1.电视短剧剧本 篇一
N to P:What’s your feeling 我经常感到恶心,想吐
P to N:I can feel the angina pectoris frequently and after each time I’ll get a fever.Recently the stomach was not good, I often fell nausea.医生对病人说:您所患的是心肌梗塞,是指心肌的缺血性坏死,在临床上常有持久的胸骨后剧烈疼痛、发热、白细胞计数增高、血清心肌酶升高以及心电图反映心肌急性损伤、缺血和坏死的一系列特征性演变,并可出现心律失常、休克或心力衰竭,属冠心病的严重类型。心肌梗塞的原因,多数是冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块或在此基础上血栓形成,造成血管管腔堵塞所致。以下就让你的责任护士给你介绍一下您日常所需注意的。
D to P: What you suffer from is myocardial infarction, refer to the ischemic necrosis of the cardiac muscle, often there is violent pain behind breastbone on clinic, generate heat, the leukocyte is counted and increased, the myocardium enzyme of serum rises and the electrocardiogram reflect cardiac muscle acute damaging, a series of characteristic development of the ischemic and necrosis, and can present arrhythmia, shock or in heart failure, belong to the serious type of coronary heart disease.The reason of myocardial infarction, the majority is porridge a kind of plaque or thrombosis on this basis of coronary artery, cause blood vessel in charge of stop up.Let responsibility nurse of you give you introduce your daily need was noticed just as follows.护士对病人:得了心肌梗死,关键是要休息,不然对你的预后影响很大。除了要好好休息之外,你要试着戒烟,吸烟将促使冠心病猝死的危险性增高50%.N to P: Because of the myocardial infarction, you must sufficient rest otherwise your prognosis will be affected.Besides, you should try to give up smoking, smoking can increase the rate of sudden death in coronary heart disease(CHD)by fifty percent.病人对护士:让我戒烟喊蛮难的,那除了戒烟,我以后生活中还需要注意点什么呢? P to N: It’s quite hard for me to quit smoking.What else should I pay attention to besides giving up smoking? 对病人:除了要注意以上的几点,你还要参加适当的体力活动与体力锻炼。最后,保持良好的心理状态。
N to P: In addition, moderate exercise is necessary.And finally, you have to maintain your stress and take your medicine on time.家属对护士:那我们作家属的要做些什么呢?
F to N: As his family, what should we do then? 护士对病人家属:长期高脂肪、高热量的饮食也是导致冠心病早发的危险因素。
N to F: Fat and high calorie foods, which you usually eat, also increase the risk of early CHD.As his family, first, you muse arrange a proper diet: low fat, low salt, low sugar and low calorie intake, and eat more fruits and vegetables.Second, you should pay attention to the patient’s health condition at any moment.
2.电视短剧剧本 篇二
作为地方台, 吴忠电视台面临着节目模式单一、内容枯燥、资源匮乏等窘迫局面, 很长一段时间处于政府不满, 观众抱怨, 自身愧疚的尴尬境地。顺应时代的发展, 与时俱进, 不断创新, 势在必行。人们常说, 合久必分, 分久必合, 自2008年以来, 吴忠电视台可谓命运多舛, 先后经历了5次大的变革, 其目的就是想探索一条健康的, 可持续发展的路子。尽管每一次的变革都有推动新闻事业向前迈进的积极作用, 可效果总是不尽人意。人们戏言:电视台是捧着金饭碗讨饭吃。那么究竟怎么才能走出电视媒体的“尴尬”境地?如何打破常规, 探索出一种新模式、新途径?
