


1.高考英语动词短语考题 篇一

第4讲 动词与动词短语

1.Working with the medical team in Africa has_____ the best in her as a doctor.(2017·江苏,25)A.held out

C.picked out 答案 B 解析 句意为:在非洲与医疗队的合作使她作为一名医生的最佳素质彰显了出来。hold out伸出,坚持;bring out使显现,使表现出;pick out挑选出,辨认出;give out分发,发出。2.A quick review of successes and failures at the end of year will help ________ your year ahead.(2017·江苏,30)A.shape


答案 A 解析 句意为:到了年底,快速回顾一下自己的成功和失败,这会有助于你为未来的一年做好规划。shape影响(某事物的发展),符合语境。switch转换,转变;stretch变大,拉长;sharpen使变锋利,使增强。

3.Mr and Mrs Brown would like to see their daughter ________,get married,and have kids.(2017·天津,5)A.settle down

C.get up

答案 A 解析 句意为:布朗夫妇希望看到女儿安顿下来(settle down),结婚成家,生儿育女。keep off使避开,不接近;get up起床,站起来;cut in插嘴,打断别人说话。

4.He did not ________ easily,but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.(2016·江苏,25)A.approach


答案 C 解析 句意为:他不轻易妥协,但他很乐意接受对一项崇高事业的任何建设性的建议。compromise妥协,符合句意。

5.Many businesses started up by college students have ________ thanks to the comfortable climate for business creation.(2016·江苏,30)

B.wrestle D.communicate B.keep off D.cut in B.switch D.sharpen B.brought out D.given out A.fallen off

C.turned off

答案 B

B.taken off D.left off 解析 句意为:由于良好的创业环境,许多大学生的创业项目已经成功。take off成功,起飞,符合句意。fall off跌落,下降;turn off关掉;leave off停止(做)某事,戒掉,均不符合题意。6.Parents should actively urge their children to ________ the opportunity to join sports teams.(2016·江苏,33)A.gain admission to

C.take advantage of

答案 C 解析 句意为:父母应积极督促孩子抓住机会加入运动队。take advantage of利用,符合句意。gain admission to获准进入;keep track of与……保持联系;give rise to引起,导致,均不符合题意。

7.We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite,rather than ________ us.(2016·浙江,8)A.divide


答案 A 解析 句意为:当我们学会求同存异,而非对立分歧时,我们会收获颇多。divide分开;reject拒绝;control控制;abandon放弃,抛弃。根据句意可知选A。

8.When their children lived far away from them,these old people felt ________ from the world.(2016·浙江,12)A.carried away

C.cut off

答案 C 解析 句意为:当孩子们住得离他们很远时,这些老人们感觉与外界隔离了。carry away带走,夺走;break down抛锚,垮掉;cut off切断,隔离;bring up抚养,提出。根据句意可知选C。

9.When the time came to make the final decision for a course,I decided to apply for the one that ________ my interest.(2016·浙江,14)A.limited


答案 C 解析 句意为:当最后决定选一门课程时,我决定申请那门反映我兴趣的课程。reflect反映,B.reserved D.spoiled B.broken down D.brought up B.reject D.abandon B.keep track of D.give rise to 体现,符合语境。limit限制;reserve预订,保留;spoil毁掉,溺爱。

10.Mary was silent during the early part of the discussion but finally she ________ her opinion on the subject.(2016·天津,8)A.gave voice to

C.turned a deaf ear to

答案 A 解析 句意为:玛丽在讨论初期保持了沉默,但最终还是提出了对这一话题的看法。give voice to意为“表达对……的想法”,符合语境。keep an eye on照看,留意;turn a deaf ear to对……充耳不闻;set foot on进入,参观。

11.I hate it when she calls me at work—I’m always too busy to ________ a conversation with her.(2016·天津,14)A.carry on

C.turn down

答案 A 解析 句意为:我讨厌工作时她给我打电话——我一直很忙,没时间与她进行谈话。carry on意为“进行,继续”,符合语境。break into打断,闯入;turn down调低,拒绝;cut off停止,中断。

12.Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to ________ to their greatest potential.(2015·江苏,22)A.accelerate


答案 D 解析 句意为:学校应该是鼓励个人发展他们最大潜力的、充满活力的地方。accelerate加速;improve改善;perform执行;develop发展。

13.The university started some new language programs to ________ the country’s Silk Road Economic Belt.(2015·江苏,27)A.apply to

C.appeal to

答案 B 解析 句意为:大学开始开设一些新的语言项目,以迎合国家的丝绸之路经济带。apply to 适用于,申请;cater for 迎合,满足所需;appeal to 呼吁,上诉;hunt for 搜寻。

14.The whole team ________ Cristiano Ronaldo,and he seldom lets them down.(2015·江苏,29)A.wait on

C.count on

B.focus on D.call on B.cater for D.hunt for B.improve D.develop B.break into D.cut off B.kept an eye on D.set foot on 答案 C 解析 句意为:整个球队依靠克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多,而他很少让他们失望。wait on 服侍,等待;focus on 集中于,关注;count on依靠,指望;call on 拜访,号召,呼吁。15.Studies have shown that the right and left ear ________ sound differently.(2015·浙江,5)A.produce


答案 C 解析 句意为:研究表明左右耳处理声音的方式不同。process加工,处理,符合语境。produce生产,制作,创作;pronounce发音;download下载。

16.If steel is heavier than water,why are ships able to ________ on the sea?(2015·浙江,16)A.float


答案 A 解析 句意为:如果钢铁比水重的话,那为什么轮船能够浮在海面上?float漂浮,符合语境。drown淹没,(使)溺死;shrink(使)收缩,(使)缩小;split(使)裂开,(使)破裂。17.If you come to visit China,you will________ a culture of amazing depth and variety.(2015·安徽,22)A.develop


