I need a fan, where’s my fan? 出示实物领读单词,贴图指导拼写单词。b.Tim’s thirsty, I want to drink some water.Oh, and it’s in the water bottle.出示实物。
出示图片领读拼读单词。c.指着远处的伞。T: What’s that over there? Let me see.Oh, it’s an umbrella.出示图片,领读拼写单词。
2.学习单词a key ,a crayon ,a storybook ,a purse ,a tape.a.通过Touch and guess游戏学习以上单词。
四、Sing a song 《Perhaps 》.1领读歌词,理解意思。2.听录音。
五、Play a game 生活用品归类。Homework.1会唱歌曲《Perhaps》 2.抄写四会单词4遍。板书设计:
Unit 3 a purses.an umbrella a water bottle a fan a key a crayon a storybook a tape 第三课时 教学内容:C部Work in pairs及E部分Read and act.教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会读并会写句型:Where’ my …? Are this /that your /his /her …? Yes, it is.No, it isn’t.2. 能够认读并会表演E部分对话内容。教学过程:
一、Warm up 1.Greetings.2Sing a song 《Perhaps》.3.Free talk.主要交谈本单元出现句型。4.On.duty
二、Review 复习B部分所学内容。
三、Presentation and practice.1.请一位学生结合图片进行示范操练。2.指定两位基础较好的学生根据图片模仿示范练习,其余学生边听边看。
4.在实际操练中,教师还可以引导学生扩展对话。如果所问的是自己的物品,可有感情地回答Y2.预习D、G两部分。as ,it is.Thank you.如果所问的不是自己的物品,可用No ,it isn’t.Perhaps it’s ××’s来回答。参考答案:
图三 A:Where’ my tape? B: Is that your tape? A: Yes, it is.图四 A:Where’s my fan? B: Is this your fan? A: No, it isn’t.it’s Mike’s.B: Perhaps your fan is on the desk.四、学习E部分。1.出示图,认人,物,猜故事情节。2.听录音回答问题:Where’s David’s storybook? 3.跟录音读课本。4.分组读。5.角色表演。Homework.1.抄写C部分句子。
教学内容:D部分Look, read and complete及G部分
1.Look and read.2.Make and play.教学目标: 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型Where’s my …? It’s in /on the … 1.能看懂、会读G1部分出现的句型。教学过程:
一、Warm up 1.Greetings.(教师事先在教室里放置一些文具,用Where’s …?与学生交谈)2.Sing a song 《Perhaps 》 3.Free talk.在交谈中复习巩固本单元出现的句型。4on duty.二、Review.1.复习C部分内容。2复习E部分内容。
a.先将一个色彩鲜明的小球放在不同的位置,用Where’s my ball? 提问,让学生根据小球的位置,说出相应的介词词组如:On the desk, in/on the bag, in/on the book …以此来复习介词词组。
b.指导学生看图,用Where’s my …? 的句型进行问答。
a.打开书让学生自由读。b.提问:Where’s Likuta? Is Liu Tao in the TV? Room c指导学生认读句型,理解句意。d.听录音练读。e.齐读。
c.教师口述英语指令,学生看图学做扇子。d对学生所做扇子进行评价。Homework : 1.抄写D部分句子。2.读G1部分句型5遍。板书设计:
Unit 3 a purses.2 Where’s my crayon? It’s in the pencil case.3 Where‘s my pencil case? It’s on the desk.Where’s my storybook? It’s on the desk.4 Where’s my key? It’s on the ox b.5 where’s my purse? It’s on the school bag.第五课时 教学内容:复习本单元所学内容,做练习册,操练F部分内容复习操练,让学生熟练掌握运用本单元中的句型对话。教学过程:
一、Warm up 1Sing two songs 《We are happy bees 《Perhaps》.2.Say a rhyme 《A little book 》.3.on duty.4.Free talk.在操练中巩固本单元所学句型。
A Listen and judge.1指导学生看图,理解图意。2听录音,完成练习。3再听录音,集体校对。
》Blister and circle.1学生看图,了解图所呈现物品。2听录音,完成练习。
3、再听录音,核对答案。CListen, number and write.1投影出示图片,让学生用英语说出图中有些什么。
DLook and complete.1、师讲解此题训练任务。
8.牛津小学英语4a课件 篇八
教学内容:4A Unit4 I like…A部分(第一课时安排B部分单词教学)
教学目标:1 Useful expression: What’s this/that in English? Do you like …? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.理解并读懂A部分课文。课后在同学和老师之间进行调查。
教具准备:各类玩具小卡片,小兔、小熊玩具,风筝、娃娃、拼图、木偶,调查表(课前发给学生),填空的表格(课前发给学生),课件。教学重、难点:Useful expression: What’s this/that in English?