经过多方考察取经, 多次研究讨论, 达成共识:既然是地方台, 就应该立足本土, 突显地方特色, 打造老百姓喜闻乐见的节目形式。《吴忠故事》就这样运用而生。
吴忠历史悠久, 地域文化特色鲜明, 在这片热土上, 每天都会发生许许多多鲜活生动的故事, 每天我们都被身边的人和身边的事感染着感动着。鉴于媒体的责任与使命, 2011年, 吴忠电视台大胆尝试, 开办了具有回乡本土特色的电视栏目短剧《吴忠故事》, 此栏目剧独到之处在于:吴忠人说吴忠话, 吴忠人演吴忠人自己的故事。这也开创了吴忠电视台栏目先河。
《吴忠故事》每集30分钟, 每两周制作一期, 至今已拍摄、制作、播出52集。内容涉及:城乡生活、婚恋情感、百姓故事、社会热点、民生法制等方方面面。由于《吴忠故事》真实感人, 短小精悍, 矛盾冲突集中, 反映生活及时, 一集或者两三集就能讲述一个故事, 说明一个道理, 其中很多以家庭婚姻、伦理道德为主的短剧, 起到了很好的以事育人的作用。
其实拍摄《吴忠故事》的初衷就是想反映发生在我们身边的现实生活, 想真实的还原、讲述发生在吴忠本土的, 吴忠人自己的经历、故事。所以《吴忠故事》的剧情好多都是原汁原味, 来源于生活。比如短剧《五分钟》, 就是剧组在回族青年李潇、纳振东见义勇为、勇斗歹徒事迹的第二天, 根据事件原型, 及时编成的《吴忠故事》, 从选演员, 到拍摄、后期制作, 仅用了10个小时, 第三天节目就在吴忠电视台准点播出, 讴歌了英雄事迹, 弘扬了社会正气, 社会反响极大。
值得一提的是《吴忠故事》以本地方言为主, 剧本台词基本上是观众熟悉的本地话“甲:阿萨杂, 你日决慌忙滴zua克尼撒。乙:我走闹特特拾点柴柴子, 白昂西妈妈老俺家藏来列, 俺爹让俺把炕架的烫烫滴尼……”, 就连节目的片头片尾曲的歌词都有本地方言的元素, “吴忠的故事mia滴很, mia呀mia滴很……”这些方言, 是宁夏吴忠人祖祖辈辈流传下来的语言形式, 尽管外人听起来“很土”, 可在本地人看来却很亲切, 很自然, 朗朗上口。无形中缩短了观众和屏幕的距离。
《吴忠故事》讲述了吴忠老百姓的人生百态, 每一个故事都是以普通群众的生活为原型, 而且演员都是基层的, 业余的, 他们来自各行各业, 有学生、教师, 有社区的大妈大爷, 有农民、打工仔, 还有企业员工、个体老板、记者、医生、厨师甚至有幼儿园的小朋友、残疾人……只要你有兴趣有勇气, 都可以过把“演员瘾”。正是这些平常生活在我们身边的普普通通的人, 在荧屏上想哭就哭想笑就笑, 毫不做作, 毫不掩饰, 酣畅淋漓地讲述着自己的喜怒哀乐, 与观众一起分享人生的滋味, 使得故事更有真实感, 更有感染力, 更贴近生活, 更容易打动人。由于《吴忠故事》要求演员都是本色演出, 不论年龄不分阶层, 降低门槛, 全民参与, 点燃了广大群众的参与热情, 所有演员都不计报酬踊跃参加演出, 栏目组所到之处, 群众自备道具, 免费提供拍摄场地。正因如此, 从节目开播至今, 报名参加演出及投递剧本的群众络绎不绝, 截至目前, 演员报名人数达到500多名, 征集剧本300多集。这也是《吴忠故事》耐看好看的主要原因之一——接地气。吴忠人说吴忠话演吴忠事, 《吴忠故事》真正体现了全新演绎生活万象, 本色表达平民情怀的宗旨。
电视栏目短剧《吴忠故事》是吴忠电视台一次全新的尝试, 尽管很多工作都如瞎子摸象, 但至少有一点让人很欣慰, 那就是这种“形态生活化”、“内容平民化”、“演员群众化”、“情景真实化”、“语言地方化”的电视短剧备受观众的认可和喜爱。为了真正把《吴忠故事》打造成精品栏目, 在经过不断摸索、不断创新、不断总结后, 《吴忠故事》在原有的由群众演员演别人的故事模式上, 又开创了由真人演真事的节目形式, 诸如《吴忠故事——收电费》就是由吴忠供电局的农电工亲自来演他们收电费过程中所发生的事儿, 真正实现了演员在“做”事, 而非“演”事, 特别真实。近两年, 《吴忠故事》又推出了两种全新的模式——专题自述和人物专访:即将发生在身边的感人的事, 感动的人以第一人称自述的形式或主持人与当事人面对面访谈的形式表现出来。这些都促进了《吴忠故事》地方短剧品牌效应的形成。