答案 D 解析 句意为:如果你来访问中国,你将体验到有着惊人的深度和多元化的文化。develop开发;create创造;substitute替代;experience经历,体验。

18.The team are working hard to ________ the problem so that they can find the best solution.(2015·湖北,23)A.face


答案 D 解析 句意为:这个团队正在努力分析这个问题,以便他们能找到最好的解决方法。根据题干中的find the best solution可知,在找到最好的解决方法之前应该是先努力“分析(analyze)”问题。face面对;prevent阻止;raise提高。

19.In order not to be heard,she pointed her finger upwards to ________ that someone was moving about upstairs.(2015·湖北,24)A.whisper


B.signal D.complain B.prevent D.analyze B.create D.experience B.drown D.split B.pronounce D.download 答案 B 解析 句意为:为了不让别人听到自己的声音,她竖起手指示意有人正在楼上走动。根据题干中的pointed her finger upwards可知,她只是竖起手指示意,并没有出声。signal意为“示意”,所以答案选B项。whisper低语;declare宣布;complain抱怨。

20.If you have any doubts about your health,you’d better________ your doctor at once.(2015·天津,11)A.convince


答案 B 解析 句意为:如果你对自己的健康状况有所怀疑的话,你最好马上咨询医生。consult请教,咨询,找(医生)诊治,符合语境。convince使相信,使明白;avoid避免;affect影响。

B.consult D.affect

1.有些动词,如feel,look,taste等,既可用作系动词,又可用作实义动词,怎么判断呢?系动词常跟形容词作表语;实义动词则常用副词作状语;系动词一般不用进行时,但在表示语意客气、生动、亲切时,可用进行时。The newly-invented drinking tastes quite unique.这种新研制的饮料尝起来挺独特的。(系动词)The chef is tasting the fish carefully.厨师正在仔细地品尝这条鱼。(实义动词)2.run out/run out of的区别:run out是不及物动词短语,无被动语态,主语通常是表示时间、食物、金钱等的名词;run out of是及物动词短语,相当于use up,主语通常为人。My money ran out.我的钱花完了。I ran out of my money.我把钱花完了。



4.常见的基础词汇如get,take,put,break,look,call等构成的短语一直是高考考查的重点。如:If the new safety system had been put to use,the accident would never have happened.句中put...to use是固定搭配,意为“利用/使用……”。As their children lived far away from them,these old people felt cut off from the world.此句中的cut off意为“隔绝,隔离”。

1.Roger trained hard for the tournament for months,but unfortunately he had to ________ due to a knee injury.(2017·苏北六市联考,32)A.pull out

C.try out

答案 A 解析 句意为:Roger为了这次锦标赛艰苦训练了好几个月,但不幸的是,由于膝伤,他不得不退出。work out计算出,锻炼;try out试验,选拔;give out散发,分发,用完。pull out退出,(使)离开,符合语境,故选A项。

2.If you want to go further in the new sport,the best way is to ________ and practise more frequently.(2017·南通、扬州、泰州、淮安三模,22)A.dive in C.catch on

答案 A 解析 句意为:如果你想在这项新的运动上走得更远,最好的方法就是热切地投入和更加频繁地练习。dive in热切地加入,符合句意。drop out退出,辍学;catch on流行起来;spring up突然出现。故选A项。

3.If you manage to survive the crisis,think about how it will help you ________ new challenges.(2017·镇江期末,30)A.give up

C.hold up

答案 B 解析 句意为:如果你设法在危机中幸存下来,思考一下它将如何帮助你接受新的挑战。take up接受,拿起,举起,占据(空间或时间),开始从事,符合句意。give up放弃;hold up举起,支撑,耽搁,延误;put up举起,升起,设立,建造,提供住宿,张贴,悬挂。故选B项。4.You wouldn’t normally ________ these two writers;their styles are completely different.(2017·泰州中学摸底考试,27)A.distinguish


答案 B 解析 句意为:你通常不会把这两位作家联系在一起,他们的风格完全不同。associate把……联系在一起,使有关系,符合题意。distinguish区别,区分;adjust调整,校准;divorce离婚,使分离。

B.associate D.divorce B.take up D.put up B.drop out D.spring up B.work out D.give out 5.Sharing a flat with someone helps ease one’s loneliness,but living alone ________ me,for I can play music as loud as I want.(2017·泰州中学摸底考试,30)A.caters to

C.appeals to

答案 C 解析 句意为:和某人共享一个公寓有助于缓解孤独感,但独居对我更有吸引力,因为我可以将音乐播放到我想要的那样响。appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力,符合句意。cater to款待,为……服务;refer to参考,指的是;respond to响应,回应。

6.As its economy is maturing,China’s ________ a greater role in critical issues like climate and development.(2017·南京三模,30)A.defining


答案 B 解析 句意为:随着经济的成熟,在像气候和发展那样的重要问题上中国正在承担更大的作用。define定义,使明确;guarantee保证,担保;assure保证,确保。均不符合语境。assume承担,呈现,假定,认为,assume a greater role承担更大的作用,符合题意,故选B项。7.The recently released film Kong:Skull Island successfully ________ the audience to the adventure with Dolby 3-D technology.(2017·南京三模,35)A.transports


答案 A 解析 句意为:最近上映的电影《金刚·骷髅岛》成功地用杜比三维立体技术把观众带入了这次冒险经历中。adjust调节,适应;transform使改观,使变形;relate联系,均不符合语境。transport在此处表示“使产生身临其境的感觉”,符合语境,故选A项。

8.In the virtual laboratory environment created in the VR app,students can ________ a particular experiment before doing them in a real lab.(2017·苏锡常镇四市二模,29)A.reveal