Do you like …? Yes, I do.No, I don’t.主要教学流程:
Step 1 T:Hello, boys and girls!Nice to meet you!/ How are you?
Greeting.T: Today, Miss Tang is very happy, why? Do you know? Because I see many beautiful toys here.Let me see!You are animal group, you are stationery group, you are fruit group, and you are food group, you are color group, and last one is clothes group.You are very good!Now, Let’s show us, ok? Ss: Ok!Group1:(Stand up)I have a ruler.I have a pen.I have a pencil.I have a book…
Group2:(Stand up)Monkey, monkey, a lovely monkey.Panda, panda, ,a lovely panda.Cat, cat, a lovely cat.Yeah!Group3:(Stand up)say a rhyme:
Pears,bananas and apples,Oranges, peaches and apples.Big fruit and small fruit,They’re all very good.Group4:(Stand up)sing a song: Color song Group5:(Stand up)Ss:Look at my jacket, it’s nice!
Look at my T-shirt, It’s pretty.Look at my coat, how nice!Yeah!Group6:(Stand up)sing a song: Hot cross buns!Step2: Presentation 1 T: Excellent!You do a good job!Now, listen!And guess!What’s this in English?(listen to the sound of a dog)Ss: It’s a dog.T: Do you like a dog? Ss: Yes, I do.T: Me, too.I like a dog, too.T: Look,guess!What’s this in English?(show the ears of a toy rabbit)Ss: It’s a rabbit.T: A rabbit? Let me see, oh, yes, it is.It’s a lovely rabbit.T: Do you like a rabbit? Ss: Yes, I do.T: Me, too.I like a rabbit very much.3 T: Guess!What’s that in English?(出示图片的一角)S: It’s a tiger.T: Do you like a tiger? S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.T: I don’t like a panda.It’s terrible.4 T: Go on!Look at the picture!Guess!What’s that in English?(出示图片的一角)
S: It’s a panda.T: Do you like a panda? S: Yes, I do.T: Me, too.Read after T: What’s this/that in English? It’s a…
Do you like …?
Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.(拿着哭脸笑脸)
T展示句型卡片,并贴在黑板上,学生跟读几遍。Step3: Practice.1 T: Look at the picture, What’s this in English? S: It’s a puzzle.T: Do you like puzzles? S: Yes, I do.T: Here’s a puzzle for you.(T发一个puzzle 的小图片作为奖励。)S: Thank you very much.同样的方法T和S操练对话,并发小卡片给学生。T:Now, you can ask me: What’s this in English? Do you like puzzles? Ss: What’s this in English? T: It’s a bus.Ss: Do you like buses? T: Yes, I do.(老师在投影仪上画笑脸)同样的方法再问老师一个。请三位同学到前面来,模仿老师,其他同学问,他回答,并画哭脸或者笑脸。Ss: What’s this in English? S: It’s a …
Ss: Do you like …?
S: No, I don’t.(S在投影仪上画哭脸)4 Work in pairs(拿手中的小卡片): S1: Do you like …?
S2: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.S1: Here’s a…for you.S2: Thank you very much.T:(Take out a bear)Now, I’ll introduce my new friend , look ,it’s a bear.Please say hello to bear.Bear: Hello, boys and girls!Ss: Hello, bear!T: Hello, bear!Bear: Hello!T: Good morning, bear!B: Good morning, Miss Tang!T: Do you like puzzles? B: Yes, I do.T: Now, you can ask him, ok? S: Do you like bikes? B: No, I don’t.T: Look at this photo, do you like Yao Ming?(出示姚明的照片)Do you know what he likes? Now, you are a reporter, you can interview him, ok?(拿小话筒)S:Yao Ming, do you like footballs? Vedio: No, I don’t.S: Yao Ming, do you like basketballs? Vedio: Yes, I do.同样的方法采访蜡笔小新、Miss Zhu等 Step 4 Have a rest.Sing a song: 用Are you sleeping的音调: Do you like puppets? Do you like puppets?