栏目剧的制片人这样形容:《吴忠故事》就像一块铜板, 形态粗糙, 但内容实在;又如一个玉米棒子, 表面粗糙, 却很有营养。
电视栏目剧《吴忠故事》充分展现贴近群众、贴近生活、常变常新的艺术魅力, 努力打造短小精悍、耐人寻味、符合本地观众观看需求和口味的剧本, 其独特的叙事风格表现在叙述老百姓的真情故事, 由观众演员扮演, 汲取电视故事和电视剧的长处, 运用恰当的视听语言, 适应观众的欣赏习惯。这也是《吴忠故事》在短短的三年多时间成为当地家喻户晓、有口皆碑的地方短剧, 并掀起了新的收视高潮的原因所在。
1. 讲述咱老百姓的故事, 演员都是当地观众, 做到了全民参与。
通过人物刻画, 心理描写, 细节勾勒, 把当下社会百姓的人生百态表演的淋漓尽致, 栩栩如生。特别是演员自己演自己, 在屏幕上通过“情景再现”的形式, 演绎生活中发生的点点滴滴, 着实过了把戏瘾, 圆了明星梦, 这样的创作形式满足了观众的“上镜梦”, 凸显了该剧的“草根风格”。
2. 传达主流价值观念, 有利于创建和谐社会。
为了吸引观众眼球, 《吴忠故事》剧本在原汁原味的基础上加入了一些戏剧性、娱乐性的元素。可作为媒体, 《吴忠故事》时时不忘自己的社会责任和工作职责, 那就是弘扬主旋律, 传播正能量。
3. 运用恰当的视听语言, 适应观众的欣赏习惯。
3.华语电视剧剧本推介会首次亮相 篇三
4.英语短剧剧本 篇四
令狐冲:little sister ,you are the most beautful girl in this world!i will love you forever .
小师妹:(害羞)oh!really?you are the most handsome boy I have ever seen!i love you too!
令狐冲:I love you too
小师妹:I love you too too
令狐冲:I love you too too too!
令狐冲:oh little sister ,your sword!
小师妹:no it’s your sword!
令狐冲:your sword!(扭扭咧咧)
小师妹:your sword!
令狐冲:your sword!
小师妹:it’s madness when I say it ,but not when you say about it! 令狐冲:ok , you are right ,it’s my sword. (顺从态)
令狐冲:little sister ,there is one thing I want to tell you ,master asked me to go downhill for a few days ,so during my absence ,brother lin will be with you ,take good care of yourself ,I will be back soon.
小师妹:rearlly?oh , my life will be boring without you!(伤感)so,good-bye!(突然兴奋)
小尼姑:give away!
田伯光:come here!
小尼姑:if you talk any more nonsence, I’ll hit you with my sword! 小尼姑:keep away! keep away!
田伯光:let me take good care of you!don’t be afraid of me , I’m the most handsome man in china.
令狐冲:stop that! Don’t hurt that girl!
田伯光:who is that man?run far away if you don’t want to pass away! 令狐冲:so ,let’s fighting!(音乐,用功夫里面的那首)
田伯光:give out that little boy!you can’t stop me from enjoying my life with her!
令狐冲:no ,if that!if that ,I’d rather die!