答案 C 解析 句意为:在用虚拟现实应用程序创设的虚拟实验室环境中,学生们可以在真正的实验室实验之前预先进行某个特定的实验。根据before doing them in a real lab可知,此处指预先进行实验,preview预展,预演,符合语境。故选C项。

9.The Palace of Versailles,France’s national treasure,has ________ many changes in its century-long history while keeping its beauty.(2017·苏锡常镇四市二模,23)

B.reserve D.provide B.adjusts D.relates B.assuming D.assuring B.refers to D.responds to A.gone through

C.led to

答案 A

B.taken on D.showed off 解析 句意为:凡尔赛宫,法国的国宝,在它一个世纪的历史中,经历了许多变化却依然美丽。take on呈现,接纳;lead to导致;show off炫耀。go through经历,经受,此处注意动宾搭配,go through changes经历变化,符合语境,故选A项。

10.Owing to The Chinese Poetry Competition,publications on classical Chinese literature are ________ a significant share of storage space at the bookstore.(2017·苏锡常镇四市二模,31)A.taking up

C.breaking up

答案 A 解析 句意为:得益于《中国诗词大会》节目的播出,有关中国经典文学的出版物占据了书店存储空间的重要位置。take up占据;divide up分割;break up解散;put up提出。根据句意可知,答案为A。

11.Friendship does not merely ________ a sharing of activities;it is a sharing of self on a very personal level.(2017·苏州调研,23)A.involve


答案 A 解析 句意为:友谊并不仅仅包含一起参加活动;它还是一种从非常个人的角度对自我的分享。involve包含,需要,使成为必然部分(或结果),符合句意。request要求,请求;associate联系,联想;deliver递送,运送,发表(讲话),接生。

12.I think the experiment supports my theory,but I need to ________ the results a couple of times to make sure that no mistakes were made while collecting the data.(2017·苏州调研,27)A.get over

C.hand over

答案 D 解析 句意为:我认为这个实验支持我的理论,但是我需要仔细检查几次结果以确保在收集数据的时候没有犯错。go over仔细检查,温习,复习,符合句意。get over克服,战胜,恢复;take over接收,接管,控制;hand over交给,递给,移交。13.—I regret to tell you that the council did not ________ our plan.—Oh,what a shame!(2017·南京、盐城一模,29)A.smile on

C.see through

B.concentrate on D.live through B.take over D.go over B.request D.deliver B.dividing up D.putting up 答案 A 解析 句意为:——我遗憾地告诉你委员会不赞同我们的计划。——哦,真可惜!smile on对……加以称赞,对……青睐,符合句意。concentrate on专心于……,集中精力在……上;see through看穿,识破;live through经历过,经受住,经历……而幸存。

14.The computer program of the 1970s was unable to ________ between letters and numbers.(2017·南通一模,31)A.discriminate


答案 A 解析 句意为:20世纪70年代的电脑程序无法区分字母和数字。discriminate歧视,区别,辨别;conclude断定,结束;negotiate协商,谈判;compensate弥补,补偿。discriminate between letters and numbers区分字母和数字,符合题意,故选A项。15.—He could have put pressure on us to adopt his proposal.—Yes,but he didn’t ________.(2017·苏锡常镇四市一模,25)A.make his way

C.give his way

答案 B 解析 句意为:——他本可以对我们施加压力来采纳他的提议。——是的,但是他并没有为所欲为。make one’s way前进,行进;get one’s way随心所欲,为所欲为;没有give one’s way这种形式,只有give way to “给……让路,被……所取代”;feel one’s way摸索着前进。根据句意选B项。

16.A recent research shows smoking and drinking ________ with your body’s ability to process oxygen,thus greatly affecting your health.(2016·苏锡常镇四市二模,27)A.identify


答案 D 解析 句意为:最近一项研究显示,吸烟和饮酒影响你身体吸收氧气的能力,从而极大地影响你的健康。identify确定;correspond对应;combine结合;interfere干扰。故选D。17.AlphaGo’s beating Go grandmaster Lee Sedol 4-1 has ________ an international debate about whether robots will completely take the place of humans.(2016·苏锡常镇四市二模,29)A.given off B.worked out C.set off D.put out 答案 C 解析 句意为:人工智能机器人阿尔法围棋以4:1打败围棋大师李世石引发了一场关于机器人是否将完全取代人类的国际争论。give off发出;work out算出;set off动身,引起;put out

B.correspond D.interfere B.get his way D.feel his way B.conclude D.compensate 熄灭。故选C。

18.In time of anger,do yourself a favor by ________ it in a quiet place so that you won’t be hurt by its flames.(2016·苏锡常镇四市二模,25)A.releasing


答案 A 解析 句意为:在气愤时心疼一下自己,找个僻静处散散心,宣泄宣泄,不要让那些无名之火伤到自己。release释放;recover恢复,再生;refresh恢复精神;recycle回收利用。19.You are not ________ to unemployment benefit if you have never worked.A.accustomed


答案 C 解析 句意为:如果你从来没有工作过的话,就没有资格享受失业救济金。accustom使习惯;resign辞职;submit屈服,投降。entitle使符合资格,entitle sb.to sth.使某人有……的资格或权利,符合语境,故选C项。

20.By applying the theory to the problem,we can brush away the details and ________ simple patterns.A.release


答案 C 解析 句意为:通过把这个理论应用于这个问题,我们能够去除细节,使简单的模式显现出来。release释放,发布;reject拒绝,排斥;replace代替。reveal显示,揭示,符合题意,故选C项。