Yes, I do.Yes, I do.Do you like puppets? Do you like puppets? Yes, I do.Yes, I do.2 Do you like puzzles? Do you like puzzles?
No, I don’t.No, I don’t.Do you like puppets? Do you like puppets? No, I don’t.No, I don’t.Do you like buses? Do you like buses?
Yes, I do.Yes, I do.Do you like buses? Do you like buses? Yes, I do.Yes, I do.Step5 Learn to say 1 T: Yang Ling and Nancy are good friends, Yang Ling went to Nancy’s home, let’s see!放映A部分的动画。Ss read after the video.2 T: Do you understand? Answer this question, What does Yang Ling like? Which one is the answer? Ss: Puzzle, doll, kite.T: Let’s see, yes or no? 3 Ss read after the video.4集体做一个有关课文的排顺序练习,以巩固。Fill in the blank, Ss write down the answers in the paper.Then T check.6 Open the books, Boys read Nancy, girls read Yang Ling, read the dialogue together.7 T acts as Nancy, a S acts as Yang Ling, act out the dialogue.Step 6 Consolidations T: Now, you can ask your friends in your group, which fruit, stationeries, animals like? Work in groups, talk about your toys, ok? 六个小组分别在自己的小组里讨论: S1: What’s this in English? S2: It’s a …
S1: Do you like …?
S2: Yes, I do.S1: Here’s a…for you.S2: Thank you very much.每组请一对搭档上来表演, 并选出最佳演员。Step7 拓展
9.牛津英语2a课件 篇九
一、主要新授内容(new contents)let’s act---clean the desk,please. ---sweep the floor,please.
1. 能听懂擦桌、扫地的等祈使句,并作出相应的动作反应。
2. 能认读并理解clean the desk/sweep the floor 句子。
3. 能根据所给的情景发出擦桌、扫地等指令。
三、教学建议1、任务前期准备阶段(pre-task preparation section)activity 1(song)
1、教学辅助(aids) 录音机 磁带2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1song “read read, i can read“教师通过类似“look, i can do many things. i can draw. i can dance. ……can you do these things. let’s sing asong together.”等让学生一边唱歌一边和老师共同表演以歌曲为铺垫复习i can句型,让学生感觉自己会许多本领,充满自信,营造出英语的课堂氛围activity 2(chant)
1、教学辅助(aids) 单词图片
2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1words:read draw sing write dance jump 把单词图片出示在黑板上可让生齐读利用图片引起对旧知的回忆2questions & answers:what can you do? i can …… 用接力问答的形式相互询问了解各自的.能力以游戏方式来复习i can句型3read,read,ican read. i can read a little book. draw, draw, i can draw. i can draw a little tree.…… 集体诵读节奏歌用儿歌串联i can句型帮学生增强记忆activity 3(game)
1、教学辅助(aids) 小纸条
2.活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1i can read.i can sing.i can dance.……学生通过认读小纸条上的句子后再做动作给同学看,接着由生猜通过游戏复习i can内容让学生做做、猜猜,活跃气氛2chant:read,read,ican read. i can read a little book ……把句子出示在黑板上师生共同诵读句子的音、形、义一起得到巩固。
2、任务中期实施阶段(while-task procedure section)activity 1(guessing game)
1、教学辅助(aids) 录音机 磁带图片
2、活动过程(process)stepscontentsmethodspurpose1question老师在黑板上画一长方形后问生oh,look, i can draw.please guess what can i draw ?rubber? cake?---maybe---让学生自由地猜测几次引起学生对新授学习内容的兴趣2new words:deskfloor教师添上几笔后可直接导入desk,floor把语音和语义同时输入给学生activity 2(repeation)
1、教学辅助(aids) 录音机 磁带图片
3(listening and speaking)
1、教学辅助(aids) 录音机 磁带图片
10.牛津小学英语4a课件 篇十
Story time Teaching plan 一.Teaching contents 江苏译林6下 the story time of ‘The lion and the mouse’.二.Teaching aims.a.Aims of knowledge
1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to master the words ‘large, strong, sharp, and weak’ and describe it with their favorite animals.2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get a basic understanding of ‘verbs+ adverbs’ and through the reading, they can get a basic feeling of it.b.Aims of abilities
1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the story fluently and act it through group learning and self learning.2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to solve the problems through group work and pair works like ‘What happened at the end of the story?’
c.Aims of emotions
1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get the hang of the implication of this story.三.Teaching focus and difficulties
1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to solve the problems through group work and pair works like ‘What happened at the end of the story?’