小尼姑:unbelievable!he’s my hero!
东方不败:what a handsome man ,it would be a pity if you die here.and that’s why I save you ,so ,don’t fall in love with me ,forever!
令狐冲:you are a man ,how can I fall in love with you!
东方不败:but what if I ware a girl?
令狐冲:if that ,I won’t believe in love for any longer
东方不败:wait for me here!i’ll be back soon!
令狐冲:you you are so beautiful! I love you
东方不败:no !we can never be together ,not because of you ,nor because of me ,it’s the world to blame!goodbey honey ,we won’t meet again.
令狐冲:I lose again ,little sister ,brother lin is always help you !what’s the matter with you honey?
小师妹:so I will tell you the truth ,I am in love with brother lin ,compared with you ,he is more hot, he have strong kiss with me every now and then .but you ,have not even touch my hand during the past few years!
令狐冲:I’m so sad to hear that
任盈盈:brother linhu ,don’t be sad ,when you are longly ,I will be right by your side!
令狐冲:thank you yingying ,when everbody leave me ,you are the only one stay with me .
任盈盈:when you are longly ,I can play music for you ,so ,let us be together! I wana be your girl , and you are my boy!
令狐冲:ok,you are my girl now, do what you want to do!
(旁白:two years later ,it is said that invincible eastern was killed by linhuchong , the biggest enemy died , but the world get worse , people suffer from songshanpai . linghuchong live with renyingying from that day on , but is he happy ? who is the girl really in his heart? )
田伯光:welcome to “no honesty no bother” I’m the compere xiaotiantian .taday there are 4 girls waiting for their boy.now let’s welcome the sunny boy linghuchong!(音乐)
令狐冲:holle everybody , I am linghuchong from huashan mountain,I’m a strong man as well as a handsome boy,you will never regret if you choose me .
田伯光:so girls , it’s time to turn down your light , to turn or not to turn it is a question
田伯光:it’s out of my surprise!all of the lights are on!so you can choose the girl you love best.
小师妹:brother , it was all my fault before, brother lin is no longer a real man I am so longly these days, the boy I really love is you!
小尼姑:brother , you have saved me , all my body ang heart are yours! 任盈盈:brother chong ,I am the girl who accompanied you .when you feel longly ,I played music for you .when you are happy ,I played music for you .when you are sad ,I played music for you!
令狐冲:but don’t you know I don’t love music?(径直走向东方不败,牵住她的手)
令狐冲:I thought you have passed away, it is so good to see you again 东方不败:I was saved by your master fengqingyang (停顿)。You wanted to kill me ,why choose me now?
令狐冲:I did’t want you know?it was not decide by me !belive in me ,you are the girl in my heart ! whether past or present!
东方不败:I won’t belive in you any more , you have so many female friends ,any of them can be your girl friend , isn’t it?
令狐冲:the girl you love is not the one who grow up with you ,nor the one who like you ,nor the one who play music for you ! she is the one you feel right ,and that is the most important.belive that you will always be my girl!
东方不败:thank you for your love , which I can’t afford to.we can never be together, it is decide by God . I will not marry you , nor see you again .so ,it is the last time we see each other .choose the one you like best and be kind to her .
5.儿童英语短剧剧本1 篇五
Three Little Pigs
Storyteller: There are three little pigs living with their mother.Ding-Ding and Dong-Dong are brother pigs.They are very lazy.They eat and sleep all day.Long-Long is the youngest pig.She works all day.She helps her mother to do the housework.Christmas is coming, so mother pig asks the three little pigs to build their own houses.)