B.reject D.replace B.resigned D.submitted B.recovering D.recycling

2.高考英语动词短语考题 篇二

传统英语短语动词的教学强调短语动词在特定语境中的词汇意义, 并且仅仅向学习者介绍短语动词最常见的意义及其在字典上的不同的意义, 孤立解释每个短语动词并举例的方式居主导地位。但是这种孤立的教授英语短语动词的方法并没有达到预期的教学效果, 因为英语短语动词除字面用法, 其他用法具有不同程度的语义隐晦性 (semantic opaqueness) [2]。短语动词的整体意义不是其构成成分的语义简单叠加, 不能简单地从字面意思上进行理解。因此, 短语动词的语义隐晦性是影响我国学习者熟练掌握英语的一个主要因素, 是英语词汇习得中的一大难题。

从空间隐喻理论的视角看来, 学习者学习英语短语动词的主要困难是对这一语言现象存在认知误区。在短语动词的教学中, 如果教师能向学习者讲解短语动词所暗含的隐喻理据, 以促进学习者隐喻意识[3], 学习者就可以根据短语动词的隐喻来推断短语动词在不同语境中的含义, 培养语义推理能力, 有效解决短语动词习得这一难题。


空间隐喻属概念隐喻的次范畴。概念隐喻理论认为隐喻在日常生活中无处不在, 隐喻不仅是一种语言现象, 更是一种思维方式。就思维和行为而言, 我们一般的概念系统本质上都是隐喻性的, Lakoff&Johnson认为隐喻组织了我们大部分的概念系统[4]。概念隐喻由结构相对清晰的始源域和一个结构相对模糊的目标域组成, 其实质就是将始源域的图式结构映射到目标域之上, 让我们通过始源域的结构来构建和理解目标域。始源域是具体可以直接被体验和感知的, 而目标域是相对抽象且与主观经验有关。在日常生活中, 人们一般参照熟知的、有形的和具体的概念来认知思维中不熟悉的无形的和抽象的概念。

Lakoff&Johnson (1980) 将概念隐喻分为三类:实体隐喻、结构隐喻、空间隐喻 (方位隐喻) 。其中空间隐喻以空间为始源域, 通过将空间结构映射到非空间概念上, 赋予该非空间概念一个空间方位, 使得我们可以通过空间概念来理解、思考和谈论非空间概念。

英语短语动词中小品词 (副词或介词) 的始源意义是以前、后, 上、下, 部分、整体, 中心、边缘等表示空间关系的意像图式[5,6]为语义基础的。人类在认知很多抽象领域的事物时常会借助这些表示空间方位的概念结构, 从而从物理空间映射到其他非物理空间。

概念隐喻作为一种认知机制, 制约语言表达的方式, 是语言多义现象和语义变化的理据 (motivation) [5], 也常是英语习语语义隐晦性的理据。


在教学中, 研究短语动词空间隐喻意义, 让学习者理解小品词对短语动词中的语义构成的作用, 可以促进英语短语动词教学从而帮助学习者习得短语动词。本文以含有“up”和“down”的短语动词为例, 运用空间隐喻的部分理据, 研究多义形成的过程, 找出其规律性, 解构其学习方法。

认知心理学家Clark指出, 当人们站立的时候, 所能看见的任何事物都是向上的 (up) , 也是肯定的。相反, 凡是看不见的, 向下的 (down) 和低于地平面的事物都是否定的[7]。就“up”和“down”而言, 从空间隐喻理论角度分析, “up”和“down”的始源域为上下域, 目标域为人或者事物的状貌特征与情态动作或物质系统所处的状况, “up”表示空间的上升和终结, 常常投射积极的意义, “down”表示空间的下降, 投射消极意义。

分析“up”的空间意义发现, 人们常用“up”的空间概念来认知“情感”、“数量”、“地位”、“身体状况”等抽象概念的上升或向积极的方向发展。例如:

1. 含有“up”的短语动词

(1) Hebrightenedupattheirwordsof encouragement.听到鼓励的话, 他高兴起来。 (情感域)

(2) Retail prices were scaled up by 5 percent.零售价格提高百分之五。 (数量域)

(3) That family has certainly come up in the world.这一家真地进入了社会上流。 (地位域)

(4) A hot drink will soon set you up.你喝杯热饮料马上就精神了。 (身体状况域)

2. 含有“down”的短语动词

(5) He was weighed down with grief.他因忧愁而颓丧。 (情感域)

(6) The panic pulled stock prices down by40%percent.那次大恐慌使证券价格下跌百分之四十。 (数量域)

(7) She tried to play down his part in the affair and play up her own.她极力贬低他在这一事件中的作用而抬高自己的作用。 (地位域)

(8) She was worn down with fatigue.她已疲惫不堪。 (身体状况域)

分析以上例句中的含有“up”和“down”短语动词可知, 人们把“空间”概念域映射到“情感、数量、地位、身体状况等概念域”, 用“up”和“down”来显示情感的变化、数量的增加或减少、地位的高低以及身体状况的变化。一般来说处于较积极的状态为上, 处于较消极的状态为下。这些表达方式是以人的身体体验为基础, 因为在人类的认知和语言的发展过程中, 空间的感知比较容易, 空间概念的形成也比较早, 由此最初用于空间概念关系的词语后来被用于隐喻时间、情感等抽象概念。

因此, 英语短语动词的习语意义与人类的概念系统是紧密联系的。在教学中, 教师首先将英语短语动词根据其深层的空间隐喻概念进行组织分类, 再将短语动词的意义及小品词的隐喻意义有机结合, 来教授短语动词的含义, 帮助学习者建立短语动词习得中的隐喻意识, 培养其推断理解短语动词在其他语境的意义, 有利于学习者的英语短语动词习得。

运用空间隐喻概念进行短语动词教学, 以小品词的空间隐喻意义对短语动词进行认知分类, 可以避免传统教学中就逐个独立地讲解短语动词的不同语义, 使学习者对短语动词形成整体层面上的认知, 融会贯通地理解其含义。