2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get the hang of the implication of this story.四.Teaching aids PPT, some pictures about these two animals, prizes for the children.五.Teaching procedure
1.Free talk
T: Good morning, boys and girls, I’m your new English teacher;today we’re going to learn a very interesting story about two animals.They’re
S: The lion and the mouse.T: I like lions, because they’re the king of the forest, they have a strong body, too.So what animals do you like?
S: I like dogs.T: Why?
S: Because they’re cute and lovely.T: What about you?
S2: I like…..Because they’re…… 2.Presentation
1.T: Now I know your favorite animals, let’s talk about today’s animals, lions.S: The lion is large and strong(teach large and strong.)
S2: The lion has sharp teeth.(Teach sharp)T: So at the beginning of the story, there was a lion in the forest,(lead the students to read)he was large and strong.T: What about the mouse? S: The mouse is small.S2: the mouse is afraid of the lion.S3: The mouse is weak.(Teach weak)S4: The mouse also has sharp teeth.2.T: Yes, one day, they met in the forest, how did they meet? Please read part2.S: One day, the mouse walked by and woke the lion up.T: How was the lion?
S: The lion was angry and wanted to eat the lion.T: Yes, let’s read it together.(PPT presents the Chinese meaning of walked…by and woke…up)
T: Here woke is the past form of wake, wake…up.T: We know the lion was angry, look at this picture and was the lion angry?
S: No.S: The lion laughed.T: Yes, the lion laughed loudly, why? Please read part 2 and choose.S: Because the mouse said:” Please don’t eat me, I can help you some day.” But the lion thought it was funny.T: Did you think it was funny?
S: Yes.I thought it was funny.T: Why?
S: Because the mouse was so small and weak, I don’t think he can help the lion.3.T: Yeah, maybe he can or may be not, next let’s read in pairs.T: Did the mouse laugh loudly?
S: No, he said quietly(指导学生朗读quietly)
T: If I was the lion, who can be the mouse?(示范和指导朗读)
T: Now you try.4.T: So at last, did the lion eat the mouse?
S: No, he didn’t, he let the mouse go.T: Yes.The next day, two men caught him with a large net.(PPT presents the net)5.T: Guess what happened next?(PPT presents the three choices)
S: I think C is right.S2: I think maybe A is right.(teach bit, bit is the past form of bite)
T: So let’s open the envelop and read part 3 and tell me which one is right.S: We should choose ‘C’.Someone helped the lion.T: Here someone means…
S: The mouse.T: How did he help? Please read part4.S: The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.(PPT presents the hole)6.T: And the lion(引导学生说出)got out.We know the lion has sharp teeth, so why can’t he make a hole by himself? Please discuss this in groups.S: I think the lion is too large so he can’t make a hole.S2: I think …….7.T: I think you did a good job here, now guess what happened at last? Please discuss in groups and write it on the paper.S: I think the lion and the mouse became friends.I think one day the mouse got caught, the lion helped him.……
8.T: Very good imagination, boys and girls, maybe the lion and the mouse lived happily in the forest, now let’s listen and repeat.3.Consolidation 9.T: Next, it’s the show time;three people get into groups, please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(Showtime)10.T: Well done, boys and girls, last question, what do you learn from this story? S: I think A is right.S2: I think B is right.T: Well, boys and girls, I think ‘A and B’ are good choices, but if there is only one choice, the best choice is C, let’s read C together.The lion and the mouse became friends;let’s see some pictures of animals, did they become friends, too?(PPT presents the pictures).11.T: Thank you, boys and girls, let’s help each other from today.See you!六.Homework 1.Read the story fluently.2.Try to retell the story by yourself.3.Share this story with more people.七.Blackboard Design
Unit1 The lion and the mouse
large, strong, sharp
small, weak, sharp
The lion(picture)
laugh at
The mouse(picture)
two men caught the lion
made a hole
became friends
牛津小学英语4A Unit2熟记知识点01-08
牛津小学英语4A Unit6 Whose gloves说课稿06-16
牛津小学英语3A全册教案Unit 101-26