(旁白: 三只小猪和他们的妈妈住在一起。丁丁和东东是猪哥哥,他们很懒,他们整天吃了就睡。龙龙是最小的,她整天帮着妈妈做家务。圣诞节快来了,妈妈叫他们自己去盖房子。)Mother pig: Sweetie, Christmas is coming.You are old enough to make your own houses.Goodbye, little pigs.Build a house.Be careful of the wolf.(你们已经长大了,你们得为自己盖间房。再见,孩子们。去盖间房。小心狼。)
Pigs: Yes, Mum.Goodbye.(好的,妈妈。再见。)
Wolf: I’m hungry.Look!Three little pigs for dinner.Mmm.(我饿了。看,三只小猪可以做我的美餐。)Sister pig: What are you doing, brothers?(哥哥,你们在干什么?)Ding-Ding: I’m building a house with leaves.(我在用树叶盖房子。)Dong-Dong: I’m building a house with sticks.(我在用树枝盖房子。)
Sister pig: But leaves aren’t strong.And sticks aren’t strong,either.(可树叶和树枝都不够牢固啊。)Brother pigs: But they are easy.What are you doing, sister?(但这样盖多容易啊。你在干什么,小猪妹?)
Sister pig: I’m building a house with bricks.(我在用砖头盖房子。)Brother pigs: Bricks!That’s very difficult.(用砖头盖,那太难了。)Sister pig: I know.But bricks are strong.(我知道,可是砖头很坚固。)
Brother pigs: Oh, we’re finished.Let’s have a nap.(噢,我们盖好了。我们打个盹吧。)Sister pig: My house is finished.My house is strong.(我的房子盖好了,我的房很坚固。)Wolf: Little pigs.Little pigs.Open your Doors!(小猪,小猪,快开门!)Brother pigs: No.No.Go away.(不开,不开。快走开。)
Wolf: This is very easy.Sticks and leaves aren’t strong.(这太容易了。树枝和树叶都不牢固。)Storyteller: The wolf blows the houses down.Ding-Ding and Dong-Dong run to Long-Long’s house.(旁白:狼吹倒了房屋。丁丁和东东跑到龙龙家。)Brother pigs: Help!Help!(救命!救命!)
Wolf: Stop, you two pigs.(站住,你这两只小猪。)Brother pigs: Open the door, sister.The wolf is coming.Let me in.(妹妹,快开门。狼来了,让我们进去。)
Long-Long: Come in, please.Don’t worry.My house is strong.(快进来。别担心,我的房子很坚固。)
Wolf: Where did they go? Oh they are Here.Little pigs.Little pigs.Open the door!(他们跑哪儿了?噢,他们在这儿。小猪,快把门打开。)
Three pigs: No.No.Go away.You bad wolf.(不开,不开。快走开。你这只恶狼。)Wolf: I’ll blow it down.(我要吹倒它。)
Storyteller: The wolf blows and blows.He blows and blows.But the house is very strong.(旁白:狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。可是房子非常坚固。)
Wolf: I’ll hit it.Oh.(我要撞倒它。噢!)
Long-Long: Let’s boil the water.(我们把水烧开。)Brother pigs: OK.(好的。)
Wolf: Oh, oh!It’s hot.It’s hot.(噢!噢!好烫,好烫。)Three pigs: Hooray!The wolf is gone.The wolf is gone.(好啊!狼跑了,狼跑了。)
6.英语搞笑短剧剧本-西游记 篇六
人物 : 唐僧
白骨精原型女 白骨精变形1 白骨精变形2 白骨精原型男
hope you guys enjoy it!
改编作者 杜宛芸 成医学子
唐: Wow…boys!This place looks beautiful.Where we are now? Does any one of you know something about it? 众徒弟们摇头,除了八戒在看书。
唐: 八戒, give me the map(不回头,懒洋洋的问)唐:八戒,Give the map to me!(严肃的问)
唐:哼!(唐生气地叫)pig,Give the map……..(转过身看到八戒在看书)唐:(很吃惊)wow!八戒,very good!I hardly see you study!.What kind of book are you reading? Is it about Chinese or English? 八戒依旧看书,不理睬。唐:(凑过去)let me have a look!八戒才注意,赶忙藏书。但为时已晚,唐一把抢过。发现是封面女郎很惹火,眼神立刻变得温柔,接过书开始看
唐:yo….xi…..(流口水,八戒看到,拿出卫生纸给唐僧擦,唐僧回过神来)唐:(转身训斥八戒)how many times have I told you? You are not supposed to read books about beautiful girls!I will keep it for you until we finish the journey …..(唐僧将画册掖到衣服里)八戒:But…..,why? boss, why can‟t we think about girls? I just don‟t understand…
唐:(叹气)哎,how many times have I told you?,This is because…oh 悟空 dance to my song!