传统的英语短语动词教学重点强调动词的意义和短语的表面意义, 在一定程度上忽略了短语动词的隐喻意义。运用空间隐喻理论进行短语动词教学, 介绍短语动词的隐喻意义和在不同的语境中隐喻信息, 使学习者对短语动词的语义理解和使用语境更有把握。以“pull down”为例,

(9) Love your neighbour, yet pull not down your hedge.爱及邻居, 勿拆藩篱。

(10) They intend to pull him down a peg or two.他们想杀杀他的威风。

(11) Smoking can pull you down, so you'd better give it up.吸烟能使你的身体变弱, 所以你最好戒掉。

(12) His failure pulled down his heart.他的失败使他颇为丧气。

在不同的语境中, 上述例句中由“down”构成的不同动词短语的语义似乎是孤立的, 彼此之间相互无关, 但根据“down”在不同目标域中所投射的隐喻信息分析, 它们之间不但关系密切, 而且具有一定的规律性, 即在不同的语境中小品词的本义辐射出动词短语的意义。因此, 在短语动词的学习过程中, 学习者可以结合具体语境, 根据小品词所投射的隐喻信息推理、猜测具体短语动词的意义, 理解由”down”构成的不同动词短语的语义联系, 判断短语动词的诸多词义。

传统语言学认为短语动词中的介词只是一个比较弱势的语法辅助词, 所以在短语动词的习得过程中, 介词被弱化为一种补充成分。而认知语言学认为, 介词是界标 (landmark) , 是一个认知域 (cognitive domain) 与另外一个认知域的分界点。在短语动词的习得过程中, 合理地处理介词的语料输入, 既能够理解掌握短语动词的表层意义, 还能够认知其深层的隐喻意义。

笔者认为, 英语短语动词是英语学习的难点之一, 学习者在理解和使用短语动词效率低下的根本原因是认知偏差。文章提出, 在教学中, 应将含有“up”和“down”的英语短语动词中的小品词所投射的隐喻意义根据空间隐喻概念归类, 在教学中把短语动词的形式和隐喻意义结合起来, 以促进学习者对英语短语动词的习得。


[1]Quirk, R, et al.A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.London:Longman Group Limited.1985.

[2]沈育刚.隐喻意识对英语短语动词习得的作用.国外外语教学, 2002 (2) .

[3]龚玉苗.隐喻意识与外语词汇教学.外语界, 2006 (1) .

[4]Lakoff, G.&M.Johson.Metaphors We Live By.Chicago:University of Chicago Press.1980.

[5]Lakoff, G.Women, Fire, Dangerous Things.Chicago:Chicago University Press.1987.

[6]Langacker, R.W.Foundations of Cognitive Grammar:Theoretical Prerequisites.Stanford:Stanford University Press.1987.

3.高考英语动词短语考题 篇三


常见的这类动词有:get, turn, put, agree, take, run, break, set, die, call, cut, come, go, look, pay, pick, make等。

1.get + 介词 / 副词的短语有:get away with侥幸逃脱; get on with与……友好相处;get through接通,顺利通过,完成;get across被理解,越过;get about传播;走动;get in进入;陷入;get off下车,下来等。例如:

After that, he knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. (2011浙江12)



常见的这类动词有:get, turn, put, agree, take, run, break, set, die, call, cut, come, go, look, pay, pick, make等。

1.get + 介词 / 副词的短语有:get away with侥幸逃脱; get on with与……友好相处;get through接通,顺利通过,完成;get across被理解,越过;get about传播;走动;get in进入;陷入;get off下车,下来等。例如:

After that, he knew he could any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. (2011浙江12)



常见的这类动词有:get, turn, put, agree, take, run, break, set, die, call, cut, come, go, look, pay, pick, make等。

1.get + 介词 / 副词的短语有:get away with侥幸逃脱; get on with与……友好相处;get through接通,顺利通过,完成;get across被理解,越过;get about传播;走动;get in进入;陷入;get off下车,下来等。例如:

4.初中英语动词短语总结 篇四


1. break

break down出毛病,拆开

break off暂停,中断

break out爆发

2. call

call up打电话

call out大喊,高叫

3. come

come down下跌,落,降,传下来

come in进来

come out出版,结果是

come on来临/ 快点

come along一道来,赶快

come over走过来

come up发芽,走近

come back回来

come from来自,源自

4. cut

cut down砍倒,削减

cut up连根拔除,切碎

5. die

die of死于(疾病,饥饿,寒冷,情感原因)

die from死于(外界原因)

die out绝种

6. fall

fall behind落后

fall down掉下,跌倒

fall into 落入;陷入

fall off 从。。。掉下

fall out与。。。争吵

7. go

go along沿着。。。。走

go through通过,经受

go over复习,检查

go up(价格)上涨,建造起来

go against违反

go away离开

go by时间过去

go down降低,(日、月)西沉

go on(with)继续进行

go out外出,熄灭

go off发出响声

8. get

get down下来,记下,使沮丧

get on进展,进步,穿上,上车

get off脱下,下车

get away逃跑,逃脱,去休假

get over克服,从疾病中恢复

get along with进展,相处

get up起床

get into (trouble) 陷入困境中

get back取回,收回

get out 出去

get to 到达。。。

9. give

give away赠送,泄露,出卖

give out发出,疲劳,分发,

give in (to sb.) 屈服

give up放弃,让(座位)