(开始唱歌,Jackson的dangeous,悟空伴舞)八戒:ok boss,I will listen to you!(无辜地表情)
唐:悟空,I am hungry.Go and get me some food…(四处看看).where is 沙僧?, 悟空:he is feeding the horse.boss I„ll find some food and be back soon, 唐:ok….(悟空走了唐看见八戒还在这,正经地对八戒说)hey 八戒 I need to take a good rest.get out of here!give me some private space!(八戒走后唐僧就偷袭着自言自语到眉毛上抬 使坏样):嘿嘿 its time to call my little honey king of the girl country 唐:hi..sweetie how are you doing?(不解释….)女:I am fine ,but I miss you very much,after you left, I just can not stop recalling the days when we were together.哼!you seldom give me a call。唐:oh darling….i am sorry.you know , these boys like to gossip about things like that.I can only call you when I am alone.But you know I love you from the bottom of my heart。oh damn it!…they are back!Honey I will call you the next time ok!(挂断电话 一下装的很正经)悟空: boss,who are you calling ? 唐:er(支支吾吾的)I was just having a chat with Budda.where is my food? 悟空:here!Ive found some delicious bananas!唐:banana,banana banana!How many times do I have to tell you ? I am a monk, instead of a monkey!I need rice rice(加重语气)!don‟t you understand? Go and give some to your brothers ok
悟空:摸摸头 ok boss 低头很沮丧 拿着香蕉向八戒走去
白;Hahahaa…I know that any monster who eats
master tang will live forever.how lucky I am, now they are in my place.笑着想想 oh , i can pretend to be a poor old lady, so they will trust me.嘿嘿 I am really clever ……动感音乐响 白骨精1上场 和白骨精原形以舞蹈形式变换……双人舞完!。
白1:嘿嘿I look great!蹒跚的走过去
白1:hello, master.i have not eaten any food for days….can you spare some ? have mercy,may god bless you 唐:(瞄一眼,继续吃、看)what? Don‟t see I am starving too.get out of here, if you don‟t leave right now I will ask my money and pig to eat you 哼!白1:看看悟空和八戒 oh please don‟t do that I am leaving 蹒跚地离开 躲在一个离唐不远的地方。
悟空:走过来拿着香蕉 boss,do you need some more bananas?
(悟空看到美女画册,急忙凑上去看,师傅把画册上下左右移动,悟空随之移动,师傅发现了,开始说:)唐:, 悟空 ,you want to see it, dont you? ,If you want to see it,you have to tell me that you want to see it, and I will give it to you ,let you see it but if you don‟t tell Me that you want to see it,how can I know that you want to see it?
。if you don‟t want to see it,you also have to tell me that you don‟t want to see it。then I wont let you see(悟空早已痛苦不堪,逃离此地)
唐:悟空!come back!哎。。(唐僧摇摇头,继续看书)白1:(远处偷看到画册)oh ….He is interested in girls 嘿嘿!变成了一个女的 音乐很慢幽 白1和白2 双人舞变换 说话一定要嗲
白2:(曼妙的走过来,碰一下唐僧,唐僧不转头边吃边看书:leave me alone.白2再次碰一下,唐僧依然不转头:I said leave me alone!这时,白2开口说话)
白2:hi….gentleman!唐:(转头)wow…hi sexy lady!(扔掉画册,背景音乐响起,only you,神情对视,过会儿)come here ,do you want some food?take some bananes。i am tang seng, you can call me Tanny 白2:oh Tanny…you are so friendly ,thanks for your banana。。I just got lost,and don‟t know where to go now!can you help me?
唐:yes of course, I will try my best to help you,you don‟t worry!
八戒:朝唐僧看看:wow,what a beautiful girl!手拍拍悟空 look look 悟空:看到后 oh my god!our boss is in danger now!马上朝白2冲过去
悟空:“monster,I will kill you!“吓到白2 躲到唐的后面
唐:what are you doing? monkey,don‟t be rude!this beautiful lady is my new friend!
悟空:boss, this is a monster,in order to get close to you。,she has changed herself into a charming girl,she will eat you!唐:bullshit!you must be fed up with this trip to the west…..(悟空执意要打,唐僧苦劝不听)
唐:I think,you,little monkey need to be punished 悟空:(赶忙说)oh ,no , boss, please
唐:(叹气)哎唱着 it is so late to apologise。。。!说 Money,you deserve what you will suffer(摆姿势,要念咒语)(杰克逊的beat it,,just beat it,beat it,will you listen to me ?will you listen to me ?will you listen to me?)悟空抱头大叫:“oh boss enough enough。。please stop stop I will listen to you“
八戒过来求情 :“boss he cant stand it now看着悟空痛苦样,哦米拖佛 poor money!„
唐停止念咒 说:“ok、monkey, remember don‟t make such stupid mistakes again,you can go now „悟空抱着很痛的头摇摇晃晃的离开。
唐僧看着八戒:“八戒 you also have to leave here,your ugly pig face will make my friend scared,go go go!” 八戒不情愿地离开 白2:hahaha….,白2白原形一起双人舞变换成白原形 音乐很 恐怖
白原:idiot!.look who I am(变回原样,唐僧大喊救命)i will eat you….唐:啊!悟空 悟空 八戒
come back come back 白原:哈哈哈 shut up!no one can save you now!hahahahahha 仰天大笑唐掏偷偷出电话:“hi honey,I am in danger now,come and save me‟!be quick!„
白原看到将电话拿过扔掉 白原:‘哼,‟正要杀唐 做出姿势 女:“stop!白原转过头来 唐”oh darling you just come at the right time,thank god!“
女:er,I didn‟t tell you that I have bought a new airplane with a satellite map,so I can find you easily!cool huh? 女:monster.i will finish you(举起魔杖,指着白原)
白原:看着很吃惊you are the king of the girl country? it must have been hundreds of years since the last time when we were together
女:I am confused。who are you ?
白原唱者:“oh 娘子,啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!西湖美景三月天哟,春雨如酒柳如烟勒“
女:”oh 相公,十年修得共船渡,百年修得共枕眠“
白原和女合唱:若是千呀年呀有缘,白首同心在眼前。啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦。。!白首同心在眼前”,女:oh my darling I miss you all the time,tears fall down everytime when I think of you。低声哭泣着。
白原:哎,边给女擦眼泪 honey,forgive me,when we were apart last time,on my way home,god caught me and I was sent to prison by him、。a few days ago I just came out secretly!
女: 哼,not all the monsters are evil,god should not have treated you like that。
白原:oh honey don‟t be sad now I am back,we can live together forever,right?
女:”great,let‟s go back to my country,this way please,my airplane is there!两人手拉手向飞机走去!留下唐僧一人。
唐自言自语;“哎,my queen left me,how can she cheat me and break my young heart?
八戒赶过来看见唐很悲伤 说“boss,what happened? 唐:“nothing ,I just miss my mother ok!„
八戒:oh boss don‟t be sad。When you miss her,you can call her and ask her to be online!then you can see her through the Internet。I think qq is a good choice!唐:“ok 八戒,lets go、where are your brothers ?
八戒:boss they are waiting for us,we should continue our journey now。。唐”ok。。音乐西游记