10. hand

hand in交上,提交

hand out分发


hold on to继续,坚持

hold up举起,使停顿

hold on别挂电话,等,坚持

12. keep

keep up with跟上

keep out 不使。。。进入

keep from克制,阻止

keep away from避开,不接近,

keep on继续,坚持下来

keep down 使。。。处于低水平


knock at/on敲

knock into撞到某人身上

14. look

look up查找,向上看

look through翻阅,浏览

look after/ at / for 照顾/看/寻找

look out(for)当心

look about / around/round四下查看

look forward to盼望

15. make

make up编造,打扮,组成

make into / of / from 制成


pass by经过

pass down(on)to传给

17. pay

pay back还钱,报复

pay for付钱,因得到报应

18. pick

pick up拾起,接人,站起,收听,

pick out挑选,辨认,看出

19. put

put up张贴,举起,

put out伸出,扑灭

put off推迟

put into放进,翻译

put away放好,存钱

put down记下,平息

put on穿戴,上映,

put aside放到一边

put back放回

21. run

run after追逐,追捕

run away逃跑

run off跑掉,迅速离开

run out of用完

22. set

set up建立

set off 激起,引起

23. take

take after 与相像

take off脱掉,起飞

take away拿走

take up从事,占用(时间空间)

take down记录,取下

take back收回

take pride in以 为自豪,

take the place of 代替

24. think

think of想起,考虑,对看法

think out(自然)想出办法

think up想出(设计出、发明、编造)

think about考虑

think over仔细考虑

25. turn

turn off / on打开

turn to翻到,转向,求助

turn down调低,拒绝

turn back返回,转回去

turn round转过身来

turn up向上翻,出现,音量调大

26. care

care about 担心,关心;在乎,介意

care for 关心,关怀,照顾

27. clean

clean up 把打扫干净,把收拾整齐

clean out 清除;把打扫干净


learn about 获悉,得知,认识到

learn from 从/向。。。学习

29. fight

fight for..争取获得

fight against 争取克服、战胜

fight with与。。。搏斗/战斗

30. dream

dream of梦想,想橡

dream about 梦到。。。

31. work

work for 为。。工作

work out 产生结果;发展;成功

32. argue

argue with 与。。。争论

argue about..争论。。。

33. complain

complain to 向。。抱怨

complain about抱怨。。。

34. hear

hear of 听说,得知

hear about听到。。。的事,听到。。的话

hear from接到。。。的信

35. talk

talk about 讨论。。。

talk with/to..和。。。讨论

36. live

live in 住在。。。

live on 以。。。为主食

37. stand

stand out 突显,引人注目

stand up 起立,站起来


wake up 醒,唤醒,弄醒

stay up 不睡觉;熬夜

depend on依靠;取决于

worry about为。。。担忧

laugh at嘲笑。。。

begin with以。。。开始

mix up混合、搀和

major in 主修

grow up成长

open up 打开,张开;开发

end up到达或来到某处;


throw away 丢弃。。。

ask for要求。。。

wait for等待。。。

agree with同意。。。

find out(经研究或询问)获知某事

send out 发出,放出,射出

search for 搜索,搜查

chop down 砍到

have.. on 穿着。。。

step out of 跨步走出

drop out of 从。。。掉出

happen to 发生在。。。

belong to属于

arrive in /at到达。。。

try on试穿。。。

vote on对。。。进行投票

strech out伸展。。。

hang out闲逛

5.高考英语动词短语考题 篇五

1. It was already past midnight and only three young men __________ in the tea house.

A. left B. remained C. delayed D. deserted

2. It’s already 10 o’clock I wonder how it ________ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.

A. came over B. came out C. came about D. came up

3. The building around the comer caught fire last night. The police are now ________ the matter.

A. geeing through B. working out C. looking into D. watching over

4. - Four dollars a pair? I think it’s a bit too much.

- If you buy three pairs, the price for each will ________ to three fifty.

A. come down B. take down C. turn over D. go over

5. Please tell me how the accident ________. I am still in the dark.

A. came by B. came upon C. came to D. came about

6. Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you ________ yesterday?

A. tried on B. put on C. had on D. pulled on

7. To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it ________ into parts.

A. down B. up C. off D. out

8. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village scenes of my childhood.

A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in

9. Although the wind has , the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.

A. turned up B. gone back C. died down D. blown out

10. Sherlock Homels was often able to a mystery without leaving his rooms on Baker Street.

A. tear up B. clean up C. clear up D. show up

11. Whenever we are to walk on the ice, do that it is solid and thick.

A. examine B. cheek C. try D. try out

12. - Smoking is bad for your health.

- Yes, I know. But I simply can’t .

A. give it up B. give it in C. give it out D. give it away

13. It is certain that he will his business to his son when he gets old.

A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over

14. The computer system suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.

A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke in

15. Her lost eyesight was by her sharp sense of hearing.

A. made up for B. made out C. made up of D. made up

16. People with loud voices really me .

A. turn; in B. turn; down C. turn; on D. turn; off

17. - The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

- Don’t worry. We have already two thirds of it.

A. got down B. got through C. given in D. given away

18. Kathy a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls.

A. picked up B. took up C. made up D. turned up

19. The dictionary is being printed and it will soon

A. turn out B. come out C. start out D. go out

20. If any one happens to drop in while I am out, him or her leave a message.

A. have B. get C. ask D. tell

21. It’s the present situation in poor areas that much higher spending on education and training.

A. answers for B. provides for C. calls for D. plans for

22. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ?

A. given out B. put out C. held up D. use up

23. Modern plastics can very high and very low temperatures.

A. stand B. hold C. carry D. support

24. We went to Canada to travel and my cousin as our guide.

A. played B. showed C. acted D. performed

25. I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson .

A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up

26. The company is starting a new advertising campaign to new customers to its stores.

A. join B. attract C. stick D. transfer

27. Before building a house, you will have to the government’s permission.

A. get from B. follow C. receive D. ask for

28. I couldn’t . The line was busy.

A. go by B. go around C. get in D. get through

29. - Ow! I’ve burnt myself!

- How did you do that?

- I a hot pot.

A. touched B. kept C. felt D. held

30. The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without his notes.

A. bringing up B. referring to C. looking for D. trying on

31. This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can my father.

A. find out B. pick out C. look out D. speak out

32. They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to .

A. spare B. catch C. leave D. make

33. Nowadays, it’s considered acceptable for a couple to _ the marriage if it can’t bring them happiness.

A. hold down B. give away C. break off D. cut off

34. In our childhood, we were often by grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped

35. April Fool’s Day is coming. Be careful not to be when others play tricks on you.

A. brought in B. caught in C. taken in D. made in

36. - Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?

- Oh, really! I haven’t my mailbox yet.

A. examined B. reviewed C. tested D. checked

37. The doctor suggested my wife and me more exercise every day.

A. take B. taking C. to take D. took

38. Sometimes a footballer receives a yellow card for trying to the game.

A. hold up B. stay up C. break up D. point up

39. How proud she is! She has been Beijing University.

A. admitted to B. agreed to C. received by D. entered in

40. His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has many good changes in their lives.

A. got through B. resulted from C. turned into D. brought about

41. Don’t take all the things. You should learn to with others.

A. spare B. share C. offer D. spend

42. When to repairing a computer, I have little knowledge of it.

A. I come B. it comes C. we come D. they come

43. The doctor had almost hope at one point, but the patient finally .

A. pulled out B. pulled through C. pulled up D. pulled over

44. After a year’s training, I’m sure he will the target.

A. hit B. strike C. beat D. knock

45. - I wonder if Joe has really learnt Italian.

- Not really. He just a few words of Italian by playing with the local children.

A. kept up B. picked up C. drew up D. caught up

46. - Ling Feng won the first prize in national English competition.

- Oh, really? I’m glad that her efforts at last .

A. worked out B. got back C. paid off D. turned out

II. 考点小资料(动词)

1.无被动结构的特殊动词:have, own, fit, last, want, suit, fail等;

2.含被动意义的主动语态的动词:feel, smell, taste, sound, prove等;

3.无进行时的动词: (1) 描写智力的:know, realize, understand, recognize, believe, feel, suppose, think, imagine, doubt, remember, forget, want, need, prefer, mean等;

(2) 描写感情状况的:love, like , appreciate, hate, dislike, fear, end, mind, care等;

(3) 表“所有,拥有”的:possess, have, own, belong等;

(4) 描写感官、官能状况的:taste, smell, sound, hear, look feel, see等;

(5) 表“存在”的:be, exist, obtain, stay等。


(1) 某些连系动词的主动形式表示被动意义,如 look,smell,taste,sound,feel,appear,prove,后面接形容词或名词做表语。如:The roses smell sweet. The theory proved true.

(2) 某些具有及物意义的不及物动词的主动形式表示被动意义,如read,write,translate,record,lock,shut,open,wash,clean,run,sell等。如:Your composition reads well. His voice records well.

(3) 表示开始、结束、运动的动词,如begin,finish,start,open,close,stop,end,shut,run,move等。如:Work began at 7 o’clock this morning.The shop closes at 6 p.m.everyday.

(4) 少数动词用于进行时,主动形式表示被动含义,如print,build,cook,fly,hang,make等。如:The books are printing. The meat is cooking. My coat is hanging behind the door.

(5) 某些不及物动词(短语)的主动形式表示被动的意义。常见的有:happen,take place,break out, belong to,go out,run out等。如: The Anti -Japanese War broke out in 1937. The fire went out gradually.

5.三个特殊句式的固定时态: (1) This/It is the first/second … time + that从句。从句中一般用现在完成时,前面的is为was时,则用过去完成时。如:This is the first time I have come to the famous city. / It was the forth time he had made the same mistake. (2) It is/has been + 一段时间 + since从句。since从句中一般用一般过去时,如果前面是was,则since从句中用过去完成时。如:It was ten years since we had had such a wonderful time.(3) It + be + 一段时间 + before从句。如果主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来,意思是多长时间后即将发生某事;如果主句用过去时,从句也用过去时,意思是多长时间后发生了某事。如:It won’t be long before he succeeds.(要不了多久他就会成功) / It was ten years before they met again.(十年后,他们又见面了)

6.高考英语动词词组宝典 篇六

Add … to 往---加

Add to 增加

Add up 把---加起来

Add up to 合计

Agree on 达成一致

Agree to 同意某事 建议

Agree with 1. 同意某人/某人的话 2合适,符合

Break one′s promise/word 食言

Break a record 打破记录

Break the law 违法

Break down 1.分解2.机器失灵3.身体垮掉

Break up 1.分解2.结束

Break into 闯入

Break away from 脱离.分离

Break out 爆发

Break off 折断

Bring in 1.引进2.赚得

Bring up 1.抚养教育2.呕吐

Bring down 降价

Call back 回电话

Call in 召集

Call on 1.拜访某人2. 号召

Call on sb. to do 号召某人做

Call at sw.1.拜访某地2.(车)停靠

Call out 大声喊出

Call up 1.给---打电话 2.使某人回忆起- - -

Call off 取消

Call for 1.要求2.找某人

Carry away 抬走带走

Carry out 贯彻

Carry off 叼走,夺走

Carry on 继续贯彻

Catch sight of 突然看见

Catch sb.doing 正巧撞见某人做某事

Catch sb. by the arm 抓住胳膊

Catch fire 着火

Catch up with 赶上

Catch a cold 着凉,

Be caught in the the rain淋雨

Come at 向---扑来

Come across 偶遇

Come for 过来取

Come along 一起来

Come to 1.苏醒2.达到3.得出结论

Come to an agreement 达成一致

Come back to life 苏醒,万物复苏

Come from 来自于

Come into begin 形成

Come into power 上台执政

Come into effect 生效

Come up 1.发芽2.问题被提出

Come off 1.举行2.钮扣脱落

Come out 1.出来2.出版3.开花

Come true 变成现实

Do away with 摆脱

Do with 1.处理2.涉及

Do up 1.系扣2.整理,梳理

Do sb. wrong 错怪,冤枉

Do harm to 对---有坏处

Do good to 对---有好处

Do sb.a favor 帮个忙

Do well in 擅长

Do a good deed 做好事

Do damage to 做坏事 破坏

Get sb to do 让某人做某事

Get ready for 为---准备

Get sth. done=have sth. done 遭遇不幸

Get in 1.收割2.车进站

Get in a word 插话

Get in touch with 取得联系

Get into trouble 陷入麻烦

Get into the habit of 养成习惯

Get to know 逐渐了解

Get along/on with 与---相处 进展

Get on the bus 上车

Get off 1.脱衣服2.下车

Get away from 逃跑

Get back 取回,要回

Get down to 着手做

Get through 1.接通电话2.完成,做完

Get together 聚会

Get round 流传

Get up 1.起床2.起身

Get over 克服(overcome)

Get rid of 摆脱

Get close to 与接近

7.高考英语非谓语动词巧记巧用 篇七


在下列8个动词和短语动词后接不定式和接动名词意义不同: remember to do(记住去做)

remember doing(记得做过)forget to do(忘记去做)

forget doing(忘记做过)regret to do(遗憾地做)

regret doing(后悔做了)try to do(设法做)

try doing(试做)go on to do(接着做另一事)

go on doing(继续做同一事)mean to do(打算做)

mean doing(意味着)stop to do(停下来去做)

stop doing(停止做)can’t help to do(不能帮助做)

can’t help doing(情不自禁做)

1.—You were brave enough to raise objection at the meeting.—Well, now I regret ________ that.(全国卷)A.to do B.to be doing C.to have done D.having done 【分析】答案选D。由语境可知“我”“后悔”在会上提出异议,应接动名词。2.—The light in the office is still on.—Oh,I forgot ________.(全国卷)

A.turning it off B.turn it off

C.to turn it off D.having turned it off 【分析】答案选C。表示忘记做某事,事情还没做,forget后接不定式。

3.In some parts of London, missing a bus means ________ for another hour.(上海卷)A.waiting B.to wait C.wait D.to be waiting 【分析】答案选A。由语境可知句中的mean表示“意味着”,后接不定式。

4.She reached the top of the hill and stopped ________ on a big rock by the side of the path.(全国卷)A.to have rested B.resting C.to rest D.rest 【分析】答案选C。休息是停下来的目的,且发生在stop之后,用接不定式的一般式。5.Go on ________ the other exercise after you have finished this one.(全国卷)A.to do B.doing C.with D.to be doing 【分析】答案选A。表示做完一事后“接着做”另一事,go on后接不定式。


表示未曾实现的愿望或打算,即表示“本打算 / 想 / 希望做某事”但事实上却没做的事情,用plan, intend, mean;want, hope, wish, expect等动词的过去完成时,加不定式的一般式,或者这类动词的一般过去时,加不定式的完成式;was / were, would / should like加不定式的完成式;was / were going加不定式的一般式。如:

I would love ________ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.(全国卷)A.to go B.to have gone C.going D.having gone 【分析】答案选B。由句意可知,是表示过去未曾实现的期望,用“would love+不定式完成式”。句意是:昨晚我本想去参加聚会的,但是„(from )


在介词后一般用动名词,下面是一些含介词的固定句式(其中有的介词有时会被省略):prevent / stop / keep sb./ sth.from doing(阻止„做„);spend / waste time or money in doing(在做„方面花费 / 浪费时间或金钱);How / What about doing sth.(做„怎么样?);have some difficulty / trouble in doing(在做„方面有些困难);have a hard time in doing sth.(做某事很艰难);there is no sense in doing(做„是没有理由 / 道理的);thank(excuse / admire / praise / blame / scold / punish)sb.for doing sth.(因做某事而感谢 / 羡慕 / 表扬 / 责备某人)等。如: 1.Having been ill in bed for nearly a month, he had a hard time ________ the exam.(福建卷)A.pass B.to pass C.passed D.passing 【分析】答案选D。因为have a hard time(in)doing sth.在做某事方面有困难。

2.According to a recent U.S.survey, children spend up to 25 hours a week ________ TV.(上海卷)A.to watch B.to watching C.watching D.watch 【分析】答案选C。spend some time(in)doing sth.做某事花了多长时间。3.I believe that’s the best way to prevent such a thing ________ again.(全国卷)A.to happen B.from happening C.happened D.happen 【分析】答案选B。prevent sb./ sth.from doing 阻止„做„。4.Did you have trouble ________ the post office?(全国卷)A.to have found B.with finding C.to find D.in finding 【分析】答案选D。have difficulty / trouble(in)doing sth.在做方面有困难。


to是介词和固定词组很多,常见的有:look forward to(盼望), devote„to / be devoted to(致力于), be / get used to(习惯), lead to(导致), get down to(开始认真), pay attention to(注意), refer to(谈到), point to(指向), turn to(转向), object to(反对), equal to(等于、能胜任), belong to(属于)等。如:

1.Mr.Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ________ some schools for poor children.(上海卷)A.set up B.setting up

C.have set up D.having set up 【分析】答案选B。devote„to„中to是介词,接动名词;all是devote的宾语,he had是省略了关系代词that的定语从句。

2.The discovery of new evidence led to ________.(上海卷)A.the thief having caught B.catch the thief C.the thief being caught D.the thief to be caught 【分析】答案选C。lead to中的to是介词,后接动名词;逻辑主语the thief与catch是被动关系,所以用动名词的被动式(from )。

3.She looks forward every spring to ________ the flower-lined garden.(上海卷)A.visit B.paying a visit C.walk in D.walking in
